Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No....

MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F & A M No. 53 F & A M Sierra Vista, AZ Sierra Vista, AZ Trestle Board Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator Barry Goldwater received his 1st degree in Arizona Lodge #2, Phoenix AZ. Born on 2 Jan 1909 in the Arizona Territory, served five terms in the United States Senate and was a Presidential candidate. Lesser know facts he was a retired Major General from the USAF- R, an accomplished photographer and one of the first people to raft down the Colorado River recreationally.

Transcript of Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No....

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MAY 2012

Huachuca LodgeHuachuca Lodge

No. 53 F & A MNo. 53 F & A M

Sierra Vista, AZSierra Vista, AZ

Trestle Board

Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator Barry Goldwater received his 1st degree in Arizona Lodge #2, Phoenix AZ. Born on 2 Jan 1909 in the Arizona Territory, served five terms in the United States Senate and was a Presidential candidate. Lesser know facts he was a retired Major General from the USAF-R, an accomplished photographer and one of the first people to raft down the Colorado River recreationally.

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Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F&A M

From the East

Brethren, May is upon us and the weather looks great from the East. Congratulations to our newest Master Masons, Brothers Carlos Santiago and Chris Pelletier. These two Brothers have and will continue to be an asset to Huachuca Lodge #53. With that some spring cleaning is in order!: First, Huachuca Lodge is blessed with so many great Masons who assist in every aspect of running a successful Lodge needless to say I could not serve as Worship-ful Master without the help and guidance of each and every Brother, THANK YOU... Grand Lodge is fast approaching, we have discussed the proposed legislation and discussed the resolutions. The officers and I will vote the will of the Craft. If you are a newer Brother or a Brother who has not been to Grand Lodge I would recom-mend going at least once the experience is well worth the trip. Witnessing the Grand Lodge proceedings is an awesome experience. Our Brother the Senior Warden is in the process of collecting orders for the per-sonalized pavers to surround the flag pole. The pavers are $50.00 each and consist of a Masonic emblem of your choice including appendant bodies. They will consist of three lines no more than fifteen characters each. Obviously the less information you have the better looking the paver. Brother Jim Elliston, our Children's Identification Program (CHIP) coordinator has scheduled a CHIP event on 5 May. This event is to support the Boy Scout Show and will be held at the Berean Academy at 1169 Colombo Ave. There will be 2-shifts and Lunch will be provided. Set up will be Friday, 4 May, at 6PM. please let Brother Jim know that you will be able to attend this is a worthwhile program and needs all the assistance we can offer. Fraternally, W.M. Jeffrey K. York

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From the West

Salutations from the West, This Spring, my thoughts have turned to the ritual and how we as a fraternity and more specifi-cally as a lodge can improve it. Every brother from the youngest EA in the northeast corner to the WM presiding in the East executes ritual when he attends lodge. Some are more involved in the floor work and some memorize speaking parts but we are all involved on a personal basis. When we give a due guard and penal sign we are demonstrating our personal involvement with ritual. How many of us do it correctly? I have observed that many brothers do not give the cor-rect sign or they perform it in such a rapid and casual manner it only resembles slightly what should have been done. When we have visitors to our lodge it is not just the officers of the lodge that create the lasting impression but it is the conduct of every brother who attends the meeting. Ask yourself have you really paid attention to the due guard and sign you present to the lodge when you are required to give it? Additionally I would like to talk about our degree work. Every brother is not required to partici-pate in degree work but there is an implied obligation that we owe at least a small effort to make each degree the best we can present to the candidate. Ask this question, if no one makes the ef-fort to do the degree work how many new masons would we make? If memorization is not your expertise there are non-speaking parts that require little effort to perform but are important to the completion of the degree work. If you want to help even in a small way please let me know and I will help you start in one of the less difficult parts. You will be surprised at how much you will enjoy it if you participate. Please consider stepping forward to help our present cast. The active cast is small and we have had to postpone some degrees due to a lack of availability of someone to present a part. Anyone who has a question or wants to participate please contact any officer of the lodge and just say I want to help. Fraternally, W.B. Bruce Wood Senior Warden

William McKinley (U.S. President 1898-1901) He was initiated May 1, 1865 in Hiram Lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia. At the time his peti-tion was acted upon, a Confederate chaplain, J. B. Reed, was Worshipful Master and he conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree upon McKinley that evening. The next morning the Brethren, who included both Union and Confederate soldiers, instructed him upon that degree and then the Fellowcraft Degree was conferred upon him that evening. After further instruction during the morning of May 3rd, he was raised a Master Mason that afternoon at 3:00 P.M. Assassinated while attended the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York September 6, 1901. Assassinated by the hands of an Anarchist.

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Brothers, Greetings from the South. As you have no doubt noticed, the weather is beginning to change and Spring is turning to Sum-mer. This results in many things. One of them, the welcoming of new members of our Craft and Family. Congratulations to our newest Master Masons and Congratulations to the proud parents of the newest member of our Family. Brother Carlos Santiago and Brother Chris Pelletier, Welcome to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Brother Rayna and Lady Danielle Stanley Congratulations on the Sublime Gift with which you have been so blessed. Another of the things which results from Spring turning to Summer, at least in my house, is cleaning and reorganizing. Going through the Kitchen Cabinets, Digging through the guest bed-room, clearing out the old relics of the past, and trying to make room for Summer Guests and all of Jacob's toys. Many of these old relics I have a hard time parting with as some of them hold memories and re-minders of the many stages and changes throughout my life and Family. Well, while pondering on this and wondering what others would think of me and my life if they were the ones cleaning up my room; I recalled another article by Skip Boyer and his Masonic Raven (see next page)

Fraternally, W.B. Matthew Covel

Junior Warden

From the SOUTH

17 May 1959, Harry S. Truman (U.S. President 1945-1953) received his 50 year

masonic award.

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THE CHRONICLES OF FURTHERMORE GO OUT FOR COFFEE The Gospel According to Starbucks, Chapter One... Since the beginning of recorded history (and even before, I’ll bet), mankind has sought ways to record the significant events of the time. My learned and ancient pet raven brother, Furthermore, has explained this to me in more detail that I can to discuss. For you, I’ll summarize. He does rattle on when you’ll let him. It’s the Worshipful Master in him, I think. Anyway, he says that ancient cave paintings in France, timeless monuments in Egypt, rock paintings in the deserts of the American Southwest, graffiti on subway cars in New York City, all attest to some deep-seated impulse in the subconscious of the human species to keep a record of events, times and places deemed important at that moment in the sprawling epoch of the ages. Each age of civilization has chosen its own method of keeping that record sacred for future gen-erations. It has, from time unrecorded, taken different shapes - stone tablets in the desert coun-tries of the Mideast, scrolls by the Dead Sea, whispered words of ritual and instruction passed from one man to another in the shadows of the building cathedrals of Europe, gold tablets, print-ed words on parchment, video tape, and so on down the ages. Brother Furthermore, however, says that the generation of today is no different. Well, maybe some different, for we have chosen a method of recording that of significance in a manner unique in recorded history. Coffee cups. That’s right. Coffee cups. Now we all know that coffee is one of the unofficial Working Tools of the Craft (cigars being another). But the record of our history as a civilization? Ah. You doubt. Okay. Go look in your own kitchen cabinets or on your desk at work or your lodge kitchen. From my desk right now, I can see half a dozen coffee cups, one of which I actu-ally use for its designated purpose: I drink coffee from it each morning. That particular cup pro-claims the excellence of the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond, Virginia, a favorite spot of mine. The others celebrate the wisdom of Mark Twain, the Most Worshipful Masonic Grand Lodge of Minnesota, Channel 13, the Union Pacific Railroad and the Best Western Coronado Inn, Yuma, Arizona, where the water comes out of the ground hot enough to make instant coffee. Hence the need for a cup. Now, these are important places and pieces of my life, hence their presence as part of the historic record of my passing this way in life. It’s worse at home.

From the SOUTH

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THE CHRONICLES OF FURTHERMORE GO OUT FOR COFFEE (continued) Every so often, we have a purge of coffee cups. This usually happens when they are stacked three or four high in the cabinet and topple to the floor when the door is opened. I hate it when that happens because I usually make coffee sometime before my eyes open for the day and my feet are bare because I can’t see my socks yet. Anyway, a quick look in the cabinet discloses a matched set of cups from Hastings College, an-other matched set celebrating the anniversary of Kansas City (a gift from my thoughtful in-laws, who can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t live in Kansas City if they could), one with the Ma-sonic square and compasses emblem upon it, another with a Kansas theme and featuring a dog named Toto, a couple with witty sayings about men, another commemorating a performance of the musical Ragtime, one or two from Northern Arizona University (where my children and my money went for several years) and a variety of cups with artistic themes of no real relevance ex-cept we like them. But this record of our history doesn’t stop there. In other rooms of the house reside coffee cups adorned with various comic strips, comic charac-ters, cities, events, slogans and trivia that mark the passing of our lives. There is even a box in the garage with cups remembering the reunions of those Knights of the Sea, the PT Boaters of World War II (my father’s contribution to the collection, not my own!), the 50th anniversary of my employer and Philmont Scout Ranch. I believe there is even one that admonishes the user to "Support Your Local Cat House." This was issued by the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. And you didn’t think they had a sense of humor in Nebraska! Shame on you! The point is obvious and I believe archaeologists a thousand years from now will exhibit the cof-fee cups of our generation as a priceless record of ancient history, customs, times and events on the continent of North America in the halcyon days of the United States of America. These artifacts will be prized, like the Dead Sea Scrolls, as the recorded history of an age and honored in conjunction with the gospel according to Starbucks. And who knows? Some unorthodox researcher may actually suggest these artifacts might have had another purpose in society. See? If you put liquid in them, it stays put! Weren’t those ancient peoples clever?! At least, that’s what Brother Furthermore Raven says. And he may be right. After all, it’s hard to print on martini glasses. Written by Skip Boyer

From the SOUTH

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From the Arizona Grand Lodge District #11 Deputy Grand Master,

One of my messages last month was Masonic Education and I am happy to report that all lodges in the district are conducting education all in various degrees and subjects. For several years WB Matthew Covel of Huachuca Lodge #53 has conducted outstanding education and has our new Master Masons busy presenting Masonic papers, well done WB Matt and thank you. Perfect Ashlar Lodge #12 & King Solomon Lodge #5 JW Bro Frank Belluardo has conducted Candidate training on a monthly basis and presents a paper on the history of King Solomon Lodge #5. Camp Stone Lodge #77 the Master MW Mike Bishop has started training on the Tuesday after the stated meeting starting at 5:30 PM. As of this writing I know there are several lodges in the district that will or have submitted to Grand Lodge for Awards consideration. This is the right thing to do as we have many deserving Lodges and Brothers who should be recognized for the efforts and dedication.

The 130th Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Arizona will be held in Sedona on May 31, June 1 & 2, 2012. I hope many of the Lodge Officers and Members will be able to at-tend, we have important work to do. I am available to assist any lodge in the district with con-tacting Members who have not paid the 2011 or 2012 lodge dues. The Official Visit by the Sierra Vista York Rite to Huachuca Lodge #53 was outstanding and I look forward to more such visits to other lodges. It is important to be seen and recognized by other Masonic Organizations espe-cially when we see the same Brothers in all the other organizations contributing to our great Fra-ternity.

This may be my last article as the DDGM for District #11 and I want to thank all the Lodge Of-ficers and Members for their support and assistance these last three years. I encourage each of you to, if the opportunity present itself, to serve in this capacity and truly get to know Masonry both locally and at the Grand Lodge level. The one defining mark of us all as Masons is we love our Fraternity and want nothing but the very best for it and its Members. "Fiat Lux"

Also, we have several Brothers who are having serious health issues and I ask that we ALL keep them in our thoughts and prayers, the golden years can and do turn rusty real quick.

Andrew M. Anderson DDGM, District #11

"Time heals. Give time, time."

From the DDGM

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From the Secretary

Office Hours: The Secretary’s office will be open at 1700 on lodge meeting. Other times will be announced beforehand.

All correspondence should be directed to: W. B. Philip Shulsky, Secretary


Huachuca Lodge No. 53

PO Box 423

Sierra Vista, AZ 85636-0423

Email [email protected]

Brethren, Very little on my table this month, except the Grand Lodge legislation which will be voted on at the 130th Annual Grand Lodge Communication. I highly encourage every Master Mason who has not attended at least one Communication, to try and make this one. I especially encourage all Past Master to attend, as the election of Grand Lodge officers is especially important this year, your vote DOES COUNT! You may have been absent from Masonry for a while for any number of reasons, but your vote will never be as critical as it will be this year. We still have a small number of Brothers in arrears on their dues. Formal notices will be sent the first week of May notifying you that you risk suspension for non-payment of dues (SNPD). There are some critical and lasting repercussions of this. First, being SNPD doesn’t just suspend you in this Lodge, it suspends you in all of your Masonic organizations as each requires you to be a member in good standing. Second, it resets your clock for obtaining your 25 or 50-year awards. Lastly, it af-fects the Lodge budget as your dues are our only operating income from which to pay bills like electricity and such. Nothing good comes of being suspended. There are however, solutions. The Worshipful Master does have a budget line to assist brothers in need but he can’t use it unless he knows you need assistance. Therefore the responsibility rests on you to request help when help is needed. Don’t let pride cause you to fall. If however, funds are not your problem, please get your dues paid so you’re not in jeopardy.

Fraternally, Phillip

24 May 1901, Sir Win-ston Churchill received his 1st degree in Stud-holme Lodge #1591,


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Once again our monthly meeting had great

entertainment. For half an hour the Arthritis

Brothers treated us to some pretty lively music

from the period of the 1880s to the 1920s with one piece from

1851. They played to a full house (i.e., room). We had to bring

in an extra table. The food and fellowship were great.

Here is a couple more activities participated in by our High 12

group. During March two of our members represented #703 at a

meeting to work on our second Masonic family picnic. Last

year’s was certainly a lot of fun with many families attending

and Masonic visitors from outside the county. It’s still quite

early, but #703, along with the Elks, collects scarves to donate

to the Veteran’s Hospital in Tucson for Christmas presentations. Yellow scarves are made for veterans

in the Alzheimer’s unit. Some of the scarves were hand made last year, so it’s not too early to start

thinking about making them again – whatever color they may be.

They’re really a great contribution for our veterans.

We were again fortunate to be able to present to Br. Chuck Fortner

his second Wolcott award. Many thanks to Chuck for his support.

Speaking of support, thanks to everyone who has been coming to

the High 12 breakfast every second Saturday at 8:30 before the

Camp Stone meeting at 9:30. Our April breakfast not only had Ma-

sons from King Solomon #5 who were on an official visit, but also

a few of the High 12 ladies and guests.

Next month’s (May) dinner will be held again at the VFW in

Huachuca City at 5:30 for an early evening gathering. Steaks for $8

remain the order of the day. We will be honoring the Masons of the

Year from the various Lodges in the area. Come see these great


Masonic Family

Cochise Scottish Rite Club The next scheduled regular meeting for the Cochise Scottish Rite Club will be July 7, 2012 at 8:00 am. Breakfast will be served by the High Twelve Club. The Spring Reunion was on May 4-5th. As of this writing we have one candidate for the Scottish Rite degrees. Another program that is availa-ble and easy to get is the Knights of the Double Eagle Service Award. Here is a summary of the pro-gram.

Hello All Scottish Rite Masons, many of us spend a lot of time, talent and resources in support of the Scottish Rite both locally & in Tucson. The Knights of the Double Eagle Service Award program is a means of recognizing mem-bers who actively participate in SR programs & events. All members on the Scottish Rite are eligible to become a Knight of the Double Eagle by being awarded points as outlined in the application. The effective date is October 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012 with awards presented at the LOP meeting in November 2012. There is a beautiful medal with attachments and a colored ribbon so the medal can be worn around the neck. If interested in learning more & signing up contact the Club Pres. Bruce Wood, Secretary Tom Jones or Andy Anderson. The Club will han-dle all the paper work when time for turning in. "Fiat Lux"

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The Huachuca Shrine Club The Huachuca Shrine Club had a nice crowd for our April meeting. Some

renewed faces attended. Honored Lady Pat Davis, and Ill Sir Steve Seplak

and his Lady were present. The club is also geared up for the Vidalia on-

ions sales. The club committed to 1500 lbs. of onions, all 5 lb. bags. We

have already sold about 400 lbs. The onions are available now.

The next Shrine Club meeting will be May, 12, at 5:30. The location

TBA. And the rest of the third Saturdays of the Month for 2012, except

for October which is the Potentate’s official visit.

Until the next newsletter, travel safe.


Tom Jones

Huachuca #53 Ladies Corner By Lady Raeanne Guzzi

On April 25th, we welcomed Leslie Pelletier into the Masonic Family, as her husband, Brother Chris, was raised on the same night. Congratulations to both of them!

The Lodge has given the Ladies Group permission to organize a Family Day. The Family Day will be held on June 24th, which is also Saint John the Baptist Day. Brother Matthew Covel will give a short presentation on St. John’s Day. Also, DeMolay and Rainbow Girls will give short presentations about their organizations. It should be a fun time with friends and family and lots of feast like food. Brothers, bring your Ladies and families. Bring your friends! I’m looking forward to it being a great time!

Also, last but not least, don’t forget to bring your Ladies and families on Stated Meeting night. We get together while the Brothers are in their meeting and talk about Masonic topics or just life in general.

5 May 1851, Andrew Johnson (U.S. President 1865-1869) re-

ceived his 1st degree in Greenville Lodge #119, Tennessee

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Please join us!

Electa Chapter #51OES

53rd Installation of Officers

Installation will be held on

Sunday, 27 May 2012 at 2:00pm

In the Masonic Lodge

219 S. Garden Avenue

Sierra Vista, Arizona

Reception after the Installation Ceremony

The Phoenix, an emblem of perfect faith and a bringer of light.

The Gargoyle, a watchful protector of our history and our Order.

Protecting our history and ensuring our future

(Strength and Growth)

The White Lily: A Symbol of Light, Purity and Joy

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Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master Jeffrey K. York Senior Warden Bruce F. Wood, PM Junior Warden Matthew M. Covel, PM Treasurer Charles H. Fortner, PM Secretary Phillip R. Shulsky, PM Senior Deacon Rayna D. Stanley Junior Deacon Kristopher R. Cappas Chaplain Steve W. Ziegler, PM Marshal Dustin L. Fish Senior Steward Louis M. Davidson II Junior Steward Sean A. Pomoeroy Tyler Harry C. Brown, PM Master of Ceremonies

Board of Trustees

Chairman WM Jeffery K. York 1 Year Robert C. Frankenfield 2 Year Al Camacho, PM 3 Year Matthew M. Covel, PM 4 Year Robert L. Frampton 5 Year Philip R. Shulsky, PM

Temple Management Board

Chairman Robert C. Frankenfield 1 Year Robert L. Frampton 2 Year Jeffery K. York 3 Year Robert C. Frankenfield 4 Year Al Camacho, PM 5 Year Kristopher R. Capas Worshipful Master-Ex-Officio Jeffery K. York Treasurer-Ex-Officio Charles H. Fortner, PM

Mandatory Committees

Audit Committee Chairman Rayna D. Stanley Member Harry C. Brown, PM Member Daniel S. Vannoy, PM Charity Committee Chairman Bruce F Wood, PM Member Matthew M. Covel, PM Member

Finance Committee Chairman Harry C. Brown, PM Member Al Camacho, PM Member Matthew M Covel, PM

Other Committees

Family, Youth, and School Programs Bikes for Books Robert E. Whitney, PM Thanksgiving Project Robert E. Whitney, PM Christmas Project Robert E. Whitney, PM Masonic Youth Al Camacho, PM Masonic Widow Program Andrew M. Anderson,PM

Cochise Count Chip Program James D Elliston Ritual & Masonic Education Arizona Masonic Code Ritual Work DDGM Andrew M. Anderson, PM Masonic Education Matthew M. Covel, PM Rayna D. Stanley Jurisprudence-Constitution and By-Laws Chairman Harry C. Brown, PM Member Jeffery K. York Awards Committee Chairman Maurice A. Mitchell Member D Vannoy, PM Fund Raising Chairman Jeffery K York Member Rayna D Stanley Member Kristopher R Cappas Member Masonic Communications Electa # 51 OES James D. Elliston York Rite Matthew M. Covel, PM Scottish Rite Tom E. Jones Shrine Jeffery K. York High 12 Harry C. Brown, PM Widow’s Sons Phillip R. Shulsky Trestle Board Chris Pelletier Photographer Al Camacho, PM Web Site Phillip R. Shulsky No-Brother-Left-Behind Jason H. Zibart Historian Al Camacho, PM

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Events and Activities

MASONIC ACTIVITIES FOR MAY 2012 1 Pearl of Venus Chap #6 OES stated meeting in Bisbee @ 2 PM. 2 Huachuca Lodge #53 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM. 3 Perfect Ashlar Lodge #12 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM. 3 Electa Chap #51 OES stated meeting at 7 PM. Elections to be held. 4 & 5 Tucson Scottish Rite Reunion 5 Cochise County "Child IDentification Program" (CHIP) at the Boy Scouts Of America Show location Berean Academy. Start at 10 AM Saturday with set up on Friday starting at 6 PM. Looking for two shifts lunch will be available. POC Bro. Jim Elliston @ (623) 680-8380. 7 King Solomon Lodge #5 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 5:30 PM. 8 Mt Moriah Lodge #19 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM. 9 Huachuca lodge #53 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM. 10 Willcox Lodge #10 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM. 11 Cochise Masonic High Twelve Club #703 meeting at the Huachuca City VFW starting at 5:30 PM. There will be a program and eight dollar steak dinners. Come hungry and bring a Friend. 12 Camp Stone Lodge #77 stated meeting at 9:30 AM w/breakfast at 8:30 AM. 12 CHANGE Huachuca Shrine Club monthly meeting at 5:30 at the Landmark Cafe. 13 Mothers Day 15 Pearl of Venus Chap #6 OES stated meeting in Tombstone at 2 PM. 15 Adoniram Council #14 Cryptic Masons stated meeting at 7 PM. 15 Coronado Chapter #20 Royal Arch Masons stated meeting at 7 PM. 15 Camp Stone Lodge #77 education night starting at 5:30 PM. 16 Huachuca Lodge #53 Education Nite. Come out and participate. 17 Electa Chap #51 OES stated meeting at 7 PM. 18 George W. Prioleau Lodge #13 PHA stated meeting at 7 PM. 19 King Solomon Lodge #5 "Past Masters Degree Day" starting at 10 AM in Tombstone. A Master Mason degree will be performed by all Past Masters from all Lodges throughout District #11. To follow the de-gree will be lunch at the Vigilante Hall on Toughnut Road the announcing of Mason of the Year plus lon-gevity awards. Bring the Family to lunch $12.00 (what a deal) and enjoy the activities. 22 Burning Taper Commandery #15 Knights Templar stated meeting at 7 PM. 23 Huachuca Lodge #53 TBA 24 Tucson Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection, RSVP for dinner at 6:30, Ladies welcomed, stated meeting at 7:30. Ladies program also at 7:30 PM. 27 Electa Chap #51 OES Installation of the 2012 - 2013 Chapter officers to be held at Huachuca Lodge #53 starting at 2 PM. Refreshments to follow. Come out and congratulate the new Worthy Matron and her new Chapter Officers. 27 Tombstone Wyatt Earp Days. 28 Memorial Day Observed 28 San Pedro Lodge #55 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM. 30 Huachuca Lodge #53 TBA 31 May - 1 & 2 June AZ Grand Lodge Annual Communications in Sedona AZ. Planning for June 2012 Some Masonic organization will be dark June, July and August so call ahead. 1 - 2 AZ Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Sedona, AZ. 8 - 10 Willcox Rainbow Girls Grand Assembly 20 Huachuca Lodge #53 education continued. Do you know what SWOT means? 24 - 27 Intl. High Twelve Annual Conv. in Tucson.

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Birthdays Anniversaries



Congratulations to the following brothers in this,

their anniversary month of being raised to the

sublime degree of Master Mason.

Question Of the Month

May’s Question There is no new question this month. Look to start a serious of questions after Grand Lodge .

April's Answer The question last month was "What do you want your Lodge to be?" And I asked each of you to reflect on it and to bring to your lodge something that would improve it and make it more enjoyable so many of those Members we talk about who don't show up as often as we would like to see them may find something of interest and start coming back. Here is my reflection and I hope that you will understand that after many years of seeing and hearing this is what I want my Lodge to be. I want my lodge to be a place where I can always find an abundance of love, understanding and kindness. I want my lodge to be composed of well - informed brothers, brothers who appreciate the privi-lege of being a Mason. I want my lodge to be a place in which I can acquire Light and more Light; a place where the officers are ever aware of their responsibilities; who are proficient in the work but who keep in mind that there is a great deal more to Masonry than the ritualistic ceremonies. I want my lodge to carefully investigate every petitioner for the degrees so that we may be quite sure that the material we accept will add strength to Masonry. I want to be worthy of membership in my lodge and to help make it the kind of lodge I want it to be.

Richard Rhinehart

Clarence McComber

Donald Handy

Jaime Pruna

John Laster

Paul Sheppard

Timothy Dilts

Donald Hearn Jr.

Ronald Backes

Phillip Shulsky

Gilbert Hart

Bassom Almesfer

Nolean Branstetter

Joseph Bronstein

Larry Colby

Eric Coulson

Matthew Covel

Robert Frampton

Peter Gillespie

Herbert Hensley

John Laster

Ruben(Paul) Miller

Robert Naessens

Paul Sheppard

James Turner

Danie Vannoy

Anthony Waalkens

Gustave Weinschenker Jr.

Page 15: Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F & A M Sierra Vista, AZ Trestle Board Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator

Taking Good Men, and Making Them Better 15

Trestle board

Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F&A M

Verne D Hegge * 1957 Randolph W Steffen * 1958 John K Oliver * 1959 Jake D McGee * 1960 Samuel N Giacobbi * 1961 Arthur K Risser * 1962 John J Thompson * 1963 Edward H Rodgers * 1964 Gordon W Leffingwell * 1965 Bobby G Burks * 1966 Edwin W Crowther 1967 Earl E Windle * 1968 W George Nine * 1969 Joe V Olivera, Jr * 1970 Ray W McRoberts 1971 Alvie Leon Davis * 1972 David K Follete * 1973 Richard L Taylor * 1974 Paul O Blankenship * 1975 Fred P Talmadge * 1976 Billy O Howard 1977 Joseph N Langlois * 1978 Harold J Adkins * 1979 Walter L Chambers * 1980 Myron O McKim * 1981 Oscar D Sims * 1982 Johnnie M Wagener* 1983 Billy D Reese 1984 George H Martn * 1985 Charles J O'Gara, Jr * 1986 Donald B Handy 1987 Danie S Vannoy 1988 Melvin M Ugalde 1989 Lloyd F Snapp * 1990 Charles H Hammond 1991 Wayne A Kaiser 1992 Victor H Stout * 1993 Johnnie M Wagener* 1994 Terry W Henley 1995

Ralph W Hooten 1996 Charles H Fortner 1997 James K Louzy 1998 Herbert L Hensley 1999 Lawrence Grant Hays 2000 William V Williamson 2001 Billy J Martin 2002 John R Stephens 2003 John A Fernandez 2004 Peter K Gillespie 2005 William C Woolnough * 2006 Robert E Whitney 2007 Al Camacho 2008 Mathew M Covel 2009 Harry S Brown 2010 Philip Shulsky 2011 * Celestial Lodge

Past Masters

“The Backbone of Free Masonry”

Page 16: Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F & A M Sierra Vista, AZ Trestle Board Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator

Taking Good Men, and Making Them Better 16

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Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F&A M


Page 17: Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F & A M Sierra Vista, AZ Trestle Board Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator

Taking Good Men, and Making Them Better 17

Trestle board

Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F&A M

Page 18: Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F & A M Sierra Vista, AZ Trestle Board Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator

Taking Good Men, and Making Them Better 18

Trestle board

Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F&A M

Page 19: Huachuca Lodge #53 Trestle Board Board (MAY 12).pdf · 2012. 5. 5. · MAY 2012 Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F & A M Sierra Vista, AZ Trestle Board Barry M. Goldwater 12 May 1931, Senator

Taking Good Men, and Making Them Better 19

Trestle board

Huachuca Lodge No. 53 F&A M

Masonic Shirt Order by Bro. Eric Navarro

Cost- $27.23 w/taxes, there is a $1.50 for every X in size (example 1X($1.50),

2X($3.00), etc). Keep in mind Brothers the cost might vary on the type and size of

shirt you pick.

There is NO minimum order you can place your orders through Eric Navarro

(255-3331) or you can go directly to:

Wicked Limitz Graphics

346 E Fry Blvd

(520) 459-8184

P.S. if you want to make a shirt for another Lodge you can and the cost should be

the same.

Notes or Special Instructions:







Huachuca Lodge #53

Sierra Vista, AZ


Brother’s Name:___________________________________

Telephone #:______________________________________

Polo Shirt Size:____________________________________

Name on shirt (extra$) Yes __ or No __

Color Shirt:_______________________________________

(red, white, light blue, green or black)