How to teach sunday school

George Tan

Transcript of How to teach sunday school

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George Tan

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1300Opening 1310Lecture 1410Hands On 1510Break + Sharing 1530Q & A

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Boyfriend question What is the occupation of Jesus? 1 Cor 11:1

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LearnPlanTeachReflectJames 3:1

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Need to read spiritual Christian books Need to do online research

◦ Need to have quiet time Need to live a Christian life Is this enough?

◦ The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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How to plan a lesson How to increase interactivity How to engage your students How to get your students to think How to manage your students’ behaviour How to better tell stories How to integrate bible into life

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If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Free and easy tour. James 3:1 So how to start?

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What is a lesson plan?◦ Detailed description of the course of instruction

Why do we need a lesson plan?◦ More organized a teacher is◦ More effective the teaching, and ◦ More learning, is.

Writing lesson plans means of being organized.

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Goals Content Specific Learning Activities Check for Understanding Create a Reasonable Timeline

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Specific – 5WsMeasurableAttainableRelevantTimely

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At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

◦ See Attached

◦ Write a proper lesson plan

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Know what you are suppose to teach. Which chapter? What is the key verse? What other verses in the bible are related? How to apply this in life? WWJD test

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Research shows that we remember: 10% of what we read (a book). 20% of what we hear (a speaker). 30% of what we see (a poster ad). 50% of what we hear and see (T.V.). 70% of what we teach. 90% of what we simulate (role play) 100% of what we say and do (participate).

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Lecture style◦ Use image and video

Small group discussion◦ Debate, presentation

Individual work◦ Summarise, research, google

Group work◦ Make a poster, advertisment

Simulate◦ Role Play

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Assessment Give tests? Ask questions Ask good questions – Socratic Questioning Do Bingo? Ask students to write down.

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Be punctual. 5 minutes prayer and recall 5 minutes hook 30 minutes delivery 10 minutes assessment 10 sharing and prayer.

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Write lesson plan

Goals/Objectives◦ At the end of the lesson, ……

Specific Learning Activites◦ What we will do.

Check for Understand◦ What I will ask.