IDX Brick - Manual

OPC to Profibus Gateway Installation Manual v1.0 (Release) Telephone: +27 (11) 548 9960 or +27 (11) 465 7916 Fax: +27 (11) 465 8890 Email: [email protected] Web:

Transcript of IDX Brick - Manual

Page 1: IDX Brick - Manual

OPC to Profibus Gateway

Installation Manual v1.0 (Release)

Telephone: +27 (11) 548 9960 or +27 (11) 465 7916

Fax: +27 (11) 465 8890 Email: [email protected] Web:

Page 2: IDX Brick - Manual

OPC – to – Profibus Installation Manual

Version: Release v1.0 Page i 2011/01/25

Discipline: Industrial IT

Prepared By

Name Project/Organisation Role Contact

Jonathan Temlett (JT) Solution Developer [email protected]

Version Control

Version Status Date Author Change Description

v0.1 Draft 2011-01-24 JT First draft

v1.0 Release 2011-01-25 MG Grammatical corrections.

Approved By

Name Project / Organisation Role Version Approved


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OPC – to – Profibus Installation Manual

Version: Release v1.0 Page ii 2011/01/25

Table of Contents

1. Installation .................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Physical installation ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Device clearance ................................................................................................................... 1

1.1.2 Mounting positions ............................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Network installation...................................................................................................................... 3

1.2.1 Network Cable ....................................................................................................................... 3

1.2.2 IP addresses .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.3 Network Configuration ......................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Power ............................................................................................................................................ 7

2. Configuration .............................................................................................................................9

2.1 Remote Desktop ........................................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Software configuration ................................................................................................................. 9

2.2.1 OPC Server (Kentima software) ............................................................................................ 9

2.2.2 IDX Software ......................................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Profibus configuration .................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 OPC configuration ....................................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Data mapping .............................................................................................................................. 10

Appendix A – Profibus Mapping .........................................................................................................1

Appendix B – OPC Tags .......................................................................................................................1

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Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Device dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 1

Figure 2 - Device bracket layout ................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 3 - Network cable pin allocation diagram using M12 D-coded connector ........................................ 3

Figure 4 - Network cable pin allocation diagram using M12 A-coded connector ........................................ 4

Figure 5 - Network Connection window ....................................................................................................... 5

Figure 6 - Sandvik ASRi Network Properties ................................................................................................. 6

Figure 7 - Network card Advanced options .................................................................................................. 7

Figure 8 - Power pin allocation ..................................................................................................................... 8

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1. Installation

1.1 Physical installation When installing the IDX “Brick”, you need to take into account the clearance needed for cables and the

device itself. Please refer to the images provided for details regarding the size of the device.

1.1.1 Device clearance

The IDX “Brick” is really simple to install. It has a set of brackets that allow you to mount it onto a

suitable surface. Below are the dimensions of the device to indicate the clearance it requires. The

dimensions are in cm.

Figure 1 - Device dimensions

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1.1.2 Mounting positions

Below is the schematic for the mounting positions of the brackets. The dimensions are in cm.

Figure 2 - Device bracket layout

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1.2 Network installation The communication between the ASRi panel and the IDX gateway is an integral part of the solution. You

therefore have to insure that the network is setup and configured correctly.

1.2.1 Network Cable

The ASRi panel has a D-coded M12 female connector exposed on the outside of the panel. It is possible

however to use a M12 connector with the A-coding to connect to the ASRi. Please ensure you follow the

instructions based on the connector type you use. To create a network connection you will need a cable

that has a D-coded (or A-coded) M12 male connector on one end, and a RJ45 (standard Ethernet plug)

on the other end. Below are the pin allocations for the cable to create a cross-over cable that will allow

the ASRi panel to be connected directly to the IDX “Brick”.

Figure 3 - Network cable pin allocation diagram using M12 D-coded connector

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Figure 4 - Network cable pin allocation diagram using M12 A-coded connector

1.2.2 IP addresses

The ASRi panel has its IP address set to a default

IP Address =

Sub Net Mask =

The IDX “Brick” has its IP address set to a default

IP Address =

Sub Net Mask =

If one of the specified IP addresses is changed, please ensure that the other IP is changed accordingly.

Subnet masks must match.

If changing the address of the IDX “Brick” is required, you will have to “Remote Desktop” into the device

to apply new addresses. Please refer to section 2.1 Remote Desktop for more details.

1.2.3 Network Configuration

Once the cable has been made and the IP addresses set, we have to configure the network card for the

type of connection it must expect. Connect to the ASRi via Remote Desktop and open the Network

Connections Page. You should see the window below. Follow the instructions in the next 3 figures:

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Figure 5 - Network Connection window

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Figure 6 - Sandvik ASRi Network Properties

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Figure 7 - Network card Advanced options

The above process will configure the IDX “Brick” so that the network card knows what to expect from

the ASRi touch panel. To ensure there is a connection, open command prompt and ping the touch panel.

1.3 Power The IDX “Brick” is able to handle a voltage range of 9-36 volts (DC). Please ensure that the voltage

supplied is within this range, otherwise the IDX “Brick” will be damaged. Below are the power pin


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Figure 8 - Power pin allocation

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2. Configuration The IDX “Brick” has been preconfigured to a generic configuration. If you want to customise the

configuration to suit your specifications, please follow the explanations regarding the topic of interest.

In all cases you will have to create a “Remote Desktop” session to access the configuration utilities for

the IDX “Brick”.

2.1 Remote Desktop Remote Desktop is a built-in Windows feature. To create a remote desktop session, connect to the

address of the IDX “Brick” with the following details:

Username: Administrator

Password: [enabled]

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of Remote Desktop, it is advised that you search for the topic as

there are many articles on the internet explaining the concept. Otherwise you are free to contact IDX for

advice on the topic and also for the password.

2.2 Software configuration

2.2.1 OPC Server (Kentima software)

The IDX “Brick” has the Kentima software installed so that it can expose the data received from the ASRi

panel as OPC tags. It is configured by default to connect to IP: on port: 2123 with the name

Crusher1. This influences that OPC tags names, so do not change the name unless you have been

advised by IDX. The server is installed in C:\Program Files\Kentima\

2.2.2 IDX Software

The IDX software installed on the IDX “Brick” serves as the main control system for the OPC-to-Profibus

device. It is preconfigured to map the required ASRi tags into the Profibus driver. If there is a custom

configuration required, please refer to the specific configuration section, or contact IDX for specific


2.3 Profibus configuration The Profibus driver on the IDX “Brick” exposes both Cyclic and Acyclic data. The OPC tags which are

important to the control process have been packaged into the Cyclic memory area. If there is any need

for Acyclic data, please contact IDX for details on how to expose the data.

The IDX “Brick” contains a wizard for the customization of the Profibus settings. The default mapping

can be found in Appendix A. The default Profibus settings are:

Profibus Address : 10

Input IO Size : 244

Output IO Size : 84

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It is not advised to change any of the other Profibus settings. The only property you should need to

change is the Profibus address. This can be done by running the configuration wizard.

To run the wizard, please install the wizard software.

2.4 OPC configuration The IDX “Brick” contains a wizard for the customization of the OPC tags which are captured in the

software. The default OPC tags which have been exposed can be found in Appendix B.

2.5 Data mapping The IDX “Brick” maps the information exposed on the OPC server as data packaged into the Profibus

message. Please refer to the Appendix A for information on the mapping.

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Appendix A – Profibus Mapping Below is the list of memory addresses to which the specified OPC tags have been configured.

TagName Data Type Address

A.Alarm_A01 Bit 134.0

A.Alarm_A02 Bit 134.1

A.Alarm_A03 Bit 134.2

A.Alarm_A04 Bit 134.3

A.Alarm_A05 Bit 134.4

Acal Float 168

ActiveUnackedAorBAlarm Bit 134.5

ADimLinerChange Float 10

AI_OilTemp Float 160

AI_Position Float 164

AI_Power Float 22

AI_Pressure Float 26

AlarmLubricationOilTemp Float 30

AutoCompFactorAvg Float 34

AvgAPosLoad Float 38

B.Alarm_B10 Byte 136.0

B.Alarm_B11 Bit 136.1

B.Alarm_B12 Bit 136.2

B.Alarm_B14 Bit 136.3

B.Alarm_B15 Bit 136.4

B.Alarm_B16 Bit 136.5

B.Alarm_B17 Bit 136.6

B.Alarm_B18 Bit 136.7

B.Alarm_B19 Bit 137.0

B.Alarm_B20 Bit 137.1

B.Alarm_B21 Bit 137.2

B.Alarm_B22 Bit 137.3

B.Alarm_B23 Bit 137.4

B.Alarm_B24 Bit 137.5

C.Alarm_C21 Bit 137.6

C.Alarm_C23 Bit 138.0

C.Alarm_C24 Bit 138.1

C.Alarm_C27 Bit 138.2

C.Alarm_C28 Bit 138.3

C.Alarm_C29 Bit 138.4

C.Alarm_C30 Bit 138.5

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C.Alarm_C31 Bit 138.6

C.Alarm_C32 Bit 138.7

CalState Word 42

CrusherLoaded Bit 139.0

CrusherType String(10) 140

CrushingProgramError Bit 139.1

CSS Float 46

CurrentMaxPower Float 50

CurrentRunMode Word 54

DI_MotorProtector Bit 150.0

DI_PumpDown Bit 150.1

DI_PumpUp Bit 150.2

DO_Alarm Bit 150.3

DO_Feeder Bit 150.4

DO_PumpDown Bit 150.5

DO_PumpUp Bit 150.6

HeartBeat_Integer Float 16

IdlePower Float 58

MaxA Float 62

MaxMotorPower Float 66

MaxPower Float 70

MinA Float 74

PageRequest Word 0

PowerAvg Float 78

Pressure MeterMax Float 82

PumpDown Bit 2.0

PumpUp Bit 2.1

StartCrushingProgram Word 4

Stat_CssAvgLast30Min Float 86

Stat_CssMaxLast30Min Float 90

Stat_CssMinLast30Min Float 94

Stat_EnergyConsumptionSinceMantleChange Float 98

Stat_PowerAvgLast30Min Float 102

Stat_PowerMaxLast30Min Float 106

Stat_RemainingShaftTravel Float 110

Stat_TimeSinceCalibrationLoad Float 114

Stat_TimeSinceLinersChangeLoad Float 118

TrafficLight_GreenOn Bit 151.0

TrafficLight_RedOn Bit 151.1

TrafficLight_YellowOn Bit 151.2

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Appendix B – OPC Tags Below is the list of OPC tags which have been configured in the IDX “Brick”.

OPC Tag Description

Crusher1.DI.DI_MotorProtector ON = Motor protector circuit is tripped

Crusher1.DI.DI_PumpDown ON = Main shaft is pumping down

Crusher1.DI.DI_PumpUp ON = Main shaft is pumping up

Crusher1.DO.DO_Alarm ON = The ASRi has an active alarm(s)

Crusher1.DO.DO_Feeder ON = The ASRi permits the feeder to be on

Crusher1.DO.DO_PumpDown ON = The ASRi wants to pump the main shaft downwards

Crusher1.DO.DO_PumpUp ON = The ASRi wants to pump the main shaft upwards

Crusher1.Boolean.PumpDown ON = Pump the main shaft downwards manually

Crusher1.Boolean.PumpUp ON = Pump the main shaft upwards manually

Crusher1.AI.AI_Position Current A-dimension

Crusher1.Double.CSS Current CSS

Crusher1.Double.Acal The calculated A_dimension for the current metal-to metal position

Crusher1.Double.AvgAPosLoad Average A-dimension at which the crusher has run loaded for the last four minutes

Crusher1.Double.MaxA Maximum A-dimension

Crusher1.Double.MinA Minimum A-dimenison

Crusher1.Double.AutoCompFactorAvg Current wear compensation factor

Crusher1.Double.ADimLinerChange A-dimension limit for alarm C27 (Parameter 503)

Crusher1.AI.AI_Power Current Power

Crusher1.Double.PowerAvg Current average power, 0 - 1000

Crusher1.Integer.CurrentMaxPower The crushers max power according to the selected crushing program, 0 - 10000

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Crusher1.Integer.MaxMotorPower Max permissible continuous power output from the motor, 0 - 1000 (parameter 502)

Crusher1.Integer.MaxPower The crushers max input power 0 - 1000 (parameter 601)

Crusher1.Integer.IdlePower Power when the crusher is considered idle

Crusher1.AI.AI_OilTemp Current return oil temperature, 0 - 200

Crusher1.AI.AI_Pressure Current pressure, 0 - 25

Crusher1.Double.Pressure MeterMax 100% allowed pressure load

Crusher1.Integer.CurrentRunMode The crushers current run mode. 1 = Stop, 2 = Manual, 3 = Auto, 4 = Calibration

Crusher1.Integer.StartCrushingProgram Sets the current running mode of the crusher. 1 = Stop, 2 = Manual, 3 = Auto

Crusher1.Boolean.CrushingProgramError True = Error in selected crushing program

Crusher1..CurrentCrusherProg The currently selected crushing program

Crusher1.Boolean.CrusherLoaded True = The crusher is considered to be loaded

Crusher1.String.CrusherType Name of the crusher Type

Crusher1.Integer.CalState State during calibration (0-11)

Crusher1.Integer.HeartBeat_Integer Heart beat value that increments 1 with every program loop

Crusher1.Integer.TrafficLight_GreenOn 1 = The green light of the traffic light is lit

Crusher1.Integer.TrafficLight_RedOn 1 = The red light of the traffic light is lit

Crusher1.Integer.TrafficLight_YellowOn 1 = The yellow light of the traffic light is lit

Crusher1.Boolean.ActiveUnackedAorBAlarm True if there is an active unacknowledged A or B alarm. Causes the status row to blink

Crusher1.Double.AlarmLubricationOilTemp Temperature limit for alarm B15 (parameter 507)

Crusher1.Alarm.A.Alarm_A01 A01 No pressure signal

Crusher1.Alarm.A.Alarm_A02 A02 No A-dimension signal

Crusher1.Alarm.A.Alarm_A03 A03 Power signal too high

Crusher1.Alarm.A.Alarm_A04 A04 Pressure signal too high

Crusher1.Alarm.A.Alarm_A05 A05 A-dimension signal too high

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B10 B10 Oil temperature signal too high

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B11 B11 No power signal

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Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B12 B12 Shaft at bottom posiont under load

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B14 B14 Hydroset pump motor protector tripped

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B15 B15 Return oil too hot

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B16 B16 'Pump up' response time too long

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B17 B17 'Pump down' response time too long

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B18 B18 'Pump up' command too long

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B19 B19 'Pump down' command too long

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B20 B20 No communication with power measurement unit

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B21 B21 No communication with tank measurement unit

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B22 B22 No communication with hydroset drive unit

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B23 B23 Power to low compared to pressure

Crusher1.Alarm.B.Alarm_B24 B24 Pressure too low compared to power

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C21 C21 No return oil temperature signal

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C23 C23 Mainshaft at bottom position

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C24 C24 Mainshaft at top position

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C27 C27 Liner change necessary

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C28 C28 Calibration needed

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C29 C29 Axel does not move up

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C30 C30 Axel does not move down

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C31 C31 Axel moves up too slowly

Crusher1.Alarm.C.Alarm_C32 C32 Axel moves down too slowly

Crusher1.Double.Stat_CssAvgLast30Min Average CSS for the latest 30 minutes

Crusher1.Double.Stat_CssMaxLast30Min Max CSS for the latest 30 minutes

Crusher1.Double.Stat_CssMinLast30Min Min Css for the latest 30 minutes

Crusher1.Double.Stat_PowerAvgLast30Min Average power for the latest 30 minutes

Crusher1.Double.Stat_PowerMaxLast30Min Max Power for the latest 30 minutes

Crusher1.Double.Stat_RemainingShaftTravel Remaining shaft travel at current CSS

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Crusher1.Double.Stat_TimeSinceCalibrationLoad The total time that the crusher has been loaded since the last calibration

Crusher1.Double.Stat_TimeSinceLinersChangeLoad The total time that the crusher has been loaded since the liners where changed

Crusher1.Double.Stat_EnergyConsumptionSinceMantleChange The total energy consumption since the last mantle change