How a blog helps me as a young scientist


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How a blog helps me as a young scientist?

Success is the result of hard work and dedication. But, what would knowledge do if it was only kept by individuals and not shared to humanity? Good scientists do interchange their acknowledgments so all the scientific community can continue building up  projects. Beneficially it makes humanity to grow. It also  betters the finite world that we're all living on.

Lots of media today exist with that specific objective: communication. News papers, Journals, books, have often been used for centuries as an information diffuser. And so,  most of the disciplines have journals that, because of its nature,is distribution is limited to the ones that belong to that community.  Therefore, information is not facilitated to everyone.

Now a day another media is known: internet. Internet is defined by the RAE as "a worldwide information network, decentralized, and formed by the direct connection of computers thru a special communication protocol."

Because of its accessibility, Internet is very commonly used now days. A report done by Heather Dry burgh titled Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians use the Internet evidences the growth of internet usage by how they spend their time. In the Overview of individual Internet use in Canada in 2000 instantly shows an increase of internet usage in the Canadian population of 35% in a period of six years (from 1994 to 2000).

Blogs are considered important because it is a space where one can post entries and have a part in the World Wide Web used media. Also, without any limitation it complements the information posted with videos, images, and other things that written materials cannot support. Another important consideration is that is interactive where I can also communicate with other colleges or scientist all around the world.

Even though internet, or specifically blogs,  may not substitute the relevance of the other written texts, I consider -because of all the reasons supported before- a blog as a good source to show the world who I am as a young scientist.  By evidencing my work, this tool may help me to enroll in the scientific community or just let them now my interest and my qualifications as a professional.  At the end I just hope this blog serves as a voice in the Science community and even inspire others to follow Research areas.