How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle

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Transcript of How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle

  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    t r : mj e

    Author: gmjhowe Instructables Chatroom

    I work as a Graphic Designer/Artworker, my time is spent creating Cyberpunk Dystopian creations for your viewing pleasure. If you have any questions, youcan normally find me in the

    I also enjoy leatherwork, paper crafts, photography and bookbinding.

    I enjoy spending time with my my Wife Rainbow_Han, she is great, and I am blessed to have her.

    I also volunteer as a youth-worker in my spare time at the church i attend.

    I enjoy all music, but my favorite band is Machinae Supremacy.

    Here is my Top Ibles Friend list.I know it seems stupid, but I think its nice to be able to see who people are friends with.

    Rainbow_HanBumpus Lithium Rain (an equal placing)SmartSunbanksCameronSSLinuxHaxorKentsokayYokozunaKelseymhEllen BE (erwtje)

    The1JoeBob did used to help out with the IRC chatroom, but then we found out that The1JoeBob was infact harassing members behind our backs.The1JoeBob can no longer be found in our IRC chatroom, but you should be able to google and find The1JoeBob website.

    License: Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

    Intro: How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma RifleHi, its me once more - so here it is a half-ible on how to make my plasma rifle.

    Here is a quick vid i put together also!

    Firstly to all you eager 'im gonna rip you to pieces and ignore the be nice policy' commenters

    This has been put on instructable before in the form of a slideshow. The only reason i am writing this -ible is for gothic-valentine, who after seeing my slideshowexpressed a wish to know how it was made in more detail, luckly for them i had replica parts of all the main elements laying around.

    I do not expect this to be a full -ible, more of a guide.

    So, lets get to it.
  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    step 1:The partsOk, here are some pictures of the main parts i used before being put together,

    There are 4 main sections

    The Oki Toner cartridge, from the digital press at work.

    A metal L bracket from my local Wickes store

    A 270 degree(i think) hinge, also from my local wickes store.

    A Selection of carrogated cardboard,

    A role a Industrial strength Double sided Tape (50 GBP worth!)

    An also alot of other various bits of rubbish that ive collected from many places!

  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    step 2:Placing the parts together!Ok, well the pictures explain this the best, so not much to say.

    I attached the long metal section to the top of the toner cartridge using one long strip of the DS tape. This stuff can hole 4lbs so dont worry bout it falling apart.

    I also decided to saw off the Blue section of the cartridge, and also the annoying little tab at the other end!

    Also bend the metal bracket to the right angle for a comfortable handle.

  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    step 3:Making the handle!Ok this is where you have to use you imagination a little.

    The handle was made using a stack of the corrigated cardboard (bout 5-6 layers)

    I Started by making a template, i did this using paper,place the paper under the metal section of the handle, and draw a kind of handle shape, as in the pictures.

    Also marking where the metal bracket sits

    Then cut this shape out of the card, including the slit for the metal section!!!

    The cardboard then just slots ontop of the bracket, wrap some tap around here to keep it secure

    Finally i added the hinge ontop as in the second photo, again attached with the Super DS tape, and also some super glue.

    The third picture is a snapshot from the original plasma rifle build, here it shows the bracket, with the card handle in place. (also with a few extras stuck in place)

    step 4:Adding lots of bits a crap to the gun.Ok, now this section is more of a freestyle section, now that you have the main section, you need to bulk it up.

    Again pictures do best here. The first picture shows the Original Rifle but with labels of various sections.

    The second picture shows another snap shot, this time just before painting it.

    Ive also added loads of close up shots showing details throughout.

    The handle was also modded using an old Lynx (or Axe to some of you) bottle, i cut off one side, and just stuck it over. the 3rd picture shows a comparison shot.

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  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    step 5:paintingOk, again this section lacks detail, what with this being a half-ible.

    Basically, i masked off a few sections, like the hinge on the top, and thecd lens, and parts of the trigger.

    Then i let loose with the spray paint!

    I used Direct to metal spray paint, i always use this as normal spray paint just doesnt hold the same.(again i got this from my local wickes store)you can pick any colour scheme, but i recommend a dark colour underneath. As always lots of thin coats works alot better than one heavy coat, TAKE YOUR TIME, aDONT rush it.

    Leave it over night.

    Ok, an optional way to improve the effect, is to use a method called dry brushing.

    Here i basically dabbed some Deep red acrylic paint onto a spare peice of card. Then get a DRY brush, it has to be BONE DRY. and dap a tiny bit onto the brush, thebrush this onto which ever sections you want to look 'battle worn' after a while you will get a feel for how much pain, pressure etc.

    Again look to the details shots below.

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    step 6:Finished!Well there we are, i hope this is of some use.

    This instructable is dedicated to gothic-valentine. whom hopefully will be trying to convert this into a working BB gun!

    Enjoy a few more glory shots.

    Also, here is the link to my original slideshow which has a few more shots.

    Thanks for reading, and as always, any questions just comment!
  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


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    48 comments Add Comment

    citason says: Sep 11, 2009. 12:49 PM REPhey whats the handle/trigger made of??

    KentsOkay says: Dec 17, 2008. 5:16 AM REPThis is cool! To imagine I've never seen it before....
  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    gmjhowe says: Dec 17, 2008. 5:51 AM REPHa, it was my first project as part of my redeux.

    From the age 16-19 i did very little 3D model work, then ive had this recent flurry of items.

    btw ive got some paper for my book of time! woot!

    KentsOkay says: Dec 17, 2008. 6:02 AM REPExcellent!*moans* stupid weather!! warm up so I can spray paint already!!!

    gmjhowe says: Dec 17, 2008. 6:17 AM REPI always spray in the bitter cold, its rains thats the biggest pain.

    KentsOkay says: Dec 17, 2008. 6:24 AM REPSo I can spray in the cold? ACK!!! *runs to go get silver spray paint and glue*

    gmjhowe says: Dec 17, 2008. 6:36 AM REPwhat made you think you couldnt... i always have, and its always cold over here. Make sure you wear gloves, the exiting pressure makethe can super cold.

    Berkin says: Jan 24, 2009. 5:11 PM REPLOL, I'm sure it would... Have you gotten burns from the freezing metal yet?

    thequestioner says: Nov 24, 2008. 9:23 AM REPwow, im gonna make this, u dont mind if i use it in a short film do ya?

    gmjhowe says: Nov 24, 2008. 2:57 PM REPYour welcome to use my work, for free, as long as full credit goes to me.

    thequestioner says: Nov 28, 2008. 10:49 AM REPyou will be personally named in the credits :D

    SKINZ says: Aug 19, 2008. 3:14 AM REPlooks the dog bollocks

    grevious says: Sep 23, 2008. 11:48 PM REPwtf? "looks the dogs bollocks"is that even proper grammar...

    thequestioner says: Nov 24, 2008. 9:27 AM REPits an english thing

    grevious says: Nov 25, 2008. 2:23 AM REPyeah i see that, i guess you dont have "the bees knees" or "the ducks nuts" either lol. or knackers.. bet you dont know what they are =D

    gmjhowe says: Sep 24, 2008. 2:10 AM REPI don't know, but if you're going to pick at peoples grammar at least get your punctuation right. WTF is an acronym, and therefore requires capitalletters, and i think you will find that 3 periods is the incorrect symbol, and it should in fact be ''

    gmjhowe says: Aug 19, 2008. 3:23 AM REPthanks! be sure to check out my other more advanced weopens.
  • 7/27/2019 How to Construct the Battle Worn Plasma Rifle


    Maffu says: Oct 17, 2008. 2:48 AM REPInformation: "The Dog's Bollocks" is an English colloquialism meaning excellent, great, or the very best. Also "the puppy's privates", "the badger's nadgersor "the bee's knees".

    gmjhowe says: Oct 17, 2008. 10:51 AM REPThanks!

    Black Cat says: Sep 28, 2008. 2:07 AM REPthis is awesome mate...have to say, ur one of the best gun replicators on instructibles rite here!!

    gmjhowe says: Sep 28, 2008. 3:14 AM REPThanks, thats a great compliment!

    GING says: Sep 28, 2008. 5:34 A(removed by author or community request)

    gmjhowe says: Sep 28, 2008. 5:39 AM REPThank you!

    SKINZ says: Sep 26, 2008. 9:05 A(removed by author or community request)

    gmjhowe says: Sep 26, 2008. 9:28 AM REPYou need to remove that comment right now, i take back any kind of defence i gave you before.

    mariome101 says: Aug 16, 2008. 5:59 PM REPLove the job hoping i can build a good replica

    gmjhowe says: Aug 17, 2008. 6:38 AM REPGlad you like it, be sure to post some pics when its done!

    Mattrox says: Aug 8, 2008. 6:26 PM REPAWESOME

    gmjhowe says: Aug 17, 2008. 6:38 AM REPhey! thanks

    Magnus Cole says: Jun 19, 2008. 10:13 PM REPThat is the coolest thing I have seen in ages. I have the very same Ink cartridges at work we go through three or four a quarter easily. So I am lookingforward to making my own. Thanks!

    gmjhowe says: Jun 20, 2008. 1:28 AM REPWe get through 3 or 4 a week! good thing were on click charge!

    Magnus Cole says: Jun 20, 2008. 3:43 AM REPGlad we don't go through that many, I'd freak out. Will let you know how mine comes out, planning on adding a magazine with a LED power meter.

    gmjhowe says: Jun 20, 2008. 4:40 AM REPim currently in the process of bulding V2 complete with glasware, lasers, and folding bits
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    Magnus Cole says: Jun 20, 2008. 4:53 PM REPNow that sounds fantastic, hmm Lasers now that is an idea, I am tossing up with trying to figure out how to put in a sound effect. Power upand firing noises. That would be cool.

    gmjhowe says: Jun 21, 2008. 6:19 AM REPsound effects are a hard one, im no expert at electronics really, i bort one of these for the light effects Ebay laser torch

    gmjhowe says: Jun 20, 2008. 1:29 AM REPps, thanks for the comment, im glad you like it!

    Azulao says: Jun 17, 2008. 12:27 PM REPThis is an incredible achievement, I hope you are applying your abilities in the film industry. I know I would kill to have someone with your skill as a propmaster. I particularly love the reverse-arc concept, is it your own original design? Also, the handle of the rifle seems somewhat choppy and dull compared tthe sleek edge of the main body; was this done for the "worn" effect? Is there any way to order a copy of this or your other pistol? Can't wait to see your neproject.

    gmjhowe says: Jun 17, 2008. 2:35 PM REPhello, there, firstly, thanks for your comment it has been the great end to whats has turned out to be a great day. I actually work as a Junior GraphicDesigner, so my skills dont even touch the film industry. Pretty much all the items a create are based on my own ideas (tho i do subconsciously pick upideas from all sorts of places) The handle i must admit, i was sure what to do with, and i have been thinking about reworking it. The plasma rifle itself ihave already decided to sell, as im currently building V2. Which has added light effects and glassware. So if you want the original, just name a fair priceand its yours. If not, then i would be more than happy to create your own custom piece, we can easily discuss costing via email. I will send you amessage with my email in it (this also doubles as my Msn instant chat address so feel free to add me) Thanks again, jake

    stian says: Jun 14, 2008. 12:53 PM REPawsome god jobb

    gmjhowe says: Jun 14, 2008. 1:59 PM REPthanks!

    patnet369 says: May 28, 2008. 3:36 PM REPi would put a cheap laser or some king of light thing

    gmjhowe says: Jun 14, 2008. 1:59 PM REP

    hey i currently working on my new plasma rifle, complete with laser, uv leds, and camera flash

    HardCoreHacker says: May 20, 2008. 1:03 PM REPAwesome

    LinuxH4x0r says: May 12, 2008. 11:52 AM REPsweet! looks really good

    gothic-valentine says: May 10, 2008. 8:30 AM REPThanks for this, I'll start gathering parts together for the project, I will be planning on taking step by step pictures and I'll post it on here with credit to you forthe original plasma gun :) is that circuit board on the side from a scanner or something??

    gmjhowe says: May 10, 2008. 8:40 AM REPalso any parts you want, i have the cartridgeand the metal bracket, if im sending you those i had mareswell chuck in a few circuit boards etc

    gothic-valentine says: May 10, 2008. 8:52 AM REPthat would be great, check your inbox, i've pm'ed you with my email address
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    gmjhowe says: May 10, 2008. 8:39 AM REPits actually from the inside an old tft flatscreen!