I Will Continue to show the Truth

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  • 7/31/2019 I Will Continue to show the Truth


    I Will Continue to Fight For the Truth

    In my life, you go through numerous evolutions and changes. Years ago, I had certain views. My

    core convictions are still the same, but I am more mature now. I am more progressive and I am

    ever learning about a multiplicity of subjects or issues.When I woke up for real, I feel more liberated

    mentally, socially, and spiritually. Its a great feeling where you can keep your soul intact and

    advance freedom. This age is a revolutionary age in the since that our culture is rapidly being

    revolutionized. Certain archaic mores are gone or they are going away. True democratic values are

    embraced in a more resilient fashion. In our generation, one of the great things is the opportunity

    to think andto realize that there is no shame in real freedom and real love. Real love is not a sin.

    True love is not evil no matter what people say . Also, all humans deserve that happiness and joy inlife. All of us should have the right to strive to be better, to be more moral, and to try our best to

    fulfill our own dreams and aspirations. Some folks even believe that since I believe in God then I

    must unequivocally advance the most reactionary parts of the Republican Party agenda (or agree

    with Tea Party rhetoric). Yet, I won't do that at all. I refuse to receive a false gospel from the Tea

    Party or Engels. The unvarnished truth is I accept the tenets of civil liberties, peace, and human

    rights. God is not a Republican or a Democrat. I believe in God, but I don't believe that a person

    should be held into bondage or mental slavery because of their color, or their gender, or their

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    background. Religious freedom in my eyes doesn't mean that I adhere to a tyrannical form of liberty

    suppression inside of America or in any nation that surrounds the globe. It is a historical fact that

    both the Republicans and the Democrats have imperfections. Some of their histories have been

    shameful when some of their own party members advanced Jim Crow apartheid, discrimination,

    and other injustices. That is one of the many profound reasons why I am an independent type of

    person politically. I can draw my own inspiring conclusions on issues and I can be relieved frompolitical pressures. I believe in equality in the Middle East (in other words the Israelis and

    Palestinians should exist without terrorism or modern-day apartheid. There is a potent peace

    movement in Israel and Palestine that want a stable, harmonious system for all those who reside in

    the Middle East) and I believe in just policies in order to protect our ecosystem. Just because I

    believe in God doesn't mean that I believe that a human being of any background should receive

    second class citizenship or I believe that health care isn't a human right. Health care is a human

    right and universal health care is obviously superior to the status quo (or a corporate dominated,

    mostly privatized health care system in the USA). Every other industrialized country in the world

    ensures its citizens with basic health care. Almost 50 million U.S. citizens lack coverage and at least

    22,000 American die each year unnecessarily as a result of an expensive health care reality.

    Our rights aren't conferred by the state. They are inborn or God-given. Now, one link among

    those that support the idea that we must all be GOP-like is that most of them accept no-

    regulation allowed unfettered capitalism.

    In other words, the realities of income inequality, huge poverty, and the failure of neo-liberalism all

    merit the need for a more comprehensive approach in solving our economic situations. Some of

    these words arent popular. Although, sometimes the truth is shown not be prove popularity. Its

    shown, because it is right. The free market alone can never eliminate poverty. The free market's

    lack of infallibility inspired human beings to institute the minimum wage, laws against pollution, the

    ban on child labor, and other legitimate regulations that can prevent diseases and chaos. The freemarket cannot make a living wage, the free market cannot promote civil rights, and the free market

    isn't God. It's extremely hypocritical for some to advocate record military spending, yet ignore the

    necessary spending to adequately assist our domestic landscape. In spite of our monumental

    challenges, I still have hope. Hope is prevailing concept etched in my thinking and conscience. Our

    ancestors had hope and they made it so we could enjoy the bountiful blessings that prevail in our

    land. It took hope to end Jim Crow. It took hope to end the evil Vietnam War and hope can succeed

    in stopping the immoral, unjust war on terror in the 21st

    century. No matter how debilitating the

    hour, hope and resolute actions can make a way where there is no way. A new generation is arising.

    Not by bread alone can we succeed though. There needs to be the efforts of individuals and the

    collective in order for our standard of living to grow and for true liberty and righteousness to spread

    across the land. The socioeconomic characteristics of poverty make up one motivation for us topromote the redistribution of economic and political power (since there is the 1 percent having a

    wide income gap in the realm of our fiscal reality). As long as I have breathe in my body, I will

    believe in public and private assistance to folks in need. It is just to believe in social reforms and it is

    just to advocate an annual guaranteed income if necessary for all Americans. Nothing will change

    that in my life. I believe in the sanctity of human life, but I wholeheartedly reject war, unnecessary

    death, or a theocratic agenda. The lie of the reactionary in saying to get over it is an old falsehood.

    A person should never get over oppression, we should never get over injustice, and anybody should

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    use the past as a justification to press onward for reforms. A cultural awakening ought to take place

    too. Too many human beings have self-hatred and bouts of feelings of inadequacies. We should

    respond to this problem like the old heroes did in the past. We should speak forthrightly and firmly

    that all human beings have value irrespective of how they look like or their backgrounds. All people

    have the right to be themselves. All people are somebody and special. The diversity of humanity in

    various physical appearances, personalities, genders, and cultural backgrounds represent thebeauty of humanity. Beauty is never monolithic. Beauty is truly diverse. It doesnt matter how you

    look like in the final analysis, because its how you are going to treat people and its about your

    character (for we all turn into dust. No one can look 21 forever. Some folks even in their 50s are

    trying to relive their youth, but they cant do it. Times up friends. LOL). Henceforth, the ways of

    tolerance are better than way of materialism (or a selfish mentality). In the final analysis, what is

    important is our character and how can make a difference in the world, not our physical

    appearance or our hair. Sure, America has talent, but its time to use that talent more in giving

    human beings true freedom. A person can talk about stars and the stripes, but radical changes are

    in order. Now, thats talent. Instead of some men being numb to following some silly guy code,

    men should follow ethics, strength, and reasonable adherence to justice. As men, we dont have to

    transform our psyche into the new man, but we can be unique men. Creating business, speakingout in favor of ending materialism, utilizing almsgiving in our communities, and going out to

    communicate with human beings are excellent modes of existence.

    Therefore, we must press forward. We must press forward for justice and adhere to the belief that

    love doesn't mean discrimination (Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness doesn't apply to some

    people. It applies to all human beings period) and that the truth doesn't mean we ought to acquire

    some involuntarily allegiance to jingoistic patriotism. One of the reactionaries from YouTube

    questioned my faith in God over microchips when I written plus spoke in opposition of microchips

    being involuntarily implanted into humans (I opposed the Mark of the Beast system) for over 10

    years. So, I am over the silliness and I will promote the truth. Censorship can never stop the truth.

    Lies and stereotypes can never inhibit the strength and power of real human beings and light willalways expose evil.

    With our great advancements in genetics, technology, science, and mathematics, we should

    continue to inspire the youth to embrace the concept of MEST (or math, engineering, science, and

    technology). The youth inside of America should definitely have access to critical pro-MEST

    programs within public & private educational locations. MEST is a creative expression of modern

    society and a key mode of any civilization. Now, a balance among serious matters and fun activities

    is a great part of life. That means that its fine to harbor great intellectual growth along with social

    development too (like joining activities, establishing better bonds with friends, visiting a myriad of

    locations, developing growth in personal relationships, and basically living a very productive life in

    general). Power is what we need and it is not tyrannical when it's utilized in a proper designation.

    There is nothing wrong with power.

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    In life, we all go through changes. My views are my views. For years, I became economically

    progressive. After I heard people struggling to have health care insurance and hearing folks who

    were in poverty, I just changed. I totally reject neo-liberalism and my views went into a morepositive direction. Many of our ideological adversaries promote the deception that people like me

    need deprogramming. That's silliness, since a human being for advancement of truth, being for the

    promotion of civil liberties, believing in economic justice, and loving social maturity are great tenets

    to enjoy. These are the people that lie and say that the President is a socialist (when he never

    advocated the total public ownership of all enterprise). Exposing super wealthy thieves of our

    economic resources and allowing the government to finance legitimate services are views that I

    accept. In a civilized society, we are our brothers keeper or our sisters' keeper. Private charity

    isn't enough to help the poor or the suffering in society. Therefore, public and private programs are

    created in order for the poor to receive assistance. To assume that the free market is totally perfect

    to handle all economic complexities is fantasy. Sometimes, public intervention is necessary to

    prevent fraud, abuse, labor rights violations, and other issues going on in the financial realm. Thereis one person who sent me videos in trying to make me into a conservative Republican. Yet, I am

    not that. I am an Independent person. I don't agree with environmental degradation. I don't agree

    with austerity or demonizing the poor. I don't believe in bigoted rhetoric against Palestinians or a

    neo-conservative foreign policy ideology. I accept equality for all people and I agree with a

    revolution of values wherefore black people (like me) have a right to promote our heritage,

    promote our history (in a month and throughout the year), and expose the neo-Confederate

    reactionaries where ever they are. It's very hypocritical for people like some of the Republicans to

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    claim to be on my people side when many of them voted against the Black Farmers bill, voted

    against affirmative action, support the pro-Drug War prison system, and some of them even want

    to eliminate Black History Month. Some of them (not all of them) defend Rush Limbaugh and a vile,

    profane extremist like Ted Nugent. That's their company. I dont agree with puppet musicians

    expressing a degradation of black people or if they refuse to promote revolutionary politics. Yet, the

    puppet masters are worse than the puppets. If we are going to expose vile (non-conscious having)musicians, that is fine, but we should also expose the heads of the machine. In other words, we

    should expose Sumner Redstone, the SONY Music Group Inc., Jean-Francois Dubois (who

    owns Vivendi. Vivendi controls Universal), Lucian Grainge, Cary Sherman (or the headof the Recording Industry Association of America), the Rockefeller/Rothschild interests,the Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Society, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and the rest ofthose in the top of the pyramid.

    The reactionaries advance a cruel law and order policy where men and women are profiled on the

    basis of their skin color. It's a policy that allows non-violent drug offenders to receive higher

    sentences in some cases than rapists, assaulters, and murderers. It's a vicious system that ought tobe abolished and replaced with a fair execution of legal remedies. I will not submit and betray my

    people. I will subsequently stand up for my black people and the rest of the human race

    undoubtedly. I will be a man and agree with justice and a real world revolution. It's very hypocritical

    for the Republicans and their Blue Dog Democratic allies to allow the billions of dollars a year to be

    sent into the military industrial complex (including millions of dollars spent to build up prisons as

    prisons are an extension of the military industrial complex. I don't wish anyone to go into prison.

    Prison is not the spot) without sending billions of dollars via programs to rebuild our cities, our

    towns, and the rest of our social infrastructure right here at home. It's also hypocritical of them to

    lecture on welfare for the poor negatively (a necessity for many in our nation) when they allow

    billions of dollars to be sent into corporate welfare including other various subsidies. That is why

    human rights (as found in the Bill of Rights) are superior to states rights (which have been used inthe promotion of slavery and the immoral acts of Jim Crow segregation). In our time, we should

    advocate a strong anti-war mentality and a sense of fighting for equality of folks of every

    background. For if one person's liberties are threatened, and then all of our rights are in danger.

    Democrats too in some measure have supported the imperial wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other

    places in the world. Some of them ought to be called out for that reality as well.

    Also, reactionaries and some of these respectable leaders (including some bourgeoisie upper

    middle class types) say that people like me hate the rich. Nothing can further from the truth. I dont

    hate the rich, but I do believe that some of the super rich funded or participated in some of the

    greatest ills in human history from the international slave trade (or the Maafa), Native American

    exterminations, eugenics, the Holocaust, genocides, ecological disasters, and other economicdisasters. There is nothing wrong with having money, but the love of money is the root of all evil.

    Money is a tool (which means that it can be utilized for good purposes or for evil purposes) not a

    god. Therefore, an economic system that presents compassion for the poor & the disadvantaged

    along with a fair financial reality are great agendas to call forth. Anyone who receives wealth via

    legitimate means ought to be respected, but the rich shouldnt have a pass on their

    responsibilities to help those less fortunate. I reject an archaic economic system. You know what

    that system is called. I dont have to spell it out or give out context clues about its identity. LOL.

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    The rich ought not to be placed on a pedestal as a divine messianic figure to be worshipped. The

    person who is homeless has as much value in the world as the person owning a palace. Its not

    money over everything. Its about love, almsgiving, and following the will of the Creator over

    everything. We should have a peace economy not some material goods obsessive & a war

    economy. See, when you have a war economy and jobs shipped overseas, it is very difficult to

    permit austerity (which can caused millions of people to be without food stamps and riskstarvation). The domination of Wall Street and their allies influenced the construction of numerous

    federal legislations. Their influence caused deregulation, privatization, and other evils as a means to

    centralize powers unto the 1 percent. Its a historical fact that the banking networks in America plus

    Europe fund the Communism and the major Libertarian movements in the world as a means to

    promote a Dialetic (and to restrict real alternatives to Communism and monopoly Capitalism). For

    example, we know that Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, both the Volker Fund

    and the Rockefeller Foundation supported the Mont Pelerin gatherings for over a decade. The

    Volker Fund promoted Austrian economics& libertarian dogma. These pro-regressive economic

    types cant hate spending when they advocate massive spending into the war machine. In real life,

    the Bush/Obama administrations are witnessing the most drastic curtailment in public spending in

    American history (while the bank record bailouts grew our public debt crisis). The interests of WallStreet, the defense contractors, and the oil conglomerates financially aid the current political

    establishment. Therefore, I will never scapegoat the poor for the crimes of the super rich. The false

    Austrian School vs. Keynesian school paradigm is broken when you tell the truth. Robin Hood in

    reverse (or Romney hood economics) doesnt work either. We dont need Medicare to be a

    Voucher program or raise the eligibility age of Social Security to 67 at all. Some dont care about the

    poor, but want handouts to the super wealthy. Just because I support a social safety net, doesnt

    mean that I am a Communist. Historically, the Gilded Age saw the rise of an unregulated market and

    monopolies (which is about the hampering of competition. Laissez faire economics increases the

    risk of monopolies). The laissez faire policies from the Gilded Age caused so much hard ache to the

    poor and middle class that even President Theodore Roosevelt allowed the government to trust

    bust via the Sherman Act. The health disparities, the income disparities, and the othersocioeconomic issues in the USA expose the weaknesses of cartel-capitalism. Today, there are

    alternatives to this paradigm that deals with cooperatives, a debt free money system, dirgism (or a

    mixed economy), geolibertarianism, etc. I have no issue with a guaranteed annual income for all

    Americans as John Kenneth Galbraith, Henry George, and Dr. Martin Luther King advocated as well.

    It is wrong to have a hegemony of capital over labor & social freedoms.

    The West is very hypocritical in accusing Syria to be a despot regime and wanting regime change

    there, but they support some of the most regressive plus repressive regimes on earth. These

    repressive regimes are in the Gulf States. They are united in the GCC or the Cooperation Council for

    Arab States of the Gulf. They are made of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates,

    and Oman. Kuwait and Bahrain act "constitutional monarchs," but in practice all 6 nations areovertly absolute monarchs. They lack representative governance. They harm the liberties of the

    citizens in those nations via brutal repression. Even Saudi Arabia and Qatar played a huge role in

    crushing the dissent in the neighboring Bahrain. The popular uprising in Bahrain was ignored by the

    Western media. Bahrain is funded by Western interests. The Gulf States have been involved in

    crimes against their people and others abroad for decades. Now, they seek to support Syria's

    downfall. They have support the war crimes of NATO against the Libyan people before. They sent

    armed sectarian militants. These militants torn Libya apart (with their NATO/GCC armed and funded

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    militants). These militants lynched black people in Libya. They are Western proxies. Internationally,

    this is a huge disservice to the human rights movement. Qatar and the House of Saud use

    propaganda even via the state owned Al Jazeera to host "defectors." The elite via the Brookings

    Institution's Doha Centre ally with this foreign policy agenda as well. Saudi Arabia is autocratic

    indeed. Saudi Arabia carries out barbaric executives against people accused of secrecy and

    witchcraft. Heads are chopped off by hooded swordsmen in the capital of Riyadh. Women can'tdrive in Saudi Arabia. Some can't vote. The leadership of the Saudis comes about by heredity not by

    any election parameters. They along with the West funded al-Qaeda before. Saudi Arabia is an ally

    of America. America sends weapons, money, and directives to Saudi Arabia all of the time. Some in

    Saudi Arabia pervert the tenets of Islam in keeping al-Qaeda ranks full. This continues to fund the

    Wall Street and London created "Clash of Civilizations." The conglomerations like the US-Saudi

    Arabian Business Council have representation on the JP Morgan International Council (Khalid Al-

    Falih of Saudi Aramco are amongst the highest valued companies on Earth). Even Osama bin Laden

    was exploited by the U.S. and Saudi actions. The bin Laden family is an ally of Saudi and Western

    elite circles. The multi-billion dollar Saudi Bin Laden Group is an active member of the U.S.-Saudi

    Arabian Business Council. They play a central role in deciding bilateral policy for the benefit of

    collective U.S.-Saudi corporate financier and corresponding geopolitical interests. The House ofSaudi controls Al Arabiya. Military investments between the West and Saudi Arabia is every

    common. London allies and Wall Street support these actions. Saudi Arabia hosts the U.S. military.

    Some Saudi Arabian patriots have protested the despots, but they are largely unsuccessful. The

    police state there cracks down on legitimate protesters in the Eastern city of Qatif. Activists should

    be respect in the GCC autocracies (like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.) in order to promote real freedom

    in that part of the world.

    For years, people hear rumbles of rumors of a NATO attack in Syria. The Israeli intelligence assetDEBKAfile reported that Russia is prepared to abandon its naval base at Tartus in Syria if the nation isattacked. The DEBKAfile website reported on August 28, 2012 that: "...Russian naval vessels haveunexpectedly departed the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus and Russian arms shipments to Syria

    have been suddenly discontinued..." According to DEBKAfiles sources, the Russians are rapidly drawingaway from the Syrian arena to avoid getting caught up in the escalating hostilities expected to arise frommilitary intervention by the US, Europe and a number of Arab states. Russian intelligence appears tohave decided that this outside intervention is imminent and Moscow looks anxious to keep its distance fornow. This comes after the August 27 meeting in Brussels between NATO leaders and officers of militaryforces in many former Soviet Republics, major African states, Saudi Arabia, and the Persian Gulf states.According to Iran's Press TV, the participants reportedly arrived at a decision to attack Syria. These warmongers have no remorse over human life. The Brussels meetings including talk for the potential forRussian and Chinese intervention in Syria The President talked about the red line issue where a militaryintervention from America could come about if Syria moved chemical weapons around or utilize them.General Martin Dempsey (or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) said that the situation in Libya andSyria are different. The White House has a number of contingency plans and other plans. White Housespokesman Jay Carney said that he wants Assad to step aside and allow the rebels (backed by the CIA,

    MI6, and al-Qaeda) to rule the nation of Syria. On August 23,DEBKAfile

    said U.S. C130 transportsstand ready at Middle East air bases to fly into Syria US elite units especially trained in combat againstchemical and biological weapons and tactics for securing their arsenals. The website claimed thatwestern intelligence sources had reported that units are on standby at bases in Israel and Jordan. Theirassignments are to engage Syrian troops if Syria wanted to move unconventional weapons system tobattle fronts or Hezbollah (and to prevent from falling into the hands of Al-Qaeda and other radical Islamicrebel fighters). Sibel Edmonds said that foreign military groups have taken positions in the city of al-Mafraq (which is found in northern Jordan on the Syrian border). The Council on Foreign Relationsadmitted that al-Qaeda is existing in Syria. One person who admitted to this basic truism is named EdHusain. He is a senior fellow of Middle East Studies with the CFR that wrote a policy paper on this issue

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    on August 6, 2012. The civil war in Syria has been exploited by the West in order for the elite to try tocreate some token, puppet regime in that part of the world.

    We cant talk about peace where children are being harmed by depleted uranium or destroyed by

    degenerate drone attacks in other nations. That is much a promotion of peace as the blitzkrieg was

    decades ago. If we want peace, then we have to end war first and foremost. There ought to be a

    living wage and guaranteed, adequate housing for those that especially want it.

    There is a real police state in America and a real mass opposition to it is lacking to a great extent.

    Now, we have seen an extraordinary violation of our civil liberties by the administrations of past

    decades (even in Bush II and the current administration of President Barack Obama). The executive

    branch of government increased its power in a great fashion. Repressive agencies are still here

    where thousands of personnel come about; there are secret budgets, and police state surveillance

    of citizens. There is the monitoring over 40 million U.S. citizens and residents. There are people

    confronting the powers that be all over America, so I want to make that perfectly clear. Likewise,

    there is a huge sense of apathy in the world. We know the immorality of the McCarthyite purges in

    the 1950's. McCarthy violated the rights of the freedom of speech by promoting compulsory loyalty

    oaths. He organized witch hunt with Congress in order to investigate public officials, cultural figures,intellectuals, trade unionists academics, etc. That's fascism. Public debate came about and

    resistance came. The public hearings of HUAC or the House of Un-American Activities Committee

    were protested against in San Francisco by 1960. There were massive, grassroots protests against

    the system of segregation in the racial segregated South. Even folks used self-defense units against

    the racist death squads of the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). The Free Speech Movement from 1964 caused

    mass demonstrations against the university governance acting authoritarian. The Cold War & the

    War on Drugs (which came in the USA under President Richard Nixon) caused the police state to

    grow in violating the democratic freedoms and civil rights of human beings. The civil rights and free

    speech movements exist across backgrounds. These movements desire racial equality, and an end

    to the imperial U.S. Indo-Chinese wars and eliminating the Congressional witch hunts. Workers'

    rights and social advancements resulted as a product of the tireless efforts of these movements. Allof these movements united with a wide spectrum of social movements. The overt police state

    tactics were common in the 1950's. Today, we have overt and more covert police state tactics like

    spying, state violence against individuals, infiltration, and the promotion of media propaganda. The

    police state apparatus didn't go away when some social movements weakened. Since the early

    1980's, the police state expanded even more greatly. In the 21st century, the police state has made

    arbitrary detention and interrogations, entrapment and the blacklisting of hundreds of thousands of

    US citizens. Presidential fiats have established the framework for the assassination of US citizens

    and residents, military tribunals, detention camps and the seizure of private property. The

    Department of Homeland Security has violated our rights with this police state too. There are

    some voices that are speaking up against these violations of our constitutional freedoms, but

    these movements weren't as powerful as in the 1960's. The police state still utilizes infiltration,profiling, and other methods to dominate society. They monitor mosques and other religious

    locations in promoting the pacification of human beings. Muslim Americans, African Americans,

    immigrants, civil libertarians, anti-war protesters, etc. are regularly targeted by the powers that be.

    For example, the feds monitor mosques secretly with agents, they use the criminal justice system to

    prevent voting rights among felons who paid their debts to society, and they use warrant less

    wiretapping to monitor tons of American citizens as well. The establishment regularly targets

    anyone that is critical of U.S./Israeli policy in the Middle East (in the sense of supporting the

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    Palestinian people and supporting the peace movement in Israel plus Palestine). Also, we need a

    real revolution not the Reagan revolution, but a real one. A person cant do a fake dance for false

    ideologies, but a person can express themselves in striving to win in life amidst the struggle.The

    struggle continues.

    People have the right to have a love for the truth, to believe in a better environment, and to

    express legitimate opposition to the police state. We can do a lot in order for us to fight back

    against the police state. It is obvious that some of the mass anti-war movements have been sold out

    by the Democratic machine (They even expelled millions of Hispanic Americans from America in a

    record fashion). So, independent socio-economic movements should link citizens in promoting civil

    liberties, free speech, and the interests of all Americans. There is value in Social Security, Medicare,

    Medicaid, and other like-minded programs. Promoting independent movements that desire social

    justice and freedom are great avenues in order for us to battle the police state. We should promote

    the people's welfare at home and justice plus peace abroad.

    When you get older and so forth, you see the interconnectedness of humanity more. You get to

    understand that our issues are international not just national. In other words, whats going on in

    Indonesia or Senegal has just as much importance as the occurrences in Houston or Miami. There is

    a sense of love of learning about different cultures in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, Australia,

    Oceania, etc. Its a great feeling to feel a connection with world society. I am a black American, but

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    I wont become ignorant of the complex nature of the billions of human beings living in the world.

    Now, foreign policy doesnt mean American exceptionalism. We know what American

    exceptionism concretely entails. It entails imperialism or the Pax Americana concept (that

    American values are superior and must be actively spread into other nations even via warfare if

    necessary). This sick ideology is refuted by the basic fact that foreign cultures have excellent value

    as well. The reality is that our destiny isnt tied on how much America dominates others militarily,culturally, or socially. Its how we can co-exist as a society where nations are treated as equals,

    where national plus international laws are respected, and it is how justice is followed as a pristine

    motto. America has value too in the world just like any other country. There are tons of the

    Americans who are compassionate, forward thinking, and succinctly motivated in fulfilling the

    essence of our creed. The vast majority of Americans want peace and social tranquility. Also, many

    of the Olympians are breaking records. They are not only from America, but from throughout the

    world. I have seen track and field stars (with people like Sanya Richards-Ross, Usain Bolt, Johan

    Blake, Gatlin, Dawn Harper [Sister, You deserve an enormous amount of respect in your track and

    field abilities. Dawn Harper won a gold medal last Olympics and another medal this Olympics. You and

    Kelli Wells are winners and beautiful women period. Dawn Harper and Kelli Wells, enjoy your

    victories], Kelli Wells, Lolo Jones (Keep your head up, Lolo. Real people will always respect yourtrack and field legacy), Shelly-Ann Fraser-Price [she won the 100 meters in the 2012 Olympics],

    Carmelita Jeter [She worked very hard for numerous years. Jeter an inspiration for those of us in

    our late 20s and early 30s in the sense that we in that age bracket can still execute a great deal of

    athletic abilities. Its not a wrap for us yet. Carmelita Jeter is a great, gracious black sister], Alliyson

    Felix [Well, Sister Alliyson, you finally won the 200 meters. All of us are thankful of your

    accomplishments. Youre an inspiration for all human beings], Jessica Ennis, and others), soccer,

    tennis (Serena Williams, Venus Williams, and Andy Murray all won gold at various events),

    swimmers (with people like Dana Vollmer, Rebecca Soni, Missy Franklin, Ryan Lochte, Michael

    Phelps, etc.), volleyball players (with people like Foluke Akinradewo, Lindsey Berg, Nicole Davis,

    Tayyiba Haneef-Park, Christa Harmotto, Megan Hodge, of course Destinee Hooker, and others),

    basketball players, gymnastic stars, and others who are performing their best during the 2012London Olympics. There have been a lot of news stories about the young sister Gabby Douglas

    winning her gold medal in gymnastics as well. She is from Virginia Beach, VA (close to where I live

    at) and her mother is a strong woman. She went into Iowa in order for her to train. Gabby Douglas

    is a humble person and is a true role model for tons of females in general.

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    They certainly inspire us to fulfill our dreams whatever our dreams are. Likewise, we should not

    support the agenda of the new world order (I respect the concept of national sovereignty. Yes, I

    know the history of the Olympics and the rituals and so forth. I dont advocate paganism), while we

    can respect legitimate athletics at the same time. The brothers and sisters doing their own thing

    have my respect in the Games (and even the rest of the people present there who are ethical and

    fair dealing even if they havent won a medal). I met people from across the world too in my life. I

    know a cute, sweet Ethiopian sister from a store doing her job in 2012. Shes such a sweetheart. I

    know a person from Senegal from my French class when I was in college. I was taught political

    science issues from a nice Russian female teacher as well. I was taught economics (with the

    mathematical formulas, history, politics, and the business cycle that all relate to the field of

    economics) by a brother who was born in Africa. I worked with a school teacher and assisted a

    French kid (whose parents were from France). I spoke with a sister, who was from the Caribbean

    before. I know a lot of people in my life that came to here in the USA from foreign countries. So,

    my life has been impacted one way or another by folks with an international background. Our

    thinking subsequently should be international and national. One of the exquisite, beautifulcomponents of America is that America is a heterogeneous, multicultural society. That means that

    Americans have all these different cultures and ethnicities living in one nation. This is in my opinion

    is of the many gifts of America in that we prove that folks of numerous backgrounds can live

    together, fight for freedom together, and demonstrate courage together.

    In many cases, the wicked and worldly are rewarded by the elite, but in the end, only the righteous

    will remain being full of happiness and full of glory. So, dont compromise your convictions. Be nice,

    be fearless, be righteous, be unique, be creative and be strong in your lives. It is not sin to be nice.

    Its not wrong to act appropriately and with a firm acumen. So, when you get older, you have to get

    your grown up on and promote the tenets of maturity and transparent discernment. I am not going

    to be one of those brothers who will get old and be some reactionary (like sitting down and bashing

    the poor or criticizing heavily those struggling in my own vicinity). I am not going out like that if you

    know what Im saying. LOL. That isnt in the rule book for me. I am going to keep it one-hundred.

    When I become old, I will still harbor compassion for poor, love for humanity, and respect for

    Nature in my heart. I will still accept the enduring philosophy of the honor for labor rights and a

    permanent dedication to advance social justice. I am a progressive brother.

    When push comes to solve, all men are created equal. The dynamics of promoting human rights

    internationally, using collaborative efforts in fighting diseases (including oppression), and reaching

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    towards unity for the purpose of engineering peaceful existence are gracious policies to advance .

    In life, you have to pick a side. I will pick the right side of world revolutionary changes.

    Now, we should have a concern for the poor in this country. The poor have been greatly neglected

    by our society in great measure. They live in the ghettos, the trailer parks, in the rural communities,

    and in other locations nationwide plus worldwide. The vast majority of the poor work very hard in

    this nation of the USA. Only 5 percent of the federal budget deals with welfare, so its really obtusefor some to equate welfare as being part of the majority of our budget. This record unemployment

    has nothing to do with neither laziness nor inferiority (as our ideological adversaries maintain). It

    has to do with socioeconomic policies that existed from laissez faire economics, extreme

    globalization, poverty, and a selfish culture. That is why poor need a higher access to employment

    and to real opportunities so that they can live a more fruitful standard of living. Now, the poor don't

    want handouts permanently, but they want a hand up. One sister on YouTube (named

    "SuperBlackWoman1") is right to say that people like Hannity and Limbaugh preach deception. Just

    because a man or a woman doesn't toe the conservative Republican line, doesn't mean that person

    is some traitor or an extremist. This movement for social change still transpires in our time from the

    brothers and especially the sisters standing up for the Jena Six, to the labor insurgency inside of the

    state of Wisconsin, to the protests against the stop and frisk policies in NYC, to the nationwide

    protests of the death of our young brother Trayvon Martin, and to the protests of the Occupy

    Movement. We should vote like our lives depend on it (even if some voting has been rigged. People

    died for that right and I will forever cherish the right to vote). It's not about Republican or

    Democrat. I criticize both parties as I am not in the Left/Right Paradigm. It's about power for the

    people or power for the oligarchy alone. Oligarchy is wrong and all of us have the right to strongly

    oppose the agenda of oligarchy completely.We still have serious issues in our land with the

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    murderer killing innocent Sikh people at their church inside of Wisconsin. A lot of social progress

    came about in the span of years, but the work continues forth, deception will amazingly become

    refuted, and the dream will never die. The dream is still with us after all of these years and

    decades.I will hold on to my dreams in my longevity. Yes, the Spirit of the Lord is indestructible. I

    will never quit or give up. Throughout my life, people gave me motivation to keep moving forward. I

    wont forget the real unsung heroes in my life that helped me and folks that I assisted in their livestoo.


    By Timothy