How To Write Introductions That Will Impress Your Professors and Classmates


Transcript of How To Write Introductions That Will Impress Your Professors and Classmates

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As the first part of the essay, the introduction is important because it is what readers will first see and read. It should be attractive and interesting. To help you better write introductions, we share insightful tips for you.

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To guide you in writing introductions, you should know its purpose and carry it out. Your goal in writing this part of the essay is to attract readers through it or get their interest by it. This is the first function that you should perform with the introduction.


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Now you know that you should attract or get the interest of your readers. So, define who your readers are and keep them in mind the whole time you are writing your introduction from start to finish. As a student, the most important reader that you should put in mind is your professor.


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Alternatively or additionally, your professor may specify a different target reader that you should write for. Whoever your target readers are, you should think about them when you write the introduction of your essay. This way you can better think of what will be interesting or attractive to them or how you can make things interesting or attractive to them.

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Interesting and Effective

An essay's introduction should be interesting so that it can attract target readers. However, this is not enough. It should also be effective with its second function.

An introduction should be effective in providing readers with a guide on what are the important ideas that they will expect to read later in the discussion part or body of the essay.

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For an introduction to be effective in presenting to readers the essay's important ideas it should help you the writer of the essay to:

reveal the central idea or thesis of the essay

guide readers to important ideas in the body of the essay

provide relevant background information to help readers understand the essay's purpose and thesis

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Essay's Purpose and Its Introduction

The purpose of your essay is an important factor to consider when writing its introduction. The introduction should jive with the purpose of the essay.

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Examples of Introductions


persuasive essay prepare readers for the discussion part

informative essay prepare readers for the discussion part

narrative essay the first event of the story

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Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is usually required in higher education academic essay writing. This sentence or two or three reveal the central idea of the essay. The best organised way is to put the thesis statement at the end part of the introduction.

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Introduction Writing Strategies

The general format and flow of the introduction starts with the attractive or interesting hook that leads to the thesis (thesis statement). These two parts should stimulate in readers an interest in the topic.

Here are some introduction writing strategies to help you.

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You can describe a scene or tell an anecdote.


The hunt of one student for a part-time job once brought him to a waiting area for applicants. The scene offered him the chance to say to himself, “Whew, I'm too young for this.”

(a part of an introduction in an essay in labour economics course)

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Provide relevant background information.


For a business organisation to succeed, it needs to set a goal and work as a unit to achieve such aim. If one among these elements of organisation is missing – goal, people, resources and strategy – there would be no success. If there is no success, it could even be that there is no organisation. The organisation exists because of its goals. Without goal, there is no organisation.

(a part of an introduction in an essay in business management studies)

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What is work? Do you want to know what is work? Do you know what it means, even just at least to me? People go to the office or any other workplace every day. They receive their pay checks after every 15 days. Observe these people without prejudice. Try to think how why they do what they do. That is what to them what is work. It has a unique meaning to them. And it has another unique meaning to other people.

(a part of an introduction in an essay in human resources studies)

Address your readers directly.

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Use a comparison, a contrast or an analogy.


Meet Employee A. He is a worker that is diligent, well-organised, productive, efficient and effective. That is why he is an excellent performer at the office.

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Meet Employee B. He is a worker that grabs every opportunity to avoid tasks and if such is assigned to him, he avoids actually doing it. He does not have any report to give during meetings because he does not perform the task of documenting what work he is doing. And besides, he almost does not have any accomplished work to do so.

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But when Employee A is asked why does he do all these at work, he answers “… because I am lazy.”

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Because he is lazy, Employee A does not want to do his tasks again because of mistakes and so he is diligent in doing them. He does not want to do things over and over again, so he organises his work well. He wants to sleep in the office resting area, so he finishes his work as early as he can. He is an excellent performer and produces high quality and sufficient output at work because he, says he himself, is lazy. (a part of an introduction in an essay in a psychology subject)

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During the year that passed, 2014, the number of hiring officers and recruiters who used video interviews such as Skype accounted for 24%. The number was 18% during 2012. This shows that this substitute of the traditional walk-in actual face-to-face interview has a growing popularity among employers.

(a part of an introduction in an essay in a business communications subject)

Use a statistic or a startling remark.

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Religion and spirituality is a debate within the person. There are people who believe that there is a supreme being and there are those who do not. Some do not want to think about it and say that it is not up to them to ascertain. But why do believers came to be so? What is it in them that caused them to “hope in things that cannot be seen?” Do they have something that other do not?

(a part of an introduction in an essay in religious studies)

Ask a question or present a problem.

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“Work makes man perfect.” That is an old saying which may have been forgotten. The new generation might not be aware of it, even. In the context of office and corporate work, what is given emphasis is efficiency. The goal of working is to reduce work itself. In other words, people work because they want to avoid further or later work.

Use a quotation.

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We can see this paradigm shift in the phenomena of employees systematising and automating their work, employers streamlining their operations and businessmen and aspiring businessmen aiming to multiply their profits while exponentially reducing their working time and effort.

(a part of an introduction in an essay in history)

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There is an elephant in the company. And their business is not a zoo or anything related to animals. There is an elephant in the office. According to the encyclopaedic dictionary, “elephant in the room is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. It is also an idiomatic expression that applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.

Define an important term or concept.

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The company has an elephant in the room. As the people in the organisation avoids the topic, their problem is one for case studies in business management textbooks.

(a part of an introduction in an essay in business management course)

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People can give what they do not have. Yes, they can. They can purchase luxuries in life even though they do not have the cash to do so. They can even do so with cash that they do not really own or, to be more specific, did not earn. One best – or shall we say worst – way to give what you do not have is to live beyond your means.

(a part of an introduction in an essay in personal finance in a finance course)

Open with a paradox.

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Challenge a widely held assumption or opinion.

Climate change is not true. It is a fallacy. It is a lie. It is a fraud. We can hear this every now and then. That is what some people say. But who are these people? Let us take a look at their arguments and who they are. And let us also look at the people who say that climate change is true, what they say about it and who they are. (a part of an introduction in an essay in science)

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Things to avoid when writing introductions.

Do not be too obvious. Avoid bald or very direct statements like “In this essay, I will discuss the definition of work.”


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Do not apologise. Avoid statements which are self-critical like “I am not sure if I am right, but I think...” or “I do not have much

background regarding this topic...”


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Do not use overused sayings and avoid empty statements like “Love is what makes the world go round” or “Haste makes
