I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...

Meeting Tu.od.y n1.ht, the W. Y n. City Cnunell covilred 11 wifle of problem !'I, t nklng Rctlon on most, IndudlflG Ntorm' ••w. erN, slop ... iKnfl for all'Yllt' yield fnr street_, dutch elm spraying, park- ing vi 0 1111 i () 1\ finell. r •• stricted pllrklng nnd over. ruling the lonlng board. '\ cily nrlllnllnce calli for stopping lelvln, an alley lind enterin. a 111 :Inent thll, the cOllncil !Ill' Ih'('ided to put slop signs ill the major llileys opt'lIing onto bu.l. ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the ,itop still p. qui r ed, even though no "i/tns may ap_ pear. Poli('{'llIen 'will b. in ... tructfld io enforce the ordinunc ('. Judge [Juvid Hamer ap. peart'd rtll{urding lheclty'. ordinlln('e which requires II fin" of $10 pluloi $5 costs. Ill' .. aid tht're nad b.,en somt' complaint!. from bu.... nes"men Ihnt the total wa. eX[tllilSive for illelol park- 'Ing lind, (I\-,t· .. Ume parkin,. "ftn going: over the 10 which handed out'Sl) far for oVfJrtime parking, the council round that nille (Jf t.he violoUon. were by hll'"inpssmen SQlvl',1-i (no' [\t'ct'ssarlly the sarnt· ()llp, who said the (in(':-' tlxce!islvol. The lentil wa" for II collele student will)' al the holel, ('ouncilrn"n were, In- formed, t.hat lIol one '-p.. per ha" b,'en fined for "".;- time parking. They we're also told lhal violators. Itt ,three overtime ticket. b••, fore having t,o go to and pay 11 fine. .. 1 attempt wall mad. to rolluc. the (in. 10. n $5 coot. but this ..... ·;MIi' S('e COUNCIL p'u'8 Block Uniting fo' ·Special Decoration A one-block street, Clr ... c1e Drive, is ''(''andy Cane Lane" for the rest of the holidays. }-;veryone in the bloc-!< joined' for spacid Christmas decorations. It is the first of a plan to dec 0 r. t e each Christmas, more featur •• being added each year Sunday the decoratlon. went up,' includhig lar,. metaHic letters proclaim- ing the drive "Candy Can. Lane." Nine homes and the Assembly of God Church have joined in the pr9jec::.t. Stove pipes with rotib4ed ends were painted resemble big candY Thi s did not do .the lob sO red ribbon with 'boWI on them completed the il- lusion. Ten candy canel' w.r. then erected at the hqm.. and church. Each i. tilted at an angle. All oftheQllre floodlighted along with the sign identifying tha drlv •• This '5 the oame n.lcfI- borhood . that got to.eth.r to beautify the opring. petunia.• , c--..! !;, end red aa1via ".ro pia. ed and c.red to .... the fdrmerly barren lar plot a beauty spOt. Area churches are all planning Christmas pro· Ifams to mark the anniver· Sary of the birth of Christ. DeLaiis on plans are con- tainerl in of each community's news, Some churches have spe· cial scenes, such as na- tivities, some have special religious decorations on trees, some will have spe- cial services, some will have religious music pro- grams and olhers have var- ious plans. All area ministers are asked to send in informa- tion on their ChTistm.e programs for the period between Dec. 22 and Dec. 26 for next weekls paper. A special newS story on the front page will be of- fered in addi':ion to the church notes in the cus· tomary places. These news stories, on· Christmac:; should be in The Herald office no later tan Monday noon. Any th ng coming in at that time ay or may not be inc ed in the news story on ,age 'lne. _ Churches of Area Make Yule Plans Wayne's thref' Boy Scout troops have gone separatf' ways as far as adivitil's are roncerned, Each hat' a difff'renl type of worh und('rway, Jewell Schock', "l'roop 221, thp newes!, Inel wilh Sel' SCOUTS "i Set Vacation Vacation period for the Wayne and Car'roll school syst ems has been an- nounced by Supt. Francis Haun. Buses will leave the schools at 2:30 p.m., W edne sday, Dec. 21. Classes will resume at the regular time Tuesday, Jan. 3. December December 8 December December Decembe,r 11 December 12 December 13 Week', Temperature, III LO H 17 34 25 32 17 17 .3 28 2 3R 12 47 24 CANDY CANI LANI is lemporarily Ihe name {OT Circle Drive. The one·block ,strip has been com·erled into a day: and nighl seenic drive. Candy canes are floodlighted aOughl in front of nine homes and a church. Sbown here is the circle itself with the "Cipldy ,cane Lane" letters William Koeber and the Wayne City Council members are concerned about a rumor that has been going around concerning fine" for overtime and illegal parking. The rumor is being spiked now. . , The cit.y is not fining people indiscrlmlOately right and lefl'for overtirre parking in the two-hour zones. In fact, the police department has bee.n uncommonly generous in allowing people the beneftt of the doubt. ;'\ot one person has been fined for first offense overtime pa rking. Every person fined has' re- ceived two warnings no fine and had to appear only after a third violation was . In addition, it ie, pointed out that If driver has two \'iolations in a three.month period, the record is then "erased" and he starts over. Thus, four month'i after the first violation he would get warniltgs again, A statement from the c.ity is being prepared for publication next week. In meantime, the people have more and better parking because of the tWOM hour zones and no shopper in Wayne has ever been fined for an overtime parking violation. A Rumor Spiked Essay Contest OHering Prizes to Young Writers A Wayne County Histori- cal Society essay contest has been .• nnounced, open Scout Troops In to all reSidents of the coun_ ty in gr.des four through Va ·Ied A eight. Subject will be any r c lOftS authentic incident in Wayne County history which has not bee n published pre- viously. Subject matter and ef- fectiveness of presentation will ·be the main judging points since the age groups are spread so widely. Essays are to be delivered to C 0 unty Supt. Glady s Porter by May I. Three prizes will be given, $10, $5 and $3. In addition, there may be a small added prize for each one chosen for publication in The Wayne Herald. This will not be limited to the top three. All essays are to be written on one side of pages only and must be in ink or typewritten. Name, ad- dress, age and grade of writer shQuld not be in. eluded on pagePi on which the essays are written but should be included on a separate sheeL Young people wishing to enter may write more than one essay if they know of more than oail historical incident to wN'te about. Howev.r, no per.on can-w:in more" than one of the top three prizes. NEBR UlaT SOC HE'D Ai "'R '"'0' DEC 151968 Pu........ E••r, IThurad., 1I.. DECEM.III IS, I,.. WId_., .1 1\& ...In. w••••. N.b k..." Number Don Schumacher are being ass is ted by two student teachers, Connie Heermann and Dennis Montgomery. Their vocal and instru- men ta I departments are featured. Schumacher's feature is "Song of Jupiter," with Mark Johnson playing the trumpet solo. Montgomery has directed this. Three other numbers, traditional Christmas music, will be played by the high school orchestra. Southwick and Miss Heermann will have four groups appearing. South- wick has said his senior high chorus numbers are "as good as any ever done since I have been here." Included in five numbers by this group are "There Shp.ll a Star Come Out of David" by Mendelssohn and "Honor andGlory" by Bac;h. ,other groups directed1by the two included the seventh and eighth grade chorus in t"o numbers, the gids' glee club in four numbers and the madr'igal in four numbers. ,No will be charged, no seats will be rleserved and the public is invited. Wayne. Osieopath Half Century Dies A Wayne osteopath for 50 years, Dr. T. T. Jones, 194, died Sunday at the \Vayne Hospital. He had health for .'A native of Cumberland, Dr. Jones received early education in Penn.. sylvania and attended eol.. l'-e at Johns Hopkins and 5£111 College of Osteopathy. from the latter in 1912. came to Wayne that year and two years later mar r i ed' Reba Nangll. p,o .. t• gradl.late osteopath sye OR. JONES p:.!;) At ij hem eeting n ext winners in the Ctlrist .as lighting contest will b ,guests. Their prizes will be presented at that session. 1 Kiwams Sets Slides on Russia Trip Two new members "'at- tended l Charles Thomas, hospital and Jerry Bose, Northwestern Mutuali. Clarence Schroe .. der, JIIoskins, a member of the Norfolk Club, visited. Sliders of Russia and Po- land shown at Wayne Club Monday noon at the Jlneeting in the Wom- an's diu b R () 0 m s. Dr. Robert' Benthack told of his trip and showed the pictures he had taken. Oilers Great 01 Christmas other e;xchange student for n,ext telrm. Phadet is the flrst elxchange student W.avne has ever had. It is' not Imown where arotherl exchange student would tome from. There a,re more boys applying than gilrls but the family that ch90se s to host a stu- dent ca" decide whether it wants boy or a girl and then the n;ame of a student I is submitted can :'l·L' - p.g 8 Doctors Sew On Sawed Off Prd9ram Moments LIrich acciden- tally into three fin- gers of hi" right. hand :--i;jtturday, one finger being b.Jmost completely Doctor,; hav'e sewed finger back on. \\ u r king at h 0 III eon cabinet:-.. he is making, \\'J.::-; lIsing an electric saw. lIe suddenly caught hi" right hand in the saw. I he irydex finger was cut oM, hanging by a little piec e of skin at the second joint. Urich Iheld the sevex:ed piiece a ,g a in -.; t the stub, called tlo his wife to take F IN¢,E R R So m e of the g rea t moments of Christmas ip m.usic will be featur,ed at Ute \\' a y- ne Iligh School music progr3.m Monday ntghl at 8 in the Wayne {";l\ tl,udilorium. Some nu be r 5 will be tradi- tional, but others will be most unlJ:--,ual. Clavton :-;outhwick and Name School Salary Members r e 'J c tn ers at \'Ii ay n e !Jave elected salary romrnittt:je members. Two schuol Lqard menibers and two la vmen will also be on the Leota \1011 e r, Don Schu- ",.j, SAlAIRY ilL: H Middle School !Concept Ouf:lined lor Next Year Offering $300 in Wayne Thursday Silver Dollar Night of_ fering in Wayne Thursday night will be $300. That came about because there was no winner last week. Clallence Starzl, Emer- son, would have been win- ner of! $250 if he had been in Wayne. His number was drawll-t his name was cal- led at the parlicipatingbus- iness {lace'S and he did Dot respo d. Bee use he registered and his number was drawn, he wi1l get a check fOT $1'0 als eonlilQlatioD from The Way n e Chamber oE Commlerce. The same will happed this week if the one called is not in town. Supt. Francis Haun out- plans for Wayne Middle ,l.;chooj in Lincoln lhe pasl :week. He met with 1Il/-lg-h llarlan, junior high advisor with the depart- mien!. of educ at.ion and the ouUine for t.he school was acrcplt'd with minor (irades five through eight are to be housed in the prresent senior-junior high odilJing-, It ha:-. 21 teaching a small gym, s hop, homemaking suite and science laboratories. Grades five and six will continue' to be in self_con_ taJined classrooms excepf for art" .music and physical eq.ucati9n. IT1!entary will no longer be used. Kindergarten through fourth will be in ,W est School. CONt E PT p;;.;i Five WSC Students Give Reseilrch Work Need Applications for Exchange Stude'nt Host n auld you like to hal..·e an exchange student inyour home forthe 1961'.68 school year? Wayne High School pupils want another e;x- cha.nge' student but getting a home is one of the rangements not yet out. PhadetGawsombat, Th.i .. land youth currently spedd- ing a year in Wayne I has been an ambassador of goOd "'ill and the student cOUDfil of WHS has voted mously to help sponsor an.. in \\ a\'ne State's senior honors culminated their studies in rec en t weeks with pres- entation of research papers. The five colloquium ,tu- dents thus are completing their honors program un- der the direction of Dr. Marion Waggone r, dire<> tor of the class. \. ern Mills presented his research paper \\' ednesday nigh t on the topic, "The Determination of Amino Acid Sequences in Polypeptides." He is a RESEARCH p,e::'I JOLLY OLD Santa a.us takes down the nrd rs of gt"Xld little ,11 hl.s lI'orkshor In Wayne Ihe.<;-e days Fldch{'r .. ho\llll trymg In :.:('1 up n('n"p enough II' t,11k to I Commencement at WSC Next Week commenc('ment time tl \\' ayne may ,(range inlhe('hrisl- ma, seac;on, and it is bel, llOpn'ce- denten at W,-,('. {,rowlh of the graduating :la" i,; suuh Ihat ,eniors p.xpectinp; tu graduate this erm petitioned lh(' college for a J)ecember ceremon."; instead of wait ing until the "pring commencempn( as in the pa<;!. r h e fa cu lty recen t IY voted its approva 1 of a December graduation, and the administ)aLionre- sponded with a Dec. 20 late. unlike the traditional morning :->pring and summer commencements in the v-..:illow Dowl, how. ever, this will take in the evening--at next Tuesday in Ramsey Thea_ ter. The will be Dr. Karl Meyer, dean of in- struction at wsr from Itl;:;!! to 1(lG3. Ire resigned here to j a in the cuordinating of \V isconsin »tate Colleges, -and in 196'J be- ,.came,', poI'e-side.nt, of Wis con... sin State University, Su- perior. He will address a class that includes one master's degree recipient, John Tanner I and 73 candidates for bachelor's degrees. All seats' will be avail- able to the public except. thos e reserved for the graduales. Father William Kleff- man, pastor of >.;t. Mar:,r's Catholic Church, Wayne, will give the invocation and benediction. BI u eKe y, men's honorary, will pro- vide us her!' and decor· ations; Cardinal Key, en's honorary, t he mar- shals. THEW Mercury Below Zero; Then Zooms to 50's The mercur\' oropped be- low ?ero tht' week. \lnther :\atllre relented for 'he prr winter cold and broug:ht in temperatures ."!'l,MERCURY pc: Commissioners Vote to Allot Money to LaPorte Cemetery I al'orte ('emetery, long deserted, ignored and allowed In deteriorate, to be saved a::-; a historical sill". The count\" sioners voted ·Llesday to ,dlot fUllOS needed to store the cemetery and to pr[)"ide [Dr care over the vears, \\'avne ('ount\' llistorical .... ociet\· Tl1 e TTl h,e r::-; share with the commissioner<;the crNiit for the action. The \\ (' fb ci rc u lated a petition ask i Il g that the county supen'isors allot money for the project. Tuesdav President Rob_ e rt Boeckenhauer took a petition bearing signatures of \)(1 freeholder::-; to the commissioners meeting. He received a warm re- ception and the commis_ sioners expressed a wiN. .. ingness to help on what they deemed a worthy project. -\ state law provides that if 25 freeholders in a coun_ ty sign a petition rl@QueliHng it, the board ate lJp to $250 to save allan- doned cemeteries. WCHS more than met this and the commissioners were more than willing to help out. Boeckenhauer said' the commissioners asked that the. WCHS supervise the work in restoring the his. torical old cemetery, which he thought members would agree to do. Whatever L.PORTE _ P.>-: l'I1O"e with lig;hting- dis. plays :1 fl' asked to keejl lhrll) (!lrnNI on evpoings through \ew year' .... HI least :-;0 peoplp C;:ln tOllr the town am! the winning, hon- orabl(' menlion and otlH'r display". \ decision on the winners will be made that night. rhe hU'iband and wife at each of winning will be guests of (,he hi. wani .... ('lub Monda,. noun al which time pril'Ps will he Pff'Sf'rtlt Pr!. Three judges will tour the (it) starling at about 'I p.m. They will judge all with exterior displays. Mrs. Tom te-oden and Mrs. 1\lao San- dahl, Wisner, and {'ha*s H 0<''', La u reI, wil("be jll(!g-e Wayne'1> ('hristmas lighting will be judged Frlday evening, Prizes will be awarded the top three and honorable men- tion will be given to the next seven places. 24 pages \\ inside junior ana ior high school vocal ic departments will present a Christmas program Thursday, Del', 2:2, at 7:::W p.m. in the WIIS gym. Mrs. !'at Kropp is director. r s. 1\ r 0 p pre par t s t.here- is 00 admission The public is iln.. vt1ted to attend. Group numbers will be by the junior high girls' ensemble, the junior choir, lhe senior high girls I ensemble, the girls' glee'Ti club, tht' madt:igal slhge,rs and the mixed choru:-.. So- loist s wi 1\ include I\eith ca Ii ,>{, I I·' (l \1 () \\ in g the rE'gular program, there will be a sing along session of fa- miliar carols. Members of the audience will ioin t.he choir in -.;ing-ing-. I Winside Musi ians Give Program lor Christmas \ Dixon farmer will (ru--t his dogs after one experi. encE". fie W;lS lirf' i ,1' It':lrM ing the.m h"rk, \elled at them ttl quiet down, the,l wouldn't '0 he went out to them ann made them shut ur, \pxt morning he found out \,-;f\\ the\' hao he en ,,0 artHlst'l{. had di'as't'mblen ,1 pilC'cE' of brm equipment close to hi::,. house the n:ightthedlllg,; did so much bar'king, Un the other hand, n \',.a\·ne man m,ay not be ,,0 of him,;elf from 110\-\ on. In \"orfolk during the wee' morning hours, he turned onto a street. Coming at him a lonlC' car, He stopped to warn·t.he other driver, the othe r car stopped, the Wayne man opened his _ dow and told the other dri- on a one·Wll\ lJtreet!" The other driver replied: "I know I'm on one-way street. But YOU1R E going the wrong 'Way! Sure enough, the local man had turned at the wrong lDtersection. A Wayne woman wants to be sure Santa stood her t odd Ie r. The on Main Sheet and as,ke1 for a baby. She hopes San- ta understands it Wa$ a ba by doll the little ionle "Inta, lind that the yol,lll(. eter was not looking to Christmas 1967. 91 sl Yeolr Vocational Curriculum for Approved tw" i •. to bea feature Dec,'s,'on on of Wayne. High School In the new school building" L' Md tho school board '19 ts a e Monday after conferrlDg with two consullants [,om Here F ,'day the' state depa rtm ent of edu- r cation. Walter Erdknmp, direc- tor of trade and industf) vocationaJ education, and Larry Bonner, consultanl in businElss and distribu. live education, we rein Wayne fC,lr the day, They met first with t.he admin· istralo.r and teacher .. and then with thel.ndminislrat(Jr and school bo'ard. After the ttifograrn was expla tnedl in depth, th e board ditected SUpl. Fran- cis Haun to obtain appli· cation blanks to set' if teachers can l,e qualified, If they can, the \\avn-e schools ."yil1 be "vocational in two ways," 1n bu*ines, t'ducat ion, thl) clJr,lictllum wOldd 11(' expandf'd I(} incluof' a full year of ()ffice jlr:1dic{'s (offered vnc :-'(',rnester 001) 1.11 pre'ient); il second year of ,hort.hand '1 and \1 With lilt' coursf'S ulrf'<!r!Y being offered, tilt' "chool \!.-il1 all quirell,cl\lS [or vlH'ution<il1 .raining in two areaS. voca- I I t I I I l ! I , I , I t ,! I I ! , ! f ,

Transcript of I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...

Page 1: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

Meeting Tu.od.y n1.ht,the W. Y n. City Cnunellcovilred 11 wifle vari.~y· ofproblem !'I, t nklng Rctlon onmost, IndudlflG Ntorm'••w.erN, slop ... iKnfl for all'Yllt'yield sigll~ fnr street_,dutch elm spraying, park­ing vi 0 1111 i () 1\ finell. r ••stricted pllrklng nnd over.ruling the lonlng board.

'\ cily nrlllnllnce callifor stopping t)l~fore lelvln,an alley lind enterin. a~tret·t, 111 :Inent thll, thecOllncil !Ill' Ih'('ided to putslop signs ill the majorllileys opt'lIing onto bu.l.ness area s! flH·ls,

In othl'f Ilrcas.,the ,itopi~ still p. qui r ed, eventhough no "i/tns may ap_pear. Poli('{'llIen 'will b.in ... tructfld io enforce theordinunc ('.

Judge [Juvid Hamer ap.peart'd rtll{urding lheclty'.ordinlln('e which requiresII fin" of $10 pluloi $5 costs.Ill' .. aid tht're nad b.,ensomt' complaint!. from bu....nes"men Ihnt the total wa.eX[tllilSive for illelol park­'Ing lind, (I\-,t· .. Ume parkin,.

"ftn going: over the 10Ucket~ which w~re handedout'Sl) far for oVfJrtimeparking, the council roundthat nille (Jf t.he violoUon.were by hll'"inpssmen the~.

SQlvl',1-i (no' [\t'ct'ssarlly thesarnt· ()llp, who said the(in(':-' wl'r,~ tlxce!islvol. Thelentil wa" for II collelestudent will)' ~!riv" al theholel,

('ouncilrn"n were, In­formed, t.hat lIol one '-p..per ha" b,'en fined for "".;­time parking. They we'realso told lhal violators. Itt

,three overtime ticket. b••,fore having t,o go to co~t!tand pay 11 fine. ..

1 ~n attempt wall mad. torolluc. the (in. 10. n llu~$5 coot. but this ..... ·;MIi'S('e COUNCIL p'u'8

Block Uniting fo'·Special Decoration

A one-block street, Clr ...c1e Drive, is ''(''andy CaneLane" for the rest of theholidays. }-;veryone in thebloc-!< joined' for spacidChristmas decorations. Itis the first ~ase of aplan to dec 0 r. t e eachChristmas, more featur••being added each year ~

Sunday the decoratlon.went up,' includhig lar,.metaHic letters proclaim­ing the drive "Candy Can.Lane." Nine homes and theAssembly of God Churchhave joined in the pr9jec::.t.

Stove pipes with rotib4edends were painted whiWJ~~resemble big candY ~&D".Thi s did not do .the lobsO red ribbon with 'boWIon them completed the il­lusion.

Ten candy canel' w.r.then erected at the hqm..and church. Each i. tiltedat an angle. All oftheQllrefloodlighted along with thesign identifying tha drlv••

This '5 the oame n.lcfI­borhood .that got to.eth.rto beautify the clrcl.~~opring. petunia.• , c--..!!;,end red aa1via ".ro pia.ed and c.red fo~ to ....the fdrmerly barren cb~lar plot a beauty spOt.

Area churches are allplanning Christmas pro·Ifams to mark the anniver·Sary of the birth of Christ.DeLaiis on plans are con­tainerl in depart.m('nl~ ofeach community's news,

Some churches have spe·cial scenes, such as na­tivities, some have specialreligious decorations ontrees, some will have spe­cial services, some willhave religious music pro­grams and olhers have var­ious plans.

All area ministers areasked to send in informa­tion on their ChTistm.eprograms for the periodbetween Dec. 22 and Dec.26 for next weekls paper.A special newS story onthe front page will be of­fered in addi':ion to thechurch notes in the cus·tomary places.

These news stories, on·Christmac:; should be in TheHerald office no later tanMonday noon. Any t h n gcoming in at that time ayor may not be inc h:~ edin the news story on ,age'lne. _

Churches ofArea MakeYule Plans

Wayne's thref' Boy Scouttroops have gone separatf'ways as far as adivitil'sare roncerned, Each hat'a difff'renl type of worhund('rway,

Jewell Schock', "l'roop221, thp newes!, Inel wilhSel' SCOUTS p~: "i

Set VacationVacation period for the

Wayne and Car'roll schools y s t ems has been an­nounced by Supt. FrancisHaun. Buses will leave theschools at 2:30 p.m.,W edne sday, Dec. 21.Classes will resume at theregular time Tuesday, Jan.3.

DecemberDecember 8December ~

December 1~Decembe,r 11December 12December 13

Week', Temperature,III LOH 1734 2532 1717 .328 23R 1247 24

CANDY CANI LANI is lemporarily Ihe name{OT Circle Drive. The one·block ,strip has beencom·erled into a day: and nighl seenic drive.Candy canes are floodlighted aOughl in front ofnine homes and a church. Sbown here is thecircle itself with the "Cipldy ,cane Lane" letters

~1ayor William Koeber and the Wayne CityCouncil members are concerned about a rumorthat has been going around concerning fine" forovertime and illegal parking. The rumor is beingspiked now. . ,

The cit.y is not fining people indiscrlmlOatelyright and lefl'for overtirre parking in the two-hourzones. In fact, the police department has bee.nuncommonly generous in allowing people the benefttof the doubt.

;'\ot one person has been fined for first offenseovertime pa rking. Every person fined has' re­ceived two warnings wi~h no fine and had to appearonly after a third violation was recorde~. .

In addition, it ie, pointed out that If ~ driverhas two \'iolations in a three.month period, therecord is then "erased" and he starts over. Thus,four month'i after the first violation he would getwarniltgs again,

A statement from the c.ity is being prepared forpublication next week. In th~ meantime, the peoplehave more and better parking because of the tWOMhour zones and no shopper in Wayne has ever beenfined for an overtime parking violation.

A Rumor Spiked

Essay Contest OHeringPrizes to Young Writers

A Wayne County Histori-cal Society essay contest •has been.•nnounced, open Scout Troops Into all reSidents of the coun_ty in gr.des four through Va ·Ied At·eight. Subject will be any r c lOftSauthentic incident in WayneCounty history which hasnot bee n published pre­viously.

Subject matter and ef­fectiveness of presentationwill ·be the main judgingpoints since the age groupsare spread so widely.Essays are to be deliveredto C 0 u n t y Supt. Glady sPorter by May I.

Three prizes will begiven, $10, $5 and $3. Inaddition, there may be asmall added prize for eachone chosen for publicationin The Wayne Herald. Thiswill not be limited to thetop three.

All essays are to bewritten on one side of pagesonly and must be in inkor typewritten. Name, ad­dress, age and grade ofwriter shQuld not be in.eluded on pagePi on whichthe essays are written butshould be included on aseparate sheeL

Young people wishing toenter may write more thanone essay if they know ofmore than oail historicalincident to wN'te about.Howev.r, no per.on can-w:inmore" than one of the topthree prizes.


HE'D Ai LrJ~o:"~ "'R '"'0'.~~ DEC 151968

Pu........ E••r, IThurad., 1I..DECEM.III IS, I,.. WId_., .1 1\& ...In. w••••. N.b k..." Number ~S

Don Schumacher are beingass i s ted by two studentteachers, Connie Heermannand Dennis Montgomery.Their vocal and instru­men t a I departments arefeatured.

Schumacher's feature is"Song of Jupiter," withMark Johnson playing thetrumpet solo. Montgomeryhas directed this. Threeother numbers, traditionalChristmas music, will beplayed by the high schoolorchestra.

Southwick and MissHeermann will have fourgroups appearing. South­wick has said his seniorhigh chorus numbers are"as good as any ever donesince I have been here."Included in five numbersby this group are "ThereShp.ll a Star Come Out ofDavid" by Mendelssohn and"Honor andGlory" by Bac;h.

,other groups directed1bythe two included the seventhand eighth grade chorus int"o numbers, the gids'glee club in four numbersand the madr'igal in fournumbers.,No admiss~on will be

charged, no seats will berleserved and the publicis invited.

Wayne. OsieopathHalf Century Dies

A Wayne osteopath for50 years, Dr. T. T. Jones,

194, died Sunday at the\Vayne Hospital. He had

~If:e ~?m~~iling health for

.'A native of Cumberland,M~., Dr. Jones receivedhi~ early education in Penn..sylvania and attended eol..l'-e at Johns Hopkins and5£111 College of Osteopathy.g~aduating from the latterin 1912.

~'He came to Wayne thatyear and two years latermar r i ed' Reba Nangll.p,o ..t • gradl.late osteopathsye OR. JONES p:.!;)

At ij hem eeting n extMOnd~y, winners in theCtlrist .as lighting contestwill b ,guests. Their prizeswill be presented at thatsession. 1

Kiwams Sets Slides

Tak~ on Russia Trip

Two new members "'at­tended l Charles Thomas,hospital admin(stra~or,andJerry Bose, NorthwesternMutuali. Clarence Schroe..der, JIIoskins, a memberof the Norfolk Club, visited.

Sliders of Russia and Po­land w~re shown at WayneKiwani~ Club Monday noonat the Jlneeting in the Wom­an's diu b R () 0 m s. Dr.Robert' Benthack told ofhis trip and showed thepictures he had taken.

Oilers Great01 Christmas

other e;xchange student forn,ext telrm. Phadet is theflrst elxchange studentW.avne has ever had.

It is' not Imown wherearotherl exchange studentwould tome from. Therea,re more boys applyingthan gilrls but the familythat ch90se s to host a stu­dent ca" decide whether itwants ~ boy or a girl andthen a~er the n;ame of astudent I is submitted can:'l·L' STU~ENT - p.g 8

Doctors Sew On~inger Sawed Off


\rllin~ LIrich acciden­tally -~a~ved into three fin­gers of hi" right. hand:--i;jtturday, one finger being

b.Jmost completelyDoctor,; hav'e sewed

finger back on.\\ u r king at h 0 III eon

cabinet:-.. he is making, Cl~

ti~h \\'J.::-; lIsing an electricsaw. lIe suddenly caughthi" right hand in the saw.

I he irydex finger was cutoM, hanging by a little piec eof skin at the second joint.Urich Iheld the sevex:edpiiece a ,g a i n -.; t the stub,called tlo his wife to take


So m e of the g rea tmoments of Christmas ipm.usic will be featur,ed atUte \\' a y- n e Iligh Schoolmusic progr3.m Mondayntghl at 8 in the Wayne{";l\ tl,udilorium. Somenu ~ be r 5 will be tradi­tional, but others will bemost unlJ:--,ual.

Clavton :-;outhwick and

Name School SalaryCommi~tee Members

r e 'J c tn e r s at \'Ii a y n e~chouls !Jave elected salaryromrnittt:je members. Twoschuol Lqard menibers andtwo la vmen will also beon the ~ornrni!lel"

Leota \1011 e r, Don Schu-",.j, SAlAIRY ilL: H

Middle School !ConceptOuf:lined lor Next Year

Offering $300 inWayne Thursday

Silver Dollar Night of_fering in Wayne Thursdaynight will be $300. Thatcame about because therewas no winner last week.

Clallence Starzl, Emer­son, would have been win­ner of! $250 if he had beenin Wayne. His number wasdrawll-t his name was cal­led at the parlicipatingbus­iness {lace'S and he did Dotrespo d.

Bee use he registeredand his number was drawn,he wi1l get a check fOT$1'0 als eonlilQlatioD fromThe Way n e Chamber oECommlerce. The same willhapped this week if the onecalled is not in town.

Supt. Francis Haun out­lir~ed plans for WayneMiddle ,l.;chooj in Lincolnlhe pasl :week. He met with1Il/-lg-h llarlan, junior highadvisor with the depart­mien!. of educ at.ion and theouUine for t.he school wasacrcplt'd with minorrhanges~

(irades five through eightare to be housed in theprresent senior-junior highodilJing-, It ha:-. 21 teachingstati(~ns, a small gym,s hop, homemaking suiteand science laboratories.

Grades five and six willcontinue' to be in self_con_taJined classrooms excepffor art" .music and physicaleq.ucati9n. North~~st ,~1~1fIT1!entary will no longer beused. Kindergarten throughfourth ~rade will be in

,W est l<~lementary School.h~(,~- CONt E PT p;;.;i

Five WSC Students

Give Reseilrch Work

Need Applications forExchange Stude'nt Host

n auld you like to hal..·ean exchange student inyourhome forthe 1961'.68 schoolyear? Wayne High Schoolpupils want another e;x­cha.nge' student but gettinga home is one of the ~r_

rangements not yet work~d

out.PhadetGawsombat, Th.i ..

land youth currently spedd­ing a year in Wayne I hasbeen an ambassador of goOd"'ill and the student cOUDfilof WHS has voted una~i,"

mously to help sponsor an..

~tudents in \\ a\'ne State'ssenior honors ~olloquiulTlculminated their studies inr e c en t weeks with pres­entation of researchpapers.

The five colloquium ,tu­dents thus are completingtheir honors program un­der the direction of Dr.Marion W aggone r, dire<>tor of the class.

\. ern Mills presentedhis research paper\\' ednesday n i g h t on thetopic, "The Determinationof Amino Acid Sequencesin Polypeptides." He is a

Sl'~- RESEARCH p,e::'I

JOLLY OLD Santa a.us takes down the nrd rs of gt"Xld little kld~,11 hl.s lI'orkshor In Wayne Ihe.<;-e days Tomml~ Fldch{'r I~ ..ho\lllltrymg In :.:('1 up n('n"p enough II' t,11k to Sal1~d


Commencement atWSC Next Week

rt'~ commenc('ment timetl \\' ayne ~lat{'. Thi~ may~epll1 ,(range inlhe('hrisl­ma, seac;on, and it islnlJ,llal-~in bel, llOpn'ce­denten at W,-,('.

{,rowlh of the graduating:la" i,; suuh Ihat ,eniorsp.xpectinp; tu graduate thiserm petitioned lh(' college

for a J)ecember ceremon.";instead of wait ing until the"pring commencempn( asin the pa<;!.

r h e fa c u lty r e c e n t I Yvoted its approva 1 of aDecember graduation, andthe administ)aLionre­sponded with a Dec. 20late. unlike the traditionalmorning :->pring andsummer commencementsin the v-..:illow Dowl, how.ever, this will takein the evening--at nextTuesday in Ramsey Thea_ter.

The ~peaker will be Dr.Karl Meyer, dean of in­struction at wsr from Itl;:;!!to 1(lG3. Ire resigned hereto j a i n the cuordinatingbo~rd of \V isconsin »tateColleges, -and in 196'J be­

,.came,', poI'e-side.nt, of Wis con...sin State University, Su­perior.

He will address a classthat includes one master'sdegree recipient, JohnTanner I and 73 candidatesfor bachelor's degrees.

All seats' will be avail­able to the public except.thos e reserved for thegraduales.

Father William Kleff­man, pastor of >.;t. Mar:,r'sCatholic Church, Wayne,will give the invocation andbenediction. B I u eKe y,men's honorary, will pro­vide us her!' and decor·ations; Cardinal Key, wom~en's honorary, t he mar­shals.


Mercury Below Zero;Then Zooms to 50's

The mercur\' oropped be­low ?ero tht' pa~t week.\lnther :\atllre relented for'he prr ~ winter cold andbroug:ht in temperatures."!'l,MERCURY pc: ~

Commissioners Vote to AllotMoney to LaPorte Cemetery

I al'orte ('emetery, longdeserted, ignored andallowed In deteriorate, i~

to be saved a::-; a historicalsill". The count\" commis~

sioners voted ·Llesday to,dlot fUllOS needed to re~

store the cemetery and topr[)"ide [Dr care over thevears,

\\'avne ('ount\' llistorical....ociet\· Tl1 e TTl h,e r::-; sharewith the commissioner<;thecrNiit for the action. The\\ (' fb c i rc u lated a petitionask i Il g that the countysupen'isors allot moneyfor the project.

Tuesdav President Rob_e rt Boeckenhauer took apetition bearing signaturesof \)(1 freeholder::-; to thecommissioners meeting.He received a warm re­ception and the commis_sioners expressed a wiN...ingness to help on whatthey deemed a worthyproject.

-\ state law provides thatif 25 freeholders in a coun_ty sign a petition rl@QueliHngit, the board canappr~J~ri-_

ate lJp to $250 to save allan­doned cemeteries. WCHSmore than met this andthe commissioners weremore than willing to helpout.

Boeckenhauer said' thecommissioners asked thatthe. WCHS supervise thework in restoring the his.torical old cemetery, whichhe thought members wouldagree to do. Whatever~t!e L.PORTE _ P.>-: ~

l'I1O"e with lig;hting- dis.plays :1 fl' asked to keejllhrll) (!lrnNI on evpoingsthrough \ew year' .... HI least:-;0 peoplp C;:ln tOllr the townam! ~e-e the winning, hon­orabl(' menlion and otlH'rdisplay".

\ decision on the winnerswill be made that night.rhe hU'iband and wife ateach of ~he winning homl~s

will be guests of (,he hi.wani .... ('lub Monda,. nounal which time pril'Ps willhe Pff'Sf'rtlt Pr!.

Three judges will tourthe (it) starling at about'I p.m. They will judgeall hurne~ with exteriordisplays. Mrs. Tom Chit~

te-oden and Mrs. 1\lao San­dahl, Wisner, and {'ha*sH 0<''', La u reI, wil("bejll(!g-e ~.

Wayne'1> ('hristmaslighting will be judgedFrlday evening, Prizes willbe awarded the top threehome~ and honorable men­tion will be given to thenext seven places.

24 pages

\\ inside junior ana "en~

ior high school vocal mus~

ic departments will presenta Christmas programThursday, Del', 2:2, at 7:::Wp.m. in the WIIS gym. Mrs.!'at Kropp is director.

~t r s. 1\ r 0 p pre par t st.here- is 00 admissionc~arge. The public is iln..vt1ted to attend.

Group numbers will beby the junior high girls'ensemble, the junior hig~

choir, lhe senior high girls I

ensemble, the girls' glee'Ticlub, tht' madt:igal slhge,rsand the mixed choru:-.. So­loist s wi 1\ include I\eith

~~de~ee\e.~,~ Jteeow\\~~~~~ca Ii ,>{, I

I·' (l \1 () \\ in g the rE'gularprogram, there will be asing along session of fa­miliar carols. Members ofthe audience will ioin t.hechoir in -.;ing-ing-.


Winside Musi ians GiveProgram lor Christmas

\ Dixon farmer will (ru--this dogs after one experi.encE". fie W;lS lirf' i ,1' It':lrMing the.m h"rk, \elled atthem ttl quiet down, the,lwouldn't '0 he went out tothem ann made them shutur, \pxt morning he foundout \,-;f\\ the\' hao he en ,,0

artHlst'l{. I)~ank~ters haddi'as't'mblen ,1 pilC'cE' ofbrm equipment close tohi::,. house the n:ightthedlllg,;did so much bar'king,

Un the other hand, n\',.a\·ne man m,ay not be ,,0

liSu~", of him,;elf from 110\-\

on. In \"orfolk during thewee' morning hours, heturned onto a (lne~\I.·a\

street. Coming at him wa~a lonlC' car, He stopped towarn·t.he other driver, theothe r car stopped, theWayne man opened his win~

_ dow and told the other dri­ver:'~'Youlre on a one·Wll\lJtreet!" The other driverreplied: "I know I'm on• one-way street. ButYOU1R E going the wrong'Way! Sure enough, the localman had turned at the wronglDtersection.

A Wayne woman wantsto be sure Santa under~stood her t odd I e r. The

~.~i~t:rin~r: li~~i~i~~u:~on Main Sheet and as,ke1for a baby. She hopes San­ta understands it Wa$ a

ba by doll the little ionle"Inta, lind that the yol,lll(.eter was not looking a~ead

to Christmas 1967.

91 sl Yeolr

Vocational Curriculum for'!~al~!~~~!S Approvedtw" ~eldol i•.to bea feature Dec,'s,'on onof Wayne. High School Inthe new school building" L' h· M dtho school board decl~ed '19 ts a eMonday after conferrlDg

with two consullants [,om Here F ,'daythe' state depa rtm ent of edu- rcation.

Walter Erdknmp, direc­tor of trade and industf)vocationaJ education, andLarry Bonner, consultanlin businElss and distribu.live education, we reinWayne fC,lr the day, Theymet first with t.he admin·istralo.r and teacher .. andthen with thel.ndminislrat(Jrand school bo'ard.

After the ttifograrn wasexpla tnedl i n depth, th eboard ditected SUpl. Fran­cis Haun to obtain appli·cation blanks to set' ifteachers can l,e qualified,If they can, the \\avn-eschools ."yil1 be "vocationalin two ways,"

1n bu*ines, t'ducat ion,thl) clJr,lictllum wOldd 11('

expandf'd I(} incluof' a fullyear of ()ffice jlr:1dic{'s(offered vnc :-'(',rnester 001)

1.11 pre'ient); il second yearof ,hort.hand (~h()rlhanrl '1and \1 With lilt' coursf'Sulrf'<!r!Y being offered, tilt'"chool \!.-il1 mt~e\ all r~'·

quirell,cl\lS [or vlH'ution<il1.raining in two areaS. voca-









Page 2: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

.:To the c..ualobl"""i

a snake seemll to tr.v.'at a terrlllc .peed. butin reality .eldom *011more than five mil•• aDhour.

flret mate., Mr ••OllEd Keifer. 101' .... 'and Mr. aDd loire. Do, 'Pr.,ton, pur••r.. :'-,: <';;.:

Next m...tlnl I. JliD. "1;:

st. Mary's Catholic Church(John Flynn, paotor) :

Sunday. D.c. 18: Mall.!10:00 a.m. •

Churches:.,:;M.thndht Churoh, ) ;;'~'

(Richard Burl.... paato'l'~',;"Sunday. Dec. 181 Chu~~'k,

9:45 a.m.; school, 10:4: :-c,a.m.-, ~ ,i~""",

Union Presbyterian Churcli, '(K.lth Coo.k, pa.torl' ,

Slmd.y. Dec. 181 Church.!:9:30 a.m.: school. 10:3,,',a.m.

Red River Valley No. 1~, ~':1'

P·OTA TOES,' 'i[

~. Bag' S 19:',:

Fresh Oysters and LudefiskPLAC EYOU R HOUDAY POULTRY OIOR&)


Cut up, Ib.3~•.

U.SD.A. Choice Chuck , 481 .beef roast ~J~d I~.. .,.~.~.

g~~17~ect beef 3' Ibs~II29~'Lean Loin End ' 45'11pork I roast lb. ",.,

U.SD.A. Choice Rib 6.steak ~l~ed ; lbi I} .,. ,Wimmer:s Skinlessl 96wieners 2-lb.,bag

'· 7.""

Crisp' Crt_,CARROTS

B"N~NAS.G.;....~ y........ .'1'.•/",....e" .ItIIVn-I_I' . " '." \} ,c,"CHIQUITABRAr-lD, :; ,

. Ul. , .,,.,.


Ite lalad.. Th. I••• on."S.lads" wal pre.ent.d byloire. Bill Eby and loire.M.rvln Lo.b. ReedlDIchalrml'o, Mr•• ElmerAyer. presented an artlcl.a. did Mrs.' Chrl. Gral.ledsbUve leader.

Mre. Fred PlIan. will behostelS Dec. 29 for theChrl.tmas party.

loire. K.arney Lack..WIS- hostells to St. Mlry'sAltar Society Thursday Inthe Matt Lack.. home. Tenmembers and Father Flynnwa. present.

Jan. 12 nleeting will bewith Mrs. Floyd Miller.

Ten couples of BeldenPresbyterian Mar i n e r sgroup met Sunday e.veningin the·' church basemcnt.Guests were Mr. and Mrs.LeRoy Bring, wh9 r,ecentlyreturned from a year's stayin Prescott, Arizona.

Officers (or 1967 yearare Mr. and Mrs. CyrilSmith, skippers, Mr. and I

Mrs. Law r e n c e F' uc hs,




t·u. 49clac

D.ce m be r m.nial: ofBeldeD' COlDmerclal Clubwaa held TueedaylDBobohie'. Cafe. '" t.Dtatl"edatefor the visit of Senta ClaUIwae set for Friday, Dec.23rd. pro"idlnl. that B.I.den AllIlox .chool will be

. d 1.81 I •• e d at that time.Com m. r e lal Clubmem ..bera are spoD.orllla fre.coff.. every Saturday af.tarnoon In Bobbh,'. Cafefrom 2 to 4 p.m. N.xtmeeting is J.n. 3.

Il.bekah .Lodl' met Fri.day with 15 membe.. pre...nt. December 15 wae thedate set for the Christmas'party, .H us band s of thememb~rs and Odd Fellowswill be guest.. Mrs. EI­ert Jacobsen was the lun..'eheon hostess.

Mrs. John W06benhorstentertained U ancH-llridgeClub friday. Mre. AlvlDYoung was 1lguest. WiMinghigh .prize was Mrs. Law­rence Fuchs. The Chlis't... ­mas party will be held Dec.16 with Mrs. Bliss Mos••ley as hostess.

Moseley Elevator bowl.Ing team ~eld a Christ­mas party in Randolph Mon­day. Hostes s at the suppe rand gift exchange was Mrs.Moseley.

Team members are Mrs.Fred Pflanz, Mrs. Law.renee Fuchs, Mrs. EarlFish, Mrs. Walt lIuetig,Mrs. Bliss Moseley, andMrs. Drea Chapman.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Helmsentertained at'a supper Fri­day honoring Kelly's fifthbirthday. Guests were Mr.and Mrs. Ted Leapley andMr, and., Mrs. Bill Bran..dow and family, Belden andMrs. Eleanor Bierschenkand Elaine, Randolph.

S i I v e r Star ExtensionClub met Monday afternoonin the home of Mrs. RoyBauermeister with sevenmembers present. Roll callwas answered with themembers repeating favor ..

Grade A Medium


1:~89· i ciffCKENJ(With $5.00 Ord.r or Mo,.) 'Lb. 2 7 c., .


2·Lb. Can $1.393·Lb. Cap $2.09I

Hipolite Marsh'19cCREME Pill .


winner~ was Mrs. LawrenceFuchs' an4 low scorer waS"lrs. Kermit Graf. Jan.25 meeting will be heldin the home of Mrs. MerleGubbels.

Nightingale Club held aChristmas supper and cardpa rty F-r iday evening atRllndolph. Ten coupleswere present to spend theevening playing ten pointpitch. Winners were Mr .and Mrs. Norman Vogeland Mrs. Tippie Froendt.Traveling prize was re­ceived by, Mrs. Cliff Peck.

Mrs. F-ranklin Hefnerwin be hostess Jan. 13.

p,m.Wed n e s d ny, Dec. 20:

Ohristmas concer!, Fl p.m.

St. A.nselm's Episcopal(hutch

(James M. Barnett, pastor)Sunday, Dec. lR: Morn.

ing prayer, 10:30 a.m.

First Chur~h Of Christ1208 East Fourth Street)Sunday, Dec. 18: Bible

~chool, ~() a'jm.; commun..IOn servlce, 1.

Trinity l.uth~ran ChurchAltpna

(E. A. Ringer, pastor)Sunday, Det. 18: Sunday

school, 0:15 a.m.; worshipservice, 10:3(j).

Neal Goodsell, Bloom..ington, Ill., wa.s an .over~ _ ~night ,guest fllday 10 the ,y.

Vernon Goods'ell home. ':1"~Overnight ,r{uest~ Thurs,!"'

day in the C~arles Myer~home were Mr. and Mrs.Charles E. ~eyers and'-1mily, Long trine.

1/ €I r n i g hilt guests Sat..urday in th~ f:d Keife'rhome were Mr. and Mrs.Gene Cook and family, Ce­dar Hapids.

11 e c en t newcomers toBelden are Mr. and Mrs.Merle Dierschenk and fam.ily, Leeds, S.D.

Francis Pfla-nz, who visRited his parents, Mr. andMrs. Ed Pflanz for sev­eral weeks, leftWe.dnesdayto return to his home inWorden, Monti.

Guests Saturday and Sun­day in the Bliss Meseleyhome were Mr. and Mrs.Frank Roe, Beresford,S.D.Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.Mose'ley entertained at adinner at the i Wagon WheelSteak Housel' in Laurel.Guests were:Mr. and Mrs.Cy Smith, Mr. and Mrs.Rollie Gran<!l:uist and son,Laurel, and the Roes.

Mrs. Ted lLeapley washostess to P tch Club. Tenmembers and a guest, Mrs.Alvin Young,lattended. High

BELDEN NEWSM". Duone K,uege, - Phone 985-2832

The Wayne! .HetaldServing Northeast Nebras~a's G~:at Fa~~i:1g Ar20

A .....NATlONAt NEWSPAPER 9~,. 65IAslY>c8TI@~ 1 .. '~j""'''1ii '+" i#!: ,'. I G.nIor., bcefI_ e-t.t

I Nellr.........~

First Methodist C'hurch(Cecil Bliss, pastor)

Thursday, Dec. IS: Pray­er ...:hain, ;) al.m.

Saturday, Dec. 17: Can.:firmat.ion class 1, "a.m.;church school pro g I' a 01

practice, If); ConfirmaLion'class 2,11.

Sunday, Dec. IR: Wor­ship, Fl:30 and 11 a.m.;Church scho'ol, 9:4S;Christmas progr1.lO, 7:30

Mr. and Mrs. DuaneK rue g e r; joined fifteenother couples Wednesdayevening at a smorgasbordgiven by Bleyhl Construc.tion Co., Norfolk.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barkswere supper guests Sundayat the F 1ami n go, SouthSi'bUX J:;ity. Others in thegroup Were ministers andtheir wives of the easternsection of the NiobraraPresbyteria. Following thesupper, the! group went toWinnebago where they atwtended the installation cer­emony welcoming the newminister and his family.'

Joe Gubbels, Randolph,father of Mrs. BernardAr4duser and Merle Gubbels,entered the Clarkson hos_pital in Omaha, Mondayand underwent eye surgeryTuesday. lie returned homeSunday.

A party was held Sundayin the Don Arduser homehonoring Julie's 13th birthRday. Guests were TwilaSmith, Laurel, Connie Con_klin, Coleridge, and Bar­bara ~unter, Randolph.

Mrs. Dave Swanson, Bas~sett, was a guest Stmdayto Tue sday' in the Don Bo­ling home.

Arland ~Iarper, Bridge~

port was a weekend vis­itor in the Robert Harperhome.


Immanuel Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod

c,(A. W. Code, pastor) .'.J hursday, Dec. 15. AUTOGRAPH IME: Show's over ,and f.'nthus.

Ladies Aid, 12:30 p.m. iai;tic voung Wllyne fans /)esiegt' the AlllericLlnSaturday,Dec.\17:Satur.. '

day school, 9:30 a.m. ning mass, church, 7 p.m.;Sunday, Dec. 18: Sunday confessions, p~7 p.m.

school, ~:lO a.m.; w9r.;;hip Tuesday, Dec. 20: Ma';s,s e r vic e,1 10:30; Sunday chapel, 8:30 a.m.school ¢:hristmas prac· Wednesd'ay, Df"c. 21:lice, 2 p.rnl· Ma~s, chapd, 8:~() a.m.;- Cy(), S\ Mar)"" Hall, 7:30SL Mary's ICatholic Church p.m.(William KJleffman, pastor)

Thursday, Dec. 15:Mass, .school chapel, 8:30a.m.; mass, college chapel,.~::Hl p.m.; confessions androsary will be said, 3:45R·J::W p.m.

Friday, Dec. IG: Mass,chapel. 8:3p a.m.

Saturday~ Dec. 17: Ma~s,<.;hurch, R I a.m,; religiousinstructions for childrenattending pub lie school,~:3()w,Cl p.m.; confessions,,j:30-S:30 p.m. and 1:30-9.

'Sunday, Dec. 18: Lowmass, 7,8:30 and 10 a.m.;St. tvbry's Parish Christ­mas Parly, :.;;;t. Mary's Hall,7:-:j() p.m.

Monda):, Dec. 1~): EYe~

finest miniature chocolates2 Ibs. $4.50

, pupil Chrl',tmao party fol.10"lng.

Sunday. pec. 18: Sundayschool and' Bible class...9 a.m.; worship,"TheWoD_derrul,1t 10; WaHherLeague Chrlstmas decQr~·

Ung, ~:30 p .• m.; supper aridcaroling afterwards.

Wednesday. Dec. 21:Junior choir, 6:30 p.~.j

senior choir, 7:15.

SL Paul's Lutheran Ch!JTCh(H. E. Shirck. pastor)Thursday, Dec. 15: Cate.

chism classes', 7..8:30 a.m.Saturday. Dec. 11:

('hristm1a,s program re­he-arsal, 12:30 p.m.

,~unday. Dec. 18: Churchschool and adult classes,

, 9:15 a.m.; divine worship,10:30; children's Christ~

mas progtam, 7:30 p.m.M0nday, 'Dec. 19 through

,"iaturday, Dec. 24: LivingNalivity scene, 6:30~7:30


ayne Church


R.de.... r LutheranChurch(S. K••• Fr..... p••tor)Seturd.y. Dec. 11: Con.

firmation c::Iass6s; secondyear; '9 a,m.; first year,9:30i·thhd year,' 10; juniorchoir, .10:30. C h r I slmasPrarr.1Il practi'ce grades3, ., 5, 6, 9; junior choircoroling. 5.1 p.m.

Sunday. Dec. 18: Servoices, 9 a,m.; adult Bibleclass and Sunday school,10j services 11; ('hristmasProgram, gr'l\les ,1, 4, 5,6, '7:ao p.m. I

Wl'!dnesday, Dec. 21:VIsitors, 1::10 p.m.; Christ­mas program practiceIntElr. and Seniors, 7; youthchoir and chann!! choir,1: 15.

First Baptist ('(lurch{Frank Ped~r',efl, pasLorl

Saturday, l)pc. 17:Christmas I'rdgram re ~

hearsllI, q::1IJ ,I.rn

Sunday, Dec. 1.~~1' Sundays("hool, r):45; \~ ()r,slij,~ serY~

ice, 11; Christ.m£s pro~

gram by the schoolchildren anrl h, 7::l0p.m,

Monday, PI'C 1'I: Nom.inaling CDIlIflJil:l,el', homeof (,Iifforrl I'(·! er", 7:'30p,m.

Wednesda'" 11(',. ~1: \'ol~

unteer choir, 1',Ill.; pfay~

er (ellows;lil' ,: I)

WesleyanMI'1 .;1 ('burch(Fred Warl pa.storl

Sunday, I), ~unday

school, 10 ,I n. \vof'ihip,II; resl 11'>11" ,p rVlces,:.? p.m.; "'llnd,11 School( '" i..,tmns 1'1 '>,~I redt~

lltiort'i, f(':ldl!I~: , :lndchoi r, fl.W('dnl'~dnv, Il('c. ~1:

Prayer Ill>-'" ill!.", '-l p.m.

Grace l.utlH'ran ('hurl'llMisSDUl'I"\!lDr!

(E. J. nernlh:!l, pa~lur)

Friday, ,I)",. 11-: \clultJodrinal i II ~ \' r 1I1 n: jonclass,' 7:30

Salurda,- 1 ;': Juniorchoir, :1:.1(1 clJnfirma-tion instrll\:t nn, 1():31)~

11:30. Pin:l) \,hrislmnsS.S.praciiCt" 11). Teacher~

THE GIFT BOX.. chocolates l'n Ibs. $2.60 "I

Iand butter bans 2~ Ib$, $3.75 1


Page 3: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

IALSO TUES.-WEO ..THUR .• DEC. 20,11122



The W.,ne (.....,.) Me,.W. !hun.....'Dft..... II. ,... . '/;::'Jii:i,}:it,.. , ':'itl:J'!"e'i/:~:'

P.uIStark. N.weutll,. bee. 10: Mr••nd.,~~I·:f; .:100, 8 Ibl., 14 oz., W.kl. Don•.ld Dolph, W.I(t....'.·..••...·.. ~... I,·.

fllld HOlpltAl. a lon, G Ibl., UK .••i,1OIC. I: Mr••nd Mro. W.k.fI.ld HOlpltAl•.c.•..c,,:,'k ...

R.ymond £1111, AllIn, a 0 ••• 10, Mr••nd"""~I":·lon, 9 Ibl., W Ikofilld HOI. Clarlncl St.nll EDler'O!IIi~;plt.I.. d.~lht.rJ. 5 IDI .. " o.!~.';

D.c. 3: Mr. Ind Mn. W.k.fI.ld "o.plt... ... :"'1'·,'I Gary Arm.tron" Ponc., IDle. 12, Mr.•nd Mf"~';'i

10ft, 8 Ibs •. 3~ o.z .• W.k... a.,rald Ott., W.,yft.", .....,~r;itIiold HOlpital. 7 Ibl., Waklfllld Ho.pl_I.I;

nec'., 4: Mr.•nd Mr.. d ~ 'II'"

~::y 7"r::::or7 ~~~n~,z.~ Gun erson-Stiw"W~k::~e~~ lI~":'lt~~ Mro. Wed Here FridClY~.Ronald Whitt, Wayne,s son, '7 lb•. , .c~ oz., Wakelleld Mr.l. Dorio Gund.,.01\{ .Hospital. Wayne, and HarohIW,!·"·'·

Dec. 7: Mr. and Mro. stipp, Wakelllld,. wue·WI I t e r HammOnd Ru. marrlea Do.·. 9·.t FI"~dolph. a son. Hoss James" Methodist Chu'.,-ch'~'W.,ae."8 Ihl., 13 oz., Wayno Hos- Rov. C.cli nil.. offl.4Iiit"pitaI. at tho 8:30 p.m. rltl'" •

Doc, 9: Mr. and Mro. Th. brldo won •..thr.... :"Patrick Shlmoda, Wayn., pioc. boico on.ombl•• "to."a son, Scott Patrick,7lbs:, tondant. lor thl co",.e·9 oz., Wayne Hospital. were Mr. and Mrl. O.or ,

Bartols, Wlkoflold.Dec. 10: Mr. and Mrs. Following a short wi.s.;,{

Dale Johnson, Wayne, adauchter, 8 lbs" Ilayn. ding tri,p, thol·cOUPI. WII.I.'1I0.pital. rOlido at loill WI•• Ln... ·

Waynfl. ''-~'

LADIES' DRESS COATS. Fur trimmed and Llntrimmed, all wOQ!coots with worfn woolen Interlining. Broken $izes from 7 to 16.·We have most ~" sizes, assorted colors and s~yles.

Only 17 of th~l. fine fur trimmed cootl, nCIW reduc~d 1/3 off .Only 25 of th~le fine untrimmed cootl, now.reducecl1/J off .

\STORM COATS. Notiana lIy known brands. Wf only have ~,-:()f.:these fine worm coot~, most sizes from 10.1016. They were pr.Ci;..from $50 to $60, Now Reduced .to V2 Price. I Come early to

the best choice.

Thursday, Dec. 15Immanuel Lutheran AidCardette Club Christmas

pa rty, ·Mrs. GeorgeGoblirsch

Friday, Dec. 16Woman's Club

Saturday, Dec. 17BC Club Christmas par­

ty, Mrs. Harry Heine~

mannMonday, Dec. 19

WWI AuxiliaryTuesday, Dec. 20

Legion AuxiliaryPEO

Wednesday, Dec. 21Pleasant Valley Club,

Miller's Tea Room

Pitch C'h,b Has PartyMonday Pitch Club held

a Christmas lunch.on Sun.day' In· tho home 01 Mr s.Emma lUcks. Guests wereMrs.· Emma',Mau and Mr ••Emma Otte., Prizes wentto Mrs. Otto Saul, Mrs.Otto, Mrs. Hert]'t Groenand M~s. R. . Hanoen.Jan. 9 meeting . 1 be inthe Hans'en home.

Social .. Forecast

Coterie Me.ting Held

Coterie membe.rs metfor a no-host luncheon Mon..day at Miller's Tea Rdom.Jan. 9 meeting will be withMrs. Warren Shultheis.

. 'NC Clul» Party HeldAt G. Krallman H_e

FNC Club h.ld a Chrllt.m.. p.rty· Doc. 9 .t thlGilb.rt KraUl1Iao hom•.Prolll worl won by. EdMe y 0 r, H.rvlY E.ht....kamp, Mr,l. ,hene 0 •••••Mu. Lavlrnl WI.chhof

lMrs. Lavlrn Hardlr.naLydl.· Welorohaullr. Jln.11 mo.tI... will bo withMr•• HerlJ\an Echt.nkamp.

Night at 800 far $300.

Cosh Night Drawing ..

in Our Store Thu.rsday .•

Acme Club P.arty HeldAt Olcor Liedtke Home

A·cme Crub Christmasparty ~as held Monday inthe home· of Mrs. OscarLiedtke. Me m b e r 5 ex,­changed baked goods. Mrs.Georg~ Berres wa's incharge of the prog,ram. Acoll~tion was taken forNeb;a~kiChil.dren's Home.

Jan. It meeting will beat the home of Mrs~ Berres.Members are to bring asack lunch.

Mrs. R. James HostsCameo Wednesday

¥rs. Hoss James washostess toCameoClubDec.7~ Guests were Mrs. WaltMoller and Mrs. Hilda Paw­elski. Prizes went to Mrs.Pawelski, Mrs. MargaretCramer and Mrs. ClarenceKuhn.


'P1an F.br90ry 'RitesMr., and' Mrs. Willi.";'

Nunan, Wayae" &DDOUDC.,the .DI.'~l1I.nt and .n.pro.~ehlnl m.rrl.,o Toltheir daulhter, Loll, ~oJ1m Nuernbera:e'b 50n !ofMr. and. Mro, ordonNuornber,.r, Wak.fleld'i

A F0 brua ry 4 wodd\jlc!ab.illl p1.nned. . "

ttollday Customl ToldAt· PEO.Club, Tuesday

PEO nieeUnl was h.ld;'D.c. 6.ln .th. homo 01 Mro.W.ld,. n F.lb.r. Co.hoilt­ell. S ~,: were Mrs. MarkCramer' and Mr•. E. G.Smith., The .program 1'1 Early Ne~bra 5 k a Christmas Cus­tom·s tl

.' Wa5 pr~sented byMrs. Ruth Claycomb, Mro.Harold. Kemble.wa~ a lP1e~t.

A '1' p.m. luncheon isplanned 'Dec, 20 ..

Officers InstalledAt Rc>yal Neighbors

Royal Neighbors held aChristmas party "la'St Tues..day evening at the Woman'sClub f{ooms. Guests in~

eluded Mrs. Laura Oohr..man, Itmerson, Mrs. AliceHollman, Mrs. Emmaflicks, ~lrs. Lottie Perrin,~rs. leila' Bush, Mrs.Leoffil Foster, Mrs. RheaPile, Mrs. Mary Miller,Kathy Ternent, Mrs. AlvinaBrudi~an, F ran k Heine,R. H.' Banister and AugustLorenzen.

a f fie e r s elected were~1rs. Adam McPherran~

oracle; Mrs. R. E. Garm..ley, "'ice oracle; Mrs.Florerce Siemers. pa stoIacl~; Mrs. R. H. Ban­ister, recorder; ~1rs. JuliaHaas,l receiver; Mrs.Hattia Mc:\utt, chancelor;Mrs.1 Lee Caauwe, mar­shal; Mrs. \\'alter Longe,assjstant marshal;

~1rs. Grace Dawson, in­ner Isentinel; KathleenMcOUigan, outer sentinel;Mrs. Florence Siemers.Mrs. Frank Heine and Lou..eUa IH a n sen, managers;Fa i tlh, Louella Hansen;('ourage, Sue Brown; Un­selfi~hness,I _Mrs. RichardHansen; EnI1urance, Mrs.Julia I Per due; Modesty,Mrs •.! Frank Heine. Mrs •Siem~rs installing of_ficer,



Book l Re,,~':W Give I atMin~ryo lub 'ruT....,Mi~.rv. lub mIt for I

coo.pot.tlVOI'UDChlon Mon·day with MI. A. L. Sw.B.Mro. Raymo.nd Schrolo,rrevie"ed th book, "M.an­ing or10itts,' by Paul Tour-nier. ! '

EJach menjb~r don.ted$}lor·tlie Goo'1 Followl Fund,Omaha. SO~O local roli.dents, will Iso be rem,em.beredi at C ristmas time.Jan. 9 meeting will bo wIthMrs.,W. A. ,Koeber.

I .1

Elsie Kehmus Weds

Donald l~ngnecker .Elsie Rehmus and Donald

Longnecker were marriedDec. 2 at ~. Paul's Luth,rerao, Churc , Winside. 'At,"tendants we e Mrs. DonaldW y 1ie, No folK, and Rich.ard Longneciker, Columbus.

A re,cepHon was held atthe bride's home' with Mrs.Kenneth Gr~mberg as host­ess; The c;ake was bakedand decor,ated by Mrs.Oramberg. I .

Following a'wedding tript~e c:ouple will reside iniV,'inlsMe.

Honor Sandra Meyer

II At Bridal ShowersTwo bridal showers were

'Iheld last ~eek honoringSandra Meyer. j\ kitchen


Shower was held Saturdayev~ning in the Archie Werthome. Games were played

Iwith prizes going to Carollnlecke, She!ryl Hoberts andIMrs. Archie Werl. Host.lesses were Mary ""'ert andConnie Nicbols.

I:\ miscellaneous shower

was held Sundar at theMethodist Church. Host­esses were Mrs. Howard

I M a u, Mrs. Ervin Hage­'mann, Mrs. Don Lutt andConnie, Mlrs. Lester Luttand Conniel Nichols.IDe cor a t ion s at bothshowers were in lavenderand yellow.

Mis s Me y e r will bemarried Dec. 2$ to GlenNichols.

JE Clul» Hn L......... B' hJE Club met Tuesday Irt 5

for a no-host luncheon and ----------- 20".t':~n:1llM!!411ll1.gift exchange at Miller's Nov. 22: Mr. and Mrs. 1M"Tea Room. Prize winners Jim Stephens, Fremont. a _ : ~~'were Mrs. Julia Haas and daughter, Amy Jo, 8 lbs., ,v\llo.,"<N(t ...,_~~Mrs. Herma.n Frese. JaQ. 6 oz. Grandparents are Mr. ",~:==r~ ,10 meeting will be at the and Mrs. Leo Stephens, ~""'''''I.....:J; ITea Room with Mrs. Frese Carroll. CUDJI".~ '" I 1

, ....rbi ·M..... T....... as hostess. Nov. 29: Mr. and Mrs. • ' I I

B"d b' Cl b .t t ~ ~~~~~&!!~~~l!!~~}I1l!!}I1~}I1ol1.!~olI.!~&!!}I1ol1.!lIi"'IIi"'!!Iloll.!}I1I1!IIi"'!!Il"'lI1ol1.!lIi"'IIi"'lIil!ll-.: ee·I 1 or I, u me or i:l lI:~ I' r-: ~i. no.host dinner Tuesday at" \ ~ , ~.,,'IMiller's ,Tea Room. Mrs. , .~

Elverett Fj.oberts and Mrs. Ii I';,', Harold lq.galls won prizes. Ii ..,I Jan. 10: meeting will be wi ,.

with Mrs. Roberts ~.",-,,~J.~7"JJ

I -IJ. I.IThe items listed in this lad are items that we believe you would enjoy havin", 01 an extra "iJ


lor for your personal use. By reducing the prices now we hope to ma'ke you.. Chriltmal DoIlGh.. .:.

I. 0 little farther. ",i Come in and look them over. . 'I j;

II LADIES' DRESSES. We have about 100 dresses selected fr~m ,I'Ji.i our rocks of better dresses. All thiS fall and winter styles. Odd lots I~ and broken sIZes from Junior size 5 to ladles 22'12. Originally :i'

Ii priced from $15 to $60. Now reduced to '12 Price. This assort-, I)~I ment consists of one·· and two-piece styles, Also a few suits. :,,'

: LADIES DRESS HATS. We have selected about 75 hots from'I,•.......I~.~...!..jI our fall and winter stock of fine hots. You will find many colo.r$~.' ond styles to choose from. No two styles alike.. Now Reduced to ·.~ijI '12 PRICE. '-"

! ' PEA JACKETS and CAR COATS. Odd' lots and broken sizes. 'Ii!jI Melton cloth woolens and Fun Coots of man-mode fibers. ·1.··.::.•,·..,J. 5 only Peo Jackets, were $18.00, ......•. Now $8.00 ....~:\II 9 only Car Coats we,e $30 to $35 Now Reduced 1/3 off




I St. Paul's lCW Has,Christmas luncheon

MarY W~rt E~ agedTo larry I Nic~ols~rs. Atchie Wert,

Wayn~.. a/nnounce. the en..gagement of her daughter,Mary, to Larry Nichols,sian of Mr. and Mrs.(;hiarles Nichols, Wayne.

Miss Wert, a graduatt.of Wayne fligh School, isa senior at St. J a s e p hM~rcy ,School of Nursing,Sioux City. lIerfiance,aJsoa WlIS graduate, servedtWit) years inthe U.S. Army.lie is' presently farmingne,ar VI-'aync.

No wedding date has been'set.

Central Social Club~eets at Austin Home

C en t r a I Social Circlemet last Tue·sday with Mrs.Warr·en Austin.·Secret sis­ters were revealed with agirt exchange and new

na!~~:.W~[Je~ rf,:~berstedtpresented the Christmasprogram'. Pri7.e~ were wonby Mrs. Jack Rubeck andMrs. Hay fteeg. Jan. 3l1)eet,ing wi.ll be with Mrs.Chri<.; Baier.

Eastern Star NamesNew Officers Monday

Rec II Old Dolls atSun./tine Club Meet

Su/lshlne Club me~tlng Iwas I hold Dec. 7 at tho 'hom~ 01 Mrs. Fred B.ck.man'. Holl call, was "'theFirst, Doll 'I Cain Rertiem..ber.".' Mrs. Roy Day br6ughtone ~C the first dolls shehad r ~ c e i v e d, fashionedwith a Illetal h.adand stull.ed WdY.

T e birthday songhono~..ed Mrs. Pred Beekrpan.Secret sisters were reveal~

ad ~ith a gift exchange andnew! t,ames were drawn.The, lub will present a

gif.t 1 a resident at Da.hlReti~;e, ent Center.

\ ! c 'vered dish luncheonis p'la ed Jan. 4 at thehome of Mrs. Irene Geewe.



Mrs. Hickerson HasStud.nts in Recital

Mrl. Drva I llickiHsonpreleahd he r pinnd' stu­dent. In a Christmas re­cital Sunda, y at the Womah' 5

club room~<;. (lne hundredrelatives and friends al­tonded.

Taklng part wereMicholle Gadeken, JimOranquLst, JO"yce and Carolllaun, 0 f!. n -a nd D n ph n eRose, Jnnc ,\us'~in, ConnieFlorine, VI a ty Hearn,Barbara and I\ennetl) Dan~

iell, Julltl Pa r!~;

O.lores and Edwin Bull,Sha.roa and Susan Daniels,Gloria llix, I<mil}' Lamp,Carol Crei~hton, I\ay Pier­son, Vir gil Nardell andAlan Meyt'r, all o[ \\ arne;

Lora nnd I.isa Jenkin",Carol and [,arn Peterson,Trixi• .ron~<., ,,~nrl ~anc\'M.orril' (·:lrro't,; ('aroly~Rob e r t .... , \\ a k' 1i e ld, andNancy Jont's, I!oskins.

Mrs. Ili,)\.er<;on pre.sented treaL<., t(J the pupil"at the C!lJ.<.;l' flf lite r,,('ilal.


YOU'LL be pleased with ourlarge selection merchan-

dise selected in the most~ desired colors and styles.

i YOU'LL be pleased witn our

I extra service all tne. little extras that put Swan­

McLean Clothing on a per­i sonal basis ('- a ple,asantII place to shop'.




:Ylr. and Mrs. OrvilleSherry were elected worthypat Tan and mal ron of WayneChaplet of the Order oft~I':aslern Star Monday eve-· ­ping,lUther officers includeMr. and Mrs. Richard

Hilliide Club Holds "ern, associate patron andMe.t ot Greunke's malron; Mrs. Armand His­

cox, conductress; Mrs. LeeHillside 1 lutl held (I {'aauwe, associate con..

Chrislma"p:lrllla<.,I·]lle ..... duclress; Mrs. Hoberl ChriltmalPaJtyHeldday at til,· !JLJIlIl' of \lrs. :vterchant, secretary, and F LogDuane (irt'IIIlI\!', (;lIe_"ls Mr:-..>;lanlcylfansen,treas- or an Homemakerswere Mr ..... IJl'rherr J chten- \Her. Installation will be Logan H~mpmakers metkamp and \1 r .... [>" n t\ i" Jan. 'I. [or a Christmas party Dec.Cireunke. l'ril<' .... WI'1l1 10 \-1r5. [{oss Jamesserved 10 at the Wagon Wheel;Mrs. Marl'ill [lr;'lrlSelkil, a,.... s\Jb"Utue organist; Mrs. Laurel.Mrs. Hf' r III ,1 [I \',thlkall1p \\'. "\. I{oeber, sub<;titute. Prizes at. cards went toand Mr ..... )l \\;1 i lit' Hel,h- chaplain and Mrs . .Jason Mr. and r..lrs. Heuben Mey-wisch. Mr-. I,J ('rone was Pre~1.on, sentinel, at Man- er, Mrs. Ed Meyer, L. II.in'chargt' "I "llIerLlilllllt'Ilt.. day,'~ meeting. Mr.;; . .Tim Meyer, Mrs. Willtr Nolt.e

A dinn!'r i .... phnlled Jan. I-\alller was chairman of and lIarvey Echtenkamp.12 at Hot!,) \!lJrri .... lil1. tbt, hostes~ committee. Next meeting is .Jan. ,J.


I We'll Stand OnIOur Head To =I ' '" ~' ~

it , \\ Plea~e You! ~! ~; ~i AND at Swan-Mclean there ~

L .. d d f I- ~ St. Paul's LCW met forare nun r'e s 0 qua Ity ~ 'Christmas luncheon Thurs.~ day. The program, "The

gift items to please him. ~, Child IV:e Honor," gave anp;; explanabion of the~Chris.

~, mons", ,Christian symbo1l5~ ius e d in decorating the~ ,Christmas tree.~ Mrs. ~1elvin Magnusoll~ was in charge of the pro·~ gram. 'She was assisted

~ 1 ~la M~~:e::~uIM~:~erLu~1i~:~~ S hie r y, Leona Hansen!il! Mrs. Elder Lubberstedt,~ Mrs. Dick Dion and Mrs.~ R. E. Shirck. Gifts were~ presented to the Shircks~ by the, sewin? group, LCW~' and the: evening group.



\~;~ ~'j~


~ Iil.~ I"



~;!·I~IIIt!~ I~~II



I..~.:~:.:~~~!¥¥!~~!!=~~~~.~**~.= ...~~~~~k~~~~_~~~~~n~~nn~


Page 4: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


by Shu/ton

Fill their hearh with hap·'piness this Chrlltmo.morn - with gift. from


we've the gift. theirhearts are set on ­sparkling selection•.fro,"which to choo.. jU.t·right presents Qt i.,.t.right prices. You'll IQVathe ease of lihoppingwith the con,iderate'assistance of our cour·teous "Santa', Helper,."


TOYS TOY :TOYSGifts for Him a~d Her

Make our store yourChristmas Gitt HeadCJuarters.


Coast-To-Coo t StoresPhon. 375.3360


Fair, Board Looking ,'IGreater Use of FaciUtil

'Wlth.lIl(htturnoutpre.. ' .Int, the Wayne County Fair .tooil, fundi at. artl••"'..oclationmeI'Tu.oday for a.valopln,'It'nieht at Melodee Lane's. shands, ree fe.tioal ,.1:Chief' businesl!J was taking and rei ate d pU~Q.':~recommendations on seek. areas.inlf Ifreater u.e of f.ir. n••eloct.d to thr.Ifround. faelllti.s. Election term••• dlr.etOr.of olllca .. and dlscu.sion William FredrlcklOll, Itof federa.t aid were also bert Perry, Roy L.on the 'lfonda. moler. Foil. Dore.y'

Th. group pr.sent rec. Marvin Dun~l.u. OlUc~~~,ommended (Jailing a meet. ate: Leland l{erm.,""'.PI'.~~t·IlIlf of all stockholders of ldent; Mary WII1.t1!,·,j;Y,I~•..","Ithe a •• 0 cia t ion. At that pr.sident; AI B~"l!;';oic.:',,1meeting, turning Over some retnry and manag.r;". :'~Iof the fairgrounds land to Loy, treasurer. All "either the city Dr the count.y hQld-overs except ~'Y.for moder,nizing for rec- wits replaced ,by Ev.rnational use would be can. Hees as hcasur,er dp~sidered. t.he period LflY Wa. (lIun-

d . PJ1gning for oHic.., \It w•• generally .gree l'oullty Agent Harol.cHIl,. , '

that some improvementsare needed in the physical g lis nsked for a 01W:,0,1••• :~1plant. Procedure for ge.t~ in the 4.11 dlvi8ton~,'t ••M'~."ting a change made to get. of gain." The board,.ppto,y", ",r"

county or city help is being ed the plan which w()U14, ".,~'studied. give recognillonford.y-b,... , ;

Fair boardmemberswill tiay record~onpoundsdl.lf"meet with both the cOllnh' average gain for .t.H In-commissioners andtheclt)' tiividual 'sl.ock proj.ech. De. r

council soon to discuss til(' tails ure being sent to 4..8idea. They seek to ,find oul members ~nd will be print. ,

ed in ned week's nefaid.~~~~ a.:i\\onbeth:ns~stg~~~r~~ '< ";1

Heial tor dt>velopmt>nl o( Tu trap in Nebraska allthe area as a recreation in ividual:f; must hlVfI •set.up. lr'lpping f~f'rmil re'ardle••

Fede ra I a id may be 0 UKt'.

souR:ht also. Il is u~der.



............. $795

~.::;l FIRST STEP $1459

Real Smoke, Long Barrel $398DAISY RIFLE .

CUT TO,. $249 ~Jf~~



Church Will Present

Concert WednesdayA Christmas concert ..... ill

be presented at Fir s tMethodist Church Wednes·d.y, Dec. 21, .t 8 p.m.The public is invited.

II'ayne High School mad.rigal singers have beeninvited to present a portionof the program. ConstanceBe e.r III ann and ClaytonSouthwick will be soloistsfor selections from Han.del's Messiah. Diane OIdswill play organ sele.ctions.

Music by Bach, Handel,Imig, Langlais and otherwell.known composers willbe included. Most of themusic is distinctive and nolcon sid e r e.d amQng thecarol·type songs of theChristmas season.

,. ,,



Ph.,ne 375-2600


ClaJde's Standard Service

CHRIS[MAS PRESENT10% Ito' your church








" 'j'409 Main 'to iI' Phone 375-9942

Hefner 3 3 7 3 9Pfund 1 3, 4 3 5Brandl 10 7f11 4 27Folkers 3 4r- 9 4 10

Total 19 18-32 17 56

Show Hoskins IHomeOver 100 attet1ded open

:~~s~h:~~~h~f1:n~t~~~,and Mrs. J. E


Hoskins. II. F. Johnson,Norfolk, was in charge.The new six-ro~m homewas built a bloclk east ofHoskins Main ,'...;treet andis one of several new homesin the communit.Y~

Wayne Siate Wrestlers Win Six of

EXUBERANCE: IIj~h,I{,f1pin)~ dancers of thl' American Folk Ballet typify thl' :lhandt'IlI,(1 ~ill('tv of tht, entire casl liS It performed"Win(pr at Deep ('reek'- for a W:lvne Siall' a\[(hen('('

Ten Championsh,ips in TriangularWayne Sta te w r e stle r s -v-en-s-,"'MC:-o-r-n'-in-g-s"'id""e-,-77-"'4-.-

won six of ten champion. 130-Jeff Meineke,ships in a triangular meet Wayne, decisioned Bob

~~t:us~a~:n~ ~ f~: ~: y a:~ Bason, Morningside, 6.4.Sioux City. The host Morn. 137-Ron Tope, Wayne,ingsiders won the other pinned Tom Shafer, Morn­

ingside, in 1: 20.four weight classes. 145-Rex Phillips, Morn.

Wayne winners were ingside, decisioned BillTerry Artman, Ron Tope,Steve Hanson, all by pins, Cartwright, Wayne, 4.2.Bill Schwarz, Jeff Meineke, 152-Steve Hanson,and Bob Kruse. Wayne, pinned Jim Hen ..

Results in the champion. nager, Morningside, 1:20.ship round: 160-Dick Moeller, Morn~

ingside, decisioned Charles115-Terry Artman, Peters, Wayne, 3-1.

Wayne, pinned G~ry Fen· 167-Dennis Christen.drick, Wayne, in 1:45. son, Morningside, de.

123-Bill Schwarz, cisioned Dave Matthias,Wayne, decisione Sid Ste. Wayne, 2·1.

177-Allen Baxter, Morn~ingside, pin ned HarveyMatthias, Wayne, 3:20.

Hwt.-Bob Kruse, Wayne,dec i s ion e d Les Padget,Morningside, 3·1.

In the consolation round,Gary Walker, 167, Wayne,pinned Vangen of Augus ..tana, 3:31. Bob Hixson,Wayne, lost a 3·1 decisionto Knutson of Augustana inthe 160.pound class.

The r e was no team



Wlnl;"" pYI ...nodColerid,l ~l!•• ,.. for;tit. "'ollly ,..,.• ..u:, DlptOIl tho WHS "oun kfor"10lDlf do... til dll,"t 56....Tho Win.ldl ....r .... w.n~

. dewn to dofeat in the luneway.

The Wildcato of CoachDan Cahill have en. moreIfam. belo.. thl holidaybr.athinc ~·ried th. pre­cod.a that 11I"11 "... Clen­pal.,.. Thoy tatkle Norfolk,Catholi. Friday on the:latter'. court in whalcouldbe a real blttl.. "

Win sid I trall.d 18-\3'a~er one quarter but only32-30 .t the hall. Coloridge

lbroke away to a 44·36 leadin the thitd stanza and .thet~ .. ms played even the finatperiod to preserve that 8­point mar~in,

Keith Kru.g.. and ReedWocker led Wildcat ocoringwith 12 poiate .ach. Brandland Folko.. wore tho I••d­.r. [or the Bulldo(s Iwith27 and 10 respectively.

In the res el ve ,amt,C a I e rid g e a110 took anearly lead and protected it.They had a 13-8 m.rginafter one quarter, 25.14at the h.lf .nd 32.25 .t thetloo orthree quarters, goingOft to take • 42-36 decision.

Doug Deck led the ohoot·ers from Winside with 11points. D..o Witt .dded 9,K i"r k Troutman 8, ScottDuering 5 Ind Phil Wittand Dan Brulfrman 2. ForColeridge, Freriths had18, Domina 9, Brandl andArduse t 4. Nordby and Rob­erto 2 and Hahn. 1.

Following ·Ie the boxscore' of the varsity game:Wioaide 19 ft f ptsR. Jacob.en 2 3. 5 1 7B. D.ngberg 2 2- 3 3 6K. Kro.ger 3 6. 7 5 12D. Longe 1 2. 3 4 4R. Wacker 6 O. 0 512B. Wack.r 3 1. 3 3 7

Tota! 17 14-21 21 48Coloridr' flf ft f ,tsS. Jansaon 2 1· 1 3 5



I" .

'~~::~ ~:J"¥ll': ~~r,I~~ illW.aylne Stat~ (Ie,cks lor 'Living Nativity', Followlnl II thl ...,.Ity V Ch h P '-1~:0,,: f. ft f pt. IWi''ION rth urc ro.-tit~~~~~DD: t; ~ ~ I III ver. 0, western PI~I~:h~:t~::::~:~rS:hGo 10r,lnllll12 2- 3 5 ~6 I Th. f st b..ak, .Ius,v. . will p r I I I n t Its IDnu"G, Eynon 4 0- 1 4 8 ,: lin five ,pr.vious gam.s, at mid-pol"" in the hili, "Llvlnlf Ndlvity" In frontD. Brown 4 1- 3 2 9 1"CIICk.d smoothlyforWayn. the Wildcats zoomed aheld 01 the church for levenII. Swan 1 0. 1. 2 2 stat. Tu.sd.y night in. to the final 27-polnt .pread, days prior to Chrlltmaa

Total 27 8-151960 98·71 conquest 0.1 N'rth- ·wide.t of the Ifa~e. alfaln thi •.year.

~'Urill ...' It"· I pta I we.tern (;ollege. Strathm'an finished with The youDlf people take

. " PjMJI,.11I '. O. 0 3 16 . It ~ooll awhile to .begin 26, hl~ collelfe ca..er Peak, turn. in Itandllllf at the., ,~Ildl",", ., 3-' .1 16 I meahlOg, a b o·u t m,dway and Hintz pOlt.d hia ....on maDlfer aettlnlf "lfardle..

• -,••kell 1 O·.P 1 2 through t,he first h.lI, then high with 17. Parkl n.tted of weat~er They plan toH. C.lcav••• 4"7 4 8 the br eak,lifted Wayn.from 14, Johnston and Hope 13 have tha dltplay Monday.D.·.BI.tch'" 3 t-7 211 a ••••s ••'\' b.ttle to a 37.29 ••ch. D.c. 19 through SaturdayV.!la.ha 3 3•• 2 9 inter m i"',ion , with major Dav. Sikkema led the Red D.c. 24 from 6:30 to 7:30

·T_I 24 14.29'1) 62 , • cor i ng, .venly divided R.id.rs with 21. p.m. •,~,'.... ,,'~ among Bo,? Strathm.n, Joel W.yne, 2.4 for the sea- R'lfardl.a. of the w.ath.

..... Parks snd! Dave JO,hoston. !?o~. now rests t~rou&,h the er,· :Luther League mem-The same margin con- fmsl exam petlod and a bers' have stood their sta.

WIns, ide T~-j.u.~, tinued fOIr another eight brief C?hristmas holiday be- tions in the past Many811III." minutes or, 500 afterthehalf fore preparing' for the make a spec~al, eiforl tountil Strathman, Bob Hope annual Christmas Holiday vifi:it the scene and parkand Ron 1'1 i n t z hit the tournament Dec. 29.30,. 10 aU members of the'fam..throttle with an amazing Northwestern has a 2·5 i1y Can fully understand,herrage. From a 64·53 lead season mark. the effort made to present

this display.In addition to live people

iJl the scene, live animalsare also used. It is one ofthe best·known and mostrewarding efforts of itstype in the area.




of the

Th. W,vne (


Roller Rink



'The Soundof FATE' I

B.~.rin L(lure' Lpili... Last Foes of IY

,Alt. r Its raUld .owinlf I throw with 9 ••cond. eft..gainst DaVidCltYAlUln.. , II' ayn. caUed time~,out.II' .yn. Hilfh •.how dim· work.d out a play. h. thlprove mont in 101lng 0 Lau- ball under the ba.k.t forr.1 62-60 Tuo.day " Ifht on • o~ot .nd never Ifot I offthe Laurel court. W er••• I JlS the' game ended.Aquinas had not won, gamtl It s •• med like old tl ••prior to the tilt ner" Lau.. with Oeor,e Eynon ce rllrei is still undeloa\.d fol. reboUDd~ twice In the I..tlowing Tuesday's two..polnt ~ five minutes, firing ownescape, th~ floor to Gordie, Jor,en.

Coach Harold Ma~iejew. sen who went iniforlayups.ski's team takes tothe road With Lynn Lessllllann andagain Friday and Wednes. Dave Brown also on theday for games at Pl4lnview, court, it was almost theand Papillion. This Iwill be • same team that won sothe last aelion for ttpe Blue{)evil~ until after t~e holi. ~:;; ~;:ne~:ss~r:::u~e:;days. blocking several shots be.

Tuesday night Laurel had I fore they had .one far andbuilt up a 10-poh'lt lead Bob Mprris wal one of thebefore the Devils found best ball handlers on the'themselves. Tra.ililng 22. court until he fouled out.12 as. the se~ond quarter Br'own had 12 reboundswas y¥ng, they made 20 to lead in that category.points 'while holdil1lg Lau. .Jorgensen had 9, Eynon 8,rpl to 2, making the rount Swan 6, Morris 4andLess ..l:!~2·1 in (av9r of Wayne. mann 2. Jorgensen stole

l.aurel led!20.12 after the ball 5 times, Brownone quarter bU~I,Wayne was 2 d S L ndin front 32-21 it the half. M:~ris w~~, B;~~~a~: 6r he lead had been cut to as'sistl'l, Lessmann 4 andI ~}-,l,l by the end of the Eynon and Mortis 2. wAetllird period but Wayne was" outscored Laurel 54..48,>till in front. Outing the from the court bul com.fillal stanza, the score was mitted more fouls arid LHSknott ed four times. Laurel hit 14 of 29 free shotsWf'nt in front at 58·56 and while WHS could connect\\ avne never led again, al- on only 6 of 13.thuugh the teams were tiedl In the reserve tilt, Wayneat (;IJ_!i() with less than a also lost out. The localsminute to gu. t r a i I e.d 19.11 after one

Lynn Lessmann tied the' quarter, 28.11 at the half,cotUtt by hitting two freEI 42.36 after three periodsthrows with 1:1~ left. NicW and 58.50 at the end of the("alcavecchia put Laure~ game.back in front with a free' E a C h team mad e 40throw when 43 seconds re~ points by field goals butIIlliint'd and Denny Blatch.. Wayne hit 10 of 23 freeford added anotller frefl shots and Laurel managed

1R of 32. While both gameswere lost on free throwsand Laurel had the mostfree shots to shoot, theBears profited by hittingthe first one of the bonussets to gain extra chances.

Dave Tietgen led reservescoring with 16' points.Charles Fisher and SteveKerl -had 8 each, HarryLindner 5, Larry Hix andTom Denesia 4, Steve John­son 3 and Joedy Hoo«ner2. For Laurel, Brent Fahn.stock had 21, Tom Erwin15, Doug Felb~t. 6, Le.Oal1l 5, L~,r".r,.<".'!in¥t~4.'

1f14li:~14li:U!¥~~~1lt:f.::':to'u.~~•• :f.::••~••__•••••••I.•" •••••"'_."~,,

~ This Year ~;ve I "' I!Food fbr Christmasl~ EVERYONE LOVES FOOD iII

~ A Gift that Evtryon. wiD hlo,~ I~ give a =II f Food =~ Gift Certificate or IIll.. IIll.. IIll.. IIII ••• Takes 0 Minute to tuy IIII •• ~

II •••• No Mistakes III Sizes =~ ••• ,. IIII •••• • A Gift for the FOlllily ~

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~, The Finest Christmas Present ' • ...... tI~ You Can Give •••• -/II ••••II •••~ •••• COMPLETE••~ , ..." ..i ...II1I1I1Iit1I

I ARNIE'S'i . WAYNE'S OLDEST, HOME-O~·LNED $~.IR ~ltlTr .... ­

L1~34 Mail! :'JUIt Across from the C~lege c::Dui·· Phone 375-2'

Page 5: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation





'Wayne, Nebra.k,aCITY AUDITO~IUM

1110"" In I nltwork Ol'l!~'::10li', m.lnderln,. ch.......,,;durIn' much or th•. >'I~;~··Durl , the dry ....on, lb' 'rl'.r would olt.nblo~o.'dry ..c.pt lor lIe.li.,"Wit. hoI... Th. low.,~.of th .t,,"m Ind thl lea,,",..~ I lOiter U.UII1,ylnO"'::' "-..d a '.IY c rOlllq. ',:

H w••er, wh.n rlclntrain hid .woll.nth.,'ver,no !I eh ....y'ero••in' w...pOlS bte. But even wh.n.wol.n with flood ","t"rtho river was ulual,iy nOtmor thin about thr.1 II.td••p. Th. cro.. ln'''11mid. dang.rou. bl'th•swiftness of the cU'.rr.nt andby t~e heache.roul ••ndybbtt(~m. In plnce .. , thl ....andIl.h~••d Ilk. quicksand_ ItwI ~ neceuary It •.uch.t I m~.. to hitch .1.lrlltea • to a WD.IOIl,' 10, th.t;if n. of the teaml hit I

~:~ ~ t~. ~~ck;:~~ . ~t~lihop fully lind I sal. foot.

I Inl., A traveler recordedlh.tl It one. look rllty min.utes to get It Ilnlle wa.Oft'aC~8s the river wh.n atH.o stage. ,

A. timu when the ero••­Ing wag difficult, can'tld'.'­ablle traffic cOllge8~lond.""v.lop.d .t tho ford. It WI'not Uncommon for, twa-'-Orthr~e wagoo trains to'-hay,eto \-fait while anolher wllilQntrdn made the crossh~l.Onat liCast one !luch o.eca8io~!theltravelers are recordedas .having a buffalo huntdur:ing their enrorced wal't­ingl period. For 80me oflhe west-bound emllran~8,

the experience of fording{h. South Platt. Rlvlr Itlh. I.owe r . (' a 1110 r n laer SI.lng was looke,!! uponas he most dangerous partof t eir journey,

Here's relief foryour aching mus~les ...an-hydraulic control of tractor­implement operations .. ,


... exclusive on John Deere3020 and 4020 t~actors



Wayne HeroldWant Ads


116W' 1

Iy the hom. 01 wild turk.y,.Ik, Ind d•• r, but todlY Itconilin. only d•• r b..ld••the more, common _man,"m. Ininjll •. Th. r.,lonII .1.lt.d ennuilly by ml,_ratory waterfowl and I.the refule of quall, ph••_sanh, and many varitltie.of .'on.birds.

With the compl.tlon 01thel Gavin's Point DamDevil's Nest aClqulred lak~fronbge-on Lewis andClark l.ake, A ,recreationalau,.. is under ...iconstructlonthere.

Crossing Th~ South PlatteRiver I


The libr. elY of the N~br­aska State HistoricalSociety contains 11 largenumber of boPks whichdeRIwith tht, ha rrllships r.llced b)

~(;a\~~e~~m~1 o~h:he~~e:~~firRt-hand aCfounts, othersare dt'rived from first-handaccounts.

'The wagon trains whichctoslied Nebraska 'in the :'m,id-l ROO'" generally fol.lowed the Oregon Trail. Irhis t rail .. An westward ialong the south bank of thePlatte Hiver from a pointea~l of Fort Kearm' to thefor,ks of the Platt~, thenalohg the south bank of lheSouth Platte Hiver. Approx­imately four lo four~and-a­

half miles west of the pres_ent town of Brule, Nebr¥aska, the lrail crossed theSouth Platte River. It thenran northwest to the valleyof the North Platte Hivcrand followed that river intothe mountains.

The ford across the SouthPlatte Hiver was firstknown as the CaliforniaCrossing, Later·,! after"theUpper California Crossinghad come into use twentymiles upstream, the orig~

inal for d waS generallyknown as lhe l.ower ('ali­fOTl'\ia ('rossing.

During much of thl' sum¥mer, the South Plalte couldbe crossed without toomuch trouble. The river

Devil's l'\estIn'the filt>s o( ~he Nebr.

aska State IIi sJo ",r i c a ISociety are occas;on~1 ref~

ert'nces to an are" in rorth~

ern h.nox County - ejast ofthe town of ~iobra~a-"'nownas "Oevil':-.l'\e-st."I,:\It!lOughmany areas in thll" UnitedStates which hav~"I),~\il"in their name's are desolateregions without tees', andwith very little folia~e o'fan\ kind, Dcvil's; ~e$t isan area of rugged terlraincovered with vegetation anddotted with trees. Becauseof the extreme ru~gedness

of the area, it has'not beenfarmed and remains in astate of wilderne$s. :\'ebr~

aska's Devil's r-,·Ir-"t is abeautiful and pi9turesque~pot, very unlike whal itsname implies. ;

1 }le firsl whit~ man tohave left a recotd of histravels UHougHl Devil's

~~~~tot;l~~u ~J ~~na~seilr~~cn~~~as Jacques Macll~Y Lo hisFrench associate$, Mackaylraveled throughi Devil'sNest in 17 f jfj, the year .John\dams W:lS elected to 'iUC¥ceed George Wa--.;hington aspresident of the [,' nit e d"'itates.

In lhe early part of"ieptember, UW.I"the Lewisand Clark Expedipon pass~

ed Devil' s t\es~ as lheytravel~d up the ,MissouriHiver. In his jourhal, Clarknoted the presence of thehigh bluffs which a latergeneration w 0 11 ~ d nameDevil's Nest. I

According to Ideal tradi ..tion, Oevil's Ne~t got itsname because it I was usedas a hideout by oullaws,including Jess¢ James.rhis story may be found <?

sev'eral places 'ip the lib~

rary of the Nebraska StateHistorical Societ~, but itis impossible ~o knowwhether or not t/he tale istrue.

Lege-nds and storiesabound concerning theDevil's Nest area. To thewest of Devil's r'est maybe found 'IMaiden's Leap."This was suppo -edly thescene of an Indianlmaiden' ssuicide after het belovedfailed to return frdlm battle .However, the fi1rs of theState Historical Sf"ciety re4veal that the "Ie end" wasoriginally started as a jokeby an early Knox Countyresident. Today, the jokehas become accepted astruth and krs found ils wayinto several historical a<r~

counts.Devil's t\est waS former¥


III carp.ntry, bIIC~Dllt...IDe, Ipr1ntllll and I rlcul­turej for drl., eou ,t••• in••willl, eookinc and laun-d.rl.... I

Th. prlntllll pr... 01lb. Slnt•• Normll Traln_Ill, School WII und topub­U.h bookl.ts Ind ml..lon­Iry lItlratura, both ~ En,_U.h Ind In the 1"",",.of the Sioux. Thre. new...pap.r. were 'abo ~rlnt.dlb... , In En,li.h I~d thoSioux llngul,•.

At It~ hl'h poInt, thoIchool bolltod 18 b~ndlng.

Ind 480 aero. 01 lind. Inthe late 1880's, e¥'oillmentwas over 200. inaneialdlfficultie sand 10 S rOf gov­• rriment SUbSidie~ Iforced'a limitation of en ailmenthowever. Event.ua.lln finan~clal difficulti.rll f r~.d thoclosing of tfu. s hool in1936. I


Wayne High at PloinviewPr~limin~ry G~m~ .t 6: 15 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. nWayne High ot Papillion

Prelimn.ry G.me .t ':15 p.m.


Wayne High Freshmen ot Stanton4,30 P.M.


7th-8th Grade Boys Club at Norfalk CatholicUJOP.M.



Wayne High Christmos Concert! ~ City AuditDrium - 1:00 P.M.



,. 409 Mai.. ~. ..-. 5-~

"'chool was founded in lR70hv the Heverend Alfred L.H·iggs, a' Congregationalmissionary whose fatherhad also been a mission¥a r y a mong the Santee Sioux.Ry,~lthe HL~{),s and 189rl t


t he Santee had come to beregarcfed a~ leaders in In­dian education ..

·\t Heverend Higg:.,' deathin l~n(j, a Santee .'-..,iouxminister recalled the fol¥lowing: "When I first sawDr. Higgs I noticed tha"t hewas riifferent from th~

ot he r missionari(>~. Theothers all paid much at­lention to the adult Indiansbut here was a man whoseemed to be giving mostof his time to gatheringthe children and younKpeople .... F rom that train~

ing of the children a newand different. generation ofour people has grown up.The educational work thatDr. Riggs began in a wayt.hat looked to us very un¥important has grown to bethe greatest blessing to allthe Dakota people." Riggswas ~ucceeded by his son,Frederick 13. Riggs, whoserved as principal of San_tee r\ormal unt.il his re­tirement in 1933.

'The Santee Nor malTraining School becameone of the most importantand influential il1'Stitutionsfor Indian education in thecountry. The graduates ofSantee Normal includ'edministers, missionaries,teachers, nurses and en~

gineers, as well as farm.­ers, workers and house_wives. The school attractedstudents fromSiouxres¥ervations throughout theGreat. Plains and fromother Indian tribes as well.Olle person estimated thatnearly half of the pastors,t.eachers, government em­ployees, and other leadersof the Sioux were educatedat Santee i\ormal.

.\ booklet published bySantee r\ormal, now in thepossession of the S tat eHistorical Society, lists thecourses the school offered.:\mong the courses listedwere history, English lit­erature, physics, chem¥istI.y, mineralogy, zoology,botany, m <1 the 01 at i c s,music and drawing. Forboys t.here wer'e courses

Phone 375.9942

ut of OldNebraska

,'-..,antee ~ormal rraining'-..,chool

The 1ibrarv of the Nebr~

aska Slate Ili:-;toricalSociet\ contains a largen u Tn be r of booklets andnewspapers printed in thelanguage of the Sioux In¥d ian s. rhe publicationswere printed at the Santee:';ormal Training School,east of ;\iobrara, in KnoxCounty, ~ebr:l<;ka,

In 18ilr,'-v1ihen the SanteeSioux. were given a res¥ervation in -\vhat is nowKnox (' ount), they facedan uncertain future. TheSantee Normal Training

ness du ring the senioryear. Ilowever, the twohours would not have torun conseculively each day.

Basically, the plan boilsdown lo \\ a.yne being ableto offer courses in busi~

ness and indu<;lrial artswhich will allow pupils lofollow t.hrJJugh from yearto year and when thpy com·plete all lhe parts of thecourse thpy will pos<;es<;usable ~kills that will pre~

pare the rn fur the jobmarkd.

I n addition, imlustrialeducation courses can bekeyed to train pupils inalmost any area indust.rymay wi:-;h. If an industrialfirm would locate here,courses could be added orenlarged to emphasi7e thetraining nepdt'd ta workwith that firm. Vocationalinduslrial pducatioDcourses have a high degreeof flexibilily to med theneeds of the communily,Supt. llaun poinls out.

Through the \'ocationalEducation -\ c l 0 f 1963,funds would be availableto Wayne to fla,Y one¥halfthe cost of all equipmentand mat. e ria I deemednecessa ry to teach voca­tional classes. Funds wouldalso pay an amount equalto on~-half the qualifiedteachers' gross salarieswhen they teach recom­mended and approvedcourses. rederal money al.lotted through the act forvocational education is ad.ministered by the state.

supt. Haun said the needfor additional teacherswould be determined bythe enrollment. If therewere to be an appreciableincrpase in the coUrsesinvolved, new teachersmight have to be added butthe malching funds madeavailable would offset anyincrease in salary costs.


WH Leading Scorer







large g""-lps. Pi('lUf('~ of lht, olht'r" \\lll hl' printed in forthrommj?, t>dltion" of Thl"Herald Dlfe<'l.orot Ihh dl<Jlr I~ \\JiII,llI1 '\]('.\Jurln ~ho\\J\ \talldlnf! ill ('.,tn'IlH' nght

(CIIIl\lIlUt'd frllill Ill; 1J


Complete Details and Playing Cords ot


(I Wayne High

I Papillion





Dr. Jones-

Vocotiona~ -

a demeanor which encour­ages student participationin the learning process,"ears which will listen,eyes which radiate enthu­siasm and a heart full ofgenuine love for young boysand girls."

courses were taken in ('l:1i­cago and Dcnver.

Dr, J ones was county andcity physician, a memberof the boa rd of examiningphysicians and surgeons in\Vashington, honorary lifemember of the OsteopathicAssociation, Pr-tsbyterianChurch member, 32nd de ..gree Ma son and active inIzaak \\' alton.

He retired from prac ..tice four years ago. Sur ..vivors include his wife,two daughters and fivegrandchildren. ;\ full obit~

uary appear" on an insidepage.

\ rOlltllllldt fr'lTlI p~ 1,

t,jonal clerilCal pJ:,ogramsand vocational stonOgraphicprogJams.

The curriculum would:hen offer introduction lobusiness in two coursesand typing in two courses:0 sophomores, bookkeep­ing, shorthand and typingin two courses for jun­iors and office practices,shorthand in two courseslOd office internship for:;eniors. Optional business:ourses would be businesslaw, office machines and:::onsumer economics.

In indust rIal education,he curriculum would benoadened to include unitsJnder the "cluster plan."Drafting, woods, eledric¥ity, metals, power mechan¥ics, graphic arts, drawingand industrial crafts wouldbe available.

The "cluster plan" pro­vide s n i n e - wee k unitswithin a course. Insteadof taking "Metals" a fullyear, "'it would be a nine·'week portion of a full yea r' sCOUfse. Other units couldbe offered during the ot,hernine¥week periods of thecourse.

Under the vocationalplan, in the senror yearin industrial vocation at\'\'o¥hour period would beallotted for every day ofevery wf'f'k throughout theyear. These would be con¥~eclltive hours.

In business vocation, twohours a da) each weekthroughout the year wouldhave to be devoted to busi~

...... ~10.00


Wayne f-ochool board areblock subject areas; en ¥rj.chment electives(foreign

~~f':::,e~()~~p~~~~" ~!K:art, drama).

Mid dIe school testingwill be administered byt.he high school guidance

I d ire c tor. Se venth andeighth grade pupils willhave home room teacherswho will have some per¥son a 1 contact with eachchild assigned to him. Eachhorne r'oolll teacher wouldbe pro v i d 'e d with groupglJidanct' units to be pre~

sen ted wee k I y to theseventh and eighth grades.

The high school guidancedirector would be respon¥sible for eighth gradforientation. This would begiven prior to the timethese pupils enroll in highschool.

Wayne \1 i d die Schaulcur ric u I urn would bespecially designed to meetlhe nee d:-; of adolescentgrowth and would stressc h a r a c l e r development.J'ran:-;ition from self¥con­

lained lo departmentalizedclassroom" would thus begradual.

Emphas is will be placedon continued d~velopment

of ::-.tudy and lis ten i n gskills. Supervised study un.cler the expert teacher willbe used rather than thet raditionaJ study hall. It ishoped the library can bestaffed with a librarian whois also a certified teacher.

Constant evaluation willbe made of all programs,proje.cts and experiments.

\,'MS staff members willbe se.leeted with the follow­ing qualifications in mind:V\' i1ling to try new teachingtechniques a nd methods;de:-o;ire to lea rn constantly;ability to work with groupsfor cornman goals; under­standing of evaluation,toolsand the need for using them;

Ability to explain "whatis going on" to the com¥m u nit y; adaptability toteach in an atmosphere ofchange, query, evaluationand challenge;

:\bility to recognize goodteaching when it occurs;

N~)t Shown

D.Duf"!,)j~ Cail

<,i't'll l~cld ,\Ith bldCk ediil1ng

~ l-~~n! nental" ClutchB)" Pdrtlte'" French Purse ,.t ,---' 'hdretle Case-L ~,HE'tte L,ghter .


u:tt0 i\lA [) ~~ Ac('{'s";OI-j p~

REGISTRAR· Billfold .• $ 7.50

S~V:'~~M6f{DRUG1Iob· Lund. Ph.rmacist and Owner

JI22 _in Sr. F,... OttliYe Phon. 37$.1

High ... cho(Jl will includegradt"'; ttine through twelve.

...... (llne ungraded classesan' planned in .middleschuol. Ih "ungraded" itis not meant the pupiLswill Jlllt bi' graded. Theywill gel grades and theywill uri JIg home reporlcards. However, thev willbe placed ill classes on t.h~

leVI'] of [\rhie\'('l1\('nl (nol\in /;{radtl:-' fin', 'iix, .... even,eig-h!) and until .1 childal'flievl's proficiencY in asllhjt'cl lif> will cont inu£'t(J stud\' that cllur:-;e. \'vhpnhe flchif'\'t'~ proficiency, hewill mon' 011. I.ikf>wise,in nine 'Wl't'k perillns tho:-;ewho do achieve will moveon to further studies, pro­gres sing as abi lity perm its.

\t1odplar scheduling i:-; lobe used, rhi~ mf'allScourses Id les:-; than one¥huur will be offered, Forinstance. it has been shownthat in learning languages,~

little is retained after thefirst 3{J minutes so anhourcarl be diviried into three2\1-minlltr modules. In aSt'\ t'n-hour ... d100! day, 21fllDd1dt,s art' po:-;:-.iblf'. Thi:-;will gi\'1' lhe :-;choo\ mor,~

fl('xibilit~ in ... dwdlllingac¥cording til neE'd:-. and·t'ffi~

"it'll,',.I (':..1m (t'Jching i:-. to bf'

inall~llrated Ilil .l lirnHedb:lsi", I 1;':1 III '(('aching intht' llrdinaf\ me:\ning ofttlt' Ltngllagt;> me rpl,\ sug¥ge"ts ratinn amongteacht'r'- 11\(lft'specifi-call,\ it (',Ill... fDr a groupof teal'hers \\'ho work to­gethpr in bl:'half of thf'tof'alnumber oj l'hildren thevreprpsent. ,Ind are respo~­siblf' fIJI'. 1 he idea of teamteaching ,;t rt's,;es sharedrespon$ibilit, andcoopera¥tiv(' effoct uf a gcoup ofteachprs \\(lrking closelytngE't hl! I' [Ilr :\ c(}mmongnaL.

l.earni~lg ("enter" wouldalso be dn'eloped. Seventhanr!. eightih gradE'S would bedepartm~ntali7eri to someextent.

Peing qudied b\' the

THE COll...:EGIE CHOiR from W~vnt' SllI\{> Collew' tnok part in the ChristmasmU)i/{'1l.1 P["(I~('llll'd '-.1111(1;1\ [1 \\:1\ I'tlfJt.o~raph(·d h\ I.VI!l<ltl StudIO <llon~ \\'llh (Jlh('r

Concept ....,



Page 6: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

. '


,' ,

! '"

"•. ";:,,:,'I:" 't.

Pictured are two of ,·the many,,' . ,

, -J~ Farm Sales so successfully advertisH'

, , through ,The Wayne Herald One -Stop

Farm Sale Service

, '! ' I'



THIS IS· HOW IT'S DONE1. Sale Date Uisted Weekly in

,The Wayne Herald FREE


2. FREE Handbills forDistribution

• • •

3. Adve'rlising Space In .The Herald

; PLUS - Weather Insurance at No Extra Cost!i ,


s. FREE Assistance In PreparingYour Sale Listing .

4. FREE Arrows To DirectBuyers To Your Sale

PLUS ~ Brigh,t, 2-Color Ads of.l'

, I.'I, \, "!

Your Farm Sale in the ~ewspapet if.You WiSI1';'"! I! I'I I' I"

! .", I

Don't Gamble ... 4dvertise Your $al~ '1I I 1-

! • i ,'I" ,, I ':,,'I ( !

THE WAYN¢, HERALp',, I • 'i 't " !

Page 7: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

S,.nd a



i~ anI

~ -1 1

. I


64 Ford Custom

4·door S.dan, VAl. Aut.~

m.t1c, Power SI.,rlne ,ndPower Br.k..

2.door Sed.n, 4.,pHfI; a.·dl.

4·door S.d.n.Stick•••dio

4·door SIMI.n, V·I, ••dl.,Auto,m,tle

4-door Sod.n_ Autom.tlc"R,dlo, .r••llw.y

62 Mercury4-dNr Sod,n, R.dlo .....m.tlc. Air cond., _.t..rlng, pow.r brak .

63 Ford Galaxie

i·door Hilrdtop. y .••••dl.,:Autom.tic

63 Mereury



Y·I, 4.dOorR.dlo

4·door Sed.n, Y·I~ Autom.t.ie. R.dlo '

61 Chevrolet Impala

4.door Sod.n, R.dio, st•••.rd tr.n.ml..i~

6S Volkswagen

4-door V.I, Auto.. • .,-Ie

62 Chevrol.t Impala4-doof Sedan,' V-I, A......,R.dl.

4-door Sed.n, V-I. Avr.m.tic. Radio

66 Ford Galaxi. 500

61 Corvair Monza

6S M.~cury


WORTMAN'S:66 Ford Galaxie 500

6SMustang2·door Mudt.,. V.I, ......,4·,p.ed.

60 Plymouth

6S Ford Galaxie SOO

60 Ford

M»D.......·1..;/..",-., ....,

60 ~lIIobile

• 4·door, .... rdtop, Autom.t·Ie, R.dlo


u.s. Government



field, closingoutfarmsale,big line of machinery (in­cludes four tractersl; 200head of cattle, six mileseast and one mile northof Wayne. Nixon, Trdut­man, Lage, Auctioneers.state National Bank, Clerk.


roll, cJosinj:{ out farm sale.nine miles Wf'st and onenorth of \\' aynt>. Troutman~nd 1. age, \uetioneets.Farmers State Rank, Car_roll, (' Ie rk.

TflURSDA Y I JAN. 5, EDSANOAIIL. Wak1efleld,

closing out (arm sale, fullline of machinery, somehay and alfalfa, four mileseast, ~,; south of Wayne.Ivan Nixon, Wakefield, andOrville Lage, Pilger, Auc­tioneers. St ate NationalBank, Wayne, Clerk.


"HOMI:l7S._ .1IlI •• .I,r

c...... YOU. 'ARM.Clal", Your I." D_••I.rly ... ~hock""'"

D.t.. 'l"tI

.,-fl!([,Im .. "

'hit ()ppvrfur "'I'

to h<ll"dl. you, 0rd&'\


pU'll,,,pt or r.,d,'-nfJ"on

WQHDS, CANNOT expressour gratitude for all the

many acts of kindnegs ex­tended to us' at the timeof the lOBS of our preciousmother. Accept our verysincere "Thanks." Thesekindnesses shall never beforgotten. The Hanks d15

TO ALL WHO sent cardsand letters and visited

me at the hospital, J ammost grateful. Thanks b;:JDr. Walter Benthac~ andthe nursing staff fo~ theirwonderful care. MabelPflueger. dl;


Stote NotlOnol Bonk

WE WISH TO EXPRESSour sincere thanks for

the cards, flowers andvisits during the last ill.nes s and following the deathof Hans Tho m 5 e n. Ourgratitude goes to the pall­be are r s, honorary pall­bearers, Pastor Muellerand the Trinity LutheranChurch Choir for theirservices. The many ex­pre s s ion s of sympathywere deeply appreciated.Mr. and Mrs. HarryLamprecht and family. dI5


THE WAYrE HERALDPho"e 315-2 00


DER, (;lqllinIPutr.rm lilli,

i> ·mll' no'rth' and on. mil.west of Pender. Olle..!'inglull line of bl. machinery;100 head of cattl•. L. J.Callaban, Pender. DickKane, Wi sn,e r and IvanNixon, Wake[ield, Au~tlon­eers, First National Dank,Bancron, Clerk.

Your car will toke you 'there and bringyou back sofely?

Remoye those doubts \low, before youstart an the trip. D,ive intodClY fo, a check-upand a compl~te Mobil lubrication and oilchange.

,. F.I. LI,tl.. In the .......p.p.r"1 C.......r of Coml..

~:~.~~.t~.f::::~ t dolt.

2. Your FlEE ,.II. bill print.ed in bright .Ni ...ort'"colon 0' r.gul.r ul. billp.p.r.

3, FREE f.rm ul••rr•••with your n.m, imprintedon them to dlr.ct dr.n,.,.to your farm ul•.

MAY I TAKE this meansto thank everyone who

helped me in the contestat Swanson's T.V. Alsothanks to Mr. Swanson forthe cloc~ radio. Me,rry'Christmas and a Happy NewYear! Mrs. ConMunson,d15

FOR INFORMATION ON IN.vestment in a Nebraska

Corporation that pays ~%semi-annually - call orwrite, C en t r a I FinanceCorporation, Box 467, Nor­folk, Nebraska 68701. d8t4

FOR SALEHardware and appliance ~torc•doing a good business Inven·tory, furniture and fixturl's Ill­

eluded in purchaseW,arnemunde lnsuranc('

& Real Estate Agency, Inc.Winside, Nehr

Telephone 286·4545dSl4

Start your plans now for that 10119 holiday

weekend. •• !

7. Combln,tion n.wlp.per pl,nof ,al. old .nd '.II. blllitl.·up, which ",.k., VCM.Ir ad.v.rtl,lng complet. 'In onejob.

•. L• ., "p"".. I... driving.nd tim. ,"_eel In poltlng";f.wer ..I. bill, n-.dad.

9. Your n.w,paper ad In pa·p.r glv•• f.rm.,. opportunl.,tv to ,tudy your ..I. lI,tov.r carefully. in their o.nhom••, .nd decld. on theutlcl.. th.y m.y wish tobuy.

~O. ~.~:IdC:;l":: ,~.I,lu~~ ~:':i375·2600 collect. W.'II be oyt.

iMEYE~ Ol~ CO.310 $, Main· . Ph. 375~364C

And Gel Your CarReady, Too!WONDERING IF •••

Business Opp.

Cards of Thanks

6. With your .. I, old in Th.W.yne H.r,ld you r..chmore f,rm.rs th.n in .nY'oth.r medjum.

WE'HF. LUOKING for PEOPLE:to h('coml' claim adju.~tcrs'

Ml'll and women nt.'('ded now tojm'('sllgale claims for in:;urance<HJj\L~ler:; who u:;.ually pa)' ~x"

p(,lJse~ and furnish Cllr Pick'lot:ulwlJ, l'arning 10 $H p<.'r hourpart ~lllH': to ~1,{)()(} per monthfull IlnH' Tram at home Wegivl' In'!' plunment service

~~~La~ l\(J:~~(jv~r~~en~o/~~rs~~~:Illtl'r·':ll" Jtl this arl'a to see if.nJU C<tll quality, write at once,

~1~/;~1'Itl,~:~t: ~\l~~V~~' ~~~l~~1:\0 iJj':ISIO:\, 343,) East Bay·.L,lj A\ l.' .. Denver, Colo 80209.


4. E.p.rl~ced help in dr.wingup your farm ...1. old; t.m.k. it the kind th.tDRAWS A CROWD.

5. U.. of good 1l .....hKIc .ncIpur.br.d pletur" in .d .ncI",I, bill,.


l"eLUDU _



Phone 99W, 237J, or tl3F6Arlington



RENT, A - CARDUring the Holidays

n;ltp~ as low as $5 00 per daypllls mll('a~e Mustangs,4·doorFord Sedans, Station Wa,l{onsA\ adable

Phone 375-1533

will b{' ,held at Carro!! Audltcrium Sunday, DcC' 18 from2 to 4 pm in honor of Mrand ~ds Russell HaJj'" 2.)thweddin,g anniversary

Special Notice

McNatt'sRadio & TV Service

OLESEN'SExpert Shoe Repair

}'ormerly Bob Schenck Clothing,. NOW


160 Acres, SW Winside, goodmodern hou~e, barn equippedto milk, other buildings ingood condition, 20 acres pas·ture, balance in crop land.Contract to Qualified Buyer.

388 Acres adjoining CarrollNW, consisting of 160 improved nearly all cropland aboutIh in soil bank, New wellBOA all cropland: 148A creekbottom, real productive landContract to qualifi'~d buyer


Property ExchangeR. G,FUELBERTH

112 W, 2nd tf Ph. 375·2134

Kugler Electric Co.Expert. W.....r Service With

G!"tIiM M.yta. Parts,~blfe 375-1112 Wa,ne

WORTMAN AUTO CO.Ford·Mercury Dealer

J I~l East 3fd Ph, 375·3780

FoH SALE: Two.bedroomhouse!,'in Dixon. Sterling

Borg, Phon~ 584-2877, Dix­on. dlt3

FOR SALE~1'2SE1, Sl'C Io!, T2fiN HSEof the 6th P M In Waynl'("ounty, Nebr {'xccpl thl'N.r:I,~ NE' 4 of silld Sr~1 j

and except hl~hway rightof-way Located on IIlghwa~

35 11 c milc.~ south of Wakt'fIeld Contact (~oldll' LI'OIlard, Wayne. or Faith :'\Illrt'Jlberger, Wakefield el1.'i

Real Estate

FOR SALE'Three hedroom hOn1(', nearlynew" may assume loan, goodlocatIOn

Four room, one .~tory home,good location.

~~~,mne~~a~arno~~~e~:~Good three bedroom home,modern, on pavemenl, near~chools.

Two--stor)', three bedroomhome, on pavement, good 10'cation.

Warnemunde Insurance andReal Estate Agency, Inc.

Winside, Nebr.Phone 286-4545 n24t4

Tjl CaliforniaAfter Christmas

Low C'05t trip to \\est coast," and Rose Bow! Parade 15da\s hy Charter Bus. GrandCd'num- Rose Howl Parade. 4daq In Los .\ngeles, Sanr r<JnclsC'u·Salt Lake. Las \.C':.!as

largefor 2Phone


II 0 useemploy­




Keith GlattVolkswogen, Inc.

Norfolk. Nebrask.


SWANSON TVWayne's Oldest TV Store

f "hone 3j5-369')\\f' Sl"fvice All ~lakes

For the Best In

Rad,o and TV Repair

Don't take chances with\"aluable belongings

1\-10\ l' WIth Aero Mayflower·\merica's mostnwnded mover

FOR RENT: Three.b.d.room home. 908 Nebr­

aska St., call Werner Mann,Winside, 286-45%. dltl

FOR RENT: Nice,basement roo m

boys. CIS Lincoln,375_2790.

;".bler Transfer; Inc\\'a\'np :\"ehr Phone 375·3475


Foll SALE: BI. RuueclDurac Boar•. Ten aDd

ooe",h.lt miles .outh ofW.yne. A r no 1d stuthmaD&ndSOD, Wisner, Nebr.


M Li\ \\'-,\0:TED:moving,

men t. ,J () 1J nl7:J-2:nC,

WAlTHI:SS IV \NTED: TopWages. C-day week, late

hours. Permanent position.Andy 's P i'z z a House,:17',"1111. d8

\\':\'\TFllilEAl) (IJ{ [lj:-i:\HI,f':[)


Phone W:l\'IH' :\75 :I1I,;j, Col!l'c!

WAITRESS WAt\n:[). Ap.ply in person to Connie

Suhr at IIol.el Morrison.d811

WAN T TO REN1f: 160.Acre Farm. Experi­

en c e d. Phone 52~ - 683&,.d8t3

IR()NI~G to do in my home.Mrs. I<'enneth Silzman,

37S"12QG. d8t3

Wayne Rendering Co.\'''11/ j'.,I'd ('Il\\' Dealer


I AM LOOKING for partic-ular type men or women,

interested in earning $150and up, part lime. For in­terview, Phone :i7:,-:i100,Friday, nec. 1(; and askfor Mr. Still. d15

MAN WA0:TED: I am look-'jng for a man with car

to serve rural families inWayne County. Vi rite Raw­leigh, Freeport" Ill. fil033.


[OP Ql.\I.ITY alfalfa haywanted. Herschel Flow_

er, Fairbury, I\"ebr. d8t4

Misc. Services


FU;.F1NLSfI TIIOSE 01.0floors. It's easy and in~

expensive when you rentour floor sander and edgerand refinish with our qual­ity seals, varnishes andWijxes. Brighten your rugsby renting our carpet sham­pooe r. (' 0 a st. to· (' 0 a ~ t,'JrOfflS, Wayne jytitf

Help Wanted

W:\:\TF:D: To rent.or buyj20 or more acres

of goorl fa rm land with.good improvements. WriteBox TW, (" /0 The \\' ayneHerald. d1t3

NEED A 0000 USED CAR?Tak. a look at th•••­

1965 Mustang Convertible;1963 Oldsm obi Ie, 4 dr. F Rhardtop, wi air condi. or entt i 0 DiD g, .power steering,power brakes. Call MaxHansen, 375~2334. dB

Lost ancl Found'~ ..OST; Man's la rge tur-

quoise ring. Reward of­fe'I-,ed. ContaCt A.C. But­ler: ,1122 Windom <...;t., 175­1191. d1::i

STlL\ Y\Il: \\iid--b I a c ksteer '!i;alf. \\ ilford r\el­

son, Laurel, Phone2.sr,-:H'li, dIS


FOR SA 1. E: Poland China00ars and gilts. F r'o m

star certified litter siret. hat has feed efficiencyrecord, carcass .informa­t,ion Q.nd rate of gain. EdgarBruening, Rt. 1, 2 rt.ilessouth of Hartingto~. s22tf

Fon SA 1. E: Nationally ac­credited SPF' Poland

B a a r s. Dean Sorensen,Phone :175-:1S22. mStf

FOR SALE: Poland ChinaHoars ..<...;erviceable age.

From Greg Steffen herd.~ north, 11~ west of-Wayne,David Jager. drt3

F 0 H S.\ L L: PUH I·: nrn: DIlampshi re boar~, 11

miles ~outh of \\ isner and1 14 miles wet>l on lligh.way ;,2. r-:ldon ['IaUerman,Wisner, Nebr. Phone :l~;l.

(i3:JG. dlt4

Registered Angus Cottle

FOH SALE AT ALL TIMESTop HIOlXilines ·good ruggedbulls, Speria! uffers for 4·1-{Helfer P.roJl'rb. \'i~it()rs Al­way.~ W("!coml'

Hesse Angus FormsPENDr:R,~EBHASKA

FOR SALE: Dry Ash Fire­pia c e Woo d. C e c i I

. Wriedt, Phone 375-1316.d15t3

'.FOR "";AI,!':: PurebredShorthorn Bulls, llornedorPolled. (-,ood ones. Malm­berg's S.IL Farms, Allen.


increa~ed rate. Cattle feeder~ are chang­ing over in large numbers and agood share of them are big feeders, It'sbecau~e of the complete program. . acomplete prog-ram that's flexible enoughto gi\"E:' them what they want. withthe a':';~l1ran('e of) the fine~t qualityobt:linable.

You Ketp :\1arginGetting the feed program yOll want is atrue ad\·antage but when you getit at a reasonable cooperative cost itmakes it an unbeatable \"alue. As c"afarmerl0wner~user. you get controlledquality,cattle feeds with all of the mar­gins returned as' patronage savings.

Mo\'e AheadStep up to better farm supplies. betterservice and more reasonable costs of­fered by your local Fe1co-Statex Cooper­ative. Move ahead in farming \\!ith anincreased net income.

Stop In Right Away~

Farmers Co-Op.OF


:~~o~~al:lt~a~~~ i vel;11~~~ ;t;~~~ t \~::meet otlr (juota for 1966the prtde increase San'tax InvPlstment crer11t. p!LI.~ 1I1l)"

'sp('rla~ (lise-ollnt LOllJ-: tt'J"ITl~

to SUIl ~'ou

New lradors on hand:; - Oll\'er 1850 Dsl

Oll\'l'r 1f150 Ds!(111\'1'1" 1;)50 (;a.~

oll\'('f 1250 (;as19f)() O!l\'('f HHO Dsl 1':-;19;)."1 01lVPf Surwr 77 11~1

19;111 H John Ikt're lh!ILl\'!' 1!-J and 14 bottom p[(l\\h'ft lIa\'!' mall\' mort' Iti:'m~

that VOLI can S,IV!' mOIlt'\' on1 _. 01lVt'l" adJustahle' 'front

axle for RHO Of 7711


('hn<,IITI<l" Srl'('lal

t'p to [h'C' 2.'",th Wi'

will lhf' lax for 'yOl!

('Jr :\00 ['n'l\l

HInt llrl':-jl:llH()~:nER S



EVEN 12 YEAH old JohnnyCan beautify vinyl floors

with Icjlng lasting SealGloss.. IMcNatt HardwareWayne,! Nebraska n15

ffiFTSI ,GIFTSI GIFTS! GA.LORlt! You can please

the enti!re family with giftsfrom CoasttoCoaststores.Complete Toyland for thekiddies with shelves of giftitems lor Mom, Dad,G rand!pa and Grandma.Make Christmas shoppinge a s y, and stop first atCo as t to loast. Stores,Wayne. dlt4-

(JET PHOF'ESSIONAL car-pet cleaning results-­

rent B~ue Lust.re ElectricCarpet Shampooer only $1per day. McNatt Hardware,Wayne, Nebraska n15

,"OR SAl.E: (lver 1100bales of third crop hay.

Ernesl Siefken, 37').1145.dlS

FOR S,<.LE: Ute<! 18 cu.ft. Fireezer, like DeWj

also u.ed OEAp~rtm.ntSize, Range, good condition.Coast-lo-Coast Stor,e s,Wayne. dBlJ

, Cooper:-iN(J\\' and Ml'll


P ESCR1PTlONSThe m t' iJaportont -.we do ~ to flU your doctor'.RX for, you.

GRIII:I!S REXALL STORE~hooe 31:1-21122


Big IncreaseFe1co-Statex Cattle feed supplementsare beit1g used at an almost ·unbelievable


As a catlle feeder, you want the ki"d offeeding' program that will increase yournet marlZ'in from ~tart to finish" Waurlocal furh1pr o\\'ned and controlled l-telco~Statpx ('oopl?rativl;' offers ~Hll'h


('omplele ProgramThe widE>' variety of Felco-Statex cattll?feed formula..., h'elps you get the maxi­mum re~ults you want from the feedingpr€l,gram you select. There's a researchproven supplement for every feedingcondition from the time you putnew cattle into the lot to the dayyou ship them O~.It. And. you also getthe late~t management in~ormation andrecomm~ndations in ca::;e YOU wanlt theadvice. This service fit~ vour exactneeds because of the farmer oWMrshipand control.

Jacob Nagengast feeds out around] 300 head of callie each year Or! hiS fatm near Pocahontas, Iowa He LJses aFelco·Statex Cltlle F&edlng Program


~~s;a~~cd~~ I~~:d m~:~Ulhe:~~do not need Itnedication Do,on1ethmg abful those hogsWIth a Rub·l\Iosl Hog Oller(lllt'rs absolu~~ly .li:uaranteed

l~\)~oK~N~~t~~~to~b j,O~o~r~~~Nebr, for n.me of nt>.arestdf'Rlf'r. I

l'lI'l!01l\ or Spedial Installllttnn..,Mal1llfachl~l'd [0 yoU!


YllUR HE~TEH HEAD.QUARTERi~ fo, all types

of heaters--c:HI, gas, coalor wood.__ ~ew or used.('oast to Cq,ast Stor.ee,II ayne, tlrebr. s29\3

4" • fl" - ,R' or 10"

!'(('TURE FRAMES madeto order. $ee ohr c,om­

plete se Il!lctiObs for Erametypes and hiangmg'hard­wart!. Carhart Lumber Co.


Auger & Accessories

...., \\ It ."";AVE! :~AVE! Getyour anq-free1.e before

Mr. Vi inter gets here. Gen_uine Ethylene Glycol per­manent anti~freeze, eitherin your own container orby the case. Also see usf~r radiator hoses, therm_ostats, seals, etc. Coastto ('oast Stores, Wayne.


F()H SALE: 110 x 50 2bedroom M bile trailer

house. Oood co dition. Cpo..tact John Cle ants, Em~r.

'lIn, Nebraska. dlt3

'REDUCE SAF " simple sndf.st with 00 8S8 tablets.Only 98t. Orll... R.ul!.

! 822t12

Automatic. EqUipmentMfg, Co



only by Wolverine


H 'Il S\ I E: 1%4 Fo~d Han.chern. Excellent condi~

!ion. Mr~. Glad)-'s Frei­hf'rg, ."'tanton. dBt3

• Ill~

I 122, s. ~AIN

Page 8: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

FOlLow nil.DIAL TO A)'


-- jAEMINGTO""- .500SELEKTRO'tlSWorks on pOWerful rICh.,••able energy cells: -.-IUYf."cord, too! The unique'.adjUSts the 3 thin. '.harp,havina: heads 'or .tI)' ,kinand be.rd. lets him trim .Sideburns. Flip' end, .nlor instlnt cl••oi""




Phon. 315.

D1t Plar,oll,. th••chao!lay ....opl. _Iifr m th., c..~.,rtth thll

ha .alary'wll .tully ara.

- ma I rl,commebo~d on modlfaai ry och.dulco Ing yaar and ..,'atalll m.mb'rI~,ways. ' ...

Gel a smooth<: gentle shave.ProtectiVe gJard comos leiyou- shave legs and under.arms close, but assure

---..., ~o':n~:;.I~~u~rows 01 dla­mond·honedcullers p,o­vIde Quickeasy, groom-

~"""~~~~. m.~~:~:'boudoir cue.

t, /. /.+;, ;I, " f II



I ('1>lll111\lc·\I 111'1l1 I'l; 1 \

m[l("llPr and stan Mall~t.t{'

w('r(' named W liS repre_s('ntalives, Miron Jennessand I>arrell hrei WMs.(Wayne Middle School) rep.respntatives and neU.lah At_/kins, Etta Fisher andOrve l1a I110mcnkamp W ES(Wayne ElemenlarySchool1representatives. Malletl.ei:;; temporary chairman.

Mrs. Dorothy Ley and

The winter season callsfor Sllky·smoorh legs

Remingtonh?s the shaver

deSigned Just for her,

Mercury -i rontlnu{'d from PI: 1)

around the 50-decree markfollowing that.I Peoples Natural Oas Co.

gauges show the low Dec.10. That day, it got no\."(armer'thRn 17.

This wnl in contrast 'toTuesday when the mercury~ose to 47 and somethe r mom e t e r s -showedrleadings in tht> 50's.~'ednesdav waS anotherr/iic(' day ~'ith the mercurya,gn in ~ round SO.

rhe forE'1cast calls for athange. Colder tempera­turps and snow had movedInto the Panhandlt> Wednes_day morning and the lower'readings and rnoistur'f'we r \' ('xpeeted to reachhert> later in tht:' week:.

Salary -


Inlpt the boy. plokad wa~ .Ith. on. thati .vallhall1!I loUDd .aro r.adln,. but thtl'I boy•. came, thr.o..... fill.;I A board of ravC.w wa.I held Monday nl,ht. Court

01 honor i. to b. h.ld .oonI and the honors alld advanCl.

ments will be lI.tad latar,Troop 175, lad by Bill

I Rlchardlon, wlIl have tha, twelfth nlgllt tree burnl...

lor Kiwanis C-:lub. Tr.e.are to be picked up Jan: 5and 6 with the big firethe night of Jan. 6. A court01 h.onor I. scheduled forJan. 19.

(("!lI( [lllll'li II-itlll I'~

(("OrltlrlLJcd frUllJ p~ 11

Research -

Assistant Scoutmaster BillDenkinger Monday. Theboys are working on Ten~

derfoot ranking and troopadvancements.

Dick Manley's Troop 174had one patrol camping outovernight last week. The

«('o~unued trolh p~ 1)mODey : i I DI,.d,d for thework alld care will be alloW­ed.

lt I. expected the WCHSwill call fo·r voluntae fI tohelp clean up .nd fix upthe cenlletery when weatherpermih. Then 'the ceme­ter.y wiU have regular care.

Fencing will.be restored,the gate straightened andother improvements made.Lilac, bushes that haveovergrown one part of thecemetery will be trimmedout, thl:t luxuriant growth of ,­grass will be kept mowedand lots I will be restored.. The LaPorte Cemetery'was founded in 1870. How-'ever, county records show,'it was not inc~orporated un",1til 1894 and at that time'a deed was ,filed in the'county clerk's oHice.

Commissioners J a h nSurber, Georg'e .stolz andRoy Davis all showed aminterest in the site. Stolt.had been to the c{'m{'ter~

the past wet'k.Boecl\enhnuer snid the

historical soc i e t r wouldlike to find records of whois buried in the cpmeteryand where they_arl:' buried.Anyone having informalionon this should contact hinl.

Mrs,. Leland Thompson,Mrs. Dorothy I\abisch nndGoldie Leonard circulatedthe p~titions calling forthe board action and metwith so much succes'> theyhad 60 signat.ures in a shorttime, well over twice asmany as required. Otherhistorical soci{'t} rnenl­bers have help,:,d in V;lf­

ious way~.

LaPorte -

Scouts -

biological science majorfrom nont'sl,eel. S.D.

Last \\' ednesday paperswere read and discu~sed

by Willis Horak, mathe~

matics major ffom SchuYMler, bn the t,opic, "TheExistence of Finitf' Pro­jective Plane" and FiniLeProiectives neometrie's,"and by Carol Paine, Englishmajor [rom Blair, on"Ripples: The ld{'a of ,Unityin the Works of WilliamFaulkner."

A week earlier .JanetBerr,y, French major fromOmaha, presented herpaper on "Jean-PaulSartre's Concept of Human,Liberty," and Barbara lIoh·man Schmitz, English ma­jor from Plattsmouth, dis4cussed her subject, "TheUse and Meaning of theChrist Figure ConsideredThrough Critics' Opinionsof. the Works of Mehiilleand Faulkner."

The honors program isopen to upperclassmen withgrade averages of at least3.2 (B-phrsf. and the collo­quium is the program'sconcluding seminar.


Only $31500

1(',,111[111[1',1 Irolll jJ;": II



ROBERTS LOCKERS: & PRODUCE"1'06 Pearl St. . P"one375~1374

accept or reject. If theyreject, another student willbe c~osen.

There are limitations onwho can host· a student. Acouple must have childrenof their own. Howevertthisdoes not mean young chil~

dren. American Field Serv.ice (sponsoring organiza­tion) merely wants to besure the couple has hadexperience raising youngpeople so even if the chil­dren are grown a couplecan be eligible.

Both the man and thewife must be over 37 yearsold. They must live in townor on a farm where trans~

po r tat ion to and fromschool is available.

Any local resident whowishes to host an AFS ex­change student can obtainmore information by con­tacting Mrs. Howard Witt,head of the Wayne AFSchapter. The national AFSoffice likes to have at leastthree family applicationsto consider.

Wayne High pupils havesome money lefl over fromthe fund drive to bringPhadet here. They havealso received one donationand gained $85 from a danceaft e r the D a v ide it yAquinas game. They willget help from the ExplorerScouts and will appreciatefinancial help froth othergroups or individuals.

Feb. 15 is the deadlinefor all papers to be in,the money to be raisedand the home selected. Thisis a short two months awayso much remains to bedone.

As for Phadet Gawsom~

bat, he will be availahleto speak before groups inthe area after the firstof the yea r. He has a colorfilm of Thailand and colorslides. He is preparing tospeak and answer questionsabout his country wheneverasked. Any groups desiringto having him appear shouldcontact Mrs. Witt or KenDeissler, guidance coun~

se lor at \\' HS.

Wricht Addition on the eutoIde of the city.

other buelne.. , IncludedIn a lengthy se..lon w..:Checkinr over anewaravelspreader, the state havingnotified the city It will notspread gravel on stat. high­ways through the city altersnows 'from now aD; approv­ing a request for a "yield"sign lor westbound trafficon Grainland just beforethe in t e r sec ti 0 n withBlaine;

Approving $25, $15 and$10 prizes in the Chrir,;t­mas lighting, contest spon­sored by K i wan i s Club,passing a zoning ordinancefor the area around the newhigh school and submittingH to District 17 schoolboard for inspection; noti­fying Wayne State Collegethat a grease trap is need­ed at the student cente r tokeep grease from cloggingcity sewer lines; grantinga remodeling permit toAllen Wittig for his garageat 805 Lincoln; and grantingIvan Beeks a 25 cents permonth increase in ratescha rged for haulinggar­bage.

'1',11111111(·,1 JJ~' I S dapproved. The couneJi and tu ent-judge agreed th3t the law,>hollid remain as it is untili( has been in effect longerand then Can be checkedLo sec how it works out.

The traffic signal at the­Fourth and Main intersec 4I ion is no longer a signalbut a "flasher," It willflash amber for north and~outh traffic Gnd red foreast and W0St traffic. Afull stop \\-'ill be requiredfor east-west traffic.

The park comrniUee re­porled the city is nows raying for dutch elm

First area to besprayed j_.., in the Country('lub region, followed bythe college, trees on ter~

races and then trees onprivaie property.

Hesidents are as'ked topaint a yellow spot aboutlhrpe inclH's in diameterfour feel off the ground ontht' "slreet side" of eachelm lo help tity workmenidentirs elms. However" itwas pointed out that allelms will be sprayed andmarking them will be ;1means of speeding up thejob so workmen do nqt haveto ~earch for the elms:Hesidents who wish to te'­move dead or "scraggly!11 i m b 5 before trees aresprayed should have thisdone at once.

Two church delegationsattended the council meet~

ing. The Redeemer Luther­an Church asked for re­stricLed parking around thec h u r c h, especially Sun­rlays. The delegation askedfor a no parking zone onthe south side of Fifth be­lvveen Lincoln and Douglas.For the present the church\\'as given permission topost the area in front ofthe church to prevent park­ing and to facilitate load­ing and unloading, especial­ly for disabled.

Ken Olds and a delega­tion from the EpiscopalChurch appeafed to askco u n c i I approval for achapel north of Sam'sDrive-in. The Ichurch haspermission to tkseLhepark­ing lot at Arnie's and Sav_Mar on Sund4ys but thezoning commission hasturned down 8j chapel onthe Episcopal plot due tolack of room ~nd being ina district zontd for busi~ness. No final, action wast a ken on thi sl church re­quest.

Storm sewers in sevenlocations are 1a problem.The council h s approvedthe Circle Dr~ve area asthe first to get new stormsewers, the prpject in thatarea estimared to cost$5,000. '

Other areas needing im­mediate attenti~nare: WestThird; area ar0und,the newhigh school; tht north~park

area on Nebr~ska Street;east and south from WSC inorthwest are4 starting atEleventh a*d Shermandraining thr9u~h the cam­pus and south; land y"rrieldt'sAddition east; town.

The city e gineer hasbeen authorize to prepar-e

~h~at::illm~Pt~f t:l~ ~iit:~lines, si zes f lines and

'val.ves for the nti 11•. e Waynewater system.

-\lso in the 'ater systemplans is a ne wen (No. 61which would b driUed eastof to\\'n. The engineer hasbeen orderedj to proceedwith prelimin~ry ~lans forthe well and p~ttinl: in eon­necting trunk lin~s Iromthe well to the pre~.ent city ~system., which wbuld in - ,c 1 ud e new linef in the ...

. t\


Hospital Notes

I J.

SWi"±·· Research DrivtfsPro, ess 10 Be Checked

County r ports and an I

area reportontheprogru s H' INof the driv~ to get lunds Wayne osplta .otesfor a swiffil' r,~search center I

at the Nor~heast Station, Ad 'tt d' M L WConcord'mwill be heard McN~~t~ 'Way~:;, [aroiThurs?a~h ;c. 15y'r~t '17 Fuoss, Wayne; Jady Whit.t m . \n eagan ee, ney, Wayne; Freda Victor,aure. \It,,' ayne, Mrs. Paf'rick

ch~i~~~~nf ~u~~;b~:;:~ Shimod?, W~ynei R<>llandC t I d~ d' f th GranquIst. II ayne; Mrs.

oun y un:1 nve or ,e \\" a It e r Hammond, Ran-center, ~as ~Sked th.at jll dolph; Denise Erickson,Wa~ne (ou~ty resldel~ts Concord; Mrs. Dale John-havlDg anythlDg to do with II' Ell S d't~e drive at end this ses- ~~an;nej a~~e;B. \~hit~~;~:

sl~nf'ter re '!rts are heard \\'ayne; Danya Linneman,po. ' '. Omaha, Herman Lundberg,

from the variOUS countIes, \\' \\" '11' T ta dec3sion !_dll be mald~ \\" :~~.e; I I ames,as to what Iprogress !las Dismissed: F~eda: Vic-been made, y,'hat funds a,re tor, \\'ayne; Danya t-inne-now on hand and what move man, Omaha; Carol Fuoss,shoyld he m~de next. \\ 3yne; Jody \\" hitney,

C o~nt? I'\genl Ilarold \\"avne; Glenda \1uirhead,Ingalls VI!ll take reports Gr;nd Island; ~1rs. Duanefrom lhose \1\'110 cannot. be Big g e r s t a f f' and baby,present ~lthe meelmg. \\ayne; Earl Lewis,\\1 ayne;

~,~]~of~~ta~'~rlrna r:~~~i \~~~ t-.l rs. I.. \\. \1 d\att, \\1 ayne.

the meeting fhould conlacLIngalls at hi. office ,orne Council­time Thursday.



Dismissed: MargaretF,llis, Allen; Hay ~everson,

Emerson; Margarete ..\rm~strong, Ponca; Anna :\el­son, \\akefield; Frances~immonsJ Emerson; .JohnGeewe, Wakefield; LaVernHoogner, Wayne; OscarC a r1 s on, Allen; JaniceWhitt, \V ay~e; Eliene I..oet~

scher, Emerson; Del a n 0

Hanson, Laurel; HetmanLehman, ('q)~)cord.

The crest df the cardinalreveals his emotionalstate.~ Whep it is up, thebird is excited, happy, sur4pris~tl, or an g r y. Flat­tened', it indicates that allis well.

'\dmitted: .1anice Whitt,\\ ayne; Schwarten,Wakefield; Shearer,John Geewe, \\akefield;P a u I _\rmsl rong, Ponca;l{av~O'nd Jor(1an j I<merson;E~ma Fredrickson, \\ ake­field; Delano Ilanson, l.au­reI; .\rlene Dolph, \\-ake­field; Evelyn Starzl, Emer­son; Don t\1 ille r, Hubbard;Cheryl .\nthony, ConcQrd;Emma llecklens, Emerson;Maude f'ishcr, Carroll;Lloyd Hugelrnan, \\ake­field; ~'larilj!n Ott-e, Wayne;Eliene 1.0(lLcher, I-:mer­son.

Living PictureProgram Friday

Termed "a;n outstandingfcast for eye~ and ears,"the annual lilving piclurespresentation lof the \Va.rneWoman'~ Club \vill be givenFriday, Dec. Ie, at. H p.m.in the \\'a\!lI{' ('ity \udi-toriurn. "

Men and \I'0men, }oungpeople and thje elderl.y willenjoy the re~roduetions ofthe old mas~ers. Spf'cialmusic is hci~& planned t,()augmf'nl thl' nr.gram.

Mr ...,. 1(.:\\. ('asper,music chair11an, has an­nounced t.hat dhe madrigalsingers frdrnl StateCollege dirccled \nlony(;arlick and some of tile

singt'rs from areawi1l provide

ITl u sic. Solos and groupnumbers nrc 10 ueoffered.

All of lhis is being of­fered without charge.Everyone i:-, invited. Fol-

~~~vi~; t~~ ewht~;~~:r~~d~

Heady's gr ve. He' said thegr ve marker is not a met­eo ite.

lere is, the way Heinete Is it. He was cemeteryc relaker (serving 19ye rs) when a story ap~

pe red in Robert Ripley's" elieve It Or Not" thatth tombstone on GeorgeII ady's grave at Waynew 5 a meteorite.

I'his drew nationwide at~

te~ion and many peopleca e to see the stone.A ong them was a Har~

vard professor, anauthori­ty!on such things, who e~­

anlined the stone and saidit was no meteorite.

r\ccording to Heine, theII a r v a r d man said met­eorites are not "stone" butof iron-like sub~tance.

I hp}' also are jagged andnol ',mooth.

The Ilarvard man told <

HEline he thought the stoneWlli'" no doubt. found by melld i,gg i ng a well, but hethought a 'meteorite wouldbury' itself in the earth sono Olle could ever dig deepenough to find it. However,he said Lhe sLone pr~lyrolled down from the northwith t.he glaciers ami waslong burie<.j before Lhe me~.

eorile incitlent resulted 10

it being found.hlrthermore, lIeine said

Levine Johnson, stone cut.te r at the Wayne Monument\V«)rks, lried to engrave thestone but it crumbled off(flaked off) so it could nothe engraved. lie then madf'I plat e which he cementedon it.

rherp' ,.., another versionand it ~OllIlds most plausi­ble, ju..,t. as tho<..,e of othersh;~ve 'wunrled. It adds a dif~

ferenl lighl (OJ ~he story.More informaLion will bewelcomed.

Wayne OfferingYule Features

:\nother free movie Sat­urday at 1::J(), Santa in hishous(~, ext. ra shoppingni~hts, a bonus in the Sil­ve r Dolla r :'-i ighl. fund andt reah for the kiddies arcamong feat~tres in Wayned\lring the ne~d week.

Slores will be open'1 hursday and Friday nightsof this wrek and Tuesday,\V ednesday, Thursday andFriday night,s of this com­ing- v.... eek. Each night thestores v.... ill close at :1.

.'"'ant,a in his house willhave treats for kiddies fran1:1() to 1:10 Saturday. Hewtll also be in his housebe(wf'0J1 Second and Thirdon Lhe eac.,t' side of Mainfrom 7 to H p.m. Thurs4d<f1Y.

The Silver Dollar prizethis wE'ek is $:100. Drawingfor Ihe prize will be heldat ~ p.m. and the one whosename is drawn must. be inone of the store~ lhal joinsthe Chamber" of CommcrL:ein sponsorinjg the promo­tion

The WI,,", (Neb,.) Hereld, Thu"d~v, December 15. 1'"

TYfo Vel1sions Cl>ffered ...Meteorite ~ctsGliven by Woman

'Not Meteorite'Local Man Says

\fttt'r the acompanyingarticle was written, Frankllf'ine, \\ ayne, came in torhl' \\ ayne Herald officeto offer information on themeteorite aiD George


~ ~

= ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~




== ~967~~:~IREPORT

Made up Right in our Store IAlso Complete Selection of


and NE(kLA(ESII~~I\. ~Also Mode Up While You Wait ~ ~~ CORN &


11_-100' .._ '"' 2J.__~"'_.Dt ~..l__d~.~J ME: T~' EX~'

raMs on the meteoriteon Oleorge J-fead.y's gravein the Wayne C elm e t e r ywe re' $upplied the past weekby a Palifornia wlj)man whoused Ito live here~ She fur­nished personal, informa­tion plus a quotation (roma bOOK.

Mrs. (; LJ s s i e SkaddenKetchmark

j122 E. I"oble

~t. $tockton,Calif., wrotea lettier confirming that thestone is indeed a meteor­ite. Her leller appear<; nnthe ¢ d ito ria I page thi ~

week.,\ccording to Mr ..... Ketch­

mark, her mother marriedGeorge lI~ady 20 years be­fore hi~ death. M.rs I\eth­mark says Ht);lUy neverdid live 'I)n the Mclntosh.,fa rro ,wherl' the rneleoriL('was found put hlelpeJ diga weill and when he gol tothe object he *ept it.

\1r:c.. Ket.chmark namesa profe..,sor Ilnd aJgeologistwho said it wa" a meteor~

ite. ~he al~o tells aboutH(Jllit~ I,e\- lia vingposses­sinn of it for a while (a~

rep(Jrted by Mr~ . .Jim I1einland said Ile,Hlj had indi­('at I'd pril!r til his deaththat la' w<lnted (he meteor­itt' for a grav(,..,toIH'.

\ qUill ai iO[1 sent In' 1\1 r-;."Itol ("lima rh i.., taken from",",! () r i e <., I!ll :--;tollf'," In('11;1 r h·s I. I'ro~

f"" "or of 1.ngl i ... h,( {) 1I c f': I', 1\ {'Ilk,)l, :\. ~ .qlJlJ( t'~ frlllli \ !lll()!\ ()f\ [II e rit' all lJulJ-

I i ,.;fH~d III ( t'fS it \)' fllS.~ i fI 1'I", 1

Il~ re i.., \\ hat (lit, [,ook... aid: \ III t' t e (J r particle:n<lrl\" till' grave of (i,'orgeHl'.ldl, died \'1,17, agl'" Sl,ill (, recrn\'(lot! Cemelery,\\:I'dH', :">l'brask:l. Ilead)fOlmd Ihe rock ('IlP dav inhi" youth when he wa~ dig~

ging ,l we II nt'a r \\ anHO.'lit, claimed it WJ,s a

meteorile :lnd geologist.saffirmed his helief. Beforl'he died he asked lhat tileoval~shaped "tone, whichi!> 1(, inehe!> ]ont;,lnd wrighsabo\lt 2:,11 pound~, hI' LJ~cd

on hi.., grave. ,\ smallgran4ite Lddl'l, c('rllcnted to theIJll'teorit(~, llf'ar~ his nameand d,tl,t,~."

rhus CUllt ilHHb til(' in­\'l''>(igatilln inl() 1hi.., stollewhich ha~ been in thelocal cpmt'(pr.y for almost\(1 :vpars wit hout Illl!ch ::11­tl'ntillll. \Il \llle has Yet

\\ dh an an"weras 1<1 ..,,·if'nt i~t.." mu­~l'llm" Ilr IltlH'rs. nf'ver ob­tailwd Iltl' Il1cl€llritp for

or di"'pla\.be "() ttl t' 0 n e some~

whpr(' )\ll()\\-..,. I'h{' full stonrna_" he' .\ llltlg (i me coming~.I illll' piel'l'" of informa_t ill[1 ~uch a" thar Sllpplif'dtlli.., \\'lJ'I'K ht'lp fillthegaps.

Page 9: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

". Muved In: DOll Dro:climan, 114 Wesl 4j DavidPhilippi, 112 nlaln.:Phyllis D·anlel., 204 W...~13, Apt. 2; Kenneth Klul"G05 EaRL G; August ThUll,900 Pine lIeig.hll; DOl)Pe.lerson, 50~;;; MIlln.

Mav.d nut: Don Nlel.on;Gli l-:ao(6; Paul Jlo,,,.rJ50'1;; Ma'in; Joel Chrl.tlo,\,sen, 9] 1y'1' Nflbrllskoj Mrs)Hoy CTaln, 204 We.t 13,;Apt. 5, WIIIJ1Jr <Hese, 90VJ'ine IIlnK1t1 s.

( hnnlted I()cation RoberiZolinIH~r, lOll llougl.1 t~J20 W. ,I 12,

lor 'pur.ho•• Ollaborl'.qulpm.nt a. oth':.p••lal n,.4•• Thl. I••. ;:.Id. r. d ....n•• 01_lund. ran out and .t l.......'....lou. .chool. ..••Iv"· iiilund. at an whll. p.nstat. lot only '38, ;

WSC r ... lv.d Ur.tpriority lor a .10." ol.!1cult talevl.lon .y.t.... a..,• thl.d priority lor a o~pl.m.ntary tap. ')'It,.(OARS), Both .walt nDOI.pproval In W..hlqtoDoD4beth will have to b. match!liod by state coUa;. ~.,.

The c.mpu. t.l.vlaIClll.yotem would b. a _uppl...ment to e.htlne t...hl!l(aldo, .«ordlnl to T~Woyn. stater. With It, WS.could produce taped pr'gruns or borrow the.from olher collelel.

The tape sy.tem woulllprovide 30 carrell. (.tud,yboothsl In which .tud.nt.'could • e I e c t tap." pro­crams. AI many II 120programs In ,Ian,ua,.

scie.nce. and oth.r fl.~•. '.."'.'could be offered throthe electronic tapes.

It's Your Mov ,



NHEFAe ok's wseeeTV; DARS NSG

DIANI WILL"', d.ulhtrr 01Mr and Mn Alvin WlIIer!i,Wayne. recently t'omplalt'd aslC'wardeu Iraanlnl-: C'our"t' "'lIhMohawk Airlin('fl lind I~ basedat 8uffalo, N '1' Sh(' ill Ollt'of more than 170 IIlewardelilit'"In 75 dtlt'" In 10 ~tnt('11 ~('r\'('d

by Mohawk, Th(' alrlirH' 1\1"0~('rv~!1 Canada a~d W811hil\l.;ton, D. C, Flnt aid, ('uslOlnrf

:~vl~i~)I~::r:('~~~ron~t~~;;~I~~~duded In ttu~, ('ourse-

mo., O.~. 18, Doc. 2$ ODdJaD. 1. I

Sund.'! .chool will b. at9:45 .a~h d.y. D.C~ 18,po. to r,. Fronk P.d rlODwill daU}•• tho Chris milm...... "Ood So ovodThat H. aaV.,1I durlq the11 a.m.. .,"Ie••

Th. s.jllday S.hool chil­dren .nd you., p.opl. willlive til' annual Ch.iormoo~rolrom" "Chrl.tm.... aMlra.le," at 7:30 p.m ..Thl.Is the .tory 01 alloy'.dlocov.ry 01 John j:lG and• pre.elltation ~f t~e _toryof Bethlehem, Tnats, willb. handed out a1te r theprogram.

~nT~~D~~?e ~aL~~vlj~\h~e~~sTi~e·y:~r;hL.}~~~('ri~~~Ya~: IJe~Mr~ Title. Todd. Mr Title and !Teri

Watch for our West Bend circular

L. W. (Bud) McNattOK Hardware

all w'~elHUM::IDIFIER

and air freshener

. , new "water whe~I" moisturizer·c,_ 'fresllens dry wmler air

, In your home


• automatic controls • 8'/, gal, capacity• __.' quiet • adjustable air flow grillS;

Welt Bend'lI all·new HumldlUer with " .....alerwhoal"' "cllon automatically replacell rnollliure

thut win lor haatmq drains hom your home $6995'Conl/<;II .. d 11111HQU, hum,ddled air prevenlsdry ,1ll J<lllUlqll 10 !UlnllurQ, you le<;>! mo,e cOm- -

lort.able, IV\), .01 lower sQlllnqll ot your Jur·I na("11 lherm,)"t.\.

Your Christmas Dollars gofarther, when, iyou shopin Wayne,

• .' I'This lIl1nd by R~ c..nm.If.. Wayne CIaIber of Conunerce ; , ....__ __._. '~I..lIIIDlllj_iiJ!Ii.._~-_----_.....- .......-iJ!Iii~--..

I " ' I~'f I!

tands Out••v.n y.....ID.' th.D,ther. h.ve b••n no oth.rlirll bern.

ul.:.. Me It .U .t.rt. with DaD. .....ny n Tit..•• ~.ndl.th.r. '\VII­·Tlhe•.dauptor 01 Il.m. He h.d on' oIater.

tofT. a Mn. ,D.n Tlt.e, who would be 92 II .h.W we r e .Ilvo today. Until

&YD· •. ll. on only d.u,h. brown. eyed blonde. halr.dt.r, Sh ["lIbnd. out In manyw.y. I • I.mlly line th.t Teri c. m e alonl, ther.hal h .DO other girl. lor were DO other gIrl•.92 yo. • WIllI.m h.d two .ona.

W .. - ·.h. w~.• bern, Feb. one 01 the.m Irvin. who I.10, 11,0, .h.· as the lint Dan'. I.ther. O.n I. on.lirl ~ e ber In the Tlt.e 01 th..e beye bern to Irvin.lam 8S Y•• r •. In the O.n',' a Ide. t brother.r ..I!!I-....._ ...._,·_····_·__••

biDed tho I .... ODd baouty, 01 baU.t with tho Am.rl••D, 'ODI. 01 the old Irontler.

Th. you., people In thet,oupe •••med to hay••.h.l. of. time' p....ntlnlthe .ntholol)' 01 plone.rAm.rlco. Th. nor rotor wooIIrop.rly t.l.nt.d In h.n.tline tho de.crlptlon pro­tided and the .llIge.. were.xcellent .. they helpedc...to the mood for thedancefB.

Little .taglnl was ulOd.Mo.t .lfa.tlve 'cene wooa .tark white b.cksrouodfloodlighted in blue withortillci.1 snowllakes IoU·

Joe, is the father of three Winter in Minne otG Ing through the blue lightsboys. Dan and Joe's other as threenumberlwerepre.brothe r, Bill, has four I sented, includIDI"Sk.ter'. Cars in Mishap onsons. De ays 'Winter' Waltz" and "Jln.Jin,."

Then Dan and his wife, Becsuse of the inte.- Some of the mo.t-antlci- Road Near Winsidet.he former Marion Todd like conditions in inne- fa;etd numb~~1 w;re °rit

... Th 1 { h' Iof Imperial, had two sons. sota, trW in t e r at Deep ,e t 0 m~ve e I ow a ong e s, ow-may ng Vel Ie eIt looked as if there were Creek" just about didn't as er. owever, the por- wa. in front and the fas ..to be no girls in the family play in Wayne Thu sday. tion r end ere d was well toln-movin, vehicle in back.until Teri came along in worth the price of admis- therwi.e there probably1960. ~tndo~~~e1ul~5b~~~u~ssl~~~ sian. would have been no acci ..

Dan's folks live at Fre- For :those who missed it, dent on a county road a

mont now, although he is pr~~~nt~~; fa i t h f ul'l who :~~~nc:~n;'~r~:~et~~od~t :.~eaf~~~~~:~.Win8ideSun.a native of ctaig• Marionts showed up, the pro~uction tended~' there will be no Eugene 8chaeufele, NorMmother Jives at Grant. Dan was pure delight. I com" 'is the Wayne area manager regrets. The WSC folk folk, was accompanied by

R for Northwestern Bell ballet presented by Burch his wife as he drove ndrtha Telephone Co. states Saturday f last Ma-.rn was deserving of looking for game. Gerald The NIIEFAC has OKtd'I week, One local r aident better at;ndance but win- Thompson, Winside, was the WSC CCTV. However,


Teri is to be savenyears - d ()sa,'d ,'t appeared t1 land ter ,'n l'nnesota alfects also northbound alone a propose AHS plan was~I~e~: lets

S t:~n ~~~n~eon~~:t near Concord but su~h wais the talented along with the Thompson came o;e,r a NSG.


not the case. untalented. Maybe next hill, saw theSchaeufele.'car AJthough lhe headline ap-her role as the only girl! l b i l '


11., Judge and Mrs. David time there is such a pro- in front of him and hied pears 0 e a pr n cr "~ ~1iT c~~n~~e t;;:i~z~r finmti~~ Ham e r were sout bound gram it will be h~re on to stop. The combination error, it pre sum a b I y

near future, from Laurel toWayn when time, will not be subject to of gravel and ice made make$ sense. Il concernsth ey saw the me eorite conjecture about its being stopping impossible, and funds Wayne State College

Meteorite Did Not coming fromnorthtosauth. presented andwillbegr.et. his car hit the rear of sought for campus elec-From where they were, ed by, a full house. If word the Schaeufele vehicle. honle improvements,

! II d they thought it mig~t have 0.1 mouth advertisinghelps, Deputy Sheriff S. C. WSC has received an in-Fa Near (oneor landed near Canco d but it should fare better than Thomps on, who investi- dorsement for $6,838 ofA meteorite brightened heard on televisio later this fine production did. gated, reportednoinjuries. $10,000 requested for a

the skies over s eve r a 1 that it had gone urther He said damage was mod- CCTV (closed circuit tele.II soulh. Baptist Chureh Has erate to he a v y to the vision) system. It did nol~ The meteorIte w~s seCln Schaeufele car and h~avy do so ~ood with funds for

over most of Ne raska Many Events Planned to the Thompsoncor, which OARS lOial Access Retde-~ t val Systeml howev~r,It Colorado, Iowa ant Mis- had to be towed away.~ souri and 10 parti ns of Fast Bapti st Church, lhe NIILFA( (Nebraska~ Kansas, IllinOIS an other Wayne, has a variety of R••d and u •• The W.yne ~Ue~h:c~ r'~d~~;~~~o~larCel~~

203 MAIN 5T WAYNE PHONE 375-1533 ~ states, It repartedlylanded events planned for three H~ci~d::;"~;";:''Gr;~I' om mended $l'>,OOOfarWS( Th W R••dH·ndldU;: ... ""••_ ..._--••~ I , ','"om t ""'" ......"'d." · ..... · •

iW--W;Cip-Up-V;;~;~~C-h;i;i;;;-Shoppi~;lI~~~ I.. IN ~II '. ."r.

I AY iEIi IT'S EASY IT'S THRIFTY -iI IT'S MORE FUN! III! SO Many Gifts 10 See and Choose. rII Such Sparkling Sights 10 Enjoy! ,II





Page 10: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


tad ~rl...da7. OM......•.;;2 p.m ID ..... ..Thor. 10 DO .4.ch., .... th.Invl •T. lio.. I.,,,,gart.D throu...Iradti ,I ar. Mr••m.I'

lM... Ph711

and rs. H.loDTh.y have b••Dwith • p..pll. preclto 10D', pi.".,,roup numD.,.numbau. F 011 owpro,r.~, r.'r.will b. a.rvad•

Concord' .choolwill b. h.ld Frld.,.23. Sc h 0 01 will bamill.d for th. holldel;1:30. i',t

Woyne,Heral(:::: ".

Wont Ad. Pml~,c

...... c..- ...r ·A.......All.., .....

...... 0,.'11 ,.., Dec. 14 . IS· ..


All five grades of Con..cord E I e menta r ySchoolwill lake part in a Christ­mas, program to be presen-

Concord SchoolGives Program

S nta cl.... Is' comingto arroll. Th. CarrollCo munity Club-t;tas madesu e of that. )

emhers of t1l., club willh e Santa in town (or an'ght visit. H. will b••t

e Carroll Auditorium atp.m. with treats ror the

youngsters who come lhereto see him.

Some ofthe members andother voluJli;eers are help­ing sack the treats. Anample supply has been laidby so no youngster will bemiss d.

r<iT,'·"'V~"""-··"';'l·~ ,;-',~ ,.~ "i-;;-::~

I i


~. u. w~. • vl.lliar. F rlcia¥ "J io HI h Bo H

the hom. of "u. Marl. I un r • ,y 'J'A arD. au..ta S war. I •Mr. and Mra. A Pader- Iiniury to 0... HI ,I

~:f~' O:c~~:'t:' ;~It~::: '\ Rodn.y Skov!. aon of Mr.or lo..r wo.k. In th. hom. ~nd Mra. L,YI. Skov, auf.olh.r .on, BII .Ah.rn. l.red minor mjluri.adurlngAmarillo T.x phyllcal .d..catlon cl....t

QuOIt.' Satu~d 01 Mre. Wayn. High Sc hooll..tAlbart Sah. w.r Warren "'••k. H. 11. s.v.nthgrad.Sahs, LlncolD, Mr. ond t..PII •Mrs. L)' n n M,,~llar and Skov ran Into the wallEdith O.rwood Sloward. hll.j playlnc bask.tball.

I r • I"jur.d his rlCht handI 400 wa's taken to a doctor.

C HH 'lOng I An examination showed.arro OSI"I eln. flng.r ,fractured and

Sa ta Saturday qn. flng.r .praln.d. H., ",ore a cast on the inner

side of hi. p.lm .nd two_thl rds of the w.y up tnhi. elbow until Saturdaywh.n the doctor took it nfl.He was warned to be care­'luI not to r.injur. th~ fin­Igers as they were stillh•• ling at th.t tim•.

Out Lady Of Sor rowsC.thollc Church

(Emin.tt M.yer, p••tor)Sunll.y. D.c. 18: M••s19:30 •. m.

Presby.•Congre. Church I(\J.il Ax.n. p••tor)

Services at PresbyterianlSunday, Dec. 18: Wor ..

ship. 10 a.m.; "undajSchool, 11.

~lls. Ronald KuhnheJobserved her birthday' Decj.8 with a noon luncheon.Guests were Mrs. Jac~

Rohde and family; Mrs.Jessie Milligan and family,Mrs. Arlyn Hurlbert, anaf.milY, Mrs. F:dwin Milli­gan 'and family, Mrs"Ver ie Hurlbert, Mr~.

A 81G;24"


Th. BIGGEST PLUSH TOYS ever. All cotton

ott.red ot this price.STUffED, 24" TALL and ex,.~.

f · long pile plush ,nIy mode. ,ne

'Plastic Snoot.assorted co ors.

. E The Duvyteen cos-Rol"nq ves. . Excel-

. assorted plaIds.tume In

lent value!

I, I I


I: Ch I h I ·RiChard. JaD"'D~.da"gb., brc es - ! tar, Mrs. VerDI. Schnoor, st. P.;;FI Luth.ran Church and 'Mrs. Jack K v.nauch.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellar)'IH. M. Hllp.rt. pattor) I P.ar.on a-A Mr. nd M....Sund.Y. D.c. 18: Wor. ....

ship. 8:45 a.m.; Sunday Ron.ld KuhDh'DDf:.•nd Rod.achooJ, 9:40. ney were supper .It. in

'1 the Frank Carrl 0 hom••M~thodi.t Church Nnrfolk, Sunday 'n honor

(E. lohn K•••• p••tor) 01 the birthdays of Mrs.Sunday, D.c. 18: WorJ Ronald K"hnh.\lD and Rod.

.hlp. 19:30 •. m.; Su nday, n.y.I School. 10:30. st.".n Bod.n.toclt, .on

01 the Kobort Bod.n.toclh,c e 1e bra ted hill seventhbirthday, D.c. 10. Th. fol.lowing cl...m.t.s .tt.nd.ed: Gary stolt.nb.rg, Rob­b:. Lag., Mitch.lI Hoump.Don, Charles, Gary andGerry HaselhorsL

Supper guests, Tuesdayin the Martin Hansen homein observance of the thirdbirthday of Da'llas Hansenwere Marjean Hansen,Sharon Kollmorgao, Mrs.Edna Nissen and Shi"rley,and Mr. and Mrs. LouisAmbroz.

Sgt. Orlin Williams andfamily,Sergeant Bluffs.la., were guests Saturdayin the Wayne Will i a m shome.Mon~ignor Healy, Leads,

Card P.rty H.ldHilltop Lark's Christ­

mas card party was heldDec. 10 In'th. Pa)ll Braderhome with 14. attel*ding.Prizes went to Gerald Hale,Paul Brader, Mrs. RayRoberts and Mr. and Mrs.Merton Jones.

H.ppy Go ;Lucky ClubHappy Go Lucky card

party wasl h.ld at the CI.irSwanson home Dec. 9 with16 .tt.nding. It w.s thefirst meeting of the season.New memhers are Mr. andMrs. Letoy Peterson.Prizes went to Mrs. LowellRohlff, Mrs. Adolph Rahlff,L e roy Pet e r son, A 1Thomas BInd Werner Janke.Next party will be Dec. 28in the Edward Fork home.

Cub Scouts MeetCub Scouts, Dens one

and two met Monday andTuesday with all memberspresent and denfothers,Mrs. Ronald Kuh enn andMrs. John Rees. Theyworked an table ~'vors for• p.rty that the will behaving and also orked ongifts {or Imothers.

B.k. S.I. H.ldMethodist Sunday School

sponsored a bake sale atCarroll audlitorium Dec. 10All food was don.t.d bym.mb.rs .nd $55.00 pro­ceeds will be used to buyChristmas treats for thechildren at the Christmasprogram, O~c. 23.

LLLLu~~:t;an Layman'sLeague met Dec. 11 for aChristmas party ~thwivesas guests. Rever-end Hil­pert gave devotions andshowed a film, "At Wash~

ington D. C." The groupsang carols, accompaniedby Mr•. Edward Fork.Prizes went to Mrs. SamZimmerrnan and Ed Os­wald. A cooperative lunch­'8on was served by the men.Next meeting will be Jan.a with George Stolz as host.

MYF MecL3MYF sponsored a chili­

oyster feed Dec. 11 in theMethodist church base­ment with all me m b e r spresent and sponsors, Mr.and Mrs. Clair Swansonand Mr. and Mrs. VernieHurlbert. Next meeting willbe Jan. 15.

H.hand. M,.. MolviDDo~lDc. N.llt m.etlq wl11be J.... 18 .•t tho P'r••b;y·tarl... church. R.portor.CoDDl.· Jon.a. .

Marr)' Make,. ClubSuppar.Mar.ry Mak.,. Club. h.ld

... o)'.t, r .•"pp. r ID thehomo oIM... Eunic.OI....D.c. 8 ....Ith nID. m.mbaupralOlIt. N.xt m.atlq wll1b•• covarad dish lunchoonJ.n. 26 with Mrs. AlbertSahs.·

UPW M••t.VPW m.t o.c; 7 with 11

member. and guests, Mrs.Fr.ncl. Ax.n .nd Mrs. Ed­win Davis, Norfolk. Mrs.AMn was in charge of de­vo~ions aDd program,ltChrlstmas Message" and.how.d .lid.s ofth. Christ­mas Story. Names of serv­icemen were to be postedin the foyer of the church.The remainder ofthe after-

1- noon was spenl; tying acomforter. Ned meetingwill b. Dec. 2i.


Blue Ribbon Club MeetsBlue Ribbon Winners 4-H

Club met Dec. 7 at theCongregational Church with16 members and par~nts

as guests. Members Ire­ceived achievementawards, record boo'ks andinformation concern_ing beef and swine. A dis­cussion of beef and swinep.rojects was held. Host_esses were Mrs. Gerald

Social Neighbors MeetSocial Neighbors Christ­

mas party was held in thehome of Mrs. George Bod­enstedt, Dec. 9 with nineme m be r s present. Giftswere exchanged and secretsis t e r s revealed. Nextmeeting will be Jan. 19with Mrs. Vernon Hokamp.

Christmas Party HeldTown And Country club

Christmas party was heldDec. 9 in the John Berg..Quist home wilh 24 hus..bands and wives attending.A gift exchange was held.Ente rtainment was tenpoint pitch with prizes go­ing to Mr. and Mrs. LloydStraight, Mr. andMrs. Mel_vin Dowling. Next meetingwill be Jan. 13 with Mrs.Don Frink. The programwill be "Handicraft."

Woman's Club MeetsWoman's Club met Dec.

a with 17 members pres­ent. Roll call was "FamilyChristmas Tradition." Onthe program committeewere Mrs. Dallas Havener,Mrs. Ted Winterstein,Mrs. Enos Williams andMrs. John Kess. Mrs. Dal­las Havener showed a film,"Handel's Messiah." Songleader, Mrs. Charles Whit­ney, led the group in thesinging of Christmascarols. Twenty.three boxeswere packed to be given toshut-ins of the area. Mi's.Lam l'ones, Mrs. Jack Kav_anaugh, Mrs. Emma Davisand Mrs. Levi Robertswere on the serving com­mi.~tee. Next meeting willbe J.n. 12.

• .klt, .. L.t Your LIPtShID.... M.mbara aro to.tart foll.ctl... matarlalp.rtal'-lDc to tho ot"dy,"AInU_Dee ADd Poverty.1IWSCS Iia . to .ponaor thef.Uow_hlp hour altor theSund.)' School program,

, D.c. 23 at 7:30 p.m. HOlt­... ~8 Mr •• Ruby Dun­can. oxt meeting will beat 2 p.m. Doc. 21 withMrs. om Rob.rt... Ieod­or with an exchange 01 licklunch.I" Roll c.ll will b."A Chrlstm.. ScriptureReadilllg," and boxe. willbe fIIl.d and d.lfver.d togoldeJl age members.

SenloJ High P.rty HeldS.nlor High Chrlstm.s

Party w.s held D.c. 11in the hom. of Mr..•ndMrs. Stanley Morris withseven members present.Mrs. 'stanley Morris serv­ed lunch. N.xt m.ctingwl11be Jan. 11 with Trixie Jonesand Mary Ellen Morris incharge. The group will goChristmas caroling withthe Adult fellow. hlp gr_,D.c. 22.

'W I n......,.





W."lo,n .. ",-j 'I' n d,,~\ • pGUMt",. c lo'~ ~, ,~ " .... ' n,,·.,

Sp,,, d,,,· \ 0 ~ ""~, Ie lOW-

<l'~'" ... ~ ,10""

<tomp',..t~l. , •• "., ""0>'8'

~,o", , ... ~ '" ,IO'~ 0"

~~o'Y ~;:~'~':Q' ',:I::,~ .d

wscs MeetsWSCS met Dec. 7 with

12 members present. Mrs.Walt Lage opened the meet~

ing, with the (' h r i s t masme$,sage. Mrs. John KessgaVIe devotions and pro ~

gram, "Bringing Life Abun­dant." Mrs. Charles Whit­ney, Mrs. J. C. Woods andMrs. Walt 1.age presented



Here ore a Few Sot. Driving Tips _



Let us Check Your car tr. Your Brakes to ~our TJillightsMak. this 'olilay a t1easantSafeOne I

! I I


ll19 Ealtftlril' , Phon~ 3 5..3180

I Roberti w•••rid." .t th. Paddock

Cit)' .t • Chrl.t­lila' rt)' llvan for t.ac,,",,,, lof L.wl. .nd CI.rkEJ'emtiDtar)' School' SouthSloWII! City. Mu. Edw.1Roba~~. I. I taachar at~~II and Clark EI.m....

:tociefy -i.elll. Fo,"olt'9lun~y, D.c. 15·'·D.Ii. O.k. Mrs. Frank

V'l•••kSund.)'. D.c. 18

Op.n hau•• for Mr. and11\0 Mrs. Ru••• ll H.ll'.

..i.l 215th Annlvers.ry, 2-4~I p.m., Car 0 11 audito..

riumMonday. D.c. 19

Cub Scouts, den one,Mr •. Ron.ld Kuhnh.nn

Tuuday, 0.c ••20C~b Scout., den two,

Mrs. John ~~esBelles And Beaus, sup­

per, 6:30 p.m. CarrollAuditorium

OSf cooperative dinner"Mrs. Oob Johnson

Pet~Yr~:~p~:ss4-~I1Crl~~:lng, 6:30 p.m., DaleClaussen home

Wedtmesday, Dec. 21Friendly Wedne sday. 1

p.m., Mrs. WesleyRubeck

VPWWSCS, 2 p.m.E.ther ·Naomi Circles,

Mrs. Vernon HokampThultsday, Dec. 22

P:tesby. -Coogre. AdultFellowship, 7 p.m.

Page 11: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation



S.f. fo, Chlld,en I

Record PlayerBau:1rtyh n4o;~~~;d~ 3.99

Life-Size 20-lnche. T.III

SLEEPY BABY withl PillowDreamy doll IS so·o·o soft and. c~ddly you'dthink she was real Her SIlky hla;r is root.ed in.





Devid a_bmarl. D.vid L _.nber" Tharli 0 1IdIUCllnd. L.~rl'Tb.IUfour bad elv ." .r~ Pant­.Ia HOlmann, R.... Pull,Carla Reber .....C.rl.C.r­tar. Marvyn $rata liSa..CI.ua.

Th.r. will be • Clborulof lOod .lv.I ,.1Id • cborulof bed .1..1 II w_l1 as •chor,," ohln,~ra.Aaaddaclaltrulloa w111 be • rb1thm·

• .. •••be..

1+.. )r.;:~ /:'Unlimit.d


--let: ..\.;"

~Air·Pump Switch.s

~=~"r.~~SuDday DICl; j,8: Su-JIday

IClbool. in a.m.; worablp••rvlc., 11.

st. Paul'l Ev. lioutharUlCburcbl

IH. M. Hllp.rt, pastorlFriday. D.c. ,16: Adult

m.mberahll' ~Ia~. 10 a.m.Ollie. hOur!, 7.9 p.m.

Saturd Y. .c. 17:C h -t, I • t mI.. prplram rl­h.ai••.I, 1 p.m.j IFood ••1.aDd Bataar. ~i U.hen t7:30.

Sunda)!, D.c. 118: SulldlY• c h a a I and BII>I. cia...930 a.m.; wor.hlp larv.

Ie. ;:~~~hll)C1hurcbIA. D. Weage. !,altorl

SUllday. Dec. I~: SUlldaychool, 9:30 ••m"j wor.tJ,ip

service, 10:30 a.~.

Hoskins SchoolI

Gives Oper.naAn operetta, "Christma.

and the Fout Fr.edoms."will be presentedlMonday,Dec. 19, at 7:30' p.m. inthe Hoskins Grade SchoolIlYm by th.. pup; \. o( the . Ischool lInder the lllirection '" ' but Aquln•• aot~m.t.f th t h of the rebounds f ndll\' IIt'rh SWlln IS shoot In!: GoorJl~ ,'!Y~ri la-Ott

o he '~lac ers. thl' Il'ft. nal,r(' Rrowfl' l~ No 52 and Gordon Jorgcnnn II plrtllUyT" ,e o_pr freedoms" are hiddrn

\t'~"~~!!'!,M~l:;;:!_-:~_', ~·.':~i.:t-bh~:'~,,*!i'<:':~'"+~"·+,*~~. .. ',' ~~~"",,,i,J;i~';;::',,_~~~~


:~;~~~I~eS~~I~~a~ 3.99


.-. ~. Seamless·0 . NYLONS


: ~,.. •Y2;79Cantrece' orffat

! I, '\.knlt In holIdayI~ shades. 8 1/z,t -....,11 II}. Gift box.I

See our BigSelection of


Only lOc ea.

~".~~'I••ijijiiiiiiiiit~~;i~i;i;~i~~~~~~~~~~lj.ll~> ":l;"l I




ChurchesM.thodi.t Church

IE. John K.... pastor)Sunday, Dec. 18: Sunday

school, 10 a.m.; worshipservice, 11.

Lodge EI.ct Office ..WInsid. Rebekah Lodge

met Friday in the Che.te rWylie home. Officers wereelected. Next meeting I.Jan. 13.

.nt. Secr.t pal. wer. r••v.alacl by' roU c.U. A Cl..b,1ft w.. sent to NorfolkOpportUIIlty C.nter, Tbebirthday .on, was 111JlI for

~h:ist::.n.c.Cr'oi : t ~::~"""1 .~ ,lito ncballlacl.Tommy Koll .ane 110Christmas Tree" in 0.,-,man.

M... Langenber, andM... Erneot Muehlm.ler1'eceived prize•. Mr ••Schreiner served cookie.and coffee. Mrs. LanceD­berg will eD~ert.in in Jail­uary.

Trinity Lutheran ChurchIH.F. otto Muell.r, p..torl

'J1hur.day, D.c. 15: Jun­ior choir, 4 p.m.; thirdyear confirmation class,4:15 p.m.

Friday, Dec. 16: Secondyear class, 4 p.m.;,.1,. .

Wom••·,3 99J4-40 •


ORLON SHELLSVersatile topper dressesup for the season In er;n­!brOidery, crochet tnm

mas service, "The Lightof Christmas."

'Mrs, Neely and Mrs.Martin Pfeiffer will enter­tflin in January.

Christmas Party Held~eighboring Circle Club

mrmbers held a ChristmasditlOe r Dec. 8 at the homeof Mrs. Evelyn Schreiner.Fourteen members and twoguests, Tommy Koll andDawn Carstens, were pres­



Pleats. tucks. ties andother trims glye thesestyles a huhday flair,


aUrll~~~l~I~~ 4.4432-ln long

Holiday .


• Assorted Designs

Provide appropri·.ate wraps for every·one. Foil or paper'

R_g. S'iD...1.29 0'" aOJl i

Were pte ent. Tables wer'edecorated with red candlesand ced~rboughs.Mrs.I.F.Gaebler, Mrs. Eva Lewisand Mrs; Chester Wyliewere dessert hostesses.

Mrs. ThorvaldJacobsen,president, had charge ofthebu 8 i n e s IS session. Mrs~

William Wendt, Hoskins,was welcomed as a newmember. Mrs. J .G. Swei­gard had charge of a Christ-

--~~~. ~

CRL,,~\1~WINCHESTER Big "H" Race Team

.-.rUyn SVUi" Irene Koch. :Helen Swanson. Florenct." Mau, WU·rtla Roberb Edna Wendt: f(}ur;th row, Ro.lland Menk. Irma Zandt."r.~furc~lIa II (N. Hoht·rta Lt't'~ Mary Harper, Hazl!.' Lambing, Jer·

tll~l~nLC~~'Jllt~~.n~al~~cn;:11~~)(~~n~., ~~~h~t~r~iI:lit~~~r:.o~;~l C~~~s~~~~~~y....owers, Ruby Nelson, RotM'rt lIaag, Edith Gt."ske l speaker).

will he ~ent to the Luth­er<~n Old Peoples 1I0me at()~aha and to the C:hildrensHolme, Omaha. Snack barwOirkers for Jan. 13 areM~s. Edward Niemann andMrs. Hussell Prince; Jan.17 Mrs. Florenz NiemannanJI Mrs. Eay Reeg, Mrs.Gus Kramer was programchairman. Officers will beel('jeted Jan. 1. Tuesday,Jan. 24 a work shop willbe held atSt. Paul's Churchin Winside,

gave entertaioment at thenoon meal a~ RedeemerL u the ran _Ghurch. Sheshowed slides and books'from Africa, made whileshe was therle. She plansto return to that continentSOOD.

e 0 u n t y S ru p l. Glady sPorter and her assistant,Mrs. Darold Krae~r,

were in charge of theini'ti­tute. They report 37 publicschool teachers and 4 frompar a chi a 1 (L u the ran)schools attending. This isthe full complement of rur­al teachers in the countyinc luding the public schoolsof Sholes and Hoskins andlh¢ parochial school in lIos­kins.

The Ideal Gif t for HER

slip ribbed rJbber sole make it ideal for winter

fashion Boot up anll go nowl

leather uppers, It s~ips on easily because of the

elasticized inserts. The warm furry lining and non-

than with our over-the ankle style In Black c,rushed

You can't boot m'ore fashionably In cold weather

IT~§ W~I:?M


r=4§t-i 1()~4.I3L~T() 13()()T!

DO~'S.. '·...IM

Mrs, Carrie Hanson ob­served her birthday lastSaturday by entertaining8 group of neighbor ladiesin her home.

St. Paul's Aid MeetsForly-one members and

seven guests were presentWednesday when St. Paul'sLadies Aid held a Chri st,~

mas dinn~r and party, Eachmember received a redrarnation. Mrs .. \rnold~anke had devotions. AUfiIiary Meeting Heldtetters w'ere read {rom ~oy Reed American Le-servicemen who had re 4 gidn Auxiliary held a din-qeived Christmas packages ner at the Legion Hall Dec"~rom the :\id. r\ cash gift 10. Fa u r tee n members~••**.2u.~••~'u~~~~~.",.~.~












Society -

Gladys Reichert - P;lQnc 285-45')4


Teachers Hear About'New English' Coming

First It was "new math,"DOW it is "new English."That's the ... 0 r d Way n e

!<p"WlJYa: ~~.'In~::u~; ~:I~:.'1 [ ay Friday at the COLl rt~

oue•.aeulah Kld.on, Boulder,

Colo., represented a Chi­c~ao .~pply firm. She toldabout reading C0l.l.fses inthe morning and gave apeek hno the new Englishbooks in the afternoon. Thebooks will be ready in Jan­Ul.ry and some will be inuse in the county next fall.

Edith Geske, Norfolk,




Page 12: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


Monday Nile Ladle.'II L

Lovo's Signe 41 15GilI.tto', Dairy 39 17Sehmode.Weiblo 36 20Jerry" care 35 21'Hotel Morrison 33 23N & M Oil Co. 29 2T'Sav Mor OrUll 2T 29Nu•.Tave·rn 26 30/Kugler Eleclric22 3',Proett" Bakery 19 3T jDahl'. Retire. . 18 38Sl,te National Bnk. 11 U'

High Icor..: JO,nH~'do,en 236 and 601,Olllatt "Dairy 864 and 2495. "

VI ....Marley', staDdard 41 c1f,~r',Nutrona· :iT 19:".Klrn Farm Eqllip. 3~,.:'.':: .Bill', Cafe ' 30"''''''''Moy.. 01\ Co. 28' 21'W,yne Grain A: Fd. 211"Farmer'l st. Bak.2'" 2.N,reo Faad 22 3.'>Schmidt" Boor 21 35'Schlitz Ble r 13 43/,

Hlllh 'eoreo: LloydShI'~man 237;, Rich Wllr"I"'"624; Mar Ie y' , Standll'"1003 and 2844."

Wayae'l Body~op5ElllllDl'. $P.operty Ex. "SWeet LallY saMcNatt Hard"ar. 30Flaclrleklpli', 30Wol,ke Allto 24-~,.naa." 2116 'mc ,20 . ,,'.Obon Feed.,. 19 ,~,

Hl,h 'CO,." Ken ~~ •.lin b 0 r 289' aD" ~,~.jt,_"Wayne', Body Shop loh(i;;:and 2951. ,0 ,~

. ~:; :

M~S: :'l=lIl\•.iiM.tl..'1 1'.1 .

~Jrharia ii

. I,~ , . :JC oaCol. "IEli R• ."ho 'I,Sabai' V.lo :,PI.a..

HIIII oo,~,.PilI~I'lDan tI~;Oa566; MI...; 814245T.


W L35 2134 22.32 2432 2431S 2«27 2926~ 29'"23 3321 3518 38Verneal

end 586:957 and

••• Columbil:"::")~j'


A Complete line of




EvangelicelConcordia No.3Concordia No. IMothOOht No.2Coae"""la No.2W.ltleill.. Sf. PaulWayn...St. PaulOrRet! LutheranMothMlst No, l'Imm~.uol

Hi~h scores:Pol r,on ,228Meth 1st No. 22599., . ,--"

Sodon./<ruogorMeu-Nlelsonstrollht-W at••Mey.Hans~.MannLororizen-Kay 0 4

HlSh 'corel: John Oall206 jlnd 565; Joan Hanlen203 :and 550, Olson-Joan.Lac;kas 684, D,II-Burt1997.




.t,.... ')Sa~,..., .ftan_wllO.~1' ••Emar."ql!, -.or'~:; " .

. Tbe.·V,fiijll bew.. 11IMlb~b~"Dw!l ,11I011I'.ba. .5:J_I.W.-· w~'" InN,,, y' tk t .e" ,~arcOlllpldloa I Itt. arlllYc\ul;,.·1l ,.Ipa. Woo.l:ad ,h,lfya, a InQa IIIU1Y. t.h.UIII M, ~. Lab hllla ,adL'Oran ai. ,a"nlDl'lIla.~.1 ~II:. E ,,',,1 bOllle.

10... lid Mra. A lb. wtEchtan PIP ,ttendad a diDoDer 'II ,b..day. at lbe.w a,o W hoel, 'L.llral;lponlo ael by thl cciJlflrllla.t10n el~1I of 1915 "filii.manllll Llltha,.n. RI"n.IDd ·G~hrkl w.. lbl paltoral that tim••hen 13 ....conUr oel. Mr. E c ht'IDokamp II onl of the nllm.ber. T .nty ",..to Injoyadan ev nine of ramlnhelnll.



Business Meh's LeagueW L

Coryell Auto 78 34Dahl Ret. Cent. 68 USwan-McLean 68 44Mini Bar 6D 52Wayne Her,ld 52 60St.t~.Nat. Bank 48 64Wayne Greenhouse38 74Melodee Lane. 36 76

High scores: PaulOliver247; Pat l1ailey 631; 'DahlRet. Center 959 and 2787 .

Wednesllay Nile Owl,' .,W L

Wagon Whe.1 3~ 2~,cBarner', TV 37'" 2~Troutman, 4Jroo. 35lli 2~Funks "0" Hybrid 3~ 2~

Brahmo.. ~ar 31l',i 3~Pilger Corll. SeTv.33· 27Triplo "F" 'Feeds 30' 34Hoffman oq.ih 29" 35Cliff's Tavelrn, 29 31Nu.Tavern 28'" '3~Oeorges. Fd. Mkt, 27 37Fair Bo,rd ·23 n

High scores: Bart Beaty230; PUain~i ~acob.en 571;Barners TV 8~8; BrahmersBar 2559.

, ,

hOllle. 'N....c atla. .~',Mt••,_, M •• Joo Erlo '

Ion ..a~\ldacl a falllll,ydner 1D.lba r,A; cA, $up.dall hOllla. laner ,l!llIIIday;WbUa' -lbara, a 1II....geaIIIa 'telll or lba· alltldp"alll,' of' .... lkw.. d(Allee" J!:ric aOIl at P..dena" ,Cam. 'I Th" BirDa~dErlckeoll' a Uved Ill' th,aco", :imlty ra"I"1 y....qo. I

M •., a.lld

i'M,a. Lo'ac)y

Jo Ion and Mr. a"'.M...Au st Lor Dsen. :Wayn.,we 0 lupperl",..ta SundayIn tho Don Ho,an homoM ,nlli','ld'laDd Iplnt th~o Inlnl I thl Kenneth

rador hom,Mrs", Erw n Brown Ipent

Saturday n ghl with h.rmo'ther, Mrs. JohnHeck­ens. sr,o, ~merson••tWakeflold ,ospltal. Mrl'.Heekon, ad ,uff...lia

Bowli'ng Pro-Shop·

Shoes and Bags" 1 ,...


'lty Mrs. Wall.ce RingPhon. 217·2620




W LBen ·F ronklin '41 19Langomeler 35 25Super'Valu 34 26

Saturdax Nlte Couples Lione Club 33 27W L Llttlo Bl1ls 31 29

Willers.Topp 4 0 Carharts 27 33 Friday Nile Ladi.. .;,,\,:Dunkla~.Japke 4 0 V & L Bar, 22 38 W '. ",'"

~all.~~r,t . T t ~ ~ W~t~,a.. JI 1T~ t3tt ~,,~ll'n's ~~h ~O!,D~~:.M~~~ rou, 3 1 244 '~..de~~~~: Su~r ~:Iu Pe~p~e~, 30 30;\Janke.Wlllers 3

311 931; .Bon F'anklin 2551. Arnl.. 26 33!4

Echton.•Ftovert -- LYrmadalle:".AII.n ~flIJohnson.,Ja"ke 2 2 Hit 'n Mre. Sh,. 1 4T~

The Loweli Newton fame Hupp-Lutt 2 2 W L High ,cor,": Shlr 1.ily'wer.e supper,guestsSal- alson-Joa~.Lael!,aaJ 3 Mines 4~ 19'h Hamer 175 anji'476·ArDla.urday 10 the Millord Gran Plnkel.-M¢Oowen 1 3 BI1\'s Cal. 39, 21' 599' Marilyn'" 1667.••••••••••••••••••••••••~ *•••••


WlnaJdo ~utoco..d TI)ct.iiIn tho th~rd 13 to 1:1 butloll ill, th~ ~atal'fO\lrth .c".~Ing oll1y'l to Tlldan'. 22~Hlllh man lor W Intldi'Keith Kru~'er. 12 pol;.t,.',cored 8 thI ',lIrat half ,wltKTlldon ad! ,tment'ln Cle"lense prac Ically ,topplnihim tho socond hall.

Randy JecC/blOn scored11 with Do" Longe recklng_up 7 and Ilosdilll Ih "re­bounds. Reed Waek... ~oa.Irlbuted 4 'and Bob Dang.berg and Kirk, Troutman2 each to, round out theWildcal sC~'rlng,

High poi t man for Til.den 'was D nn Tassemeyerwith 27. any of whichwere popped in from out..side.

Tilden Reserves startedthe sweep by downing Win_sid" Kitties,66·32. LeadingWinside offensively wereKeith Wacker and Phil Wittwith 10 each.

In action, Friday nightWinside travels to NorfolkCatholic.


Beneficial moisture in the airlost to artificial heating mUSl bereplaced. Here's how: With anAprilaire Humidifier. Here'swhy: II adds moisture jusl asNature does-as a vapor. Nomis~s. droplets. white dusl. Bjgcapacity. controlled by an ac­curat~humidistat. Minimummaintcnance. Choose the beltl-an IApriiaire Humidilier.

Read and UseThe Wayne Herald W.nt Ads

make it like SPIIIINOwith an~·



TIEDTKE'SPlu"J~ing and ,Heating220 Jill_in Phone 375·2122,



'Winside' tripped,By Tilden Friday


W ithl

the temp-erature,hovering near the zeroimark, Winside's scoring!punch was just about as

ICOld Friday night, as thehost Tilden Tigers wiped

lout Winside 63 to 38.. An al~rt Tilden defenseirefused to budge and the! clock showe? only 3:56 re ..maining in the first quarterwhen Winside made their

I first field goal. Bob Dang..'berg dropped in a freetoss(0 make the SCore 4 to 1Tilden, ,and W inside neveragain came within reach.

. Fir,s~jquarter play endedwlth [1 den holding a 16-5margin. The Wildcats wereunable tlO solve the man-to..man defense in the secondqlJ;lrter, going to the lock_er~ on the short end ofa .30~13 count"

The H ed and \\ hite of

$,"• if,

Recreation LeeagueTeams Lose three

Don Meyer Plays onI

C~~nT~~mM~e~~~~aOfMr. a'nd Mrs. Don Meyer, I'

Wayne, is a guard on the 1

Colorado State Collegeteam from Greeley thaiwill appear in Omaha Mon_day, Dec. 9, art the OmahaU. field house ~gainstOma..h~ University. I I

CSC official$ cite Meyeras a member cif the varsityfor the third ylear in a rowafter leading ~is freshmanteam in scoriDig. He is alsothe leading scorer on theBears' team so far thisyear.

Meyer is a 1963 gradu.ate of Wayne: High Schooland. is a var~ity memberof fhe basehal! and bask,toball teams. He, is majorihgin physical education withminors in English and driv_er's education,

Wayne Women Post

Win to Even RecordThe "Wildkittens," a

woman's t.eam made up ofcollege girls, won twogames the past week toeven the record for theseason. Coach PeggyPlath's sextet has now wontwo and lost two.

A I a y off a w a its theKittens now. They do nolsee action again until Jan.11, when they face Mid­western College at Denison,la,

Wednesday night, Waynebeat John F. Kennedy 66­58. Saturday the local t.eamwalloped Omaha University83.18.

Cheri Mankenberg andLinda LeFebvre led Wayneagainst JFK with 19 pointsapiece. Janet Dean made17. Pal Mordhorst 10 andNoreen Phillips 1. MarilynMorley and Carol Wolf had i19 apiece for JFK. '

Against Omaha, Manken.Jberg had 25. Mordhorsfl,added 18. Dean 16. Le-:Febvre 13, Peggy Hueser7 and Judy Peterson 4.Sharon Brown's 9 led theau effort.

Wayne Recre,~tion

League teams had a badweek. They dropped threeof the four games theyplayed the past week.

Coach Ifank Overin'scagers go to Norfcplk Cath~

otic for games Saturda)afternoon. Because of thegames, the Saturday sched.ule for practice has beenchanged, the new schedulebeing given at the end ofthis article.

Again<;t Pierce on thelatter's floor, Pierce wona thriller, 25-2J. It was aonewman effort by the win~

n,ers, 15 of their 25 pointsbeing made by one player.

'Kim Thomas wa,s the boyno one cou Id stop, In addi­tion to his 15 points, Piercehad help from Kirk Heyerwith R and Doug Lueberwith 2. For \Vayne, BreckGiese had 10, DOin Mau 9and Mike Creighton andSteve Kamish 2 each.

Saturday the Boys Clubninth and tenth, grade teambeat "Fremont 49-20. It waSthe only game of three withFremont the locals wereable to win.

Dennis Hedel led Waynewith 18 points. Doug Flegehit 12, hen Jorgensen G,steve Dargurz 4, Don Cary3 and Vaughn Korth, \VayneMagdanz and Mick Carlson2. Tom Evans and BobEaan made 8 each. and GregKotik 4 for Fremont.

The a Ide r [Joys Clubteam lostto Fremont 56-.19.Tom ('ausey had 22, CraigHeis 18, John Grah 10,Smokey Kulhanek 3 and.fohn Beckman 2 for thewinne r s. Dennis Redelmade Ii, John M.itson G,Daane Peterson' 5, CalComstock, Rill Carlson andEric Nedergaard ,t, SteveSchram ,1, ('arl MatsonandWayne M agdanz 2 andBar ry Biltoft 1 for Wayne.

Fremont beat Boys Clubseventh grade 35-21. ToddBornhaft had 8 to leadWayne. Don Hansen added ~ON LONGE, Winside. has the ball and two Tilden players wlnl7, Kelly Dill 3, Larry £lof- ~('d~h~r;;~~~~:7I'~~~)i;n~oR:;dW~~~dc~ players besides Longe are*

son 2 and Kyl Wills 1. ~=:;-~~~:::~;:;::::-~::::========;;;For Fremo.nt. Perry had Need OCS Candidates14, Borreau 8, Echtenkamp6, Haynes 4 and Encion SFC S. K. Coleman ofand Camen 1 apiece. the army recruiting serv-

Saturday's practice ice, Norfolk, rep,orts anschedule calls for fifth and increased need, for newsi_~th grades practicing at ! ~candidates for officer can­lo.~30 and junior high girls ! dictate schools. Apout 3,500at 12. There will be no candidates are needed eachpractice for senior high month. College grads maygirls. Seventh and eighth apply for active duty withgrade boys will leave at assignment to oes if they1:15 for Norfolk Catholic. are citizens over 27 years

old. Seniors in college mayalso be accepted. Armor,artillery, engineer, infan­try. ordnance, quarter ..master, signal and trans- .portation officers are need­ed. Anyone wanting moreinformation should confact

Coleman at Room 227,:\orfolk Ave., Norfolk.

fg ft f pts3 2-5 3 8I 0-0 4 2o 0-1 4 01 0-0 4 2

125-72.29o 0.1 1 05 1-3 4 111 1-2 1 3


David City Aquinasfg fl f pt.

D, Holovy I 2·.3 4 10.J. Kearney 4 2-5 1 10G, Hraban 30-0 4 6B. o...;chindler C 3-4 0 15D. \"ondr:::l 14-111 7T, lIain 2 2-3 :) G~1. Mpysenberg ~ 2-4 2 \)folal 22 16·30 17 60

Wavne with 15 points andHarn I.indner made 10.lJther point totals were.')teve Kerl C, Bernie Bing­er and l.arry lUx 4 andSt.even Johnson, JoedylIoogner and Mark Ellis 2.

For Aquinas,RernardlIavovic had lR, Hay Behrns12, Dave. Krafka and GregIlraban 6, I{andy Hraban·1, Dab Gillespie, Tom To­mek, t\,'like Hiller and MarkMohler 2 and Eldon Jakaband Tom Samek 1.

Following is the varistybox score:WayneL. Les~mann

M. JQhnsonS. JohnsonS. I'i.erlG. J orgens enG. ('~ynon

D. DrownH. SwanTotal

Johnson 2 and Mark .fohn­son and Lynn Lessmann 1each ..~. Johnson and Browneach stdle the ball 3 times,Swan 2 and Jorgensen andKerl 1. Brown had 4 as­sists, Jorgensen 2 and M.John-son, S. Johnson, Swanand Eynon 1 each. ,_.

J urgensen's 2~l~p()intout­put was tope. for any play~

er OIl either team. BrowncoM ri but ed 11. The Mon­archg had a more balancedattack, Bob Schindler mak­ing 1S and non llotavy andJim Kearney In each. Sev_en D('/\ players had (j ormore points.

In the reserve till, Waynet.railed almost all thet.ime.{)(':\ led 13-1() after onequarter, 2.1-2,1 al (he halfand ·1:l_30 after three ,:;lan-

going on to a Sf~-4 S

Waist 29.36

50% Fortrel50~ CottonCorduroys

Our Famous



Regular $7,98

Whille the stock lasts


ii..oiikJ-IIIII'S lAND IODf trou

TAKING A SHOT I,alnst David City, Aquinas was Gordon Jor~en­~dl DllVl" Brown (521 N,nH'S in for a possible rebound Aquinasplnyt"rs art' Don Hotovy 1111) ann Tf_'m_',::la:...in::...:..(25:.:....1 _


Wayne Loses toDavid City FiveIp~~ Dt~:itd h~1t'ill;~~'U~~~~I)f its firsl two games,... howed no reason why it-,hould lose>¢any more Fri­Idv.nlght at !WSC. TheMan­Irrhs defeated Wayne Ij()~

~) in a ragged ball gilrne.\\' [l .\- fl e ha s two m 0 r (.

',<'IOlesihefore the hOllda,Ye..,I he lue Devils pIa\-' alI'lpim'iew friday night" andii, I I' nil J,i 0 n W edne sda)

"igW· I"'quih~s cant rolled the'

I'oards on both ends of thec'durt Il\O~t of (,he evening.\\ uyn{"s best effor[ (arll£,I,dl' ill the game whefl thf')l'l,j\-t',\ to within three,)int~; after trfliling fromlte in th¢ first quarter.

During the first moments"f tht~ tilt, U appeared thatII would hi' ,1 Sl'esaw battleI", t.hr leil'~ changed handsl"ll[ times. Wayne led forlie la.'it time 'at 4-:, but

'11,waged a l(I_Hl tie.DC'A went in front 12-11

.It the end of the first per­iod., At halftime it was111-21 in favor of the vis~

ilors and the margin wasInaintained at 46-37 goingintn the final period.

Waynf> pulled uptoj~-·l -)2-4g. S·1-51,Inti but could neverlluse the gap. The~Mon­trchs It''d hy l~point threeI mes, .1t ~{;~23. 37-2 , and

i .I-2hW ;1 \ nt' outscored DC.·\

.(;··14 fronn the court buttiH' ~Iun,\rchs picked up,LIck ,d ,tb· free throw

hitti,~g lC of 30 while,yn£' made 'l of lq. DC.\~)< .In'll\,·'-IIS4r·,.. 'i 1 {'bounder for the

l~lue Ih'\I~I" was Ueorge! .yonn. wlhu did not playmuch (If the la,,;t half. liepulled Ihe ball down forthe lll(al~ 11 timee.. {-;or­fiE' .1(lrg·en:sen provirlied theqrrpn,·i\!' !'1l1ll.'h fllr jhe 10_nal~ .\Ill! ,d"u grabbed 10ceboul\,l" ,

llthpr rt!bp\lnd t'frorts in-Bruwn ~,Herb He~:r~ W~~t ~S;s ~eT~llt:le

:--;teve her! :l".-.;tf'H.. Ads That Do the BIG Job






Page 13: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


....... UIaTho W.yna Har.... W.... Mo.

PIDt.... • .. '.mons ....f. vor It •• of Am.rtOPIduck.. Their Dame co....from tho .10DI.t.d .antralt.1l f••th.... Thay .ra of.ten c.ned " lpr l.I " by .....ner ••



KEN WILSON II, the newest m.m~r of

our .ervlce or••nlntlon. K'" h••

ne.rly 10 y.e" .....'Ienc.; wltllI-H on truckl, treeton, c."'~IM',b.le" end di",'I. j;"


Dixon you D I. t. r • willhsve • double ,1ft Friday,Dee. 23. Th.t Is tho day.chool dlsml•••• for theChrlstm.. holld.y .nd aI.othe day S.nta will b. IDtown with treats.

The Dixon Town BoardIs m.klne the visit of S ....t••nd the ,Ivtns af t tapossible. Chlpplns ID tohllp are p.tron. of M.r.laretts Place who .aldth.yw.nted to help If SaDta w..comine to Dixon. A jarfor donation. h.... been I.tup to help cover cOlta.

School will be di.mi...darouDd 2 or 2:30 D.c. 23.S'Dta will be at the DlxoDAuditorium shortly arter

Santa in DixonDay School Out

Tho We_ 1-.IHar...., 1'hunoIe" Doc_;t II,''''. .' .•


Dlaa EIlI•• that. 0.\11 wmlbe .... ,N.ncy Ell ~l £cIu EI1I., In D.xt.wa.k·. paper.Mat. h. McAf••, £cIu jld'II:~!;

~::=°').t.~::D~~~d (.oAl's SaItt .' '1 '1


~~~'=':rD'B::'~~~:"~~ VisIt.' Satlnlay, ;,.1,.·.•Robert., V.rDOD Buckett, ,Jim EI1I., D.vId EmlLDaDo Sa...nd flv. d '.'1.1 Hlckman.nd Mlk. !!OllI.. turk.,. will be tha ",'Fi'ad Hickman I. narr.tor .ttO&O'10111 In COlloor...... ,il.i.':..·and Phyll.. Hlckm.D· I. 'UdOl. ADDth.r ct.,..w" "

I t B HI '- I. beiDS lpo.lorad b:l' ....pi. n •. ruca C......D. C'ODC 0 rd Com ml rota Iwho 10 .".ndlns E.rl.han Club'

LSchool of R.llcioD .t Rich- OC(; hOI .rr.......· formODd, Ind., will brlns the Sa.. to be on Iiand ,tm....'. Sund.y momlne.Dec. 18. Youns Frl.nd. 3:15. Ha wllt have tra,'.Chrl.tm.. Socl.1 w•• h.1d for .11 tho klddl•• of th.,Monday evenlnl' In the hOlDe .r;~·lor' to the tr••,. to.,of Dan Hickman. kid., th.r. will be .beat..

for tho .dulta ID tha for..of a drawlns .t the flra'h.1I for fin turk.,•• R.~.I.tratlon for turka,••tan..t I p.m. .nd will 0_tlou. for two hou...

Tha turkey. thl. Saturoday will brlns tho total fortho Chrl.tmaa hollcla:r to15 ID Concord. Wlnnanof turkey. l••t ."'rdayw.ra: H.Dry L. loU-,Laural; .nd Mn. Elm.r

~:u~e~t:':l.o~=?~ :::~~WaUiD. Concord.

JED COFFMAN•. il our n.w plrh foremln

(hiving h.d 4 y.a,. experience on

IHe parh before coming to Wayne)

.....r.ic. for.menHAllVICAV

AUGUST DOlMAN.' fI • farm equipment ..rvice

ALL OF US • 0 0

wish to thank all of you cUltome,. for YOllr patronage

during 1966 and invite e..ryon_ld and new ClI..

tomera-to atop in and ..e UI lOon. Since ,,",ice il

really all we han to off,r, .e pledge ou,..I..1 to ,i••

the very best,

.on, LoraD OD Ihla 10thb1rtbda,y. aua.ta Iw.ra Mr.and Mn. Bull T~ube, Mr.aDd Mr•• Aodrewl5or.D••n.Wakaflald', Mr. and Mn.Alb.rtl LanoD, BaDcroftand Mr. and Mn,JlmW"r_Dar .nd f....IIy. I

Mr. and M.., M.urlc.Dav.Dport .nd family h.vemoved IDto • hom. whichth.y porchuad from theOliver Su m m-I" I .atate.The 0 venporht, who maY.

:I:d~ DE:D::i\';l hi~·~h:AII.n Sch09I, Richard iDthe ~ rd sr.d. and M.lodieID the fifth lrad••

Lu .raD Church Dot••:The und.y School Christ­m.. prosram wlll be heldat .30 p.m. Cbrhtma. eve.W rship Service at FirstL the ran wUl b.(iD .t 9:30I.m. Christmas mornilll.Thero will b. no SundaySchool.

Methodi.t Dot..: ChurchSchool Chrlstm.. IIrolramwill be h.ld Sund.y eve·ning, Dec. 18 at 8 p.m.A c.Ddlelisht Christmaseve S.rvlce will be heldbeginning at 7:30; worshipon Christmas Day will be­gin at 10 a.m. There willbe no Church School Christ­mas Day.

F r ie Dd s Church: TheChurch choir will presenta Christmas cantata "Nightof Miracles" Sunday eve..ning, Dec. 18 at 8 p.m.Soloists w III be HerbertEllis, La r r y MeA fee,Christine Ellis, MernaJones and LeLand Sawtell.Other choir members areVelda Furnas, Carolyn


. :_.cWoy_, NeIt,... . ,t ..... ft5-2'"



i JACK NILES1 Manager

100 HUGHESf.rm equipment senic.

.OVD HEDRICK• is takinq over n salesman


Mr. and Mrs. AII.DTrube entertained Sundayfor dinner honoring their

will be b.ld .t tha RichardChapm.D hom.. M.mb...aro to brlns ropa to m.kahaltaro.

ELF Club will maat Dae.16 .t tha EldoD Baralm.nhom. for • I p.m••a1.dluncheon. I

AileD Community Proj­ect Club met at the clubroom for a Christma. par­ty. Twelve member. wereprosent. Next meetine willbe J.D. 13. Memb... areto meet at Chri.ten.en'sstore at I p.m. to go toWakllfield Hcspita' to sew.

A bridal shower was heldSaturday evening 'in theLuther.n Church parlors'or Christine Ellis. MI..Ellis will become the brid.)f Harold loom at Frl.nd.:hurch, Dec. 23.

'!p.nish Club EntertalDsTwenty.six members of

the Allen High School'!paDlsh Club eDt.rtainedtheir parents. 8,t a Spanishdinner Saturday. Some ofUte dishes on the menuwere Spanish flan, stuffedpeppers, frijoles RioOra nd e, Spanish noodlecas s e r 0 I e and Spanishcookies. Special guest wasAbe !cqllierda of Cal!, Co­l u m b i 8. South America.Abe, an exchange student,II staying in the home ofMr. and Mrs. Jack Geary.Mad i,ao n. Mrs. GeorgeJohn, Wayne, istheSpanishInstructod


Wayne, NebraskaCity Auditori~m




Livestock Club FormedA new 4-H livestock club

has been formed under theleadership of Francis Plug-

<;er and Larry Baker. Atthe organizational meeting

'the group discussed: p;roj­ects for the year. Niov. 14they metattheJeraldChap­man home and chose thename, "Wranglers! 4-HClub". The £ollowihg of­ficers were elected: BillSachau, president; ConnieSa c h a u, vice pre~ident;

Sharon Nobbe. sec~etary;

Way n e Chapman, Itreas­urer and Nancy Ch pman,repo~ter. Jan.' 16 eeting

IlASKIT SaUNa is the haU onthl!'i !'ihot bv Randy Jacobsen,Winside. against Tilden Friday.Rich Rice, Tiger plflYl'r. lookson, unable- to <;lop the play

Mrs. Ken LinefelterPhone 635·2403


Music Department at theAllen School, under the di­rection of Mary Duceyplans several Christmasprograms. G r a d e schoolwill present two operettasSunday a fte rnoon Dec. 18at 2:30, Thethirdandlourthjgrades will present "Whenlthe Toys Come to LUe H

'.and the fifth and SiX~ willpresent, "Red Can les."The s eve nth and ighthgrades will sing s veral~numbers. Grades Kth ough3 will present an op rettaand several musical num­bers,


Allen "1inl ThrillerAII.n fllsh School E.,la.

posted ttl.lr llrot WiD ofthe se""D Friday. dafeat­ins the IPlIs.r Cardln.l.62-61 iD' sam. which aaWthe I.ad ~haDse hands ..v·.ral t I". s· in the IInaiquartor. 'Jim Ellis mad.two (ree throws tn the fl.Qf.l to gf ve the Blue .ndGold th.' I.sd. Ellis had31 points and Dale Jack'oDmade 20 for Allen. KlppKruse made 24 and And.r •.son 15 for the Cardinals.Pi I g e r ,won the res.rvegame 26-21.


Girl Coger InjuredD.DY. LIDDdman, Oind>.

UDlv.rsity b..k.tb.1I pl.y­ar, w.. iDjured while play­Ing in a game at WSCSaturday. She was takenby ambulance to the WayneHospital where a doctorchecked her. No major in­juries were fou~rI and shewas allowed to return toOmaha with her team.


tlon that Wayn. ... Ul b. aformldabl. pow.t In ~ ••br.ak. 'swimming againthis ,.a.OD. .

ber F.D.1.C.

Swim Team Opens

Season at ConcordiaSwimming season for

\\' aync State begins Thurs­day wibh a meet at Con­cordia ('ollege, Seward.

Coach I~alph BarC'lay willuse this ~ne pfe.Christmasevent. 1.0 size up his wealthof vetera:n talent and thenewcomers, some of thema Ire ad y: challenging theestablish~d regulars.

He reports that severalswimmers have, in prac­tic f', bett',ered school andconfere'nce records- insome eve ts a good indica-

WHS Freshmen Take

Laurel, Pierce TiltsCoached by Ron Carnes,

the Way n e High Schoolfreshmen are off to a fast.tart. They opened Thura.day with a 65-41 win overLaurel and downed Piercefrosh60.,15 Monday Disht.

The string could cometo an end Monday. The Impsplay at Stanton and will thenrest until after Christmasvacation.

points. Against Laurel, WayneW~yne shot well enough led 13.7, 31-20, 45-33 and

to Win most games~56 per 65-.:11. The game was play.~ent, bu~ needed more than ed on the Way nee i ty

~~s ~I. t\i ld .~~t~~~t~i JoeJ Auditorium court with ab;rB~b ;tr:~hman', ~6,o~~n_l a r g e a nd ent~usias.ticII' ltd 0 J h crowd on hand, mcludmg

mtz1'::1 " , an ave 0 n- a well~organized Pep Club.

st~n ~'. ,Ted Arm b r u s t e r led. fh.e vlctory was t~~ ftfth Wayne s cor i n g with 14In SIX games for \\ mona, points. Mike Biltoft madecoa~hed by former wsr 12, Jerry Titze 10, Lesasslstant coach Ron Ekker. Echtenkamp 8 Dan Suther-The loss was Wayne's land 7 Bruce 'Pflueger andfourth in fi ve outings. Randy' He 19ren 4 and Doug

Maurer, Terry Ellis andScott Kerl 2. For Laurel.T. Hattig had IS, J. Schroe­der 11, J. Ebmeier 7, R.Ebmeier -1 and D. Magnusonand R. Erwin 2.

Monday at Pierce thegame was almost ideFtical.Wayne led at the plriods19-6, 33-18, -14-32 andCO-45.

For Pierce, Weber had20, Hoffman 13, Christen­sen 5, O'Neal, Toay andSchultz 2 and Sirek 1. Arm­bruste r led Wayne with 17.Pat Chambers had 9, Ech.tenkamp and Titze R, Pfleu­gel; G, Bruce Mordhorstand Ellis 4 and Maurerand Biltoft 2.

This Christmas. give your child a Savings Account with

us. Th..n. h ..lp savings grow into tLe hest "surprise

Gift Her with Security!We'll Help Wrap It Up1'1'­


package" of all. WistI your child a very merry future!~-l': • ~ • .

~ .First N.tlonal 'ank I

Minnesota"TeamWQts Over'IWSC

FOil,' a ·time it seemedthat ~! ayne State cagerswer-e well. on the way towhipping Winuna .'-;tate Sat­urday . night. They startedauthQritati'CteLy, wit h aquicl~ ... 19.. 12 lead in ~ix

minutes.T':twm the Wildcats went

another six minutes withouta score while Winona llsedfOUf more minutes to Zoomahead, 25~I~l. TheWarriorsfrom Minnesota t'xtendedthe I~nd shortly to J7~23.

before \\a\'rlE' brol\f~ itsfree21e.

:\ft.~r thl' !:)-:\ti half, LheWildcQ.ts O1ovt1d within oneor tw,;)' points several tirne~

but never managed a tie usthe hpt-shoot ing \\' inonansrallied eachti01f>. Thedam~age was done mainly b}5-8 guard Dave Meisner,who ,hit 12 of IR field shotsand six of six free throwsfor 30 points, and Tim An..derso~, '~-·1 l'enler, whowent 9 for 11 (rom thefield and six for <;even atthe free throw line, for 24

L.ADING SCORER (or the- WlldkJtlt-ns of Wayne i.<J Cheri Man­kenberg, She IS shown lofting ;\ .. hot agamst J ..~ Kf>nn("(jy girls



Page 14: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


Christmas Special $:!,Christmas Special $195Christmas Spedal $199Christmas Special $279



$14.95 Large Sam.onite Card Tabl.. $10.00$319.00 17-cu. ft. Frost-Fr•• R.frig.rator

Deluxe model., left or right hand doors3 to go at ... , .. '.......... $269.00

$199.00 Serta Hide-A-B.d, cocoa,f foam cu.hion•. ,' ... ,., .. , .. $135.00:,

$390.00 Walnut Ba..e" Oining RoomSet, Table, Chilla, 4 Chairs .... $259.00

3-pc. Walnut Double Dr r. Ch.st,Bookca.e Bed , ,.'....... $79.00.

Rocker - Recliner Combination, choic.

$1~.~;o::riy·A~~~i~~~'~~.".::: ::::1$199.00 Hotpoint 30" EI.ctric Rang.

.ee this .. , . , , , ,'$ 5.00Walnut Pla.tic Top St.p Tabl.,

(,olid top) ••..••..••••••••.•••. $9.91,




7-pc. Dine"e Sets, Table, 6 Chairs, wood grain tap $69 ..,7-pc. Dine"e Sets, 42" round tabl., 6 chairs, ,..'

wood grain top ..... ", .. " .. , ......•. $1"...5-pc. Dine"e Sets. round table, 4 chairs, white ..•. $1'" ;;5-pc. 'Dine"e Sets, round table, 4 chairs, white ..... $If5-pc. Dropleaf Table and 4 choirs ....•.••....•. $19

Nylon Tweed Carpet .....•'.•••••• i •••

Beige Nylon Tweed Carpet .••...•••••Plain Nylon Tweed Carpet ..•••••..•Foam Back Nylon Carpet •••.•..•..•Ozite Indoor-Outdoor Carpet ••••••••

Carpel Your Ho. for LUIUlJi,'5oU5 ~:;

$5.95 ''''',$6.95 ' .....$5.25 , .. ,.$309 ,~:




......~ J


312 Coil Mattresj one! Box Spring Set ...•............

672 Coil Ma"reU and Box Spring Set .....•..........

Serta WedgewokHl Ma"ress and Box Spring Set ...••..•.•

3-piece Walnut .Bedroom Set, double dresser, chest, B.C. Bed $79

Basse"Walnut 3-piece Italian-Provincial Set, Save $15.00' $199

Solid Mople Single Dresser, Bed (close out price) only $125

Walnut Bassett 3-piece Set, Formico tops (see this) , ,'. $169.

~e have a Large Stock of

ChairsRockers - R.cliners - Mr. and Mrs. Chairs

CHOOSE fROM OVER 100.$99 Rocker-Rec'ine,r Combination, choi~e of colors $75$109 Rocker-R~c1inerCbmbinotion, tan plastic, , , $8$Rocker-Recliner Combination (Mastercraft) .... $129$179 Lo-Z-Boy,Rocker-Recliner ...........•.. $139$109 Gold Rock~r-Recliher . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $89$119 Brown RocIker-Re~liner ' .. $89$129 Lo-Z-BoYIRocker.lReciiner" " .. , ' .. $"$99 Occasional,Ci:hair, choice of 3 colors $85$39 Kraehler Ocjcasional Chairs ' $29$45 Hi - Back Rocker .......•..••........... $39$69 Occ"sionalChair ' $45$59 Early Amer,can Rockers , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49$39 Early Amer,can Occasional Chairs $29


1. .. ...._ .. ...

Ii I

IiIIIiIiIIiI-~ Ma1U'rCly'!i-Ii! jlJMAHA

! $199.00 Mastentaft Brown Davenport and Chair, nylon cover, rubber cushio~I. $259.00 Blue Prowincial, Sofa, 3 foam cushions, a style to fit your home .... '..

j $249.00 Mastereraft M'od~rn Sofa - see this special - modern thin arm styling

: $325.00 Masterctaft Provincial Sofa, loose pillow back, floral cover

;, $319.00 Ma'steretaft Provincial Beige Sofa - see this quality sofa - Christmas Special $265ii $338.00 Howard·- Parlor Davenport and Chair, green with solid walnut wood trim ',' Christmas Special $260

i ~::...~:::':...:~...~:~~~:~:~~..::.,SEE us TODAY FOR L-O-W~="'::UALITY MERCHANDISI





II 1Yz miles not of

I Wayne:

I~~~_~~ i~~_~

I If

to vl.lt Pvt. Larry Av••who plans to returD bom.wftb them for a two-weekfurlough. '

Mr. and Mr•• ·Er,in Ul­rich and Est her JUlrldwere overnilht guilt. F'rl.day In the Dr. and Mrs.M.G. Ulrich hpme, LeMarl,la, Saturday they left fOICambria, Minn. to visitIn the Hom. of Rev. arwlMrs. Walt.r Ulrich.

Consider PoliciesMajor p,)licy ')tai..emen~$

considered at the NebraskaState Education Associa,,,tion delegate assembly inLincoln Dec. 9.10 were,:Retirement, professionallpractices, individual self­imp r 0 v e men t, s c h 0 0 Iboard-teacher relatioq,_ships, ethics, teacheirtenure and salaries. Prio.Loren Park, Wayne, andSupt. James Christensen,Winside, represented theWayne County Teache,rs as­sociation. There w·ere 225delegates represent..ing 17,300,NSEAirs.

Cars Colhde Monday

Afternoon in WayneA two_car collision oc­

cur red Monday afternoonat Second and Lincoln. Ithappened alte r an article:concerning seven other ac­cidenLs was wr itten.

Chief of Police VernFairchild investigated. Hisreport shows Mrs. DonnaShufelt, Wayne, westboundand Elliott Janecek, Dodge,northbound.

The Shufelt car skiddedbefore striking the Janecekcar in the right side, spin.;.ning the latter around untilit. was headed south. Noone was injured but bothcar s had extensive dam..ages.

Evangelical UnitedBrethren Church

(John E. Saxton, pastor)Saturday, IDec. 17: Con­

firmation class, 9:30-11:30a.m.; Christmas programreh.arsal, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 18: Churchschool, 10 a.m.; worshipservice, 11; Christmasprogram, 7:30 p.m.,

Churches -Trinity Ev. Lutheran

ChurchWisconsin Synod

(J, E, Lindquist, pastor)Thursday, Dec. 15: Bibl.

cl,ss, 8 p.m.Friday, D.c. 16: Com­

munion announcement, 3-5p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 17: Com­munion armouncement, 2-6p.m.

Sunday, Doc. 18: Sundayschool, 9:15 a.m.; Familyworship and Lord's Supper,10.

Mr. and Mn~ HarryDrevesen ~peIfh'Sunday toThursday with their daugh­ter and son-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Kend:-lll Carlson, RedOak,la.

A family dinner was heldat the Elmer Peter homeSunday. Guests were Mr.and Mrs. Merlyn Brugge~

man and fa mil y, 0 e sMoines, Mrs. BerthaPeter, Norfolk, Mrs.Minnie Krause and Mar ..jorie, Mr. and Mrs.AdolphBruggeman, Me. and Mrs.G era 1d Bruggeman andfamily. Barbara Peter ob­served her eighth birthday.

Peace United ChurchOf Christ

(John E. Saxton, pastorlSaturday, Dec. 17: Con­

firmation class, 9:30-11:30a.m.; Christmas programrehearsal and party, 1:30p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 18: Worshipservice 9:30 a.m.; Churchschool,10:30.

II"~ ""',,, , ....~- "",~.o\~\'\IU~~.h

~ '" ;4' '"

~rs. Ed Ave, l?attyandPhillip will leave Thursdayfor Ft. Sam Houston, Tex.


Aid M~.tlnl Held 'Luthillran Aid A8soc~a­

tion rqet Wednesday clve­nini &tllthe parochial schoolbasemelnt. Glen Wagner,vice ptesident, conductedthe business meeting. Thegroup dacldod to donato $15to the ,parochial s c h 0 0 Ilibrary. Jan. 23 a chili andoyster stew supper will beheld at the parochial school.Mrs. P a u line Marquardtwas elected president; GlenW agne r. vice president,and Will i a m Marquardt,secrelary·treasurer. Mrs.J. E. Pingel was in chargeof the lunch and entertain­ment. Prizes went to Mrs.Fr¢d Marquardt and Ol¢nWagner. Arnold Maurer,Wayn,t;, district agent, wasa guelst.

WSWS MoetsMrs. Elsie Manske en­

tertained WSWS Wednes.day. Mrs. Hawn.·j Griesewas a guest. Mrs. ErwinU I ric h gave the lesson,"The Christian's CallingInto the World." She wasassisted by Mrs. F redJoehens, Mr~. Ezra Joch­ens and Mrs. Carl Wittler.Mrs. Ed win Meierhenry'read scripture and Mrs.Erwin Ulrich gave the pray.­er. !loll call was a scrip­ture verse pertaining toChristmas. Spiritual lifechairman, Mrs. H. C. Falk,r ep~rted on gift gi ving atChJ"'istmas. Mrs. AwaltWalker, ;,;ocial relationscommittee chairman, re­potted on boxes of clothingsent to Chnr.-~h WorldServwice. Mrs. George Wittler,chairman of MissionaryEducation, gave a reportand Mrs. Edwin Me.ier­henry reported on the felwlowship supper held Sun­day.

Mr,s. AlberLMeierhenry,Mrs. Paul Scheljlri::h andMr':;;, Wm. ROll'>Jr led inprayer for missionaries.The birthday song honoredMrs·, H, C, Falk and Mrs,A.l)' J ()chens and the an­Dliversary son g for Mrs.Ezra Jochens and Mrs.Raul Scheurich. Mrs. ElsieManske read a po.m.

cift '!b 0 we r for Pa.torLindqlli.t and family. Mrs.'Elmer' P.ter andMrs.Oer..aId Brucseman served onthe dinner committee. Mrs.Lyle Mlrotz artdMre. LaneMarob were on the decor­atllll ¢ommltt••.

Highlands Club M«tsMI'!$. Norris Langenberg

e nt e r t a i n ed Highland'sWOffil!l.,n'S club at a Christ­mas luncheon Thursdaywith all members present.Mrs. Fred Brumels was aguest. Mrs. Arnold Wittlerread a p·oem. Mrs. NorrisLan g e n b erg pr inted areceipe book jor Jill mem­bers of tho !!rllads broUJhtto this mealing. Roll callwas to give a helpful Christ­mas hint. Members ex­changed Christmas breadsand gifts. Jan. 12 meetingwill be with Mrs. LaneMarotz.

A-Teen Party HeldA..,Teen Extension club

held a Christmas party atPrengers, Norfolk, Friday,with dinner, a gift exchangeand singing of Christmascarols. Ten Point Pitchwas p I aye d with prizesawarded to Mrs. Irving An­de r s.o n and Don Asmushigh, Mrs. James Robin­son and Darrell Kruger,low, and Mrs. ClarenceSchroeder traveling.



Motorola Console Stereo - Philto Refrigeratoror Deep Freete - Philco 30-in. Electic Range ­Kelvinator Dishwasher 0; philto Combination

Washe~ or Dryer.

,\~\f'" I l.), P P-';,.~ ~,7:;

". 6- t" ~"

The ~.yne (Neb,) H.,...., Thu, ." Dec.......' 15, 1'"

FRENCH PURSEMany styles, colors, leath.rsand fabrics, From $5.00


DI" G_allo 0wIlar I_ _.••...

Onirk Bsby BaptizodKatheen Marie, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. EdwardOnirk, was bapti~edSunda)

at Trinity Lutheran Churdwith pastor J. Edward Lind.quist officiating. Sponsor5were Mrs. Arthur Watch.horn, Leigh, "and Bernare

~:it:~ r ~i~refsO 1~~8rn~I~~w~~~held at the Gnirk home forMrs. ArthurWatchhornsooBernard Reitz.

Mr ....nd Mrs. EdwinilJrolle, Mark snd Eddl.and Arthur Krul. wereamong Il\lests &llIday Inthe Max H a a 8 e home,Pierce, h0 no r Inl Mr.II •• s e for his birthday.other Il\losts included hislion and famHy, Mr. andMrs. Darryl Haase andfa!Olly. stu.rt.nd Mr.•ndMfs. Warren Larson andfamily, Pi.rc•.

Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeEllenberger, Denve-:. werEweekend guests in theMrs,Marie Wagner home.

Sodety -

Trinity ,\id MeetsTrinity Lutheran Ladie.

'\id hpld a Christmas partyF rid a.Y at the parochialschool basement with 33members and guests, Mrs.Myron Marshall, Mrs. EI­phi a Schellenberg, Mrs.Marie Kruger, ·Mrs. Paul­ine Marquardt and Mar~

jorie Krause, present. ThegroJup decided to send $25as • Christmas gift to theAfrican Mission. Christ­mas gifts were presentedto the teachers, MarcellaHoefer, Mrs. Oscar Zan­ders and Rolland Menk andto the janitors. Mrs. MarieKruger and Mrs. MyronMar s h a 11 became newmembers. Mrs. RollandMenk and Mrs. Edwin Kol­lath .were in charge of theChristmas program. A giftexchange was held and a

l ...



r-.,. ,'.. '',:":.,.,<-',,

OK203 Moin

Marti Club MeetsMarti Club hold aChrist.

mas dinner at Prengers,Norfolk, Tuesday with allme m b e r s present. Gifhwere exchanged. Jan. 1Cmeeting will be with Mrs,Bi lIy Koopko. Randolph.,PTO Supper Held

PTa Christmas nb·hostsupper and prog'fam washeld last Sunday at theparoGhial school. On thef.ood committee were Mrs."":illard Kleensang, Mrs.Myron Deck and Mrs. Al­fred Mangels. Mrs. OscarZanders, Kindergarten and1-2 grides gave Christmasstory books, Mar cell aHoefer, rooms 3~4-5,

"M ot her Goose Christ.mas; Holland Menk,rooms ()~i'-8, "The Bird'sChristmas Carols." On theentertainment committeewere Mrs. Johnny Bohmand Mrs. Glenn Wagner.Next meeting is Feb. 1.

HOSKINS 'EWSM... J. E. PI....I - Phone S~5·4507- .

Page 15: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

JIb. Iun



SUPER VALll Assorted




-5······'··:····,.···········,~!.····.·$·········" . 'h~,. -, I ':

, I'·Dor...

Bar-S Skinless 49/1,Franks .~~~~. v





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P·LIUI· MALLOWS _e>. 3'9/1 ~~~'~WO"'D"I c: CHOCOLATE216'." .V: BROWN 2'1,·lb.

SYRUP 'on, SUGAR bog


! % : I~. Whistles - Daisys- Bugles Snack Dip ~racker, '.~O,lb. bag .... ·95c ~ . . . If

_ ........'-!.I.- :f/.~~f 3 BOXES Slo0 3 ~... i$l.~ 1~ v~1;

APPLES So,k .' )f1 •"'1,$ .

r ._i~

,..~~~-......., ~;)"··1·.·.·,,;1


I1VEGETA~LESCut Green Beans !

French c~ Beans. :Cut Wa Beans

'Sweet P 5

Page 16: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


ddt l"'iD~;ii!,rPIa Hall. ~1,1';,,: ...

~II~!,rk fooel Thli;.1~,,;, ..

tho In.ldoAmorlclD~i~L·, iiOD .11 h.lpod r.I'~lIia.:·for on. of the llIa11lJRr~joct of tho po.t. ,. ......Imp ovomonto In. ;th.IiI!';ch. and .tor.r,qolD. ",~:" ':I"'~

T 0 Lo,lon h•• , ~'il!:Imp ovemont. In til.....'.. Ii.•.", '",on 0 .xtorlor .Dd· Ili"l'~'lor of tho haU, mlllti'llItho rant portion, N«r* U\-:ll-hop to WIDd UPD.a4•.chI ,eo with bott.rld"•••:.nd stor.le f.cllltl•• , ' .

round 130 .tteDdtduaepar leed Thurod.:y,·L.~~'

Ion airel s or v ed rll~,t'po k, sauorkraut, 'balliidbea " pot.to ..I.d, colfe••br ad .nd butto r, all for.dol.r. . . .

4-H Club News

Set Winside PartiesSchool partieo at Wln­

aido havo beon lot for Fri.day, Dec. 23. sccordinl toSupt. J.mes Christensen.H.rrid.. , bon£lreo .ndgirt exchanges ,aU amontthe reature [II or the day.School will dilmiss that dayfor Christmas vacationwith c 1•• s e s resul;'Jlin,Tu.ad.y. Jan. 3. ~

CIIrrII .... Sd-II

Pr..- ".....'C.rroll Or.d. School

p r •• 0 Dto d Ito Chrl.tllluprqll'.m Tu••d.J nlillt .ttho C. r roll Auditorium •Chlldron from klndor,ar.tan'tllroqh tho .llOth ,radohad part••

C 1& y ton Southwick h.dchar,o· of tho Chrl.tm..'0111' by tho pupil. In thetblrd throueh sixth Ir&do••H. w.. •..I.ted by Con­Dio Ba.rm.n••tudollt to.·ch.r.

Mro. Charlo. Do"o.I.,Mro, Loul. Lutt, 'M r.,W.yae K.rotln••nd Mro.Stan Hartm.n ar. teachoroIII tho .chool. Thy had thoklDdor,.rhn throUlh the••cODd Irad. in aD oper.etta pr..ont.t1on of "OldMacDon.ld H.d • F.rm."

Chrhtmao v. c • t Ion .ttho Car roll school .tartoWodneod.y, 'Doc. 2I,.t2:30p.m. Pupil, wlll roturn tod •• ,el Tuesday, Jan. 3.

GIDIh.m GalsGlnlh.m Gals 4·H club

w•• reorganized, Oct. 28 atthe home or Carol Kumm.New ofricers are AmyPetersen, presidenl,Shirley Pet e r sen, vice

. preSident; Linda Penn, sec­retary; Virginia Roberts.tre.siner; Jane Predoehl.repo.rte,r; Carol Kumm. I

son« leader. Mrs. Delbert 'Roborts and Mrs. 11arlanKum'm are leaders. TheNov. 14 meeting was heldat the home of Linda Penn.Members received projectmaterials. Daphne Rosewas welcomed as a newmember. The I Christmasgift, exchange ..Jas held Dec.12 at the Orin Pelersonhome. Jane Predoehl, re­porter.

Beautiful Hi-Intensity Lamp ~iliiiijit=~jjijjiiiii ...=rNationaDy AdVl'li8od al $12,95 -

with the purchase of

Mobile Maide

Top Load PortableDishwasher

-- r; _.ours rree

ily, SioUx Clty,lspentSatur.day in. the R~uben Gold­berg homo.

Mrs. Cleone Westadt ,re­turned, to the Ray Lundhome lilt Mond.y aftor.noon .rter spending a week.end with her famUy in SiouxCity. ~nd.y, hor daughter.nd fa",ny, Mr••nd Mrs.Sherman Nalh .nd Sheryl,Sioux City, were dinnercuesta In tho Lund home.

Glen Felt, DeSmet, S.D.was aft overnight gu e B tTuesdsy In the John Boeck­enhaue,r home.

Mr'i and Mrs. ReubenNols",\ and Jan. amah.,spent Sat u rd. y In thoCharlos Pierson home.

Rural Home Society. willmeet in the Jack Park homeThursday for· s Christmasparty. Roil call wltl be thoreading of a favoriteChristmas .t.ory or poem.Mrs. Effie Suber ",1Il haveentertainment. Coo k i e swlll be broucht for a vet.el'an' B home and lap robesmade by members will belent to a hO,me.

Wlpt 'r..... pr••"r D!tlllllbefl, DlzODOrad. bOol .1. pl.DDIq•. Chrl.t. •• prolr&m for

Tburem: Doc. f.' ot 7:30 ........ In oDOSo Itorlum.Childr D In ho f1utlhroqh jllhth , .do. wl11"vo rol ••

M... Ita St.'lo)', Mre.Wllm•. und.1III Mre. ~ ••tiler P oto r. Oft aro thoto.cher. of tho .vorlouoIr.d••. ~ro. rd.;"I" Hart­••n Is. ~u•.ic ;tLO.ChOr forthe .c:ho\ll•.

PI.y. 'are to . IncludedIII the prll,ram .l1li tho cia••••• pr"iParlll', play. ararehearo~'" d.lly. Mu.lc Inthe for. 'of vocal ••10.,,roup voc.1 II1Imbero .1Idrhythm llallll ,,111 be nfforedalonl wltll. reclt.tlon••1Idothor wlir\k. ,. ,_.

'The pu~licls Invited.There Ii' ftO .dmllllonchar'e·.·.Dd rofushmeftt.witt be sorvedeveryonefoll_illl the p1:0Irom.

Dixon wltl di.mi,. forthe Christmas holiday Fri·

~·y~r D;:~·O.2~1.~ts::o:~r ••ume'Jan.3.

by Mrl. Lawrence .....'I..... 217·"21

WCTU MeetsAt the WI CTU Christmas

meeting with Edna Dahl­gren Fri\lay, Mrs. HaroldOlson ptesented the de_votional prepared by Mrs.Lillian ~owers, Norfolk.Mrs. Per Pearson present.ed vocal numbers. Mrs.A. w. Carlson gave read­ings. Mrls. Bessie Hill be·came a rnembrr. The groupsent don~tions to the SiouxCity Gospel Mission andWall Street Mission ShoeFunr;l, and will write serv­ice me9 for the holidays.

Last' Tuesday afternoon,Mrs. C. L. Bard attendedMrs. John N. Johnson'sbirthllay pa rty at her homein WO:kef..,ld.

Pastor and Mrs. FredJan s s 0 Or were luncheon

~:~~sh~~:.ay in the Elvis

Mrs. Cl• L. Bard, Mrs.Dick Sandahl, Mrs. EdSano>dahl.Mr~. E. E. Hypseand Mrs. Lawr~nce Ringwere in Sioux City Satur..da'y for (linner with Mrs.Orville frickson in oq­servance of her birthda'i.






Wo; "e County

Courthouse Roundup

family, Casper,'A!yo.,Mrs.Bob Smith and daughters,Laurel, Mr. and Mrs.Walter Schutte and family,Mr. and Mrs. ElmerSchutte and Steve and Mr.and Mrs. Bill Schulh~ andfamily.

Mrs. Marian Oxley andDarlene Oxley, Sioux City,were weekend guests intheDon Oxley horne. Joiningthem far din n e r Sundaywere Mr. and Mrs. LeoStevens, Linda and Betty,Eagleville, Mo., Mr. andMrs. Neil Oxley, Omaha,and Mr. and Mrs. GaryOxley, Creighton.

Mr. and Mrs. OscarJohnson, Mr. andMr'i. Ken­neth Olson and Mr. andMrs. Lawrenre Backstromand family were guests Sun.day in the Bud Hanson hometo celebrate Doreen'sbirthday.

Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Carl Mellor, Omaha, Mr.and Mrs. Harvey Henning­sen, :\lIen, were dinnerguests of Mr. and Mr-s.Clarence Henningsen at aLaurel steakhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. RichardSchutte and family, Casper,Wyo., left Saturday afterspending a week in the Wal­ter Schutte home_ Supperguests Friday were Mr.and Mrs. Ralph Bridgford,Newcastle, and Mrs. B,obSmith and daughters, Lau­rel.

Mr. and Mrs. GeraldFromm, Plainview andMrs. Martha Reith werevisitors Sunday afternoon'n the LeRoy ere arne r

'IACI COil'S "olunlOe...1 New Mexico St.te Vnivanlly. 'Unl­versity Park. N M mclu~e 1';om Dorcey, 50n of ,Mr. a. M,r•.felix Dorc{'y. Wayne, He IS shown with other volunteen .. '[jnlltrainin~ as the.\" prepare for the first US mission to hnlUlY.They are making and laying adobe bricks. Left to right Ire Di­ane Pittock. Portland, Ore .. Sandy Gill. Norwich. COlln.; Dor­cey. and Judy Rf>mley. Campbell. Calif. Training ends Dec. 23 andthen the \'olunt~ers will go home beCore leaving for duty in Par­aguay

Ch~r~~li-;6inC~~r~~S:n~: t~:the M elr 1e Ring homeThursdalY evening.

Mr. ~nd Mrs. WilburGiese ,nd family movedlast Tulesday to the homethey purchased from theEd Sand"hls.

Mr. and Mrs. GordonForsbe .. g and sons, Ne ..braska ,City, spent Satur­day and Sunday in the Gar-

Marriage Licenses: don Ba~d homeDec. 9, Harold W. Stipp, The Neil S~ndahls and

45, Wakefield, and Doris Harris Soren'sens have vis-Gunderson, 44, Wayne. ited Mrs. Will Krohn.Real Estate Deeds: Wausa,l in a Norfolk hos..

Dec. 5, Alma Rabe to pitat Mrs. Krohn, a sisterMr. and Mrs. GlenMackw Margaret and Ray McMil- of Mrsl. Sorensen, was in-

lem andStevenwere supper lan, Lots 16, 17 and 18, jured iln an automobile,ac..guests Sunday in the Keith Bressler & Patterson's cidenit while enroute toKarnes home, Hinton,la. Subdivision, Outlot I,First Minn~apolis to visit aLater they visited in the Addition, Winside, $1.10 in daught~r.Duane M<jCallum home, revenue stamps. For Julee's fifth birth-Sioux City. I Dec. 6. Kenneth E. and day Sunday, a group of

Mr. and Mrs. Ted John- Wilma J. Bussinger to Dan relatives spent the eveningson and Bernita were and Flavia Sherry, Lots 11 in the Con Munson home.guests Friday intheHa.rold and 12, Block 5, College Mrs. Neil Sandahl andJohnson horne Lo help the Hi-ll Addition, Wayne, daugqters called in thehosts observe their birth- $16,000. aftern,/on.·days. Dec. 7, John H. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jennie N. Bridenbaugh to Chinn spent Sunday after-Peterson and Ron, Mr. and Mary Alice' Johnson, SW~ noon with his sister, Mrs.Mrs. Aubrey Rickett and and ~SE~ Sec. 12.26-4, $1. Susie ~ichard, South SiouxMr. and Mrs. Martin Dec. 7, Mary Alice and City.Rickett and family were Merle Johnson to Glenn A. For Merlin's thirteenthgue~ts Friday in the Dean and Maxine V. Olson, SW~ bir~hd~y, five s~hoolmatesRickett home to celebrate and ~'Y~EI.l Sec. 12-26-4, enjoyed a party 10 the Mar-Karla's first birthday. $77.55 in revenue stamps. vin IF'e It home Saturday

Lee Henningsen, Omaha, Dec. 9, Charles D. and aftFrnbon.was a guest Friday in the Gladys Farran and E. T. Mr. and Mrs. ArthurClarence Henningsenhome. and Irene F. Warnemunde Sime land daughter, Mrs.

Supper guests Thursday to Winside State Bank. Lot Inez Glose, Aber?een, S.D.in the Emil and Amanda 26, Block 2, Original Town visited in the ChU MunsonSchutte home were Mr. and of Win s \ d e. $3.30 in rev- home 1 Friday to ~unday.N1rs~.iCharciS~hutte and enuesta~The Ri~hard EddeyfJm-

Methodist Church(Jesse A. Withee, pastor)

Sunday, Dec. 18: Wor­ship, 9:30 a.m.; Sundayschool, 10:30 followed bybrief Sunday School pro~

gram practice.Saturday, Dec. 17: Sun·

day School program prac­tice, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 20: PackWSCS food baskets, I p.m.

Friday, Dec. 23: SundaySchool program.

St. Anne's Catholic Church(John C. Rizzo, pastor)Saturday, Dec. 17: Grade

school catechism, 9:30a. m.; confessions I 7:30_8:30 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 18: Mass,10 a.m.

Monday, Dec. 12: lIighs c h a 0 1 instruction, 6:30p.m.

Churches -

Grandmother's Club MeetsTuesday, Grandmothers'

club met at the J.C.McCaw home for a cooper1~

live luncheon. Mrs. VelmaFrans will be hostess Jan.3.

Tburoday eveJilq, Dec. 11.t 1:30 p.m. CI..... wIDbe dl'J!lllIed' FrfdaY1'.ftor­doon, Iloic. 23 fo~ hrlot­ma.' vacation.

Mombershlp Drive SetDixon County F.rm Bu.

reau members met Thur••day morning at Allen car.to kick-oil tholr 1967 mem­be r s hip campaign. Co­chairmen are EldredSmithaDd a.rold Jowell. Meetlqwith the group was HaroldCha.. , northoast Nobraskaflol~man. Noxt membor­ship·-meeting will be Dec.15 at the Cornhusker cafe.Wakofield.

Representatives fro mFar~m Bureau groups in theFirst Congre'ssional Dis­triCt will meet with RobertDenney, Monday Dec. 19 inF rem 0 n t. The followingday State Senator ElmerWallwey will be guest of,honor at a luncheon inSouthSioux City. Attending willbe Farm Bureau membersfrom Wajne, Dixon andDarwta counties.

Cub Scouts Me(~t

F rid a y aft e r schoolNeighborhood Den, 264 CubSea u t s met with denmother, Mrs. Allen Pres­cott. Following storytime,the meeling wa" closedwith the living circle. NoelSt ani e y brought treats.Randy Dunn will furnishlunch for the Dec. 16 meet_ing.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Noeand Machelle, .l.,.incoln,were visitors Suif'day inthe Oliver Noe home.

Mr. and Mrs. ClaytonStingley and family werevisitors last Saturday eve­ning in the Lloyd Wendelhome to help the host ob­serve his birthday.

Daity 'Doers MeetTuesday afternoon mem­

bers cf Daily Doers hobbyclub me~ Nith Mrs. PaulHahn, Allen. ¥ernhers ex·changfd holid~y gifls andspent ~he after'noon makingC h r i ~ t mas decorations.Jan. B meeting will be atthe Ii:vin Addison home.

• nd Ei .t II:nool1. J.n. 11mutln ,,'ill be. with Mre.Willi. ~ckert.

-' I'MYF irt)! Held

'!MY miembere met attho c rc~ for • holidayp. r ty. lift exch.qoWodne d.y Rev. J o. saWitheoted notions. Planswere ilcLIII8ed ror a skat.Ing p rty. At the closoMarsh Thompson servedlunch. ext meeting will beJan. Ill.

Twillg~t Line MeetsT u e, s day evening Twi­

light Line club membersand th.ir husbands had aChrist~as party at theMarv~n Anderson home.The evlening w,as spent play­ing bi~go. Jan. 11 meetingwill be with Mrs. ErnestKnoell.

WSCS Meet,Thursday ~fternoon

WSCS m6t at tho church.Mrs" Ronald Ankeny andMr8. LloVd Wendel we_in charge of a holiday skit.Plans ,we:re made to servelunch at thb Elmer Sundellfarm ,$3.1. Dec. 20. Mem­bers were urged to haveitems for Christmas boxesat the church by I p.m.Dec. 20'1' Mrs. Allen Pres·cott is in ch'arge of packingand d~stribut:ing the boxes.A r rain gem e n t s for thecoffeel hour which fO,llowedthe m~otiing were made byMrs. Ray Spahr and Mrs.Low ~ II Thompson. Nextmeeting will be Jan. 12.

School Prrogram SetThe annual Christmas

program- at Dixon grade,choo) will be presented

undred oj Them

~ ..t • odest Prices

~''''fUIlY Y"ura AI

J\ltar .",ocietv Lleets('vening mem.

ber~ ,,[ . ,\nne's AltarSociet\' [\ltd at. the I:'arishfl ou S t'. Clrric(H3 e~eeted

wefe \1rs. Dale Stb,nley,P, res ide 11 l Mrs. ~,eRoy

(r.eanll'r, ·pre~ident,

~1rs .. lIill (;arvini sec­retan, and Mn. I-tobertSherr,', Jrca<;urer. t Dec.17 fac;rl shower was pannedfor the sisters whai leachin \A ayne .. The "'ocie~y will!TIt'e! again .January 3.

,JMrI • Stanley Fohrl ,or'nll children, Bloomf eld,'.p.nt ..voral dayo Inl theJ. L. Saundo.. home, ',,' '.Die McCaw, Ral'toD.

~~~.t J~~ta:~:k~:~ Ii the--''Mr. and Mrs. SttlOY,Mltphell and Mrs. L wolls.utUfer& and sons ere"tHtor s Tuesday in I thoRJ~chard Jo""nson hlj)me,·VeJrmillion. '

~eadY and Wailing

Hest Lver Party lF rid a v evening Best

Ever club members andtheir families had theirholiday party fit the SorenHansen home. Prizes wentto Mr'>. '\1ax Rahn, Mr.and Mrs. Elmer Sundell

tt;AJarefully Selected~ Gifts


~~ IFew Millutes Of¢ + • i Browsing

~ Jj,uld Con~tiJ'fthe MOlt Dr.a­

c~inate Buyer•••.


" 375-3295

.SocietySocial ForeeoatThursday, Det.:. 15

Dixon School proglram.'I' 7:3U p,m.~Iday, Dec. 1(,

ICuq Scout sS~turday, Dec. 17---Papa'<; I'artners holiday

en rd pa r~y, Den Kar~ifles

homeDixon nelle's'I~·I1Cfurist.

mas Pa rty. 1: 30 p. m.,Methodist chtlICh

Tuesna\", Of'(. 20Pack \\- ...... , . ...; Christmas

ba..,kelc-,l p.m.\\edne-..d,l\.. , Ilee. 21

I a1lf ... l grade school andm:I'.ic prugram, II.S.\wlilori'lrTl, 7:30 p.m.

Frida\, Dec. :U\1 .. tllwlis( ..... unnay £cho()l

prl){l;ra rll.

Page 17: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation


J.ck Nil.., lDa~..,.tho Int.rll.tlooal·Har,.outl.t In W.)'lli. ha.· ..pl.t..t .n Intn.IYI ,.In bu.ln... maDII'•••,1\Oellv.r. HI ••• alD....~1IH .tou ",.cullve. ellO ..Irom 12 •••t.rll .ta....ro c.1 v. h.IDI., .Iro'Ooor,. Sail, IH dlvt.I_1s.I•• m.n.,,,, Willi•••".1I.on, ••• la r n r _.IlD.n.,.r .nd Arthur .dlvl.lon.i de.l.r d.v.lop.mint manl" r. ditJ

...... .... 1.,., ~', .',.,. ' :,[ .. ~

the. l..te..1 .)'eh.'.,.N .t.ud7IJlc. e e'..,"·hou.., the dlaoOllM _flOllIeDt, ,the ne. 1D-5'.'"..•ollt lor oJclIllOO.)' ,• ., tho bank .e,.,...~.

r.lIllarba.nk h ••..,~".bank. In tho to_e III ."area. ,',.'1

....y. DM__ I.'. I'" l"'~



22-oz. Bottle

Ellsy-anllck lunch meal

Complac Asson_ of BuoIa,.

Clms'-''''Scocch Pine, $'1'39Norw~t ..· . '.. .PrIced·Fro. ........

WALIUTS·...can•• AI.........., 4"

_11.,f11..... ." CMis'cmo, Lit.Mateh'em

Breakfast Gem•. Grade-A


POTATOESIda Trea t; French tried


LIQUID LUXDl8hwaahin~ Detergent

Hershey's Syrup 28V. ,. 39Chocolate lee Cream topplnr, ~,:. C

Sweet Potatoes 2No 303 25Highway Brand; Cut .caM C

Swift's Prem

Bakery Bargains at Safeway!'


Zl;49cWheat Brtad' :k~lO~ri~:, 2~-:. 49cPowd.r,d Donuts ~:;.::r~::.., ..:tfJ 31e


~~k!ri~!~!~r.,yp, 4i!kt: 88c~=~~~II' sSoup 2~~~ 2ScMARC•• · "6·~.lb"$I00Cold brook ; Sollda or Qtr'd . Ctn•.

!~,~}~}.~,~. flovo... ',~slCtn 49c

~. StnIon SttArt, "'nklig, .tIt

WID.ld. "nlo.. III thEI1/IU.h .cl... of·M... LolPlc.rd ••Dt to Om.h. Wn••d.,. Purpose of tho hi... to viall tho F..t...R...rv. BIDk. butthl)' el.otourad Jo.lYn Art Mu••umand .tt.lId..t "Doctor Zhlv.a.o" atth. Cooper Theahe.

Mr•. Gurney Han••n andMr •• Don Wacker accom­p.ni.d tho croup .lth Mra •Picard. Alfrld W.,n. rdrove the WHS bu••

Th. ,roup I.ft .t 7 •• m.,spent the mornlnc .t thebank I.arnln, how tho Fod.eral Rel.rve Sy.temworks, toured thl mu.eumin the afternoon I-,d Ittln­ded the movie in the Ive­run,.

At the b.nk. pupils ...in action the proc... of

Size and Filters


RiPt~ to I1mit .....uu-.No 8&111.10 DMJen.c."",.,.,..J..__,...

Prices EtfecUve- tbru Saturday,

Decembet 17, in Wayne

luslnell NotesThe Her a I d goofed in

printing The Wayne Spot..1 i g h t e r distributed thiswe.ek. In Arnie's ad, theprice of coffee was listedwrong. It should have·betln:Butter.Nut Coff.e. 2.pouodcan. $1.33.

rei: .His .cIdJs•• I.: Pfc.Carroll R, ¥o!1.oa. USS55855757. Co,. 0, 2nd B.,5th C.v., llit C.v. Dlv.(Alrmoblhl, APO' SanFranclT' f~l~f. 96.90.

A Bolden ~outh In thenovy h.. tho Ifollowln, .d.d....: Donnl, Mltcholl, B127633, Co. 7'10, 15th Bn.,Rec rult Tnlnln, Com.m.nd, 0 r e.1 L.k.., 111.60088. '--I·Pvt. Lowen D. Blecke,HS' H'I' Btry. 88th Artr.

Op. (ADI WII~lncton, Ohip• 5177.

&-":••'s!~H,~_; Zrl~!. IoGL .9c.....- ._-- -.......,_.....-.Pitt.d Dat.s Drnm<dUy ~ 49c

Chuck Steaks ~~:.;,;: B<" Lb 59cBonel15s Roasts ;bS~c~:~ BeelLb T9(Link Sausages ::f:;-.::. .Lb. 59cLarg. Bologna :;'y"'~"=""'Lb 49cChopped Ham ~~':'~.:;.::;. Loot ~.~!59.cBrounschw.ig.r=:w....... Lb 49c

'RAIlES 2 ~9Red Emperor. JsrIe.1lrm 1. C

l !.!!!E!!.~ '2 i 29c

Choose (rol,'n the&e dC'!idous varitticI:Chicken. Turkey. Berf, Mut Loaf,

Choppr;d Sirloin, Swiu Stea~ or Melillcan



(frozen) 49cEach .' S~:'E


Safrway'. "Pork Petite"

Pfc. Carroll R. Addisonhas been serving in re-,'connaissance with the first;cavalry in Vietnam for sev,eral months. He is the son01 the CraigAddlsons, Lau_

Just 25 yeare .'0, Glen I

Noe, AUen. WI' ..rvine atLowry AFB, Colo. Hi. sonis now .t.tloned there.Where•• OliO; was a IUn­ner chief, his son is ineJectronics. He has beenthere since July. A 1963graduate of AHS, the young­er Noe's address is: A/3c 1RobertG. Noe, AF 17489802 .Box B. 2636. 3435 Stu.'Sqdn .• Denver. Colo. 80230....

colnd. H. 'I. from BeldeD.i

• • • I

AIlGth.. BeldeD boy I. ID.;Vietnam. HI. .ddr... I.:.Sp" G.lln L. Kru,.r, US27701063. Hq. & Hq. Co., iSp. Trps, USARV. P.rao...nel. APO San Francisco,C.llf. 96307....


Burt CLit.



LaLani; Crloshed. Add to yourfavorile fruit salad cup or enjoy

with Lucerne Cotlage CheeK.

US 565.2790, E (Echo) Co..2nd TI1/I. Bn., 2nd TI1/I.Bde. (BCT). Ft. BII.., Tox.76619. ...

Just finishln, trLlnln, .tFt. Bliss was BobMcLe.n.He took basic .nd I, no\\'at Ft. Sill. Okls., wherehe will train in mi. sUeartillery. His new addressis: Pvt. RobertG. McLean,RA 16980341. E-I. USATC ..FA. Ft. Sill •• O.kla. 73503.

Now stationed in Ger­many is Martin Jones, sonof Mr. and Mrs. C)iUordJones, Norfolk. His newaddress looks like this:A/3c Martin E. Jones, AF16885418. 50 Air PoliceSq .. USAFE. Box 1879,APONew York, ~ .•Y~ 09109.

A/3c Kenneth Hintz, naBbeen t ran s fer red fromAmarillo, Tex.,toColo­rado Springs but his newaddress has not been re-


COFFEERich in $1 79l·ol.OfilhianCoffee;

1 -lb. Can 69c2-lb. Con $1.29

3-lb. Can· SAVE 40c


PINEAPPLE KLEENEXFancy. 25 5 1~~:~~~ C ~~gs~ SAVE

Can S~:E of 200 ~~



WhOI"u.s·29Inspected,Ftt.h CLb.

HEADLE"VCEcrisp2 '25CGree~ , Large.J _

Heads =


dustr, C,I. 7796581, MCn74. Co. C., CBC, Oulfport.Miss. 39501-...

Mr'. and Mrs. Fr.nkLindsay, Wayne, h.ve r,­celved word th.t tl1elr son,Bryce, is improved afterbe In, hospitalized .tFrankfurt, Germany, witha Ju'ng condition. He hasbeen serving in the armynear Glenhausen, Germany,where his wife and childrenlive with him. They joinedhim last March after ,hehad been there a year.They report receiving TheWa'yne Herald quite reg­uJarly. Address is as fol­lows: SOjS Bryce F. Lind..S)ly, RA 17570550. B..Co .•122 MT 1 IJn .. APO, NewYork, N. t. ~9.0~9.

Micha~l Lage, son of theMaurice 'Lages, Wayne, isin train.ng at Ft. Bliss,El Paso,i Tex. His addressIs: Pvt. Michael L. Lage,


Brach's Chocolate.Cover~ I

~i!'.o,~r~3RI~ES i13-010 I

Package '::: IScotch Treat, Frozen I

ORA.IGE J. DICE I6;~~~$100

3, ~-::. I=0n. $1.00 I.............COUPON _ .. _ .

i ( &H Sugar ~~ :::::r: 10It .,f 8~ l·lb~ .,_ at; C

~ ...Peck... I 5."w~y- ~• Umlt Two Packages Per Coupon and: ~ne Coupon Per Family. Coupon Val·: Id thru Saturdav. ~ecernber 17J 1966 ~

••••• .cOUPONI .,.••~••••••COUPON.~_~ • __••

i HersheyDainties i~ P::~" 1··5~- o' ~a: .1, $."'., ~r...j~it ~e Pack.ge Per, Coupon and :• ~~e Cou)tOD Per Family. Coupon Val· _

._~..!!'~!~~u..~~~_~e.c~~~=~~~.~~ .•;

Town House; Choice Quality fnliucombined to give you a real t1a~'or favorite



5'SA.:~ ~sc $1'10.303


Children love rich,delicious Lucern¢ Egg Nag!



Terry Lutt

S58572G7, Co. 0, VSAG(fl006·00j, Ft. Lewis" Wash.:HH33. Terry is the sonof Mr. and Mrs. Lea Luttand Glen is the son of Mr.and Mrs. Charles Nichols....

A Belden serviceman'saddress: Charles B. Ar·

with the"Water Wheel" moisturizer

Glen Nicholsthere to Ft. Lewis, Wash.Nichol~ i~ doing body andfender work at the postmotor pool. He 'plans to behome for Christmas. Luttmay go overseas, however.His addres~ is: Pvt. TerryI:, Lull, :;:-; 558572_~G, CO'/( .• 33~ Lng. Br. Il onstl .•Ft. l,ewis, Wash. 98433.Glen's address is: Pvt.G len C r\ i c hoi s, US

all newTable ModelHUMIDIFIER

T err \ I.ull and GlenNichols grew U~I southeastof 'IN ayne. attended Waynel1igh School, went,toa tradeschool in Omaha nnd {'nler­ed the army. rhev arestaying together in th£'••rvice too. Oothlookbasillif".ning at Fl. Polk, La.,aDd bolh were s-ent from

Marine Pvt. ~nrml'e O.Nixon. Wakeliel '1 arrivedDec. 5 at Cam ;Lejeune,N,C., where he"!11 t.keloup weeke Oll'SIPecialistlr••a.\ng in supp y! and ad­ministration bee 11'6 beingassigned to a trmanentunit. lie gradu ~ed fromthe marine ree tlit depot,San Diego, where he studied5 m a II arms .. rkaman­",-hlp, _ bayonet f.i,g h ti n g,mftthods of se1f~dr!otection,

military drill, h'i!,toryandtradition of the marinesB.nd ot.her subjects. He thenwent to Camp P'endleton.CaUL, for four weeks ofindividual combat training.Following this he was home21 days with his parents,Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Nixon.llis brother, Pic. Eldon R.Nixon, carne (rom Ft.Leonard Wood, Mo., to jointhem. Thci r adlresses are:Evt. Lonnie O. Nixon,2277S:D, :--:upply ~chool

Co.lCasllal ('0., Men,C,~mp l.ejeune, ~.('. 2R:J42;lllJd.- Pfe. Eldon H. ~i:-;:0f.l'-tIS 5585577.1, Med. Co. (X'.Rayl, nLWAII. Ft. LeonardWood, Mo. {l~}~:n.1.

L. W. McNattOK HIMWdt,.

loin P...... _'$.1533

Gives you ,pri ng-fresh hu..midified comfort in 0 multi·tude· of smoller living andworking orea, up to 1000sq. ft. i• apartments' offices' bed4 Irooms • troilers • beautyshops' hotels & motels' stu-

dont liv;ng $3995quorten • bar-ber shops

Page 18: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation



DUFFY BELORADand Hi. Orch••tra

Adm. 51.00


Children's GIfb', it·Go to Tallithi ....

A children'. Chrlotm.eservice wi'll b. -held Sua-,day, Dec. 18, at 7:30 p~lD.

In st. P a u I ' a Luther.D·"Church. Each child .U.1IdoIn~ will bring a 11ft wr.;.pod In white lor TaWthlllIomo 'for Chlldnn, LI..coin.

Mrs. Dick Dian la dl.rector of the proa-ram thatwill be given. Glfte broUlhtin will be put undar • be.by the children and ahlpp'"to Lincoln later.

st. Puul's will havi tt.II v I n g nativity scen. upfrom (;:10 10 7:30 Oac,19lhrough [Jec. 24 .. AroWld30 young peop-Ie will takepart.

'.1 .. '"10at..l1... 10 S...... llJaa•.w~' ..haa aaned et llIat· .....1';,..Incti then. : ,q~,

Other offlcera aU. r.....R a am, .aolor w.r4••1 'Arnold Marr. junlor,w.,.,'d.o; O. R, MaDia,. t,... '" "aunr; aDd WUUemM.llQr.,fr. secretary. The wor.~~lui m a a tar will .ppoI.. ,other offlcerl. I ,;

Opan I n a tall*UOD I•..och.dul.d Tuaada:r.. J.D. $.,at 8 p.m. 10 tha W&7ll.City Auditorium.

1967Clarence Timm, Carroll,

FordHenry Arp, Wayne, OldsH. M. Hilp.rt, Wlnolde.

Oldsmobll,Wilbur Andersen, Hoskin.,Clarence L. Schroeder,

HORkins, ChryslerMidwest LAnd Co., Wayne,

PontiacWiltse Morluary, Wayne,

FordRoy M. Matson, Wayne,

ChevroletJohn Thiel, Wayne, ChevDale .\. Deck, Hoskins,


Herman Jaeger, Winside,Oldsmobile

19(j5-Walter 1.. Moller, Wayne,

MereuI"\'Larry L. ·Willers, Wayne,

ChevroletF:dward Do.escher, Wake~

field, ('hevrolet196,1

Phillip ~. Hing, \\lakefield,Ford

1963Eddie j\;elson, Winside, Fd

PkupGordon Jorgensen, Pender,

('hevrolet Pkup1'l61

.John Kuhl, Handolph, FdNnacy Heed or Keith Heed,

Wayne, FordRob e r l L. Johnson, ('ar­

roll, itambler1959

John Kuhl, ftandolph. FordM a I v i n B run s, Wa yoe,

G M (' Pkup1958

John W, Both, Wayne, VWH u sse 11 Thompson, Win_

side, I· ord Pkup1 ~J ~5

Stanley G. Baier, Wayne,('hev rolet Pkup

1:JS:jGeorge Wintz, Carroll,

Chevrolet PkupArlen D. Magnuson, Wayne,

OldsmoLi Ie

Gene Fletcher Heads

Wayne Masonic Lodg,..Gene Fletcher was

elected worshipful masterof Way n e L 0 d g e 120AF&AM Tuesday night oflast week. For the firsttime in 33 years, the lodgehas a new treasurer.

L. B. McClure is the out­going treasurer. lie was

Can, TrucksRegistered

ixon Adds Fumace,

Fire Siren Recentlyo i x 0 n has added equip­

ment for creating heat andequipment for helping outin case it gets too hot ata:ny certain point. A newgas furnace has been putin the Dixon Auditoriumand a fire siren has beenput up.

The town boa rd had thefurnate to put in the audi.torium to lake the placeof one that was not worthrepairing. As board mem­bers put it at their meetinglast week, "it was shot."

Although the fire sirencan be used, it has beentested and does not workexactly right. Some adjust·ments will have to be madeso it can be heard allover town.

Dixon has had no firesiren in the past. It hasbeen using the siren on thefire truck to summon fire­men within hearing dis.tance and in spite of thehandicap nixon VFD havean enviable record in get­t:ing to town and rural firesin a hurry.

Medicare Handbook

Available from 55A"Your Medicare lIand~

book,'1 a publication offer·ing a lot of informationwhich Wayne County andarea resident~ may finduseful, is now availablefree of charge from theSocial Security Admini­stration, Oox 884, Norfolk86701,

Two parts of Medicareare covered: Hospital insu.ranee to help w,ith the costof hospitalization and rela·ted care; and medical in­surance to help with doc­tor bills and other healthexpenses.

You may visit the S.')Aoffice to obtain a copy ormay write for one. A re­presentative will also bein Wayne Thursday, Dec.22, and he will give infor.mati on on the handbooks.

Robert Swan will be herefrom the Nor fa I k officefrom 1 to :3 p.m. lIe willbe aL the courthouse andmay be seen with or with­out an appointment.

The latter part of May,Hoskins Manufadurin, Co.started operations. It isnot rivaling duPont but Itis in line for expansionthi~ comicL; Spl ~ag.

Three young men, KyleOelp, Ve r n on Oelp andRichard Doffin, started themanufacturing operation,They received encourage~

ment and support:. from EdKollath, mayor of Hoskinsand president of Commer·cial State Bank, Hoskins.

Starting out in a newbuilding they built them­selves on Hoskins' Mainstreet, the men made upthe full work for c e. La­ter they hired two othersto work on a part~tirne

basis,Safes and hog oilers were

two item s they made intheir plant. They have sinceadded driveway gates andwaterers of all types, bothof which they custom buildto order.

In ;-';ovember alone thp)'sold over 20 waterer~ inthe area. Sales have beenmade in all commIJl\;':esin this region and to pla­ces as far away as Creigh­ton, Meadow (;rove, lIar­tington, Humphrey. BattleCreek anll other town..,.

Inquiries on their pro­ducts have come in from allparts of Nebraska as wellas from points in SouthDakota, Kansas and Oklaho~

rna. A salesman out of SiouxCity has put their prorluetson many farms.

\ The men make their ownelectric unils to k.eep thew ate r e r s from freezing.They also do much of theirown distribution r.hra ugharea business places.

:'-Jaw they are talking ofbuilding;, to the west and tothe north in the spring.At that time it is possiblethey will add more emplo)'~

ees.Business is good and the

men themselves can takecredit for this. They arenot afraid to work. Theyput in long hours, they dogood work and they wantto get bigger in a fieldwhere they feel there isa need for the type ofproducts they can make intheir well-equipped plant.

Hoskins Firm May Expand in SpringAfter Manufacturin Less Than Year

Heal Estate Transfers

Glenn Paul and ElizabethPaul; Marjorie A. HartandPaul Hart; Hazel Haske'lland William Haskell. andAnnie Newman and CarlNewman to Ernest R. Batesand Mildred 1. Bates Lots7, 8, 10, 11, 12 & 13,Block 14, Original town ofConcord, Dixon County,Nebr. ($600.001.

COUNTY COURTJ a c k Go Ide n, Ponca,

$15.00 and costs: disturb­ing the peace, and recklessdriving.

M\RHl.\GE LIrENSESPaul Henfreu Kerr,

(;reat Falls, Mont., 20 andHit-a Jeanne Grosvenor,l\ewcastle,21.

1 ~H) 7\\ illiam 11. Clough, Water.

bury, OldsmobileHarold Fredrickson, Wake.

field, PontiacHandall L. nlattert, Wake_

field, FordMrs. Bernadine Addison,

\lewcast.le, ChevroletMelvin Larson, Allen, ChevBe r t Conrad, Newcast.le,

FordII e r be r t. Lanser, Allen,

Ford pkupPhil hnerl, Ponca, Fd Pkup

1 ~H)G

\\ ayne 1). Stewart, Allen.('hry.., Ie r

1 'JGSlJarre] L. t\'1agnuson, F:m~

er-;on, Ford\\"illiam ~chuLte, Allen,

( 'hevrolet1- rJ.nci~ (i. Weber, Allen,

Hilie k1 ')6,1

l!arve,Y ~brk, Emerson, Fd.John A. ('onway, Nevv­

FordI!arlin . Anderson, Con-

cord, Ford\\'ill Peters, Wakefield,


j{ i c h:l r d 1l0E'sing, New·castle, Lincoln

1%2Haymond Stark, Newcastle,


Larl ~'lason, Dixon, (,hev1 ~lGO

(;ene ~chutte, Ponca, ChevTruck

1959William A. Moore, Dixon,

( 'hevrolet1.loyd Hoeber, Wakefield,

I'-ordt layton E. Obermeyer,

Wakefield, Ford1 'lS8

\' e rnon Iddings, Ponca, Fd('Iarence Cilberlson, Wy_

not, ChevroletHichard ~mith, Allen,Chev

1%41-: d \v i n Beckman, Ponca,

( 'hevrolet1953

Merlin \1. Wright, Viake­field, I.'ord

l'lSOI'. M. \totor, R.:lndolph,


Dixon County

Courthouse Roundup

Jer officiated at the rite ••the Church choir, accom­panied by Mildren Krueger,sang" Beyond The Suo.et"and "Going Home." Hon.orary pall b ear e r s wereWilliam Carstens, FredDamme, Hugo Fischer,F red Witt I e r, AndrewMann, Martin Pfeiffer andGlen Wade. Pallbllrerswere Harold Wade, Lyleand Jack Krueger, Hermanand Gotthnf Jaeger, HansCarstens and Roy Damme.n uri a I was in PleasantView Cemetery, Winside.

Hans Thomsen, son ofJohan and Margaret Thom..sen, waS born Jan. 21,1884 at Schleswig.Holshin,Germany. He was marriedMarch 11, 1911 to FredaSchuste r at \\.'ayne. Hespent the rest of his lifelin the Winside area.

His parents, a brotherand five sisters precededhim in death. Survivorsinclude his widow; adaugh­ter, Mrs. Harry (Elsie)l.amprecht, Versailles,Mo.: a sister. Mrs, JohnSuberkrubbe" California;tw 0 granddaughters andeight great grandchildren.

Winside, Nebr.


Member F.D.I.C. - Deposits Insured Up To 515,0001:


Funeral services forHans Thomsen, 82, wereheld Dec. 11 at TrinityLutheran Church, Winside.Mr. Thomsen died Dec. 3at a Norfolk Hospital.

Rev. H. F. Otto Muel~

Funeral ServicesHeld at WinsideFor Hans Thomsen

Funeral services for( larence n. Auker, SO,were held Dec. 10 in Kent,Wash. Burial was in Kent,('emeterv.

("Iare;ce (}\tver Aukerson of ,"";tephen and lIele~'\uker, was born Aug;. 1(;,

l,RiHi Rt Tecumseh, ~ebr.

'1 he family moved to Hush­ville in lR1'\7 and t.o Waynein lWHL fie wa<; marriedDec. 24, 1(1()j' at Wayne toElizabeth .James wh~ diedJune 1'),-)(;. rhe Aukersspent a \'ears in i\raph~

hoe, ( and moved toKent, \\ in

lIe wa-; married 1"lq:)~1 to \nna Mae Dnvis.lie was :tlso preceded indeath by hi.., pnrenr.s, a sis_

Mr ..... ('hrence \lend ..fUll r hrolher~

Arthur, LdwRrd, \\illardand (iuy. Survivors includthis widow; two daughtersi,\1rs. Loren (Phyllis) ,'-;owd,..er.., and Mrs. I-:dwa r¢l(llelen} Saylor; two sons:,James of henr, \Vash., andHobert, Seattle; two broth­ers, Hobart :\uker, \Vayne,and Irvin Auker, Portland,(lre., and a sister, Mrs~

Earl Merchant, Wavne.

Final Rites HeldFor C. O. AukerIn Kent,. Wash.

Final Rites forDr. T. T. JonesHeld Here Tuesday

What Manner of Man

Would Do This Work?

Other incidents reportedt.o the police were lessrevolting. (lne man losta driver'~ license, a carwas blocking analleY,adogwas running 100 s e, some­one- put pheasant feathersin a garbage can behinda residence, a sick manneeded to be checked forpossible help and a resi­dent was burning trash atan hour not allowed by thecity.

In addition, the police in­vestigated seven accidents,checked traffic, checked10 c k s at night, checkedparking in the daytime andperformed the other rou­tine duries of the depart­menl.

Or. T. T. Jones, 94,who was in active prac­tice 50 years in Wayne,died Dec, 11 at WayneHos~pita!. Fun era I serviceswere held Dec, 1.3 at Uni·ted Presbyterian Churchwith Rev." John W. Vothoffic iating.

Music was furnished byMrs. ·\lbert G. Carlsonat the organ. Pallbearerswere \\oayne Marsh, E, L.Hailey, "award Witt, LyleSeymour, Jim Hein andCarl II\' right. Burial wasin (;reenwood Cemetery.

Theodore T. Jones, sonof Thomas and PriscellaJones, was born May R,1R72 at (umberland, Md.lie received his earlv ed­ucation at "iomerset: I'a.Ile spent :-,ome t,ime work­ing with his father in theinterior decorating bu:-,i­ness. lle sludied ~everal

years at John<: Hopkins Lni­versit.y, Ba Ii i mo re, and

dette's knee. The\' set the continued his medical edu­cracked thigh bon~ and p~. cation at :--t.ill ('ullege ofon a cast from his toes Osteopathy, !lp .... Moines,to his thigh. lie wa'" told wherehegrarluatedinl'112,

he would be hospitalized ticl~el;\~;\~~\l;l~hf~~]~j'~li~~~;until near Christmas but was married ,""ejlt. 'l, l~H,lmight get out for the holi- to Heba \langle at \Vayne.

d(OaYwSorbkUlmoWsOtuoldr (If,"e w""nnalb.lre. l1e tOOK gLldllale cour-

~es in <I'" well asBoth car" Wf;'re heavil,\- a special ('our_',,' in Pol,\--

damaged in (,he collision. clinic lIo~piLd, Ilf'nvrr.

~~~t~oP:~:;Ok;~'St:l~~~ h~of:~: lie served a'> physicianfof, the count...... and city :lndwa" appointed in 1'\:>1 asa rnrrnber of tlH' boardof exarniningph\ siciansai1P surgeOTlS h} the com­mf"ssioner of pen"ions,Washington, [1.(. ,Ie vvaselected to honorary lifemembership ill the Osteo­pat.hic ;\,,:-..ociation. lie re­t.ired from adive practicein 1'If"; 2.

He was a member ()fthe Presbyterian Church,Izaak. \\' alton League andWay n e Mas () n i c 1,odgewhere he obt.ained the :12nddegree.~urvivor" include his

widow; two daughters, r.,.,1r..,.Hoberi (Helen) M. 13rown,Harrington, Ill., and Mrs.Howard (Margaret) C. ris­her, l'hoenix, and fiv('grandc.hildTen.

What manner of manwould desecrate a church','\\' ayne Police Departmentmembers do not know butthey1have a feeling of re~

vulsion for the perpelrator(or perpetrators) of a dis­gusting act the past week.

,"";omeone entered thechurch, defecated on .... ev­eral seats and at severalplaces on t,he floor. Dis­covery of the incident wasnot learned until a shorttime before thE' first ser­vices Sunda\.

The W.vne (Nebr, I H.reld, ThurM"", O.cemDer 15, 1'"





BECAUSE The panel !.!!. the buildingt:ly easy, W4 mean as easy as fasten'lng a I~ut on a bolt! The Panl.Flame erection booklet shows you hOWl The panel is the building.And everyone IS factory. formed. cut, and punched With such pre­

(1S10n you can't put the building uc wrong. Even the ooors, win­dows, and other aCCE:ssorles are f~ctory·located.

New Panl-Framfl panels not only install fast-they're strong,

too! Deeper corrugations, more corrugation, make them solid as arock. Heavy snow loads and high winds won't affect this building

Most surpflsing IS the low prIce. As low as a good pole barn.A pflce only Butler makes possible through ma!i~.productlOn

methods and standardization of parts. Don't put It off-call now

about thiS fast, easy way to build. And be sure to ask aboutButler's new, low--cost fmance plan-wtth easy, flexible terms tomatch seasbnal farm Income.

~~IIBe MFG., Inc.

. P. 0, Box »'BATTLE CREEK, NEaR.

LOOKING IITTIR iii Terry Beitudette. W.yne, who was hurt in;J C'olhsion ~outh of Hoskins TUl'sday of last wE'ek This pIcture\\ as taken rriday al Lutht'fan J1uspital fh· fan's a long ff'CUperalinn pt'nod In thf' hO$pital and at hom!'

Wayne Youth Faces Long RecuperationFollowing Accident South of Hoskins

If Terry Beaudette makesenolll{h progress, he rna)' behome for l'hristma~. Ilow­<elver, he will still face alung jleriod of recuperationat hurne folluwing a two-carculli..,jlln soulh of I/o"kins! \I1:':,dOl\ t'venin/l; <If lastwef'k.

lleaudpUe, 21, i.., Ihe SOI\

of ~lr. and \lr..,. :\lva Heau·dette, who live un J farmfivE:' miles west of Wayneand a mile south 01 High.\\'a\ 1-' The lleaudeUeshave livt'd herf' about thret'\ears, Ill(lvillg t<1 the ), lo\d\nd r l'\\'''' I a r 11\ frum \\ dllsa.

I he \ \lUllg \\ ayne manwork" al .\ fuod proces..,ingplant ill :,\'l[folk. Ht' wasreturning h<lllle frorn workat the (irn,' <If the accident.

\l'(prdin to'lrooperHO ll ....;tOKI.'''', wa:-. one,\1 tIll' .\phLlska ,'-'afety Pa-

~~~ I ~ios(~~epr,-; N)\~'(' ~tci~tJ~~fllcc'ur-red on Highway :-15tWI) miles from Hoskins.He<J.udE'tte was northboundand ],'red I, wald, :'-or­f<llk, wa", turning off a,'(Hlnty road, making a leftturll (lnt(1 rhe highwa\ (0

I{U "'Out h.In the colli..,illn, Ewald's

al"'l) was critical_1\ relllcli'ledin ('rilll'.ll condition at thetiOlt' of this writing.

He a II If t' t I l~ broke his1I()~e, era l h t' d hi~ thighbone in hi.., right leg, C'...Itthe tendtJn~ ill his kneebone,suflprI"d cut.., that, required-;iitches III dose in his lipand [ll()\llh and had othercut" and bruises on hisbody. [-.w;\hl received twoblack eyes, a cut lip anda cut nose. \11 three weretaken b\ Hoskins RescueL;nit and private ambu-lance to lutheranIln:-..pital, \orfolk.

I)oc!or'" 11,)(-1 t(l removeh" II (' from Oeau-


Page 19: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation








171.IID "4'.U 'S'7MO ,1 ,G2.U ,



2,61 /I11.0\1

29~,no '0




Wayne. Nebr.

I-'iwnc 37:)·10144



BOB LUND·HCghtcrt'd f'harmll'cist



.. "". . '.\I.llIt.n.''':1- Of PI.nl

I hI< I~" I "",I"" I !>,. !l.p.I,'\"nll ...... 1 I \.d>l,.lhl'.11Y,.I."" 11 ...1,,,., Itl p• l ,..... I.'\al".nllll.nk.\I ••

IIp,'"lll,,II.,1111,.,.1 II"" ,\ I·U"'I'.l-ly, 101.1 •.I h. "'''~.' , ""'p.'". (. ,b,,,.t111. '.,n"., ' ""'pi n\ ..... u~I'II ••I 1\ \\""I ...... rlh, 0"11<1 ('.HI .II, ,I,~ , I." or r ." '" (.1,11101



T,edtke Plumbl~ ",:Heating & APPlilFeS'i


OPTOMETRIST---t - ---,-----

W A 'KOEBER, 0 D.OI"f'{JMf':TnrST

111 Wesl 2nd Phone 375-3145

Wayne, Nebr j:b:"',fl';

Kern Form. EquipmentSALES and SERVICE

ALLIS CHALMERSPhone 375·1616 Wayne

ELECTRICIANS·1--.:...----------:- ;ti!:> j


Farm· Home· Commereill", .,:~:,~':!;,

Phono 375-2liz2 Wayne. ~"f"jl,:"

, ,I,',,,',,"',








375-3800 I


375-2288 Phone 375·2822

375·1622 :






Mayor -Dr. Wm A. Koeber 375·35f14 I

tn.l,u,lIonAd.ml Book Co .• Toxtboolu,Am.rlc.n Book '0., "m•.The AmuLe.n Girl, SubTh. Cllildcraft Annu.l, Book

City Treasurer ­Leslie W Ellis

City Clerk -Dan Sherry

City Altorney !-­John V, Addison

Councilmen ­AJ WittigF:. G SmithWilmer M'arraJ ack Kin~ston

Lyle SeymourBob McLean


Wluld.School Board P,ocudlnc'lJeumblfr 6, 196~

Th. fhrular mooU... of lha ~oard 01Education _ .. h.ld Ilt lh. Jr .•.''- Itl,lISchool. Dee-mber ~. \ '.I6-r, , Monday .18'00 p.m .

tllaT~.n:;~:~~n~.:~;.c;~l:~.~" o,d •• U)'

Th. Mlnl.lt .. 01 the pllvlou. mu"'"w......d .nd .ppro~..:I.

Upon mollon duly m.d., .nd <"~I.dthe lollowilll el,lml tot.hlll S5.'I1;l.I.('w.r,"llo••d

OIl" to th. 1I0lidav .... hool .. ill h"dl.mlulfd 0" Ute 2lrd 01 D.comb.,.nd not n.um" until the mornlnr of th~lrd of Jantr,. 1961.

The nn r'lulu nlutlnl 01 the \\LO­Ilda Schoo Boud ... ill b. hlld Mond.y.J.nuuy9,1967

Admlni.tr.llonJam.. ('hrlatenun, Mil"I'H.mmond" Stoph.n •. Wlrranl


TheW• .,

Treasurer:Leona- Bahde

Clerk oC District CourtJohn T, Bressler 375-2260

Agricultural Agent:Harold Ingalls

ASMi:;anE~h::ir~~~~:Ue 375.2715 BENTHACK CLINIC215 W'. 2nd Street

A~~~nr~~~ McDermott 375·2080 Phone 315-251)0,

Veterans Service Officer: Wayne, NcbrChris Bargholz. 375-Z764 ""~.' ..

Commissioners 1____________ ~

Dist.l J~~~r ,

gm i GR'~;et;~:: Georg~ l:.. John, M.D.District Probation Officer: PHYSICIAN and SUR~EON .

William Eynon... 315·1250 114 East 3rd StreetOffice PhOne 37:;.1471

;g~l~~;·;~~;i:.: :U!Uta)ltil." .11.ctrlclty '0'.=~: 'D:'~"'Jdi-.i." n.1IW.,..~~1;;:t:I",rieib ;.~ 25.00

~...tI.;u.I'lil~~.'r~' .. :lM4I

~-=. o:.-:::::~ :.~: :: ir~::~elf'" kl~rli...,'e,I,le ...

CI~~:~ ~1~eir'lej i.~~,........I1I._"lu, Ult... ,

~:~~~~,~t~pil~': : :'. " '.Eleculc ntltllu. n.,hllpl.

...c., 11.tlK......N._ Oct, c.,lb 218.4U11I'1•• 10£. IoIaior. R.p, • b.n,u. U.BB"r..u 01 "ecl.m.tloD,

[I,clrlc 'lfvlu.... , .. \H.4111I'.,...(., P'PD, Carrier blln..• ,..,,1 In, .. .,.

H ,"'~=pp~'\i~:~~" .r~a,k: I'o.~ ••, l.r,'1It _ .. :Doved b) lo....ab,,, ••nd ..<.

....ed b~ 0..."... 'h.t th. d.",,. b.allo••d .Id .... ,r.nt. ouilrod <1, .... "Curled.

\ pe rmllt,_"I,.nt.,llo\1!r.-d\\ltI'IIU

~1:~I~()~',~r:.~:=;~\~~.I,~.• Of 1<>1. L l I

Th. m•• fln••djoulnod .1 1 I" I' n,'. [I'tno~n. 1 ~1,rnUI'

11.\\,It.\'ltl••• f l.,k


Local 6: Long Distance J:laulingUvestock aDd Gram

Ward's Riverside BatteriesFairground AvenuePhone 375-2'728 or

Nigbu 375-3345ALVIN SCHIIODE. Mgr.


















Business and Professional




375-1429 408 Logan, Wayne

Dependable InsuranceFOR ALL YOUR NEEDS

Phone 375-2696

Dean ( Pierson Agency I '~-c-------111 West 3rd Wayne j


State Notional BonknlOne 375·1130 122 Main

,Farmers InS.. Group Assessor Henry ArpAll Your Insurance Needs Clerk: C. A Bard

FAS'kl;~fRSE~~\~~DLY Jug~~id J HamerCHRIS E. BARGHOLZ Sheriff Don WeiblePhone 375·Z764 Wayne I Deputy:

S. C. ThompsonINSURANCE BONDS Supt Gladys Porter

To Fit All Your NeedsIn Reliable Companies

Willis Johnson, agentSTATE FARM INS. CO

'AUTO - LIFE - FIRE,Prompt, Personal Service

1 mi. North at Wayne on Hy. 15Office: 375-3470 - Res,: 375·1965

Northwestern MutualLIfe - 1857re~resentt'd by


112 West 2ndProfession.al Bldg.

375-1811 or h:es, 375·2117

Atglli "

On ••"r)'. CR)' CI.rko.teI!l11.2t.4IRJ EI.Ct••A.I Pro-'etNo. t..U.oo,-CCtl2


VII ., .I"~~~::-:::: ••_Th r r .ae&':;·~·~~~:t:i

Tu ~III••• of WI.'hl••••h.W I. tMo .IIilIU.rl.... wltflo lit. '.11_1.,......,. 1 ekelr••• Dlt .L , ••.0..,1... ,Hili. 0.110', A~....lH .

TIn ."ut•• 01 th. Oct.aber U..

-·Th:·t~~:::r:~r:oo:t.;bernport ...cu,..d.

Tb. loll_I., cl.ln" ••n n.d .1Id• ..",1.":


O••• r.1 F_Ail•• Koch, L.tror ...•...UtiIlU.. f .... rln .h.n...W.,.•• He",ld. Prou.dllll•..Ka••••~eb,.. IIa.O......Audl_arl"", r"m. Traa.fer. ,Serr.at--So•• II, Inc., Polle. car'Xlem•.. . . . ...N'" 011 Co., Kuo••••....J.cll an·IOX.O oll-opollu.st..D••ll S.nlce. G tc.

pollc.. . . . . . .. . ...Wlnlid. MOlIto,. R.p.ln.pollc.c., .John L. Sh'., W••ru .....

Auditorium fllndUUUtl•• fund, Lilhh....H. WItt. Ville •• Clerk,

'hlmbur ... lor cl.... bUlpd.Strut f'uDd

AIl.n Koch. Lltror .Allan Koch. U.. 01 pldtl.lp.City 0' W.yn•• Compr..aor

rant. I ... rep.ir.. . ..J.cklon·, ox. ,Tractor nnt.l .

Strut LirhtlllI FundUtlllU.. fund. Strut lirhtl

fln fundUtillti .. fund, 1lIht •.NW a.lI. urvlce. ., ..Chic.ro Lbr. Co .• D.int .to




'The Woyne Herold~rinting & PublishingI·


114 Main St. Ii Phone 375-2600 FINANe,

. 'TRIANGLE FINANCE, SwanSOl'l TV & App!. i .

IALL MADS TV SERVICE I Personal· .Mochlneryl

ADMIRAl, - Sal.. and Servlc. and Automobile LoonsI HAMILTON - WHITE Pbone 37Hm IG5 W. 2ndi'h. 375·3690 Wayne, . . .,

I I· Th Spa , . Firsi National -B~~kI IS ce : INVESTIIENTS M¥JNGIII I FOR RENli I ' INSU1W'ICE


, 375 • 2600 ' PboIIe: 375-2525 , W_JIII




By /8/ I\ennethM, Olds. Partn",rd};U

Notice or SuitIn the Dlstr,ct Court of Weyn. County.


Pl.lntiff., v •. SIl.AS Nf:W~lAN, ET AL,Oelendants.

TO: G,rfiel<:lN.wm.n.nd New_man. tint ..al n.mt unknown. hu.b.ndaod wif.; Florence Veak.Dd __ .V...k,first real name unknown, wlf••nd hu._band; the h.ln, d.vi......x:ecutor,.dministrator and.1I p.nonl int.r.. t.dIn the ..tate 01 W.llac. Nu',m••, de.

~:~~::'or/':\:t~:;~~~~:t~;r~l~t~~·~to the South.ut Quart.r 01 Section 27,Townlhlp 26 North. R.DI. 1 Eut of th.Slrth Prlniclp.1 toe.rldlan, W.yn. CountyN.bruka. and the North H.1l of theNorthwe.t Quarter of S.ctlon 35. Town..hip 26 North, RaDl. 1 Eut 01 the SirthPrlnclp.1 Meridian. Wayne County, Ne.buska. r,.l name.unknown.d.f.ncI.nh.

You am each of you an h.nby Dotlll.d

~:\ ~~ l~:::a~.yp~:::.',,::,.:,9f;.6~pl.intUft, filed th.lr .m.Dd.d petition In

~e·br~;~~rl~tu~N:.t5::6.~;~i:lt~:~~each of you, the obj.ct .Dd prayer ofwhich i. to quiet tltI. in f.. 01 th"pl.lntiffs and their eo.oawn.r. toth••bov.describe<:l reale.tate ill .ialnlt yoU .nd.a.eh nf the def.ndants. and th.t th,lr.h.re .nd th, ~h.n of the reapectiveowner~ of uld real .stab. b. qllieud.ndconfirme'l. and th.t ..id re" utat. bt'partltlon.d or that Slid pnmhu b. soldand the procnd. divided .ccordin.Jy.and hI 'uch oth., .nd further ral,arII ml) be deemed equitabl•.

You are required to answer 1I.ltIpetitiop. on or b.for. the 2Jrd d.y ofJ.nuary,1967.

LARRY "'EWM.-\N PARADY. ET AL.Plalntiffl,B) aIds and Re"J, Attorneys.W.yn", Nebruk.


L••al NoticeNotic'" is h.nby I'iven that by "irtue

of.n order 0.1 ..I. hlll.d byth. DhtrictCourt o. W.yne CnUlllty, N.bruka, in an.ction pendlnl' in add court, wheninLloyd Gnlrk, et .1.. a,., plaIDtlff., andEmm. Gnlrk Sled.clllar••t ,i. •• re d••fend.ntl No. 5945, dindin. me, ureler.",,·to nIl the lollowlnl' dncribedpremise•• to_wit:

The Ea.t Helf of the SoutllWtl.t Quart. rof Section Thirty.flv., TownshipTwenty_f1v•• North, R..... On•• Eutof th.. Sixth Princip.1 Meridian inW.yne County. N.braska;The North Hall of the North H.ll of

~~~i:.n RT.:~ ~:~'~~~tT:re:~~-1~~:hPrincip.1 Meridi.n in stanton County,N",bruka.I will sell uid real ntate .t publlc

.uction on the 13th day of J.nuuy.1967.

.t 1:00 P.M .• of uid d.t", .t the. E••tfront door of the Court Hou.e.t Yo.yn••

Ne~~~~k:.IIf "I"" 15.... cuh on dly ofu •• b.lanc", on conflrm.tion.

Ab.tuch oftijl.toth", varloua parc .. hwlll be furnl.h.d••howinl merch.nt.bletit I" to da~. of .. Ie.

Th, p·r '" m I a •••ituated in W.yneCounty. N,bra.b. and the ~r.mi•••• itu.ted I. Stanton County, l"ebruk.l.",ill be offered ••parltely.nd.s • unitand .old ~o , .. liz. the !tr".ter .mount., K.DIleth M. 'Olds. Referee

Oelltlch" HaleD. Attornels,513 ;'\tor folk A"••ue Suildin(Norfolk. Nebruka,

L'r.1 NoticeTO ""LL PER\oSS INTERE\TEO no;SA:"OITARY '>EWER DISTRICT SO.29 or HI E ('In' Of 'A" A Y :\ t,.... EBRA ..t\A.

.... OTIC r. L~ HEREBY GIV [/'I. 'h.t epllt of <;.flita,y ....ar District So. 2'01 the City ,of 'IIl"fI", t".tJruk., .nd I• chedule of propoetd .• ptelll .menta ofthl! pr,?p.rly "'Ithl" , ... d ,10". czd" pnp.nd by 'ild M••d.nl & Ausoci.t ••. (ityf:ll(in.er.lorthtprolfCt..,eonflltinlhlollictofthtlltj (IerllInti .11 ObJilClionl to •• Id pl.l 0'acheoiule ortolnypriorproce"d,n•• oo.ceo"nt of error., itr".ul.rlllI, otIn,,,qullitiu m",t bIf !II.oie in wrllin*.nd fil ••' WIth th" (It)' (luk .lt~'1it ... enty <:I.y, .ftu th. lirll pubhclllon

~~.l~le'd ~~;;"v.'b.:~j~~~!:~~ion.h.1I b,

)'ou.n 'urthar notifiedth~phe~h .• or.nd r ounc II will .It .~ • Bo.rtl 01-\dIUllm"n' Inti [qu,liutlon inth. (It)"Cluk'. Offic. in th. Cit,. o' W'11l••~tbrnk••t II:fJ(J o'clock p.m .. on the1(I(hd.y·of J.nuary.I·!r,7. 'ocon\ldar

;t~ -II' ':~~:\t~~:~ :::.~ ::li::\~;~e·f~~·el~::to the bentfils rnultlnC hom 'he 1m.provement and IH)" ,pul.lu,n,mero.'Ithertfor Ao) objector. m.y Ipl'e.r ,Ill" .... on 0' by r .. pre.enlilti~e .lId tubm,1.such .ddit,on.1 lnform.t,,,n .1 h.. mlYde ~ ire

([n (!I\\\¥"l, ..... I.F1A\ .... K\lJ.n "'h~r r .. ' 'l)' ( I.rk


N"1~~:::~r~~.';~~ta::~o,Couat, CCMart of W.y'" Cou.t,-. N..

bn.k.I. .C... No. JUI, a.ok '. P... I1C.

~:~t~.i~ :;Il;r.~:':ab~t.O:it":::c.rned:

NotiC:. l,e h.,.,,,,. .." .. U1at a petUJ"

~:rl:;:IIH~I~:t.,'o~.Ul:"':f:i.it-::::: ::uid ut.t., which _III be 10' hMrl.....thh court oa Ju".r,.e.IH1,.tlo'clocllP.W. •

Eat. red thll IUld.,. 01 o.umber 1"'.D'"ldJ.Hamer, COlPlt,. J....

(s.. \) \

Ronald K. Sem".hon. Attorne,.PeDdar. N.br ••1ta


prior, durlDl am foll_1DI I

ahlpmlnt .0 they wID not 'I

10.. as much, will lainback what thoy 10.. futerand will payoff mora atmarket time. 1

Several from thh areaatttt'Dded Ithe seminar t Itwas one lof two held In the i

state under NU sponsor,hiP]with several livestockCr 0 u p e coopo raUDI. Tho9ther seminar was held at,York. I


.... ol'ce Of Final Settl .. mant.110 th .. '.'OUlllY ('()urI 'Jf Wayne coun.t','1ebraoka

In the motte, of tl'. .. l.t.h of ""lv,n.Elr",km.n F rankl,n, n.. c......d.

Ih ......tate ()f ...... bn.k•. [0 .11 eon_oe,ned, ""olice .. Hereby glv .. n that. p.tltionl~., bun fil ..dfor IIna.1 settlem .. nt here_in d"t .. rmin.bonofhelrlhip, mherit.nc.ta~"5 fees ",nd commiuions. distribu_tion 'of e,tale and .pprovel ot lin.laccount and 'dischafll'''. which will b.,~<:!~f~ ... :;i~~ ~i ~~~~ C,.~~~l. On D.. cember 16,

navld J H.mer, ('ounty Jud.e

Claude I Bail.y, carroll'lhas sold ' his Bailoy OilCo. in that town to ClairSwanson. The new ownertook ave rt ope rat ion the iIftiddl. ot last week. Bail-Iey, who Is nearing 80. hal"been in lpusiness at the 10..cation for 20 years. Swan.son ha<; 'been farming i~

the area.

Business Notes




Notice' Of Prob,te Of WillCounty 'our! 01 Wayne County. N.

braska .~o. 3639, Bk. 9, Ptg.. 215.E.t.te of Il.ns Thom5"n, Dec.a,~.The State ~f N"braska, to all cO

cern"d' ~Notice is ereby lI'iven th.t, p.tltio

has been [iled for the probate of the wi Iof s,id tlecea ed, .ndforth",ppolntm.nt0{ E. T. W.rllleml.lnd" as Execul.arthere.pf which will b.. for hearilllinthiscoul'lton' December 30. 1966. at 3;30 o'c1oc~

P.M DRvid 1. Hamer, County JUdr~ISeall

Addison &. Addison, Attorney.d15tJ

~otice 01 Hnrini OfP..tilionForFin.1

Settl"ment Of Account('ounty C"urt "f W.yn" C"unty, N.~

braska. ,

Estate 01 W.yn" G. WiIli.ms, ~ce ....d.

Th. St.te uf Nebrask•• to .11 concerned: .

Notice is hereby liven tha-t. p.tltlhas been [il"dlor flnalsettlementh.r.ind"termin.tion Q[ heirship, lnh.ritaDc.t.UII lees and commi.slonl. dlstrlbu.tlon o·f estate.nd .pprov.l 01 fin.l.ccollO~

~:t~~:c~~~~:'o;h~c,~:'i:~ b;, 1~;6ht~:nfo'clock. A.M. I

Enter~d.thill 7thd.yofDetemb.r 1966,D.vld 1. ~l.mer, COllaty JIJd.

ISeal! , ,Addison" Addi.on, .ttornIY. !

I dl5t3

- .- ----- -.- .. --.--- ------r-l-EGAL PUIlL~ATI.2N ~

Notice Of Hearing 0/ IPetition F'or F'in.l

S.. ttl"ment Of AccountCounty C0'l'rt of W.yne County. "'e.

'bf"}.:~:te of Lester Hof.ldt. oth.rwil!eknown a' Le$ter C. Hofeltlt, Deceue4.

The Stilte iof Nebrask•. to .11 co~~

c.. rned: ' ,:-lotic .. is Hu .. bYliventhlt.p.tltio.,

h., b.. en fil ..~ tor Iin•.1set.tlementh~r.ln,determination o[ he,rshlp. Inh.rlt.nce

~:;:~'f ~:::te'r~~~~r:~.:~~~~~~.t~:t:~:;and d~lch&fgJ' which w1l1 be lor hurincin this court on January 5.1967••t2

o'c~:",k;e~'~is 9th d,y 01 De~",mber 1966.Davi~ J. H,mu. County JIld.e

PUBLIC NOTICESEvery government oHiclal

Or board that handl•• public

Eoneys, should publish at

egular intervals an account·ng of it showing where and

how ..ch dollu is spent. Wehold this to be a fundamantalprinciple to democratic gov­ernment.

,"or \\.""e, "nd mu,1 )", ".""mpJJll('d I"J bid bond or a (eftirLeL! ehe,' k III th~

amounl of five percent {:,",) of bid mad~

I-'a}abl~ l" lh~ ('it} T f"a~urer. ('il) ()(\\R\ne, :"dJfil5ka which ,hall be COn_sid~r~d a, Ilquidaleddamages. and ~hall

be forfeited lalhe (,ty oIWaynp if Sa".!proposalorbiJisacceptedandth.. bidderhil. to e~e,,,t.. th~ Con~ract and rile ~h."

required bond as provided ,n the ~peclfl.

cations.So bidd"f m~y wLthdraw hi~ proposal

for a period of lhirt) 1'101 rla" altu th~

dat1 set for op~njng or bids

en~1:o~~~P~~:::dm:~~ ~~d:::~~~edt~\~~Uflite of the, rity Clerk. Wayne. Se_bruka. '1 he env.. lope shall be mark~d.

Proposal for r;ro"p I. Power PlantPiping" "r "I'roposal for(;rouplI_PowerPlant Wiring" <H "Proposal ror C:r.oup.~[and n I'ow~r Plant Piping andW,rtng.

The successful bidder willbe reqUiredto furnish a bond as 5p.,cifi"d in thespecificatL"n~ lfl an amounl equal to Onehundred percent [11111",1 ufthe contractamount, said bond to belilso executedby " ,~~ponsible corporate 'uret) ap_proved by the Own~r anel ~hall guaranteethe faithlul I'll r!ormance (~I the contractand th.. terms ""d condilions thereIncontained.

":.':,~'. ;,,,, :'''~' ""~_',~d ~:'",'.::~':,~~,';of the.M01

IN', .lIalo. ou~al. and• ,*hor .uch fo.d. ( Itartor

ratloD, keeping w ter away4"6 houro a1t.r c.ttle havo~.n unload.d l~xcapt Inhlot wsathe r or after longshipmonts).

Include more ,vitaminsbe e a use cattle I arE notlikely to consume, as uchfeed the first 20-25 d"aysas they will after ~dju ting,make sure starter containsadequate protein and min­erals, inc lude readily­available energy, providemoisture with molasses tohold down dust and aid insupplying energy .. od if pos~sible have cattle vaccinatedfor rednose 30 days priorto shipment.

In closing', D~. GreenMid fee d e r s should fa_miliarize themselves withthe area of origi,o of cat..tie they purcha$e, learnthe nutritional and healthmeasures taken prior loshipment to combat stressand to help cattle adjust

Beemer Seminar Has_,Advice for Feeders

The rirst 20-30 days afternew animals arrive are themost important cattle feed~

ing days, area feeders weretold at a beef seminar inBeemer Friday. Theywereal so given other advice onmaking money by feeding.

Dr. M. L. Green, Mil_chell, told of experiencesof feeder~ in the NorthPlaUt> \'alley in helpinganimals adjllsllo new sur­roundings after shipm~lIe pointed out that cattleare not normal the firstfew days because of thestre<;s of shipment and be.ing grouped with strangecattle.

It takes 10-15 days fora yearling steer to gainback weight lost and it'takes 30 days for a wean~ling calf to get back itsweight, Dr. Green said.If feeders can cut downon the number of days! re ..qui red, e can 0 m i c lOsisescan be reduced. I

Providing too high or! toolow a level of en,rgy isthe wors,t mistake, feedlerswere told. Inadequate en­ergy levels' lengthen ttmere~uired to recover fromshipping effects and ex..cessive energy levels dis­turb rumen bacteria, maycause an acid condition andev n death due to founder.

r. Green recommendedleast 60 per cent can..trate ration fed on toploose hay as a basic

st rter ration. lie also sug..ge ted inc luding in the sta r ..te ration all ingredientsth t will be in the rationdu iog feeding, refrainingfr m using fermented hay-

LEtTERS ITO SANTAqear: Sa.n~a, I want a doll

and' an Easy-Bake oven. andOo~o 'boots. I am (,. l.ove,Ranee Dian.

Site Southwest of Carroll ChosenAs Sft, Iof ETV Transmitter TowerTh~chalnel 16 outlet

for .the Ne r..~ Educa· Winside Methodistst:lonal Tete lelon NetworkI,. fo be.t mile••outh. N· T Ch'.....t· of ca;roll If pr••ent Have fW een Olrplane are a proYe~. Origl. An 18-m.mb.r toenag.nally. II. s1 e Dill &11 Plerce choir was formed recentlyhod beelf se~ected. at Win sid e Met hod t 8 t

Ac.corttin to th~ Pierce Church. It will appear inCounty Lea er, Pierce,the new robes at a ChristmasFed'. 'r a I Cpmmunicatlons program to be presentedCommission! has approved Sunday, Dec. 18 at 7:30the site. Petmlsshm to put p.m.• towit tlt'llrle is aliso need~ Mrs. James Christensened from th, Fedelral Avi.. is director of the choiratiQn _,Admipi5tra~ion and which was formed in Dc ..soil teste will have to be tober. She said the youngmade before actual con- people held a bake salestructlon st,.rls. and received donations to

Site of tlhe p r p p 0 sed help pay for the new robes.tower is just off Highway First appearance {or the')8 four miles we$t of the choir was Dec. 4. It wasanHi ghwa y 9R-57 junction appropriate occasion fOT

south t.i1 rarroII. It is on a teenage choir to make itsthe ·Wt4:rd James ,farm 13 debut for it was "Youthmiles west of Wayne, ICJ Sunday" at the church.miles northwest of 1I0s- Doth the program Sun..kinl'l and 9 rmiles northwest day, and the Sunday schoolof Winside. . program ."iaturday, Dec. 24,~ET has no outlet In at 7::30 p.m., will be pre~

l\'orthea:.t N~braska at pre~ sented at the church. Both<;ent. It ha$> be,en alloted are also open to the pub..('hannel 1(0., wfHch i" a lic.L;II V 'channe.!. 1~1

UHF recepl ion is ;J<;­sured on lllosL seb pur­chaS'ed in rHent years.",ccording .~o the I.eader,only s.liglljt modificationwill'" be' required to bringin ChfHhel Hi. Those with­out U{i't (~ett' purchasedbefQ~ 19(;1) will have to8pehd"~30 Clr more to haveSel$ modifiled t.o bring in

I Channel H; and ()thf'r UI ~/ stabions.

T:he advent of educationaltelevision ~n the area is

! expected to hring a rush'of television Sf't uses toschool~ ,of t.he county and

, arelt. Xt present, only one. schpol'il·-" ~he county getsrecep~,D':~~ood enough tomake Use bff l': FT programsregula:r.ly.

Schools will be able toget good reception in' allthiS; part o~ the state whenCh~nnel 16,goes on the airnext Qeto~er. Town andrural schaob alike are ex­peded~Ao ~ake use of thevarlet~;i'_gd; e~peri~nce of­feree! 1'0 teleVised Instruc_tion;.

-SAR-BEN: Invests':, i INebraska's future". ith non-profit

acing DollarsT • tet proceeds tram the races at Ak-Sar-Ben•• e hanneled mto Agricultural. Charitable andE uc tional projects that benelit all Nebraskansq.Olle~tlvety t.hese prOjects torm Ak-Sar-Ben'sACE program rapidly becoming one of the bestk Ow CIVIC programs In the state Matnl~, be-

:; 1, c u~t ~~Ear~~e~, s~e:~~=a f~~e s~ ~nat~~c~~~P~y~nelits crealed through this program Ak­

. r~~en's Ir8clng dollars wOrk. around the cal-;-" da~ tor a better Nebraska.

De*".. S.n~a. I want a mat­te Ie ·klkln

rrte.chy K.thy

Keen......".~ e been a goodgirl. ~'Id like. b.byaecr.et~~doll and a suzie­homiCri~ker:. Also I would

l,lIk. i;".play all six. TherewUiJe1aolllle milk and cook.

.. 'es '~ilJ. the: table for you.Also I. wa$t' two punchingB\lllt.~One' for me and onefor ~Y' brother. Debr. IJ.P.Sit i'cap" w r~teber~, nta.

Page 20: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

I BOB DITrdtt·Na...eU A.eney , , ,

lOt W 2nd St, P'h. ",'.'.I: '

II any man who doesn/t beJ['in life insurance deserves toonce without having any.


Th~~OHIO NATIONALLift' Insurann> ComJ)d.n~

fro..ar. It II heiDI k.Dlfor h.r naph.w who I. IDMIim.aota olld who 10 otillatudylDl tho bird for hlotheall. H. will be abl. touao tho blrd'o body ID 0 lotof wayo for hll work.

Movie, Treats inWinside Satonlay

Music will b. ployod ovarloudopooke.. d uri n lr theholidoyo In Wlnolde. It wlllhelp provide otmoophor.for the violt of Santo Sat­urday, Dec. 17, when afree movie and heats willbe the moln attroctiOllO.

Two-Timing Owl Helpi;rwo TillIe, in Studies

Au owl that hoo b.aD two­tlmlDl a Concord farm.rwill do so no more. It hoonow lone to owl heaveD,Ito remains b.IDlr kept tohelp two ti'mes in school.tudles.

Iner Peter,on, Concord,wos a IItfle tl red 01 theowl preying on his poul­try. He shot It lost weekand then decided tho chll.dren at Concord Elemen.tary School might enjoy'seeing it.

They did. In one teach.er~s class, her n"phew hadjust written a thesis anhorned owls so she knew alot about them. Having readthe thesis, she was ableto explain a lot about thebird.

All classes learned abouthow the tults look like hornoand thus give the predatorits name. They examineda real bird, saw how Itsbeak and claws could beused to get small birdsand animals and learnedof its habits and food.

When they were throughwith the bird, Mrs. HelenPearson put, the owl in the

(This letter was receivedafter the two stories onthe front page were writtenand, set. Judge: Hamer hasa piece of meteorite fromIllinois. He is a rockhound.He also has told of rockssimilar to the' one in the



The W.yne (...... ) M....Id, ~.y. Dec.","r '5, ,'" ~~--+--;.....--~;....~----~-I

be.D .hapad aDd tha I....crlpt~aD plaque ID.O.t.ohowo how ooft It I•. Thlo Icould Dot be dane \I Itwere I meteorite.

The hole ID the lrroUDdc.ln be accounted for. The I

earth's cruet is full ofcavities and cracks IndUDder heavy raiDS or cloud.burats the groUDd will .IDk

. wi-thout leaving allY debrison the surface. TheBe con-cretions and granite boul ...ders are the result ofglacial drift during the iceages, The.y were burieddeep In the esrth and conbe lound down to two hun.dred feet. Many are foundon the surface in CedarCounty, Nebr. and else­where.

A meteorite the size ofthe stone in the WayneC e met e r y would be toohea vy to lift and it bea r sno resemblance to a celes~

tial body or rra~~Ve:tidmer

Roherl<; Mi~.'I., Ellery P,earson, Mrs, Clair Swan·~on and Pt(>1ildl"nt Mr,';' Vernon Hokamp (Thepan{,i1k('.~ t~f' kids arC' holding were cold andwpre hejnl'!:""~,larked to on(' sid!' to be taken hometo dogs) ,I.

by Mrs. Georg. BuskirkPhone 217-2523

Even [)o'.~en ClubEven Dozen Club enter~

tained their husbands ata supper Thursday eveningat the !led Satin Lounge,Wayne. Dec. 20 the clubwill meet at the horne ofMrs. Dan Dolph for aChrhlmas dinner and ex­change of gifts.


l.adies Aid \tleetsPleasant Valley Ladies

Aiel mel J)f'C'. 7 at the homeof lhe Bressler sisters fora cooperative dinner andexchange of gifts. Januarymeeting will be with Mrs.Ed .\1cGuire.

~IIt:_ ..._-,....._-_....__...__........,.1"."... It

, lS - TOOLS - TOOLS ~I .at l·:AE·t··~--~.,... ~

L.I • (BudJMcNatt OK H~rdware ~20~ Ma " St. Way". Iph. 375-1533 =, + It~.~JIQW__JlJ8-5**.

JIMMY ~"'RMER, :l hold,~ a plaIr' of pancakes,II thr frl1'c ((r.-f! III Carfoll Saturday lip hddIht'll1 (or " ~;jg \\11h ~1',lt'r Jpamnt', ~J, ht']plngrhMf parrill'>. Mr and .'\lr-. Pon !larmer, areII Ilh lh('nl W(lJnf'1l ,~('r\'lng 1(Of! In right,. an' MrsT<>In 1{llhl/'rl'. "Ir~ Wa.v~(' KCf,>IU_H_'_~_I,_,_._1_'_p ~ _,_-_,__,___;-=Panca~e Feed Draws 'large Nelson; ler, is hospitalized with

Wailresses. Cyndee Ker- an injured foot.<., tin e, Vicki Stoltenberg, Leslie Farmers Union'\ngela Paulson, Mary local met at the Walter!'~llen Morris, Ruth Kenny, Weseman home Friday for'-Ially Kenny. Peggy Hok- an oyster supper. Enter-amp, Pam Jlokamp, Cinda tainment was viewing pic-O'wens, LaRee Jones, tures of the Weseman'sMarsha .Johnson, Gl_a vacation in British Colurn~Morris and Diann'Morris; bia.and coffee servers, Ruth Mr. and Mrs. RalphPaulsen, Pat Johnson, Burhoop and children,Doris Ham e r and Elsie Seward and Mr. and ~rs.

Whitney. Walter [3urhoop, Bancroft,were supper guests Sundayat the A r v i d Samuelsonhorne.

Collins Albers, son ofMr. and Mrs. Merlin Al­bers, was chosen king ofFrA aL Wisner HighSchoolProm.

\1r. and \1rs. MarvinMeier and Debbie movedto the August Thun farmnorthwest of W'lYne.

Mrs. Augustl Wester­hold, 81, who fell and brokeher hip is at her hornerecovering satisfactorily.

Mrs. Myrtle Bresslerand Mrs. (.. W. McGuirewere supper guests Satur~

day with Mr. and Mrs.Oscar Ottoson, \Vausa, atthe Merlin Bressler horne.Mr. and Mrs. Otloson leftSunday for Ashtabula, Ohio,to visit at the horne oftheir daughter, Mrs. Ralph

....;t. Paul's Aid had agood Youngman and family.attendance at their holiday Mr. andMrs. Dick Utechtdinner Mrs. Louis Hansen were called to Glenwoodand Mrs. Carl Sichel are Springs, Colo., Saturday byh a sit e sse s for the next the death of the brother

"';lll ...;age fryers, Ruth meeting. of Mrs.,Utecht, Pete Carl-her"tintJ, \linnie Woods, son, 40.lIf'tt\ \1orris, JoAnn M!arv'in Steinhoff and Mr. and Mrs. Henry(lwt'ns, ~;Iadys Roberts and Lar ry Pace, Council Greve and family werev,is~

\:orrnaIJavis;dishwashers, Bluffs, and Harry Steinhoff, itors Sunday at the Dennist-.laf) Earl D"avis, Nancy Bancroft, were supper Ronspies horne, Pierce.Bergquil't, Virginia Ander~ guests Sunday at Clark Friends and relativesson, leota S-Wanson, Anna. Kais. were at the Robert Hansenbf'lle Peterson, Alice Larry Spangler, son of horne Sunday to observeDavis, Orpha Texley and Mr. and Mr5:. Bob 'Spang_ the birthdays of Rex: and·*~~*~~ *~*~~~~x,*~*~.~*~~~u~*.~ i!

~ II The Whole ~~ II' Family ~~ i!

~ Will Enioy ~II II

= TIRED OF LOOKING? DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY? := DROP IN TODAY and COMPLETE YOUR GIFT LIST HERE =~ II~ II~ Electric Ovens Electric Deep Fat Fryers Electric Corn Poppers II~ Roo," Heaters Heating Pods Electric F,ans Coffee Makers II~ Food Mixers Mixettes Power Sows Drills - Sanders Jig ~II Saws Hamilton Beach - Sunbeam Vacuum Cleaners Gold IIit and Silver Spray Point Electric Steam Irons Electric Irons II~ Travel Irons Combination Grill-Waffle Boker Electric Grills =~ Electric Razors Electric Toasters Floor and Table 'Lamps II~ 30-cup Automatic Coffee Maker Electric Tooth Brush Electric II= Fry IPans Electric Hair Dryers Electric Door Bells Electric ~II CloCks Stainless Steel Wore Table Wore Steak Knives II~ Carl'in" Knives West Bend Aluminum C~akware Tennis IIII Rac~ets Kitchen Tools Fryin", Pons Roasters Scissors _ II= Shears Pinki"q Shears Fancy Dishes Art Glassware Lazy~ Susans Pyrex Ware Canister Sets Pocket Knives HuntingII Knives Golf Balls Golf Clubs Baseball GlovesI ·~~···;OYS·:·TOYS~·TOYS·_····"

II- Smell! and large games Dishes Cook Stoves IAppliances

Dolls Skates, Wheel Goads Guns BlaFkboarcjs Tinker= Toys Bolls Fa.m Machinery Footballs IBasketballsit Velocipedes Wagons Bicycles Target Gpmes= ' Bowling Games


i ········~ANUL;·Girrs----~---T---Ele¢tric Clothes Dryer Speed Queen Washers land Dryers

it Home Freezers Refrigerators Motorola adiosMotorola TV's Motorola Hi-Fi Stereo Se 5

!lining room chairmenwere Huth JonesandMarge.\10 r r i 5; pancake fryers,\nn Hnbert$, Mary Rob­erts, Ludalia Pearson, Jo\nn .'--.;toltenberg, Janice\1(Jrri", 1\-latgaret Kenny,)',lillinl' I' r ink and Elda]()nl';'; bolter mixers, Loral(lltf1~un :lnd Mary Drake;

H~~~,~~d~:)~~tt~~:!ct°tll~efret' pancaktl 'leed in lar~

rnll ."'ulurda}'. This repre­sents ~~I,.~ limes the popula­lion of the' town and isabout an average turnout.

Hig attraction if:; the offer()f all the pancakei youwant, \'.Iso served are<;ausages, milk and coffee.

Women of: the AmericanLCf{ion '\uxiliary preparedand <.,e rved the food (orthe <.,ponsoI1ing (' a r r a II('omnwnit.y Club. Servingsta rted lit. 4 and conlinuedlInt ilK.

()ne \oung boy claimedhe aleaof'vennozen'c;lkes.IIi,,; boast Was soon over­shadowed b\1 a friend whoarrived lale and downed I:lpallcakes Lefore calling itqllilh.

1\-1r.<;. Vermon Hokamp ispresidt.'nl of the Auxiliary.,"'ht> had two $hifts of women\\iHking, 4-6 and 6~8. Allmernberf' are on one orrnore assignment..

Page 21: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation





Thriftiest FRIGIDAIRE, Front-Loading DISHMOIILE ....

.IWlI5hes really dun "Iib Multl·Jd Sprar Arm. No harMI ri~"':'t.han)l;s loa efflclrnt w..b and dry cycle•. En, f,ont loadl litRoll-To-You-Raf'ks. Geoerou.. upulb-IZ 'ull t.ble utU I

Thill Frll'idalre dryer fi ..urr:1I dryln~ 2time for you: Automatic dry-cycle fJslops drnf Whf'R c10thu are dry.""Fabric selec.tor matches dry In, hrat ~to the fabric. No-stoop Dacronll lint (j.('rerR. oil

WITH TENJNIS OTABLE ~ $ 3,0.4" ...~ 1


;,: 'j:-; _~.\~_;~~}.:'.9.,~~.r.<~~:'i~~~J5J1SJ&.-.J;N J=f."Il:lil"Jfi_MW&M--..i;Mo4.IDCDL

Yes, Kugler Electric is celebrating their 41st year selling and servicing Frigid­aire appliances and with this outstanding promotion and our carload purehas­

in. offers you the lowest prices ever on ~n Frigidaire appliances until Dec. 24•.Stop in to~y and take advantage of these tremendous buys for Christlllas.

, 'I



I < • - '.<:::".l :C~.\ - ".

Frlrldaire dryer with porcrlaln eDam­rl drum won't snar dellcatu. Driell 'even sheerest fabrics sarely. Specialsellinr on timer for no-iron fabrics.No-ht-at cycle ror alrln,.. numol. Ad­iustable temperature seledion.


W ~T {I



This FrI(ld.irp. Jet-Action Washerputs r,;fou In command of any washingproblem. Two spe...ds for multi-fabric ;,washlnr - Sp... cial Durabl€"· Pnss "«:are. Hot. warm or ("old wash. wann 'or cold rinse. Positive watl"r - It-vel ,i




Mold.l WCDL3 col~HI illnd ....hit.

For ,many weeks ancl months we have been negotiating with our suppliers for

additional co-op funds. NOW we are able to offer you, through these funds,

these tremendous' family premiums. Do n't buy any major appliance until yousee these premiums and our low, low price.





WITH POOL TABLE311 W /T ,. M,d.! DDAl ,

~ .~ ·,~:t"~·~';::':'oI:<:::,,'1:"_'I,:;:-:·"C~"~~.<:::,,\':o"" :~\;;- ':;~',"":t:-~\<:,:>.\-:::>\~~\ ;::i~;~-\-:"'\~'i,~,.~;~;"'-'::;";::::-";";";~; -<













Page 22: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

Th. W.VA. (N.br.) H.,.ld, Thursd.y, O.c~mber 15, 1"-

which" contained the tory 'I

a b out the m.teorlt onGeorge Heady's grave

George never live Dilthe Mcintosh rarmbut elpi.ed some well digge s II 'Idon't r.call their IlIl elldig a w.ll th.r. al'd hen,'they took out this' "tone •G.org. wanted ,to ke p it ~,and they let him hlvle It. If,'He kept it in his frontjyardmany years. It was exalmln. I.!'.~.d by g<lOlogists --:M de- I

cided that it woJ. a1:

meteorite. Prof.slor lOur. ':.i ..1ilan who used to be ,\ mltblecutter there also ..'d itwas a meteorite.

My mother was -marriedto Georg. H.ady for twentyyears before lIft,e 'p~sled

away and I have 'h.lt4 himtell about the stone manytimes and that he ,w.nttdit for his grave marker•Wh.n he a.nd mother "I'ovldto Sioux City, Iowa labout1920, Rollie Ley kePt thestone in his ba rn o-r g'r.,.for G.org. until he Pi.•i.id.,....!'.. :.away ip 1937 and then hadit placed on his ,'rav.... I;

Ye ry truly Y0'!la; :1Gussi. Skadd.n KetCh. Ifmark, (Mr.•• W•. O:lel'122 E. Noblest•• $f;oc"'f'!:/'ton, Cal,if. 96204~ , q

(W. are using, the 10­formation you '.'n tlp ••dfrom the book "stOrl.1 ,00,Slone" in a news artl~l'.this ;'e.k. Thank,yOu lo~. 'your help, Anyone el.,..~.y•.ing further informatio :.onthe meteorite will ca flvor by s.ndln, It",u••-Editor).

.~c.... o.-..II, In this busy Chrht

season, V"e overloo~of lome 'program or'that lis important toforgive us. We.try~

sre not Infallible" aknow that unless "<.people help, we CaJUImost of the ne"'.know of special e.us Imow .bout th."adVallc.. W. wouJd',rather he.r abo. ,~

thing a h.II doz.nIrom a h.lI dOJfn i,than to have '00 woiIt Irom aDyon.~1'have _omeone'. '.,WI rJI why we .~ •..ted in ,their arGetth.,m....cHelp bom you...w. "ill b.especially,h.ctic per,st- .

loei I "My 11ball fall.. iIIto'.Morj,l s~s -p.r, 3

\ I

.. .IS V..n Aeo"i

December 13; 1951: Lellnd Ada. 01 1Trenton, Mo., hal been emPIO~~. , "' 4" .Iccountlnt for the W.yne Public· c ~r Idill t ric t, Robert H.a, announced •••,.. Ique line And.rl.D., dauchter of Mr. a.DCI IMrs. Paul A. Anderun of A\hlm raCIllf., form.r r ..ld.nh of WlYD., I.~ 1the Pa..denl City colle,e Bulldol ndin the Llttl. Rou Bowl g.me O•• 8'and in the Tournament of Rosel .••D.~'r.. 'IStr.t., 13, rec.iv.d • 'ISh on the 1\ Ibypart of her palm Monday eveniDI hln -,'Ihe slipped Ind put h.r h.nd thrcJll' theglass in the door at the Hoskin. I. ch11•• ,Former governor Dwlcht Oriswold, 'r ..ing banker, filed Tuesday (or the oft, I'term United states Senalor pOlit, vacatadby the d.ath of Kenn.th S. Wh.rry, ,1

il *10 Veo,. 1.'0

Dec.mb.r 13, 1956: Earl DIVis, 'Cer.roll, wa. inshlled high pri ••t 011 theNortheast chapter of Royal Arch MI*onlMondlY night at Wekell.ld.,.Clndl at..'for .ight dir.ctor.hip. or the W yneCharnbet_ of Commerce were .nno~c.d

this w.ek by Secretary K. N. PtE'They are Walden Felber, John Barr, , •McNatt, jr., Roy Christensen, Adon:J ('..frey, J.an NUIS, E. W. Willert, F. H,Lueders, George Berres, Ed Seyler • .f\.L.Swan, John Elnung, jr., Milt Mallon, MUtonHas.el and Eldon Fleming... Henry Ba~jen.bruch, mana,e r of the Wayn. Co nellOak store, this week was promoted" to·.position as district supervisor ••. H yelMcGraw, Wayne teacher, escaped Injurylast Wednesday afternoon when hhll' carstruck and killed a, cow south of 'Pill~r ••.Jerry Hendrickson, son of Mr. and fr1r ••Max Hendrickson, Wayne, sUffer~d'a'W~undin the calf of his right l.g S.turdlY IChtwhen the .22 pistol he was usingto huntrabbits accidentally discharged. '

"her 1.1t hand cODald.rably Thurthe memb.r wal call1ht' 10. a'mechlDe .t!Dcer.;.Chatl.1 !'lorrl',eon 01 Dr. T. B. H.ckert ....."M... Pou1 MID.I, .hu r.Joloedand will b. auoclated with Fifthheadquart.n 10 Chlcuo...Dr, C,F.former W1)'11. city' Ichoal h.ad, J'chari., 01 coll'lll t,IIDIIII lor v.\net D.nver ...DwI,ht Dlvle, 10D 0114""Mn. E. W. Devil 01 Carroll. Willhom ,San Francl8co December '''a "M.nll. whe.. the B.nk 01 Am .op.nllll • new Int.rlllltional br,formerly Wal employed Inth. FinII Blnk Ind the KllllitoD Ice pl.Wlyne,

Food Buying TipsIf you Ire looking for

something new to serveyour family, why not tryone of the less expensivecuts of beef? A blade chuckor f 1a n k steak, for ex..ample- the y Ire all de.1i c i 0 us when coo kedprope r ly. Braising is agood way to cook thesecuts.

Beef cuts from certainparts of the carcass helpyou save money and givevariety to your menus.Cuts from the fore-quar­ter, such as chuck roastsand short ribs ,are leastexpensive. Variety meatssuch as hearts, tongues,and livers are also econ..omical buys.

One word of caution-ifyou come across an un..familiar cut of beef, al..ways ask the butcherwhich part of the carcassit was cut from .. 1£ it isjust another name for chuckcut it may rate a fancynar~e but not a fancy price.

When you buy eggs potethe d i ff ere n c e betw~en

grade-which refers: toquality-and the size-whichrefers to the weight of adozen. The grade and sizear,e not related, but bothare specified on the cartonwhen' the eggs have beengraded.

Grade AA and A eggsare the best quality andare ideal for any purpose.They are especially goodfor fry i n g and poachingwhere appearance is im..portant.

The size of eggs you'remost likely to see are Ex..tra large, Large aod Medi­um. other weight dassesare Jumbo, Small andPeew.e. Some people liketo use extra large andlarge eggs for a heartybreakfast, larce eggs forgeneral cooking and medi.um or • m.ll .n. for chil.dren.

Letters to I

The EditorD.,r Editor:

I have reeetved, frOIDold friends, two CapilS ofyour November U i ••~e



NotesMargaret Ann Stahly

~;~ c1J...~When~

il *25 V.an Ago

December 18, 1941: A number of visi.tors were greeted by Wm. Beckenha.Jerand his staff at an open house heldSaturday ... Pvt. first class Wilford lind­say, son of Mr. and Mrs,' John Lindsayof Wayne, is one of the marines stationedat Wake Island inthe Pacific ... Pvt. EugeneJohnson is here from CampShelbY,Miss.,to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. TomJohnson. He stays until Dec. 27 unlesscalled back sooner.,.Prof. F. G. Dalewas re-elected president of the NebraskaInter-collegiate Athletic association con_ference at the leaguets annual meetingin Lincoln Saturday. Wayne shared withChadron the basketball title for the pastyear ... Dr. J. T. 'Anderson was in LincolnFriday and Saturday as a delegate fromdistrict 3, attending the delegate assemblyof the Nebraska State Teachers associa­tion.

il *20Veon Ago

December 19, 1946: Dr. Howard E.Tempero will assume the position of deanof the college at Wayne state TeachersCollege January 1, _according to an an­nouncement made by Dr. Victor P.Morey ... Mrs. A. Philbin cut and bruised

30 Veon AgoD.c.mber 17, 1936: J, M. BrllbenllVe

examinations Saturday to fiv~ young menwho are applicantl (or Annapolis. From60 in the district, one will be chosen.Douglls Canning of Wayne, and JackDavenpor.t of Winside, w.re amona thOletaking tests ... At a pavilion sale Mondaybutch.rs brought a top price of $9.20;pigs. $7.30; one cow which laid by thedollar brought $50 and several other cowssold by the pound, H.if old lor $5.60and steers for $5.80 Miss Ida Fisherand Dr. Mary Honey attended the Uni ..versity Women's International Relationsluncheon in Sioux City, Saturday, whichwas held at the Hotel Warrior ... TheGlobeTrotters, professional colored basketballplayers, met Wayne college team hereTuesday night in exhibition play, thevisitors winning by 33 to 18.

struetion begun unde,r acontact which was bindingb.for. October 10, 1966.Such a contract may beeither oral or written, solong as the taxpayer maye s Lab lis h by appropriateevidence (conduct of theparties, memos, etc.) thatit actually' existed.

As a concession to smallbusinesses, the law grantsevery taxpayer a $20,000exemption for property or­dered, acquire~, or con­structed during the sus­pension period. This meansthat a taxpayer will stillbe .ntitl.d to a $1,400 in­vestment credit (7 percent of $20,0001.

Since the investmentcredit results in a directlowering of ' income tax li­ability, taxpayers may wishto defer construction pro­jects and large propertypurchases until 1968. Thetwo major factors bearingon such a decision are:

1. The benefits of hav­ing the investment creditavailable in 1968 on pur­chases exceeding $20,000,and

2. An estimate of pur­chase costs in 1968 andsubsequent years.

If inflation is~ not cur­tailed prior to 1968, thecost increases that willhave occur red may morethan offset any gains thatwill ace rue (rom the lift­ing of this investment cred­it suspensi~~.••

Te~~ Sec,l Now .Now is a good time to

get that seed tested whetherfor sale or home planting.Laboratory tests take con­siderable' time and thereis usually a rush of sam­ple s in late winter andearly spring.

Man y far mer s havecrops which are suitablefor sale as seed if a testhas been made. Most far­mers assume that seedmust be tested in the StateSeed Laboratory for legalsale. In most cases this isthe most convenient placeto 'get it done. However,legal tests can be had else­where. In fact, a farmeris not prohibited from test­ing his own. All that isrequired by law is thatthe seed be tested and aIab.1 must .how the dateof test, the ger'minatian andthe purity. In the final ana·lysis, it's the sellet· whoguarantees the aeeur.ey ofthe informaHan sh.OWD onthe label.


THE WAVNE HERALD'Ph?"e 375-2600

he favors continuance of theNebraska farm productsresearch program.

But he indicated the reshould be some -internalrevisi0Jts in the overalleffort.

"I have some 'very def­inite ide a s on this re­search-what kind weshould do and where themoney should go," Schlap­hoff, of Waverly, said. "Iwould like to see moreof the money spent in Ne_'braska."

The research program,enacted by the 1959 Leg­islature, is scheduled torun for two more years.But it will come to an endnext year unless law­makers provide funds sincethe research is now financ­ed by a special state prop­erty tax levy t hat Ne­braskans have banished atthe polls.

Purpose of the programis to find new industrialuses for farm products,thereby reducing flur­pluses. Schlaphoff said hebelieves this is a realisticobjective.

New LawIn an erfort to re~train

£df1ation, Congress has re­~ently pas sed, and thePresident signed into law,a bfll susp.nding ph. 7per cent investment treditfor the period October 10.&966 through D.c. 31,1967.oJ" The suspendon applies1!0 all property ord.ett!d oracquired during the aboveperiod. It also applies tobuildings, the constructionof which is begtpl duringthis p.riod..~ rt does bot apply if pro­l>erty is acquired or con-


Columnby Harold Ing.lls

Order TreesNebraska farmers and

ranchers can now ,peginto order trees for plant­ing in the spring of 1967.

Trees are availablethrough the Clark.Md'lary

Tree Plant-,~:.:ti' . J ing program

'" administere d"" by State For-

e ste r KarlLoerch at theCall e g e of

Agriculture and Hom eEconomics. Last year thisprogram made availableover 2,5 million trees andshrubs for planti.ng in the

st~ithough the 19?7 ."In.formation Circular"and "Application Blanks"are not available at thepresent time, orders can beaccepted by County Exten­sitm agents. Only minorchanges exist in the newprogram. Prices are thesaI1;le: $5.00 per hundredfor evergreens and shrubspecies, and $4.00 per hun­dred for broadleaf trees.

Species available are es_sentially the same as lastyear. Evergreens includetedcedar, ponderosa, Aus­;rian, Sea t chand whitepine, and blue spruce.

Hardwoods includehoney locust, hac k b el r r y,green ash, elm, cotton­wood, sycamore and wal­nut. Shrub species such aslilac, honeysuckle, coton­easter, plum and cherryare also d v1ilable.....



with afuture

and made a bid for thespeaker1s job two yearsago. A native of RisingCity, he has been influen­tial in major public powerdeci$ions,

-Eugene T. Mahoney, 38,Omaha, In some respects,he is the epitome of apoll tic ian - a master oftactical delay and person­able. A for mer Omahapoli¢e detective, he is aone -time administrativeaide to Rep. Glenn Cun.ningham, R-Neb.

These six men are con­sid ere d the major con~

tenders. But still in thepicture are Sens. GeorgeD. Syas of Omaha, ArnoldJ. Ruhnke of Plymouth,Will i a m Hasebroock ofWest Point, and Carpenter.

Adamson has been men­tioned most frequently asthe next speaker-a func­tional as well as honoraryposition. The job is gener­ally regarded as the highesthonor conferred by the sen.ator s on a colleague.

Some feel that becausethe lieutenant governor inthe 1967 session will be aRepublican, John E. Ever­road of Omaha, the newspeaker will be a Demo..cral-possibly Burbach.

However, the L~gisla ...ture .......while it is a non ..partisan body-has tworegistered Republic:ans toevery De moe r a t/ Thisgives a GOP contender agood chance.New Tax System Needed

St.ate Tax CommissionerGeorge Dworak says hisoffice could face an ad...ministrative dilemma un­less the next Legislatureadopts a new tax systemin a hurry.

He said no plans havebeen made to implementsales qr income tax leg_is I at ion because theseforms of revenue are notstate law yet.

Neb r ask a n s abolish­ed the state property taxand repealed t.he 1966 in­come tax in the Nov. 8election. The next legis­lature must come up witha replacement tax system.

Nebraska now r a i s e sabout $49 million a yearfor government operationsthrough the state propertytax. The last monies fromthis source afe expectedto run out next fall.

Dworak said implement­ation of a new tax systemis his foremost concern."We will have to play itby ear until the Legislaturemakes a decision," he said.Nt? Price-Fixing

A spokesman for thestate of Nebraska reportsa prelitninary investigationof road oil sales indicatesno bid-rigging or price_fixing has been invol ved inNebraska.

Harold S. Salter, attor­ney for the State Roads De­partment, added, however,that the probe will continue,hopefully in concert withSouth and ~orth Dakota.

Iowa, Missouri, Kansasa:nd Oklahoma all havesuits pending against sev_eiral oil companies for al­leged price fixing in theSlales of liquid asphalt(road oil) sales.

"We have gone over thebids and road work in 1\'e_braska and we cannot finda situation cOIllparable tothat in the states whereactions have been filed,"Salter said.Favors Research

Elmer Schlaphof£, nam.dnew State Agriculture Di.rector by Governor-electNorbert T. Tiemann, said

on committees in 1965 andheaded the interim study ontaxation. A livestock feed.er, he is noted for gettingalong with his colleagues.Adamson graduated fromthe University of Nebraska.

-George Gerdes, 68, Al_liance. He was vice.chair.man of the budget com~

mittee and was the realpower behind most big de­cisions made by the 1965Legislature.

-Kenneth L. Bowen, 54.Speaker of the last sessionand a four-term lawmaker,He comes from Red Cloudin southeast Nebraska andlikes to t a c k I e difficultproblems.

-Jules W. Burbach, also54. He has shown remark.able tact for working withdifferent factions within theLegislature. He headed thepowerful rev e 0 u e com.mittee in 1965, and when­ever a knotty problem hadto be Iworked out, he moreoften than not was assignedthe job. Burbach com.s.£rom Crofton.

-Harold B. Stryk.r, 5l.He is a former chairmanof the legislative ,council

has more stockholders than any othercorporation in the world, is under in­vestigation, Who is investigaUng'? Thefederal government.

This is a case that is comparable tohaving the cart try to push the horse. Itwould make more sense if AT&T investi­gated the government.

He re in \~/ ayne County there a re probablystockholders in the huge corporation.They, like others,boughtthestockbecausethe firm has progressedthroughtheyears,keeping e qui p men t up-to-date, keepingservice costs low and returning a profitwhich means dividends to stockholders.

In contrast,' t.he federal governmentknows no way to move ahead without goingintu debL. It appears that the federalwatchdogs jealously watch such a big cor~

poration, unable to understand how it cankeep abreast of the times and notgo in thered.

Maybe..the telephone company shouldinvestiga~'o see why the post office is inthe red. Chancesare,AT&Tcouldmodern~

ize the postal system to serve better,offer latest facilities and make money if iltwere given the chance.

(' ertainly AT &T needs no meddling fromthe federal government. There may beoperations that should be investigated inthis country but the Bell System is not oneof them.

J\'ext time you call San Francisco fromWayne for lessthanadollar,trytoimaginehow much it would cost if the federalgovernment had taken over the t.elephonesystems years ago, Be a little gratefulfor the excellentlelephone service North­western Bell provides this area. Try tovisualize the crank telephones....of a fewyears ago compared wit.h the push-buttontypes t.hat are coming soon.

The federal government may have anumber of firms to investigate. In thisinstance it has the wrong number.-CEG,

('lair C-allan is "down" and no one shouldtake a kick at him. However, in his out­bursts following his defeat al the polls, hehas cast reflections upon the ability ofNebraska first district citizens to knowwhat is good for them and upon the integ~

rit) of those who plan the "Great Society"program.

In case you did not see the statementsby the ex-congressman, he said Nebraskawould miss out on a lot of federal moneybecause he, a Democrat, was voted out ofoffice. He inferred that the job corpscenters, schools and other public set-upswhere federal aid is offered would getless money than they would if he had beenre-elected.

If this is true, and the Great Societydoes use such "reprisal" tactics, thecountry is iI1" worse shape than thought.fhe worst fears about the administrationmay be realized yet.

However, this is still a free countryand Democrats and Republicans alikeshould not tolerate such "vote for me orlose out. enlirely" tactics. As free men, wecan vote as we please without fear oj"punishment" for not, agreeing 100 percent with the pa rty in power.

Mr. Callan may not know why he wasdefeated. The idea that he could get morefor the people because he followed GreatSociety dictates down the line did notappeal to Nebraskans.~ow it is up to Bob Denney to make the

peoplE' glad they made the change. Thisdoes not mean seeking a handout or federaldole for every project but just to representI\jebraska and its interests to the best ofhis abilit.y.

Even Democrats should disagree with('allan's "poor loser" outbursts. Thosewho voted for Denney will expect him tovindicate their choice. Whether Callansays "I told you so!" in years to come orDenney proves the people knew what theywere doing, is a matter for time to decide.It's out of Callan's hands now. CEG.

Y (Ill may rwi WIt:U wilh a" editor-inlhill If you rl'ad tIll' tditorial and pitH Ur·

1',fJJ IlwUl/lrt to till' fuh;ut. dlJCUJud yfJuhal'" qainl'J. You, as (J reader, lrtJ'Ve grtHn{(/u-{1I1 t"ouqh, /I) fin Im,portanl prbblef1lrlnd thl" u-r,trr jJ proud tf! hatJe called your

rI/trnl/lU/ to (In unportanl Jubj{'{t thot you//Iav hIlt'/:' ot!t'rlooked,


No Thanks, Mr. Calion

1'\(;7 body becau!';eofequal­representation reappor­tionment.

However, this new poweris not expected to have anygreat impact at the outset,needing time to gain senior~

it} as well as build arecord.

Sen. Terry Carpenter 0/Scottsbluff noted DouglasCounty with 12 senatorswill have more manpowerthan at any time since Ne_braska began its one-housesystem in 1937.

"For those who may haveforgotten, this is no smallthing," said Carpenter'.

Here is a list of thelegi slators expected to can_ten d for the leadershippositions in the n ext ses_sion:

-Elvin Adam son 46Valentine. He serve'd a~:chairman of the committee

Capitol News - - -

Three Leadership PostsShall Be Filled Jan. 3

11:\('\)[ :'\-The strugglefor key leader~hip post s inthe l'1f;-; 1 egislaturf-' is inf lJ II swing ~ with westerna;rea lawmakers given thE:'e8 r I: edge.

That was the consen:,usof numerous senator~ in across check of behind~the~

scenes maneuvering fourweeks before the sessionopens Jan. 3.

: Outstate legislators stillwill can the tune in theUnicam~ral next year butu r ban areas, especiallyOmaha, stand to gain mor~committee chairmen.

The top leadership postswhich will be filled 00 ope,o_ing day include: speaker ofthe Legislature, chairmanof t,Ile legislative councila~cf chairman of the com:rniittee lin committees.

Urban area forces willbe stronger than ever in the

Tilt ,drtQtial d,!Ulrt",n,t oj tJ wullyruu'S!J'(1.!ltfr II ~'n imjlort/lIIt dl'/lnrtmi'nt. Nor­maNy It iJ 0'14" fUrlon's Q!"'WJfl of topic! thatI fHlcrrn mOlt 01 till' r/:'(JdnJ.

It I-J thl' duty uf an fdllorllli UTitn tf)

Ira" It nil (/w,Jlah/, fal tf IHfo,,' hi' sIt1 downlu H'fltt'. From this haJII Olt' writer JhoulJhI' ablr to qWr a drar pil (U!/' of un/lOr/ant


The Wayne Herald is intert1sted infinding out who has taken this newspaperwithout a bretak for the longest PElriod oftime. ~'ow over qO years old, the paperhas been a reaturf' in area homes formany generatlon.'i.

W rite and tell us about when )'OU startedlaking Thp. lIerald. If you can rememberincidents l'oncerning paymenl of the firstsub~cription or latH sub<.,cription.<." tellu.,; about those tOf).

l.et \J<., know if yOI] paid one vear with asack of potatue<., or .... ome ur{' ... sed hens,Hemind us of humorou" or hllman interestincident" in conjunction I".'ith paying foror receiving t.his paper.

If VIlU have alway ... received 'J he Ileraldat the sume adqress, let u" know aboutthat tno, 'I ell llS ho\\ 11lUn\ place" youhave li\'ed and still recein~d the paper.I ell u,... where 'y'ou art' nov..

rhis will det.ermlne who is the realoldtimer" among lJ". There are no prizes

but lheff' "holJld lJt.' "'OllH' int.erestingstories !o prirl! ill Ihi" nn""spaper. If youhaVE' lolJ u'" orall, bt'fort', wrlte oul yourexperiences ilnd It'nh'1h "f ... ('rvice andrna i I in rppllrl.

:-;Plld co"c,'""n" this to: Lditor,\\ IJerald, lio\ -; \\ ayne, ~ebr.

!Jon'! ff1rl{t'l 10 inc]llljp VOIl[ name,ilddrt'~'" and ',igrl;I('lre. ( 1'(;,

Are You on Oldtimer?


Let AT&T Investigate:\ mer i c n n Telephone ::lnd Telegraph

Compan:, a (!nited States corporation that

Be Careful, BusinessmanIII rpcf'lll WPt'k~ I'hl' \\ avol' Herald, and

11t1lliahl\ .111 fHllt'r :'-.t>braska ne,,\'spapers,hit" rt't'Pi\(,d ,I notiel' from the I'~qual

j mplo\'rllt'1l1 ('ummission. Itaccent ... how sume good inten-tiOIl'" ('all ht't'<J[lll' when f{'deral red tapegop! ... tang-It'd 11[1.

'(HI (';ltll\O! advprti"e for workers ofcertain ra,'p"" religions ur creeds. Thati_... ,I fa i r t'IlOUgh rille, and it i~ probably1ht, IJrig-inai intent.

\()\\ tOll,· I:f':()( "als federal ordersl,uint out lhJl \'011 cannot advert ise forempluyees b: sex unles-s "a hona fideoccupational qUJlification make" it lawfultu specifY' male or fE:'male," You can in-,dicate that a job may be more attractivet() I)ne ';t'x than lhe uther but YOU have toh(' prE:'pared to jllstifv Your prt'"ference forune ... ex uver lhe uther as a ,"bona fideoccupational qualification."

Tlwre are two aspects toconsid.erhere.hr"t, htl\.,. rnuch proof is needed? If VOll

tl,·t'd all dlt~ndant for it ladies' rest ro~m

is thi" ,I bUlla fid,' reason for "eeking"[,'male ht'lp" onh" ) ou'll have to proveit If VO\l need a plumbing- assist.ant, can\'1)\1 prove that you hnvl' not.hing but thebl'st intt'nt.ions by advertising under the

rnal,' hE:'lp ""ant.ed" clas,;ificltioll') \\"hoIt'cides whether an ad is fl'ir in one

the other','I Itt' is: \\ ho will check

ttw thousands of to make su e there are110 violations" l'here are mati) ads in the(lmaha World-Herald each Sundav. Thesewill probably have to be checked~ But the(lrnaha paper ha" a (raction of the adsn€,w'"'papers such as the l.o-s Angeles Timesanu the \1iami Herald have. Will hundredsof worker" h;;J'y-'E' to be un the job checkingpad, nne, dpterrnining if they should befilllowpd llJl with further checks and thenmaking tho"", where there i-; a question!'rllY'e that lhe~ are being fair in wordingt lit:' ads tht.' Wa\ they du" There goes an­\lther fed!!'r:,1 departn1E'nt growing biggerand bigger,

It i" tn lw hoped if the federal govern­ment does need many more employees todo this, it will hire without reference tothf> "chpl'ker,," race, religion, 5e.\., color,national origin Of{ P(lI.ITIC:\1. P:\RTY.

Lqual opportunity is JII right. flow comesomething so simple h~l" become so in_volved"l-CFC.

Page 23: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

vehlell parkod OR away at night without 11Troop.r D. L. Coo,.rl~was thl olll••r loyolv

, ,', ,r-,j;'•...•........•..••.•.•.•..•.••••••~IIIIII

,:Ia: ' '":.....•.•..••...•...••.••.~ ;

If you are in a participating. Wayne Itor.at 8:00 p.m. Thursday and your name IIdrawn.You win even if your name isn't drawnbecause Wayne stores are loaded withbargains.



The We.... (Neta,.) ....,.W, 'Thur...... Dec....lter 11, ,'"

Will You Be

THIS Piau,....:We Hope So

""- -' BecauM • • • '

This Week YOU May Be I

The ILucky Winner of I


making tha • hargl.KIn Kollath1 Nor 10 I k,

was lined Uz5 end paid'.$5 cooh lor being a minor

In po••••• lon o~ alcoholicliquor. Trooper T. J.Rogerl, NSP,lIIldthlcom_pllint.

F1nll haarlng that dayinvolved Alan YOURI, WSC.U. w•• fined $10 plul eo.ta01 $5 for l\Iegal parkl.,.Ollic", Peck olped Ihecomplaint,

Dec. 9, two c•••• w~re

heard. Rogar Frerichs,Coleridge, paid $10 lineIlnd $5 costs for apeedin.,charges being made by 1-1.Nielsen, NSP.

Richard Oillman, OrandIsland, paid $100 fine and$5 court costs on a char,oof minor in possession ofalcoholic Ii quo r. DeputySheriff S. C'. Thompsonsigned the complaint.

Appearing De.::. 12 wasGary Pellrson, l.lncoln.The charge was: Motor

The tolal paid WayneCounty Court the past weekwould not have been im_pressive the past week ex­cept for two heavy.. fines.Both were for minors inpossession of alcoholicliquor.

Judge David Hamerheard the cases. Therewere only nine, well underthe total for lhe L1$t, fewweeks, but the fines andcosts Came to $340.

Three cases were heardDec. 6. Jeffrey Swanson,Wakefield, appeared on aspeeding charge brought byC. L. Howell, Nebra5kastate Patrol. Fine was $10and costs $5.

The same day, DonaldJorgensen, Wayne,paid.$10and $5 on asp e e din gcharge. Officer Alan Peckof the Wayne Police De_pa rtment signed the com­plaint.

Final hearing that daywas for Donald Vance,WSC. He paid $15 in fineand costs, charged withillegal parking. OfficerJohn Redel, WPD, signedcharges.

There were also threehearings Dec. 7. Dan Hef~

fernan, Dakota City, wasfirst, pa'ying $15 fine and$5 court costs for usingfictitious p I ate s. SheriffDon Weible was the officer

Two Heavy FinesGiven in Court

we have In cutaln IIlldlnow, the y could mak,"Little Bo Pe,p" Into apsycho -sexual monltrol­tty. It' 5 too bad that w.'vecome to this. but fortunate.ly there is a way out.Par.nh who care enouahto give their children thevery best, will guidl thlmin reading and in TV view­ing in the early years.Once a child gets a tastefor good rood, it is hardto substitute swill. Themind, like the stomach, canreject the repulsive items.Xau can help see that theyoung are given access tothe very best.

SASSThe small gir,1 behaved

perfeiCtly at the christeningof hoI' baby brother untilthe min i s t e r sta rted tosprinkle water on Willie'shead. Then she leaned for­ward In her seat and whis.pered loudly: "Don't forgetbehind his ears, Rev.Smith."


come in where Hapid (,ity,Goodland, K a n 5., HayesCenter and ScottsbluffJsedto corne in. Resident~ ofOshkosh are forming theirown cable.television tor­poration to get decent re·ception, which won't helparea farmers but appar­ently they can live witli thetwo or three channels left.Don't gel alarmed yet. Theunit at Carroll may nothave the same effect herewhere station~ are not sofar aw\y. .-'

SASSProfessor: "Were you

copying his answer?"Student: "No, sir. J was

just checking to see thathe got mine down right."

SASSThe other day someone

told us "Cinderella" hadbeen banned from TV. Thesame is true for" Ali¢e inWonderland." It's haI1d tobelieve, but that is the dayand age in which we live.Don't be distressed aboutthese good stories for 'kidsbeing banned though., Thes tor i e s haven't challiged.People who are produlcingthem for TV or stage areusing their license to, de­part from the original, andare coming up with some­thing that bears little re~

semblance to what waa in~

tended. In "C inderella,'" thep r inc e is having sexualtroubles. The story hasbeen so distorted it is rec·ommended that the produc.tion be shown '~ate at night"after children have goneto bed." With the crackpots


, .- h' hI)' t Ian ohead by launching a ."i....The only way. to meet educational casts (no matter whether they be .g or ow .s 0 p h t ut ..'de· ecICh .

. h II th mount you will "ve ,. P a .program. And the earlier you start such a sovings program, t e sma er ea. II '11 d to lO"e _.- cmonth to meet those educational expenses. Further, the sooner you start to save, the less do ars you nee . .•.. ,

thanks to co~pound interest.

: ,." ,~;(ome in toty or mail this coupon an~ let us show you how much money you will need to send y-~dlor daughter ,to college and how you ~an have this money when the need arises.


, ~





LIVEstOCK JUDGES (rom the t'niv('rsity of N("bra ... k.a art'" !"'ho\\nat the Wavn(' Rf"sear('h Farm Center. Llhf'rl"\'lll(' III a.~ tht'\tried oul judgmg If(''hniqu('', on mf'a{ lype hogs L('ft 10 TIght an:Brlan RIddell. Oakland, Lauren Ro('ckf'nhauer, WaHlt', .Jull''> l'lrlnch, ToIJJ<l". (;('nl' Wehrbein, Louisville, I><I\'P l(ask('11. ElsmereRon;dd rul~, Louis\'ll1e, and Dr R R Warren ~t'

ending he wanted to I knowif he couldn't stay and goto schoc:) in Wayne. liecouldn~t, but as we tookhim to Omaha to returnhome, he remarked aboutan hour out of town: "I'mhomesick for Wayne al·ready." !\iowa high schoolgraduall? and a working manwilh nell Telephone, hefinds hi~ thoughts turningagain to life in Wayne. Heis a little sick of thetroublesome youths on Wil­shire Blvd. and the conges­tion and nev~r-endingpres­

sures of the big city. So,he's coming back for aweek's vacation. Well, hesays il's for a week.


'\ beautiful) nung brideof a month greet~d he rhusband one evening witha particularly happy smile."Your dinner is going tobedifferent tonight, darling,"she said.

"How come',)" he asked."A neighbor, told me to-

day that ha ve to addwater to dehydratedfoods."


\Ve hope the loca ion ofthe educational tel visiontower southwest of (,:arrollis oat going t.o affect areaT\ receplion. ;\ similarstat.ion has affeeted,recep­lion in Western Nebraska.Out there, where stationsare long distances away,the powerful ETV unit nearAngora blotted out recep­tion on several ch n.n~ls.

For instance, at Oshkoshthe ETV pragra snow

An investment in higher learninq is an investment in enrichedliving. COIiJe graduates, in general, achieve a greater degreeof social co petency, practice better citizenship, and make bet­ter parents. By sending your son or daughter to college, you areopening a do r that can' lead to a briqhter future for them. Andyou will be d inq more thon that. Consider this: The dollor-and­cents stotisti s surrounding college ~ducati~n prove that colle~egraduates e rn more money and enJoy a h,gher standard of lIV­ing than thelir contempprories who dId not attend college. .



answerin. the in.personand telephoned Inqulrlealtom the kids, time Ipentcdllng other towns, writingnthe, coachel and decidingif game s should be post.poned and time spent doin,100 other things mOltcoaches get paid for doing.However, a5 much creditas you give him for doingthese things. you would stillnot be giving h.im enough.It takes a l',lpecial man towork with kids, shapingtheir live'S by teaching themhow to win or lose grace.fully. getting them to real ...ize that by working a,ndtrying harder they can getoff the bench and on ·theteam and by prodding them-to excel because there isnothing wrong with being awinner. The Dixon kids willbe better boys and bettermen becaUl!le of the workBill Garvin does withoutmonetary compensa­tion. He only wants to helpnow but he's helping foryears to come. May thisbouquet to Bill and hisboys (and their parents)never wither.

SA"-SJimmy: "Do you know

how to play baseba.ll?"Mic'key: "Sure I do."Jimmy: "Okay, how do

you hold a bat?"Mickey' "By the wing­


If you thought last week'sHer a I d was mighty big,you're right. As far as canbe determined, it was thelargest single edition everput out in a one-week periodin over 90 yearsofpublica­lion. The r e were morecolor ads than ever beforein one edition too. Theitems with headlines didnot set a record nor didthe number of pictures.However, we thought there;,as a pr~tty glad balan.ceIn news,'plctures, advertis­ing, f eat u res and edito­rials. Who makes it pos­sible? You. Through yourpatronage of the advertis­ers, bigger and betterpapers are possible. Doyourselves a favor by buy­ing locally. You then havefln area resident standingbehind the sale, you en­courage more promotionsand you get more news­paper for your money. It'sa circle, but hardly vicious.

SASSA Russian father was

discussing his three sons:"I'm very proud of them.One is a peoples' lawyerand one is a peoples' doc­tor. But I'm proudest ofall of my son who is inAmerica. He's unemploye~

and gets moaey from thegovernment-and if it·weren't for the few dollarshe sends home, we'd allsta rve."

SAs..",Our nephew in Los -\n­

geles telephoned the othernight. lie was homesickfor Nebraska. Rememberhim? He came one summerto spend a week and thefirst day or two he did notbelieve he would stay thefull week. After one week,he called to see if he couldmake it two. When twowere about gone, he calledto ask if he could sta,longer. When summer wa;

Wh.at did you ....pedlAner ~u, nco &Uer~n.


~ ~ cat~~o~o::a~lli~pJ~d proven sal.. no

/. parlenc.e... no won·der we're in the b4.dolwith ITeO!

Mr. and Mr .... ~1:1 rvin:'\i.ilzschke and family,Kings ley, Ia., and ,Q4.ls.Euvodia .I ohnson enl.p.rmh~ed the ladies' parents, Mr.and Mrs. Leroy JohnsonSunday at. the Wagon WheelIII honor of their anniver-

Mr. and Mrs. Mere-.r ohnson we re evening

callers. Mr . .:lnd Mrs.Arvid Peterson callen Mon­day.

\/:\{' Dean '\j('lson wasguest of honor at supper.J u e s d a \ night in the(Jifford ,'-italling homeIJrior to leaving for LittleHock, ..\rk. Mr. clnd Mrs.Lric :\e lson were also!{u{~ st s.

<;uests in thEl MarlynDahlquist home Sundaywere Mr. and Mrs. HalphHeadlee and Rose Ann, Mr.and Mrs. ~'enry Johnson,Mr. and Mrs. DennisJo'rlresber5", Mr. and Mrs.Uon Dai1lquist and daugh~

ters, and Mr. and Mrs.Clarence Dahlquist. Mrs.,Jelen Anderson's birthdayW:l .... observed.

('onconJia LutheranChurchlJohn ( .. l':rlandson, pastor)

'-\unday, Dec. lR: Sunday~chool, '1:45 a,m.· morningworship, 11.

a nd daughters, Mr. andMrs. Norman Anderson ~nd

daughters, 'Mr. and Mrs.Raymond Erickson aOOMr.an~ Mrs. Roy Pearson~

(jJuests FrIday In lhe JackErwin home for Kevin'sfourlh birthday were Mr.and Mrs. Max Holdorf, Mr.and Mrs. Willard Holdorfand family, Mr. and Mrs.Delmar HoHar( and familyand Mrs. Fritz Reith.

Evangelical Free ChurchlMarvin C. Litorja, pastor)

,")unday, Dec. 18: Sunday$chool, 10 a.m.; worship,11; revening service, 7:~O

p.m.V,rednesda Dec. 21:

I:amily night., r.m.

Churches -

ceBy Ch•• Gr..n...

(l'onllnlll'd from pa~!.' 21

What should I do?"Schmoe: "I'd run down

to the library. J saw abook there the other dayon 'How to Bring Up aChild'''·

SASSHave we given Bill Gar­

vin of Dixon a bouquet be~

fore? It doesn't matter be­cause if he hasn't had one,he deserves one and if heha s had one, two wi 11 notbe too many. Bill is a busyman, but like most. busymen he can find time to dothings for others. lie ishan d lin g the .. FightingIrish" basketball teams atDixon nrade School againthis year. Ynu could credithim with time spent atpractices, time spent goingto and. from games, time

\lr. ,\lId \Irs. (',Irl hochspt"nt \l()nda,- in the :\IbertI--ranci .... hO!tlE' Fullertonto hE'lp ·\nnette cf'lebr:lt~her birthd;n

Welfare (·iut!Welfare ('Iub luncheon

wn~ h.eld flec. 7 althe horneof Mrs. (liemn hwl. Mr<;.J~hn l<rland~on had chargeor the progrnrn. They votedto donatetothe(~()odfellows

at SiOlU (' it~ Hnd (Jmahaand to tbt> Childrens home,()rnaha.

Cub-Scouts MeetOen 1 of rancoed Pack

mel Friday after schoolin the home Of den mother,Mrs. Jerry Allvln. Mem­bers of lhe Den are JimAllvln, Davi4 Sherry. MarkMa rlinda Ie, (' huck Holdorfand Steve Ltmbing . All fiveboys nre we Ion their wayto earning abc at badges.Jim Allvin furnished thelunch for th(~ meeting. Theboys made C'hrislmascards. Chuck Holdorf willbring lunch for the De..:.If) meetinK.

("lib ,")CO\lt <; Or~ani1e

i n! ~"l; ~ $ t ~~I(; YIn ~at~h I~~ ~t::~~~mpl I lPl, "I at ( oncordiaI. II t il era II ('hIJrch. J'at.J () 11 t' \, ~cold l'XeClj! ivesig-ned UJI the huY'" andfamiliarized them \\il.h theprogralll, ('ubrna"ter i!-­Jerry \llvin; Hobert"herr,"', i1 .... Sii~tant clJhrnas.ler and ~ln. J!.'rr\ l\ll\io,den m()th~r. One tIlort' manis still nt·eded for the corn­mit t Pl' ...\ 1:,(.1 .n.llhi .... meet ing­!lellllilr Ilo\dorf was Sig-fll:,dII'> II" >;l nUl mil 'it f' r fur I hI'

lI(lv ,",COlli lr')(J!'.ing (lrg-ani 7 at i\l.ll

cordiol 1111111'r.11\ I hlJrch.

l ;oldt'tl Hlilt! {' luI,(;nldt'll H Illt, I lUll mel

(It'l·. ," ill :';1.. Palll I ,11th!' ran('hurd, p:l r loJ r s for a{'hrisltt':IS lUllCht'Oll. 1105t._es:-:o{'~ were \Ir ..... J.ero\Kueh, ~In.. Clarence ]{:I~:A'de, \Irs. 1,J:,inf\raemer,and ~lr..,. (Juinten Erwin.(;ifts werl' Pxch:lOged andsecret pals revealed. Mem.Der, cookies forDahl H rl'lnf'nt 'enter.

l;·ul' .... t .... I

h('nn\ I rickBOlltht'i r 11th ~lllnl\'er~af\

Weft' \In. l\.pith I<rickson

Christiab Fellow"hipI adie$ ("hrhlian Fellow-

",hip ill Freel 'hil rt·1l luel I; forLheir ,I II n lJ it I ('hristmasp.l rlj. ~l r ". ltichnrcl Carl­SUIl gave tievotions, Mrs.\\ l' .... lev Hlo[)rn sang a solo,~tr~. lIenn Johnson andMr,.;. ~larl}'T1 Johnson sang11 duet. :\ program of TheFirst Christma!--, "WI' WereThere" was :p'rE'sf''lted.[\jarrator \\'as ~Ir ..... RJbFtlus~; sf1eukefs were Mrs.Hodoe.\' Joho'lon, t\trs. Ro)11allsuo, \lrs. r-.larlynDahl~

qui~t, \1rs. t-olarvin Litorja,and \Ir ..... \,Ltytonl'\ardell.

t'r sl"ters were re-tH 11 ~ift l'xch:lnge.

Mrs. Jerry All.,. - Phone 584-2440

i,-..;C-O----- ia,-.5i.'1sioi.'i.ckIl":'--- PRO F I TA B L EI •. c.- 'I..... City. Mo.• IIlll 1-21.1

: ~~~~r~t:t:e;~ar~~~=o~.:~on ~m your PROVEN ITeO Ireo as::~Tt FR'ANCHISEI NA..E.._____________ TRACTOR" IMPLEMENT PARTS: ADORESt.______________ You, too, e-n, kHn tocLa)"s modern trend in

I CITY STATF'---______ ~~::~~pa::sc~. h:~::~.t~u~U;I:.I ZIP _ erate inYestnMnt ean mean a secure future

I No obll~tiOl'tt .•. our rePNMntIltl'tt .11I' for you Incr :WOUr familyl ~t full detaIlsII ,;.11 on Yf'" OOly .t )'OUr rwqunt, NOW!. MIRy ~I lrell 1Vllilbiel

•• --1'-1--•••----------_.-------------.





Page 24: I THEW HE'D I'!~al~!~~~!S Approvednewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · ness area s! flH·ls, In othl'f Ilrcas.,the,itop ... Set Vacation Vacation

i '

n.ar the hou••·· "'fu"yard IIlht OIt, It 1I~ ­th.m to mov•• TIl.".out a four.wlre ....,,:.t••l lo.t. and 40 ,Iil.'ibarb. wlr. f'I\~t!."the t'n,l.d f.nc. r,elll'tHe gat. and po.hlllout with th••Iltl.. ..I' .':' ,

Eck.rt oald It .oula"'~ .be.n dog. or coy......did not ov.n know aD:l*hI'·wao wronl until SUIIll i.mornlnl .wh.n h. 100....and ..w that tho .Ittl. w••not In the Yard. Thly w.,.all on hi. pl••• ~ th.yw....cltter.d to varlou.section. 01 ~h. farm. . ,

.u4I ~UII :~iThe W.y... Her w.. A*.

, '

~_.~--- "

~//~""<?A MBR.R.V- ",

eHR14TMA. :,. I



Dl'h!!hr ,>tllllcnllC Illl ),ll!f Chri:-.lm<lS list wilh,I gilt \ll" tclcpllllllC SCr\Il'C Hcrc'sjl1st o'nc oflIlallY rclc·( ilrt lOC:I-'--l'!lp It out as arC11l1111kr 1,1 Mdcr (rl)1ll nur husinesli ottlce,Or ;1"1.. ,lilY tclcpht'lle empl,'yec.

Clip a gift!



Pnncess' Phone has a ?ort night light thatbrightens to heIr you dial when you lift the' receiver.

Winside Cattle GetScartel, Take Fence

Satu'rd.y night of laotwe.k 10m e t h I n I Icarldabout 46 head of cattleon the Julhu Eck.dfar\Xln•• r Win.ld•. Th. cattl.moved and took a gate.posts, and fence with them.

The odd port of It .11is, the cattl. were un-cutby the barb.d wlr. f.nc.and the gat. and four .te.1pOlh have not been found.It m.y be spring beloro thogate and posts are found.Eckert said.

W hat eve r it was thatfrightoned the cattle whilethey were in the feed Ylrd

@ Northwestern Bell",




Free Pony to BeHoskins Present





This Year?

SOme lucky youngster un·der 10 years of age willhave a shetland pony forChristmas this year. lIos­kins businessmen are giv­ing the pony away \Vednes­day, Dec. 21.

That is the day SantaClaus will be in town togive treats to kiddies ofall ages. He will come witha full pony team pullinghis sleigh.

Hoskins businessmenare bringing Santa and histeam La the [ire hall ataround 4 p.m. They arealso reg i s t e r i n g youngpeople who are 10 yearsof age or unde r.

Slips for registration areavailable at the businessplaces. Parents must bewith the children when theyregister.

IIW.y.... , wa••outhbouDd.

Gourl.y wao b.ckl", out'of a· parklnl ltall and didnot ••• the MIlI.r car ap.

I pro.chllll beeaule of park.ed c.... H. backed Intothe path of the Millervehlcl•. Th. imp.ct ••ntthe car he was drivinginto the parked car of Mrs.Back. Pamage was elltl­to.ted at $58:81 to the Bur.ney car .nd $43,90 to theBack vehlcl•.

At Seventh and LincolnDec. 10, Esther TeslWayne, was eastbound a;;JNorma Pollard was south­bound. M ro. Pollard stop­ped .t the stop sign,lookedboth ways, saw nothing andpulled into the path of theTest car. Chief Fairchildinvestigated.

Dec. 12, Joedy Hoogner,Wayne, was eastbound turn­ing right onto Pearl Street.steve Porter, Wayne, wasnorthbound lurning left ontoWest Sixth. The two carscollided, accordingtoChiefFairchild, investigating of­ficer.

An accident near Wisnerwas reported Dec. 10 toOfficer Reed. LarryHulme, Ralston, was onHighway 35 when his hoodunlatched as he went acrossthe r a i I r 0 a d track. Thehood blew back and overthe windshield. No damageestimate was given.

A running boy ran intothe side of a clr, pickedhimself up and ran somemore last week. It was oneof seven accidents investi_gated inside the city. Anaccident report on a mis­hap near Winside was alsoreported to local police­men.

The ca'r.pedestrian ac.cident occurred in the 100block on West Thi rd. MaxBrudigan, Win sid e, Waswe s t b 0 u n d when a boy,about 8 to 10 years old,ran into the lefl rear panelof the car.

Brudigan stopped and gotout but the boy had pickedhimself up by tlen. Brudi.gan told Officer Keith Reedhe did not know if lhe childwas hurt or not. Identifica_tion of the lad was notpossible.

Four accidents were at.tributed to icy conditionson the streets. The firstoccurred at Tenth and MainDec;. 7, Officer Alan Peckinvestigated.Ed~a rd Janssen, Ida

Grove, Ia., was turning eastoff Main. His car slid onthe ice, striking the frontend of a car driven byDa r reI Fenton, AurorajIll., who had stopped for astop sign on the east sideof the intersection.

The same day at Seventhand Walnut, a car belong­ing to Connie Suhr was in.valved in an accident with$566.30 damage resultingto the car and a light poleworth $100 broken ofL Suhrtold Officer Reed he wasnot driving the car and didnot know who was drivingit:

Tracks show the car hadbeen eastbound on Seventh.It spun on ice, crossed thestreet to the north side,jumped a curb, broke thepole off, backed across thestreet to the south sideand was then driven eastto Pine Heights and northto a drive next to the Suhrhome where it was left.

Two accidents occurredthe following day: At thejunction of Grainland andSouth Blaine, Karen Ech~

tenkamp, Wayne, was east.bound and Janice Giese, ..Wakefield, was southbound.

The latter turned right,saw the Echtenkamp carcom i n g and applied thebrakes, sliding on ice intothe side of the Echtenkampcar. About $89 damage wasdone to the Echtenkampvehicle, Chief of PoliceVern Fairchild reports.

Chief Fairchild also in.vestigated an accident inthe 100 block of LincolnStreet the same day. ·LyleGourley, Lake City. Ia.,was driving a car ownedby Willard Burney, Hart­ington, Mrs. Will Back,V-layne, had parked her carand Mrs. D'Orsay Miller,

and cr.w can do It..Out InB.rk.l.y, Calif., th.yknowIt too: For that roaoon h.hal repr ••• nt.d 0: L.Hofer Co. for these manyyears.

Boy Ruins AfterRunning Into Car


moved away and ~epos~tedwhe r e wanted th r oJ,hdredge operations ,at a~ ex­tremely low cost. I

The Hofer v·.lve worksif .Iugging oc~uro the

~ ".~

BUTTERFLY VALVE on adredge was manufactured InWavn(' h~' Stan Morns Almostall 'of lh(' d('\'lcr shown on thepip(\·llke rlongation was madehy Morns

dredge gets stopped up).It works automatically ona falling pump pressureto actuate air control, 0p6n~ing the butterfly valve andsending in clear water tothe pump suction, thus free_ing the dredge from slug~

ging. \\' ithout such reliefvalves, pumps lose"prime," stop and have tobe ~tarted again, a time­consuming and costly de_lay.

Hofer valves are install_ed throughout this countryby workmen in Florida,California and Wayne. TheFlorida man is finding abig field in HolIand also,where there are hundredsof dredges.

Morris employs threemen fulltime in addition toworking long hours him­self at his machine shop.1Ie also has t.wo part-timeemployees.

.\ conscientious bu s i­ne.ssman, he cannot turndown a job, large or small.Each one offers a challengeand Wayne area farmersand townspeople have foundthat if a machine job can bedone at all, Stan Morristo """"ayne. rhe lbutterfly

valve and many of the majorcomponents are built byMorris himself.

Dredges are all sizesso he has to custom-makevalves. The largest he hasmade here is for a 20-inchhydraulic suction dredge atLaCrosse, Wis. He has alsogone to Minneapolis, Mus­catine, llannibal, SL Louis,]{ock lsi and and otherpoints to install the valvesmade here since thecompany retains the rightto make and install allva Ives.

A unique feature is theguarantee. Morris (and theothe rs making and install­ing valves! oHer to putthem on dredges at no costwhatsoever for a 30-dayfree trial. If the dredgeoperators do not like themthey will be removed at nocost. 1\0 one has ever hadto take a valve off once ithas been tried out.

The dredges are used indeepening harbors andrivers, keeping river chan­nels clear, reclaiming landfor landfill, building leveesand othe r wo r k. They arerhe cheapest form of mov- TAN MORRIS l!i shown with a

ing dirt and are popular ~:\~tf(:~~~s 1\~~:~ ()\(~e~i;ar:~O~on bot-h coa$ts, along the "the hutterfly valves made forgulf, around the Gre;re--- - dredges are made in WayneLakes and on the big riVer The mE'fcOld SWItch is on hi~systems. Sand, gravel and knC'(' and thf' c.lainless steeltrash can be sucked out, <;prlOg is on the left

so he came here to lookover lhe city, decided togive a ma.chine shop a tryand set up shop in the backof the' Ford garage to startwith.

After' a year, he neededmore room so moved to abuilding on South Pea r IStreet. IJy 1960 he hadneed (or even more roomso the present building onWest Clark Street was putup,

Back to the valves. Theywere finally perfected byHofer. He built them him ..self under his own patent.However, he could nol getaround to all dredges sohe came to Wayne and asked;'vlor ris to make them too.Morris agreed and sincethat time he has servedmany points in, the Mid_west where dredges work.

rhe company sends airand e lee t ric a J controls,gauges, air cylinder, mer­c0id ,,\vilc!les, olherswitches, :,tainles~ steel.springs and smaller items

\lorrl" had been a dredgeman on inland walerways,w () r kin g on t.he Illinois,\1 i .., s i .., sil' P i and (JhioIliver"', Alfred \!torr!s i"no'>'. almost' 7'1 but i,<' stillwfJfking, now helping hi:-,:-'u!l at :\1l1rri" \1achine:--;hop.

"';(an t\1orris \vpnttoworktor 1). L. !lofer, Berkeley,(J.lif., back in l'ln. lIeworked for -) vea r.., forIlorpr, a period in whichht: sa"" !lofer working on

for a rl'lit'f vlllledrt~dge<;.

l.at.er, :V1orri, worked ona dredge near (lgallala asf\ing:-.ley J)all\ was beingbuill and l.akt~ McLon­naughy '.'la, bping c realed.

Still later, Ill' dpcidedt(l go into buslnC'<:.s for him_self. Hi .... wife's "is~er ist\lrs. I'at Atkin:" Wayne,

-­_;:····11.---2£LM~ •

THIS DREDGE! l!'i 'on('- Stan Mom~ operatf'd while Kinl(sley Damwa~ h('ln~ hU111 linn l.ak(' Mr('ornnaug-h) wa~ h('ing rreated nearOgallalA [I V.'l~ a :10 Inch rlrpdA(' <lnr! wa~ lalpr U!iN! (~

[hr' \\-'l'~1 ("nll.~! whl'rf' he AI~<i 'In 11

Give your family the special con,fort offresh air warmth with modern gas hedt Anew gas furnace wafts away smoKf', stuffyodors, dust and pollen; puts warm, flltpred.fre$h air back In every room He,ll liKe youcool ••• whole house .•• with gas.

A comfortablehome isheated withGas.

Wayne man One of Three in NationMaking IValves for Large Dredges

Th. W vn. (Nebr.) Hertld. Thundn, Deum~r IS, 19"

""uppose ,\'«)\I loperate ahig slIr( ion dredge keepinga river chj~nf,J{'1 open.Where call VQHI get a rnan10 jlut {Ill a ffllif'f va I Vp

to kef'p the d'r l','d e

,ding" ('alifornill,.Inti \\ayne, '\Iehr.

'-'I an \10f rif> if; \ (Ill r III"n.lit, 1" Illlt' (Id threl' Jll{'H

I i\ ens pd In (llf1 natiun t (I

makl' and ,~~tall !Ioff'[\llt nrnat ic Htdief \ alves, a

1\1'1' that almortialldredgesI"P. I

If \lofris ('W~nted ,~(), he"!lId t!('\'ute f'llll (1mI' to

'1:1" \\'{J rk. IlrjWf'\'t' r, hi ~

fir "t (tlnc f' rll i.., hi" lIlil­

1 hili!' ,,!lop iitHI ..,erving theIJ( thi.., aft'a so he

hi" va 1\ t' manll­"I' til ring work to ',UIllmer.

, .111 ..,t a rterl with \1or-la(hpr( I\lfrt'd \lor_

[hE'\ li\ I'd III \linne­,l)Ll wh.'r~' Iht, (,Idpr

LAD''', •......, -.~ Jt'- ---_e .. .....- MOT A_••T...D .U.- --__~I I

A rn[]c1,"n 'P~ ~ ,miltU"l'"mc>nth, Un

",h"t, ,jo;(o,n~"C"u'

Carameled Popcorn2 cups granulated 5ugar,

J 1 cup brown syrup, 1/4 cupwater, 1 tbsl.). butter. Mix inlarge roasting pan over di·rect heat. stir and boil vigor·ously until it actually snaps

Save more With everydaylow prices on quality meat.'Jat John50n's Lockersl

fn cold water. Then add 1/2

tsp. soda, stir and quicklyadd four .quarts popcorn.When mixed, break apart andspread out on cookie sheetto cool. Mrs. Don Mever, Rt.1, WaYr'/e, Nebr. 68787.

Form I the habit of lettingclear hot water run down thesink drain after you've had

For all your appliance De~s,

whetber large or small, VIsitTiedtke's. Also, tired of bardwater? Let Tiedtke's install asoft water system in yourhouse. Drop In today atTi'-tkel

• Plumbing andH.eting.

suds in it. Most wome-n dothis but it's we-II to be reomind~. Th. hot w.ater htolps

clear away grease and soapaccumulations and keeps thedrain from clogging. MM

Cranberry SaladGrind 1 lb. cranberries

and add 111l cuo sugar, 1 lb.marshma-llows. Mix and I.tset overnight. Add a No.2

For maxtmum I a s tin gbeaut v \'our poinsettia shouldIll' ke'pt In or near a brighl\\ mdO\\ Cvclamen, azaleasand mum plants. which wehave now. also henefit fromas much light as possiblt'Wayne Greenhouse.

~d;.-ain.d)~~shed pin.­apple and 4 mashed bananas.Fold in "2 ot. whipped cream.Mrs. Melvin Russell. 212 East3rd, Wayne, Nebr. 68787:

Want a quick easy way tofix hot cereal in the morn­ing? Pour amount of oatmeal(quick) or cream of whe.. t

Look ladies. you can DOWhave a tint, shampoo and setin one hour with the newColor - Master macbino atPat's Beauty Salonl

variety in individual bowls.Add dash of salt and pourboiling water on it. Stir until

tH!I~r\~gs~~~~o~e~tru~~e~c:~~.onable prices and yCI canpark at the do_o__r _

it's re.ady to eat. Experimenta1few times until you knowabout much water and c:e,.al

to use. No messy pan towash. Conni. Wahon, Rt. 2,Wayne, Nebr. 68787.

cr~;:h.i~ r:cip:u~~~i~ s~~;filling that is wondufullysmooth and flavorful. Mayb.you'd ilke to try it. Use 3

Stop in aDd see the new 1967coJpr line. It's terrific I Man)'mlrJels and styles to cboosefrom at Swanson Tele.ision.

eggs and the ~olk of 1 eg9, •cup light brown sugar, 1 cupsour cre.am, whipped, 11/1c~s cooked pumpkin, 112 hp.ci~namon, 1(, tsp. nutm~. Ii)-----For a wonderful nigb~.outcome to Connie's for deliCiOUSfood and cool refreshments.Connie's Red.. SatID L.ounIJe .#

open nightly except Suoday.

"p. qinger~l/' hD. ult and 1egg white be.aten stiff. Buteggs and extr. yolk slight·Iy. Add brown sugar and restof in"redients and beat well.Fold in whipped sour cream

TIJr week t~ sboppi-ng ~~Ar",ie's where prices andquality go hand m ha~d

You'll be pleasantly surpns-

eL---- _a"" egg white beaten stiff butno~dry. Pour- into uncook.dp••r y .nd bake at 450 de·Qr!-s tol" 10 minute." then ati15 ,degrees tol" 30 minutes,maf•. MM

Little by little,

week by week, the mon"y

you odd to yourChristmos Club account

adds up to a carefree

'Christmas in 19671


:Member r· D.I.C.,