How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?



The #BeckBromFL, which stands for Beckenham Bromley Follower Ladder, was created as a beacon to help promote local information from businesses and individuals to the tweeting community in Bromley. Since it’s inception in late 2011, the hashtag has helped bring the local community together in numerous ways. From honest and reliable business recommendations to helping nd lost cats, the #BeckBromFL is a truly marvelous collection of people. In June 2014 we decided to explore how the hashtag had bettered the community. We asked How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?

Transcript of How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?

Page 1: How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?



Page 2: How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?

The #BeckBromFL, which stands for Beckenham Bromley Follower Ladder, was created as a beacon to help promote local information from businesses and individuals to the tweeting community in Bromley.

Since it’s inception in late 2011, the hashtag has helped bring the local community together in numerous ways. From honest and reliable business recommendations to helping �nd lost cats, the #BeckBromFL is a truly marvellous collection of people.

In June 2014 we decided to explore how the hashtag had bettered the community. We asked;

Has it helped you discover products and services locally that you require? Has it helped you promote your business and �nd new customers? Has it helped you make new business connections? Or has it helped in some other way?

Here’s what the community had to say!


@SkimmySkinnySkinny & Jane - Skinny's Plastering

We are stunned at the local support that has come via #BeckBromFL. We've met great people & connected with other businesses we didn't know existed! Businesses & individuals have used my services and recommended me. We have also supported others who use the #BeckBromFL network and recommend others when we know they have a good reputation.

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Emma & Scott - Stains on Panes

Hi, my name is Emma & I manage all the social media for my partner (Scott’s) window cleaning biz.

I have been an active member of #BeckBromFL for about 3 years. I was originally introduced to it by a local blogger who �ercely supports local businesses @juliewhitney.

When Scott decided to change career path after a hard recession I knew I could draw from the support of the #BeckBromFL community to support us and help spread the word of our new biz.

And what a wonderful job they have done! We have not only had the pleasure of meeting wonderful people but have developed real long standing friendships.

I believe we all need to support each other & where possible will recommend & use the services & products from the local businesses on #BeckBromFL.

The ladder creates a unique opportunity to give honest and reliable recommendations & feedback from real local people and businesses. Which is invaluable.

We are truly grateful to #BeckBromFL community

Thank you!


@jane_rogersJane - Jane Rodgers PR

I would say it's a great help to local businesses, helping them extend their reach and get noticed more. Many have also got work through it, I'm sure.

For me, it's helped me �nd out about what's going on locally, extended my reach and also helped my clients each more people.



Page 4: How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?

Danny - Plumbline Direct

We have been using Twitter and #BeckBromFL for quite a few years now.

We have received a very warm welcome from all involved and continue to get great feedback and recommendations from all.

We also deal with lots of other trades in our business and have found some of these through #BeckBromFL and regularly recommend them to my clients who ask if I know anybody to carry out works we do not cover.

For the general public it’s a fantastic forum to �nd a trade, shop or service within the area but also get an honest appraisal of the business that they may give work to, through contacting past customers through a simple tweet or DM.

I have watched #BeckBromFL grow, and also given input, on where changes can be made as it does so to help the ever growing numbers that join.

Overall a great experience and long may it continue!




@Bromley_HandyBromley Handyman

Using this forum has been both a privilege and a valuable tool to assist the local people of the borough and beyond.

Genuine way to be recommended and recommend.

Great way to be a part of the local community, keep up the good work!

PS love the banter

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LITTLE FINGERShttp://www.little�


Clair - Little Fingers

#BeckBromFL is a fabulous local social networking hashtag. Ever since joining Twitter I’ve been welcomed by a host of local people and businesses, happy to RT us and in return promote them too.

Wonderful real life social events have occurred too at local #BeckBromFL businesses and it’s been great fun putting faces to Twitter names! Honoured & proud to be a supporter of this local hashtag provided local support & new clients and most of all friends!

Enormous thanks goes to Lynda of Baccarat for starting this wonderful local community.


I’m a non-business user of Twitter & #BeckBromFL & have to say I have found so many decent businesses that I continue to use.

It makes such a di�erence not having to look for a hairdresser/handyman/plumber/oven cleaner & risk getting a cowboy!

Everyone is so friendly & #BeckBromFL is invaluable to local people looking for local trades



David - Chicane School of Motoring

I think it has increased my online presence locally on Twitter, which is always a good thing, plus making local business friends too.



Page 6: How Has #BeckBromFL Helped You?

Helen - Fitness Rate

I own my own business; Fitness Rate (7yrs) I’m Quali�ed Private Personal Trainer & Dyslexia Strategy Adviser – promoting my business using #BeckBromFL in my tweets has helped my business to grow & clients through the door. I have been active on Twitter since late last year. I bought a book to help me understand Twitter & business which was helpful.

Using #BeckBromFL is a great way to promote businesses within the area. I have met some lovely people in business through local Twitter. I have also made some lovely friends though Twitter.

#BeckBromFL is certainly not just a business tool to bring in business but a tool to support each person within business. Nice to have support from people who work within area. I believe for my business this is number 1 tool for promoting & using #BeckBromFL I gain new clients, interest & support every week.

I also hold another account – Bromley Adult Dyslexia (Charity). Again using #BeckBromFL is a great way to let people know about Dyslexia Awareness & monthly meetings.

FITNESS RATE http://www.�



Ben - Quality Drainage Company

We think #BeckBromFL is a great network of local small businesses. We can con�rm that not only has it helped us gain business from being #bizoftheweek, others recommending us through the #BeckBromFL network, seeing our reviews within our favourites or meeting us socially at a #BeckBromFL tweetup but it has also helped us whether it has been for a dog walker, plaster, hairdresser, personal trainer, sweet cones, baby clothes, evening dress, electrician the list is endless. I think #BeckBromFL has a trusted name and we are very proud to be part of it and very pleased to have meet some lovely friends from it too. I am very thankful to Lynda from baccarat hair for setting this up and long may the success continue!

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Julie - Spotlesspinata Jewellery

I have been involved with the #BeckBromFL community pretty much since the beginning. Although not a business when I �rst started using and supporting the hashtag, I thought it was a brilliant way to network and support locally. I have found help and services, donated to charity, laughed, cried and made a heap of new friends through #BeckBromFL.

Having just started my own business I feel comforted that a lot of people have ‘got my back’ with genuine care and passion to support all things local, I love doing the same in return.

I truly believe it to be a brilliant thing for the community and hope it inspires other boroughs, towns and cities to follow suit.





Tanya - Tanya's Hands Massage Therapies

I have been using Twitter and #BeckBromFL since December 2013. When I �rst signed up to Twitter I had no idea where to start! @PartyChic2 advised me to add the #BeckBromFL hashtag to my tweets and informed me of how supportive a community it is. From the very �rst tweet I received a warm welcome and I have since made many �rm friends, new business contacts and I have discovered many individuals that I would highly recommend to others.

The support I have received has enabled me to spread the word about my business whilst helping others to do the same.

Thank you to all in the #BeckBromFL community, I am so grateful for all of your support

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Jane - Bromley Mencap

Our charity has been using the #BeckBromFL since last year and it has been great to get the word out to local businesses and the community about our work. The #BeckBromFL group were responsible for collecting & delivering over 100 children’s Christmas presents, donated by the local community, for our Christmas party and fundraising tombola. We have also made contact with lots of local therapists that have helped at our Pamper event and helped to raise much needed funds for our cause.

It has been great to meet the members of #BeckBromFL at tweetups & continue that great relationship.





Helen - Therapist & Coach

Wonderful to be introduced to #BeckBromFL only last month, as I am now working back on the local area as a coach and hypnotherapist. I was on Twitter but not very active. The sense of community, collaboration and commitment has been amazing.

I was introduced by Lynda who has done such an amazing job and a role model, I have been going to

Baccarat for many, many years! So I was aware of it but not participating in it. Since joining I am very excited to be part of such a wonderful network and support. I have received such a warm welcome from everyone and have been able to spread the word about my business but as importantly others.

It is a source of help, support and of course I have bene�tted from many of the array of services and products on o�er. Long may it continue, lead by example and Lynda certainly does that. Also very exciting to gradually meet members face to face and look forward to attending my �rst tweet up soo

#BeckBromFL onwards and upwards!

Thank you one & all! It has been a wonderful journey so far.

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Mark - Security Masters

It helps raise my pro�le in the community. People are starting to know who I am and what I do. I've also had a couple of jobs. Great! :-)

There's also another #BeckBromFL locksmith I can ask to help with jobs when I'm out of town & it's a

great resource of referenced businesses.



Claire - The Calm Mind

I am a newbie to Twitter and #BeckBrom� has provided the warmest of welcomes. It has been a particularly useful way network with other professionals and businesses in the local area. I have really been amazed at the positive response to the #BeckBrom� re-tweets I have received. It has enabled me to publicise my events to a broader and wider network for which I am very grateful. It has also been a pleasure to reciprocate and do the same for others.

Many thanks to all who are part of the supportive #BeckBrom� community!





Memory Makers

It helped me gain followers locally. Meet local people and make contacts and a nice support network for advice and chat!

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Kozan - Savoir Technologyns

Twitter and the #BeckBromFL hashtag have helped me a lot since I started my own small business three years ago. In fact my very �rst customer – who happened to live in Beckenham, came via Twitter!

I provide IT support services for individuals, families and small businesses and while I do not live in Brom-ley – but nearby in Catford – I always wanted to reach out to the local area in and around Bromley as one of my target markets in order to promote my services and canvass for business.

Being a sole trader and having a “limited” (read that as zero) advertising budget I was unsure how best to promote my services when I �rst started. If people don’t know about you – then how can you expect to grow your business apart from word of mouth?

The #BeckBromFL hashtag helped me to reach out and engage with a large community of local residents and businesses – all for free. It is a “must do” for anyone looking for or wanting to promote their business in and around Bromley.

And anyone looking for a local service can use the hashtag to ask for recommendations, questions and advice. It’s word of mouth in the virtual world.

This eventually translates to the real world. I’ve met some wonderful people through using the hashtag – both formally to do work for them and informally at the BeckBromFL tweetups. It’s a great way to grow your business network and it’s great to help others to promote their services and products too – because it’s reciprocated: One for all, all for one!

In any business – small or large, reputation and integrity are paramount. The hashtag is more than just way to “�lter” and promote local businesses in Bromley – it’s about the personality of the person tweeting and their business. If you genuinely and honestly engage with people and they commend your service – then they are more likely to do repeat business with you at some point or at the very least recommend you to others.

Thank you to all those who contribute and promote the hashtag.



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CCCrrreeeaaatttiiinnnggg aaa bbbeeeaaacccooonnn fffooorrr BBBrrrooommmllleeeyyy aaannnddd BBBeeeccckkkeeennnhhhaaammm wwwiiittthhh ###BBBeeeccckkkBBBrrrooommmFFFLLL wwwaaasss aaa sssiiimmmpppllleee iiidddeeeaaa tttooo cccrrreeeaaattteee aaa ssseeennnssseee ooofff cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy ooonnn TTTwwwiiitttttteeerrr... Jon Clarke @beckenham had already been working tirelessly on Twitter and with his website for Beckenham and so expanding that idea to cover Bromley and polarise tweeters into a community with a hashtag seemed like the obvious next step.

As a business, I have always been mindful of the need to be professional and informative on Twitter, but also desiring to use Twitter for the platform it is; a social platform. Talking to people, having a joke, sharing life's musings should be part of the package.

People buy people �rst. At least I do. Building a brand on Twitter must involve building relationships with people and networks. It is not a place to shout promotion from an automated platform. You need to be there. Responsive and engaging.

The #BeckBromFL network has become a real passion of mine. Many small start-up businesses have no clue how to engage with a local platform. It took us a long time and a lot of creative thinking to �nd local tweeters. #BeckBromFL �nds them. And they can become your friends, your con�dantes, your clients and your recommenders. We are very grateful for the support and new business we have received via the network and Twitter. But more than that, we feel it has positioned us as a family business with a real passion for the local community and that is priceless. We have made many friends and been able to support some wonderful local charities too.

The network is open to anyone and not every business is going to be a good one. The network can only say "Here's your platform" the rest is up to the business and Twitter's feedback to us, the network guardians. Recommend good businesses you have used, but give feedback on bad ones too. Twitter feedback is such a strong marketing tool allowing anyone to talk directly with our customers. As consumers we should see this feedback.

Ultimately, #BeckBromFL is a virtual space where we can all contribute to the Bromley community, on any level. It's not just for business but everyone. Nobody 'owns' #BeckBromFL, it is all of ours and we all have a responsibility to help it evolve into the most useful community hub it can be. A massive thanks to the businesses and individuals who act as ambassadors for the network and especially to @Eurospice who does a lot of work behind the scenes to help keep the network communications alive.

Lynda @baccarat_hair

This e-book has been put together to celebrate the success of #BeckBromFL and help grow the community for everyone's bene�t.

Please share this e-book with your online following and help us spread the word of #BeckBromFL even further

A Final Word

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