


Transcript of Document

Fundraising & DevelopmentAnita Bruckmeir, Development Director 718.475.5234 [email protected]

Get Ready to Putt and Serve!The 31st Annual Golf & Tennis Outing,the JCC’s major fundraising event whichbenefits the Isador Aberlin/Ed Rovner Me-morial Scholarship Fund, will be held onMonday, July 25 at the Richmond CountyCountry Club.To date, more than $1,100,000 has been

raised to provide Nursery School andCamp Scholarships to children who wouldotherwise not be able to participate inthese enriching JCC experiences.This year, we are proud to honor an indi-

vidual and two Staten Island institutionsthat have worked tirelessly and given sogenerously to improving the lives of the children of Staten Island. Ourdeepest appreciation goes to Alan Poritz, JCC Vice President andlong-time Co-Chair of this event, who will receive the “JCC Distin-guished Service Award”, Community Resourceswhich will receive the“JCC Community Service Award” for their efforts on behalf of the spe-cial needs population of Staten Island, and the Staten Island Chamberof Commerce which will receive the “JCC Pride of Staten IslandAward” for their promotion of Staten Island businesses and support ofthe community.The presentation to the honorees will take place at dinner the night

of the Outing. Look for more information in upcoming bulletins. If youwould like information now, please contact Sylvia Cohen, SpecialEvents Coordinator, 718.475.5246 or [email protected].

TributesWishing Eleanor Willig a Happy 91st Birthday and a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillWishing Margot Capell a Happy 90th Birthday and a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillWishing Daisy Aberlin a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillWishing Joan Fertig a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillWishing Helen Granateelli continued good health and a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillWishing Muriel Trachman a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillWishing Sue Sappin a Happy Chanukah- Linda BrillCongratulations to Alan and Freya Poritz on the recent marriageof their daughter Rachel to Brian Siller- Meirav Lev-Ari, David Sorkin and the Board and Staff of the JCC- Sylvia and Howard CohenIn Honor of Alan Bernikow’s Birthday

- Rona & Noel SpiegelTo honor or remember someone in this way, please contact

Chana Cilento, Development Associate 718.475.5243 or [email protected].

Super Bowl extravaganzaSunday, February 6 • 10am - 2pmFREE & OPEN TO ALL

fun For adults:• spa specials*• free fitness classes• Swimming* call 718.475.5220 for specials

fun For Kids:• Sportswall

• Boot Camp

• Sports Skills

• Swimming• Arts & Crafts

What does this mean?* The JCC/Lillian Schwartz Day Camp has passed a rigorous review of its operations including standards such asemergency management, first aide and health care, staff training and development, programming and staff tocamper ratios.* Reviewers included experts from the American Camping Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, AmericanRed Cross and other youth serving agencies.* Camp families can be assured that their camp of choice is committed to providing their children with a safe and nurturing environment.For more information about the American Camping Association you can visit their website at

JCC Bulletin 3

One of Our Own Receives CYO Shining Stars Youth HonorDaniel Feldman, tenured Travel and Intramuralbasketball player at the JCC for the past fouryears, received the CYO Shining Stars YouthAward on October 16, 2010 at the Hilton Hotelin a brunch honoring Staten Island youth. SethPeloso, Director Operations at CYO, was thereto hand out the awards. Attending with Danielwas his father Felix and Board of DirectorsMember/Coach Ira Kamil. This award was created to honor and give

recognition to the young people of Staten Islandwho have made a positive impact on their school and community. Thechosen student is a role model and an example for their fellow stu-dents and friends. The sole criterion for being chosen to receive thisaward is a nomination by the school principal, or program director.The chosen student can be from any class and the award is not limitedto any particular grade level.Daniel’s nomination came from Mike Reape, Sports and Fitness Di-

rector. Mike states that “Daniel stayed strong and persevered througha rough time in his life, and according to his coach, Ira Kamil, he nevermissed practice, never complained about anything, and still managedto be a leader for the team. We are proud of Daniel and his accom-plishments!” Congratulations to Daniel and his family for showingus how to survive through a family crises and getting stronger inthe process!

Camp ReunionMeet up with great camp friends and awesome staff!Enjoy music, dancing, summer games and trivia on the BIG screen,an incredible slideshow featuring YOU and great food and drinks!Bernikow JCC. Sunday, January 9, 1:30 – 4:30pmFees: $10 per camper or “two for one special”when you bring a NEWfriend who never attended camp to share in the FUN!!!

Teen Corner

J-CREW JCC Internship ProgramDon’t wait until June to fulfill your internship/community servicerequirements.J-Crew is a leadership development/internship program for

high school students. This is a great opportunity for teens toconnect with our community while helping build their resumes.In addition to being an incredible experience, this program willhelp teens develop their skills in a supervised setting. This pro-gram runs from January to June. Teens are expected to com-plete a minimum 36 hours of an internship throughout theschool year. There will be opportunities to work in the JCC spe-cial needs programs, early childhood, after school programs andsports and recreation department. There will be monthly meet-ings for interns to discuss the program and talk about their ex-periences in a comfortable setting.Contact Samantha Goodman for more info at 718.475.5285 [email protected].

CampGlenn Wechsler, MSW, Camp Co-Director 718.475.5231 [email protected] Stephanie Feldman, M.S., Ed., Camp Co-Director 718.475.5232 [email protected]

Camp NightAll new one of a kind Camp Night! It’s FREE, Longer and More Fun Than Ever!Saturday, January 15. NEW Start Time 6pm-9pmActivities include Swim, Sports, Snacks, Crafts and Celebrate Tu B’-Shevat and Israel with planting, carob toss and taste, Kibbutz Scav-enger Hunt, and Israeli Desert Sand Art

Camp Open HouseSunday, January 16, 12–2pm(if you can’t make that date call for appointment). Meet the Camp DirectorsLearn about all we offer - See NEW camp videoCamp Early Bird Special $200 Deposit by February 15 $AVEAnd receive a FREE CAMP BACK PACK!Love Camp and Want to Share?Refer a camper or host a parlor meeting for friends and/or families to learn about camp and $AVE $$$ off your camp fees.

Congratulations to the JCC/Lillian Schwartz Day Camp for achieving accreditation from the American Camping Association (ACA)

Winter Film SeriesBernikow JCC, Stolzenberg Social Hall

Saviors of the NightSaviors of the Night (Unter Bauern) is based on the memories of Marga Spiegel. In her narrative, published in 1965, she describes how courageousfarmers in southern Münsterland hid her, herhusband Siegfried {named Menne} and their littledaughter Karin from 1943 until 1945, thus savingthem from deportation to the exterminationcamps in the East. The film tells this story ofsurvival with a sense for the absurd in daily lifeand typical Westphalian humor.Tuesday, January 25, 7:30pmFee: $8M/$10NM

Nora’s WillA Jewish family in Mexico is turned upside down when a long-heldfamily secret is uncovered in this comedy-dramafrom director Mariana Chenillo. Nora (SilviaMariscal) is in poor health, and with Passovercoming up, she decides she wants to end her lifeso that her family can come together for thefuneral and the High Holiday at the same time.Nora talks her former husband Jose (FernandoLujan) into handling the details of her funeraland bringing together her friends and familyfor the occasion, a task Jose isn't very enthu-siastic about, given some unresolved issuesbetween them and his ambivalence about Jewish ritu-als. Despite it all, Jose sets out to honor Nora's request, but thediscovery of a hidden photograph among her effects leads to asurprising revelation about Nora that changes everyone's perspec-tive on the late lamented. Tuesday, February 1, 7:30pmFee: $8M/$10NMVisit to see trailers and buy advance tickets.

4 JCC Bulletin

Green SpotlightThe Green Committee at the JCChas been very active in contribut-ing to changes in the JCC and ouroperations. We’re launching aseries of spotlights to highlightpeople and companies that help uson our journey as an agency toboth a more sustainable facilityand as “stewards of the planet”.Ely Reiss is a JCC Platinum Mem-

ber. Mr. Reiss, who was born in Israel, has a PhD in aeronautics andworked as an aerospace engineer. In 1969 he joined his father atConcord Homes and has been buildinghomes on Staten Island since 1969. He hasbuilt everything from low income housing tolarge custom homes.In 1996 NYSERDA (New York State Energy

Research and Development Authority) is-sued a High Performance Residential Chal-lenge. Homes were to be built employingadvanced technology and constructionmethods to make a home as energy efficientas possible. Sixteen sites throughout NewYork State were selected with Staten Island the only site in the five

boroughs.Mr. Reiss’ Concord Homes

built a 3,500 square foot, 2family home at 29 Haven Es-planade in Silver Lake. Thehome has spray foam insula-tion, energy efficient windows,an air ventilation system thatfilters the air (making it an idealliving space for asthma suffer-ers), Energy Star appliancesand LED lighting. All of whichadds up to savings of over

$1,000 in utility costs per year.Mr. Reiss has a long time association with the JCC. His three chil-

dren went to pre-school at the Aberlin North Shore, his sister wasa teacher there and his mother was also a volunteer.To view the listing for the Haven Esplanade green home please


MovementBASIC LINE DANCE Learn the basic steps of Line Dancing, International Folk Dancing andIsraeli Folk Dancing. Enjoy the dances done to the rhythms of waltz,samba, rhumba, mambo, foxtrot and tango. Learn the basics steps ofFolk Dancing. Enjoy the dances and music of Greece, Romania, Bul-garia, Macedonia and Israel. No partner required. Adults of all ages. Instructor: Al Ball. Sundays 1:30pm – Aerobics Studio10 week Session begins. Fee: $65M/$90NM ISRAELI DANCINGCome dance the night away with instructor Sara Cohen. Practice tra-ditional steps, learn new dances and have fun with others who love Is-raeli Folk Dancing. All Ages are welcomed.Tuesdays 7:30pm – Media Room. Start anytime - Ongoing. FREE for members/$5NM

Family Holiday CelebrationsTU B’SHVATThursday, January 20Seeds of love- Watch for bags with seeds, driedfruit and recipes as we celebrate the “new yearfor trees”. Also the ECE plant sale will be in theBernikow lobby as well as a Tu B’Shvat video.

Arts & CultureOrit Lender, Program Director 718.475.5227 [email protected]

Art @ the J Paintings by Victor Zucconi January and FebruaryArtist’s Reception, Thursday, January 20, 7pmMurray Berman Art at the J Gallery

JCC Bulletin 5

6 JCC Bulletin

Spa SpecialsA Facial: It's More than Meets the EyeThe health benefits of a facial far outweigh the beauty benefits. Intandem, however, they produce the healthy glow we all want. Themajor health benefits of regular facials are regulation of the im-mune system, detoxification, reduction in fluid build-up, exfoliation,and stress relief. These benefits are achieved in a facial that incor-porates lymphatic drainage, exfoliation treatments, acupressure,and aromatherapy.The results improve the appearance of the skin by reducing puffi-

ness, rejuvenating collagen fibers, and slowing the aging process.A facial also has a calming effect on the nervous system that helpsreduce stress and tension.Exfoliation is a process in which the top layers of the skin are re-

moved, so that the newer, younger cells may reach the surface.Monthly facials and a weekly routine of exfoliation can keep theskin clean and smooth with an even skin tone. Discolorations fadeand often disappear. The skin looks and acts more like young skin.Take advantage of our 2011 Rewards Program: Buy 10 Facialsand get the 11th free.

JCC Bulletin 7

Celebrate Healthy Weight Week, January 16-22 January 20, Thursday – Women's Healthy Weight DayMeet with a personal trainer to set realistic fitness and wellness goals.Call the Sports and Wellness Desk to make an appointment.

Look and Feel Great in 2011Not getting the results you were looking for? Bernikow Personal Train-ers are always available to answer your questions and demonstrate ex-ercises.Personal Training Special: buy 10 and get 11! Only $550 (Save $55)Get Fit with Chris: Small Group Personal Training 12 sessions only $300

Exuberant Animal Training WorkshopJoin author Frank Forencich for this exciting and innovative one-day training event on performance, health, functional training and physical happiness. Using a unique combination of presentations and movement sessions, this workshop will increase your understanding of the body and leave you laughing, sweaty and inspired.Exuberant Animal is the creation of FrankForencich, author of Play as if Your Life Depends on It, Exuberant Animal and Change Your Body,Change the World. WWW.EXUBERANTANIMAL.COMSunday, February 27, 8am-5pm. Fee: $150

SpinningTake a virtual tripthrough Oregon orHawaii and enjoy thescenery as you reap allof the benefits of SpinClass.

Healthy Weight Loss and DietingWeight management not only makes you look and feel better, it influences your future health. A healthy weight decreases your chances of developing serious health risks such as heartdisease or diabetes.If your last diet attempt wasn't a success,

or life events have caused you to gainweight, don’t be discouraged. The key is to find a plan that works with your body’s individual needs so that you can avoid common diet pitfalls and instead make lasting lifestyle changes that can help you findlong-term, healthy weight loss success. Avoidingfad diets and adapting to healthy lifestyle changealong with setting realistic goals is key.While there is no “one size fits all” solution

to lifelong, healthy weight loss, try these tips:

• Lifestyle change – Permanent weight loss is notsomething that a “quick-fix” diet can achieve. Instead, think about weight loss as a permanentlifestyle change. You are making a commitment to your health for life.Various popular diets can help to jump-start your weight loss, butpermanent changes in your lifestyle and food choices are what will worklong term.

• Find a cheering section – Social support means a lot. Seek outsupport, whether in the form of family, friends, or a support group, sothat you can get the encouragement you need.

• Commit to a plan and stick to it – Experiment until you find a good,long-term plan that helps you lose the weight and maintain that loss ina way that works for you. If you cut out just 100 calories a day you couldlose 10 pounds in a year. Remember, one 12 oz can of soda can contain150 calories.

• Lose weight slowly. Losing weight too fast can take a toll on yournervous system, making you feel sluggish, drained, and sick. Aim to lose1 to 2 pounds a week to ensure healthy weight loss.

• Stay motivated and keep track –Keep a food journal or weigh your-self regularly. Find and use tools that help keep you motivated. Whenfrustration and temptation strike, concentrate on the many benefitsyou will reap from being healthier and leaner.

Bernikow Fitness & WellnessEileen Yard, Director of Wellness Services 718.475.5211 [email protected]

Baron Hirsch Cemetery1126 Richmond AvenueStaten Island, NY 10314

718.698.0162 ext. 14

Available individual plots, family plots and niches

8 JCC Bulletin

Father and Son Sports AcademyGet an active start to the day early each Sunday. Combine fun, fitness and sports for fathers and sons. (Granddads are welcome too). You’ll find basketball,soccer, baseball, tennis, boot camp and much more. T-shirts for both father and son will be given out as well as trophies at the completion of the program.Bernikow JCC, Start date: Sunday, January 16 9-10am ages 4 & 510:15-11:15am ages 6 & 7 8 sessionsCombined Fee: $150M/$175NM

Sunday Baseball Instruction with Dan LynchJoin Dan for expert professional instruction on the fundamentals forthe game. Sessions will also include simulated games. Players will bedivided into age appropriate groups.Bernikow JCC. Start date: Sunday, January 16 4-5:30pm grades 4-6. 8 sessions$175M/$190NM

Golf Instruction for Kids with Autism (ages 6+)Professional Golf Instruction for Autistic youth .Mack Thompson will pro-vide a caring quality in a program your child will love. Mack has been in-volved in the Autistic community for several years. For additionalinformation on this program please call Mike Reape, 718.475.5212. Start date: Saturday, January 15, 5pmEight sessions. Fee: $65 M/NM

School’s Out FUN!Monday, January 17, Martin Luther King Day 9am – 5pm with extended hours available from8am – 9am & 5pm – 7pm for $5 per hourSwimming, tons of games, and then enjoy a tripto Diamond Gymnastics and Rock Climbing inEast Hanover, NJ.Fees: $40Kidz Klub$45M/$65NM

JCC University Select from great workshops such as dance,hockey, cooking, art and more!Bernikow JCCSaturday, January 29, 6:45pm – 9:00pmFees in Advance: $15M/$25NM At Door: $20M/$30NM

Sports & RecreationMike Reape, Sports & Recreation Director 718.475.5212 [email protected]

Youth DepartmentGlenn Wechsler, MSW, Youth Director 718.475.5231 [email protected] Feldman, M.S., Ed., Asst. Youth Director 718.475.5232 [email protected]

2 New Four Week Courses beginning January 27!

Sticky Fingers Art grades K– 3Kids can finally get messy without getting in trouble! A smock is recommended for thiscourse which includes great projects that involve glue, paint, markers, tape, clay, sandand other home forbidden ingredients. If your child loves arts and crafts then this is theperfect fit!Thursdays 4–5:30pm

Wearable Art grades 4 – 7For the more serious artist, this course will teach the art of fashion with kids designingtheir own shirts, hats, bags and jewelry. Kids can create for themselves or gifts for specialfriends and family members. No experience required! Thursdays 6–7pmFees: $48Kidz Klub/$56M/$72NM

Need more info on any camp or youth program?Contact Stephanie at [email protected] or 718.475.5232 or Glenn at [email protected] or 718.475.5231

NEW!After School Sports Classes(ages 4-5 co-ed)Join our super fun instructors. A great way to end your child’s day @ the Bernikow JCC

JR GOLF Join the fun of one of the world’s greatest individual sports. This pro-gram is an introduction to the sport with instruction in fundamentals,grip, stance, posture, and so much more. Instructor Mack Thompsonwill have the kids swinging like a Pro in no time. Mondays, 4pm.Start date: Monday, January 10. Ten sessions. Fee: $90M/$135NM

JR BIDDY BASKETBALL Special Introduction Basketball Classes are now available after school.Your child will learn the correct fundamentals of basketball while hav-ing a terrific time. Tuesdays, 4pm. Start date: Tuesday, January 11 Ten sessions. Fee: $90M/$135NM

INTRODUCTION TO SPORTSNot sure what sport your child is interested in? Let us help! This intro-ductory class will give your young athlete the chance to sample all themajor sports. Class will include soccer, baseball, football skills (non con-tact) boot camp training, floor hockey and much more. At the conclu-sion of the class your child will receive a Sports Diploma from the JCCof Staten Island. Wednesdays, 4pm. Ten sessions Start date: Wednesday, January 12Fee: $90M/$135NM

Men’s Basketball LeagueThe J’s Monday Night Men’s League Come on down on Registration/Evaluation night to be placed on a teamof 8. Play 20-minute halves with a 5 minute half time for a great work-out and get home just in time for kick-off. You are guaranteed 10games and at least 1 play-off game. So grab the guys, come on downto the J, and maybe you can be part of the list of JCC Men’s BasketballChamps! Leagues are ongoing. Fee: $100M/$150NMCall Abe Medina for details 718.475.5200 ext 1107.

Shalom SesameEarly ChildhoodJayne Smith, Early Childhood Director 718.475.5286 [email protected]

Dorothy Delson Kuhn Music Institute Ela Seeley, Music Institute Director 718.475.5263 [email protected]

JCC Bulletin 9

Instrumental instructionWhy not start the year 2011 learning how to play music? We welcomenew registrants throughout the year. Private lessons are now offeredat three locations including the Aberlin/North Shore JCC.

In January we will offer free trial classes (by appointment only):Piano-Tuesday, January 11, 5pm-7pmAvis/South Shore JCC Violin- Tuesday, January 11, 5pm-7pmBernikow JCCSaxophone/Clarinet –Thursday, January 13, 5pm-7pm Bernikow JCCPlease call the Music Institute Director Ela Seeley, 718.816.6643 toschedule an appointment

Early Childhood Classes: Music Together of Staten Island at the JCC Tuesdays 10:30am. Free demo Tuesday, January 9, 10:30am

HARMONY ROAD - KEYBOARD PROGRAMMusic in Me (ages 3-4)Tuesdays, 4pm. Free demo Tuesday, February 2, 4pmMore Music in MeThursdays, 4pm Harmony Road (ages 4-6) Thursdays, 5pm. Free demo Thursday, February 4, 5pmHarmony Road II Tuesdays, 5pmYoung Musician (ages 6-7)Tuesdays, 6pm. Free Demo Tuesday, February 2, 6pmYoung Musician II Thursdays, 6pm. All classes start the week of February 7Bernikow JCC

New Programs:Group Guitar Classes Thursdays 5:00pm Bernikow JCCJazz Ensemble Thursdays 6:00pm Bernikow JCCA Cappella Choral Group For all of those who are devoted to advanced a cappella singing andenjoy reading challenging music for the sheer pleasure of it.Meets once a month, evenings or Sundays Date TBA. Please call to discuss the details.

Student Recital The student-faculty recitals are held monthly and are free of charge.All students are encouraged to participate in at least one recital duringthe school year. Piano accompaniments are provided by faculty mem-bers, who are also featured in addition to student presentations. Meetthe young artists of the Music Institute of the JCC, learn about the pro-grams, talk to the teachers, and enjoy the performance. All are wel-come. Sunday, January 30, 1:00pm.

Teacher’s SpotlightFred Crisson – guitar, jazz ensembleStudied at Manhattan School of Music. Formallytrained to play clarinet, saxophone, piano andguitar. Studied oboe and classical music withvarious principal oboists of the New York Phil-harmonic Orchestra and the Metropolitan OperaCompany in Milan, Italy. Recipient of scholar-ship from the Friends of Music and from theBoard of education of New York. Teaching gui-tar and bass over 30 years. Previous memberof “Jazz Awarness”, a musicians’ group dedi-cated to educating students about various clubs and development ofjazz music, via grants. Currently performing jazz at various clubs andrestaurants in the metropolitan area. Current host of the award win-ning guitar instruction show “Music and Scenes on Staten Island”,”Fred’s Guitars” and “Guitar Central”, shown on Staten Island CableTV/Verizon FIOS.

Parent Advisory CommitteeMarjorie Steinberg, ChairpersonJoin other families and help us plan fun family events and fundrais-ers at the Center. Each meeting is paired with either a workshopor speaker. January 25 – Behavior Management and Discipline

Family FridaysCome join us for a fabulously fun Friday! Family Fridays is for par-ents and children up to 5 years old. You and your child will enjoysongs, stories, and dancing. Each session includes a special craftthat your child can make and take. Friday, January 14, 4-5 pm Fee: $5 donation per child. Avis/South Shore and Bernikow JCC

Sunday MatineeJoin us for an afternoon of movie magic! Bring the kids for ascreening of a family friendly film in the JCC Media room. Drinksand snacks will be provided. Movie title to be announced.Bernikow JCC. Sunday, January 23, 1–3pm Fee: $5 per child

Kids and parents had a blast watching the premiere of ShalomSesame, doing arts & crafts and meeting a special surprise guest.

Member Spotlight:Janie Gonsalves age 56 This Member spotlight “stepped” right into abetter workout regimen the minute shesampled Carol’s Group Exercise class. Afterparticipating in a step aerobics class sheknew the JCC was the place for her. That wasover 2 years ago. She feels our Fitness Cen-ter is not only a fantastic place to exercise,but “it’s a friendly and relaxing atmospherethat feels like family”. Since her retirement,she continues exercising all year round withlong walks on the beach, ice-skating, skiing,snow-mobiling and roller skating. She also prepares healthy meals ofchicken, fish, veggies or red meat in moderation. She feels like she’sreached her obtainable goal of getting into shape because now takingZumba, Step and other classes plus all the time spent on the treadmillare just a way of life for her.

Dear Fit Pro’s:I want to start off the New Year on the right foot…..I already have tonsof stylish workout clothes, but need some trendy fitness tips:

Signed,Treadmill Trendsetter

Dear Tread,We are glad to hear you have the right gear. Now all you need is a sneakpeak at the top fitness trends for 2011 listed below:• Personal Training: Personal trainers are becoming more accessible tomore people.• Strength Training: Men and women are lifting weights; staying strongwhile aging is increasingly part of their motivation.• Core Training: This trend is about strengthening muscles in the ab-domen and back to stabilize the spine.• Pilates: Done on a mat or special equipment, Pilates trains the coremuscles and improves flexibility and posture.• Spinning: Spinning classes, fast-paced group workouts on stationarybikes, have been around for a while, but are still going strong.• Exercise and weight loss: Sensible or ‘sensationalized”, most diets nowinclude an exercise component.

Fitness Center Updates:• We are open New Years eve, 8:30am-12:30pm• We value member suggestions whether through a note left in the sug-gestion box, an email to Melissa or a tip shared with our staff that isshared at our staff meetings. We appreciate your ideas and concerns.Let our staff know how you’re doing because we love hearing from you.Any time, please e-mail Melissa at [email protected]

Bonnie’s Buff Board Please stop by the Fitness Center and look at our Cardio Waiting Listboard (aka: Bonnie’s Buff Board). It has a display of fitness tips to en-hance your workouts and you can meet our knowledgeable fit trainerBonnie who has lots of good advice for all members, especially themoms. She has four children of her own and makes exercise a prioritybefore she comes into work!! Bonnie is full of great fitness tips basedon her studies as a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)trainer and clearly her own experience. She will be changing her BuffBoard on a monthly basis for all to read and learn.

Mini Muscles and Mommy Stroller Boot CampGet a great workout without getting a baby sitter. This stroller fitnessclass is a great way to get back in shape and meet other moms! OurBoot Camp class is a structured exercise regimen that revolvesaround babies. Mothers can cater our program to their own needsand abilities in one hour with the guidance of our certified instructorswho are moms themselves and understand the way you feel. Takingyour lil one on a stroll around the JCC's beautiful grounds will be anextremly helpful routine supported by the Boot Camp since its ap-propriate for babies of any age. During the winter sessions, our bootcamp will be conducted in the JCC's gymnasium. The baby will get achange of scenery and maybe even a nap while the mommy gets ahealthy, low impact workout and fresh air. The session will include:Warmups; Core workouts; Pushups and squats with baby and without;Stroller jogging; Sprints; Cool downs and Open ForumsMondays beginning January 3 1:30-2:30pm 10 sessions Fee: $150M/$200NM

Twinkle Toes and Mommy Live, Love and Dance!A collaboration with Dance Factory, Twinkles Toes and Mommy is aprogram for all the tots who would like to get a jump start in thewonderful world of dancing. Mommies will fall in love as their youngwalkers twirl in our pre-ballet movement class. Tots will learn thebeginner movements of passe, relave, point and flex and their dancepartners will be their own mother! Our new class will build balanceand coordination and lets their creativity flow. Tuesdays beginning January 4 12:30pm-1:15pm10 sessions Fee: $150M/$200NM

Carol’s Corner:Here are a few tips to make your Group Fitness class fantastic :• Come to class with a good attitude of wanting to enjoy your workout with 100% effort to get the greatest benefit out of your experience.

• Be prepared-always wear proper footwear to protect against injuries during your workout, bring along your water, a towel and, of course, that positive attitude. • Be serious about your workout - remember you are here to get the best results for yourself.• Socializing is always welcomed as you make many friends in groupfitness that support and push each other during class for higherachievements but please be considerate during classes.

Woman’s DefinitionBack by popular demandWoman’s Definition is a weight training class taught by the Group Fit-ness Coordinator Carol designed to sculpt major muscles that will en-hance every woman’s physique for a toner and stronger body. Useweighted bars, dumbbells and resistance bands to shrink fat off leavingyou with a lower body fat count and leaner muscles. Offered to all JCCmembers of any fitness level.Thursdays 9:30amFor more info please call Group Fitness Coordinator Carol at ext: 1205

Avis FitnessMelissa Kraker, Health & Fitness Director 718.475.5274 [email protected]


10 JCC Bulletin


Daily Card Games:• Mondays and Thursdays, 10 AM – Canasta• Tuesdays – Open Mah Jongg 9:00- 2:45pm• Tuesday Evenings – Open Mah Jongg/Canasta- 6pm in the “Café”

Book ClubSaving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth HoffmanSaving CeeCee Honeycutt is a change of pace from some of the heavierbooks we’ve been reading lately. CeeCee is 12 years old. She goes tolive with her great aunt for the summer after CeeCee’s troubled motherdies. This is Cee Cee’s story about one unforgettable 12 year old girl’sjourney and the people she encounters while living with her aunt. Facilitated by Shelley Burko Thursday, February 10, 12:30pmActive Adult Lounge

Canasta Lessons/PlayingTerry Tancredi will share her knowledge of thegame to help you understand the dynamics ofcanasta. Come to learn, brush up on yourskills, or just to play. Bring your own cardsplease. Thursdays, 10am – 12pm. Active Adult Lounge.Free M/$5NM

Speakers CornerStarting our Speaker’s Series on Nutrition Thursday, January 20, 12:30pmActive Adult LoungeSave the Dates: February 17 and March 24

Don’t forget the Lending Library is open in the Active Adult Lounge.Share a book and open a book.

Add a StitchShare an afternoon with friends and laughs while knitting. Knitting andall needle crafts are welcome. Join us on Mondays, 1pm in the ActiveAdult Lounge.

Social Event Adult Friendship CelebrationMonday, February 14, 12:30pm Active Adult Lounge

The RSJ Department wants to wish all members and non-membersof JCC a very happy and healthy New Year. We hope to see you atour programs!

Children’s Programs

Winter BallAll Russian speaking children are invited to attendthe Winter Ball.You’ll see the Puppet Show “Cinderella” or Zolushka,one of your favorite fairy tales.You will have a lot offun- dancing, singing, playing! And we promise you a lot of candies and cookies as well!Besides, your parents could buy a lot of wonderfulbooks in Russian. Come and bring all your friends forthis wonderful event!Sunday, January 16, 3pm Tickets: $5 per child (parents free)

Hebrew through SongsOur classes continue in January through March. Our teacher, SaraCohen, will take you to a wonderful world of music and Hebrew. Atthe end of the sessions we’ll have a small celebration with a lot offun and prizes.6 sessionsFee: $40 for all sessionsDates: TBA

SeniorNetThe SeniorNet of SI, Inc, located at the Bernikow JCC, 1466 ManorRoad will once again be offering computer classes for those 50 pluswho wish to learn how to use a computer, refresh old skills and up-date them, or learn new skills. The teachers are volunteers, over 50,who want to share their knowledge with others. Classes that will be offered during this winter session are: Intro I(Windows Desktop), Intro I (Laptop Microsoft Vista/Windows), IntroII, Internet, Advanced Adobe PhotoShop Elements and Graphics.Registration will be on Sunday, January 9 at the Bernikow, 10am-2pm. On that day some sample mini-classes will be offered from 9-11am. Scholarships are available and must be submitted 5 daysbefore registration starts.For more information/scholarship forms/fees/class dates phone1-718-475-5200 then press 8 and 1182 or visit

Adults Orit Lender, Program Director 718.475.5227 [email protected]

RSJBella Smorgoskaya, Director 718.475.5286 [email protected]

JCC Bulletin 11

AquaticsClaudia McLaughlin, Aquatics Director 718.475.5215 [email protected]

JCC Bulletin 13

Swimming Lessons for Tadpoles, Whales, Sharks and DolphinsFor children ages 3+Please check the Program Guide on our website for schedulesand rates.

Babies R SwimmingIt’s never too early to introduce your child to the world of swimming. Winter Session begins Sunday, January 30, 10:15am-11am or Tuesdayand Thursday, February 1, 10:30–11:15am.Please check the Program Guide on our website for rates.

Scuba Diving Become a certified scuba diver and receive your P.A.D.I. (ProfessionalAssociation of Diving Instructors). Scuba diving lessons with the JCCare not only memorable and educational, but are also an amazing ex-perience. Register for a five week performance based course. Our in-structor will work with you at your own pace. Classes are small tomaintain and promote individual attention. On completion you will re-ceive a photo identification card, which allows you to dive anywhere inthe world. Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity. For more informa-tion on Scuba Diving with the JCC, please call Ryan F. Heaney,718.344.8460.

Private Swim LessonsLessons can be scheduled at your leisure. Our instructors are there tohelp you and/or your child feel comfortable in the water. Whether you

are new or familiar with the water, we are here to help improve yourswimming skills. Private swim lessons are an excellent way to build con-fidence and improve your stroke. Most of all, our instructors urge allswimmers; new, experienced, child or adult to build a love of the waterand most of all to have fun. 10 lessons scheduled and paid will receive a 10% discount.

Lifeguard Training ClassesBecome an American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard. Must be 15yearsold and pass a preliminary swim test. This is a 30 hour course and youmust attend all classes. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thurs-daysClasses start January 6, 4pm–7:15pmFee: $225M/$280NM

Richmond Aquatics ClubRichmond Aquatics Club @ the JCC is a registered member of UnitedStates Swimming. All members of will be able to compete at UnitedStates Swim Meets. It’s a program for every ability level and open toboys and girls from 7–18.. There are 5 training groups based on age andability, from Pre-competitive to Senior teams. Your child will enjoy thequalified coaching and fun of a competitive swim program. The pro-gram runs year round, so please call for an appointment for try-outsor visit the website at

For more information, contact Claudia McLaughlin, Aquatic ProgramDirector, 718.475.5215 or [email protected].

Weissglass Gala

June 12, 2011

RecipientS of the


DiStinGuiSheD leADeRShip AWARD

Joe harris Dick Kuhn

Save the Date

Membership Appreciation Breakfast

Can you believe it has been 4 years since we opened theJoan & Alan Bernikow JCC? You know time flies when youare having fun. As thanks to our loyal members, I invite all of you to our

Member Appreciation Breakfast onSunday, January 16, 9am-12pm. Enjoy a little noshpre or post your activities.We are so glad that youcontinue to be a part ofthe JCC. See youthere and Happy Anniversary to all of us!

MembershipJill Gottlieb, Membership Services Director718.475.5223 [email protected]

Jewish Life & Learning Yaffa Schonbach, Jewish Life & Learning Director 718.475.5228 [email protected]

JL&L Department and Connect to Care, on behalf of the JCC, wouldlike to thank all the families and anonymous individuals who con-tributed to our Food Pantry. Special thanks to Staten IslandCostco. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Ulpan & Hebrew ReadingMondays and WednesdaysFor information please contact Sara Cohen, 718.475.5242 or [email protected].

Discovery for Kids grades K – 2Experience the joy of Jewish culture through art, music and dance.Children learn about holidays, values and traditions and are introduced to the Jewish alphabet in a fun way! Contact Glenn Wechsler, 718.475.5231 or [email protected]. Mondays 4–5pm Fee: $160M/$235NM

JLI Winter Course-A Soul-Searching Journey for Every JewClasses toward a meaningful life6 Wednesdays: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16.Bernikow JCC, Presidents Room, 7:30-9pmPlease call Chabad Lubavitch, 718 370 8953 for details

Fashion Show Please join us for an exciting evening Women’s Fashion Show. Look for our flyers!SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, March 6For information please contact Sara Cohen, 718.475.5242 or [email protected].

Connect to CareIn this economic crisis, theJewish Community is herefor you:• Employment services • Supportive counseling• Legal Services• Financial Consulting• Jewish spiritual counseling

Credit Reports, Scores and Improving Your CreditLearn how to access and understand your credit report and itsimpact on your finances. The NYLAG financial counselor will discussthe determinants that make up your credit score, how to break downand potentially dispute errors on a credit report, and how to improveyour credit rating through tangible means and financial products.Monday, January 10, 10amFor information please contact Sara Cohen, 718.475.5242 or [email protected].

Israeli Folk Dance A unique activity for your mind and body. Dance the night away with instructors Sara and Jane. Practice traditional steps, learn new dances and have fun with otherswho love Israeli Folk Dancing. All ages are welcome. Light refreshment will be served.Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm (beginners);

8:30–10:30pm (intermediates and advanced) FREE for members/$5NM For information please contact Sara Cohen, 718.475.5242 or [email protected].

14 JCC Bulletin

Dancing and Arts & Crafts at the Chabad Lubavitch Chanukah Party

JCC Bulletin 15

Order Your Push Button Today!!Feel Safe & Secure in Your Home Day & Night

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16 JCC Bulletin

“Just co

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2 hour basic

birthday party package

includes pizza,

soda, cake and

paper goods

Your Birthday Party will include a Party Planner and Party hosts for a 2 hour party in our state-of-the-art JCC facility.

In addition, each party package includes 10 complimentary 1 day guest passes for your guests to use our fitness center or pool while their child is partying away!!

Choose from:

• JCC Music Parties

• Princess Party

• JCC Aquatics Pool Party

• Animal Encounter

• Dance Factory at the JCC

• JCC Sports Sampler

• Created by JCC Ceramics

• and more

Call Melissa, 718.475.5274 for more info

JCC Bulletin 17

Visit the all new Grillz @ Café J

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Free delivery with any order of $25 or moreFree medium Challah with orders of $15 or moresupervision under the Vaad of Staten Island

18 JCC Bulletin

Catering by KaplanResident Caterer of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun

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Close personal supervision by Mel and Stacie Kaplanfor the perfect party you can only do once! We accept all

major credit cards

JCC Bulletin 19


When you place an ad in our Bulletin - you’ll also

receive a link to your website

Contact JR Rich [email protected]

Designed to assist those in the Jewish community in need

Partners with:

• FEGS for employment services

• NYLAG for legal services and financial


• MET Council for crisis intervention services

• JBFCS for psycho-social services

“We give you the placeto come to when youneed the help you neverthought you wouldneed.”

Call 718.475.5228 to begin services“The Jewish Community at Work for You!”

3rd Annual Reel Abilities Film Festival

All tickets $10 per day including Flame!Group discounts available.

To purchase tickets in advance visit

For more information contact Jayne Smith 718.475.5286 or [email protected]

Saturday, February 58:00pmBrain Damadg’d ...Take IITen years ago, Montrealer PaulNadler was a creative maverick -snowboarding, rock-climbing andscuba diving, taking part in all-nightplay-writing sessions, attractingwomen, and winning awards as ahip television director. Then hewas found alone on a road inEgypt, without clothes and ID,comatose in the hot sun after a caraccident. He had been left for dead. The doctors said hewould never recover from TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). He wasonly 30. Brain Damadj'd...Take II documents Nadler's gutsy,manic determination to regain his previous life.

Sunday, February 612pmWarrior ChampionsWarrior Champions tells the story of a group of severely wounded American Soldiers, as they fight to turn nightmares of war into Olympic dreams. Iraq War Veterans KortneyClemons, Scott Winkler, Melissa Stockwell, and Carlos Leon, as little as a year afterlosing limbs and suffering paralysis fighting for their country in Iraq, have set out to do what manythought impossible: to compete in the 2008 Paralympic Gamesin Beijing. Warrior Champions follows these solider athletes fora full year as they compete for their spot on the US Paralympicteam.

Sunday, February 6 3pmReturn of Flame

Monday, February 7 7:00pmAnitaSpanish with English SubtitlesAnita is the story of a young womanwith Down Syndrome who gets lostin Buenos Aires after the 1994 bombattack on the AMIA Jewish Commu-nity Center. The film is by renownedfilmmaker Marcos Carnevale, direc-tor of Elsa and Fred, and starsNorma Aleandro, the "MerylStreep" of Argentina.

Tuesay, February 87:00pmDouble FeatureCrooked Beauty- (short)Crooked Beauty is a poetic documentary that chronicles artist-activist Jacks Ashley McNamara'stransformative journey from child-hood abuse to psych ward patientto pioneering mental health advo-cacy, as co-founder of The Icarus Project. It is an intimate portrait of her intense personal questto live with courage and dignity, and a powerful critique of stan-dard psychiatric treatments

Wandering EyesHebrew with English STThe musical and soul-search-ing journey of Gabriel Belhassan, musician, formerorthodox Jew and recentlydiagnosed with manic depression. After being released from a psychiatric facility hebegan working on a solo album. But leaving his family and mov-ing to Tel Aviv frightens him - the urban solitude, pressure,disturbed sleep and totality of the music bring on the diseaseagain. His manic attacks have him standing on the brink of san-ity, reaching out to God, just as he did when he was a child.Refusing to give up, he struggles to finish the album andreceive the artistic acclaim he so desperately wishes for.