I Semester CM 1.1: Business Managementnagarjunauniversity.ac.in/pgsyllabus/MCom Syllabi.pdf ·...

I Semester CM 1.1: Business Management Unit–I: Introduction: Management, Concept, Significance, Levels, Skills, Functions and Principles - Management as an Art, Science and Profession – Social responsibilities of business. Unit–II: Planning: Nature, Purpose, Process of Planning, Types of Plans – Premising & Forecasting, Decision Making: Concept, Process, Rationality in Decision; Decision Tree Analysis - Management By Objectives: Concepts, Process, and Preconditions. Unit–III: Organizing: Process - Formal and Informal Organizations - Departmentation: Methods of Departmentation; Span of Control; V.A. Graicuna’s Theory - Factors Determining Span of Control - Delegation: Concept, Process, Advantages and Principles of Effective Delegation; Decentralization: When to Decentralize and How to Decentralize; Line and Staff: Concept-Reasons for Conflicts between Line and Staff and Measures to Overcome; Committees, Reasons for using Committees, Conditions for Successful Operations of Committees. Unit–IV: Staffing: Nature and Importance of Staffing, Factors in Selecting Lower, Middle and Upper Level Managers - Executive Development Programme (EDPs). Directing: Meaning, Assumptions of Human Behaviour by Douglas Mc Gregor, Edgar Shien and Elton Mayo. Unit–V: Motivation: Significance, Process-Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Porter and Lawler; Leadership: Trait Approach, Leadership Styles, Managerial Grid; Likerts Four Systems of Leadership- Communication: Importance, Process, Media, Channels, Barriers, Principles of Effective Communication. Controlling: Basis - Control Process, Pre-Requisites, Requirements of adequate Control - Techniques of control, PERT and CPM. Reference Books: 1. Koontz, H and Wihrich. H, Management, 10 th ed., McGraw, New York 1995. 2. Stoner, J. etc., Management, 6 th ed., Pearson Education, 1995. 3. Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell, Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Maital Seshadri, Innovation Management, Sage Publications. 5. Stonner, Freeman, Gilbert, Management, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Stephen P. Robbins, Management, Pearson Publications. 7. Tripathi, Reddy, Principles of Management, SAGE 8. J.S Chandran, Management: Concepts and Strategies, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.

Transcript of I Semester CM 1.1: Business Managementnagarjunauniversity.ac.in/pgsyllabus/MCom Syllabi.pdf ·...

I Semester

CM 1.1: Business Management

Unit–I: Introduction: Management, Concept, Significance, Levels, Skills, Functions and Principles - Management as an Art, Science and Profession – Social responsibilities of business. Unit–II: Planning: Nature, Purpose, Process of Planning, Types of Plans – Premising & Forecasting, Decision Making: Concept, Process, Rationality in Decision; Decision Tree Analysis - Management By Objectives: Concepts, Process, and Preconditions.

Unit–III: Organizing: Process - Formal and Informal Organizations - Departmentation: Methods of Departmentation; Span of Control; V.A. Graicuna’s Theory - Factors Determining Span of Control - Delegation: Concept, Process, Advantages and Principles of Effective Delegation; Decentralization: When to Decentralize and How to Decentralize; Line and Staff: Concept-Reasons for Conflicts between Line and Staff and Measures to Overcome; Committees, Reasons for using Committees, Conditions for Successful Operations of Committees. Unit–IV: Staffing: Nature and Importance of Staffing, Factors in Selecting Lower, Middle and Upper Level Managers - Executive Development Programme (EDPs). Directing: Meaning, Assumptions of Human Behaviour by Douglas Mc Gregor, Edgar Shien and Elton Mayo. Unit–V: Motivation: Significance, Process-Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Porter and Lawler; Leadership: Trait Approach, Leadership Styles, Managerial Grid; Likerts Four Systems of Leadership- Communication: Importance, Process, Media, Channels, Barriers, Principles of Effective Communication. Controlling: Basis - Control Process, Pre-Requisites, Requirements of adequate Control - Techniques of control, PERT and CPM.

Reference Books: 1. Koontz, H and Wihrich. H, Management, 10th ed., McGraw, New York 1995. 2. Stoner, J. etc., Management, 6th ed., Pearson Education, 1995. 3. Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell, Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Maital Seshadri, Innovation Management, Sage Publications. 5. Stonner, Freeman, Gilbert, Management, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Stephen P. Robbins, Management, Pearson Publications. 7. Tripathi, Reddy, Principles of Management, SAGE 8. J.S Chandran, Management: Concepts and Strategies, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.

CM 1.2: Business Economics

Unit I: Introduction – Definition, Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics; Economic Goals of a Business Firm: Profit Maximization Vs Wealth Maximization, Sales Revenue Maximization. Unit II: Consumer Equilibrium under Cardinal and Ordinal Utility Theories – Indifference Curve Analysis – Income Substitution and Price Effects – Demand Analysis – Law of Demand – Demand Function and determinants of Market Demand – Concept of Price, Cross, Income and Promotional Elasticity; their measurement and relevance in Managerial Decision – Making Methods of Demand Forecasting.

Unit III: Firm’s Equilibrium – Iso-quant and Is-ocost analysis; Least – Cost Combination of inputs – The law of Diminishing Marginal Returns in Production – Production Function – Total Product, Marginal and Average Product Curves, their inter – relationships – Cobb –Douglas Production Function and its relevance - Scale and proportion, Cost Functions – Derivation of total, marginal and average cost functions – Long run cost curves – Managerial uses of Cost concept: Fixed, Variables, Historical, Replacement, Opportunity Costs, Out of Pocket Costs, Sunk and Incremental Costs. Unit IV: Market Structures and their characteristics – Pricing and output Decisions of firm under different Market structures – Perfect Competition, Pure Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic / Imperfect Competition under short and long runs. Discriminative Monopoly- Regulation of Monopoly through Prices and Taxes; King Demand Curve and Prices rigidity under Oligopoly – Non-Price Competition under Monopolistic Competition: Selling Costs and Products Differentiation – Evaluation of Market Structures from Social Perspective.

Unit V: Pricing Practices of Firms – Objectives of Pricing Policy – Approaches to Pricing New Products; Skimming Price, Penetration Pricing, Costs Plus Pricing, Managerial Cost Pricing, Psychological Pricing, Odd Number Pricing, Regulated Pricing, Predatory Pricing. Price – Quality Strategies for New Products; Premium Strategy, Good Value Strategy, over charging Strategy and Economy Strategy. Suggested Books: 1. William Baumol, “Economic theory and Operations Analysis”, PHI. 2. Paul G. Keat, Philip K.Y. Young and S. Benerjee, “Managerial Economics - Tools for

Today’s Decision Makers”, Pearson. 3. Mark Hirschey, Managerial Economics: An Integrated Approach, Cengage Learning. 4. James R. McGvigan, R.Charles Moyer and Harris, “Managerial Economics: Application,

Strategy and Tactics”, Cengage Learning. 5. Suma Damodaran, “Managerial Economics”, Oxford University Press. 6. G.S. Gupta, “Managerial Economics”, Tata McGraw-Hill 7. Atmanand, “Managerial Economics”, Excel Books. 8. H. Craig Peterson, Lewis and Jain, “Managerial Economics, Pearson. 9. Chirstopher R. Thomas, S. Charles Maurice, “Managerial Economics: Concepts and

Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill. 10. E.F. Brigham and J.L. Pappas, “Managerial Economics”, The Dryden Press. 11. Donald S. Watson, “Price Theory and Its Uses”, Scientific Book Agency. 12. Ahuja, H.L., Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons, Chennai.

CM 1.3: Business Environment

Unit-I: Business Environment: Components and Significance - Nature of Business Environment - Techniques of Environmental Scanning and Monitoring – Economic Scope – Cultural, Political, Technological and External Factors Influencing Business Environment – Dimensions of International Business Environment – Challenges - Economic systems. Unit-II: Economic Environment of Business: Significance for Business – Economic Planning – Objectives and Achievements; Government policies – Industrial policy of 1991; Fiscal policy; Foreign Trade Policy; Economic Reforms and LPG – Human Development in India. Unit-III: Political and Legal Environment of Business: Political Institutions – Legislature, Executive and Judiciary – Changing Dimensions of Legal Environment in India; Patents Act-1970, SICA-1985, SEZ Act-2005. Unit-IV: Cultural and Technological Environment: Elements of Socio – Cultural Environment; Impact on Business – Social Audit - Technological Environment in India; Technology Transfer – Technology Policy. Unit -V: International and Recent Issues in Environment: Multinational Corporations; Foreign Collaborations and Indian Business; International Economic Institutions: WTO, World Bank, IMF and their importance to India; Foreign Trade Policies.

Reference Books: 1. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 2. Fernando, A.C., Business Environment, Pearson. 3. Suresh Bedi, Business Environment, Excel Books, New Delhi, 4. Adhikary.M. Economic Environment of Business, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 5. Gulshan S.S. and G K Kapoor, Business Law Including Company Law, NEW AGE. 6. Aswathappa.K., Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing, Delhi. 7. Justin Paul, Business Environment, Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill. 8. Saleem Shaik, Business Environment, Pearson Education, Delhi. 9. Ruddar Dutt & KPM Sundaram, Indian Economy, S. Chand & Co., Delhi. 10. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi, “Legal Aspects of Business”, S.Chand, New Delhi. 11. H.L.Ahuja, “Economic Environment of Business” S.Chand, New Delhi.

CM 1.4: Entrepreneurship Development

Unit-I: Introduction: Entrepreneurship – Meaning, importance- Entrepreneur characteristics- Women entrepreneurs; Classification of entrepreneurs - Myths about Entrepreneurship- Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur- Management Vs Entrepreneurship.

Unit-II: Idea Generation and Opportunity Assessment: Importance of Ideas in entrepreneurship- Sources of New Ideas – Techniques for generating ideas- Steps in assessing business potential of an idea- Opportunity Recognition- sources and process- Steps in tapping opportunity.

Unit-III: Project Formulation and Appraisal: Meaning and significance of Project Report - Content; Guidelines for Report preparation- Project Appraisal- Methods-Economic Analysis; Financial Analysis; Market Analysis; Technical Feasibility- Sources of Finance-Term loans and Short term Finance.

Unit- IV: Institutions Supporting Small Business Enterprises: Introduction- Central level Institutions- KVIC; SIDO; NSIC Ltd; National Productivity Council (NPC); EDII - State level Institutions- DIC- SFC-SSIDC- Industry Associations- CII ; FICCI; ASSOCHAM.

Unit-V: Government Policy and Taxation Benefits: Government Policy for SSIs- Need for tax benefits- Tax Holiday; Rehabilitation allowance ; Investment Allowance; Tax concessions for SSIs in Rural and Backward areas.

Reference Books:

1. Arya Kumar, Entrepreneurship, Pearson, Delhi, 2012. 2. Poornima M. Ch., Entrepreneurship Development- Small Business Enterprises,

Pearson, Delhi, 2009 3. Michael H. Morris, et. al., Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Cengage Learning, New

Delhi, 2011 4. Kanishka Bedi, Management and Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, Delhi,

2009 5. Anil Kumar, S., et. al., Entrepreneurship Development, New Age International

Publishers, New Delhi , 2011 6. Khanka, SS, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand, New Delhi. 2011

CM – 1.5: Information Technology for Business

Unit-I: Information Technology (IT) in Business Environment: Business in the Information Age - Pressures and Responses, Why do we need to know about Information Technology, What is an Information System, Capabilities of Information Systems - Basic concepts of Information Systems, organizations - Structures and IT support - IT support at different organizational levels, Managing IT in organizations.

Unit-II: IT Infrastructure: Computer Hardware - Input Technologies, Output Technologies - Computer Software - Types of software, general functions of Operating system, Types of application software - Managing organizational Data and Information - Basics of Data arrangement and Access, Traditional file Environment. Databases: Modern Approach, Database Management Systems - Logical Data Models, Data Warehouse. Telecommunications systems and Networks - Network communications software, Internet: Services provided by Internet, World Wide Web, Intranets and Extranets.

Unit-III: Information Systems to Support Business Functions: Transaction Processing Systems, Accounting and Finance Systems, Production Management Systems, Human Resources Management Systems, Integrated Information Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning, Inter-organizational /Global Information Systems. Electronic Commerce - Types, Benefits of E-Commerce, Infrastructure and E-commerce support, Legal and ethical issues in E-commerce. Computer-based Supply chain management and IS Integration: IT supply chain support and systems Integration: Enterprise Resource Planning.

Unit-IV: Data, Knowledge and Decision Support: Decision making and Decision support systems, Enterprise Decision support, Knowledge Management and Organizational Knowledge bases. Intelligent systems in Business: Export systems, Intelligent Agents.

Unit-V: Strategic Advantage and Information Technology: Strategic Organizations in the Information Age, Business Process Re-engineering, Virtual corporations and Information Technology - Implementing IT: Ethics, Impacts and Society, Ethical Issues, Impact of IT on Organizations and Jobs, on Individuals at Work, Societal Impact and Internet Communities, Protecting Information Systems.

Reference Books:

1. Turban/Rainer/Potter, “Introduction to Information Technology”, Willey Student Edition.

2. V. Rajaraman, Introduction to Information Technology, Prentice Hall, India. 3. Alexis Leon, Mathew Leon, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Leon Vikas.

CM 1.6: Quantitative Techniques for Business

Unit-I: Probability: Concept of Probability: Definitions of Probability, Addition Theorem of Probability, Conditional Probability and Multiplication theorems of Probability, Baye’s Theorem of Probability and its Applications. Unit- II: Theoretical Distributions: Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution and Normal Distribution – their Properties and Applications. Unit -III: Testing of Hypothesis: Concept of Testing of Hypothesis, Types of Errors, Standard deviations and Proportions, Z- test for Means, T-test, F-test for two variances and Chi-Square test for goodness of fit and independent of Attributes and their Applications - Confidence intervals. Unit -IV: Correlation and Regression: Multiple Linear Regression, Multiple Correlation Coefficient, Partial Correlation Coefficient, Goodness of Fit of the model. Unit- V: Operations Research: Need of Operations Research - Techniques in Business Decisions - Linear Programming: Basic concepts of LPP – Graphical solutions – Simplex Method. Suggested Books: 1. Sharma, J.K., Fundamentals of Business Statistics, Pearson. 2. Sancheti, Dc & V.K Kapoor, Business Mathematics, Sultan Chand. 3. Arora, P. N., S. Arora Comprehensive Statistical Methods, S. Chand. 4. Sharma, J.K., Quantitative Methods- Theory & Applications, MacMillan. 5. Sharma JK., Operations Research: Theory & Applications, Mc Milan India Ltd. 6. Miller, Introduction to Operations Research, TMH. 7. Finite Mathematics, Scham Series.

II Semester CM 2.1 Business Laws

Unit –I: Companies Act 2013: Chapters I, II, III, IV, V, XI, XII, XIV, XV, XVI, XXII SEBI Act, 1992 Chapters I, II, III, IV, V, VA. Unit- II: Depositories Act, 1996 Chapters I, II, III Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 Chapters I, II, III, IV Unit- III: Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Competition Act, 2002 Chapter II. Environment Protection Act Chapter III. Right to Information Act, 2005. Unit –IV: Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Chapters I, II, III. Information Technology Act, 2000 Chapters I, II, III, IV, V. Unit – V: Business Ethics and Morals - Ethical practices and guidelines: Internal to the Organization - Power and freedom: External to the organization. Reference Books:

1. Bulchandani RR : Business Law (Himalaya )

2. SC Kuchal: Business Law, Vikas publishing House.

3. Agarwal UK : Consumer Protection in India (Deep & Deep )

4. Gulshan SS : Business Law (Excel )

5. Bare Acts

CM 2.2 E-Commerce

Unit-I: Evolution of E-Commerce-Early Business Information Interchange Efforts-Emergence of Internet & World Wide Web-Infrastructure for EC - Advantages and Limitations of E-Commerce – E-Business models based on relationship of Transaction parties - B2C, B2B, C2C & C2B - E-Business modes based on the relationship of transaction- Brokerage, Aggregation models. Unit-II: Technologies of the World Wide Web- Internet client-server application-Telnet, PTP, IRC, Chat, ICQ & MIME, Networks. Software Agents and ISP Broad Band Technologies, Hyper Text, Java Script & XML - e-Commerce web site-Website goals and Objectives - Strategies for website Development. Unit-III: E-Marketing - Traditional Marketing, Online Marketing- Advantages of online Marketing - Advertisements in E-commerce - Advertisement strategies - Push Technology and Intelligent Agents. E-CRM-Customer Relationship Management -Technology support- E-CRM tool kit- Customer Life Cycle- CRM capabilities and the Customer Life Cycle - Privacy issues and CRM - Data Mining in CRM - e-Supply Chain - New ways of managing supply chain- Objectives of supply chain management-several ways to reduce inventory - Real time benefits of E-SCM - E- Supply Chain. Unit-IV: E-Commerce Payment Systems - Protocols-Security schemes in Electronic payment systems - Electronic Credit Card System on the Internet- Electronic Fund Transfer and Debit Cards on the Internet - E-Cash, Properties of E-Cash - E-Cash in Action - Using Digital Currency- Operational Risk and E-Cash- Legal issues - E-Cheque- Risk in E-Payments Systems - Data Protection Risks from Mistake and Disputes- Managing E-Credit Risk. Unit-V: E-strategy: Information and Strategy – The virtual value chain, seven dimensions of E-commerce strategy, Value chain and E-strategy, E-commerce strategy and knowledge management - E-Business strategy and Data warehousing and Data mining. Mobile Commerce: Wireless Applications; Technologies for mobile commerce, M-commerce in India. Legal and Ethical Issues: Computers as targets for crime, cyber stalking, phishing, copy right, internet gambling and threats to children - The special nature of computer ethics – Ethical issues in the digital world - The three ethically significant characteristics of the Internet.

Reference Books: 1. PT Joseph SJ, E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective, Prentice Hall of India (3rd). 2. Effraim Turban, Joe Lee, David Kind-H Michael Chung, E-Commerce, A Management

Perspective - Pearson Education Asia. 3. Pandey US & Shukla Er.S., E-Commerce & M-Commerce Technology, S.Chand &

Company New Delhi. 4. Gary P. Schneider, E-Commerce Strategy Technology & Implementation, Cengage

Learning, New Delhi-2009. 5. Trepper, E-Commerce Strategies, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 2006 6. Jonathan Reynolds, E-Business A Management Perspective, Oxford University Press.

CM 2.3 Financial Management

Unit–I: Introduction: Nature, Scope and Objectives of Financial Management: Finance Function–Profit Goal vs. Wealth Goal Maximization - Financial Manager in Modern Environment. Unit–II: Investment Decision: Capital Budgeting process – Cash Flow Estimation and measurement – Investment criterion – Methods of appraisal: Traditional Techniques and Discounted Cash Flow Methods – NPV vs IRR - Capital rationing – Risk analysis in capital budgeting.

Unit–III: Financing Decisions: Concept of leverage – Types of Leverages –EBIT – EPS Analysis – Capital Structure – Theories of Capital Structure – Net Income approach – Net operating income approach – Traditional view – MM Hypothesis. Cost of Capital: Types of Cost of Capital - Weighted average Cost of capital. Capital Structure Determinants. Unit–IV: Dividend and Retained Earnings: Dividend Policy Decisions; Parameters, Dividend Theories – Traditional position – Walter’s Model – Gordon’s Model – M-M Hypothesis - Retained Earnings Policies.

Unit – V: Working Capital Management: Concepts of working capital – Determinants of Working capital – Optimum level of Current assets – Liquidity Vs. Profitability – Risk – Return tangle – Estimating working capital needs – Financing and control of working capital – Inventory Management – Receivables Management- Cash Management.

Reference Books: 1. Brearley, Richard and Myers, Steward: Principles of Corporate Finance, New York,

McGraw Hill. 2. Soloman, Ezra, Theory of Financial Management, Columbia Press. 3. James C. Van Horne, Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Weston J. Fred and Brigham, Eugne F., Managerial Finance, Dryden Press. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 6. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 7. Pandey, 1M, Financial Management, Delhi, Vikas Publishing House. 8. Ravi M. Kishore: Financial Management, Taxman. 9. Sudhirbhat, Financial Management, Excel Books.

CM 2.4: Human Resources Management

Unit- I: Human Resource Management: Nature and significance, functions of HRM, Qualities and Role of HR Manager, HRM Model, HRM in a changing Environment. Unit-II: Human Resource Planning: Objectives, process, factors affecting HR Planning, Requisites for successful HR Planning. Recruitment – Factors influencing, Sources of recruitment - Selection Process – Placement, induction and Socialization – Promotion and Transfers. Unit-III: Employee Training: Significance – Identification of Training Needs – Employee Training Methods – Executive Development Methods – Evaluation of Training and Development Programmes – Methods of Evaluation - Limitations to its effectiveness. Unit-IV: Job Evaluation – Significance, Methods and Techniques: Performance Appraisal: Scope & Significance – Methods of Appraisal - Limitations of Appraisal - Career Planning and Development – Need and process - Counseling – Key elements- Disciplinary procedure and Grievance procedure Unit – V: Wage and Salary Administration: Wage Structure and Policy – Wage Differentials – Wage Payment Methods – Incentives – Fringe Benefits –Industrial Relations: Causes of Disputes and Settlement - Role of State in Industrial Relations - Collective Bargaining - Employee Participation in Management - Quality of Work Life.

Reference Books: 1. Aswathappa.K. Human Resource and Personnel Management, 2nd Edition, Tata

McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. 2. De Cenzo. & Stephen P.Robbins, Personnel/ Human Resource Management, Pearson

Publications, 3. Edwin B.Flippo, Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill 4. Dessler, Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, Pearson Education. 5. P.Subba Rao, Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Himalaya

Publishing House, New Delhi. 6. V.S.P.Rao, Human Resources Management, Excel Books, New Delhi. 7. David Lepak, Human Resource Management, Pearson Publications. 8. Kenneth M. York, Applied Human Resource Management, Sage Publications. 9. H. John Bernardin, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 10. T.V. Rao, “Performance Management & Appraisal Systems”, SAGE Publications.

CM 2.5 Marketing Management

Unit-I: Importance of Marketing – Concepts – Approaches to the Study of Marketing – Marketing Environment. Unit-II: Consumer Behaviour – Market Segmentation – Market Targeting and Positioning – Marketing Information System and Research. Unit-III: Marketing Mix: Product Planning – New Product Development – Product Life Cycle – Branding Packaging – Product Mix Management. Unit-IV: Pricing: Objectives – Methods and Strategies – Distribution – Channel Selection and Management Retail Management. Unit-V: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communications: Personal Selling – Advertising – Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relations – Direct Marketing: Evaluation of Communication Effort.

Reference Books:

1. Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India / Pearson Education, New Delhi.

2. William J Stanton & Futrell: Fundamentals of Marketing. 3. V. J. Ramaswami and S. Namakumari: Marketing Management, Macmillan Business

Books, Delhi. 4. S. Jayachandran: Marketing Management, Text and Cases, Excel Publications. 5. Tapan K. Panda, marketing management, Excel. 6. Zinkota & Kotabe: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 7. Joel R. Evans & Barry Berman: Marketing, Wiley India, New Delhi. 8. Mukesh Dhunna: Marketing Management, Wisdom Publication. 9. Rajiv Lal, John A. Quelch & V. Kasturi Rangan, Marketing Management, Tata

McGraw Hill.

CM 2.6: Business Research Methods & Business Analytics

Unit–I : Meaning of Research: Significance of Research - Nature and Scope of Research Methodology – Problem Formulation, Research Objectives – Hypotheses, Characteristics of good hypotheses, Research Design – Types of Research Designs. Unit–II: Sources and Collection of Data: Primary and Secondary Sources – Methods of Data Collection – Questionnaire Design – Attitude Measurement Techniques – Motivation Research Techniques – Administration of Surveys – Sample Design and Sampling Techniques. Unit–III: Automated Data Analysis: SPSS Applications – Tabulation and Cross Tabulation of Data: Univariate, Bivariate Data Analysis and Tests of Hypothesis. Unit–IV: Multivariate Analysis: Advanced Techniques for Data Analysis: ANOVA, Discriminate Analysis, Factor Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling and Clustering Techniques, Report Writing. Unit–V: Business Analytics: Evolution - Business Analytics as Solution for Business Challenges - Master Data Management: Data Warehousing and kinds of Architecture – Data Extraction – Transformation and Up-loading of Data – Data Mining – Meta Data – Data Marts – Concept of Creating Data Marts – Data Integration – Concept of OLTP and OLAP. Reference Books:

1. K.V. Rao, “Research Methodology in Commerce and Management”, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.

2. Panneer Selvam R., “Research Methodology”, Prentice Hall of India. 3. Purba Halady Rao, “Business Analytics: An Application Focus”, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Bhattacharya D. K., “Research Methodology”, Excel Books, New Delhi. 5. Cooper, “Business Research Methods”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010. 6. C.R.Kothari, “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques”, New Age International

Publishers, New Delhi, 2006. 7. Gupta S.P. “Statistical Methods”, Sultan Chand, New Delhi, 2010. 8. T.S. Wilkinson & P.L. Bhandarkar, “Methodology and Techniques of Social Research”,

2010. 9. R.N Prasad and Seema Acharya, “Fundaments of Business Analytics”, Wiley India

Publication. 10. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach & Vipin Kumar, “Introduction to Data Mining”,

Pearson, 2009. 11. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith & Kurt Thearling, “Building Data Mining Application for

CRM”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.

Third Semester

CM 3.1 Financial Accounting with Packages

Unit–I: Introduction to Computerized Accounting: – Advantages and Limitations of Computerization of Accounting – Computerized General Ledger System – Spreadsheet Software and Its Applications – Different Software Available in the Market. Unit –II: Accounting Software Tally (Ver. 9.0 ERP): Characteristics of the Software – Creation of a Company – Security Control – Configuration – Creation of Ledgers – Vouchers – Cost Center Budgets – Balance Sheet – Alteration of Vouchers – Audit – Trial – P & L a/c – Ratio Analysis – Security – Limitations of Tally – Short Cut Keys (Lab – with practical) Unit–III: Tally’s Forte (Reports): Displaying Reports – Characteristics – Printing Reports – Display Account Books – Display Statement of Bank Reconciliation of Bank Accounts – Display Inventory Reports – Expert Usage. (Lab – with practical) Unit–IV: Inventory Handling Using Tally (Ver. 9.0 ERP) – A Practical Approach: Creation of Stock Groups and Categories – Creation of Stock Items – Creation of Godown – Creation of Units of Measure – Inventory Vouchers. (Lab – with practical) Unit–V: Accounts of Banking Companies and Departmental Accounting: – Characteristics – Advantages and Disadvantages – Preparation of Accounts Using Tally in Departmental Accounts – Usefulness in Banks – Ledger Preparation – Guidelines of RBI for Profit & Loss Account – Expert Usage. (Lab – with practical) Reference Books: 1. Computers and Common Sense, Robert Hunt & John Shelly, Prentice Hall of India, New

Delhi. 2. Computers and Information Management, S.C. Bhatnagar, K.V. Ramani, Prentice Hall of

India, New Delhi. 3. Management Information Systems and Data Processing, Bently, Holt, Rinehart and

Winston. 4. Principles of Data Base Management, Martin, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 5. Introduction of Systems Software, Dhandhere, Tata-McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi. 6. Accounting Systems, M. Sulochana, K. Kameswara Rao & R. Kishore Kumar, Kalyani

Publishers, Hyderabad.

CM 3.2 Business Communication Skills

Unit-I: Business Correspondence: Significance - Formal, informal and semiformal correspondence – Describing company activities and structures – Describing job responsibilities – Written Correspondence - Differences between formal and informal writings – Use of formal vocabulary and functional language in business letter writing – Planning effective business letters and responses – e-mail writing skills, call taking etiquette/skills. Unit-II: Business Information: Completing of Forms - Asking appropriate questions to gather information–Polite phrases of confirmation and communication breakdown- understanding native speaking accents and dialects; Functional language used in making verbal agreements — Effective techniques of making and accepting offers – Efficient written offer making and accepting. Unit-III: Business Presentations: Basic presentation techniques – Use of information in presenting product features – Explaining technical features for simplification; Giving and interpreting numerical data, Business abbreviations and acronyms - Oral and written conventions for expressing numerical information in English. Unit-IV: Business Reporting: Effective presentation of oral and written instructions – Presenting and describing company information: Vocabulary of describing graphical and numerical information – Summarizing important information concisely.

Unit-V: Feedback and Evaluation: Giving feedback to others - Use of questions in self-assessment elicitation – Functional language of agreement/disagreement and opinion giving –good/bad feedback – Motivating others – Use of conditionals to discuss future possibilities – Discourse strategies for effective relationship – team building skills.

Reference Books:

1. K. Srinivasa Krishna & B. Kuberudu: Business Communication and soft skills, excel, Hyderabad, 2008.

2. Seghal, M.K. Business Communication, Excel Books, New Delhi. 3. Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English. 4. Marie M. Stewart, Business & Communication 5. G.L. Handesson, P.R. Voiles, Business English & Communication. 6. Robert E. Barry, Pat Taylor Ellison, Business English for 21st Century.

CM 3.3: Corporate Accounting

Unit - I: Corporate Financial Accounting: Objectives-Scope - Role of Corporate Accountant- Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements - Inflation Accounting. Unit - II: Valuation of Shares: Need for Valuation of Shares – Factors Effecting Value of Shares – Methods of Valuation – Impact of Earnings on Share Valuation – Role of Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis in Share Valuation – Fair Value of a Share – Buy Back of Equity Shares. Unit - III: Financial Reporting: Concept, Objectives – Users of Financial Reporting and Specific Purpose of Report – Difficulties in Corporate Reporting– Interim Reporting – Problems – Improving Financial Reporting – Value Added Statements – Disclosure of Value Added Statements – Economic Value Added – Human Resource Reporting - Environmental Reporting. Unit - IV: Consolidated Financial Statements: Definition of Parent or Holding and its Subsidiary – Need for Consolidated Financial Statement – Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet of a Holding Company with one Subsidiary – Consolidation of Profit of Loss Account – Consolidated Statement of Changes in Financial Position. Unit-V: Accounting Standards: Indian Accounting Standards-Accounting Standards on Cash flow reporting, Valuation of inventories, Depreciation Policies, Consolidated reporting by Holding Companies (simple problems), IFRS(International financial reporting standards.

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Accounting – Corporate Accounting Vol. 2 – Ashok Sehgal & Deepak Sehgal, Taxmann Allied Services Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. 2. Advancedn Accounting–Volume–2;nR.L. Gupta & Radhaswami, S. Chand & Co. Delhi. 3. Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, R. Narayana Swamy, PHI. 4. Financial Accounting for Business Managers: Asish K. Bhattacharyya, PHI. 5. Human Resource Accounting – D. Prabhakara Rao. 7. Modern Accountancy Vol.2 – A. Mukharjee and M. Hanieff – Tata McGraw Hill. 8. Financial Accounting – A Managerial Perspective – R. Narayana Swami – PHI, New Delhi. 9. Corporate Accounting – S.N. Maheswari & S.K. Maheswari, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.

CM - 3.4 Direct Taxes

Unit -I : Income Tax Act 1961: Basic Concepts, Income, Agriculture Income -

Residential Status and Incidence of Tax - Incomes Exempt from Tax u/s 10.

Unit-II : Heads of Income of Individuals; Salaries- income from house property and gain from business or profession, capital gains, income from other sources, clubbing up of income set off and carry forward of losses, deductions from gross total income, computation of total income and tax liability.

Unit-III : Assessment: Assessment of Individuals, Hindu Undivided Families, Firms, Association of Persons, Cooperative Societies and Companies.

Unit- IV : Tax Administration; Income Tax Authorities, Assessment procedure, collection and recovery of tax, refunds, penalties and procedures, appeals and revisions.

Unit – V : Wealth Tax Act, 1957 – Chargeability – Incidence of Tax – Assets – Deemed Assets - Assets Exempt from Wealth Tax - Return of Wealth and Assessment – Rates of Tax - Computation of Net Wealth.

Suggested Books: 1. Singhania, C.K., Direct Taxes, Taxmann Publications, New Delhi. 2. Lal B.B., Direct Taxes, Pearson Education, New Delhi. 3. Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta, Direct Taxes, Bharat Publications. 4. Gaur and Narang, Direct Taxes, Kalyani Publications. 5. Manoharan T.N., Direct Taxes, Snow White Publications.

CM 3.5: Advanced Banking

Unit – I : Central Banking: Concept – Central Banking Policy in Developed and Developing Economies – Functions – Note issues – Banker to the Government; Banker to Commercial Banks – Credit Control – Techniques - Structure and Organization of RBI – Role of RBI as Central Bank.

Unit – II : Structure and Organization of Central Bank in India, USA and UK – Objectives – Central Banking Policy in Developed and Less Developed Countries – A Critical Study of Theory and Practice of Central Banking in India, USA and UK.

Unit – III : Development of Commercial Banking in UK, USA and India – Study of Nature and Structure of Commercial Banking in India and Abroad – Theories of Asset Management – Commercial Banks, Recent Developments in Commercial Banking in USA, UK and India.

Unit – IV : Economic Stabilization Policy: Objectives of Monetary Policy – Choosing Between Conflicting Objectives – Monetary and Fiscal Policies and Economic Stabilization – Interdependence of Monetary and Fiscal Policies – Debt Management Policy.

Unit – V : Emerging Trends – Technological Advancement in Banking Sector – Challenges and Issues – Next Generation Banking.

Suggested Books: 1. Hawtrey, The Art of Central Banking, Sugustus M Kelley Publishers, 1970, New York. 2. Narendra Kumar, Bank Nationalism of India – A Symposium, Lalvani Publishing House,

1969, Mumbai. 3. Pal Panadlkar & N.C.Mehra, Rural Banking, National Institute of Bank Management,

Mumbai. 4. Vasant Desai, Indian Banking-Nature and Problems, Himalaya Publishing House,

Mumbai. 5. Benjamin H Bankhurt, Money Banking System, Times of India Press, Mumbai. 6. Charless L Prather, Money & Banking, Richard Inc., Illinois.

CM – 3.6 Insurance and Risk Management

Unit-I: Risk & Risk Management process – Risk Identification, Evaluation -Risk Management Techniques, Selecting and Implementing Risk Management Techniques – Risks in our Society – Insurance and Risk. Unit-II: Commercial Liability Insurance – Commercial Risk Management Applications – Property – Liability – Commercial Property Insurance, Different policies and contracts – Business Liability and Risk Management – Workers compensation and Risk Financing. Unit-III: Property and Liability Insurance Coverage: Personal Risk Management Applications – Property – Liability – Risk Managements for Auto Owners – Risk Management for Home Owners. Unit-IV: Risk Management Applications – Loss of Life – Loss of Health – Retirement Planning and annuities – Employee Benefits – Financial and Estate Planning. Unit-V: Risk Management Environment – Industry – Functions and organization of Insurers – Government Regulation of Insurance Sector – IRA – Privatization of Insurance – Changes in Insurance Acts – Insurance Intermediaries – Insurance Product pricing and Claim valuation – Financial Analysis – Bank Assurance – Foreign Insurers in India. References: 1. McNamara principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Addison- Wesley, 2. Dorfman, Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance, PHI. 3. Anand Ganguly Insurance Management PHI, New Delhi,2005 4. George E Resda, Risk Management and Insurance


CM 4.1: Indian Financial System

Unit - I: Structure of Financial System: Role of Financial System in Economic Development- Financial Markets and Financial Instruments- Capital Markets – Money Markets –Primary Market Operations- Role of SEBI – Secondary Market Operations - Regulation – Functions of Stock Exchanges – Listing - Formalities -Financial Services Sector Problems and Reforms. Unit - II: Financial Services: Concept, Nature and Scope of Financial Services – Regulatory Frame Work of Financial Services – Growth of Financial Services in India - Merchant Banking – Meaning –Types – Responsibilities of Merchant Bankers – Role of Merchant Bankers in Issue Management – Regulation of Merchant Banking in India. Unit - III: Venture Capital: Growth of Venture Capital in India – Financing Pattern Under Venture Capital – Legal Aspects and Guidelines for Venture Capital - Leasing – Types of Leases – Evaluation of Leasing – Lease option Vs. Borrowing. Unit - IV: Credit Rating: Meaning, Functions - Debt Rating System of CRISIL, ICRA and CARE - Factoring, Forfeiting and Bill Discounting –Types of Factoring Arrangements- Factoring in the Indian Context. Unit - V: Mutual Funds: Objectives, Functions and Portfolio Classification, Organization and Management, Guidelines for Mutual Funds, Working of Public and Private Mutual Funds in India. Debt Securitization - Concept and Application - De-mat Services-need and Operations-role of NSDL and CSDL. Suggested Books: 1. I.M. Bhole, Financial Institutions and market, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. V.A. Avadhani, Marketing of Financial Services, Himalayas Publishers, Mumbai. 3. Vasant Desai, Indian financial system, Himalaya Publisher. 4. Benton E.G., Financial Intermediaries An introduction. 5. Edminister R. D, Financial Institution, Markets and Management. 6. Verma J.C A manual of Merchant Banking. 7. West Lake. M, Factoring. 8. N. Vinaykan, A Profile of Indian Capital Market.

CM 4.2: International Business

Unit –I: International Business: Concept of international business –Stages of internationalization of business – Impact of globalization - Anatomy of international business environment – International economic, political, legal, competitive, social demographic and cultural frame work - International trade theories.

Unit –II: International trade regulatory frame work: Trade barriers – Export promotion and import substitution - Regional trade organizations - Free trade pacts - Most favored nation status - Role of world Trade Organization (W.T.O) - Integrity pact.

Unit –III: International financial frame work: Balance of payments – Foreign exchange market mechanism, export financing, and incentives – International liquidity - Global Competitiveness; Technology and Global Competition – Role of MNCs in International Business. Unit –IV: International Economic Institutions Agencies and Agreements: Regional Trading Arrangement – The European Union and NAFTA – Implications of Barriers to Trade – Debate on Trade Policy i.e. Free Trade Vs Protectionism. Unit –V: Organizing for International Business: Designing global organization structure – Developing global competitiveness - EOUs, EPZs - Role of State and Centre to promote international trade - Strategy of International Business - Host Country Heterogeneity and International Business Strategy. Suggested Books: 1. Francis Cherunilam, International Business, PHI.

2. Bhattacharya, International Business, Excel Books, New Delhi.

3. John D.Daniels & Lee H. Radebaugh., International Business, Pearson Education.

4. P. Subba Rao, International Business, Himalaya Publishing House.

5. R. Chandran, International Business, Jaico Publishing House

6. Vyuptakesh Sharam, International Business, Pearson education, 2006.

7. K.Aswathappa, International Business, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.

8. Bhalla Madhava. V.K., International Business, New Delhi.

9. Shukla, International Business, Excel Books, New Delhi.

10. Sundarmos Black; International Business Environment, Prentice Hall of India.

11. Ramesh Mohan Joshi, International Business, Oxford University Press

12. Pradip Kumar Sinha, Sanchari Sinha, International Business Management, Excel Books

CM 4.3 (A): Corporate Restructuring and Accounting

Unit-I: Corporate Restructuring:- Meaning of Corporate Restructuring - Forms of Corporate Restructuring - Objectives of Restructuring – Advantages and Constraints of Corporate Restructuring - Strategic Alliances - Types of Strategic Alliances. Unit-II: Accounting for Mergers – Objectives of Amalgamation – Types of Amalgamation – Amalgamation in the Nature of Merger – Purchase Consideration – Methods of Purchase Consideration – Methods of Accounting for Mergers – Evaluation of a Merger proposal – Accounting for mergers in the Books of Transferor and transferee. Unit-III: Accounting for Acquisitions – Meaning and Characteristics of Acquisitions – Motives of Acquisitions – Advantages and Constraints of Acquisition – Inter Company transactions – Legal Issues and Compliances for Mergers in India. Unit-IV: Capital Restructuring – Alteration of share Capital – Consolidation of shares – Reduction of Share capital – Reconstruction scheme – Reorganization through surrender of shares. Unit-V: Other Methods of Corporate Restructuring – Buy Back of shares – Leverages Buy-outs (LBOs) – Divestitures – Demergers - Sell-Offs – Spin-Offs - Financial Distress and Restructuring. Reference Books: 1. RSN Pillai, Bagarathi & S. Uma, Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, S Chand. 2. Nehru J. Financial Reporting by Diversified Companies - Vision Books, New Delhi. 3. Ashish K. Bhattacharya - Financial Accounting – PHI Publishers. 4. S.N. Maheswari - Advanced Accounting– Vikas Publishing House 5. Hawkins David, Financial Statements Corporations - Dow Jones-Irwin Homewood 1973.

CM 4.4 (A): Cost and Management Accounting

Unit-I: Cost Management: Nature and Scope – Management of Value Chain – Tools of Cost Management - Product Costing Systems – Concepts and Design Issues. Unit-II: Activity Based Costing System: Meaning and Scope – Limitations of Traditional Costing Allocation Methods – Application of ABC System – Activity – Based Management – Concept and Scope – Target Costing – Benchmark Costing. Unit-III: Quality Cost Systems: Meaning and Application – Conflict Between Quality and Cost – Trade–off Between Quality and Price – Value Analysis – Life Cycle Costing – Learning Curve Analysis – JIT. Unit-IV: Cost Estimation: Methods – Costing Engineering – Using Regression Analysis – Evaluating Performance – Variance Analysis – Kaizen Costing. Unit-V: Cost Control and Cost Reduction: Managerial and Technical Aspects – Meeting the Cost Reduction Challenges Role of Cost Accountant.

Reference Books: 1. ‘Cost Management’ – Strategies for Business Decisions HILTON, MAHER and SELT,

Tata McGraw Hill, II ed. 2002. 2. ‘Cost Accounting’ – Principles and Practice, B.M.Lall Nigam, Prentice Hall of India. 3. Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice, Bhabatosh Benarjee, Prentice Hall of India. 4. ‘Principles of Quality Costs’ Principles, Implementation and Use Jack Companella,

Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2000 (3rd Ed.) 5. ‘Cost Accounting’ – Jain and Narang. 6. ‘Cost Accounting’ – A Managerial Emphasis’ Chrles Tn Horngren. 7. ‘Cost Accounting’ – B. Benerjee, World Press, Calcutta.

CM 4.5 (A): Indirect Taxes

Unit-I: Excise Duty – Introduction: Laws Relating to Excise Duty – Nature of Excise Duty – Basic Concepts – Taxable Event for Excise Duty – Types of Excise Duties – Exempted Goods. Unit-II: Excisable Goods – Classification of Goods – Valuation of Goods. Unit-III: CENVAT – Input Goods and Services for CENVAT – Capital Goods for CENVAT – Exempted Final Products / Output Services. Unit-IV: Customs Duty - Basic Concepts – Scope and Coverage of Customs Duty - Nature of Customs Duty – Classification for Customs – Types of Custom Duties - Exemptions from Customs Duty – Valuation for Customs Duty. Unit-V: Customs Procedures: Import Procedures - Export Procedures - Baggage, Courier and Post – Warehousing in Customs – Duty Draw Back.

Reference Books: 1. V.S. Datey, Indirect Taxes Law & Practice, Taxman Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2. V.K.Sareen and Ajay Sharma, Indirect Tax laws, Kalyani Publications, New Delhi.

CM 4.6(A): Tax Planning and Management

Unit -1: Tax Planning and Tax Management – Concepts of Tax Planning: Tax Evasion-Tax Avoidance - Prerequisites for Successful Tax Planning – Doctrine of Precedent – Doctrine of Form and Substance – Diversion of Income by Overriding Title. Unit-II: Tax Planning and Salaries: Terms of Employment – Consolidated Salary – Current Vs. Retirement Benefits – Perquisites vs. Allowances – Fringe Benefits – Importance of Tax Planning to the Employer - Tax Planning and Income from House Properties – Terms of Rental Agreement – Housing Loan. Unit-III: Tax Planning and Profits & Gains from Business or Profession: Business: Tax Location – Free trade zones - Backward areas - Form of new business organization: Tax incentives for exporters. Financial Decisions: Tax Planning in respect of capital structure decision, Dividend policy, inter-corporate dividends and bonus shares. Management Decisions: own or lease, sale of assets used for scientific research, make or buy decisions, Repair, Replace, renewal or renovation and shutdown or continue decisions. Tax Planning with reference to amalgamation, merger, takeover of companies. Unit–IV: Tax Planning and Capital Gains: Capital Asset - Transfer -Short term vs. Long-term capital gains – Cost of acquisition- Indexed Cost of acquisition - Exemptions - Tax Planning and Income from other sources: Casual and Non-recurring incomes - Interest on Securities – Dividends – Other Interest receipts Unit-V: Tax Management - Tax Obligations: Submission of Return of Income – Advance Payment of Tax – Tax deducted at source – Maintenance of Books of Account – Statutory Audit – Consequences: Penal Interest – Penalties – Prosecutions

References Books:

1. Ahuja G.K. and Ravi Gupta: Systematic Approach to Income Tax and Central Sales Tax,

Bharat Law House, New Delhi.

2. Lakhotia, R.N; Corporate Tax Planning, Vision Publication, Delhi.

3. Singhania, V.K; Direct Taxes: Law and Practice, Taxman Publication, Delhi.

4. Singhania, Vinod K: Direct Tax Planning and Management, Taxman Publication, Delhi.

5. Income Tax Act, 1961.

6. Circulars issued by C.B.D.T.

CM 4.3 (B): Development Banking

Unit- I: Definition of Development Bank – Features of a Development Bank – History of Development Banks in India – Term Financing Institutions and Economic Development

Unit-II: Classification of Development Banks: Industrial Development Banks – Agricultural Development Banks – Export Import Development Bank

Unit-III: Role and Functions of Industrial Development Banks : Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Industrial Credit & Investment Corporation of India (ICICI).

Unit-IV: Role and Functions of State Industrial Development Banks: State Finance Corporations (SFCs) – State Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs) – State Industrial Investment Corporations (SIICs)

Unit-V: Role and Functions of Agricultural Development Banks: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) - State Land Development Banks (SLDBs) - Role and Functions of Export and Import Bank (EXIM Bank).

Reference Books:

1. Vasant Desai, Development Banking and Financial Intermediaries, Himalaya Publishing.

2. Bhole, Financial Institutions and markets, Tata McGraw hill, New Delhi

3. MY Khan, Indian Financial system, Tata Mc Graw hill, New Delhi

4. CP Sharma, Industrialization and Development Banking, Deep & Deep publications.

5. Kaushal K Arora, Development Banking in India, Atlantic Publishing, New Delhi

6. RM Saksena, Development Banking in India, Vora Publications.

7. V. Lakshmana Rao, Progress of Development Banking India, Chug Publications.

8. Vinod Bhatra, Development Banking in India, Printwel, Jaipur.

9. Publications of IDBI, IFCI, SFCs, SIDBI, NABARD.

CM 4.4 (B): International Banking

Unit- I: Global Trends and developments in International Banking – International Financial Centers- offshore Banking Units – SEZs. Unit –II: Profitability of International Banking Operations - Correspondent Banking and Inter-bank banking Unit- III: Investment Banking- Wholesale Banking – Retail Banking – Merchant Banking Unit –IV: International Financial Institutions: IMF, IBRD, BIS, IFC, ADB. Unit –V: Legal and Regulatory aspects – Risk Management.

References Books:

1) Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, “International Banking” Macmillan India Ltd.

2) Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, “Legal & Regulatory Aspects” Macmillan India.

3) Andrew Haynes, “The Law relating to International Banking – Law and Practice.

CM – 4.5 (B): General Insurance

Unit-I: Risk, Risk Management and Insurance: Risk, Uncertainty, Peril and Hazard, Risk of Loss, Classifications of Risks, Growth Number of Risk, Increasing Severity of Losses - Risk Management by Individuals, Businesses and Society, Tools of Risk management Risk Control; Risk Financing, Risk Management as a Business function, Risk Management and Value Creation, Process of Risk Management, Identifying and Evaluating Potential Losses, Selection of Risk, Treatment Devices. Property and Liability risk Exposure, Life, Health and Loss of Income Exposure, Methods of Risk Management: Non Insurance Methods, Risk Avoidance, Loss Control, Risk Retention, Risk Transfer - Insurance as a Risk Management Technique, Risk Sharing and Risk Transfer, Law of Large Numbers, Risk Reduction through Pooling Benefits and Costs of Insurance. Unit-II: Legal Principles in Insurance: Principles of Indemnity, Insurable Interest, Subrogation and Utmost Good Faith, Proximate Cause Requisites of Insurance Risks, Insurance and Law of Contracts, Distinguishing Legal Characteristics of Insurance Contracts. Insurance Policy provisions, Declarations, Insuring Agreement, Exclusions, Conditions, Miscellaneous provisions, Endorsements, Cover Note, Warranties, Interpretation of Insurance Policy.

Unit-III: Property Loss Exposures and General Insurance Coverage: General Insurance Policies - Types of Coverage - Commercial Property Loss Exposures, Personal Property Loss Exposure, fire and Allied perils, Declaration and Floating Policy, Business Interruption Insurance, House Owners policy, Boiler and Machinery Insurance, Marine Cargo Insurance - Law and practice.

Unit-IV: Automobile Insurance: Act only Cover, Third Party Property Damage and Bodily Injury Cover, Liability Exposures, Types of Liability Damages, Criminal and Civil Law, Torts, Law of Negligence, Defense against Negligence Claims, Types of Liability Exposures, Professional Liability Insurance.

Unit-V: Rate-Making in General Insurance: Claims Procedures, Surveying and Loss adjusting, Agents and Brokers, Insurance Laws and Insurance Regulation in India, General Insurance Industry in India, Public Sector Players, Private Sector Players, Channels of Distribution Of Insurance, relative Merits and Drawbacks of Different Channels, changes in the Distribution System in India, Co-insurance and Reinsurance, Essential Principles of Reinsurance, Reinsurance in India.

References: 1. Vaughan,E.Tand T.Vaughan: Fundamental of Risk and Insurance, John Wiley & Sons 2. Rejda, G.E: Principles of Risk Management and insurance, Pearson Education 3. Luthardt: Property and Liability Insurance Principles, Insurance Institute of America, 4. Stulz: Risk Management and Derivatives, 2E, Thomson. 5. Chance: Introduction to Risk Management and Derivatives, Thomson.

CM – 4. 6 (B): Life Insurance

Unit-I: Risk Management: Managing Personal Risks: Premature Death, Superannuation, disability, Unemployment, Managing Risks Associated with Premature Death. Identifying And Measuring Risks Associated with Premature Death, Amount of Life Insurance to Own. Approaches for Estimating Optimal Life Insurance - Protection: Human Life Value Approach, Needs Approach, Capital Retention Approach. Risk Associated with Superannuation. The Risk of Outlining the Retirement Accumulation - Estimating the Accumulation Need, Risks Associated with Disability - Needs Analysis for Disability Risk - Available Resources to Meet the Disability Risk - Providing for The Gap between Needs and Available Resources - Evaluating Medical expenses Exposure - Managing Risk of Unemployment - State Unemployment Insurance Programmes. Risk Retention and Risk Reduction. Unit-II: Life Insurance – Introduction: Types of life insurance Contracts, Term and Cash Insurance - The Level Premium Concept - Life Insurance products, Whole Life Insurance: Ordinary Life Insurance, Limited payment Life Insurance, Endowment Life Insurance , Variation of Whole Life Insurance: Variable Life Insurance, Universal Life Insurance, Variable Universal Life Insurance, Current Assumption whole life insurance, Indeterminate Premium Whole Life Insurance, General Classifications of Life Insurance :Ordinary Life Insurance, Industrial Life Insurance Group Life Insurance, Credit Life Insurance, Computation of Life Insurance premium: Mortality, Interest, Net Single Premium, Net Level Premium, reserves on Life Insurance policies, Benefits-Certain and Benefits-Uncertain contracts. Unit-III: Life Insurance Contracts: Life Insurance contracts, General Provisions of Life Insurance: Ownership Clause, Beneficiary Clause, Incontestable Clause, Suicide Clause, Grace Period, Reinstatement, Misstatement of Age or Sex Clause; Change-of-Plan Provision, Exclusion and Restrictions, Payment of Premiums, Assignment Clause, Policy Loan Provision. Dividend Options: Cash, Premium Reduction, Accumulate at Interest, Paid-up Additions, Fifth Dividend Option-Term Insurance - Non-Forfeiture Option or Cash Surrender Option, Settlement Options: Interest Option, Fixed Period Option, Fixed Amount Option, Life Income Option, Additional Life Insurance Benefits: Waiver of Premium Provision, Guaranteed Purchase Option, Accidental Death Benefit Rider, Cost of Living Rider, Buying Life Insurance, Determining the Cost of Life Insurance, Rate on saving Component, Taxation and Life Insurance, Shopping for Life Insurance. Unit-IV: Health Insurance: Individual Health and Disability Income Insurance, Types of Individual Health Insurance Coverage: Hospital - Surgical Insurance, Major Medical Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Disability Income Insurance, Need for Disability Income Insurance: Short Term Versus Lang term Disability Coverage Health Insurance for the Elderly, Long Term Care Insurance, Shopping for Health Insurance. Employee Benefits: Group Life and Health Insurance, Group Insurance, Group life Insurance Plans, Group Health Insurance Plans, Group Disability - Income Insurance. Unit-V: Insurance Company Operations:

Insurance Company Operations: Rate Making, Underwriting, Production, Claim Settlement, Reinsurance, Life Insurance Industry in India. Government Insurance Units, Private Players , Emerging Scenario, Marketing Systems, Distribution Channels - Agents and Brokers, Changes in Distribution System, Government regulation of Insurance, Rationale of Regulation, Function of IRDA, IITDA Regulations, Issues in Insurance Regulation. Reference Books: 1. Vaughan, E.T & T.Vaughan: Fundametals of Risk Insurance, Johan Willey & Sons 2. Course material and books published by "Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai". 3. Rejda, G.E: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (Seventh Edition), Pearson 4. Treischmann: Risk Management & Insurance, Thomson 5. Chance: Introduction to Risk Management and Derivatives, Thomson.

CM- 4.3 (C): Foreign Exchange and Risk Management Unit–I: Framework of Foreign Exchange: Foreign exchange-sources and uses - foreign trade and foreign exchange - balance of payments of India Unit-II: International Exchange Systems: Fixed and Floating Exchange Rates - Exchange Rate System Prior to IMF – Exchange Rate Systems Under IMF – European union – External Value of Rupee – Convertibility of Rupee – South East Asian Currency Crisis Unit–III: Administration of Foreign Exchange: History of Exchange Control in India – Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 – Administrative Set -Up-Organization of an Authorized Dealer – Foreign Exchange Markets Unit–IV: Exchange Arithmetic: Ready or Spot Exchange Rates – Ready rates Based on cross Rates – Forward Exchange Contracts – Forward Exchange Rates Based on cross Rates – Inter Bank Deals Swap Deals - Execution of Forward Contract – Cancellation / Extension of Forward Contract. Unit –V: Risk Management: Exchange Dealings – Futures and options – Exchange Risk: Transaction Exposure – Exchange Risk: Translation and Economic Exposures – Interest Rate Risk – Managing interest Rate Risk Reference Books:

1. David S. Kidwell, Richard L. Peterson, David W. Blackwell: Financial Institutes,

Market and Money, Harcourt Brace Jovanovion, 1993

2. H.P Bhardwaj: Foreign Exchange Handbook, Wheeler publishing, 1994.

3. Treasury and Risk Management in Banks – 11 BF Taxman- 2006.

4. Bibek Debroy: The Convertible Rupee & How to Profit from it, Global Business Press.

5. C. Jeevanandam: Foreign Exchange, New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons 1994.

6. A Guide to Forex Dealing and Operating, Published by State Bank of Hyderabad, 1993.

CM- 4.4 (C): Supply Chain Management & Global Logistics

Unit-1: Understanding logistics and supply chain management:– Concept of Supply chain – Importance – Decision phases in supply chain – Process view of supply chain – Drivers of supply chain - Concept of Logistics and Logistics management – Scope and importance of Logistics management – Objectives of logistics management – types of Logistics – mission statement of Logistics.

Unit-II: Customer & Competitive orientation: Customer Service: Elements of customer service – importance of Logistics & supply chain management for customer service – customer service driven logistics system – value added services – supply chain and competitive performance – concept of bench marking – competitive bench marking – benefits of bench marketing – competitive priorities – competitive strategies – gaining competitive advantage through logistics.

Unit-III: Decisions of Logistics & Supply chain management : Forecasting general factors and techniques – sourcing decisions in supply chain management – sourcing strategies – transportation decisions – transport infrastructure – suppliers of transportation services – warehousing decisions – storage functionality and principles – develop the warehousing resources – Material handling – different material handling systems – packaging – perspectives – damage protection – material handling efficiency.

Unit-IV: Logistics Organization and system design: Logistical organizational development – different stages of organization – logistics environment – logistics reengineering – reengineering procedure – time based logistics – alternative logistics strategies – time based control techniques – Issues and challenges of organization.

Unit-V: Global logistics – Logistics in global economy – global supply chain – problems and challenges of global logistics and supply chain management – concept of outsourcing and contract manufacturing – Global supply chain management Vs. domestic supply chain management – global logistics strategies.

Reference Books:

1.Donald J.Browersox and David J.Closs, Logistics Management – The Integrated Supply Chain Process – Tata McGaw Hill, New Delhi 2008

2. Narayan Rangaraj, G.Raghuram and Mandyam M.Srinivasan – Supply Chain Management for Competitive advantages – Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill.

3. Janath shah, Supply Chain Management, Pearson. 4. Anura saxena, Logisticas & Supply Chain Management, Jaico Publishing. 5..K.Shridhara Bhat, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Himalaya Publishing House. 6. Rajashekar, B., Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Excel Books. 7. Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management,3rd Edition,2007 PHI . 8. B.S.sahay, Supply Chain Management 2nd Editon, 2004, Macmillan India ltd. 9. Raghuram G &N. Rangaraj, Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Cases and Concepts,

MacMillan. 10. N. Chandrashekaran, “Supply Chain Management”, Oxford University Press. 11. Ling Li, “Supply Chain Management”, Cambridge University Press.

CM- 4.5 (C): International Business Negotiations

Unit-I : Nature of International Business Negotiations : Framework for international business negotiations - Background factors - Impact of national culture, organizational culture and personality on buyer-seller interaction – a model of the negotiation process with different strategies and planning – Distributive bargain and integrative negotiations. Unit-II : Cultural aspects of International Business negotiation: Hofstede’s dimension of culture and their influence on International Business negotiation - cross culture communication : Issues and Implications – The role of time in International Business negotiation – The role of atmosphere in negotiations. Unit-III: Negotiating sales, export transaction and agency agreements: Negotiating licensing agreements – Negotiating international joint venture – project negotiations – Cooperative negotiation for mergers and acquisitions. Unit-IV: Investment Negotiations: Negotiating with Europe, China and other East Asian countries - Business Negotiations between Japanese and Americans – General Guidelines for negotiating international business. Unit-V: Ethics in Negotiations: Communication in negotiations – Negotiation power and relationships in negotiations – Best practices in negotiations – Business Etiquette – Assertive skills – Personality and negotiation skills. Reference Books:

1) International Business Negotiations, Second Edition - Pervez. N.Ghauri (Editor), Jean-Claude Usunier (Editor), Pergamon, 2003.

2) Global Business Negotiations: A Practical Guide - Subhash Jain (Author) Claude

Cellich, South-Western Educational Publishing.

CM- 4.6 (C): India’s Foreign Trade & Documentation

Unit–I: Global trade and its growth: India’s relative position in World Trade - Trends in India’s Foreign Trade - Direction and composition of India’s foreign trade - Export – Import policy; Export promotion and institutional set-up; Deemed exports; Rupee convertibility and impact on foreign Trade.

Unit–II: Instruments of Export Promotion: Export assistance and promotion measures; EPCG scheme; Import facilities; Duty exemption schemes; Duty drawback; Tax concessions; Marketing assistance; Role of export houses, trading houses and state trading organizations;

Unit–III: Export-Import Procedure and Documentation: Basic documents used in international trade-export letter of credit - processing of an export order - excise duty and sales tax procedure - pre-shipment documentation - standardization procedure for export by sea, inland container depots, container freight stations, export by air, courier service, land and river, export by post - Collection, Negotiation of export documents - Registration formalities with Export promotion councils - opening of letter of credit for import - Retirement of import documents - Customs procedure for clearing of imported goods

Unit-IV: Export-Import Finance: Export finance and payments - export credit - financing foreign receivables - advances against collections - discounting trade acceptance - institutional support for export finance in India - RBI guidelines - trade control - ECGC guidelines - FEDAI guidelines - International Chamber of Commerce. Stages of export finance - types of pre-shipment and post-shipment finance. Different stages of post shipment finance-types of post-shipment finance - New schemes of export financing - rediscounting of export bills -options for the exporters - forfeiting and factoring - finance for software exports - Import finance - import letter of credit-exchange control requirements - RBI guidelines - FEDAI & UCPDC provisions.

Unit-V: Shipping, Insurance and Packaging: Shipping & Marine Insurance - General Information on Shipping - Types of Containers and Ships - Containerization - Marine Insurance - Air Transportation - Bill of Lading/Air Way Bill/Sea Way Bill - Maritime Fraud - Packaging Introduction - Mechanical tests - Climatic tests - Stretch Wrapping - Cushioning materials - Shrink packaging - packaging cost - Lab testing - International Care labeling code etc.

Reference books:

1.Gupta, R.K.: Anti-dumping and Countervailing Measures, Sage Publications, New Delhi.

2.Nabhi’s Exporter’s Manual and Documentation, Nabhi Publication, New Delhi.

3.Soderstenm B.O: International Economics, McMillan, London.

4.Varsheny R.L. and B. Bhattacharya: International Marketing Management, Sultan Chand.

5.Verma, M.L: International Trade, Commonwealth Publishers, Delhi.