HR Virtual Learning Zone Panel Discussion on Hi-Po Management

Hi-Potential Management Benefits & Challanges

Transcript of HR Virtual Learning Zone Panel Discussion on Hi-Po Management

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Hi-Potential Management

Benefits & Challanges

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Defining High Potential

“Ready Now” talent with the relevant capabilities to move into positions ofgreater scope and responsibility.


Alarmingly, only 13%1 of senior executives and human capital managers today believe their organizations have ample leadership pipelines.

According to a Right Management Conference Board survey of 210 executive-level human capital professionals in Asia, 45 percent of respondents indicated that their leaders are not prepared or only marginally prepared to address the business challenges ahead. That really means 45 percent are willing to admit they may not be prepared.

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How to create a Hi-Po Management System

Communicate whatever can be communicated….

01 Before understanding the ‘How’ part, it is important to understand the ‘Why’ bit.

02 Couple of important considerations for such system would be- ‘What is the

coverage’? ’What is your definition of hi-potential’? ‘What purpose you want it to serve ?

03 Important to understand if Hi-Po is a critical skill or critical person?

04 Important to have complete leadership buy in from design perspective. Keep

selection purely on merit (not necessarily only on data)

05 Should have an exit mechanism – potential need to be realised


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Foundation for Success


Strategic Structured approach to Talent Development

AssessIdentify Develop Engage

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Poll Question



War of Talent is the next big deciding factor for organization's of future? Can effective Hi-Potential Management be the answer?YesNoCan’t Say

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Key Benefits


Retaining top talent – Competitive


Reward for PerformanceBusiness Growth


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Key Challenges


Retention effort only for selected few

Organisations invest too much money on Hi-Po and others feel


It is important to make programs for more than significant few

Creates more conflict & competition than collaboration

Results are very difficult to measure..we end up

measuring retention than value creation

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Basics to keep in Mind


Measuring the ROI w.r.t business deliverables of a Hi-Po framework

ROI depends on what organisation wanted to get out of system It could be retention of Hi- Po It could be multiple growth of organisation It could be creating future generation of leaders

ROI measurement should be clear from the start – for all stakeholders

• These programs can either be aspirational or completely demotivating. We need to be careful to make it aspirational

• It is important to keep exit mechanism from these programs, but exit from the program should be communicated in advance else it could set demotivation

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Avoiding 3 most common pitfalls


Using outdated success profiles

Failing to create a credible, trustworthy and structured development program

Confusing high performance with potential

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Engaging Hi-Po


Careful allocation of roles and responsibilities

Should be either classified as critical talent or should have critical skill

Should not be doing routine jobs which can be done by anyone

Should do roles which are unique and at least 1-2 level above their experience/title etc..

Use a Development Centre

Career Planning

One on One Coaching

Comprehensive reporting

360 degree .

Engaging and Cultivating Hi- Po employees to stay and perform

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Role of HR


Identify Develop Reward Deliver

Leadership Involvement, Buy In, Change Management

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Organisation Strategy

Build Vs Buy Decision

Define Potential

Create Identification

Measures (competency, values, track


Identify clear road map for each Hi-Po

Buy-In from all


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