How to Install OS X Mavericks in Virtualbox With Niresh

How to install OS X Mavericks in Virtualbox with Niresh 1 of 11 11/29/2014 1:50 PM




Transcript of How to Install OS X Mavericks in Virtualbox With Niresh

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How to install OS X Mavericks in Virtualbox with Niresh

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How to install OS X Mavericks in Virtualbox with Niresh

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marks)- which ftag you need depends on your spe<:ific processor, so test one ftag at a time. Type the boot flag "amdfx"

(also Without quotation marks) d your AMO processor has "FX" in its model name.

NOTE 2: Virtualbox may have problems booting Mac OS X if your computer uses an Intel Haswell processor (o e . if your

computer was b<Joltlbought in 2013 or later). If this is this case, you win have to trick Virtualbox into thinking that your

processor os actualy an older model. To do lhos. open the Command Prompt in Windows (make sure you are logged onto an

Ad,.nistrator account on Windows). You can do this by opening the Start Menu, and typing "command prompt" 1'110 the

Start Menu search bar Then, type the command into the Command Prompt.

cd "C:\Program Flles\Oracle\Vinualbox"

Thos command wol change the focus of the Command Prompt to the program folder for Virtualbox (of you onstalled

Virtualbox somewhere different, lhen change the command to wherever you installed it). Next, type n thos command

VBoxManage modHyvm <Name of vinual machine> -cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 00020800 80000201178bfbff

This command ac-vates "1/boxmanage·, a command-line program included with Virtualbox that allows you to edrt the

properties of your wtual machone, oncluding ~s buitt-in resolutions. Replace "Name of virtual machine" wrth the name of

your virtual machine (no quotatoon marks)- you can find the name of your virtual machine in the left pane of the Virtualbox

main window. This command should do the trick . • Source

After you press the "enter" key, waot a lew seconds. and the virtual machine will automatocany start the Mae OS X installer

(This startup process may take a lew ,.nutes.) Eventually, you will reach the welcome page of the installer.


...... ~~-a..,..--.. o-ao.~_..... ........ 1_. •• ............. .u,:aq..,.-,.


Contonue, and you woll come up 10 a page that asks you for a "destination· for your Mae install. Oh no, the page is blank I

We'll have to fix that. To do this, start up Disk Utility ( located under the Utilities menu).

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How to install OS X Mavericks in Virtualbox with Niresh

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