I INTERIOR JOURNALnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w4p93/data/0445.pdfI THE INTERIOR JOURNAL IVOL nu XXXIV...

I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL nu IVOL XXXIV STANFORD KY TUESDAY APRIL 24 1906 NO 16 Congressional Aspirant Speaks at the East End Capital CUAH ORCHARD April 2llion J I Hamilton spoke hero this evening at- tended ¬ by his lovely and accomplished wife By request I presented him to tho audience and ho acquitted himself I well and won many friends who dill not know him before I believe he has tho best showing now Since the gallant old Joe Blackburn has been retired to tho coolmg ground of private life Ken tucky and the South must have an car puller and a nose tweaker Hamilton or Bobbitt would do well for that Per ¬ haps there arc other aplrantit who woud do as well At all events We olTcr our serviceI speak in Rowland at the school house Wednesday night April 25 Sub ¬ ject of discourse object of speaking find tho length of speech made known on day of sale FONTAINB FoX BOIIIIITT The Original Ioloy iV Co Chicago originated Honey anti Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on mvoiint of tho grunt I merit and popularity of Foleys Honey 1 and Tar many Imitations are uttered ll for tho genuine These worthless t imitations have similar sounding names Ilowiiro of them The genuine Fules Honey und Tar Is In u yellow package Ask font and re ¬ fuse nny substitute It Is tho lest remedy for coughs and colds I Vnn > s Drug Store The first man to be sentenced In con- S ¬ nection with the South Dakota land fraudcases on which indictments were recently returned by tho Federal grand jury In session at Sioux Falls is Carl PiUn n prominent stockman who was sentenced to imprisonment in the coun ¬ ty jail for ono year was fined 1 000 s CORNS CuiiKDCorn Exit will posh tivcly remove corns In four days The treatment is simple and pleasant and wo absolutely guarantee to refund tho customerh with entire satisfaction A bottle of this great preparation only costs 1C cents and nothing if a perfect euro is not speedily effected G L Penny druggist Stanford Ky HAVB YOUIt cults eastraUd by T F Gross Crab Orchard Ky tho well known cas trator of horses and horse doctor Phone In HI en- eoGEORGE HUR Oneof the Howl KeelUli rush hbr > e In tliofuto will mass oho lrcelltllCOO at- tilt UlIal farm 1 mllo from wl on b Orclurd A SlnnfurJ at the low Ororgelour woliln when In gad hal18 IMO pound tend full to bods George llur le modo uiiU end iiil H iplentlUi driver H quint end sate lmr f at any work Ha HIM Ira by Den Hut Major Sre else Orntil Sire Scott silo paw JMinlo IJoatrlco Civile I fdale Ot tf llur Inuitonie ot Iby gnat In the country has prowl to Urn sure foul ccttrr- Urorffi llur U hull Knpllnh co cli nod bol- tOljdrdnlebaudratt hors In tlio Halo We InTllfl all 0 horse to cllIana txknilue Grorg blur t ROXSYE Itoxiie will niHko oho lesson ot 1008 lit nine place lit 81 to Allots n llvn colt Itox A m li II hand high Will sired by Osldwells Old UlAnl clue of the largest tacks In Kentucky stud hit dam was Oald woU iiremluin jennet mil It n fine mule jackMoney duo In lath oases when cults are foaled or ware purled with All care taken to prevent nccldenU or c caiw but not re poimllile tbould any occur Urn retained on accordlnR to la- wv8lItlNILrB Rowland try I RED REX I tnlllllll I r ilill iiitlful Mir nl styleetluotIt IIuulllnrlbtg Illfll III + cnlltlK hllll In rllllk ia1 1rtuIHIt5NI + ln1 liv Itx IVnvliu lio by Ilex Slelxiiiiilil lllHdiiiu hv Kiiitiifkyflilff < ttdr horse lnippnchttchliii 1111111I HOYAI Intillnthnlbrush H yiil < uid 111 hands- a wchtht l II + 111 II Ilne well uu- tlurcl odd lc hurIIIIIllIlIcIlrltr l KIM lualHII I Ih by Illiiok Iiisd II Hloniwiill JrJn by Olil HI 1llhilll by linn by Old IViivliic Tile 1111 of tho < horse Hint l fuel I IIIIIIIIIIxllllOl In Ken- tucky Hw him ii iud you will brtwl to him IntoIIi un mKK OK ItUIUICJ IJ Ile Js n lrnwii cinnhliuil yiiiwuMj hlllIH fhl IIIIIIUIIII Lune netlun- and k iul a UntHlir mcKKHlrlljroin Cov iiRliin Ill K t liv lliiilHTJIni Hum Hufc j to lustily 1I Jmk 1 linnil l n IInII drat iinivwIiinTlliii 1111 Win ktrln cult w inru- nIIIllliO1dlJIIbluckJack II hllllll In Ili contulyiindaIIlnnloJnrk I secundletinlu j I III lauru hlnek ptek IS hnnds Thl N1 HllHnoiiniKlln 13 Ii ark iinil Is nn HKO I S rut uoo1 iiuh tau I1111rueollx plenty t of ulrfr nil llnl h t Alf of llit 1111 Minor ItfMntmy tnrKIlimylRhUiiaianiru atIdu In enylult that I UN any Sloney duo l1ll1k In nil IIIM with nil tho nliovo took when roll IN full leit or niiiri imrtti I nl u n n oiwhh prbr All iiitiiniviiitiiPcUlcnts but not ni HiHin lblt lioiil l nor occur hh I III or rurtlmr iMMilnrwt of- tlloatsostuiekcnnsocurosnuu wltIt plra im by npplyluK to Vii HIGHLANDI Born to girl Everybody is busy puttingout garden stuff and some are planting corn There seems to bo a considerable stir among the teachers of the county try ¬ ing to secure schools for the Fall Forest I1rQ did a great deal of dam ¬ age In various places lust week burn Ing up a lot of rails for different pco plo 1 Rev P II Ebright preached at the Methodist church Sunday At the night service there was considerable disturb ¬ ante by boys running In and out of the house We hope it will not be repeat ¬ ed Mrs Serena Cook has joined her hus ¬ band at Somerset plisses Dora and Lena Rogers are visiting at Burnsidc Mrs Mary B Lench of Lexington Mrs Mattic Roup of Pittsburg and W JI Grabcal of Somerset wore at Una Graybealfl last week to see his lit- tle son Calvin who is somewhat im ¬ proved AG Faulkner is now on duty ut Traylors distillery Mrs Rosabel Newsom who has been living In Ohio the past year Is with her brother F A Rogers II F Horton is at work in Louisville Walter Baugh is at home from Somerset- A letter received by the writer from his sister Mrs M J Baker of Keno saw Neb tells of the death of C II linker from that dreaded disease con ¬ sumption on April 10th This makes the seventh death In that family from the same cause in Uie last five years Mr Baker was born in Ohio and came to this State when a boy with his fath- er ¬ who was n hatter by trade He was married to Miss Bcttio Baugh dough ¬ ter of Isaac Baugh and to them were born several children all of whom are dead now except tho two younger sons Madison and Ula who live at Kenesaw Neb Mr B was a member of the Methodist church and served that de- nomination at this place for a number of years as a faithful superintendent and was always present except when detained by sickness lids remains were buried near Shiloh church Adams coun ¬ ty Neb CRAB ORCHARD Col Guest has joined his wife in Lou ¬ isville Tho young people gave a delightful impromptu dance at the Springs Hotel WednesdaeveningM Philadelphia the great Irish orator will bo here May 4th to lecture on the Suppression of tho Liquor Traffic Miss Georgia King who attends school at Lexington spent Easter with her mother Mrs Kiltie King Miss Pittman of Parksvllle is visiting her cousin Miss B Higgins Mrs Charles Speiglo of Shclbyvillc Indanll Mrs M Livingston of Chica ¬ go Ill who were with their mother Mrs Dooros nt her death have re ¬ turned to their homes Mrs J W Guest is visiting her daughter Mrs Doyle in Louisville Mrs Luther C Smith and little son are visiting friends here Annie Yass a celebrated race marc owned by Col James W Guest died Friday liar colt died at tho same time Mr J I Hamilton of Lancas ¬ ter candidate for Congress spoke to a largo crowd at tho court house Satur ¬ day afternoon Col J P Chandler camo in to hear tho opening campaign speech Rheumatism Makes Life Mis ¬ erable A happy homo Is tho most valuable possession that Is within tho roach of mankind but you cannot enjoy its comforts if you urn suffering from rheumatism You throw aside business cares when you enter your homo and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by apply- Ing ¬ Chqinberlnlnd Pain Uahn One application will give you relief and Its continued uso for a short timo wit bring about a permanent cure For Halo by Dr W N Craig tho popular druggist Stanford At the Austrian court perishable are ticles never appear twice on the im ¬ perial table Thus there are large per- quisites for the various attendants one man falls all tho uncorked bottles to another the wino left in the glasses to another tho joints and to another tho game or the sweets Cured rrhagos othe Lungsj Several years since my lungs wore so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages writes A M Ako of Wood Ind 11 took treatment with several physicians wlthoutany benefit I then started to take Foloy s Honey and Tar and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet I recommend it In advanced stages of lung trouble Foloy s Honoy and Tar stops tho cough and heals tho lungs rind pre ¬ vents serious results from scold Ro fuso substitutes Pennys Drug Store I NOTFtSI Now York frame flat building four persons were burned to death Eight Filipinos were killed and three American soldiers wounded in a skir ¬ mish on tho Island of Samar William Becker a wealthy resident of Milwaukee committed suicide at Mo- bile ¬ Ala because of ill health Fire destroyed the acid department of tho Homo Mixture Guano Company at Columbus Ga causing a loss of 100000Murray is now pretty well supplied with papers It has the Ledger the Times tho Neighborhood News and the Dally Free Press William Davidson aged G3 was stricken with heart disease while climb ¬ ing a stairway In Lexington and expir- ed in n few minutes Two Big Four trainmen were drown ¬ ed when n freight train plunged from a steel bridge in Cleaves 0 into the Miami river a distance of 25 feet Three men were killed and five mor ¬ tally and 1C seriously injured as the re ¬ suit of a gunnery accident on board tho French cadet training ship Couronne at ToulonOne u crowd of white boys armed with clubs and stones killed John Moore a Negro 1C years of age in Kansas City The white boys escaped and are not known Tune union depot at Flomaton Ala was destroyed by fire Saturday Ed Tucker was standing near one of the chimneys after the fire when it fell killing him instantly The Franklin grand jury after sev oral weeks Investigation finds no evi ¬ dence to substantiate tho charges of bribery and corruption in the effort to defeat the rectifiers tax bill The rumors which reached New York of the eruption of the volcano on the island of Krakatoa in the Strait of Sunday and of earth shocks in Java to have been unfounded- A man from New Mexico has com- plained to Federal authorities in Chi ¬ cage that he was defrauded out of 10 000 by John A Dowie A postoffkc inspector is investigating the charge The boys dormitory of the Brothers of the Poor of St Francis Seraphs Pro tectory a Catholic institution near Cin ¬ cinnati was destroyed by fire One of the monks dropped dead during the ex ¬ citement English insurance companies will lose most heavily on the fire loss in San Francisco the heaviest risks being car- ried ¬ by the foreign companies It is es ¬ timated that 93 companies carried risks in that city A Times special from Blucfields W Va says John Wilson was killed and four other men were fatally injured by a premature explosion of dynamite at base Itaive on tho Pocahontas railroad now under construction- In an IS inning game at Wichita Kansas u pitcher fanned 30 opposing batsmen This beats all worlds records for pitching feats At this rate n twirlor could have pitched n 10inning game with only a catcher to assist him preventing him from seeing first base A maternity hospital has been es tablishcd at tho University of Cali ¬ fornia where tho unfortunate victims of tho San Francisco fire who arc about to become mothers are being cared for In one night three mothers delivered babies nnd all tho infants lire living One child was born in a public square Human oodhinrks A talc of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J W Williams a well known merchant of line Ky Ho writes Twenty years ago I hnd severe hemorrhages of tho llingH and was near death when I bo gan taking lr Kings New Discover It completely cured mo and I have re ¬ mained well over since It cures Hemorrhage Chronic Coughs Settled Colds and Bronchitis and is the only known lure for Weak Lungs Kvory bottle guaranteed by Pennys Drug- Store Stanford Lyne Pros Crali Orchard riot and 81 Trial bottle lCeI Judge Wright in the ircuit at Chicago decided that John Alexander Dow ic could not the pulpit in Zion City Tabernacle Sunday as he had do The court after hear ¬ ing arguments from both sides held that Overseer Vollva could use the tab ¬ ernacle on the 22nd and Dowie Ion each alternate day- Suffered for Five Years with V Kidney and liver Trouble I suffered for tire years with kid ¬ fey and liver trouble which caused severe pains across tho back and a blinding headache I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathar ¬ tic 1 was cured by Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months says Mr Arthur S Strickland of Chatta nooga Tenn For solo by Dr W N Craig tho popular druggist Stan- ford ¬ l HUSTONVILLE Richard Downey sold to Tom Gann a 15hand Gallon gelding for 140 C W Adams and Ed Sweeney caught a line string of bass in Green river Fri ¬ dayThe cold wave Sunday night caused ice to form in some places but the fruit was not damaged on account of the dry weatherF Sims of Olympian Springs is building cottages preparatory to the accommodation of a much larger crowd than at any previous season Tho first ball game of tho season was played here Saturday between our boys and the K S D Danville resulting in in a scorb of 13 to 6 in favor of the for ¬ merA numerously uigned petition for a rural route from Ellisburg has been forwarded to the fourth assistant post master general and endorsed by Con ¬ grossman Edwards Hemp is all broken in this section The yield was large and prices satisfac ¬ tory Steve Drye coloredchallenges anybody to a hemp breaking contest Ho has been breaking 400 pounds per dayBy request the Chas Wheeler Em ¬ porium will repeat the millinery open ¬ ing at Mt Salem next Saturday April 28 The ladies and others Interested in this line arc cordially invited to be presentD Allen shipped his usual two cars of hogs and a car of 67pound Spring lambs to Cincinnati last week He paid 41 to Cc for hogs and file for the lambs and wants three more cars this week The prospect for a bountiful wheat harvest in the West End was never- more flattering than at present The acreage is larger than usual and in many fields it is jointing which means nn early harvest Beginning the fifth Sunday in May there will be services in tho Presbyte ¬ rian church each Sabbath during the summer Subject next Sunday morn ¬ ing What Hast Thou in the Home 7 Evening One whom Jesus Loved Miss Francis Cooper of Stanford was visiting relatives here Miss Louise Sims of Danville was the guest of Miss Rose Saudidge The Misses Lutes of Stanford were visitors at Miss Lula Bests Miss Jennie Lynn of Stan- ford ¬ is with Mrs John G Lynn Arthur Richards of the Mt Salem section died and was buried at McKin ney cemetery Saturday Ho leaves a wife and three small children to monrn the loss of a devoted husband and ten ¬ der father Mr Richards was a victim of tuberculosis from which he had long been a sufferer Anyone having friends living outside the State whom they would like to have invited to visit Kentucky during home- coming week tinder auspices of the Loumillo Commercial Club will confer a favor by sending names hnd address ¬ es to tho secretary of tho Hustonville Commercial Club The railroads will give reduced rates for a round trip tick ¬ et good for SO days Miss Mollie Walden has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Wayne county Mrs II C Dryo attended the funeral of James Green at Harrods burg Mr nnd Mrs Robert Childcrs of Williamstown arc guests of Mrs Katherine Blain and family Mr Chit dent who is circuit cierk of Grant county married the handsome daugh- ter ¬ of Capt Clay Blain of Grant coun- ty ¬ on the 18th at the Scclbach Hotel Louisville and returning from a short tour stopped over here for a few layj The officers of the new bank met Sat ¬ urday and bought a lot Of George D Weathcrford adjoining the hotel on the West side and will erect a twostory brick building 25x50 feet Bids for the work must all bo in by May 3 and the succcfsful bidder must have tho build ¬ ing ready for occupancy before July 1 Tho board decided to change the name to The Peoples Bank and incorpor ¬ ate with 25000 capital stock all of which was subscribed Several parties were disappointed because their appli ¬ cations for stock came too late Stomach and Liver Trouble Cured Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures stomach and liver trouble us it aids digestion and stimulates tho 1111 and bowels without Irritating these organs like pills and ordinary cathartics It cures Indigestion and sick head- ache ¬ and chronic constipation Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take Refuse substitutes Pennys Drug Store Cousin Abner offended papa terribly while ho was here said the fluffy girl Oh indeed How inquired tho girlYou know papa is so proud of our familytree and has it handsomely framed on the library wall Well Cous ¬ in Abner studied it all one afternoon under the Impressionthat it was a rail ¬ way mapJudge Musical Merchandise Violins Mandolins Guitars Banjos Clarionets Flutes Picalos Fifes Ac cordeons Concerlinas Harps Har monophones Music Boxes Talking Machines Edison Victor Columbia UptoDate Records c A full line of all above carried also strings and supplies for all Instruments Italian violin strings a specialty Mr J Be Finley 4 Formerly of Rudolph Wurlitzer Co now with HUGH MURRAY r The Jeweler Danville Kentucky Iflght Goods and Right Prices Corn Planters Disc Yarrows Dray Harrows Walking Cultivators Something entirely new in a Riding Cultivator Dont buy until you see it W H HIGGINS i Special Prices on Buggies nUll Buggy iiarnc + CASH HOUSE STANFORD KENTUCKY II r fI ATIC At 31250 to insure a lining colt Out of a sister to Fire Clay 230 colt Trotter Foaled 1SH3 Ilred by Lister Witherspoou Versailles Standard Electioneer 125 Uamlltonhm 10 i Arlon 18000 Sire of Anton Green Mountain Itccord 20il 2071 Sunol Maid dam of 9 sire of Nico 20S Palo Alto in 230 i 2uSr Lorna 2 20Sfl5iothers 000I llflj Elision i 217 Nanita 2071 Oro Fino l 2l7CuptIIair 218 eto Harry Clay iCT- t 210 0 others Shawmut 004 j Record 22J 1 and dam of Su Record 22Uslr Heroine die Mac I 211 of 0 and dams by IIambletoniana winner of llKU of 4 standard J Ky Jetcel1esj Guylor 100 lJenrletta lurlul Emma Arteburn Sister of Firo Dam of Fire by Mamhrino Clay 2iO Clay 230 grand Putchen 68 dam of men etta 200- OWNKUS STATEMENT Atlc comes from ono of the stoutest families in the trotting register one that gave the trotting turf that sensational race mare Harrictta 209 the Transylvania winner of 189X This colt is a good one and must bo seen to bo appreciated Our young stallion I ALMONT WILHES will be allowed to serve a limited number of approved mares at 81250 This Scanty Is by Gam betta Wilkes damn Annie n tluxlam of three with records better than 220 a Will also stand the splendid jack BEN BRIGHT at JS to insure a living colt He Is 4yuarsolil 181 hands largo bone and great style McGARTV 1CO Stanford Ky b < u lti4iti N N11K Y + LN Nti 1tiN Craigs Heroin Compound Craigs Heroin Compound WHEN BABY FIRST BEGINS TO SNEEZE GIVE Craigs Heroin Compound IT CURES THAT HOARSE AND CROUPY WHEEZE AND STOPS niAT RATTLING SOUND 20o Gee AND ttl0O SIZES AT CRAIGS DRUG STORE The Place vo BUY e Garden and Field Seeds Garden Tools Plow Gear Poultry Netting v Screen Wire Cloth Screen Doors Hardware Cuttlery Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits cat bottom prices t George D Hopper Stanford Ky t t

Transcript of I INTERIOR JOURNALnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w4p93/data/0445.pdfI THE INTERIOR JOURNAL IVOL nu XXXIV...

Page 1: I INTERIOR JOURNALnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w4p93/data/0445.pdfI THE INTERIOR JOURNAL IVOL nu XXXIV STANFORD KY TUESDAY APRIL 24 1906 NO 16 Congressional Aspirant Speaks at the East



Congressional Aspirant Speaks atthe East End Capital

CUAH ORCHARD April 2llion J I

Hamilton spoke hero this evening at-


by his lovely and accomplishedwife By request I presented him totho audience and ho acquitted himself

I well and won many friends who dill notknow him before I believe he has thobest showing now Since the gallantold Joe Blackburn has been retired totho coolmg ground of private life Kentucky and the South must have an carpuller and a nose tweaker Hamiltonor Bobbitt would do well for that Per ¬

haps there arc other aplrantit who wouddo as well At all events We olTcr our

serviceI speak in Rowland at the schoolhouse Wednesday night April 25 Sub ¬

ject of discourse object of speakingfind tho length of speech made knownon day of sale


The OriginalIoloy iV Co Chicago originated

Honey anti Tar as a throat and lungremedy and on mvoiint of tho grunt

I merit and popularity of Foleys Honey1 and Tar many Imitations are utteredll for tho genuine These worthless

t imitations have similar soundingnames Ilowiiro of them Thegenuine Fules Honey und Tar Is In

u yellow package Ask font and re ¬

fuse nny substitute It Is tho lestremedy for coughs and colds I Vnn > sDrug Store

The first man to be sentenced In con-S


nection with the South Dakota landfraudcases on which indictments wererecently returned by tho Federal grandjury In session at Sioux Falls is CarlPiUn n prominent stockman who wassentenced to imprisonment in the coun ¬

ty jail for ono year was fined 1

000 sCORNS CuiiKDCorn Exit will posh

tivcly remove corns In four days Thetreatment is simple and pleasant andwo absolutely guarantee to refund tho

customerhwith entire satisfaction A bottle ofthis great preparation only costs 1C

cents and nothing if a perfect euro isnot speedily effected G L Pennydruggist Stanford Ky

HAVB YOUItcults eastraUd byT F Gross CrabOrchard Ky thowell known castrator of horsesand horse doctor

Phone In HI en-

eoGEORGE HUROneof the Howl KeelUli rush hbr > e In

tliofuto will mass oho lrcelltllCOO at-

tilt UlIal farm 1 mllo from wl onb Orclurd A SlnnfurJ at the lowOrorgelour

woliln when In gad hal18 IMO poundtend full to bods George llur le modouiiU end iiil H iplentlUi driver H quint

end sate lmr f at any work Ha HIM Iraby Den Hut Major Sre else Orntil SireScott silo paw JMinlo IJoatrlco Civile

I fdale Ot tf llur Inuitonie ot Iby gnatIn the country has prowl to Urn sure

foul ccttrr-Urorffi llur U hull Knpllnh co cli nod bol-

tOljdrdnlebaudratt hors In tlio HaloWe InTllfl all 0 horse to cllIanatxknilue Grorg blur

t ROXSYEItoxiie will niHko oho lesson ot 1008 lit

nine place lit 81 to Allots n llvn colt ItoxA m li II hand high Will sired byOsldwells Old UlAnl clue of the largesttacks In Kentucky stud hit dam was OaldwoU iiremluin jennet mil It n fine mule

jackMoney duo In lath oases when cults arefoaled or ware purled with All care takento prevent nccldenU or c caiw but not repoimllile tbould any occur Urn retainedon accordlnR to la-

wv8lItlNILrB Rowland try

I RED REXI tnlllllll I r ilill iiitlful Mir

nl styleetluotIt IIuulllnrlbtg IllfllIII + cnlltlKhllll In rllllk ia1

1rtuIHIt5NI + ln1 liv Itx IVnvliu lio byIlex Slelxiiiiilil lllHdiiiu hv Kiiitiifkyflilff

< ttdr horse lnippnchttchliii1111111IHOYAIIntillnthnlbrush H yiil < uid 111 hands-

a wchtht l II + 111 II Ilne well uu-tlurcl odd lc hurIIIIIllIlIcIlrltr

l KIM lualHII I Ih byIlliiok Iiisd II Hloniwiill JrJn by OlilHI 1llhilll by linn byOld IViivliic Tile 1111 of tho <

horse Hint l fuel I IIIIIIIIIIxllllOl In Ken-

tucky Hw him ii iud you will brtwl to himIntoIIi unmKK OK ItUIUICJ IJ Ile Js n lrnwii

cinnhliuil yiiiwuMj hlllIHfhl IIIIIIUIIII Lune netlun-andk iul a UntHlir

mcKKHlrlljroin Cov iiRliin IllKt liv lliiilHTJIni Hum Hufc jto lustily

1I Jmk 1 linnil l n IInIIdrat iinivwIiinTlliii 1111 Win ktrln cultw inru-

nIIIllliO1dlJIIbluckJack II hllllllIn Ili

contulyiindaIIlnnloJnrk I secundletinlujIIII lauru hlnek ptek IS hnnds Thl N1

HllHnoiiniKlln 13 Ii ark iinil Is nnHKO

I S rut uoo1 iiuh tau I1111rueollx plentyt of ulrfr nil llnl h t

Alf of llit 1111Minor ItfMntmy tnrKIlimylRhUiiaianiruatIduIn enylult that I UN

anySloney duo

l1ll1kIn nil IIIM with nil tho nliovo

took when roll IN full leit or niiiri imrtti I

nl u n n oiwhh prbr AlliiitiiniviiitiiPcUlcnts but not ni

HiHin lblt lioiil l nor occurhh I III or rurtlmr iMMilnrwt of-

tlloatsostuiekcnnsocurosnuu wltIt plraim by npplyluK to Vii

HIGHLANDIBorn togirl

Everybody is busy puttingout gardenstuff and some are planting corn

There seems to bo a considerable stiramong the teachers of the county try¬

ing to secure schools for the FallForest I1rQ did a great deal of dam ¬

age In various places lust week burnIng up a lot of rails for different pcoplo 1

Rev P II Ebright preached at theMethodist church Sunday At the nightservice there was considerable disturb¬

ante by boys running In and out of thehouse We hope it will not be repeat ¬

edMrs Serena Cook has joined her hus ¬

band at Somerset plisses Dora andLena Rogers are visiting at BurnsidcMrs Mary B Lench of LexingtonMrs Mattic Roup of Pittsburg andW JI Grabcal of Somerset wore atUna Graybealfl last week to see his lit-

tle son Calvin who is somewhat im ¬

proved AG Faulkner is now on dutyut Traylors distillery Mrs RosabelNewsom who has been living In Ohiothe past year Is with her brother FA Rogers II F Horton is at work in

Louisville Walter Baugh is at homefrom Somerset-

A letter received by the writer fromhis sister Mrs M J Baker of Kenosaw Neb tells of the death of C IIlinker from that dreaded disease con ¬

sumption on April 10th This makesthe seventh death In that family fromthe same cause in Uie last five yearsMr Baker was born in Ohio and cameto this State when a boy with his fath-er


who was n hatter by trade He wasmarried to Miss Bcttio Baugh dough ¬

ter of Isaac Baugh and to them wereborn several children all of whom aredead now except tho two younger sonsMadison and Ula who live at KenesawNeb Mr B was a member of theMethodist church and served that de-nomination at this place for a numberof years as a faithful superintendentand was always present except whendetained by sickness lids remains wereburied near Shiloh church Adams coun¬

ty Neb


Col Guest has joined his wife in Lou ¬

isvilleTho young people gave a delightful

impromptu dance at the Springs Hotel

WednesdaeveningMPhiladelphia the

great Irish orator will bo here May 4thto lecture on the Suppression of thoLiquor Traffic

Miss Georgia King who attendsschool at Lexington spent Easter withher mother Mrs Kiltie King MissPittman of Parksvllle is visiting hercousin Miss B Higgins

Mrs Charles Speiglo of ShclbyvillcIndanll Mrs M Livingston of Chica ¬

go Ill who were with their motherMrs Dooros nt her death have re ¬

turned to their homes Mrs J WGuest is visiting her daughter MrsDoyle in Louisville Mrs Luther CSmith and little son are visiting friendshere

Annie Yass a celebrated race marcowned by Col James W Guest diedFriday liar colt died at tho sametime Mr J I Hamilton of Lancas ¬

ter candidate for Congress spoke to alargo crowd at tho court house Satur ¬

day afternoon Col J P Chandlercamo in to hear tho opening campaignspeech

Rheumatism Makes Life Mis ¬

erableA happy homo Is tho most valuable

possession that Is within tho roach ofmankind but you cannot enjoy itscomforts if you urn suffering fromrheumatism You throw asidebusiness cares when you enter yourhomo and you can be relieved fromthose rheumatic pains also by apply-Ing


Chqinberlnlnd Pain Uahn Oneapplication will give you relief andIts continued uso for a short timo witbring about a permanent cure ForHalo by Dr W N Craig tho populardruggist Stanford

At the Austrian court perishable areticles never appear twice on the im ¬

perial table Thus there are large per-quisites for the various attendantsone man falls all tho uncorked bottlesto another the wino left in the glassesto another tho joints and to anothertho game or the sweets

Cured rrhagosotheLungsjSeveral years since my lungs woreso badly affected that I had manyhemorrhages writes A M Ako ofWood Ind 11 took treatment withseveral physicians wlthoutany benefitI then started to take Foloy s Honeyand Tar and my lungs are now assound as a bullet I recommend it Inadvanced stages of lung troubleFoloy s Honoy and Tar stops thocough and heals tho lungs rind pre ¬

vents serious results from scold Rofuso substitutes Pennys Drug Store


NOTFtSI Now Yorkframe flat building four persons wereburned to death

Eight Filipinos were killed and threeAmerican soldiers wounded in a skir¬

mish on tho Island of SamarWilliam Becker a wealthy resident

of Milwaukee committed suicide at Mo-


Ala because of ill healthFire destroyed the acid department

of tho Homo Mixture Guano Companyat Columbus Ga causing a loss of

100000Murrayis now pretty well supplied

with papers It has the Ledger theTimes tho Neighborhood News and theDally Free Press

William Davidson aged G3 wasstricken with heart disease while climb ¬

ing a stairway In Lexington and expir-ed in n few minutes

Two Big Four trainmen were drown ¬

ed when n freight train plunged froma steel bridge in Cleaves 0 into theMiami river a distance of 25 feet

Three men were killed and five mor ¬

tally and 1C seriously injured as the re ¬

suit of a gunnery accident on board thoFrench cadet training ship Couronneat

ToulonOneu crowd of white boys armed

with clubs and stones killed JohnMoore a Negro 1C years of age inKansas City The white boys escapedand are not known

Tune union depot at Flomaton Alawas destroyed by fire Saturday EdTucker was standing near one of thechimneys after the fire when it fellkilling him instantly

The Franklin grand jury after sevoral weeks Investigation finds no evi¬

dence to substantiate tho charges ofbribery and corruption in the effort todefeat the rectifiers tax bill

The rumors which reached New Yorkof the eruption of the volcano on theisland of Krakatoa in the Strait ofSunday and of earth shocks in Java

to have been unfounded-A man from New Mexico has com-

plained to Federal authorities in Chi ¬

cage that he was defrauded out of 10

000 by John A Dowie A postoffkcinspector is investigating the charge

The boys dormitory of the Brothersof the Poor of St Francis Seraphs Protectory a Catholic institution near Cin ¬

cinnati was destroyed by fire One ofthe monks dropped dead during the ex ¬

citementEnglish insurance companies will lose

most heavily on the fire loss in SanFrancisco the heaviest risks being car-ried


by the foreign companies It is es ¬

timated that 93 companies carried risksin that city

A Times special from Blucfields WVa says John Wilson was killed andfour other men were fatally injured bya premature explosion of dynamite atbase Itaive on tho Pocahontas railroadnow under construction-

In an IS inning game at WichitaKansas u pitcher fanned 30 opposingbatsmen This beats all worldsrecords for pitching feats At this raten twirlor could have pitched n 10inninggame with only a catcher to assist himpreventing him from seeing first base

A maternity hospital has been establishcd at tho University of Cali ¬

fornia where tho unfortunate victimsof tho San Francisco fire who arc aboutto become mothers are being cared forIn one night three mothers deliveredbabies nnd all tho infants lire livingOne child was born in a public square

Human oodhinrksA talc of horror was told by marks

of human blood in the home of J WWilliams a well known merchant ofline Ky Ho writes Twenty yearsago I hnd severe hemorrhages of thollingH and was near death when I bogan taking lr Kings New DiscoverIt completely cured mo and I have re ¬

mained well over since It curesHemorrhage Chronic Coughs SettledColds and Bronchitis and is the onlyknown lure for Weak Lungs Kvorybottle guaranteed by Pennys Drug-

Store Stanford Lyne Pros CraliOrchard riot and 81 Trial bottlelCeIJudge Wright in the ircuit atChicago decided that John AlexanderDow ic could not the pulpit inZion City Tabernacle Sunday as he had

do The court after hear¬

ing arguments from both sides heldthat Overseer Vollva could use the tab ¬

ernacle on the 22nd and Dowie Ion eachalternate day-

Suffered for Five Years withV

Kidney and liver TroubleI suffered for tire years with kid ¬

fey and liver trouble which causedsevere pains across tho back and ablinding headache I had dyspepsiaand was so constipated that I couldnot move my bowels without a cathar ¬

tic 1 was cured by ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets and havebeen well now for six months saysMr Arthur S Strickland of Chattanooga Tenn For solo by Dr W NCraig tho popular druggist Stan-ford




Richard Downey sold to Tom Gann a15hand Gallon gelding for 140

C W Adams and Ed Sweeney caughta line string of bass in Green river Fri¬

dayThecold wave Sunday night caused

ice to form in some places but the fruitwas not damaged on account of the dry

weatherFSims of Olympian Springs is

building cottages preparatory to theaccommodation of a much larger crowdthan at any previous season

Tho first ball game of tho season wasplayed here Saturday between our boysand the K S D Danville resulting inin a scorb of 13 to 6 in favor of the for¬

merAnumerously uigned petition for a

rural route from Ellisburg has beenforwarded to the fourth assistant postmaster general and endorsed by Con ¬

grossman EdwardsHemp is all broken in this section

The yield was large and prices satisfac ¬

tory Steve Drye coloredchallengesanybody to a hemp breaking contestHo has been breaking 400 pounds perdayBy

request the Chas Wheeler Em ¬

porium will repeat the millinery open ¬

ing at Mt Salem next Saturday April28 The ladies and others Interested inthis line arc cordially invited to be

presentD Allen shipped his usual twocars of hogs and a car of 67poundSpring lambs to Cincinnati last weekHe paid 41 to Cc for hogs and file forthe lambs and wants three more carsthis week

The prospect for a bountiful wheatharvest in the West End was never-more flattering than at present Theacreage is larger than usual and inmany fields it is jointing which meansnn early harvest

Beginning the fifth Sunday in Maythere will be services in tho Presbyte ¬

rian church each Sabbath during thesummer Subject next Sunday morn ¬

ing What Hast Thou in the Home 7

Evening One whom Jesus LovedMiss Francis Cooper of Stanford was

visiting relatives here Miss LouiseSims of Danville was the guest ofMiss Rose Saudidge The Misses Lutesof Stanford were visitors at Miss LulaBests Miss Jennie Lynn of Stan-ford


is with Mrs John G LynnArthur Richards of the Mt Salem

section died and was buried at McKinney cemetery Saturday Ho leaves awife and three small children to monrnthe loss of a devoted husband and ten ¬

der father Mr Richards was a victimof tuberculosis from which he had longbeen a sufferer

Anyone having friends living outsidethe State whom they would like to haveinvited to visit Kentucky during home-coming week tinder auspices of theLoumillo Commercial Club will confera favor by sending names hnd address ¬

es to tho secretary of tho HustonvilleCommercial Club The railroads willgive reduced rates for a round trip tick ¬

et good for SO daysMiss Mollie Walden has returned from

an extended visit to relatives in Waynecounty Mrs II C Dryo attended thefuneral of James Green at Harrodsburg Mr nnd Mrs Robert Childcrsof Williamstown arc guests of MrsKatherine Blain and family Mr Chitdent who is circuit cierk of Grantcounty married the handsome daugh-ter


of Capt Clay Blain of Grant coun-


on the 18th at the Scclbach HotelLouisville and returning from a shorttour stopped over here for a few layj

The officers of the new bank met Sat¬

urday and bought a lot Of George DWeathcrford adjoining the hotel on theWest side and will erect a twostorybrick building 25x50 feet Bids for thework must all bo in by May 3 and thesucccfsful bidder must have tho build ¬

ing ready for occupancy before July 1

Tho board decided to change the nameto The Peoples Bank and incorpor ¬

ate with 25000 capital stock all ofwhich was subscribed Several partieswere disappointed because their appli ¬

cations for stock came too late

Stomach and Liver TroubleCured

Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup curesstomach and liver trouble us it aidsdigestion and stimulates tho 1111 andbowels without Irritating these organslike pills and ordinary catharticsIt cures Indigestion and sick head-



and chronic constipation OrinoLaxative Fruit Syrup does notnauseate or gripe and is mild andpleasant to take Refuse substitutesPennys Drug Store

Cousin Abner offended papa terriblywhile ho was here said the fluffy girl

Oh indeed How inquired tho

girlYouknow papa is so proud of our

familytree and has it handsomelyframed on the library wall Well Cous ¬

in Abner studied it all one afternoonunder the Impressionthat it was a rail ¬

way mapJudge

Musical MerchandiseViolins Mandolins Guitars BanjosClarionets Flutes Picalos Fifes Accordeons Concerlinas Harps Harmonophones Music Boxes TalkingMachines Edison Victor ColumbiaUptoDate Records


A full line of all above carried also stringsand supplies for all Instruments Italianviolin strings a specialty

Mr J Be Finley 4

Formerly of Rudolph Wurlitzer Co now with


The Jeweler Danville Kentucky

Iflght Goods and Right


Corn Planters Disc Yarrows Dray Harrows WalkingCultivators Something entirely new in a Riding CultivatorDont buy until you see it


Special Prices on Buggies nUll Buggy iiarnc +



fI ATICAt 31250 to insure a lining colt Out of a sister to Fire Clay 230colt Trotter Foaled 1SH3 Ilred by Lister Witherspoou VersaillesStandard

Electioneer 125 Uamlltonhm 10iArlon 18000 Sire of Anton Green Mountain

Itccord 20il 2071 Sunol Maid dam of 9sire of Nico 20S Palo Alto in 230

i 2uSr Lorna 2 20Sfl5iothers000Illflj Elisioni 217 Nanita 2071 Oro Finol 2l7CuptIIair 218 eto Harry Clay iCT-

t 210 0 others Shawmut 004 j Record 22J1 and dam of Su Record 22Uslr Heroine

die Mac I 211 of 0 and dams by IIambletonianawinner of llKU of 4 standardJ Ky Jetcel1esj Guylor 100

lJenrletta lurlul Emma ArteburnSister of Firo Dam of Fire by MamhrinoClay 2iO Clay 230 grand Putchen 68

dam of menetta 200-

OWNKUS STATEMENT Atlc comes from ono of the stoutest families in thetrotting register one that gave the trotting turf that sensational race mareHarrictta 209 the Transylvania winner of 189X This colt is a good oneand must bo seen to bo appreciated

Our young stallion I ALMONT WILHES will be allowed toserve a limited number of approved mares at 81250 This Scanty Is by Gambetta Wilkes damn Annie n tluxlam of three with records better than 220 a

Will also stand the splendid jack BEN BRIGHT at JS to insure aliving colt He Is 4yuarsolil 181 hands largo bone and great style

McGARTV1CO Stanford Ky


u lti4iti N N11K Y + LN Nti 1tiNCraigs Heroin Compound Craigs Heroin Compound




20o Gee AND ttl0O SIZES AT


The Place vo BUY


Garden and Field Seeds GardenTools Plow Gear Poultry Netting

v Screen Wire Cloth Screen DoorsHardware Cuttlery Staple andFancy Groceries Fruits catbottom prices


George D Hopper Stanford Ky
