How to make £5000k per month

8/14/2019 How to make £5000k per month 1/11 How To Make £5,000-£10,000+ Per Month Through The Post! Part 5 False Marketing Notion No.5 - You Need to Educate Your Prospects This is really linked in with false marketing notion No.3. You must never try to educate your prospects. Yes, we know it may sound incorrect, but nevertheless, if you go against this, you will not get those money orders to come flooding in. Of course to teach others is a noble cause, but it has nothing to do with marketing. So many individuals fall into this trap, it really is a great shame. Now don't get me wrong, none of this actually means altering your product/service which may be educational, but what I am talking about is MARKETING - getting those orders - and that's an entirely different kettle of fish. Your job is to educate people AFTER they have invested in your product/service NOT before. An example of this might be a home course on improving your speech and conversational ability. There is a great educational value in helping others to do this, because if you can improve their communicational skills, you really do open up a wonderful new world of opportunity. But if your copy was primarily educational - in other words it went into the in's and out’s of the English language or grammatical techniques, you'd have a hard time selling your information. You may well feel very sincerely that if you could re-educate people into better communicational skills, there would be so much less confrontation in the world. It's a noble quest, but one which would be doomed to failure if you started off your copy something like:  Master The English Language " You can learn to construct sentences and increase your vocabulary without going back to school. One of the most important steps you can ever take in your life is to be a good communicator. However, few people know the basics of the English language. But understanding nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs is vital if...." The copy would, in this example, then go on to educate the reader even further - great, but it won't make you any money. Yet you could completely turn this around and both make a lot of money and ultimately get your message across by adapting your copy, thus... 1

Transcript of How to make £5000k per month

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How To Make

£5,000-£10,000+ Per Month

Through The Post!

Part 5

False Marketing Notion No.5 - You Need to Educate Your Prospects

This is really linked in with false marketing notion No.3. You must never try to educate your prospects.

Yes, we know it may sound incorrect, but nevertheless, if you go against this, you will not get those money

orders to come flooding in.

Of course to teach others is a noble cause, but it has nothing to do with marketing. So many individuals

fall into this trap, it really is a great shame. Now don't get me wrong, none of this actually means altering

your product/service which may be educational, but what I am talking about is MARKETING - getting those

orders - and that's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Your job is to educate people AFTER they have invested in your product/service NOT before.An example of this might be a home course on improving your speech and conversational ability. There is a

great educational value in helping others to do this, because if you can improve their communicational skills,

you really do open up a wonderful new world of opportunity.

But if your copy was primarily educational - in other words it went into the in's and out’s of the English

language or grammatical techniques, you'd have a hard time selling your information.

You may well feel very sincerely that if you could re-educate people into better communicational skills,there would be so much less confrontation in the world.

It's a noble quest, but one which would be doomed to failure if you started off your copy something like:

 Master The English Language

" You can learn to construct sentences and increase your vocabulary without going back to school. One of 

the most important steps you can ever take in your life is to be a good communicator. However, few people

know the basics of the English language. But understanding nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs is

vital if...."

The copy would, in this example, then go on to educate the reader even further - great, but it won't make you

any money. Yet you could completely turn this around and both make a lot of money and ultimately get

your message across by adapting your copy, thus...


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 It's True, You Can Become A Super Confident Speaker 

 And Get Others to Do Practically Anything You Want!

These amazing techniques which we are publishing for the first time ever, can totally transform your life

 EASILY AND EFFECTIVELY! Within just one week, you are going to discover....

 How to over-come self-consciousness - you become super confident!

 How to talk to anyone any time!

 How to win friends and impress people!

 How to command respect and admiration from anyone you meet!

The secret to becoming charismatic!

 How to always say the right things!

 How to attract Girls/Men!

WOW! What a difference, you can be marketing the same product, or a very similar product, but the power 

in this second example is plainly obvious. Who wants to read about pronouns and adjectives in themarketing copy? Who wants to read about rules?

 No, remember what I said earlier, people want benefits, benefits, benefits.

They are not interested so much in what the product is or contains, all they are really interested in is what

changes it can make in their life.

Let's look at another example. Here I am presuming that you are marketing an information product on Lucid 

 Dreaming (i.e. this is the ability to actually become conscious of your dreams, which enables you to then

totally control that dream - the experience seemingly as real as your waking life).

You are keen to tell people about Lucid Dreaming, it's history, the techniques and just how it works. In shortyou want to educate people about something that very few are even aware of. So how do you think copy onthe following lines would perform?

The Psychology of Dreams!

 At the very threshold of sleep, when our muscles begin to relax, we go into a transitional state often

termed the hypnagogic state. In laboratory conditions as the sleeper drifts into the first stage, the


Once again, educational in nature, but not the style which will succeed in marketing. Compare this with

copy similar to the following (keeping in mind that exactly the same product is being sold ):


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The Most Extraordinary Discovery of Our Times - Now You

 Really Can Live Your Dreams Overnight!

 It's true, it is possible for you to experience your greatest fantasy...EVERY NIGHT! You'll actually feel what 

it's like to be fabulously be with your most desirable be a film star...rock

travel to exotic destinations....even travel to far off planets and cruise the universe.

 A new revolutionary technique will enable you to enjoy lucid dreams every night. What are lucid dreams?

 It's where you actually become fully conscious of your dreams, so much so that amazingly it appears and 

 feels as real as your waking can live your greatest fantasies....

 Now don't you think you'd have a better response from this approach than the educational approach?

False Marketing Notion No.6 - You Have to Be Grammatically Correct 

Forget about grammar, in fact forget about everything that you learned at school. You can, indeed some

would say, should, break every rule in the book if you are to be successful. Grammatically correct text (as

 far as marketing is concerned ) is boring and has no value.

The only exception is spelling. You should make sure that your spelling is spot on, because misspelled

words are a distraction and can quickly lose the message you are trying to get across. Other than that youhave a free rein.

For your copy to work effectively it should be conversational , in other words it should read the way you

speak as that is precisely what you are trying to do. Personally address each individual who reads your message. Whether it's ten or a million people, each one of them should feel that you are talking directly

to them.

You need to move people, talk from the heart, appeal to their emotions. This is very difficult to do if you are

trying to make the whole copy grammatically perfect. It's a bit like speeches. The best ones are those that

come directly from the heart, totally ad-lib.

Rarely does a rehearsed speech, learned verbatim, move people.

One of the rules you are going to have to break is the amount of times you repeat yourself, albeit with adifferent approach. With each paragraph you should be hammering home your point ... hammering home the

fact that the reader absolutely must get a hold of the information you have available.

Many readers will have been disappointed in the past, and they need constant reassurance. You need to presshome your point. Tell them again and again that what you've got is what they want.

The whole copy should be leading the prospect ... and inspiring him:


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To Take Immediate Action

That can only be achieved by keeping the positive flow all the way up to the order form. You see people are

easily distracted. The attention span of most people can be measured in seconds. To achieve your aim of 

getting your reader to take action ... BREAK THOSE RULES ... TALK-WRITE YOUR COPY!

Do this and you will...

* Hit all the right buttons.

* Appeal to the reader’s self-interests.

* Install a sense of urgency in the prospect’s mind - he'll feel he simply

must act.

* Make the prospect understand what great benefits he'll get by

ordering and what he'll lose out on if he does nothing.

Conversational copy can build up to a crescendo so that even if someone reading the information hadoriginally no attention of making an order, by the time he has finished, he'll be champing at the bit to find out

more. The copy should leave him feeling that if he were to do nothing then he may regret it. This thought

should be gnawing away at the back of his mind.

In fact, your copy should read like a compelling story ... a story that breathes hope and possibility into

the prospect. Your enthusiasm needs to jump out from the page, whether it's a free report or a simple

classified advertisement. The reader needs to feel that you are thrilled at what you've got to offer because hereally does want to believe that what you say is true.

If you are not excited about what you are marketing, if you cannot whip yourself up into a frenzy, then that

important ingredient will not come across in your copy.

Marketing is not really about business, no, it's really about emotions, touching people at their deepest levels.

A piece of marketing that is too officious, too sterile, though grammatically perfect, is just like a manwithout a soul, there is no spark.

To get people to act the way you want them to, you must add that human touch to your copy, it must not

appear mechanical and distant as the majority of marketing pieces do.

Let me remind you that how all this is achieved is amazingly simple. Yes, only a few know how it's done,

 but you are going to be amazed at what a few simple things can do. It really can transform what you aremarketing.

You are going to be able to put together a piece of marketing that is going to put money right into your 

 pocket...and put it there fast.

So forget about correct English, if you don't breakaway from the idea of using essay style writing, you'll

struggle, and there really is no need to. If you need further proof, just consider this, how much do Englishteachers/lecturers make? An average wage.


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How much do good marketers make by breaking the so called established rules of English? IT CAN RUN


False Marketing Notion No.7 - You Need A Professional Look 

Well I briefly touched on this earlier. In the past, we ourselves have produced the most stunning,

 professional brochures you could come across. Yet they have never out pulled just a few sheets of ordinary photocopied paper with black text. And actually, in some cases, results are poorer with the high quality


In any case, electronic marketing has done away with the need to produce lavish brochures, since everythingcan simply appear on the computer screen. However, if you do need to produce any hard copies of 

anything, don't waste time on trying to be more professional, it doesn't actually make one iota to your 

marketing success.

 Naturally your copy needs to be clear and crisp - not badly photocopied and distorted or grubby - but you do

not need to launch into full colour, pictures, multi-graphics etc. Labouring over a complex logo, for example, fills no practical function.

Your logo will not sell your product. Your logo will not impress upon the reader with an urgency to buy.

By all means use a logo if you wish, but make it simple. Don't spend more than a few minutes thinkingabout trying to create some masterpiece.

When you've got the money rolling in, then perhaps you can play around just for personal satisfaction. Butas far as sales are concerned, remember, a simple circle will have as much effect as an intricate geometric


Your potential customer isn't concerned about the bright colours of your stationery either, or the beautifulfeel of the nicely weighted paper. The primary reason a sale is made is the technique used in the copy -

nothing else.

In my early marketing days, I myself have used some real quality beautiful letter-headed paper with raised

 blue text for the headlines of the copy. It looked really lovely. Yet my improved marketing techniques out

 pulled that campaign by 100%, despite the fact that I used ordinary quality white paper with no raised

lettering or colour, other than black text of course.

I knew which one looked best, anyone could see at a glance, but it's what your prospect reads within the first

few seconds that does the trick. Not what it feels and looks like.

 Nothing matters in marketing that is not 100% directly focussed upon your 


Other aspects of professionalism are those brochures which feature corporate details. You know, addresses

of accountants, bankers, names of everyone in the company and how they are leaders in their field etc.

Not needed as a major focal point of your marketing, it tells you nothing about anything.


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 The prospect wants to know what he's going to get from your product/service. Now once again, don't get confusedwith these comments. For major corporations it's a different ball game (in general ). When companies are perhaps

asking for a prospect to part with tens of thousands, perhaps as part of a franchisee deal, it's slightly different.

Corporate information can add to the marketing copy (but only as something tucked away at the end of the

 package which they can read after they have made their decision to take the offer up).

But as we’ve mentioned before, you are in a different ball park altogether. You are an individual at home

without the hassles that beset corporations. All you need to do is get your message across and make a sale.After all, I’m sure when you purchased this programme, it was the information that interested you, not what

 bankers or accountants Proscript Ltd used. Or which computer system they have installed in their offices.

At the end of the day, there is no justification in trying to be highly professional if it takes away the emotion,

thrill and excitement of your copy. Professionalism doesn't help to get orders in NOW and that's thetruth of the matter.

One thing I should make clear on this point is that by professionalism I am not in any way inferring you don'tneed to act professionally as regards dealing with your customers. Your orders should be fulfilled promptly

and if you do need to contact anyone, you should always act courteously - the customer is always right!

False Marketing Notion No.8 - You Shouldn’t Use Negative Emotions

Well it will probably surprise you to discover that this is a false marketing notion, surely there is no room for 

negativity within your copy? Well there is and, if you do it right, it can powerfully enhance your campaign.

You should always try to point out what your prospect will lose/miss if he fails to respond to your

offer. Here we need to understand basic human psychology. Or to put it more bluntly, how people think.

As important as it is to drum home the benefits of your product/service, it is perhaps more important to

make your prospect clearly understand just what he will lose/miss if he doesn't respond. Because as far as a motivator is concerned:

The Fear of Loss Is Always Greater Than The Desire To Attain!

For example, a person will work harder at, say, keeping his home if it's under threat, than he will in trying to

work towards a new home. The fear of loss ... losing his home ... will inspire him to action. It would be

much, much harder to inspire himself to action in order to make the money to buy a new home (which is adesire).

The great majority of people are like this. Take yourself. Imagine you don’t really like your job, but

nevertheless like most people, you haven’t got around to doing anything about it. If suddenly you werefaced with unemployed, you’d suddenly be inspired to look for a different job.

The fear of loss of income was what actually motivated you to do something you’d always wanted. Whilst

while your job was secure, despite the fact that you didn’t like what you were doing, the desire to look for something better never actually moved you to action.

Really when you sit down and think about it, such behaviour doesn’t seem rational. You would think that

we’d all push ourselves forward to improve our lives. But the reality is different (naturally there are

exceptions to the rule).

People basically dwell within a status quo existence. They tend to reach a certain level and rarely rise anyfurther ... they just tick along. The only way you are going to get these people to act (which is the majority)

is to scare them. Make them fear that if they take no action, they are going to lose.


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I'll give you another example to make sure you grasp this point. Let's suppose you are staying at a friend'shouse for the night. While your friend is out the telephone rings and on the other end of the line there is a

salesman trying to sell you a home-contents insurance package. He has a special deal. If you take up the

insurance any time within 12 hours you are covered from the time of the call (in effect you could get a

maximum of 12 hours free cover ).

You are not interested and, as this is not your house, you get rid of the salesman, but take down his number 

and go away thinking what a pest these cold callers are. Now as it happens you do need cover, but you'll getaround to it in your own time.

However, let us suppose the same events took place, yet this time, the following morning, you get a call from

one of your neighbours informing you that you've had a burglary.

As far as your neighbour can tell, your television, video and computer have been stolen. Thousands of 

 pounds worth of equipment gone, and you're not even covered. Suddenly you remember the insurancesalesmen from the previous night.

You look at your watch, it is eleven hours since that insurance salesmen called you. Now what had previously been a nuisance call, suddenly takes on new meaning. The fear of losing out on thousands of 

 pounds is motivating you to take action quickly. Action that you really meant to get around to weeks ago.

The fear of loss injects urgency in the prospects mind.

Once you've learned what we'll be teaching you, you can literally turn a passive reader with no, or little

interest in ordering your products, into someone suddenly and hurriedly writing you a cheque.

Make no mistake, the fear of loss is very powerful. Yes, you want to get people excited, build them up to a

fever pitch, but you must also make them anxious and fearful of losing out.

You need to use people’s fears as levers to attain the desired outcome. You want people to act, and act

sooner than later. You want people to make contact faster. It's a double edged sword:

You have the information that can remove

the cause of their fears and also make their life better!

But is it wrong to use this lever to motivate people? No! Your aim is to get a product/service that you trulybelieve will benefit people. And if you cannot get them to act, you cannot make any sales. You don't make

any money and your prospects don't benefit from your product/service.

It's perfectly ethical. Everything works on this principle. For example, don't you pay your mortgage on time because you fear losing your home. Don't you pay your telephone bill (especially when you get the final 

reminder ) so you don't get disconnected. Most people don't drive without tax and insurance because the fear 

of getting caught and losing their licence is greater than their desire not to pay. It is the way everythingworks.


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False Marketing Notion No.9 - You Must Include Your Products/Services Features In Your Copy

Well you can, but I include it as a false marketing notion simply because most people get it wrong. How do

they get it wrong? Because their marketing copy does little else other than concentrate on features, features,


Features of a product/service are things like it’s size, performance, availability, exclusiveness, value, colour 


Unfortunately feature marketing  just doesn't work. You know what works by now don't you? BENEFITS!

Your marketing copy should always turn features into their benefits. YOU MUST ALWAYS LEAD WITH


For example, with feature marketing you might say something like:

"This remarkable compact device, which is just 1"x 1" square and 

weighs only a few ounces, has been developed 

using the latest technology..."

Whilst benefit-centred marketing would read more like:

"With this remarkable device you'll be able to find out what 

others are saying about YOU! You'll hear everyword without even being in the same room..."

So by all means use features, but turn them into benefits. You could, as in this example, talk about how

small this device is, or you could paint some vivid exciting pictures in your prospect’s mind by using the

latter approach. It's your choice. But with the feature marketing example, all they’d really picture in their minds is a small square device.

What would excite you? The thought of owning this small recording device or the thought of being able to

know everything someone says about you without them ever finding out?You really don't have to be creative or imaginative in any way to come up with benefits, it's pretty

straightforward. Actually, a good starting point is simply to list the features first before you put your 

marketing copy together and then start playing around with them. Study them. Ask yourself:

"How Can I Turn This Into A Benefit?"

You'll be amazed at the number of benefits you can come up with. In fact, once you begin to do this, all your marketing in the future becomes natural.

You'll immediately see the benefits rather than the features. An information product for instance, that you

may have previously overlooked, will now have obvious potential.


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False Marketing Notion No.10 - You Must Impress Your Prospect With Your Knowledge

The way most newcomers try to do this is to use jargon. You could take the Internet as an example. In any

marketing copy pertaining to this subject, you could talk about URLs, the World-Wide Web, Snail-Mail,Gophers, etc.

But would that have got you excited? Would that have inspired you? Would that have given you hope and

 possibilities? Would that have created the right picture in your mind? Would that impress your readers?

The answer is NO to each of those questions. Talking in jargon not only isn't impressive, it doesn't produce

sales. It seems such an obvious point, yet so many people make this mistake. To be fair, I am sure most donot do this to try to be impressive, it's just that when someone is so familiar with a particular subject, using

 jargon common in the industry becomes second nature.

Unfortunately, it puts a barrier up between you and your prospects, and one which the majority cannot

remove. You may have a product/service which they really need and would instantly purchase, but they just

don't see it through all your technical talk .

You need to talk in plain language. You must treat your prospect almost like a young child. Make

everything crystal clear so they can see what your product/service will do for them and what they must do to

attain it. Let's look at an example of a piece of marketing based upon jargon:

 INTERESTED IN Direct Mail Business?

"We have 20 years experience in all direct mail methods. We can show you have to

write sales letters and lift letters, how to set up free competitions, how to source

 good promotional give-aways, how to construct the best despatch systems, what 

database systems you could use, where to out-source good lists. How to forecast 

conversion ratios and to test controllable variables. In fact everything you need to

know to set up a professional direct mail business..."

To the majority of people this says nothing. Yet all the terms used are very common in the industry and

would make perfect sense to the composer. To him the message is clear.

Unfortunately, this jargon riddled piece will only work on a relatively few prospects. One of the major rules

of marketing has been broken, it is presuming that everyone reading this will know as much as the writer.

They won't. You have to be much more elementary if you are going to get anywhere.

Compare the pervious jargon filled advertisement with the following:


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"How would you like to earn an average of £500 a week from the comfort of your own home. I have earned this and 

much more over a number of years through the post without needing to leave my home. I have even took long trips

abroad while others have handled the work and banked the money for me while I’ve been enjoying....” 

In this version, not one word of jargon has been used. No impressive inside knowledge or professionalcontact waffle has been included. Yet you be sure that this version will strongly out-pull the previous one.

A prospect just wants to read something simple which tells them what’s in it for them. They have little

interest in your superior knowledge of the industry/product/material.

So cut the industry jargon out of your copy. All you'll achieve is to stop the prospect dead in his tracks as he

 begins to wonder what you could possibly be talking about. And I do mean cut all jargon and abbreviatedterms.

For instance, I remember writing a letter which was seen by many English speaking prospects abroad. In the

letter I wrote something like, " do please get back  A.S.A.P. if you don't want to lose this opening..." 

We had several letters come back to us wondering what A.S.A.P. meant. People which instead could have

 been sending us their orders. Of course, I thought everyone would know that A.S.A.P meant as soon as

 possible. But I was wrong. I had made a typical error which probably cost us sales.

You need to be very careful with your copy because such small errors can slip in almost unnoticed. I thoughtour jargon was simply underlining the need for urgent action. Helping our readers to zip through the letter 

fast and make an order fast.

All it probably managed to do was stop the flow for some people as they wondered what A.S.A.P. could

 possibly mean. And even if you have stopped your prospect for only a split second, you could lose them.

And although we only had several letters querying the meaning of A.S.A.P., you can be sure that for 

everyone who wrote, there were many more who also didn't.

As well as refraining from using jargon, don't try to be too smart or use words which are not commonly used.

For instance, you might see something written like..."..through our coherent system of diversification...." or "....with the generic training programming modules..."

It really doesn't do anything, apart from lose you sales. You may think it makes you sound knowledgeable,

 but it will get you nowhere. Remember, everything in plain simple language please. Your bank accountdepends on it.


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 Next time it’s…

The Ten Marketing Errors

Until next time...

To your success and happiness.

Cathi & Rob

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