If You Build it They Will Come: Adopting Inbound Marketing in Property Management

Marketing your management company using inbound marketing techniques.

Transcript of If You Build it They Will Come: Adopting Inbound Marketing in Property Management

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Marketing your management company using inbound marketing techniques.

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Why We Do Marketing

Be Seen (Build Your Company’s Brand


Get Found (Attract Prospective Customers)

Reach Out (Establish Relationships with


Keep Up (Keep your company competitive)

Represent (Manage your Company’s Reputation)

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Your Message Isn’t Getting Through

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Information Overload is Real• In 1920 there was 1 radio station. In 2011, there were 14,700

• In 1946, America had 12 broadcasting TV stations. In 2011 there were over 1,700.

• In 1998, the average consumer saw or heard approximately 3,000 marketing messages per day. In 2014, there are 1,500 stories competing to display in your Facebook feed every second.

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Your customers and

potential customers

are too overloaded to

care about your

business or your

marketing efforts. They

have their own

problems they are

trying to solve.

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So How do you Reach Them?

Be Helpful!• Solve a Problem

• Answer a Question

• Help Them Look Good

• Make Them Feel Good

• Genuinely Care About Them

• Make Their Life Easier

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This is Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing focuses

on providing useful

content that pulls people

to you where they can

choose to learn more about

your services on their own.

(This is the new word of mouth)

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Why Inbound?Outbound “Traditional” Marketing

Pushes products or services on customers

Communication is 1-way, like a megaphone

Customers are sought out via print, TV, radio, cold calls…

Provides little to no added value

Inbound “Content” Marketing

Earns people’s interest instead of buying it

Communication is 2-way and interactive

Customers come to you via search, referrals, social…

Educates and entertains

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Who Should Do It?

Don’t leave your marketing to an intern or low level employee.

Nobody knows your business, your services and your customers better than you do.

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It Sounds Hard…

It doesn’t require a full time job, a ton of money or expensive tools.

You can use the tools you currently have, and the materials you are already creating to start inbound marketing.

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Get Started in Inbound Marketing

1. Know Your Dream Client

2. Identify your keywords

3. Start a Blog

4. Develop useful content

5. Share with the world

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Know Your Dream Client1

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A ball tossed into the air with

great finesse but without

intention is worthless.

It isn’t enough to just put

out content and hope it’s


You need to have a clear

understanding of exactly

who your customer is so

you can aim with intent

to attract the perfect

audience – your dream


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Create a Persona Profile• Create a profile that details everything about the decision maker at your dream client. Give them a name, job, age, kids, neighborhood, etc.

• In all things you publish, speak directly to your dream client.

• Get Personal, build a relationship!

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Identify Keywords2

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How Will Your Dream Client Find You?Take what you know about your dream client, and brainstorm a list of words and phrases that he or she would search for.

(Don’t think, just write. You can sort them later.)

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Tips on Selecting Keywords…

• Be specific…

• Location (cities, towns, neighborhoods…)

• Benefit (why the board will be looking…)

• Problem(issues the board is experiencing…)

• Long-tail(question phrases in natural language…)

• Colloquial (use non-professional language…)

HOA Management


Cost effective community

management Arizona

Homeowners association

Management North Tempe

Professional Community

Management Scottsdale

HOA Financial Management


HOA Transition from developer


Community association accounting services AZ

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What NOT to Do…

• Too broad(Don’t go for overly broad terms like ‘Property Management’ – it’s too expensive, and likely to net you a lot of useless contacts.)

• Too generic(Beware broad terms that have alternate meanings. A term like ‘tops’ is more likely to net people looking for clothing than community association management software.)

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…especially if you are using these keywords for paid searchWhat NOT to Do…

• Your company name(This leads to navigational searches, not new contacts. If the person already knows your company, you don’t need to pay for it.)

• Your competitors(This ‘black hat’ trick can easily backfire on you. Don’t be skeezy, earn your clicks legitimately.)

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Start a Blog3

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What is a Blog?

A blog is simply a collection of articles that

live online. The purpose of your blog is to

provide content that will be relevant and

useful to your dream client, using keywords

that will make it easy for your dream client

to find your articles online.

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What do I need to start a blog?• No special software or expense necessary (use articles or pages on your existing website)

• Use your company’s URL (Do not host on a blogging service – you want to push traffic to your website, not someone else’s.)

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Your Newsletter is the Key

• Most management companies

are already publishing an

email newsletter. Publish

newsletter articles on your

blog instead.

• Your newsletter is only sent

once – via email. It has one

chance to work. Articles that

live online keep working for

you over and over – they are


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Blogging Tips

• Just like writing a newsletter, only spread over time (…and feel free to double dip!)

• Write what you know

• Write like a human being (and to them!)

• Spend a lot LESS time tooting your own horn, and a lot MORE time solving for the customer.

• Be consistent, but don’t spread yourself too thin

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Develop Useful Content4

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What to Create

• Create resources that will help your dream client solve

a problem or make a decision.

• Collect articles and create an eBook

• Checklists or worksheets

• Quizzes or surveys

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Give it away

Offer your content free on your website and blog articles – collect contact information in exchange. These names you collect are your new prospects.

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A Real-life Example

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Share With the World5

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Promote Your Content

• With every new blog post or content you release, be sure to promote it!

• Facebook

• Twitter

• Google Plus

• LinkedIn Groups

• Popular Blogs (Comments)

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You Still Have to do the Basics• Build a website that represents your brand

• Do the basics of local SEO

• Set up and use social media accounts that you know you can follow through with.

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1. Brand Logo

2. Service Area

3. Easy to Find Contact Info

4. Social Links

5. Clear Value Proposition

6. Social Proof

7. Call to Action

8. Useful Content

Check Your Website for these…1



3 4





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Local SEO

• Google My Businesswww.google.com/mybusiness

• Moz Localhttp://moz.com/local

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This presentation was first given at the 2014 TOPS

CAMfire Conference. Learn more about CAMfire at


For more helpful articles for community association

management professionals, visit the TOPS CAM Blog at:
