How do cells use information stored Gene transcription KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET Department of Cell and...

1 KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET Department of Cell and Molecular Biology Medical Nobel Institute Piergiorgio Percipalle, PhD Tutorial II Tutorial II Gene expression: Gene expression: Molecular mechanisms of gene Molecular mechanisms of gene transcription transcription Control of gene transcription and RNA processing mRNA translation and protein synthesis Program Program Gene transcription How do cells use information stored In the chromosomes? Schematic representation of chromosome 2 from the fruit fly (D. Melanogaster) The central dogma of molecular biology

Transcript of How do cells use information stored Gene transcription KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET Department of Cell and...


KAROLINSKA INSTITUTETDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology

Medical Nobel Institute

Piergiorgio Percipalle, PhD

Tutorial IITutorial IIGene expression:Gene expression:

Molecular mechanisms of gene Molecular mechanisms of gene transcriptiontranscription Control of gene transcription and RNA


mRNA translation and protein synthesis


Gene transcriptionHow do cells use information storedIn the chromosomes?

Schematic representation of chromosome 2 from the fruit fly (D. Melanogaster)

The central dogma of molecular biology


RNA synthesis

DNA sequences are transcribed to RNA


Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

In the RNAmolecule, nucleotides are called”ribonucleotides”RNA contains the base ”uracil” instead of ”thymine”.Thymine can also base-pair with adenine

RNA is a linear polymer, just like DNA, consisting of4Different nucleotides linked to each other through phosphodiester bonds

Similarities between DNA and RNA

Differences between DNA and RNA

The chemical structure in theRNA molecule



Uracil base-pairs with adenine DNA have RNA have differentternary structures

DNA is a duplexRNA is linear


Type of RNA Function






Non-coding RNAs

messanger-RNA, protin-coding

ribosomal-RNAs, ribosome structure

transfer-RNAs, protein synthesis

small nuclear RNAs, RNA processing

small nuclear RNAs, rRNA processing

different cellular processes

There are several types of RNA

How is a specific RNA producedform a template DNA?

Transcription is performed byRNA polymerase

Recognition of a specific DNA sequence:RNA synthesis starts

RNA synthesis



Transcription is a step-wise process

Recognition of a specific DNA sequence:RNA synthesis ends

The transcription cycle



RNA polymerase


Direction of RNA polymerase Transcription along a chromosome

Type of polymerase Genes whichare transcribed

RNA polymerase I

RNA polymerase II

RNA polymerase III

rRNA genes

all protein-coding genes

tRNA genes

Eukaryotes have three differentRNA polymerases

The structure af RNA polymerase IIis very conserved

In eukaryotic cells, RNA polymerase II transcription requires regulatory

sequences on the DNA


RNA polymerase II requires generaltranscription factors……..



Factor No of subunits Function

TFIIA 2 Stabilizes TBP and TFIID DNA binding.Blocks transcription inhibitors. Positive andnegative gene regulation

TFIIB 1 Binds TBP, Pol II and promoter DNA. Helpsfix transcription start site

TFIID TBP 1 Binds TATA element and deforms promoter DNA.Platform for assemblyof TFIIB, TFIIA and TAFs.

TAFs 14 Binds INR and DPE promoter elements. Targetof regulatory factors.

TFIIF 3 Binds Pol II and is involved in Pol II recruitmentto PIC and in open complex formation.

TFIIE 2 Binds promoter near transcription start. Mayhelp open or stabilize the transcription bubblein the open complex.

TFIIH 10 Functions in transcription and DNA repair.Kinase and two helicase activities. Essential foropen complex formation. Mutations in IIH cancause disease.

RNA polymerase II generaltranscription factors

From Hahn, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2004


• Predominant role to enhance the PIC assembly, via pol II

Formation of ribonucleoprotein(RNP) particles

Transport facilitatorTransport mediatorSplicing factorSplicing repressorTranslational regulator



RNA polymerase II

Daneholt, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2001

Chromatin structure

Chromatin structure modifications Chromatin and histone modifications as part of relay mechanisms

Percipalle and Östlund Farrants, Curr Op Cell Biol 2006


Summary of the transcription initiation process in eukaryotes(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

Eukaryotic gene repressors

Repressors compete with activators

Crosstalk between transcriptionand chromatin?

Pre-mRNARNA polymerase IIC-terminal domain

RNA processing


Formation of ribonucleoprotein(RNP) particles

Transport facilitatorTransport mediatorSplicing factorSplicing repressorTranslational regulator



RNA polymerase II

Daneholt, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2001

In eukaryotes RNA elongationoccurs concomitantly with processing

RNA splicing

RNA polyadenylation (3’ end)

RNA capping (5’ end)


Methylation of guanosine

5’ - phopsphate released

GMP addition(5’ to 5’)

RNA splicing

In eukaryotic cells, the primary RNA transcript(pre-mRNA), includes both coding andnon-coding sequences

In pre-mRNA, coding sequences are called Exonswhereas non-coding sequences are calledIntrones

Examples of gene structures During splicing intronic sequencesare removed


RNA splicing is mediated by the Spliceosome







An example of alternative splicing:the α-tropomyosin gene

RNA polyadenylation

PAP adds 200 nucleotidesat the 3’ end of the RNA transcript

Termination sequences

RNA cleavage

The Cell Nucleus by Ramon y Cajal(Nobel Prize, Medicine and Physiology)

The structure of the cell nucleusThe structure of the cell nucleus The nucleolus and its subdomainsThe nucleolus and its subdomains


Mechanisms of rRNA processing Visualization of nuclear structures:Cajal Bodies

Human cells

Xenopus Oocytes

FunctionFunction ofof Cajal BodiesCajal Bodies

Cajal Bodies/GEMSAssembly of Transcription-ProcessingMachinery

Cajal Cajal Bodies/GEMSBodies/GEMSAssemblyAssembly of of TranscriptionTranscription--ProcessingProcessingMachineryMachinery

Visualization of Speckles

Stockpiles of fully mature snRNPs Stockpiles of fully mature snRNPs ready to be used in RNAready to be used in RNA--splicingsplicing

Visualization of chromatin andVisualization of chromatin andnuclear structurenuclear structure

Cajal Body

Cajal Body



Nucleo cytoplasmic transport ofmature mRNA molecules


Protein synthesis factors