I Do You Like Dealing FREEFREE - University of...

J PPjS iWHiS wlB fftS- Spltf i T v t i v f S b > 4 i- SI < kAr > q if- t EIGHT S m OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY MAY 19 1908 f wo I 5 t Do You Like Honestd Square Dealing Dr d Pierces worldfamed medicines are put out under the belief that publicity is the best possible guaranty of merit apd that the most intel- ligent ¬ people generally want to know what they take into their stom- achs ¬ x whether it be as food drink or medicine Although it was a bold step to take and quite out of the usual practice of makers of proprie- tary ¬ medicines yet Dr Pierce some time ago decided to publish broad- cast ¬ T I and on all his bottlewrappers all the ingredients entering into the composition or makeup of his celebrated family medicines A square 4etl is therefore assured every one using his medicines for one knows i exactly what he or she is paying for when purchasing them since every ingredient published in plain English on the bottle wrappers and the correctness of the same attested under solemn oath These several ingredL ¬ ents are selected from among 1je very best known to medical science for the cure of the various diseases for which these medicines are I recommended ni I r The no t eminent And leading med- al t4iheri and writers of all the several schools of have endorsed 4 each of the ingredient entering into Dr Fierce medicines in the strongest pos r f ibtrterms The makers of Dr Pierces K14i ebelieve hat intelligentpeop- efg f < 4 yifh to opVi a a t young birs and gulp down- whatee s Ie to them either in fthe wayoTToOTj rl or medicine without knowing sonikhing of the properties and hsrmJ character of agents employed They bejlevq he this too ggGrfld A hffrit e to gxperimented wtli7nnd that veople iI K medicine ot the com stt th eptiiz I nor ce Lr terce medicines are made W1i from the roots of plants found r trowing in the depths of our American foreflte They are so compounded that they cannot do harm in any case even- t to the most delicate woman or cltila By g open publicity Pierce has taken I medicines out of the list of secret nos- trums ¬ of doubtful merit and made them REMEDIES OF KNOWN COMPO iiTiON They are therefore in a class all by themselves being absolutely and I in every sense nonsecret By this bold step Dr Pierce has shown that his formulas are of such excellence that he is not afraid to subject them ti- the > fullest scrutiny gr There IS a adge of on every bottle of Dr Pierces mediCInes in the c full list of Its ingredients duly attested correct under solemn oath 4 No ofher medicines put up for genera- lie through can make claim- to r any such distinction and none other f than Dr Pierces medicines have any uch professional endorsement of their tI ingredients Such endorse ¬ 1 ment should have far more weight with r j afflicted than amount of lay or nonprofessional endorsement or testi ¬ 0f course the exact proportion of Mob ingredient used in Dr Pierces tt V medicines as well as the working formula i or manner of preparing the same and- S the specially devised apparatus and ap ¬ Jlanc employed in I are WIthheld from publicity that Dr f Pierces may be fully t I protected from such unprincipled imi Utori u might be piratically inclined The preparation of these medicines BSTf without toe use oi a drop of alcohol so r r 4 i generally employed and yet so harmful in ran to most invalids when its use is long continued eVen in small doses cost Dr Pierce several years of careful study and labor with the aid of skilled pharmacists and chemists to assist him Naturally he does not care to give and exact processes for preparing these medicines want to deal in the most open manner with all his patrons and patients and under this frank open and honest way of dealing they may know exactly what they are taking when tiling his medicines t What Do They Cure This ques ¬ tion is often asked concerning Dr Pierces two leading medicines tt Golden Medical Discovery and n Favorite Pre- scription ¬ > The answer is that w Golden Medical Discovery iaa most potent alterative- or bloodpurifier and tonic or invigor- ator and acts especially favorably in a curative and healing way upon all the mucous lining surfaces as of the nasal passages throat bronchial tubes stom- ach ¬ bowels and bladdercnr I a per cent of catarrhal cases whether the disease affects the nasal passages the throat larynx bronchia stomach as catarrhal dyspepsia bowels as mucous diarrhea uterus or other pelvic organs Even in the chronic or ulcerative stages of these affections it is often successful in effecting cures The Favorite Prescription is advised- for the cure of one class of diseasesonly those peculiar derange ¬ ments and irregularities incident to women It is a powerful yet gen ¬ tly actin invigoratin tonic and- strengthening nervine 1 or weak worn out overworked womenno matter what has caused the breakdown tt Fa- vorite ¬ Prescription will be fotina most effective in building up the strength regulating the womanly functions sub ¬ duing pain and bringing about a healthy vigorous condition of the whole systoa women suffering from diseases of long standing are invited tOvConsult Doctor Pierce by letter free All correspond- ence ¬ shed as te and sacredly confidential Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y Dr Pierces Medical Adviser 1000 pages iq1 sent free on receipt of 21 one cent tamps for papercovered or 31 stamps for copy A 1dresa- W3 above 1 IIy BII H SEYMOUR K MacPHERSQN3- V L J Marion I Development CO- t t f DEALERS I- Re i Estate ax and Building c 11 I 4 < > t Material wooD LUMBER SHINGLES SAND r T- r J PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD r 4 1 LOTS F9R SALE CASH OR EASY TERMS 1 P 0 Box t 715 ffiods 129 Ocala Flo- ridaCOLLEGE W J ± f 11 ROLLINS 1 FLORIDAS OLDEST COLLEGE t College Academy and Schools of Music Expression Fine Arts Domes tte and Industrial Arts and Business t Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now going up electric lights HC5 steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health conditions fine gym- nasium ¬ I athletic field tennis courts golf links baseball and basketball teams champions of Florida this year Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses are moderate scholarships available Christian b- utt undenominational stands for- t t CHARACTER CULTURE CONDUCT- Next Session Begins October 7 Fo r Catalogues Address he President WMF BLACKMAN PhD WINTER PARK FLA c M T f i i DAViD S WOODROW J W AKIN GEORGE H FO- RDOCALA PLUMBING i i 1 AND DEALERS ELECTRIC CO I k 10 t Standard Makes pf Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Punips Irrigating I ff Plants Acetylene Plaiits Sold and Installed Complete Estimates f i promptly submitted 6nany ffiork in our line I I j l t < 7 0 40x N J 4t4ir7 siCAt FLORIDA rhone vt 371 t J r- m I If f cu i I t r 1 4 YJ it 1 I of I tf t L r J 1 0 r t 1- lJ c I V 1 r f < tr 1i ri 1i f I b y t < r t c k 1 t > Jo I SILVER SPRINGS- J J Boss has resumed charge of our mill as superintendent The old dock at the Springs has- been torn away and several hundred loads of sand thrown in which makes a fine place to bathe Mr and Mrs Fred Grantham Mrs Henry Stewart and Mr William Stew- art ¬ attended the Lynne barbecue last Friday Others would have gone but no conveyance was available The Ocala and Northern railroad ha reached Yurt McCoy and is pushing < > n towards Palatka which point it ill reach some time in the sweet bye and bye I Mrs Tarver who has been quite ill for some time we are glad to know is up and about again- A number of our citizens contem place a visit to Salt Springs in the near future to enjoy the fine baching and wonderful curative power of these springs On Tuesday afternoon the Mathews brothers Frank and Bob made the initial trip with tWfeir new launch tic Merry Widow They were accom- panied ¬ by the following parties Miss Sallie Bell Wright of Augusta Ga Miss Minnie Hendon Miss Mary Ju han Miss Annie Mathews Miss Mar- garet ¬ Anderson Miss Josie Bullock Miss Vivian Dame Messrs Jolm Sul- livan ¬ John Pelot and Walter Thicker As the trim little launch glided out on the sparking waters of the Springs the bottle of champagne presented by Mr Kallenberger and Harry Precht- as broken over the bow by Miss Henddn ami Miss Mathews christen- ing ¬ her Merry Widow They turned her prow eastward and proceeded to Grahamville where they partook of n unch and enjoyed themselves until the moon made her appearance when they weighed anchor and returned borne to dream of the long remember- ed ¬ trip The Messrs Mathews deserve great credit for the workmanship dis- played ¬ in design and building of this beautiful launch Harry Stilwell who holds the trunk ousting job on the Seaboard between Jacksonville and Tallahassee came in Saturday to pay a visit to his sister Mrs J H Howard- Mr B T Perdue has secured a po ¬ I sition as machinist with the Rentz Lumber Co He doffed his coat roll- ed ¬ up his sieves and actually went to hard work Hurrah for Bate F W H GUes went to Dade City Sun- day ¬ to see his Susanna What next Capt Ha swbflei riding on the front of an 0 N engirje had his foot badly mashed when the pilot picked- up a cow and threw her on him S A L carpenters are at work on the depot making some very much iieej3ed repairs and changes The up- per ¬ story is converted into two wait ¬ r ing rooms for white and black which l v ill be quite an improvement over waiting on rosinbarrels and the plat ¬ I form The building needs a coat of paint badly THEY LOqKED Albany May 19Nevs has reached Albany of a deplorable tragedy which occurred at Oakfield early last even ¬ ing Mack Lippitt Ja young man well known in this section was preparing- to go to church with another member ot the household- A revolver was OPT the dresser in his room and he pick4d it up Placing the muzzle of the weapon against the side of his head he said Look here Instantly there was a- loud report and Lippitt fell to the floor He was dead in a short time I It is not doubted that the firing of I the shot was accidental It is pre ¬ sumed that the young man without being aware of his danger pressed the trigger of the revolver harder than he realized causing it to be discharged v WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglectea your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and ladder Have you pains- in loins side back groins and blad ¬ der Have you a flabby appearance- of the face specially under the eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine- If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure you Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore t I 1- I The Hand of God- I saw a man the other day on the street and he was reaching a groping hand out like tills 1 stopped and watched him and pretty soon a child came along and reached out a little dirty chapped hand and the blind hand got the childs hand and the blind lips smiled and the little fellow said Come lets go And the blind man was feeling for the hand Ah my heart feel for the hand and when you catch the hand that is warm at the palm and strong as strength at the 1 fingers and niagiietical like the light ¬ nings then know you have got the I hand you have got the hand of God and you will go together to the up ¬ lands and to the top of them and on the climb of the uplands you shall stay with God forever Rev William A- 1trdL 1 rnocpo The Childs Advice Little Arthur stood peering down into the countenance of his baby sister whom the nurse was singing to sleep Say nurse he finally whispered- Its nearly unconscious isnt it The nursenodded in the affirmative- and sang on Then dont slug any more OP youll kill itrUpplncotts s I k r I j- t > f 1 TIfiJJ rl OI i- t Ii4 7r I CROSSMAN WENT CRAZY While Discussing the Result of a Re ¬ vival with his Wife and Cut Her Throat I Fairmont Va May 19 Following a I cries Of revival meetings which hat lad been conducting Rev C S Gross- man ¬ aged 50 a Methodist preacher- cut his wifes throat with a butcher knife killing her The couple were discussing the meetings here there had been a great number of conversions The min- ister ¬ seized a knife lying on the table and attacked the woman She fled I- into the yard and was pursued and overpowered After the killing CrQssman gave t himself up to the police He told them that he had suffered an attack of temporary insanity He became I national when he saw hisWlfeS dead I 1ody His wife was thirty years old and a member of a prominent Fair ¬ mont family THE LUCKY QUARTER Is the one u y out for a box of Dr Kings N lw IfifjaPllls Thy bring you the health t s more precious than jewels Tr hem for headache biliousness constipation and malaria fl they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at any drugstore Why He Let Em Grow Yes Ive given up shaving he told his friends I never could sbuvt my ¬ self and the last time 1 was operated- on I was III such a blue funk that 1 shudder to think of it The barber had a musical ear mid lie lathered mo to the tune of Tlit Blind Boy whIch was being ground out by a barrel organ close by Slow certainly but nothing I to complain about By the time the scraping process had commenced the tune had changed to th liveliest of jigs and the musical shaver seemed to be enjoying himself hugely as he did his best to ktfep tIm I was afraid to take a breath for fekr It would be my last Then the organ stopped but only for a second and when I heard the strains of Stop Your Tiykllug Jock i vowed that rather than run the risk of being Unished off in a barbers chair by a musical maniac 1 would let em grow for the future and chance the crop Modern Society- His Parting Shot The late Catholic bishop Itaphoe Ire- land ¬ used often to tell this with much enjoyment UI was SUc1deniy calf I ed he said from my home to see an unfortunate sailor who had been cast I ashore from a wreck and was lying speectiless on th ground but npt quite dead The lifes in him still your reverence be stirred a little so 1 stooped down and said to him My poor man youre nearly gone but just try to say one little word or make one little sign to show that you are dying- in the true faith So he opened one of his eyes just a wee bit and he said Bloody end to the pope and so died L CLOSING CONCERT- The closing concert ofthe Emerson Industrial School will be given in the Lome chapel May 26th at 3 p m Friends of the school are most cor ¬ dially invited to be present C M Buckbee Supt i It JR a pity to see a person neglect indications of kldneyor bladder trou Juethat may Joe t1t in Brights disease when jtineM Remedy will drrect irregufaiwfesf and strengthen- liiese organs Ta e Foleys Kidney Remedy at theTfrst sign of danger Sold by all dealers- ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that on the Second Day of June A D19O8- the undersigned admliiistrator f the estate of A H Frederick deceased will make my final settlement with Hon Joseph Bell judge of probate at his office in Ocala Marion county I Lia and will apply for my discharge- as administrator of said estate- R Frederick Adm of Estat of A H Frederick deceased Nov 19th 1907 I NOTICE OF INSTITUTION I OFSUIT BY ATTACHMENT I To Credit Mutuel De France You wiJl take notice that Richard McConathy has commenced a suit by attachment against you in the circuit court of the fifth judicial circuit of Florida in and for Marion county and rioperty of yours in Polk county Florida has been levied upon under the writ of attachment therein Now you and all other persons in ¬ terested are required to appear to saId action on July 6th A D 1908 This May 1st A D 1908 Richard McConathy Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla By HB Foy Jr D C Executors Notice to Creditor Notice is hereby given to all cred ¬ itors legatees distributees and an- other persons having claims or de ¬ mands against the estate Wiliamina Owen deceased to present the sam to the undersigned executor within tvo years Thcs J Owen As Executor of the Last Will and I Testament of Wilamina Owen Ocala Fla April 11th 1908- V t S a J l J 1 Itt o k f 1 1 I p c > FREEFREE I t A- TFISHELS Utitil next o I FRIDAY- we will give away absolutely FREE- a i package of decor- ated ¬ or plain crepe paper with a pur- chase ¬ of fifty cents M MWMM M Fishel Son S WWWdWlJWJWWp- YOUR BOYA- sk him if he would like to Have three new serviceable milhY r looking well made full size r SUMMER ffi6u5E5- fisc I 3 Postage1 15c I Dfferent patterns lCr ad to putlght on for dress or every dayvwear po Tliesearo the same serviceable Wi are selling now every day on the second pop of our big store- In New York In our Bo Thprtrnentone- ofthe hal1dlilomestandmo t Completely lock- ed ¬ Departments for little m n In the world- 111iI I I I I I lii1 I I t 1 I IIiII4i I Ifll I V 1 jJpJ I I iii I lrW I I I 7JujIJ I h111 IIIlIl IILdP A I I I thJlli1 I I dt V I llIlI ThII1ll II IIIIl I I I lIjj IlliFJII1IJII1IIIl1Itf- iiilLlJIi 1 I ¼ IIIUhIi32- S Postage 15 3 1 1 k fr 72c RUSSIAN STYLE buttoning on the side pearl buttons for boys from 3 to 9 years old NEGLIGEE BLOUSES blouses of the mannish style with collars attached for boys from 6 to 15 years MATERIAL BLUE CHAMBRAY WHITE < MADRAS AND STRIPED GINGHAM All fast colors You may select different style c or all one style If you pfefer Ask for 58 B No 72 and mention the Bite of your boy MONEY BACK if you are not perfectly sat isfled in every way when you receive these b1oues Just send themright back and we will immediately refund your money in lull without question Order now today A SHEET MUSIC SPECIAL Selections from the light opera f THE MERRY WIDOW- For I Love You Sor 7 My VIa Im Happy at Maxims The Silly Cavalier p I Land of Our HpnJeJJ > r The Lovely Woman4 Im a True Loving Wife Im So Parisian Each title bound separately Our price for the entire ight titles f 49G Postage 6 Cents RHMacyCoRo- om 701 Broadway tth st- ew York N Y j I Veterinay4- Surgeon Office opposite fq Tompkins Livm Stable EP GD 11t- S J t- l 1- fZ < r

Transcript of I Do You Like Dealing FREEFREE - University of...

Page 1: I Do You Like Dealing FREEFREE - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00849/0342.pdf · Do You Like Honestd ... BSTf without toe use oi a drop of alcohol so

J PPjS iWHiS wlB fftS-Spltf


T v t i v fS


> 4



<kAr > q




5 t

Do You Like HonestdSquare Dealing

Drd Pierces worldfamed medicines are put out under the belief thatpublicity is the best possible guaranty of merit apd that the most intel-


people generally want to know what they take into their stom-


x whether it be as food drink or medicine Although it was a boldstep to take and quite out of the usual practice of makers of proprie-tary


medicines yet Dr Pierce some time ago decided to publish broad-cast


T I and on all his bottlewrappers all the ingredients entering into thecomposition or makeup of his celebrated family medicines A square4etl is therefore assured every one using his medicines for one knows

iexactly what he or she is paying for when purchasing them since everyingredient published in plain English on the bottle wrappers and thecorrectness of the same attested under solemn oath These several ingredL ¬

ents are selected from among 1je very best known to medical sciencefor the cure of the various diseases for which these medicines are


recommended ni I

r The n o t eminent And leading med-al t4iheri and writers of all the

several schools of have endorsed4 each of the ingredient entering into Dr

Fierce medicines in the strongest posr fibtrterms The makers of Dr Pierces

K14i ebelieve hat intelligentpeop-efgf < 4 yifh to opVi a

a t young birs and gulp down-whatee s Ie to them either infthe wayoTToOTj rl or medicinewithout knowing sonikhing of theproperties and hsrmJ character of

agents employed They bejlevqhe this too ggGrfld A hffrit e to

gxperimented wtli7nnd that veopleiI K medicine ot the com

stt th eptiiz I norce Lr terce medicines are made

W1i from the roots of plants foundr

trowing in the depths of our Americanforeflte They are so compounded thatthey cannot do harm in any case even-

t to the most delicate woman or cltila Byg open publicity Pierce has taken

I medicines out of the list of secret nos-trums


of doubtful merit and madethem REMEDIES OF KNOWN COMPOiiTiON They are therefore in a classall by themselves being absolutely and

I in every sense nonsecretBy this bold step Dr Pierce has shown

that his formulas are of such excellencethat he is not afraid to subject them ti-


fullest scrutiny grThere IS a adge of on every

bottle of Dr Pierces mediCInes in thec full list of Its ingredients duly attested

correct under solemn oath4 No ofher medicines put up for genera-lie through can make claim-tor any such distinction and none other

f than Dr Pierces medicines have anyuch professional endorsement of their

tI ingredients Such endorse ¬

1ment should have far more weight with

r j afflicted than amount of lay ornonprofessional endorsement or testi ¬

0f course the exact proportion ofMob ingredient used in Dr Piercestt

V medicines as well as the working formulai or manner of preparing the same and-

S the specially devised apparatus and ap¬

Jlanc employed inI are WIthheld from publicity that Dr

f Pierces may be fullyt I protected from such unprincipled imi

Utori u might be piratically inclinedThe preparation of these medicines


without toe use oi a drop of alcohol sor r 4


generally employed and yet so harmfulin ran to most invalids whenits use is long continued eVen in smalldoses cost Dr Pierce several years ofcareful study and labor with the aid ofskilled pharmacists and chemists toassist him Naturally he does not careto give and exactprocesses for preparing these medicines

want to deal in the mostopen manner with all his patrons andpatients and under this frank open andhonest way of dealing they may knowexactly what they are taking when tilinghis medicines t

What Do They Cure This ques ¬

tion is often asked concerning DrPierces two leading medicines tt GoldenMedical Discovery and n Favorite Pre-scription



The answer is that w Golden MedicalDiscovery iaa most potent alterative-or bloodpurifier and tonic or invigor-ator and acts especially favorably in acurative and healing way upon all themucous lining surfaces as of the nasalpassages throat bronchial tubes stom-ach


bowels and bladdercnr I aper cent of catarrhal cases whether thedisease affects the nasal passages thethroat larynx bronchia stomach ascatarrhal dyspepsia bowels as mucousdiarrhea uterus or otherpelvic organs Even in the chronic orulcerative stages of these affections itis often successful in effecting cures

The Favorite Prescription is advised-for the cure of one class of diseasesonly

those peculiar derange ¬

ments and irregularities incident towomen It is a powerful yet gen ¬

tly actin invigoratin tonic and-strengthening nervine 1 or weak wornout overworked womenno matterwhat has caused the breakdown tt Fa-vorite


Prescription will be fotina mosteffective in building up the strengthregulating the womanly functions sub¬

duing pain and bringing about a healthyvigorous condition of the whole systoa

women suffering from diseases of longstanding are invited tOvConsult DoctorPierce by letter free All correspond-ence


shed as te andsacredly confidential Address Dr RV Pierce Buffalo N Y

Dr Pierces Medical Adviser 1000pages iq1 sent free on receipt of 21 onecent tamps for papercovered or 31stamps for copy A 1dresa-W3 above





Marion IDevelopment CO-


Rei Estateax

and Buildingc 11

I 4 < > tMaterialwooD LUMBER SHINGLES SAND

r T-






1P 0 Box

t715 ffiods 129 Ocala Flo-

ridaCOLLEGEW J ± f


tCollege Academy and Schools of Music Expression Fine Arts Domes

tte and Industrial Arts and Businesst Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now going up electric lights

HC5 steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health conditions fine gym-nasium

¬I athletic field tennis courts golf links baseball and basketballteams champions of Florida this year Nearly a quarter of a million dollarsendowment expenses are moderate scholarships available Christian b-

utt undenominational stands for-


Next Session Begins October 7 Fo r Catalogues Address he PresidentWMF BLACKMAN PhD WINTER PARK FLA

c M





i i




10 tStandard Makes pf Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Punips Irrigating

I ff Plants Acetylene Plaiits Sold and Installed Complete Estimatesf

ipromptly submitted 6nany ffiork in our line

II j

l t <7 040x N

J 4t4ir7 siCAt FLORIDA rhone vt 371t J r-

mI If f cui I tr1 4 YJ it 1 I of Itf t L r J 1 0 r t 1-


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J J Boss has resumed charge of ourmill as superintendent

The old dock at the Springs has-been torn away and several hundredloads of sand thrown in which makesa fine place to bathe

Mr and Mrs Fred Grantham MrsHenry Stewart and Mr William Stew-art


attended the Lynne barbecue lastFriday Others would have gone butno conveyance was available

The Ocala and Northern railroad hareached Yurt McCoy and is pushing< > n towards Palatka which point it

ill reach some time in the sweet byeand bye I

Mrs Tarver who has been quite illfor some time we are glad to know isup and about again-

A number of our citizens contemplace a visit to Salt Springs in thenear future to enjoy the fine bachingand wonderful curative power of thesesprings

On Tuesday afternoon the Mathewsbrothers Frank and Bob made theinitial trip with tWfeir new launch ticMerry Widow They were accom-


by the following parties MissSallie Bell Wright of Augusta GaMiss Minnie Hendon Miss Mary Juhan Miss Annie Mathews Miss Mar-garet


Anderson Miss Josie BullockMiss Vivian Dame Messrs Jolm Sul-livan


John Pelot and Walter ThickerAs the trim little launch glided out onthe sparking waters of the Springsthe bottle of champagne presented byMr Kallenberger and Harry Precht-

as broken over the bow by MissHenddn ami Miss Mathews christen-ing


her Merry Widow They turnedher prow eastward and proceeded toGrahamville where they partook of n

unch and enjoyed themselves untilthe moon made her appearance whenthey weighed anchor and returnedborne to dream of the long remember-ed


trip The Messrs Mathews deservegreat credit for the workmanship dis-played


in design and building of thisbeautiful launch

Harry Stilwell who holds the trunkousting job on the Seaboard betweenJacksonville and Tallahassee came inSaturday to pay a visit to his sisterMrs J H Howard-

Mr B T Perdue has secured a po ¬I

sition as machinist with the RentzLumber Co He doffed his coat roll-ed


up his sieves and actually went tohard work Hurrah for BateF W H GUes went to Dade City Sun-day


to see his Susanna What nextCapt Ha swbflei riding on the

front of an 0 N engirje had his footbadly mashed when the pilot picked-up a cow and threw her on him

S A L carpenters are at work onthe depot making some very muchiieej3ed repairs and changes The up-per


story is converted into two wait ¬r

ing rooms for white and black whichl v ill be quite an improvement overwaiting on rosinbarrels and the plat ¬

I form The building needs a coat ofpaint badly


Albany May 19Nevs has reachedAlbany of a deplorable tragedy whichoccurred at Oakfield early last even ¬

ing Mack Lippitt Ja young man wellknown in this section was preparing-to go to church with another memberot the household-

A revolver was OPT the dresser in hisroom and he pick4d it up Placing themuzzle of the weapon against the sideof his head he said

Look here Instantly there was a-

loud report and Lippitt fell to thefloor He was dead in a short time


It is not doubted that the firing ofI the shot was accidental It is pre ¬

sumed that the young man withoutbeing aware of his danger pressed thetrigger of the revolver harder than herealized causing it to be discharged



Have you neglectea your kidneysHave you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with yourkidneys and ladder Have you pains-in loins side back groins and blad ¬

der Have you a flabby appearance-of the face specially under the eyesToo frequent a desire to pass urine-If so Williams Kidney Pills willcure you Sold by the AntiMonopolyDrugstore t

I 1-


The Hand of God-

I saw a man the other day on thestreet and he was reaching a gropinghand out like tills 1 stopped andwatched him and pretty soon a childcame along and reached out a littledirty chapped hand and the blindhand got the childs hand and the blindlips smiled and the little fellow said

Come lets go And the blind manwas feeling for the hand Ah myheart feel for the hand and when youcatch the hand that is warm at thepalm and strong as strength at the

1 fingers and niagiietical like the light¬

nings then know you have got theI

hand you have got the hand of Godand you will go together to the up ¬

lands and to the top of them and onthe climb of the uplands you shall staywith God forever Rev William A-

1trdL1 rnocpo

The Childs AdviceLittle Arthur stood peering down into

the countenance of his baby sisterwhom the nurse was singing to sleep

Say nurse he finally whispered-Its nearly unconscious isnt itThe nursenodded in the affirmative-

and sang onThen dont slug any more OP youll

kill itrUpplncotts s

Ik r


t> f1 TIfiJJ rl OI i-t Ii47r I


While Discussing the Result of a Re ¬

vival with his Wife and CutHer Throat


Fairmont Va May 19 Following a I

cries Of revival meetings which hatlad been conducting Rev C S Gross-man


aged 50 a Methodist preacher-cut his wifes throat with a butcherknife killing her

The couple were discussing themeetings here there had been agreat number of conversions The min-ister


seized a knife lying on the tableand attacked the woman She fled I-

into the yard and was pursued andoverpowered

After the killing CrQssman gavet

himself up to the police He told themthat he had suffered an attack oftemporary insanity He became I

national when he saw hisWlfeS deadI

1ody His wife was thirty years oldand a member of a prominent Fair ¬

mont family


Is the one u y out for a box ofDr Kings N lw IfifjaPllls Thy bringyou the health t s more preciousthan jewels Tr hem for headachebiliousness constipation and malariafl they disappoint you the price will becheerfully refunded at any drugstore

Why He Let Em GrowYes Ive given up shaving he told

his friends I never could sbuvt my¬

self and the last time 1 was operated-on I was III such a blue funk that 1

shudder to think of it The barberhad a musical ear mid lie lathered moto the tune of Tlit Blind Boy whIchwas being ground out by a barrel organclose by Slow certainly but nothing


to complain about By the time thescraping process had commenced thetune had changed to th liveliest ofjigs and the musical shaver seemed tobe enjoying himself hugely as he didhis best to ktfep tIm I was afraid totake a breath for fekr It would be mylast

Then the organ stopped but onlyfor a second and when I heard thestrains of Stop Your Tiykllug Jock ivowed that rather than run the risk ofbeing Unished off in a barbers chairby a musical maniac 1 would let emgrow for the future and chance thecrop Modern Society-

His Parting ShotThe late Catholic bishop Itaphoe Ire-


used often to tell this withmuch enjoyment UI was SUc1deniy calf


ed he said from my home to see anunfortunate sailor who had been cast

I ashore from a wreck and was lyingspeectiless on th ground but npt quitedead The lifes in him still yourreverence be stirred a little so 1

stooped down and said to him Mypoor man youre nearly gone but justtry to say one little word or make onelittle sign to show that you are dying-in the true faith So he opened one ofhis eyes just a wee bit and he saidBloody end to the pope and so died



The closing concert ofthe EmersonIndustrial School will be given in theLome chapel May 26th at 3 p mFriends of the school are most cor ¬

dially invited to be presentC M Buckbee Supt


It JR a pity to see a person neglectindications of kldneyor bladder trouJuethat may Joe t1t in Brights diseasewhen jtineM Remedy willdrrect irregufaiwfesf and strengthen-liiese organs Ta e Foleys KidneyRemedy at theTfrst sign of dangerSold by all dealers-


Notice is hereby given that on theSecond Day of June A D19O8-

the undersigned admliiistrator f theestate of A H Frederick deceasedwill make my final settlement withHon Joseph Bell judge of probate athis office in Ocala Marion county

I Lia and will apply for my discharge-as administrator of said estate-

R FrederickAdm of Estat of A H Frederick

deceasedNov 19th 1907




To Credit Mutuel De FranceYou wiJl take notice that Richard

McConathy has commenced a suit byattachment against you in the circuitcourt of the fifth judicial circuit ofFlorida in and for Marion county andrioperty of yours in Polk countyFlorida has been levied upon underthe writ of attachment therein

Now you and all other persons in ¬

terested are required to appear tosaId action on July 6th A D 1908

This May 1st A D 1908Richard McConathy

SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla

By HB Foy Jr D C

Executors Notice to CreditorNotice is hereby given to all cred ¬

itors legatees distributees and an-

other persons having claims or de ¬

mands against the estate WiliaminaOwen deceased to present the samto the undersigned executor withintvo years Thcs J OwenAs Executor of the Last Will and

I Testament of Wilamina OwenOcala Fla April 11th 1908-


tS a Jl J 1 Itt o k f 1 1I p c >



TFISHELSUtitil next o

I FRIDAY-we will give awayabsolutely



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A SHEET MUSIC SPECIALSelections from the light opera f


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