ILTA Webinar - Tikit & HighQ - Content is king - Technology's role in the movement

ILTA Webinar - May 24 2016 Content is king - Technology’s role in the movement

Transcript of ILTA Webinar - Tikit & HighQ - Content is king - Technology's role in the movement

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ILTA Webinar - May 24 2016

Content is king -Technology’s role in the movement

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About Tikit

• Working with law firms in N America for 20 years

• Leading technology provider to law firms

• Offices in North America, UK & Australia

• Tikit eMarketing - leading electronic marketing

solution with market share of 60% of AM law 100

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About HighQ

• Founded in 2001

• Headquartered in London

• Offices in US, Europe, Australia, India

• Specialist, enterprise-grade technology

• Secure cloud-based collaboration and

publishing solutions

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A shifting legal landscape

• Intense competition

• Globalisation and mergers

• Pressure to reduce costs

• Increased focus on client needs

• Disruptive legal technology

• CASL & EU Safe harbour

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The age of the customer

• Client engagement is king

• Firms need to build trust and loyalty

• Clients demand added value services

• Competitive pressure sets high expectations

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Engage with clients?

• Combination of push & pull

• Shift to a two-way conversation

• Improve access to information

• Creating a virtuous loop

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Bricolage is the new norm

• Unsettled times

• Firms need a technology toolkit

• Disruptive technology models

• French for DIY

• Leverages assets, encourages creativity and promotes agility

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What is content?

• Client focused and value based

• Relevant

• Consistent

• Competitive edge

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Staying connected

• How is technology helping?

• Drives active listening

• Focus on engagement

• Build trust & loyalty

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Relationships, Trust and Engagement

• There are no excuses!

• Virtuous cycle

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Aha moments

• Come from engaged clients

• Leads to innovation

• Builds trust & loyalty

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Measuring impact

• Three main measurements

• Reach

• Engagement

• Sentiment

• What is important for your firm?

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Killer content

• Think of the audience

• Tailored & personalised

• Client experience

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• Content conductors and other roles

• Segment & humanise your content

• Push & Pull

• Focus on your strengths

• Visual identity

• Learn from failing

• Advocacy

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It’s a wrap

Thanks for listening

Follow up

• 22nd June - HighQ Publisher overview webinar

• Tikit white paper - Boosting client engagement through personalisation of content

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Learn more….

• @JeffAHemming

• @BenWightwick

• &

[email protected] & [email protected]