How to Implement 5 S With Energy Savings

How to implement 5 S with energy savings concept


5-S with Energy savings

Transcript of How to Implement 5 S With Energy Savings

How to implement 5 S with energy savings conceptWhat is 5 S?5SdevelopedbyJapaneseanditisa participative programme.5Sisastructuredprogrammeto implementworkplaceorganization& standardizationandalsoitrepresent5 disciplines or maintaining visual workplace.!tisaverye"ectiveapproachtoimproving ourworkenvironment#total$uality.!t becomesabaseorcontinuous improvement in the organization.Why we should do 5 S in organization?!twillmakeorganizationmuchmore e"ective and e%cient working place.&leanandwellorganizedpremises will boosts your morale.&ontent o 5 SSortSet in orderShineStandardizeSustain'ene(ts o energy e%ciencyReduced costs asaresultolower energyconsumption.)he lessenergyyouuse#the lower your bills.Improved image Wecandemonstrateour responsibilitiestowards environment.*romoting ourselves as an ecoriendlyinstituteby implanting small plants.Steps +or 'eing an ,nergy ,%cient -rganization.onitor&ontinuetowatchover theprocess#constantly monitoringenergy usageandidentiying morewaystosave energy and money.'ehavior&hangingthemindset ocolleaguesandsel/awarenesstothink about saving energy.!dentiy+ind the areas o waste and target them to make real savings.*lan0evelop strategy or saving energy now and in the uture.,nergy ,%ciency )ipsSwitchoflightsandwhereverpossibleseeiyou canreplaceordinary)ungstenbulbswithe$uivalent energy savings ones.Dontleaveequipmentonstandby.)urno" computers and other electrical e$uipment.Unplugunnecessaryequipmentsuchasmobile phone chargers# which use energy even when they1re not charging your phone.!nlongcorridorswithstriplightsconsideri youneed all the lights on at the same time. )ry removing every otherlighttoseewhatdi"erenceitmakes.Halthe lights means hal the electricity usage.)o(ndouthowmuchenergywastednow#andhow much energy can be saved in uture# you need to look at your business1 current and past activities.Switch o" *& screens when they1re not in use# screens do not use less energy when in 2screensaver1 mode. 3 screencanrepresentuptoathirdothe*&1soverall electricity usage.&ontinued4.. )ake regular meter readings and compare consumption to previous months. .ostmoderno%cee$uipmentsucha*&1sa5machines and printers come with energy saving eatures. ! possible# makesuretheseareactivated#thenwhene$uipmentis on but not in use they all enter into energy saving mode. 6educeyourlightingcostsbymakingthemostothe naturaldaylightwhenit1savailablebyad7ustingblinds and curtains.&onsider labelling your light switches to show which ones can be turned o" when the room isn1t in use.+itinra/redpresencedetectorstoswitcho"lightswhen rooms or desks are unoccupied.