How has this planning and research helped us

How has this planning and research helped us create a media product that uses forms and conventions of real media products?

Transcript of How has this planning and research helped us

How has this planning and research helped us create a media product that uses forms and conventions of real media


Research and planning allowed me;

To create an underlying motivation and concept from day one – i.e.. the story line and narrative from annotating the lyrics and looking and previous professional videos.

helped spur on my coursework successfully, by being able to constantly refer back to real life media texts moved the process on a lot quicker as I was able to confirm that my piece was being created correctly.

Researching into types of camera movements;

By exploring different types of camera angles to film and taking tutorials on adobe premier and Photoshop was also really helpful as it allowed me to completely change the pace with tracking shots and to create an old fashioned theme on after effects which I recognised from old fashioned 1940’s America TV shows and films.

By exploring these different camera angles and movements. We were able to film in a variety of different ways and locations to help have more depth to our film and excitement. For example we filmed the main character singing the song in 4 different locations and angles to add complexity.

-We correlated the lyrics with the action.

I think our product compares to a professional music video; WHY?

-it directly was specifically targeted to one particular age group and audience in response to a questionnaire.

We portrayed this by using young actors.

When we hear in the lyrics ‘I told you to be patient, I told you to be kind, I told you to be balanced, I told you to be mine’. And the music steps up a tempo the action combines with this as it is of the two fighting and arguing- this is heightened by a black and white effect we used.