I Pad

iPad Group 5:Apri Herrera, Courtney Bowen, Armando Shaffari, John Jenkins and David Valdez



Transcript of I Pad

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iPadGroup 5:Apri Herrera, Courtney Bowen, Armando Shaffari, John Jenkins and David Valdez

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How Apple is Organized• Steve Jobs Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder Apple Inc.• Tim Cook Chief Operating Officer • Scott Forstall Senior Vice President, • iPhone Software Jonathan • Ive Senior Vice President, Industrial Design• Ron Johnson Senior Vice President, Retail Division • Bob Mansfield Senior Vice President, Mac Hardware Engineering • Peter Oppenheimer Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer • Mark Papermaster Senior Vice President, Devices Hardware

Engineering • Phil Schiller Senior Vice President, Worldwide Product Marketing • Bertrand Serlet Senior Vice President, Software Engineering • Bruce Sewell Senior Vice President and General Counsel

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Apple was established January 3, 1977 in the state of California. Its mission was to lead the innovation of technology. The world was first introduced to the company in the 1980s during the revolution of PCs. The Macintosh was the beginning of many products that lead the company to a distinguished brand name. Today the corporation also produces software, digital media and mobile phones. Apple’s 2010 financial first quarter announced revenue of $15.68 billion and a net profit of $3.38 billion. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, proclaim that the corporation is now a $50+ billion company. With all the business success and accomplishment, the company is not yet done pioneering the invention of high tech products. Apple currently unveiled its new product, the iPad. This creation is expected to revolutionize the world and the way the people think of technology. Many critics believe the iPad is a publicity stunt to influence consumer to purchase the product. The case study will the iPad reveal of the product and its function. The study will also evaluate the organization public relations with consumers and supplier, the legal battle concerning the products name and why the FCC  is investigating the company

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Opportunity: Apple Computer Inc. is always introducing new

products that blow away other products in the same market. 

The newest product to be released in April 2010 is called the Apple iPad. 

• Apple is putting the iPad in the right target market releasing it at a very reasonable price of $499.

• Apple this will allow for people to get a new and revolutionary product at the same price as an ordinary PC computer. 

• Compare the iPad to a PC laptop and the iPad will certainly gain more sales than PC laptops. 

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TIMELINE:•Apple began development of a tablet PC in the early 1990’s.  

•The first tablet PC that they introduced to the market was called the Newton Message Pad 100 that was introduced in 1993. 

•By the later 1990’s Apple developed an unreleased tablet computer named the PenLite.  

•They continued to produce the Newton tablet PC’s until the MessagePad 2100 in 1998.    

•In 2005, Apple acquired FingerWorks leading to further development of the iPad. 

• On January 27th, 2010, 5 years after acquiring FingerWorks, Apple announced the product that is to be marketed as the Apple iPad.

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Key Publics:

EXTERNAL• Press/Media Representatives (Primary)• Consumers• Competitors (Secondary)• Stockholders• National Investment community• International community• Special interest groups regulatory authorities (like labor

unions), and various legislators 

INTERNAL• Board of Directors (Primary)• Employees (Secondary)• dealers/distributors

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Human Factors:

Consumers Relations

Apple’s brand name endorse quality User-friendly with a good product--though the

manufacturer know what the customer needs Apple products have value and quality.

Business Relations

• Apple's suppliers know it as something quite different: a tough, no-nonsense, hard-bargaining client that demands total secrecy and takes no prisoners when things go wrong.”

• Apples' PR problems recently arose over the on going dispute of the non-use of Google Voice.

• Eric Schmidt, stepped down from Apple's board of directors.

• The FCC investigates Apple began October 2009

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Practioner:At a press event on January 27, Jobs unveiled the 1.5 pound tablet

computing device with a 9.7 inch screen and built-in Internet connectivity, which will be available for purchase sometime in late March. "We call it the iPad. What this device does is extraordinary," said Jobs. "You can browse the web with it. It's phenomenal. It's way better than a laptop [and] way better than a smartphone." Jobs positioned the much-hyped iPad as a companion product in Apple's lineup. The device fits between the iPhone and its Macbook laptop, with prices ranging from $499 to $829 depending on options such as the amount of memory and type of wireless connectivity. Competitively, the iPad is targeted at netbooks -- popular mini-laptops with screens that measure 10 inches or less -- and tablet-style e-book readers such as Amazon.com's Kindle, Barnes & Noble's nook and Sony's Reader. One concern is the iPad's technical specifications, notably a 10-hour battery life, may not enable it to function as a universal device, at least in its first generation. The device also lacks the storage to replace multiple devices, the iPad comes in 16, 32 and 64 gigabyte versions. Apple's high-end iPhone alone offers up to 32GB of storage, and netbooks generally start with 160GB of storage. Another strike against the iPad, is that it uses the same operating system that powers the iPhone which doesn't support Adobe Systems' Flash software that is used on many web sites. As a result, web surfing on the iPad may not compare to traditional laptops. If consumers still need to carry a laptop for Flash-enabled web browsing, a phone for placing calls, and an iPod for storing movies, books and music, then why exactly do consumers need the iPad for?

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Ethical:Apple may face a legal battle with Fujitsu of Japan before it can it can use the 'iPad' name for its new tablet computer. Since 2002, Fujitsu has made a handheld computer called the iPad for use by shop assistants, and has an outstanding trademark application for the name. Fujitsu said it "is aware of Apple's iPad announcement and the possible infringement on our trademark". "We are currently discussing our options with our trademark counsel and have no further comment at this time," the company said.While trademark disputes rarely prevent the release of products or force a change of name, if Apple cannot overturn Fujitsu's application or demonstrate that the two products will not be confused, it may have to buy the rights from Fujitsu. In 2007, Apple reached a settlement in a similar dispute with Cisco Systems, which owned a prior 'iPhone' trademark.The Fujitsu iPad has a 3.5-inch screen, an Intel processor, a Microsoft operating system and supports both Wi-fi and Bluetooth wireless connections. It is designed to link shop assistants and managers to data on stock and sales. Fujitsu initially applied for an 'iPad' trademark in the US in March 2003 but its request was suspended because of an even earlier filing by a company called Mag-Tek, which wanted to use the same name for keypads used to enter personal identification numbers. At one point Fujitsu's application was listed as abandoned by the US Patent and Trademark Office but in June 2009 Fujitsu filed to revive it. That application is still outstanding…..CONTINUE

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Ethical:In July 2009, acting through a proxy, Apple first applied for the iPad trademark in Trinidad & Tobago, gaining it a 'priority date' to use in other international applications.In September, October and again in December 2009 Apple filed requests with the USPTO to give it more time to oppose the Fujitsu application. Apple now has until the February 28 to say whether it will oppose Fujitsu's trademark. Fujitsu's trademark lawyer, Edward Pennington of Hanify & King, told Bloomberg: "They probably need to talk to us and we haven't had any direct communications with Apple." He described Apple's position as "awkward".Fujitsu has only made a trademark application for 'iPad' in the US. There are several other owners of 'iPad' trademarks around the world, including Siemens, which has the right to use the term for engines and servo motors; and Coconut Grove Pads, which since 2008 has had the rights to the term for padded bras.

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