I am grateful for Richard M Cano

I Am Grateful For... Richard M. Cano SOC 6903 Spring, 2014



Transcript of I am grateful for Richard M Cano

  • 1. SOC 6903 Spring, 2014

2. January 14, 2014 Since I graduated high school, I have not gone a year without being employed, so I am grateful for being employed. However, just like twins can be born in separate years, I was unemployed for eight months between April 2012 and February 2013. I used to work as a security guard. I never thought that there would be a prettier sight at work than looking over downtown from the top of a high-rise building at 3 am. This is a picture of the view out of my window at my office. A year ago, I landed a great job that I only thought I might get after five years in my field. I think this tops the many sleepless nights Ive had working in the past. Employment 3. January 15, 2014 Everyday, I am grateful to have a wonderfully talented, intellectual, and extroverted daughter. She loves doing her Kindergarten homework, and is ready for the 1st Grade Math test tomorrow. Her hobbies include art, dance, music, and acting. This is quite a lot for a six-year-old, but she handles it like a champ. I am so grateful for her that she gets treated like the queen in our family. Thank you Nadiyah E. Ledesma for taking life with a more eccentric view than mine. My Daughter 4. January 16, 2014 I forget that most of my everyday tasks could not get accomplished without this invention. I believe that we take for granted the Internet. I have nothing more to do than wait during Internet blackouts from my service provider. Not only is the Internet a way to express one's self, it provides to us essentials that would otherwise take time away from our busy lives. Not only am I grateful for the Internet, but I don't think that I could live very long without it. The Internet 5. January 17, 2014 I am grateful for having the opportunity to play in a Tejano group that had a #1 hit song on a local radio station. This was a semi-professional group, but I was able to go to a radio station, do events, sell CDs, and try out all of the amenities of a recoding artist on a smaller scale. To top things off, I recorded the song and helped throughout the song creation process. Los Tovares 6. January 18, 2014 My daughter and I buried her fish today. Tye Red was given to her as a birthday gift on her 5th birthday in 2012 in Allende, Mexico. He stayed in a small container that was very cloudy until I managed to get a 10 gallon fish tank with a filter treated for Beta fish. My daughter picked out a castle for him and he was very comfortable and a good fish. He lived over a year and four months when we thought he would only last those two weeks in the container. Ironically, he was laid to rest in a coffin-like box given to my daughter from her uncle's wedding that she insisted we use. She left a few glued pennies in the box for him. I am grateful for Tye and going through this with my daughter. R.I.P. Tye Red Tye Red 7. January 19, 2014 I am grateful for weekends and living in Texas. I can relax and slow-cook a brisket in the wonderful weather in January. The family has come over, and everyone is having a nice and relaxing day. I'm glad that my father decided to join me in cooking everything else. In my family, this is just another weekend. Smoking BBQ 8. January 20, 2014 I am very grateful that we have these things all over San Antonio. It's a great place to find things, and the mall is an extraordinary location to get away for a bit on a holiday while spending money on bargains that you would otherwise have to attain at a later date for the regular or inflated price. Plus, it's family time! The Mall 9. January 21, 2014 I am grateful for our Google TV. It allows us to view my SOC 6903 community on my 52 inch screen. Maybe this way I can continue to stay in touch with the community, especially when I turn myself off by mindlessly watching television at the end of the day. Google+ 10. January 22, 2014 As I walk through life, I try not to limit myself. I've tried many different things and have accomplished many talents. In music, I didn't limit myself to one instrument; in cooking, I didn't limit myself to the kitchen; in design, I didn't limit myself to Photoshop. In fact, I went into photography and programming. I cooked indoor dinners on the grill, and I picked up instruments from different parts of the world. I want to continue to grow, and I am grateful that I can see myself through different lenses and in different ways. Entity Framework 11. January 23, 2014 I am grateful for the time at work when everyone else leaves and My light is the only one on. The office is peacefully quiet. I can relax, get all loose ends tided up, and relax since I can leave at anytime I want to. End Of Day 12. January 24, 2014 I'm grateful for living in a city that has one of the best franchises in NBA history. I used to collect NBA cards in the 80's when the Spurs were hard workers and not really a winning team. The players were great to the community, and would always teach loyalty and poise. At the verge of change, the twin towers began dominating. Once the big three arrived, history was changed and I continued to follow a winning team. Thank you San Antonio Spurs family. SPURS 13. January 25, 2014 I don't have many friends, but, today, I am grateful for long-time friendships. Over 15 years ago, these guys came up to me and had faith in me. I was just learning how to play, but they taught me the ropes week-by-week, month- by-month, and year-by-year. I have been playing with this group for over 15 years, and I do not plan on going anywhere soon. Long-time Friendships 14. January 26, 2014 I had to pay a considerable amount of money to get my truck working after my tires went bad. The truck started shaking so much that it messed up pulleys in the core. I am grateful that this time around my truck lasted long enough for me to fix the other two front tires and get the alignment fixed. I'm also grateful that I had the finances to make this fix. This way, I can make it to work and school for the distance that I drive. My Vehicle 15. January 27, 2014 I really appreciate cooking from scratch. I enjoy creative ideas in the kitchen. These apples are going to be applesauce when they finish cooking. After that, they are going to simmer in a crock pot over night. Once they become apple butter, they are going into honey barbecue sauce to make sweet and sassy barbecue sauce. I love being able to go through the entire process. Apple Butter 16. January 28, 2014 Everyday, I actually grab a couple of Dr. Peppers every morning. They keep me going throughout the day and keep me relaxed and refreshed. I am grateful that my office actually has a fridge of sodas that we can have at any time. I know I have free cokes all day, but I'd rather keep that privilege and not waist them all in one week, So I buy my Dr. Peppers and if I ever need another, I can be rest assured that I can get one more if I need it. Thanks for amenities. Caffeine 17. January 29, 2014 As I walk through life, I try not to limit myself. I've tried many different things and have accomplished many talents. In music, I didn't limit myself to one instrument; in cooking, I didn't limit myself to the kitchen; in design, I didn't limit myself to Photoshop. In fact, I went into photography and programming. I cooked indoor dinners on the grill, and I picked up instruments from different parts of the world. I want to continue to grow, and I am grateful that I can see myself through different lenses and in different ways. Multiplicity 18. January 30, 2014 Every year my organization holds a corporate meeting. This is a way that the CEO uses to have everyone in the company to get together in the same place at the same time. My company has locations in California (Human Resources), Virginia (Headquarters), San Antonio (Home of the Department of Education development), and numerous remote locations throughout the United States. Every year, hints are given as to the whereabouts of the corporate meeting. This year, we will be without an essential part of the company, the face of the company. Lorie Koch was diagnosed with a disease that proved to be deadly. A lot of employees donated PTO so that she would not miss her paycheck. Over a year of PTO was accumulated. I was not able to donate PTO until I had completed a year. This year, I was planning on donating PTO. Laurie lost her fight today. I am very grateful that she was there to guide me through my first months at AEM. I wouldn't have made it this far without her. I was able to meet her during the last corporate meeting. I have no idea what she looked like, but I know she was one of the first to greet me as it was an overwhelming experience. So, she helped me through that as well. Someone is going to have to fill some big shoes at HR in California. By the way, her story was featured in this issue of the corporate newsletter, which came out just before her death. She will be missed this May. AEM 19. January 31, 2014 I am happy that I found this place. It is the first all digital library that incorporates technology for kids. There is a vast amount of ebooks for rental. They even have devices that you can rent including nooks. This is totally free to the public. Their institution has a few meeting rooms and free wifi. The place is called Bibliotech. You can get a library card just as you can in any library. Technology 20. February 1, 2014 This is Starr, my daughter's cousin. She was born in Dallas, Texas. Her family lives in Louisiana. Her parents are separated and had trouble keeping her going to school, so Nadiyah's (my daughter) uncle took her in. Both of her parents live in Eagle Pass, Texas. I am grateful that Starr is going to school and that Nadiyah has someone to play with on the weekends, since she is an only child. I am very grateful that Starr and Nadiyah are cousins. Starr 21. February 2, 2014 I'm grateful that my family loves eating, trying, and cooking new foods. This is a picture of Chicken Adobo, a Philippine enjoyed dish. It is very healthy and tasty. We make so many dishes that We sometimes do not make a dish again. I'll definitely have to incorporate this dish into our regular menu. Chicken Adobo 22. February 3, 2014 I'm glad someone invented this cube. Especially on a Monday, this cube makes the day go by faster and smoother. It also helps in turning my mind on for and find creative ways of solving problems, and it's right on my desk. Rubiks Cube 23. February 5, 2014 As I mentioned Monday, technology in the classroom makes life way easier. This is a picture of my classroom at TAMUSA in the College of Business located at Brooks Air Force Base. You can see that people have their laptops out, are surfing the Internet, have their cellphones out and texting, and are actively engaged in media. We do a lot of our assignments in class in case we need help so that the professor can help or another student that understands how to do the assignment can help. I took this picture so that the person viewing can feel the technology in the room. Technology in the Classroom 24. February 6, 2014 I am grateful for this crazy Texas weather. It's pretty challenging, but at the same time it seems to be a bit calming that the weather can change from day to day or moment to moment. I'm also grateful that I live in Texas; otherwise, it would probably be snowing so much so that we couldn't even walk outside, Texans I mean. Graupel 25. February 7, 2014 Nadiyah's other cousins from Eagle Pass came to San Antonio this weekend for a cheer- leading competition. Nadiyah used to be in tumbling a couple of years back and even competed one time in a national competition. Her cousins placed third overall. They were disappointed, but they did very well. I am grateful that her cousins came to see her this weekend and that they hold similar interests. They are more like friends than they are cousins. Cheerleaders 26. February 8, 2014 I realized, while I was standing in line, that I'm very grateful and lucky to have to wonderful girls that make-up my family. Today, I'm going to treat them to some nice gifts, and Friday to a good dinner. I don't mind waiting in line. The line was small, especially on Sunday morning. I was pretty much in-and-out! Valentines Day Shopping 27. February 9, 2014 This is the Valentines Day Bear that I bought for my daughter. I put together a necklace that was on sale and a bear from Walgreens. I buy my daughter bears and necklaces all year long. To her, this will be great. The fact that it is for Valentine Day, makes it extra special. First, she is enthusiastic about what she will be getting. Second, she lost a necklace not too long ago. I am grateful that she will be getting a new necklace and that she is anticipating a gift for Valentines Day. I'm glad she is still easy for whom to shop. Valentines Day Bear 28. February 10, 2014 I am grateful that my employer respects us enough to realize that we work better when we are comfortable. For this reason, we have privacy panels all over the office. It is typical to go days without speaking to another employee. We give our best work in return. Privacy 29. February 11, 2014 I am very grateful for books. I would not have made it this far in life had it not been for learning so much from books of all kinds. They are easy to find and easy to get lost in. This is a book on Social Penetration Theory (The Onion Theory), a theory commonly found in many disciplines. I read it this last summer for a class in which we picked our own pace and books. We read one book per week for ten weeks. I enjoyed learning so much at such a fast rate. Social Penetration 30. February 12, 2014 I am grateful for cell phones. I was able to do so much today because I didn't have to be tied down to my desk. Furthermore, I did a lot from my desk because of my cell phone's capabilities. If I had to be on this dinosaur all day, I would get much less done. This thing doesn't even have the Internet. It's hard to believe the size difference. Cell Phones 31. February 13, 2014 I think that it would more difficult than it already is to understand each other in messaging and text- based conversations without emoticons. Emoticons are a quick way to tell people how you feel, rather than using many words. I think from this picture you can see that we understand exactly what other is saying. Emoticons 32. February 14, 2014 It's nice to know that I have someone who knows what I like. I wasn't expecting anything this Valentine's Day, but it was a nice surprise to receive this cologne. I love the way it smells, and it is the same brand as the one I currently use. Instead of buying me something that I already have, I was given a different scent to add variety to my life. It was a very pleasant and thoughtful gift. Dolce & Gabbana 33. February 15, 2014 I'm always learning new things in the kitchen. I'm glad that I came across a recipe that led me to learn that Marsala wine is from a certain area in Italy. I've tasted food with Marsala wine, but I've never tried cooking with it. It is delicious, bringing another level of cooking to my kitchen. Marsala 34. February 16, 2014 Today, I'm grateful for modern medicine. My daughter caught the flu, and we were able to catch it in time to administer the Tamiflu. She should feel a lot better within a couple of days. If it wasn't for modern medicine, this could have been disastrous or even fatal. Modern Medicine 35. February 17, 2014 On this day, President's Day, I have to be grateful that I live in the U.S. My father was a Marine in Vietnam, and he proudly flies this flag. I am grateful for everything that we take for granted in this country, and I'm grateful to the privilege of having been born in this country. The U.S. 36. February 18, 2014 Right now, I am really grateful for having had closed this ticket. This ticket was reopened three times. It is sometime frustrating to have a ticket that seems to be completed when there are little things that have not been attended to after extensive testing. In fact, I am grateful for having closed many other tickets. This is what my job is all about. But this ticket was a little frustrating since it was reopened so many times. I'm glad that I was able to finally get everything right with this issue. It wasn't that difficult, but I always try to close the ticket the first time. I am really grateful that I am able to move on to another issue. Closed 37. February 19, 2014 While I was on campus, I realized that there was something missing at TAMUSA that was readily available at UTSA. As I was walking, I noticed that there were students wearing UTSA shirts, had UTSA gear, and walking around helping each other. TAMUSA is such a new school that the sense of family has not yet been established. I am grateful that I have Rowdy Pride! I'm also grateful that my family is here at UTSA. Rowdy Pride! 38. February 20, 2014 I'm so grateful that we were able to find a school that is right for my daughter at the moment. This school is new and tries to do things differently. I hope their methods work, but even if they don't, I'm glad that we are trying to give my daughter the best education. This school has great technology, and I and grateful that they have got at least that correct. IDEA 39. February 21, 2014 I am grateful that there are businesses that cater to the experience of a visit to their establishment. Having Cat Woman be our waitress was exciting to this little one. At the end of the day, she got her face painted. Places like The Magic Time Machine and Build-A-Bear Workshop make the trip to the place well worth it. I hope this teaches her that ordinary things like eating dinner or buying a bear can be exciting if you change it up a little with imagination, a valuable lesson in life. Time Machine 40. February 22, 2014 I am grateful that we have such a great rodeo come to our hometown every year. We don't make it out to the rodeo every year, but this year we did. I am glad we were able to make out and that my daughter was able to ride a horse again. She loves animals and especially loves horses. She is both afraid of them and loves them. I'm happy that she was given another opportunity to get familiar with them, so that she can appreciate them more. Rodeo 41. February 23, 2014 I am glad that my daughter has a great cousin who is artistic. My daughter looks up to her so much. My niece Savannah wanted to go to college station to be a veterinarian. She decided to attend Our Lady of the Lake University. My daughter loves animals and wants to go to OLLU when she goes to college. It is so important for kids her age to start thinking about college. I decided to go on a whim during my senior year. Savannah 42. February 24, 2014 I am very grateful to have our office assistant working for us. She has a unique job. She is to be here when we need her. Since our corporate meeting is coming up in May, she'll be stopping in this week. This is much appreciated, since I will be making travel arrangements on my own rather than through the corporation. The last time I saw her was for our Christmas lunch last December. I passed her by and said Hi in the hallway as she was delivering a FedEx package. Office Assistant 43. February 25, 2014 I am very grateful that I have these glasses. Without them, I wouldn't be able to do my job, I couldn't drive, or see everything around me. I used to wear contact lenses, but I find glasses to be easier to use. I may get some contacts again, but without my glasses, I couldn't relax without contact lenses. Glasses 44. February 26, 2014 Each day, I stop at this store to buy a couple of sodas. These keep me going through the workday. Though we have sodas at the office, I like to stay at my desk as much as I can to get the maximum amount of work done. If it weren't for this store, I'd probably have to stop somewhere closer to work, which is a lot further than this store is to my commute. Bigs 45. February 27, 2014 I went to deposit this money at the ATM this morning and the sun shined on it. I hadn't noticed that they changed the look of the 100 dollar bill. I usually use a card, so this is one of the rare times that I will actually have cash on my, much less a 100 dollar bill. I am grateful that I at least have this much to deposit and that it looked good going into the ATM. Money 46. February 28, 2014 I typically like watching the Spurs game with a beer in my hand, but every now and then I'll drink something fruity to relax, especially after a long day at work. This drink is not too strong, and goes perfect with the game. Recreation 47. March 1, 2014 I enjoy having weekends when the family can actually sit down together and eat breakfast. It puts a slower pace on the weekend than that of the busy weeks, which happens to fly by. I just happened to look up and have my phone in my hand at this moment. I almost didn't capture this image. Breakfast 48. March 2, 2014 I'm grateful for having so much history in San Antonio. When we came to Mission Espada, we learned so much about San Antonio and its history through this Mission Espada. I'm glad there was a tour guide that devotes his time to this mission and knows all about its history. Mission Espada 49. March 3, 2014 I'm glad that I took the time to stop and capture this image. I was leaving work and noticed it sitting in the parking lot. There probably aren't many of these around. I don't know a lot about cars, but I know that the owner of this one is probably very proud and knowledgeable about antiques such as this one. Antique 50. March 4, 2014 I received these packages today. I'm hoping that it will be the start of a new hobby of mine. I went on eBay and purchased an accordion bellows and a tuning kit. I plan on learning how to tune my own accordions. This is not very common amongst accordion plays here in San Antonio. I'm grateful that I finally got started purchasing the materials that I need since I have been trying to do this for years now. Packages 51. March 5, 2014 We stopped by to get some food to go and ended up getting the desert. We couldn't resist. I love their presentation. Le Madeline has great food, and even though we couldn't eat there this time, we love their atmosphere as well. Le Madeline 52. March 6, 2014 I'm grateful that we have a store that has everything you need in one place. I came to Walmart after work and picked up groceries, some laundry detergent, and even a file tool that I needed. It's great to save time by not having to visit so many places for just one item. Walmart 53. March 7, 2014 I saw this on the restroom door at a Mexican restaurant that we played at tonight. They have a woman in a folklorico dress for the women's restroom. I thought it was pretty creative. It certainly was a lot more entertaining than just having women's and men's labeling. El Musico 54. March 8, 2014 I am grateful that my daughter has somewhere to play basketball. If anything, I am grateful that she knows the difference between sports. I asked her to name a sport, and she said Baseball by looking at the sport. At least she'll know what it consists of to play basketball. Basketball 55. March 9, 2014 I'm grateful that every now and then I can come to a place where BBQ is cooked and served to us. I'm usually the cook, and I slow cook BBQ. For it to be smoked for us means that I have that much more time for my family, and they have a playground set. How cool is that? Two Bros BBQ 56. March 10, 2014 I am so grateful that there are new tools that will teach my daughter to read. She has been learning so fast that I can't keep up with her learning. I am glad that there are these cards with pictures that she can relate with the real world. I don't think I can make time to relate words with real life objects the way that these cards do. Reading Tools 57. March 11, 2014 I was looking through my pictures and found this picture I took at Two Bros BBQ. It reminded me of why I am so proud of being a Texan. It is said that everything is bigger in Texas, and I believe that this depiction of the Texas flag shows just how real big our pride is in Texas. Texas 58. March 12, 2014 I am grateful for my new accordion tuning tool set from Hohner. Hohner is a respectable accordion maker. I used to own a Hohner accordion. This tool set was expensive and the of the best quality. I know this tool set will help me tune accordions in a professional manner. Hohner 59. March 13, 2014 I am grateful for this new project that we are about to start. Our lead developer came in from Colorado for this project. We had a few meeting and went out to lunch and for a drink. This is the only time that we really get to know each other. More importantly, I am grateful for the fact that I will still have a job for the next 5 months. Also, I'm thankful for my education and skills that help me keep it. New Project 60. March 14, 2014 I am very grateful for nature. I tend to cook from scratch. I've been looking for a place that sells Cheyenne peppers, but have yet to find one in San Antonio. So, I started planting and growing peppers of my own. Pretty soon, these peppers are going to be a spicy hot sauce. Cheyenne Peppers 61. March 15, 2014 I am grateful for this electric smoker. I ran out of fire after which someone brought some food that they wanted cooked. So, I turned on this smoker and set the temperature and timer. You can see the temperature, and I don't have to do much to get their food cooked. Electric Smoker 62. March 16, 2014 I am grateful that my wife bought this lottery ticket. It helped us out for just a few bucks. Sure, it could have been more, but we got more money than what it cost. I think we spent it on gas. Still, money well deserved. Loteria 63. March 17, 2014 I am grateful that my wife was able to get this scholarship to go on a trip to Spain with Texas A & M San Antonio. She will be teaching kids in Spain about life in San Antonio, especially about the San Antonio Missions and Mission Espada. She is getting her Master's Degree in early childhood education, so this is a perfect opportunity to study abroad. Scholarship 64. March 18, 2014 I'm so glad that there is another sport that I can watch while there is nothing else interesting on television to watch. I have the NBA League Pass to watch most games, but the games tonight were not interesting. I picked the winners out-front, and turned on the Texas Rangers. Oh, look, extended play at the bottom of the 10th. Texas Rangers 65. March 19, 2014 Today, my co-worker became a full-time employee. I'm grateful that he came around to our company. He started as a contractor with many years of experience. We've helped each other a lot. I have been m how things work with our technology and where files are. He has taught me things that every programmer would know with experience, things I haven't had time to learn through my one year of experience. Co-worker 66. March 20, 2014 So, I cut off the Cheyenne peppers and started fermenting them in vinegar. It'll take a while, but I love cooking from scratch and trying new things. I also like cooking very slowly, so this processes was naturally intriguing to me. Cheyenne Hot Sauce 67. March 21, 2014 I never realized how useful this My School Bucks app was until I realized that I was watching the history on this app. This app gives me the option of funding my child with lunch money. It also gives me the option of viewing the history of where the money is going. Big deal! It wasn't until I wondered if my daughter was actually eating at school. Everyday, there is a 40 cent deduction when she eats lunch. That is priceless. Knowing she is eating everyday when I can't be there to feed her gives me a sense of relief. My School Bucks 68. March 22, 2014 We spent the day at Incredible Pizza. We saw this game and we had to immediately play it. It's a Pacman like game where we start off playing air hockey and then about 20 more pucks get introduced. This repeats itself one more time during the game. By the end of the game, we can finally look up at the score. It was a great way to spend time with the family. Incredible 69. March 23, 2014 I am grateful for Bluetooth technology. I use my Bluetooth headset all the time to speak on the phone and to listen to music. Today, I used my Bluetooth adapter to connect my phone into this stereo. Now, I can play YouTube videos while working in the kitchen with my family. It helps to pass the time. Bluetooth Technology 70. March 24, 2014 I very rarely eat sweets, and chocolate is even more scarce to me. Today, I decided on having this chocolate bar that I've had sitting on my counter for a while, not sure how long. It kept me up, and gave me some energy during my workday. I am grateful for that, but it might be a while before I have another. Hersheys 71. March 25, 2014 I was remembering today how much design work I used to do at my old company. I also remember that I got paid significantly less than I do now. I am not great at drawing at all, but I think I find a way to convert my amateurish drawings into great design work. Doing what I do now is completely different, and I am grateful that I can do what I do now and still have a little time to do some graphic design work. Graphic Design 72. March 26, 2014 Last night I noticed that my rear right turn signal was out. This turn signal was going out a few weeks back, and I bought these lamps to replace it. Then, the light fixed itself. It was fixed for about three weeks and finally gave out last night. Today, I'm grateful that I bought these lamps so that I wouldn't have to stop anywhere this morning. I was able to fix it in minutes and be off to work. RR Lamp 73. March 27, 2014 I am grateful that my daughter is actually understanding her math studies. After working with her on a few problems, I gave her this problem. I made a deal with her that if she could solve this problem, she could watch some TV until her mother came home. She solved it correctly and on her own. Vertical Math 74. March 28, 2014 I am very grateful that this man decided to come to San Antonio and play basketball. I'm also grateful that San Antonio decided to wait on him, which I'm sure influenced his attitude to stay here in San Antonio and give back to the community. I saw the first game that he played in and instantly became a Spurs fan for life. I also owe him a debt of gratitude for creating an educational environment that pushes my child to be the best that she can be. David Robinson 75. March 29, 2014 My niece came by for an hour of play with my daughter. As you can tell from the picture, they had a lot of fun. I am so grateful that we have the opportunity as parents to have the kids play outside and be active. The weather was great, and I enjoyed the outside as much as they did. Trampoline 76. March 30, 2014 I was able to have a dinner date with only my wife tonight. I'm grateful that we were able to have this opportunity. We don't get to spend much time together alone, especially since we do everything as a family. La Fogata 77. March 31, 2014 I am very grateful for the San Antonio highway system. I would not be able to get anywhere without them. I wouldn't be able to get to work if it were not for these highways. I work about 20 miles away from my home, so it is a long commute every morning. Today, I am grateful that they are here. I am not that frustrated with driving them right now. Highways 78. April 2, 2014 As I was sitting in my office, I realized that I would be lost without my company laptop. I tend to do everything on it now. Since I'm always working, I do school work and navigate the web at the same time. I'm glad they assigned it to me the first day I started working. Company Laptop 79. April 3, 2014 I caught this image looking out of my window this afternoon. If you look closely, you can see the maintenance man lowering the United States flag in morning for the victims at Fort Hood. I am grateful that my family is safe today, and I am also grateful that no more lives were taken from us after the tragic event. Fort Hood 80. April 4, 2014 I came across this while on Facebook. This is my cousin and one of her best friends. I thought that it was a great demonstration of the Keyhole Effect used correctly. This image is eye-catching and says a lot about my cousin just through her eyes. I'm glad that I came across this image by happenstance. Keyhole Effect 81. April 7, 2014 I purchased this Hohner accordion on Ebay last week and was pleasantly surprised with how well it was kept. I was grateful when I saw this hand-written note inside. The previous owner was very concerned that I would not be satisfied with the purchase because he neglected to put in the bass section of the accordion because he did not know how to put it in. I am going to send him another note letting him know that I was very satisfied with the purchase, and even more appreciative that he took the time to write me a note. I'm also going to tell him that I can place the bass section in myself, as I have experience fixing accordions, and that his accordion is very much appreciated and will be in good care. Hohner Accordion 82. April 8, 2014 I'm glad that I have two ATMs, one right in my parking lot and the other across the street. Both of these are with banks that I use. It is very convenient to have an ATM near where you work. It is even more convenient that these are bank that I bank with, since there are no service charges for members. USAA 83. April 9, 2014 Every now and then, I bring one of these up to ease my mind while at work. It might seem like a distraction, but this is the same reason that I have a Rubik's cube in my office. It helps me to think of creative ways to solve problems while not getting my mind off of problem solving. Escape Games 84. April 10, 2014 I went to practice with a buddy of mine who met up with these cats. They're getting together to play a gig at a party. They play local rock music, but with a different feel. I always enjoy meeting new people especially talented musicians from different genres. Local Music 85. April 11, 2014 I'm grateful for the Tower in San Antonio. It makes San Antonio unique. It also brings in a lot of revenue from tourists who come to visit the Tower. It has also signified the San Antonio Spurs amongst other things. It brings great pride to our city, and I am very proud to say that I am from the Alamo city where the Tower resides. The Tower of the Americus 86. April 12, 2014 I'm grateful that we've been able to make it out to all of these events since my daughter has been born. We have so many pictures of the magic that Disney creates on this tour. I'm glad that it is as interesting for us as it is for my daughter. And we got pretty good seats this year! Disney on Ice 87. April 13, 2014 I'm grateful that the city extended Fiesta to two weeks. We are always very busy. We came to Fiesta early this year in case we couldn't make it out later. We always miss Fiesta. Now, we still have some time to make it out to another event. Fiesta 2014 88. April 14, 2014 Even though the San Antonio Spurs lost to the Phoenix Suns tonight, they already ended their 2013-2014 season as best in the NBA. That's saying a lot with all the scrutiny that they have every season. They've once again proved that they are one of the best teams in the NBA, in fact the best this season. It says a lot about how much San Antonio values team participation and family. They deserve it, and we at San Antonio deserve to appreciate this team going to the playoffs as the best team in the NBA. Spurs Playoffs 89. April 15, 2014 I am happy that someone though about putting up this sign. There are people that need a little help doing everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping, that makes their day a lot easier. If that means me having to park further away, that is OK with me. I try to park far away anyway. It takes me more time grocery shopping if I look for a parking than if I just park further away and get in the store. If it makes someone else's day easier, it just makes it more logical to do it this way. I just wish everybody would respect this concept. Consideration 90. April 16, 2014 My wife finally found her brick at Texas A & M San Antonio. The first 5,000 graduates receive it free after their graduation. Her name is Nancy Ledesma. One of her friends is located three bricks below, hence the size of the picture. It's nice for her to be a part of the university's history. Brick 91. April 17, 2014 During practice with my group, I saw this coffee cup. I thought it was neat how the artist incorporated San Antonio by using the Spurs and the A.C.T.S. abbreviation. I've seen the A.C.T.S. abbreviation on many things, including bumper stickers and decals, but this is something a little bit more personal, since the owner will be using it to wake up to every morning. A. C. T. S. 92. April 18, 2014 We met up with the self-proclaimed Hispanic Elvis. I've seen him all over town, but he lives on my side of town. I think it's great that he portrays Elvis and keeps true to the role. Everybody says that he is crazy, but I think he is unique. His life is dedicated to greeting people and causing shock and awe. I truly am proud that he is a part of the San Antonio ambiance. Hispanic Elvis 93. April 19, 2014 I am grateful that summer is right around the corner. We were able to enjoy a day of swimming at Sea World. The weather was great, and the water was refreshing. Since we have year passes, we were able to go into the park, swim, and leave within three hours, spending little money. Sea World 94. April 20, 2014 It was a wonderful Easter Sunday. The family got together and had BBQ. It was a nice holiday to enjoy with the family, and the day was a nice break from a rather busy Spring. I hope that it sets the mood for the summer arriving in almost no time flat. Easter Sunday 95. April 21, 2014 I am grateful for clean water. There are some places in the world where this is scarce. Without clean water, sickness and disease can affect a person and community. I am glad that we can get this at a store, many times just down the street from where we live. Deja Blue 96. April 23, 2014 We had our Fiesta event at our building today. I just missed the Mariachi. They finished playing their last song as I was parking. I did get to say Hi to one of my acquaintances from the group. I was still able to enjoy tacos and coffee, even though I am not a big coffee drinker. Mariachi 97. April 24, 2014 We had our Fiesta event at our building today. I just missed the Mariachi. They finished playing their last song as I was parking. I did get to say Hi to one of my acquaintances from the group. I was still able to enjoy tacos and coffee, even though I am not a big coffee drinker. Miss Alamo City