How small are we?

This is really This is really fascinating fascinating ! ! It is going to It is going to bring bring you quite you quite different different perspective for perspective for your sense of your sense of existence existence ! !

Transcript of How small are we?

Page 1: How small are we?

This is really This is really fascinatingfascinating!!

It is going to bringIt is going to bring you quite different you quite different

perspective for your perspective for your sense of existencesense of existence!!

Page 2: How small are we?

Her beauty is showing every moment even without our influence …

The Earth is our own home we all share

Page 3: How small are we?

Nighttime lights on Earth

Page 4: How small are we?

And there Sunrise is coming...

Page 5: How small are we?

Our planet in daylight!

Page 6: How small are we?
Page 7: How small are we?
Page 8: How small are we?
Page 9: How small are we?

This was really enlightening, rightThis was really enlightening, right??But let’s take a look beyond our Solar But let’s take a look beyond our Solar


Page 10: How small are we?
Page 11: How small are we?

Sun is less than 1 pixel

Jupiiter is invisible at this scale!

Page 12: How small are we?

Now, please tell me how big you think you are?Now, please tell me how big you think you are?How big are your problems?How big are your problems?

Try to wrap your mind around this…Try to wrap your mind around this…

Page 13: How small are we?

Héla aquí, pues:Héla aquí, pues:

Look at this photo.Look at this photo.

It was taken byIt was taken by Cassini-Huygens probeCassini-Huygens probewhen travelled closewhen travelled close to the rings ofto the rings of Saturn Saturn..

Page 14: How small are we?

WWe all fit inside this little blue point.e all fit inside this little blue point.All of our global conflicts and warsAll of our global conflicts and wars……All of our problemsAll of our problems……All of our greatness and frailtiesAll of our greatness and frailties……All of our technologiesAll of our technologies,, arts arts,, creations creations……All of our civilizations, all of animals and plantsAll of our civilizations, all of animals and plants……All of our races and religionsAll of our races and religions……All of our nAll of our naations, countries and their governmentstions, countries and their governments……All of our loved ones and hated onesAll of our loved ones and hated ones......

Total of more than Total of more than 6 6 billions of soulsbillions of soulsTrying to survive from one day to anotherTrying to survive from one day to another……

This is our planet.This is our planet.

Page 15: How small are we?

Now stop and think for a while…

Page 16: How small are we?

You may think you are alonewithin this little blue pointand nobody really caresabout your existence…

Page 17: How small are we?

…Yet, Someone knows how manyhairs are on your head, andnot even a single sparrow dies apart from HIS will ! (Mt 10:29 -31)

Page 18: How small are we?

So, now ask yourself again…So, now ask yourself again…HOW BIG ARE YOU?HOW BIG ARE YOU?


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