Hyper Island 2011-Programs and Courses

2011/2012 Programs and Courses in Interactive Media, Leadership and Change Management

Transcript of Hyper Island 2011-Programs and Courses

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Programs and Courses in

Interactive Media,Leadership and Change


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The Story o Hyper Island

The year is 1995 and CD-ROMs are at the cutting edge o a growing NewMedia Industry. Lars Lundh, David Erixon and Jonathan Briggs are all pro es-sionals in the eld, and are worried about the lack o industry-ready peoplecoming out o mainstream education.

They saw a mismatch between how and what people were learning and theneeds o an industry coping with rapid change. Lars, David and Jonathanwanted to see a progressive approach to learning that listened to industryneeds.

They wanted to replace the student–teacher divide with a mutual exchange

o ideas and inspiration that had innovation at its heart, placed equal valueon personal and pro essional development and ocused on the group asmuch as the individual.

They wanted to challenge students to Learn by Doing; to experience, ex-periment and nd their own approaches and answers. This would preparestudents to respond to immediate industry needs and new trends.

In 1996 this idea or a new kind o education became a reality. Housed in anold prison on an island near the Swedish town o Karlskrona, Hyper Islandopen it’s doors or the rst time.

Those who have graduated rom Hyper Island have ound key roles in lead-ing agencies across the globe, and word o this new method o educationhas ollowed them.

In 2008, responding to growing industry demand or an intensive alternativeto the long term programs, we delivered our rst three-day Master Class.The Master Class has continued to grow in popularity, and we have workedwith many o the industry’s most exciting people and agencies.

16 years on, we have o ces in Stockholm, London, Manchester and NewYork. Hyper Island is now a global brand synonymous with shaping tomor-row’s interactive media, communications and advertising talent.

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The Hyper Island Way

Our mission is to inspire individuals, teams and organisations to reach theirull potential. Our methodology, The Hyper Island Way, re ned over many

years, is rooted in the real needs o the industry and builds on our commit-ment to Learning by Doing. The learning experience requires the learningenvironment to mirror li e in the workplace. Real brie s, real clients, realprojects and interaction with infuential pro essionals are all essential.

We base our work on the act that technology drives change, and this leadsto a challenging increase in complexity. There is an absolute need to includemany di erent perspectives when developing brilliant solutions, not only bymoving internally to work in mixed teams, but also by bringing clients and

consumers into the process.

A more collaborative way o working requires an understanding o groupdynamics. This, in turn, requires sel -awareness in our pro essional roles, tobe ully authentic and valuable in a collaborative culture. Refection on howand why we do something is just as important as what you do to assurecreative teamwork and high quality solutions.

To allow teams to reach their ull potential we need to rethink leadership.Conventional top-bottom leadership is an out-dated system and a part o theold industrial world. Unconventional leadership needs to be ostered to han-dle the challenges we meet today. To strengthen true collaboration and walkaway rom a linear way o doing things is a challenging process or manyorganisations and leaders. We constantly explore new ways to inspire par-ticipants on the learning journey.

The mental models or change management and group dynamics that HyperIsland puts orward are the same or “brand dynamics”: authenticity, inclu-sion, infuence, openness, transparency and trust. Our methodology promotesli e-long learning and every learning experience we design draws on the

undamental principles o The Hyper Island Way.

To sum it up Hyper Island is about

Real clients and needsActive participationLearning by experiencing, doing and refectingUnderstanding group dynamics and the importance o sel awarenessUsing interactive media as a tool or implementing growth and change


At Hyper Island there are no teachers or tests. No homework gets set. Instead,people who come to Hyper Island learn by doing. They lear n about themselves,about how to work with others in teams, and about how to make amazingthings happen.

Our doors are always open to creative people with an in ectious enthusiasmor innovation, who think independently and act collaboratively.

Digital MediaMake amazing things happen in the world o digital

Be a Designer, Producer, Developer and/or Project Manager, or set up yourown business, anywhere in the world.

Join the Digital Media program and get a holistic understanding o the industrywhile you dig deep into the undamentals o digital and interactive media:Design, Management and Technology. Work in an environment that mirrors the workplace. With real and ctiveclients, and real brie s, that demand inspiring solutions.

Length: 90 weeks, including a 30-week internshipLocation: Karlskrona or Stockholm, Sweden

Learn how to

Innovate & design digital products and services, rom idea and concept todeliveryLead creative teams and be an agent or collaborationDevelop business strategies and be entrepreneurialContinually adapt and grow, as a person and pro essional

Long T4 Methodology

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Hyper Island Karlskrona

Hyper Island, Karlskrona is located on an island right in the center o the ciKarlskrona has a population o 33,000, is situated on Sweden’s southecoastline and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to the SwedNavy and Europe’s second largest public square. Outside Karlskrona you wi

nd a beauti ul archipelago o around 90 islands. Malmö and the Dancapital, Copenhagen are just a couple o hours journey by train.


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Mobile ApplicationsMake clever usable things, or mobile people

Be an Applications Designer or Developer, or a Creative Producer, or set upyour own business, anywhere in the world.

Join our Mobile Applications program and exper ience the world o applicationdesign and development or mobile plat orms.

Work closely with industry pro essionals, drawing on their insight and expe-rience to take advantage o opportunities presented by the rapid growth indemand or mobile and pervasive media.

Length: 60 weeks, including a 16-week internshipLocation: Karlskrona, Sweden

Learn how to

Innovate engaging user experiencesCreate inspiring mobile applicationsIdenti y opportunities in the mobile market, and be entrepreneurialDevelop detailed business strategies and work plans or your appsBuild creative teams and be an agent or collaborationContinually adapt and grow, as a person and pro essional

8 Long Term Programs

Interactive Art DirectorMake the world wonder ully interactive

Be an Interactive Designer, Digital Communicator or Strategist, or add a digitaldimension to the traditional Art Director role.

Join our Interactive Art Director program and raise your game to an internationallyrespected standard by building on previous experience in the eld.

Work with leading pro essionals to solve real challenges you will ace in theindustry, both in terms o the products and services you produce and theteams you lead.

Length: 45 weeks, including a 15-week internshipLocation: Stockholm, Sweden

Learn how to

Design and implement communication strategies or digital mediaDevelop concepts or digital productions, services and applicationsInnovate User Experience and Advanced Inter ace DesignDrive creative teams and be an agent or collaborationContinually adapt and grow, as a person and pro essional


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eCommerce ManagerMake the impossible possible online or business and their customers

Be a Manager, Marketing Director, Developer or entrepreneur, in the globale-commerce market place.

Join our eCommerce Manager program and learn how to design projectswith strategy and concept development o solutions that evolve the onlineconsumer experience.

Work towards solutions to problems that are based on real industry demand,with live brie s brought to the table by our industry partners.

Length: 40 weeks, including a 14-week internshipLocation: Stockholm, Sweden

Learn how to

Innovate e-commerce solutions that evolve online businessContextualise the challenges (legal, ethical etc.) acing e-commerceDevelop communication and marketing strategies or e-commerceFormulate manageable work plans, and build creative teamsBe an agent or collaborationContinually adapt and grow, as a person and pro essional

Motion GraphicsMake graphics that move and inspire

Be a Motion Graphics Designer or a Motion Graphics Producer or Strategist,most likely at an advertising or web agency or a production house.

Join our Motion Graphics Program and take a wild tour through motiongraphic design, editing and compositing, as well as web copywriting, brand-ing, idea generation and concept development.

Work at the convergence point between di erent kinds o media, and gener-ate ideas and content or the technologies o tomorrow.

Length: 40 weeks, including a 13-week internshipLocation: Karlskrona or Stockholm, Sweden

Learn how to

Dream up and realise ideas, concepts and designs or motion graphicsCommand the unctions and technologies o uture plat ormsMaster graphics or video, lm, internet and mobile solutionsBe an agent or collaboration and drive creative teamsContinually adapt and grow, as a person and pro essional

10 Long Term Programs Long T

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Hyper Island Stockholm

Hyper Island, Stockholm is located at Tele onplan, a short subway ride romthe central station. Located in the middle o Sweden, Stockholm has a popu-lation o 1.3 million. It covers 14 di erent islands and, as such, it is sur-rounded by water. A short distance rom Stockholm you will nd one o theworld’s most astonishing archipelagos, made up o more than 30,000 islands.During the winter, Stockholm attracts many people with a love or wintersports, and has several easily accessible mountain resorts.

12 Long Term Programs

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Internship within our globalnetworkThe Hyper Island experience is all about learning by doing. What better wayto do it than by being out on the industry’s rontline?

As part o your Hyper Island experience you will have the chance to be parto a hands-on internship that will put what you’ve learned to the test.

Over many years Hyper Island has ormed strong relationships with the in-dustry and it’s most likely that your internship will be with one o the com-panies in our global network

Through your internship will open out possibilities to build an internationalnetwork o contacts and opportunities, as well as gain insights and exper-ences that make you grow both as a person and as a pro essional.

14 Long Term Programs

Interactive Media Design& ManagementMake your own way into the industry

Be a Designer, Producer, Developer and/or Project Manager, or set up yourown business, anywhere in the world.

Join our pilot UK program or young creators and innovators, and take a astpaced journey through many o the knowledge elds that are key to interac-tive media, communications and advertising.

Work on actual projects and innovate solutions to real problems brought toyou by the likes o MTV, Sony Games, Saatchi & Saatchi and other industrypartners who’ve helped us to design this program.

Length: 32 weeks, including a 12-week internshipLocation: Manchester, United Kingdom

Learn how to

Innovate digital products and services, rom concept to deliveryLead creative teams and be an agent or collaborationDevelop business strategies and be entrepreneurialManage communications projects and campaignsContinually adapt and grow, as a person and pro essional

This program is the pilot or a new UK quali cation that (subject to validation)will be accredited by Teesside University. Teesside was voted UK Universityo the Year in 2010.

Hyper Island, Manchester is based in the city’s Northern Quarter. Manchesteris home to Europe’s second largest media hub, 320,000 people are employed

in 31,000 creative businesses across the region.

Long T

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Hyper Island Master Class

The Hyper Island Master Class is an intensive three-day course that aims toenable you to create e ciency within your organisation and use interactivemedia as a tool or achieving high growth and ensure long-term success.Share models and approaches through task-based working and refection,tap into knowledge you already have so you can adapt and grow.

Learning outcomes

Anxieties related to digital media exposed, discussed and overcomeBroad acceptance o the impact digital media has on society/business/

individualsCon dence in bringing core digital elements to branding/advertisingThorough understanding o how social/digital media worksE ective methods to develop creative communicationConsensus around how to trans orm companies to meet new challenges

16 Executive Education Execut

For more in ormation please visit


Or contact one o our o fces

[email protected]@[email protected]

Locations so ar

Our Hyper Island o cesOur Master Class

The Master Class Journey

Disruption/Setting the scene


Strategy /Implementation

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

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18 Executive Education

What the industry says aboutHyper Island Master Class

“To really add value in this evolving digital world, you have to not only ob-serve the change,you have to embrace it, roll around in it, challenge anddebate it. The Hyper Island Master Class allows you to do that in a concen-trated, hands-on,high energy atmosphere.”Sandy Kolkey, President Draftfcb New York

”A bubble o awe inspiring learning and refection tools to carry with you inyour every day – both at home and at work. The best training I have been onin 12 years in the industry.”

Fleur Holcroft, Engagement Planning Director BBH

“I came expecting to connect the digital dots. What I got was an entirely newway to rame my creative thinking. It was a much bigger experience than Ianticipated.”Howard Lenn, Creative Director JWT New York

“A true 360° digital experience!”Susana Esponda, Communication Channel Manager, Unilever Mexico

“I was a digital luddite be ore. Now my eyes are have been prised open.”Nick Alford, Managing Partner, Draftfcb

“Whether you’re a digital ‘know-it-all’ or an old-school luddite, this coursewill challenge your perceptions o what you think you know, will give youtools to learn better aster and smarter, and most importantly will propel youinto action to be an active participant in the trans ormation o your organiza-tion. That’s hard to beat!”Trace Cohen, SVP, Digital Strategy Publicis

“An incredible opportunity to peel back the layers o how our industry isevolving. It was brutal, overwhelming and scary. All in a very good way.”

Jay Rendon, Associate Creative Director Eleven

“For anyone in an agency leadship position today, you owe it to yoursel andyour agency to spend three days at Hyper Island Masters Class to open yourthinking and skill set to the possibilities o our rapidly evolving and converg-ing digital world.”Tonise Paul, CEO Energy BBDO

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For more in ormation about the Long Term Programs


For more in ormation Hyper Island Master Class
