How to Write a Feature Article

1 How To Write a Feature Article Formulating Ideas Having a good idea, and having lots of good ideas is difficult, but a writer has to rely on a constant stream of good ideas, which they generate themselves. A good tip is to keep ideas jotted down on postcards, filed away for future use, so that the cupboard is never bare. Collecting and Filing Cuttings One way of generating ideas is to constantly scan sources - magazines, papers, journals - for the germ of an idea. Anything you come across can be filed away for future use. Subject Research Once you have a clear idea of what you are going to write then, and only then, do you start the legwork. This may take the form at first of background research and reading. Whether you use all the material you find or not, it may help to lead you to other sources or to potential interviewees. Interviewing Most articles will carry some interview material. It is this which makes the article fresh and live, and which gives it authenticity. Too many writers see features as a platform for their own opinions. The very best articles listen to others talking. Writing, Drafting and Editing The process of drafting and polishing your article is a very personal one. Some people say they never plan first, some never rewrite, others do both. The computer has made it much easier to do planning, writing and editing all in one. But make no mistake - editing, sharpening, polishing your article, however you do it, is a very important stage. Feature Articles by Lizzie R. Santos There are many types of feature articles. Here are some of them. Informative Features Perhaps the most written, an informative feature presents information. It can include figures, graphs, charts, photos and any other valuable source/s of information related to the topic being written about. An informative feature article may be written in a

Transcript of How to Write a Feature Article

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How To Write a Feature Article

Formulating Ideas Having a good idea, and having lots of good ideas is difficult, but a

writer has to rely on a constant stream of good ideas, which they generate themselves. A good tip is to keep ideas jotted down on postcards, filed away for future use, so that the cupboard is never


Collecting and Filing Cuttings One way of generating ideas is to constantly scan sources -

magazines, papers, journals - for the germ of an idea. Anything you come across can be filed away for future use.

Subject Research Once you have a clear idea of what you are going to write then, and

only then, do you start the legwork. This may take the form at first of background research and reading. Whether you use all the material

you find or not, it may help to lead you to other sources or to potential interviewees.

Interviewing Most articles will carry some interview material. It is this which makes

the article fresh and live, and which gives it authenticity. Too many writers see features as a platform for their own opinions. The very best

articles listen to others talking.

Writing, Drafting and Editing The process of drafting and polishing your article is a very personal one. Some people say they never plan first, some never rewrite, others

do both. The computer has made it much easier to do planning, writing and editing all in one. But make no mistake - editing, sharpening, polishing your article, however you do it, is a very

important stage.

Feature Articles by Lizzie R. Santos

There are many types of feature articles. Here are some of them.

Informative Features Perhaps the most written, an informative feature presents information. It can include figures, graphs, charts, photos and any

other valuable source/s of information related to the topic being written about. An informative feature article may be written in a

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serious as well as a light tone. The writer can make use of special language (jargon) depending on his target readers. Examples of

informative features are: an article on the latest findings about human cloning, an article about the results of a survey conducted on a

particular topic, a piece on how to organize a stress-free party. How-To Features

This is another common type of feature article. It is a practical guide to doing something or achieving a goal. This type is best written in a light tone for easier understanding. It should be direct to the point

and written in easy-to-understand language. Examples include: How to hurdle your first job interview, one week to quit smoking, quick

tricks to earn extra cash. Entertainment Features

More commonly written in a light tone, this type aims to entertain; to provide comic relief. Entertainment pieces are great space fillers and

are usually shorter than the informative pieces. It may be written using a first person point-of-view. It can be satirical in tone. Some examples are: Wacky ways to meet your possible better half, a satire

on the political candidates running for a forthcoming election, how you trained your lazy cat to hunt for mice.

Human Interest Features This type targets the emotions of the readers. The subject matter is

simple but the writer elicits reaction from the readers through the use of language, tone and style. Examples are: a feature article on an adopted child’s colorful journey to trace his biological parents, how a

poverty-stricken family started a community project that changed the lives of the whole neighborhood, a day in a shelter for the elderly.

News Supplemental Features As the name states, this type of feature article supplements a news

item. It should merely enhance and complement but not replace a news item. News supplementals stem from news articles. Examples are: a piece on how to detect a terrorist to supplement a news item

about the latest terrorist attack, a supplement on the first successful heart transplant to complement a news item about the latest findings

on heart surgery. Seasonal Features

This type is dependent on the season. Examples are: an article on choosing budget-friendly gifts for Christmas season, Halloween surprises for kids, Valentine’s on a budget.

Personal Account Features

This type talks about a particular or unusual experience or achievement of the writer or somebody else as narrated to him. It is best written using a first person point-of-view by the person who

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actually had the experience. Examples are: a piece on the writer’s unusual collection, how the writer survived a natural calamity, a

cancer survivor’s account focusing on her spiritual transformation.

Personality Sketches Also known as the "Profile," this type of feature article brings out the subject matter’s distinct personality. It may be written in either a

serious or light tone. While the personal account deals with an achievement or an experience of the subject, the personality sketch focuses on the person himself. Examples are: A celebrity as an

ordinary parent, most cover stories of magazines, a write-up on a CEO celebrating his 90th birthday.

Interview Pieces Interviews are conducted for different reasons. The writer may

interview a person who is an authority on a subject matter to get information from him. An interview may be conducted to clarify an

issue or even just to find out more about the interviewee himself as an individual. Thus, there are different kinds of interview articles depending on why an interview was conducted. Examples are: An

interview piece on somebody who served as a celebrity’s bodyguard focusing on his experiences with the celebrity, an interview on the celebrity himself focusing on his latest project.

Historical Features

This type focuses on a historical event. The writer should ensure that the facts and figures he presents are accurate. Examples are: a piece on the September 11 World Trade Center bombing, an research piece

on the atomic bombing of Japan during the second world war, a feature article on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Travelogues Usually written as advertorials, travelogues focus on destinations.

Travelogues are best written using descriptive language to make the destination come alive in the readers’ minds. Examples are: Feature articles on mountain resorts, shrines and other tourist attractions.

Interpretative Features

This kind of feature is a writer’s interpretation of or opinion on a topic that may be social, economic, political, and controversial or even ordinary but relevant issue. Examples are: a writer’s opinion on pre-

marital sex, a writer’s evaluation of a movie, an opinion piece on a controversial bill being passed in congress.

Feature articles may fall under one, two or even more categories. For instance, a comic piece on different techniques to find an instant date

for Valentine’s Day may be considered as a practical how-to, a seasonal article, an entertaining piece and a personal account all in one. Now, isn’t that so much fun -- and challenging -- to write?

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Opening a Feature Article

A new writer often finds himself in a dilemma: "How should I start my feature article?" Sure, he has a clear idea of what he wants to write

about. He has decided that he will write an entertaining feature for married couples. He wants to write it in a very light tone so that it will be easy to read, will entertain the readers at the same time that it will

impart knowledge. But how shall he start? There are different ways to start a feature article. The lead (the first sentence or paragraph; also called "introduction") is an important part to consider. Aside from a

catchy title, the lead will either hook the readers to continue reading the article or turn the page to another piece.

Question Lead

A question (it can be a series of questions) that is related to the main topic of the article is used to arouse the readers’ interest in the piece.

Example: What really happened to the Titanic? What untold stories remain buried with the Titanic?

(Lead for a feature article on the Titanic) Direct Address Lead

A question or a sentence is addressed to the reader as if the writer were directly talking to him to encourage him to read and react to the

whole article. Example: Are you losing sleep over uncollected debts? It’s time you collect!

(Lead for a piece about collecting payments) News Summary Lead

The article begins with a brief recount of a news item. Example:

For six agonizing minutes on July 16 1991, a horrifying 7.5 magnitude earthquake shook the mountain city of Baguio, Philippines.

(Lead for a personal account of a survivor of that earthquake)

Incident Lead This lead cites an incident to introduce the topic of the article. The incident may be real or fictitious, unlike the news summary lead

which should be factual. Example: Susan watched in horror as her four-year old son dashed to the street

after his rubber ball. In an instant, everything was over! Her son lay in a pool of blood!

(Lead for a piece on child safety tips)

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Sentence Lead A sentence or series of sentences introduces the topic of the article.

Example: If garlic is "Nature’s Antibiotic," then onion is "The Third Ingredient."

(Lead for a feature on the medicinal uses of onion and garlic) Historical or Literary Allusion Lead

An allusion is made to a historical event or literary phrase to arouse curiosity on the content of the piece. Example:

If a face can launch a thousand ships, then a loving wife can make a thousand ships sail for home.

(Lead for an article on keeping a husband satisfied) Question Lead

A quotation is used to introduce the topic or arouse the interest of the reader. The person quoted may or may not be a celebrity, although a

celebrity’s words have of course, more weight. Example: "Why me?"

(A simple street vendor asks the writer when he is informed that he will be interviewed for a human interest feature. His question was used by the writer to start his piece.)

Descriptive Lead

This type of lead uses vivid description to hook the reader to finish the article. This type is best used for travelogues and personality sketches.

Example: The chapel is like no other. Paintings of angels come alive from the majestic ceiling. The stained windows look like rainbows against the

morning sunlight. To the left are statues of saints. They seem so real, you can almost feel them breathing.

Punch Lead A short sentence that is set apart as a paragraph. It is dramatic way

to introduce the topic of the article. Example:

Let God and let go! (Lead for a piece about faith)

Staccato Lead This type uses a series of phrases or sentences that produce a rhythm. It is another dramatic way of introducing the topic of the

feature article. Example:

Call it infatuation. Obsession. Illusion. Call it a dream, a nightmare, but call it love! (Lead for an article about teenage love)

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There are many more ways to begin a feature article. And then again,

two or more types of leads may be combined to produce an irresistible introduction to a masterpiece. Just remember to match the tone of the

article and to suit the taste of the target readers.

Analysing a Feature Article By Lisa Greeves

Lead and conclusion: Explain the strategy that the writer is using in

the lead of this feature article. How long is the lead? Is it descriptive? Anecdotal? Setting a scene? What is the reason for using a lead like this? What does it accomplish? Similarly, examine the conclusion of

the feature article. Does it connect back to the lead in some way or not? Is it catchy or dull? Where does the conclusion to the article begin and how long is it? Sum up the overall effect and success of the

lead and conclusion in this article. What can another writer learn from the strategies used here?

Content areas: Examine and name the different categories of content

that the feature article covers. Are there too many content areas (making the article too unwieldy), just enough content areas, or not enough? Are there other content areas that could have been

addressed but were not?

Background: Most features have some kind of background explanation or an explanation of some history of the topic at hand.

Describe the background information featured in this article. Does it provide enough information or not? Is there anything mentioned in the article that assumes the reader understands it and its

importance? What other kinds of background information could have been featured?

Number and quality of sources: How many different sources are in

this article? How would you categorize these different sources? How are they authority figures? Are they appropriate or not? Was there too many of one type of source, or were there any other types of sources

that you expected to hear from and didn’t? Is there a certain view or side to the story that you feel should have been represented by a source that wasn’t? Or are all views and sides covered?

Quality of quotations: Examine the feature article for the strongest and weakest quotations. Where do you find the strongest, most memorable quotation? What kind of source does it come from? What

does it add to the article? Why was it used? Pinpoint what you feel to

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be the weakest quotation. What kind of source does it come from? Why do you think it was used if it is a weak quote? Discuss also what

the quotations reveal about the quality of questions asked by the writer.

Lively writing: Keeping in mind that feature articles are designed for

informative pleasure reading, examine this article for uses of particularly strong, vivid writing and vocabulary. They may be descriptive and visual or merely explanatory and technical. They may

make use of unusual vocabulary that captures your attention. But be able to explain to your peers why you think the writing works well in that section.