How to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

How to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust Presented by Spencer Cohen - Sellcomms


How to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust . Presented by Spencer Cohen - Sellcomms. Brief. Here’s what you should consider… . Goals of the Plan. Who are we – what do we offer? Audience – C2B & C2C What are you trying to achieve? Where to start Marketing channels – Tools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of How to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Page 1: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

How to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

P re s e n t e d b y S p e n c e r C o h e n - S e l l c o m m s

Page 2: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Here ’ s what you shou ld cons ider…


Page 3: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Goals of the P lan

Who a re we – what do we offer? Aud ience – C2B & C2C What a re you t ry ing to ach ieve? Where to s ta r t Market ing channe l s – Too l s Test ing Pro jec t p l an & Budget

Page 4: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Does your aud ience unders tand your offer? Do they know what you a re t ry ing to ach ieve? I s your message s imp le?

Who are we – what do we offer

Page 5: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Bus iness Consumer Age Spend ing b racke ts Tastes Gener i c o r h igh ly ta rgeted

L o n d o n M e t ro p o l i t a n U n i v e r s i t y


Page 6: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Brand ing / Awareness Membersh ip Donat ions / convers ions Leads Sa les

What are we try ing to achieve

Page 7: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Rev iew las t years spend & ach ievements What worked What d idn ’ t Speak to co l l eagues , peers , supp l i e rs & compet i to rs

Where to start

Page 8: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Bus iness in te l l i gence - Data Webs i te PR Adver t i s i ng Di rec t Ma i l Soc ia l Med ia Emai l Exh ib i t i ons - Con ferences

Market ing channels - Tools

Page 9: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Webs i te – Land ing pages Data – sma l l chunks Speak to end use rs / vo lunteers Product samples Di rec t ma i l Soc ia l med ia Speak to co l l eagues & exper ts

Test ing

Page 10: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Th ink ing ahead Bu lk buy ing Char i t y d i scounts Cost pe r x Save 25% fo r l as t m inute spend

L o n d o n M e t ro p o l i t a n U n i v e r s i t y


Page 11: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Project p lan

Ref Task Responsibility Task Manager Status Start Date End Date Ultimate Deadline Costs Comments

                                        Amiando - Marketing                                     April                1 Conference2Go   Spencer Completed 12-Apr-12 12-Apr-12     Sent2 Venue partnership campaign   Spencer IN PROGRESS 16-Apr-12 25-Apr-12 16-May-12    

2.1 Check pricing for potential campaigns for Venues   Spencer IN PROGRESS 16-Apr-12 17-Apr-12      

2.2 Get venue data   Spencer Completed 16-Apr-12 17-Apr-12      2.3 Discover advertising opportunities   Spencer IN PROGRESS 16-Apr-12 17-Apr-12      2.4 Write copy for email   Spencer Completed 17-Apr-12 18-Apr-12      2.5 Design Webmail   Spencer Completed 17-Apr-12 18-Apr-12      2.6 Write copy for PDF   Spencer IN PROGRESS 17-Apr-12 14-May-12      2.7 Design PDF   Spencer IN PROGRESS 17-Apr-12 14-May-12      3 Charity Campaign   Spencer IN PROGRESS 24-Apr-12 25-Apr-12 9-May-12    

3.1 Check for Charity data   Spencer Completed 17-Apr-12 18-Apr-12      3.2 Charity PR campaign   Spencer IN PROGRESS 17-Apr-12 18-Apr-12      3.3 Check pricing for potential campaigns for charities   Spencer IN PROGRESS 18-Apr-12 18-Apr-12      3.4 Discover advertising opportunities   Spencer IN PROGRESS 18-Apr-12 14-May-12      3.5 Write copy for email   Spencer Completed 18-Apr-12 19-Apr-12      3.6 Design Webmail   Spencer Completed 18-Apr-12 19-Apr-12      3.7 Write copy for PDF   Spencer Completed 19-Apr-12 19-Apr-12      3.8 Design PDF   Spencer IN PROGRESS 19-Apr-12 14-May-12      

4 Reena and David to have contacted 200 leads each this month   Spencer IN PROGRESS 1-Apr-12 31-May-12 1-May-12    

5 Meet us at Imex   Spencer Completed          


Page 12: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Mak ing your offer ing i r res i s t i b le i s up to you! Market ing channe l s Test ing Messag ing Brand ing Market ing budget How w i l l you s tand out? Can you s ta r t a new t rend?

L o n d o n M e t ro p o l i t a n U n i v e r s i t y

Conclus ion

Page 13: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Submi t you r p lan to CEO/M.D – Trus tees Dead l ines Cons i s tency

Del ivery & Buy in

Page 14: How  to write a marketing plan that won’t Gather Dust

Any questions P re s e n t e d b y S p e n c e r C o h e n

– S e l l c o m m s – s p e n c e r @ s e l l c o m m s . c o m