WASHINGTON TIMES THTTiSPAY SEPTEMBER 1910 I 2 1SI been held and In which the voters hive had opPortunity to declare themselves people have opaftpB and as the party fa s the tan election the question iniHrt be iwttled by Republicans of every shade of opinion whether the differences- of the last snail be perpetrated or shall be forgotten He the dcjtcer that te eases eons of intense as to make 1t difficult in sense instances for factions to together and work loyally for the party but as- h stated in his letter to th ReouMtcan tan he done and should be done The Preetdetft is confident that yo will yourself meet your local and situation in this spirit and that you will write to your friends and ask then do so likewise The feels that value of the has bees featly exaggerated and that the re more useful to the men affected than the appointments would have been In t ie preliminarv in cer- tain Spates like Wisconsin else Rhere he was willing in the Interests- of what the leaders believed would lead to party sncoejHt to make stain dis initiations bdt the President has con- cluded that it is his duty now to treat all Republican Congressmen tcrs alike without any distinction H will now follow the usual rule in RP bnr n districts and States and will fMkrw the recommen- dation made by Republican Senators of whatever shade oC po- litical opinion only that tire men recojiUnei Kd moat competent and bestfitted for the jMtrticular cfflce- Stae 5rty yours CHARLES D NORTON Secretary to the President SUNDAY SCHOOL TO REOPEN After its usual summer vacation the Sunday school ofthe New York Avenue Church will re sume regular iMW and Sunday school studies next Sunday at 93 L C A Baker is superintendent The were- o come M Jt tote t tIM F e w grant It has DeeM and Sna Cetu be ups Jon rrcota sea cer- tain tee e Congreistoual CORmtttee 1 probably sklrmnls Des and Cte l- and reiu ring men- the its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < + LIST IS I1REP BY m M Total Number of Infantile Paralysis Patients Now Is 110 paralysis were reported dt m anft Bapm One f these was aaaetalt brsv iit mao the District sr treatment and tots were between and live years of age total number of cases reported July is JM A decrease Js In typhoid fever Thirtythree new reaorted as compared with r ceding week The on hand is 1W The of otter eontapteu dis- eases is as follows cough diptherfa 2 scarlet fevssf 2 snwtll- JTHere were 1 deaths during the week fiftynine the white and sixty among the colored population The births numbered of which were white and fortyseven colored ROBBERS CRACK SAFE with about 800 in cash and CASES I Nine neww of JMBt tile week e MiI Four patients were too two since S ae total uses I record 141 POx 1 measles and cblcketltOx 7 Ps 1 Ko erS tlJe sale in the postoiflce here and stamps eases it ate 1p dilrIg x tinder years of aSe The spawn cases ware t 11e pro iluba d Wbo pug 4 EVERZTT blew escaped GIRL Couple Elopes and Will Spend Honeymoon In New York NEWPORT R L Sept T Reten- B Arter formerly chawffewr fr Preach Vanderbilt X y L Bryer one of tho girls ta Newport who until recently ployed hi a store here ids Bryer left her mothers home es tenatMy for the store Arter was around the corner with an autoxnobfte sad to St Patricks Church in Fall River they speeded and there were trawled by Father Cook As fast as their automobile could re- turn here couple arrived t the tViekf rd boat landing th met by with their gripe and sthsari steamer They transferred to the line for was employed in a store are ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN VEDS NEW YORK Sept 15 Arthur Ham mersteln son of the former grand era IncpretMLrio Oscar Hammerstetn is married to Mrs Grace Hoagland form erly the wife Hoagland of Brooklyn The ceremony took place yesterday at South Birch Conn This is Mr Hteatmerateins second marriage hte first Wife being a Miss Kent of Tnlon HIM She obtained divorce VANDERBILT DRIVER MARRIES SHOP Stead prettiest I I the the I Shore I I I a jg J Mrs eloped with 3li were i New of John 17 > ¬ + POSER is mm- MB M CHASE Son of Rich Man Trapped In Colorado Trailed 8 000 Miles COLORADO saPllFNGS Gate Sept 35 After a pursuit of two years over ftf miles W H Stratnam as ho- eaUs himself sometimes was at the Antlers HoteL Stratham the police has also called htmaelf James M C McCree of the Pennsyvinv iM road president Mortimer Schiit son of Jacob II Schlff the Nerjr York banker aVortimer Hartley of JUKAHST wealthy New York fanttt C Clay and Jk- LMtrtweaOier The say too that Stratham long has been In habit of signing checks with names representing wealthy families SUratham say he is years wise The ponce add that New York New Orleans Chicago St Louis and other cities yearn for him On information from the Memphis authorities Superintendent Erb of the Pnkertons Denver here and informed the police of MB quest Brb found Stratham on the street followed him to the Antlers Hotel whore he registered as from New York was and Invited Stratbatn to a highball They were Dipping it when the police interrupted rudeh I I tort ares I Hanti ten j j poUr i j I otAce caMe red j ed Say son the twenty five Mem- phis in- troduced > ¬ AFTER NEW SPEED RECORD NewCommander Is Driving Great Craft At Her Best to Dock Today 2OTW YORK Scot K Wireless today Mated giant Cun arder MaurtttaiH would prai ably here this aftemdMi hanging up a now record fw Western across the AUantic Tk eM 4 days It and Si abate wits made a year ago Tile new coonnander of ship Ca tams Dew is nxiot e to estaWfeh a mark beating the best tine of imteenssor Captain Prichard and riving his giant craft at top speed There are more than 20W on board the ship and bets are being made upon the outcome of the race If the Summer brought eat unsightly Spots You can remove them Basfl you know how easy it Is to re- move those ugly spots so that ae one will call you freckleface Simply get an ounce of Othine d ble strength from Nine Best Stores Peoples Pharmacy ana one treatment will snow you how to rid yourself eC freckles and a beautiful Now that the summer has its crop of freckles to most women there- is an unusual demand for Othine and m September the drugirlst sometimes find it difficult to get smncient to supply all enlist Be sure to double strength Othine as it to sold under remove the freckles RET A i I that the hoots face Drug set for the of money Melt K It tan to re- ports be- decked verges record of the his pt aeenaelS ss Too Otis ootaple ion ask guar ntee ¬ > + mm- I very And Subject to Ten Days Free Triad G 8746 One of the biggest wholesale watch houses in America have turned over to us their entire allotment of travelers sample watches This firm employs Jwelve traveling salesmen each carrying eightysix 86 watches as samples to the trade This means ten hundred and thirtytwo 1032 in all 316 Ladies styles and 716 Gentlemens new designs that we have never shown before They are all highgrade Elgin and Waltham movements in PERMANENTLY GUARANTEED 14karat gold stiffened cases The designs shown are of rare beauty and refinement the like of which have never been shown in Washington The assortment also includes the fashionable plain polished veriiMn models which we will engrave in any style of monogram withoutextra charge IHUorder fljat you may have ample time to compare with tiny watch offering ANYWHERE and to satisfy yourself com letejy as to the wonderful values represented BEFORE you finally decide to buy it we will gladly accept return of any watch within ten no charge I u CASTEL BERGS I rIC SALE j OF HIGHGRADE WALTHAM AND ELGIN 11 716 Gentlemens Models 316 Ladies Models il 1 I 1 II SA7D 7U II 13120 735- J Q V 50 Cents 50 CenJs i- l n a a I- If You If You Choose Choose 6471 I Read About Our Good ortuneand Yours I I stylesall before OUR TEN DAY FREE TRIM OFFER I I days and I CASTELBERGS 935 Pennsylvania Ave f AT t SAMPLE I t 7- ti v aT a- r m 1 Permanently Guaranteed f r J r 6523 4 5O eek week f f Lu C r = = SPECIAL NOTICES BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TUB DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Sept Ji The jmhlic acheoh of the District ef CD bia dKm OR September 19 at a m to their teat year rooms te be wvxX TO CJtADKD SCHOOLS AH rhfl rra sat on the rolta the public wtxm for adavteafcrn tickets at the aebeote cxwvaateat to their homes Principals be at their buildings Friday a4 may September K and H from S td and float 4 to p m Vaccination cettmeaM presented ADaOtaBIOX TO WHITE HIGH SCHOOLS- All apftttcaats fur admission to the Cen- tral intern Western and Buntooaa High Schools and the MeKIaiey Maaaal Trateteg other thaa these who attended the eighth grades or the of Cohtmbta- MM report to High School Admtonion Board at Onr1 High School Seventh day Friday or Saturday SmUmher IS 2 te m The board wilt assign pupils to tk exaaatmtloae- Bxa4aaUoa for advaaoad ataadteg ia all aubj wiU be OB Monday September a m at ta Central High ExamiMUio foradoUMlcw to the trot of till Msk dM obi wfH h giv n OB- Taeaoar September 3St at a B at the Ce t u Hteh Scboo- iFr admission to the drat year w pwds- w t prepared to take an tt6ng In- rngUsh Grammar and Co poatUo Alge- bra thrao h Arithmetic Tailed sitars History and CooatStattoa and Ge s aphjr An ApplicaMB moat present proper ceruncates or records of all work la other sebooto etberwfea n credit be for such work ExamalaatlOB Is y quaked hot credit May be given for the work dose In oUter OTwannd by the Bard of AdnrtMsteas All each pnpOB desiring to eater high or aBMl tehuns schools must cot cities arms the teacher of the efchth grade li t attended aowaterstpMd by Super Mac Prtoci al of the liliiBten- VlrtUSSlON TO THE COLORED HIGH SCHOOLS All c8MUd cs for adsriMfen to the M Street Hhjft School or Armstrong 3amal Training School not maaNrred from eighth erastes of UM District of CM Mb4- ail confer with the prtneipal of the school tli y to eater The Director of Kiadersarteac will meet an of the trh kindersarten t chers la Normal Halt of the TVaakOn School aOdniK Friday K at W a m The Director of Primary laetrvetlon win en at FVaaklin School BufMm Friday 9otnber t 2 p m and aO teachers AT the flrjt sad sewed xxadM who have been apaotated since September M8 at the name place on September 17 at n m- Th supervising prinetpakt of the white scfaeote will nest the tmchun of their re- apectixe dlvMaoa la their sake bdldlngs- ua Sfivt my A ceaera of all teachers prta- ripahr and COcera of the colored reboots TUi be held in Assembly Boom of the X Sliest HIP Scnoot Saturday September 17 at Baa a The prlaetpato ar the white normal tasA and maana mhUnx xchoote will meet the teachers f their i tn U aefaoots at their O nr4 ouUdfvaB a Saturdaj 3 Hani at 17 at Crat a m- Arrauai laMHB have made for the ac comrrodaUoo ta the Heary D Cooke itwith strat Columbia road nbwert of M daaaaa of the CSevftbUM- lPa k School until tint bviMina to reedy Pt5 Nicat Scboote will pen XatMlar Tickets of adaxiaafon win N leered S tia day eveeiaic Octobaf 1 from KJH SCHOOLS Puitaca School Xiaih sad Jtfaade- la f northwest TcKb v Manwri TmmbMt hiit 5 nth nd KTiade Iciand avenoe narUiaiaat- GRAIMEO 9CHOOCR- Fraaifclh Trhetl Ttttrtceath- oorfh School Sbrth aad H ra COtOR5 IK JT SCWOOtST- THHT SCBOOM5 Aim tiuauc HT c l Tratottts School rial Caur U F between lust and Third- S t lMff4kA K- Mott fchp l fBaalntsg CwnraeK Sixth and Ti inuhtril vtnvt nnrUrg eFt Srhenl GarflaM H C MIll School Xfehais C r v cox Prv Menr fif th B rd of Bttoeatlaa of the BRODTS HATS JI ill MONDAY pupils Ute graded tact NI Ort those to transferred will MIlt to of ncheols the of wile eater tile graded wilt make appU sneer on mba the 0 streets Room 31 Tbu H- er 17 the hoes et s to a IlL and D at S completed OC If are No who attending the eighth grade of Ute of wit the peat Ute the the v the September meet lint and grade teach ts H a JR l meting the School- S I s l to High r r Suomi PInt G Sr1IMI I aTlllllle c T west i OOOIDlG SCHOOLS R SdIMI Pleas Jades i I GRADED SCJIOS I St School aIM street Jt L 1I tIt t f I Twenty D School Flrat and I o1molloh lt Iwo i Aa is seieek yearr will teat which A at deee last year desire w aeboets aOl f 9 D strict the and northwesR On between 12 ti1 given p year S factoring given setae schools eertiSeats iattlifaetnry pepik have ll a Columbia be aloe all ioooad asedei tae tar day Ouplsmbem as 1530 been near nlr c cv n rhe foltosiav bQdttege- lt1tV Et1GfT PHOOLn sad K streets taisa a d elseets north WsT arh Seventh any r glepet P team s ratb ai skteet oetkwent- d6 ldasntdstreetta aeettte mwrtbwee- tJnhraea Annex street Mesa iolS north env cuddaggi Tweats tits bdwwa sad streets rtkid Ievrliy School Twdf and D streets sssttleast Plops School N shoot between Twenty ltdsfh streets dams avepeR AnacosU4 U streets south- west 1otric at > > ¬ ¬ > > > > << From Maker to Wearer Factory and Salesroom 419 llthStNW Branch 503 9th Theres character about hats Exact copies of the 590 hats r eo on price r ODUU Fall styles and colors SPECIAL f Imported fall shapes of black Dor I bies nfedo by Triston Co London England Worth SM Spe Ql Q Come early and lied your size BRODTS HATS None better 419 11th Street N W Branch 503 9th N W r Have your old hat renovated at our factory a 11th St W NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART- NERSHIP The heretofore existing betweenJames E Redman and James 31 Holloway trading as Redman and HolloWS at 913 Louisiana Ave N W has this day Sept 391 been dissolved by mutual consent All lows receivable are to be paid to James E Redman and all bills payable are to be paid by him The be con tinued James E Redman under the name of Redmans White Front Market Signed JAMES E REDMAN JAMES M HOLLOWAY Cheaper Than Lasts Forever CHARLES E SPEIDEX- C20 C St S E Phone Lincoln 242T- If you ever liarc anything you dont need get money for it through the For Sale aiisc77 ads in TIio Times I our I I I i 41 > 1 b IRON ftNCfS per Foot Up I cial i c r L roc F ° ¬ = SPECIAL NOTICES OFF7C1S UF THB Washington Gas Light Company 4B17 TENTH STREET N W Washington CItY D C 1 1M9 To the Stockholders of the WaaWagtoa Llcht Company v Notice te hereby given that a special of the stockholders of the Washington Gas Compaay is tatted the Board of Directors of that Company for and will be belt on the fourteenth day of October 1910 office Tenth Street of UK Company No H3 northwest in the City of Washington D C to transact such as may properly come before mid meeting and especially to consider approve or otherwise act upon the following a Washington Gas practice bHhert2 of to its s tock at the rate of ten per centum per annum upon its authorized capital of MvtX which capitalization was made many years ago and does not now adequately of the Company used It for the bene- fit of under the provisions of the charter and its further practice of declaring extra dividends from Its undivided or shall it In future distribute its tock holders in the proportions to which they are respectively entitled the net annual of the Company after deduc ing from its gro earnings all proper expenses of and of the conduct of its business and the sums necessary to pay Interest upon its bonds and certificates of indebtedness to- gether with an amount sufficient to river depreciation in dividends to an amount approximating six per centum upon of the property used the said Company for the Benefit of the p Hc under Its charter sunun said net earn I sufficient to justify said Hvldende 2 Shall the moneys needed annually for extensions of the mains v and other exy enees classed as betternwts be paid out of the earn Inp of the or snail such moneys hereafter be raised by a bond issue or Issues secured by deed of trust Won all of the property which It is entitled to embrace deed of trust said bonds to Be sold for not lose than par and the thereof to applied exclusively to said betterments 3 Snail the company refund Its out stairfinp oends now bearing four per cen tum interest amounting to approximate ly SO6M9 in round numbers and also its outstanding dividend certificates of indcbtednt six per centum In terest amounting to 29Mjm which certlncrtes of indebtedness are now pay able at of the company new of trust upon all of the property of the company which It is entitled to embrace in said deed of trust said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum and to be paya- ble at such Vine or as the said sp the stockholders hereln- befDre called shall determine upon th contents of the said bonds and also of the said dee of to be approved by a meeting of the of the company subsequent to the said stock- holders meeting but in any event to contain a stipulation the responsibility of each stockholder for the payment of the said and expressly that holders of the said bonds shall rely only upsu the security embrar d tIe said deed of trust Further in the event that the said stockholders meeting shall determine that future oeULerments the issue of bonds contemplated in this proposition be increased And if so to what amount for the purpose of Snanc lug said betterments required Jn the near future If it is not thought expedient to re- fund the sail issue of S2 of divi den certincat s of indebteda ss in the manner hereinbefore provided shall the said total issue of dividend oertifl- cates of indebtedness be paid with later y eat to the of payment bv tOe pro- ceeds of the sale in open market lor not than par of 3049 f the said new bonds or of so many at said bonds as may be required ft pur ps If it be thought exp dM t to sell the said face value of said bonds in open market shall so many of the stockholders of the ceoipany at a given date as shall avail themselves of the privilege within a be entitled to subscribe and pay for thp said bonds at their face value aI4 of and payznent to be proportional of trt Shan said next hereinbefore referred to apply to so much of saN new bone or bones of hoods as shall be required- for 5nancu betterments- All subordinate propositions em- braced in and pertinent to the said main propositions above stated shall to the necessary extent be considered and by the said stock- holders meeting According to the charter and bylaws r Gas Light Fri- day at oclock at the d QUarter dkhknci from Its net the lair of the shnL be Cm ny in be be br- a eta me r t ng or 8Up In shah of earn tt shall be IaIaIIC1U by a bond next date Jai the not hJt Ute ted Kivllef r 1 3L propo- sitions Shall Conn l w is regular oWens earnings represent vahts the property public that Cote s g such bond t trust waiving stat- utory bands not be paid mz issue snail ibe time sn app > privil- ege also ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ < = of the Washington pany only such stockholders are allow ed to vote at any meeting of tie stock- holders as shall have been holders of the certificates of stock of the Company in their own and proper names for the period of fourteen days previous to any stockholders In order that all stockholders may have an opportunity to have their stock thus registered in the books of the Company the stock transfer books of the Company will be closed at dose of business at 3 p m on Thursday day of September vie and will remain closed until the dose of bus at 3 p ax on Friday the 14th of October mr and all holders of stock HS aforesaid who shall be 5ach at th ruse of business on said nth day of September 1 will be entitled to at the meeting of the hereby railed for Friday the Nth day of October ISM The polls wilt be open from 12 oclock m naUI 1 oclock p M Respeetfoly- EOARI OF t P TIIE LIGHT COM IAKY By WILLIAM B ORME Secretary Wash ington Gas Light Company selS31t JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF Bricklayers anti Masons Unions f Nos 1 and 2 of D C Friday Sept Mth S p m at CostelteS Hall of 1m portonce GKO W ELLIOTT Rec Secy of No L SPECIAL JLTTXXTKKf A bargain seldom offered t horses mares that have been aged alt riiininnr in the ice hastneag are la Bratclass condi- tion ages from S to S years welch from lm to 14a efech Special attention Is called each suitable for coat wagon r any heavy hauling and one of the handsomest comhteation and driving horses te the State Is fearless of all ob ject erfectly safe for lady tr drive has driver a mile Mi 24 also o nl Mack horse that will be suitable for litchi r i botcher hake milkman oT any general par poe any one that te in need of a home written guarantee for tell day will bo given with each horse Call at my private residence at h at S W Take either THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART- will reopen to the on week days on Thursday September 36th 191 The hibltkms will be F B McGUIRE Director WINDOW SHADES Special prices oa all aaalttles WH1 call with samples and submit esemntte THE SHADE SHOP 724 nth st X W Phone 5931 Retail Grocers Are You Supplied with idlers Self Mi LLERS n Is now at hand when SclfRaislnc housewives are oeamadUi this noted praduct tin us BUCKWHEAT P for rioe coMtmers B B Earnsfaaw Bro 77HOEESA3 GROCBKSUtb 21 au th 1 Dt TORS W RINGTO GAS and 7 and I oW iyearold saddle been can very cheep as aU MIIIIt be Id- A 5 a pvgraD4abalf or a Seventh sit car to Est 1 date Or the cx ter raising Buckwheat j and said the nose dale voter stock- holders Ai 1 nes8 to one bay tea leers wenh- Ie9 e buy one l Sunday announced ala The sea Ito aspplica ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > >

Transcript of I 1SI LIST I1REP m M I MB M Ort Ute eons€¦ · I 2 1SI WASHINGTON TIMES THTTiSPAY SEPTEMBER 1910...

Page 1: I 1SI LIST I1REP m M I MB M Ort Ute eons€¦ · I 2 1SI WASHINGTON TIMES THTTiSPAY SEPTEMBER 1910 been held and In which the voters hive had opPortunity to declare themselves people

WASHINGTON TIMES THTTiSPAY SEPTEMBER 1910I 2 1SIbeen held and In which the votershive had opPortunity to declarethemselves

people have opaftpB and as theparty fa s the tan election the questioniniHrt be iwttled by Republicans of everyshade of opinion whether the differences-of the last snail be perpetratedor shall be forgotten

He the dcjtcer that teeases eons of

intense as to make 1t difficult in senseinstances for factions to togetherand work loyally for the party but as-h stated in his letter to th ReouMtcan

tan he done and should be doneThe Preetdetft is confident that yowill yourself meet your local and

situation in this spirit and thatyou will write to your friends andask then do so likewise

The feels that valueof the has beesfeatly exaggerated and that the remore useful to the men affected thanthe appointments would have been

In t ie preliminarv in cer-tain Spates like Wisconsin elseRhere he was willing in the Interests-of what the leaders believed would leadto party sncoejHt to make stain disinitiations bdt the President has con-cluded that it is his duty now to treatall Republican Congressmentcrs alike without any distinction

H will now follow the usual rule inRP bnr n districts andStates and will fMkrw the recommen-dation made by Republican

Senators of whatever shade oC po-litical opinion only that tiremen recojiUnei Kdmoat competent and bestfitted forthe jMtrticular cfflce-

Stae 5rty yoursCHARLES D NORTON

Secretary to the President

SUNDAY SCHOOL TO REOPENAfter its usual summer vacation

the Sunday school ofthe New YorkAvenue Church will resume regular iMW and Sundayschool studies next Sunday at 93 L CA Baker is superintendent




M Jt



F e

w grant It has DeeM

and Sna



ups Jon

rrcota sea cer-tain tee

eCongreistoual CORmtttee



sklrmnls Desand

Cte l-

andreiu ring











Total Number of InfantileParalysis Patients Now

Is 110

paralysiswere reported dt m anft Bapm

One f these was aaaetalt brsv iitmao the District sr treatment

and tots were between and liveyears of age

total number of cases reportedJuly is JM

A decrease Js In typhoid feverThirtythree new reaortedas compared with rceding week Theon hand is 1W

The of otter eontapteu dis-eases is as follows cough

diptherfa 2 scarlet fevssf 2 snwtll-

JTHere were 1 deaths during the weekfiftynine the white and sixtyamong the colored population

The births numbered of whichwere white and fortyseven



with about 800 in cash and


Nine neww of

JMBt tile week e MiI

Fourpatients were too


since S

aetotal uses I



POx 1 measles and cblcketltOx 7

Ps 1 Ko erStlJe sale in the postoiflce here and


eases it ate1p

dilrIgxtinder years of aSe


spawncases ware

t 11e proiluba d

Wbo pug




Couple Elopes and WillSpend Honeymoon In

New York

NEWPORT R L Sept T Reten-B Arter formerly chawffewr f r

Preach VanderbiltX y L Bryer one of tho

girls ta Newport who until recentlyployed hi a store hereids Bryer left her mothers home es

tenatMy for the store Arter was aroundthe corner with an autoxnobfte sad toSt Patricks Church in Fall River theyspeeded and there were trawled byFather Cook

As fast as their automobile could re-turn here couple arrived t thetViekf rd boat landing thmet by with their gripe and

sthsari steamer Theytransferred to the line forwas employed in a store are


mersteln son of the former grand eraIncpretMLrio Oscar Hammerstetn ismarried to Mrs Grace Hoagland formerly the wife Hoagland ofBrooklyn The ceremony took placeyesterday at South Birch Conn Thisis Mr Hteatmerateins second marriagehte first Wife being a Miss Kent ofTnlon HIM She obtained divorce








the I





Mrs eloped with3li



of John






Son of Rich Man TrappedIn Colorado Trailed

8 000 Miles

COLORADO saPllFNGS Gate Sept 35

After a pursuit of two years over ftfmiles W H Stratnam as ho-

eaUs himself sometimes wasat the Antlers HoteL

Stratham the police has alsocalled htmaelf James M CMcCree of the Pennsyvinv iMroad president Mortimer Schiit son ofJacob II Schlff the Nerjr York bankeraVortimer Hartley of JUKAHST wealthyNew York fanttt C Clay and Jk-LMtrtweaOier The say too thatStratham long has been In habit ofsigning checks with names representingwealthy families

SUratham say he is yearswise The ponce add that New YorkNew Orleans Chicago St Louis

and other cities yearn for himOn information from the Memphis

authorities Superintendent Erb of thePnkertons Denver here andinformed the police of MB quest Brbfound Stratham on the street followedhim to the Antlers Hotel whore heregistered as from New York was

and Invited Stratbatn to ahighball They were Dipping it whenthe police interrupted rudeh





Hanti ten



poUr i



otAce caMe







twenty five






NewCommander Is Driving Great

Craft At Her Best to Dock

Today2OTW YORK Scot K Wireless

today Mated giant Cunarder MaurtttaiH would prai ably

here this aftemdMi hanging upa now record fw Westernacross the AUantic Tk eM4 days It and Si abate witsmade a year ago

Tile new coonnander of ship Catams Dew is nxiot e to estaWfeh amark beating the best tine ofimteenssor Captain Prichard andriving his giant craft at top speed

There are more than 20Won board the ship and bets are beingmade upon the outcome of the race

If the Summer brought eat unsightlySpots You can remove them Basfl

you know how easy it Is to re-move those ugly spots so that ae onewill call you freckleface

Simply get an ounce of Othine d blestrength from Nine Best StoresPeoples Pharmacy ana onetreatment will snow you howto rid yourself eC freckles and abeautiful

Now that the summer has itscrop of freckles to most women there-is an unusual demand for Othine and mSeptember the drugirlst sometimes find itdifficult to get smncient to supply allenlist Be sure to doublestrength Othine as it to sold underremove the freckles



that the





for theof money Melt K It tan to



decked vergesrecord of



pt aeenaelS



Otisootaple ion

askguar ntee







And Subject to Ten Days Free Triad

G 8746

One of the biggest wholesale watch houses in America have turned over to us their entire allotment of travelers sample watchesThis firm employs Jwelve traveling salesmen each carrying eightysix 86 watches as samples to the trade This means ten hundred andthirtytwo 1032 in all 316 Ladies styles and 716 Gentlemens new designs that we have never shown before They are allhighgrade Elgin and Waltham movements in PERMANENTLY GUARANTEED 14karat gold stiffened cases The designs shown are ofrare beauty and refinement the like of which have never been shown in Washington The assortment also includes the fashionableplain polished veriiMn models which we will engrave in any style of monogram withoutextra charge

IHUorder fljat you may have ample time to compare with tiny watch offering ANYWHERE and to satisfy yourself com letejy as to thewonderful values represented BEFORE you finally decide to buy it we will gladly accept return of any watch within ten no charge




716 Gentlemens Models 316 Ladies Modelsil

1 I1



13120 735-

J QV 50 Cents 50 CenJs i-

l n

a aI-

If You If You

Choose Choose


Read About Our Good ortuneand Yours I





days andI

CASTELBERGS 935 Pennsylvania Avef




ti v

aT a-


m 1 Permanently Guaranteedf r

J r


4 5Oeek week

f f Lu C





DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Sept JiThe jmhlic acheoh of the District ef CD

bia dKm OR September 19at a m

to their teat year roomste be

wvxX TO CJtADKD SCHOOLSAH rhfl rra sat on the rolta the public

wtxm for adavteafcrn tickets at the aebeotecxwvaateat to their homes Principalsbe at their buildings Friday a4may September K and H from S td

and float 4 to p m VaccinationcettmeaM presentedADaOtaBIOX TO WHITE HIGH SCHOOLS-

All apftttcaats fur admission to the Cen-tral intern Western and Buntooaa HighSchools and the MeKIaiey Maaaal Trateteg

other thaa these who attended theeighth grades or the of Cohtmbta-MM report to High School Admtonion

Board at Onr1 High School Seventh

day Friday or Saturday SmUmher IS

2 te m The board wilt assign pupilsto tk exaaatmtloae-

Bxa4aaUoa for advaaoad ataadteg ia allaubj wiU be OB Monday September

a m at ta Central HighExamiMUio foradoUMlcw to the trot

of till Msk dM obi wfH h giv n OB-

Taeaoar September 3St at a B at theCe t u Hteh Scboo-

iFr admission to the drat yearw

pwds-wt prepared to take an tt6ng In-

rngUsh Grammar and Co poatUo Alge-bra thrao h Arithmetic Tailedsitars History and CooatStattoa and Ge saphjr An ApplicaMB moat present properceruncates or records of all workla other sebooto etberwfea n credit be

for such work ExamalaatlOB Isy quaked hot credit May be given for

the work dose In oUter

OTwannd by the Bard of AdnrtMsteas Alleach pnpOB desiring to eater high or

aBMl tehuns schools must cotcities arms the teacher of the efchth grade

li t attended aowaterstpMd by SuperMac Prtoci al of the liliiBten-


All c8MUd cs for adsriMfen to the MStreet Hhjft School or Armstrong 3amalTraining School not maaNrred fromeighth erastes of UM District of CM Mb4-

ail confer with the prtneipal of the schooltli y to eater

The Director of Kiadersarteac will meetan of the trh kindersarten t chers la

Normal Halt of the TVaakOn SchoolaOdniK Friday K at W a mThe Director of Primary laetrvetlon win

en at FVaaklin School BufMm Friday9otnber t 2 p m and aO teachersAT the flrjt sad sewed xxadM who havebeen apaotated since September M8 at thename place on September 17 at

n m-Th supervising prinetpakt of the white

scfaeote will nest the tmchun of their re-apectixe dlvMaoa la their sake bdldlngs-ua Sfivt my

A ceaera of all teachers prta-ripahr and COcera of the colored rebootsTUi be held in Assembly Boom of theX Sliest HIP Scnoot Saturday September17 at Baa a

The prlaetpato ar the white normal tasAand maana mhUnx xchoote will meet theteachers f their i tn U aefaoots at theirO nr4 ouUdfvaB a Saturdaj 3 Hani at 17at Crat a m-

Arrauai laMHB have made for the accomrrodaUoo ta the Heary D Cooke

itwith strat Columbia roadnbwert of M daaaaa of the CSevftbUM-lPa k School until tint bviMina to reedy

Pt5 Nicat Scboote will pen XatMlarTickets of adaxiaafon win

N leered S tia day eveeiaic Octobaf 1 from

KJH SCHOOLSPuitaca School Xiaih sad Jtfaade-la f northwestTcKb v Manwri TmmbMt hiit 5 nthnd KTiade Iciand avenoe narUiaiaat-

GRAIMEO 9CHOOCR-Fraaifclh Trhetl Ttttrtceath-


School Sbrth aad H ra


Aim tiuauc HT c l Tratottts Schoolrial Caur U F between lust and Third-

S t lMff4kA K-

Mott fchp l fBaalntsg CwnraeK Sixth andTi inuhtril vtnvt nnrUrg eFt

Srhenl GarflaM H C

MIllSchool Xfehais


r v coxPrv Menr fif th B rd of Bttoeatlaa of the



pupils Ute graded tactNI Ort

those to transferred will MIlt to

ofncheols the of wile

eater tile graded wilt make appU



the0 streets Room 31 Tbu

H-er 17 the hoes et s to a IlL and

D at S



If are Nowho attending the eighth

grade of Ute of witthepeat





meet lint and grade teach


H a JRl meting





l to

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Sr1IMII aTlllllle

c T


RSdIMI Pleas





I St School aIMstreet Jt L 1I tIt




DSchool Flrat and I



Iwo iAa is seieek yearrwill teatwhich


at deee last year desirew aeboets


f 9

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and northwesR On

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setaeschools eertiSeats iattlifaetnrypepik have ll a

Columbia be


all ioooad asedeitae


Ouplsmbem as 1530



nlr c cvn rhe foltosiav bQdttege-

lt1tV Et1GfT PHOOLn

sad K streets

taisa a d elseets northWsT arh Seventh any

r glepetP

team s ratb

ai skteet oetkwent-d6 ldasntdstreetta aeettte mwrtbwee-tJnhraea Annex street Mesa


northenv cuddaggi Tweatstits bdwwa sad streets

rtkidIevrliy School Twdf and D streets

sssttleastPlops School N shoot between Twentyltdsfh streets

dams avepeR AnacosU4U streets south-


1otric at











Maker to WearerFactory and Salesroom

419 llthStNWBranch 503 9th

Theres characterabout hats

Exact copies of the 590 hatsr eo on

price r ODUUFall styles and colors

SPECIALf Imported fall shapes of black DorI bies nfedo by Triston Co LondonEngland Worth SM Spe Ql Q

Come early and lied your size

BRODTS HATSNone better

419 11th Street N WBranch 503 9th N W

r Have your old hat renovated at ourfactory a 11th St W

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART-NERSHIP The heretoforeexisting betweenJames E Redman andJames 31 Holloway trading as Redmanand HolloWS at 913 Louisiana AveN W has this day Sept 391 beendissolved by mutual consent All lowsreceivable are to be paid to James ERedman and all bills payable are to bepaid by him The be continued James E Redman under thename of Redmans White Front Market


Cheaper ThanLasts Forever

CHARLES E SPEIDEX-C20 C St S E Phone Lincoln 242T-

If you ever liarc anything youdont need get money for it throughthe For Sale aiisc77 ads in TIioTimes

I our





41 >



IRON ftNCfSper Foot Up



i c r L rocF





Washington Gas Light Company4B17 TENTH STREET N W

Washington CItY D C1 1M9

To the Stockholders of the WaaWagtoaLlcht Company v

Notice te hereby given that a specialof the stockholders of the

Washington Gas Compaay istatted the Board of Directors of thatCompany for and will be belt on

the fourteenth day of October 1910office

Tenth Streetof UK Company No H3northwest in the City of WashingtonD C to transact such as mayproperly come before mid meeting andespecially to consider approve orotherwise act upon the following

a Washington Gaspractice bHhert2

ofto its s tockat the rate of ten per centum per annumupon its authorized capital of MvtXwhich capitalization was made manyyears ago and does not now adequatelyof the Company used It for the bene-fit of under the provisions ofthe charter and its furtherpractice of declaring extra dividendsfrom Its undivided or shall itIn future distribute its tockholders in the proportions to which theyare respectively entitled the net annualof the Company after deducing from its gro earnings all properexpenses of and of theconduct of its business and the sumsnecessary to pay Interest upon its bondsand certificates of indebtedness to-gether with an amount sufficient toriver depreciation in dividends to anamount approximating six per centumupon of the property usedthe said Company for the Benefit ofthe p Hc under Itscharter sunun said net earnI sufficient to justify saidHvldende

2 Shall the moneys needed annuallyfor extensions of the mains vand other exy enees classed asbetternwts be paid out of the earnInp of the or snail suchmoneys hereafter be raised by a bondissue or Issues secured by deed of trustWon all of the propertywhich It is entitled to embracedeed of trust said bonds to Be sold fornot lose than par and thethereof to applied exclusively to saidbetterments

3 Snail the company refund Its outstairfinp oends now bearing four per centum interest amounting to approximately SO6M9 in round numbers and alsoits outstanding dividend certificates ofindcbtednt six per centum Interest amounting to 29Mjm whichcertlncrtes of indebtedness are now payable at of the company

new oftrust upon all of the property of thecompany which It is entitled toembrace in said deed of trust saidbonds to bear interest at the rate of fiveper centum per annum and to be paya-ble at such Vine or as the said sp

the stockholders hereln-befDre called shall determine upon thcontents of the said bonds and also ofthe said dee of to be approvedby a meeting of the of thecompany subsequent to the said stock-holders meeting but in any event tocontain a stipulation the

responsibility of eachstockholder for the payment of the said

and expressly thatholders of the said bonds shall rely onlyupsu the security embrar d tIe saiddeed of trust Further in the eventthat the said stockholders meetingshall determine that future oeULerments

the issue of bonds contemplated in thisproposition be increased And if so towhat amount for the purpose of Snanclug said betterments required Jn thenear future

If it is not thought expedient to re-fund the sail issue of S2 of dividen certincat s of indebteda ss in themanner hereinbefore provided shallthe said total issue of dividend oertifl-cates of indebtedness be paid with later yeat to the of payment bv tOe pro-ceeds of the sale in open market lornot than par of 3049 f thesaid new bonds or of so many at saidbonds as may be required ft purps

If it be thought exp dM t to sellthe said face value of saidbonds in open market shall so manyof the stockholders of the ceoipany ata given date as shall avail themselvesof the privilege within abe entitled to subscribe and pay for thpsaid bonds at their face value aI4

of and payznentto be proportional of trt

Shan saidnext hereinbefore referred to

apply to so much of saN new boneor bones of hoods as shall be required-for 5nancu betterments-

All subordinate propositions em-braced in and pertinent to the saidmain propositions above stated shallto the necessary extent be consideredand by the said stock-holders meeting

According to the charter and bylaws




dayat oclock at the

d QUarter dkhkncifrom Its net

the lair of


shnL be

C m ny





eta me r t ng or



shah of earn ttshall be IaIaIIC1U by a bond




hJt Ute




1 3L


ShallConn lw isregular

oWens earnings

represent vahts the propertypublic

thatCote s






waiving stat-utory


not be paid mzissue snail



sn app>






















of the Washingtonpany only such stockholders are allowed to vote at any meeting of tie stock-holders as shall have been holders ofthe certificates of stock of theCompany in their own and propernames for the period of fourteen daysprevious to any stockholdersIn order that all stockholders mayhave an opportunity to have their stockthus registered in the books of theCompany the stock transfer books ofthe Company will be closed at dose ofbusiness at 3 p m on Thursday

day of September vie and willremain closed until the dose of bus

at 3 p ax on Friday the 14thof October m r and all holders of stockHS aforesaid who shall be 5ach at thruse of business on said nth day ofSeptember 1 will be entitled toat the meeting of the

hereby railed for Friday theNth day of October ISM

The polls wilt be open from 12 oclockm naUI 1 oclock p M

Respeetfoly-EOARI OF t P TIIE


ByWILLIAM B ORME Secretary Wash

ington Gas Light Company selS31tJOINT SPECIAL MEETING OFBricklayers anti Masons Unions f Nos1 and 2 of D C Friday Sept Mth S pm at CostelteS Hall of 1mportonce GKO W ELLIOTT


A bargain seldom offered t horsesmares that have been aged alt riiininnr inthe ice hastneag are la Bratclass condi-tion ages from S to S years welch fromlm to 14a efech Special attention Is called

each suitable for coat wagon r anyheavy hauling and one of the handsomest

comhteation and drivinghorses te the State Is fearless of all object erfectly safe for lady tr drive has

driver a mile Mi 24 also o nlMack horse that will be suitable for litchi r ibotcher hake milkman oT any general parpoe any one that te in need of a home

written guarantee for tell day will bogiven with each horse Call at my privateresidence at h at S W Take either


will reopen to the on week dayson Thursday September 36th 191 Thehibltkms will beF B McGUIRE Director

WINDOW SHADESSpecial prices oa all aaalttles WH1 call

with samples and submit esemntteTHE SHADE SHOP

724 nth st X W Phone 5931

Retail Grocers Are YouSupplied with idlers Self

Mi LLERS n Is now at hand whenSclfRaislnc housewives are oeamadUi

this noted praduct tin usBUCKWHEAT P for rioe coMtmers

B B Earnsfaaw Bro77HOEESA3 GROCBKSUtb 21 au





7 and I oW

iyearold saddle


can very cheep as aU MIIIIt be Id-A 5

a pvgraD4abalf or a Seventh sit car toEst 1

date Or the cxter

raising Buckwheat




nose dale






to one bay tea leers wenh-Ie9


buy one




The sea





