How to shoot great photo and video

1. Rule of Thirds 2.Close-cropped face 3. No visual or audio noise 4. Steady Camera 5. 10 Seconds for b-roll The Rules of Composition for photo and video



Transcript of How to shoot great photo and video

  • 1. The Rules of 1. Rule of Thirds Composition 2.Close-cropped face for photo and video 3. No visual or audio noise 4. Steady Camera 5. 10 Seconds for b-roll
  • 2. Presentation Matters.
  • 3. On the internet, people scan they dont read
  • 4. So, its important to engage users with photos and video
  • 5. ? What makes a good photo?
  • 6. rule of thirds 3
  • 7. Vincent LaForet
  • 8. Vincent LaForet
  • 9. Vincent Fournier
  • 10. Vincent Fournier
  • 11. Vincent LaForet
  • 12. Vincent LaForet
  • 13. Vincent LaForet
  • 14. Vincent LaForet
  • 15. agros
  • 16. agros
  • 17. agros
  • 18. agros
  • 19. agros
  • 20. agros
  • 21. agros
  • 22. agros
  • 23. close crop
  • 24. Vincent LaForet
  • 25. Vincent LaForet
  • 26. agros
  • 27. agros
  • 28. agros
  • 29. Vincent LaForet
  • 30. Close vs. Far
  • 31. No visual noise!
  • 32. ? Whats wrong with this photo?
  • 33. casestudy charity: water
  • 34. Charity: Water tells a story with their pictures
  • 35. Review 1. rule of thirds 2. close crop 3. no visual noise
  • 36. ? Who wants to try?
  • 37. The same rules apply to video
  • 38. 1. Rule of thirds 2. Close Crop 3. No distraction
  • 39. Extra video rules
  • 40. 5. Steady Camera 6. B-Roll/10 seconds 7. Look across camera 8. No noise!
  • 41. Keep your message concise An ideal online video is about 1 minute long; max is 3 minutes
  • 42. casestudy The Girl Effect
  • 43. The Girl Effect has the higest traffic of any project on our site.
  • 44. engage with video
  • 45. (video)
  • 46. (videos)
  • 47. call to action
  • 48. call to action: donate
  • 49. How can you do it on
  • 50. Follow the rules!
  • 51. Tell a story: Rule of thirds Close Crop faces No visual/audio noise
  • 52. Use pictures to tell donors a story.
  • 53. use video to update donors in an engaging way
  • 54. (videos)
  • 55. The call to action is already built into
  • 56. Remember to follow the basic rules.
  • 57. create an account on and post your video
  • 58. post great photos to
  • 59. promote your project page