I can't pay my loan installments


Transcript of I can't pay my loan installments

  • By the

    way, this time its

    not about


  • Government also encouraged

    lenders to lend to sub-prime

    borrowers, arguing that this

    would help even the poor and

    young to buy houses.

  • - House prices started falling. - This increased the default rate among sub-prime borrowers.- Many unwilling to pay for declining in value of their home.- The Loan collateral is typically the home being bought.- This increased the supply of houses for sale while lowering the demand.- Thereby lowering prices even further and setting off a vicious cycle.

  • this become a systemic crisis . . .

  • original lenders had further

    sold their portfolios to other

    players in the market.

  • **



  • Whats Next?

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