How to instill your culture in your kids

How to instill your culture in your kids? Today in the era when most of the kids spend a lot of time outside in school , online and all are more tech friendly , you as a parent will surely be worried as of others as how to instill good habits culture and your traditions and let your kid be a good mannered . So to clear you if you are really serious about handling your kid don’t mishandle them in a hurry in order to improve his behavior. we all know that kids have a curious mind and the more you restrict you from doing him or her from any such activity , the more he or she will be attracted towards it as it generated their curiosity as well as it sometimes pushes them as revolt to do the one you have denied him or her. So you will ask now what to do , thus here comes my advice , although it’s not too strict to follow but surely it has brought smiles to faces of many family and all are living happily and have their ward all learnt to the best of their culture, you too may benefit . 1. Know your kid better You may e thinking that you already know your kid better and I too agree, but that is as a parent but not as a real friend. if you want to test, get to have the idea play a game Try to play a game with you with kid and even though you are too tired try to spend at least half hour getting to play

Transcript of How to instill your culture in your kids

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How to instill your culture in your kids?

Today in the era when most of the kids spend a lot of time outside in school , online and all are more tech friendly , you as a parent will surely be worried as of others as how to instill good habits culture and your traditions and let your kid be a good mannered .

So to clear you if you are really serious about handling your kid don’t mishandle them in a hurry in order to improve his behavior.

we all know that kids have a curious mind and the more you restrict you from doing him or her from any such activity , the more he or she will be attracted towards it as it generated their curiosity as well as it sometimes pushes them as revolt to do the one you have denied him or her.

So you will ask now what to do , thus here comes my advice , although it’s not too strict to follow but surely it has brought smiles to faces of many family and all are living happily and have their ward all learnt to the best of their culture, you too may benefit .

1. Know your kid better You may e thinking that you already know your kid better and I too agree, but that is as a parent but not as a real friend. if you want to test, get to have the idea

play a game Try to play a game with you with kid and even though you are too tired try to spend at least half hour getting to play with your kid , they won’t mind you playing indoor or outdoor, keep it rocking and not boring . If you are playing as a elder person, you are wasting your time .believe me be as small kid of your life as you really were and am damn sure you will forget all your day’s tiredness for a while and you both will feel good. To the best try to involve your full family if possible, at least don’t miss the weekdays planned better. You will se that you are getting more close to your kid . You may be worried that by this way your kid won’t hear you much believe me all the money you feel you are involving to make him or her a good citizen will be waste if they are not able to get your time and one day you will think that may be if you were closer to him/her you would have understood him /her better .

Invite your kids friends to party/play games

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Involve with the friends of your kids , try to notice who are the best friends with your kids and why . Although there may not be a strict reason but that may tell you the nature of your kid . Now here’s your point that try to be like or even better friend than those kids but don’t replace them totally as kids like to talk to kids and share too , rather befriend them too . This may let you know the friends of your kids to and your kid will feel that you care and this may give you more space and time.

2. Don’t pamper on mistakes , rather motivate and suggest ways to improve

I have found that many a times kids are fearful of telling and sharing truth to their parents and this sometimes forces them to tell lie or hide facts, which sometimes harms too much . My special request is to the parents who seem to be too rude although they are not, but please give your kid space to make mistakes, let him fail but not repeat and for this you need to know the reason.

I have seen many parents worrying for their kids too much in the level of kindergarten even. Please I request that please don’t let the kid feel too much burdened that they start hiding reality form you and you may be informed too late that it has already harmed you , the kid and your relationship too much that you will never be able to understand and when you get it it will be too late

3. Give space and let your kid take the time to learn

Kindly don’t be too rigid in letting your kid follow your traditions and customs like other people in your community as in today’s world when your kid meets global children, be it online, in nearby location or their school or training centers they fell it hard to correlate, so give space to your kid to learn and kindly don’t be too rigid and let them learn the various languages and rituals if they wish. if you get here strict or put else things in his mind as a young it may confuse his mind and leave long time impact .

4. Remove their curiosity , don’t burst over them

As we all know tat kids are curious and have lots of questions and so if you wish to instill your traditions, you must be sure to clarify their point s . Don’t get fired over their questions and be friendly in manner while telling them everything and making them understand your culture , ty to keep things real so that they get instilled in their mind in life as always as mostly we remember as we are told . Try to get yourself also updated if you are going to tell your kids as you never know what question they will ask .if there is any question you feel to sideline, take your time but to clarify it to your kid

5. Be a role model, let them Adapt and don’t force

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Never force a kid to follow you but be a role model for him/her and let them sit next to you to perform the rituals. Talk to them quietly and the must know the reason and benefits of doing it as they are too of their own mind and if you tell them good ways , they like to share it with their friends and always they wish to be better of their friends . So give them good reason to be a good culture follower.

6. Know their way of learning and adaptationYou may have noticed that many kids let their mom roam behind them while eating food , or doing their homework and happy to tell that although it’s tiring for the mom but they too enjoy many a times playing with their kids and their can’t be more happiness when she looks her kid laughing after getting in her arms and so mother is always told great who bear all the pains to see the happiness in the eyes of their kids although many fathers also in the count too.

So try to teach the kid in the way they want, keep it friendly and you will find that they learn a lot ,may be sometimes you need to keep them in strict discipline but try to know their best way of adaptation .

7. Teach them to be a good citizen and a nice human being

Before following any ritual culture they must be a global citizen and a better citizen of their country too. They must know be taught to the best of your knowledge and try to share their views too, they will love you for this.

Hope these may help you to get your kid follow you better and you may be able to control your kid better .

Rohit RanjanMores Worldwww.

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