Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems · Thorsten Hul¬s (BielefeldUniversity) ICDEA 2012...

Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Thorsten H ¨ uls Department of Mathematics Bielefeld University Germany [email protected] www.math.uni-bielefeld.de:~/huels Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Non-autonomous dynamical systems Spectral theory Invariant fiber bundles Hyperbolicity Asymptotic behavior Homoclinic trajectories Non-autonomous bifurcations Pullback attractors Skew product flow Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Non-autonomous dynamical systems P. E. Kloeden and M. Rasmussen. Nonautonomous dynamical systems, volume 176 of Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2011. C. P ¨ otzsche. Geometric theory of discrete nonautonomous dynamical systems, volume 2002 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, 2010. M. Rasmussen. Attractivity and bifurcation for nonautonomous dynamical systems, volume 1907 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, 2007. Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Outline Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems Let f : k k be a smooth diffeomorphism, ξ be a hyperbolic fixed point, i.e. σ(Df (ξ)) ∩{x : |x| = 1} = . Assume that stable and unstable manifold of ξ intersect transversally. ξ x0 x1 x2 x-1 W s (ξ) W u (ξ) 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 Definition Homoclinic orbit: x =(xn)n: xn+1 = f (xn), n , lim n→±∞ xn = ξ. Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems Remark The dynamics near transversal homoclinic orbits is chaotic, cf. the celebrated Smale- ˇ Sil’nikov-Birkhoff Theorem. L.P. ˇ Sil’nikov. Existence of a countable set of periodic motions in a neighborhood of a homoclinic curve. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 172:298–301, 1967. Soviet Math. Dokl. 8 (1967), 102–106. S. Smale. Differentiable dynamical systems. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 73:747–817, 1967. K. J. Palmer. Shadowing in dynamical systems, volume 501 of Mathematics and its Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000. Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Approximation of homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems Compute a finite orbit segment xn- ,..., xn+ by solving a boundary value problem. Simplest case: periodic boundary conditions: x = xn- . . . xn+ , Γ(x)= xn+1 - f (xn), n = n-,..., n+ - 1 xn- - xn+ . Often successful: Rough initial guess for Newton’s method: u0 =(ξ,...,ξ, g,ξ,...,ξ) T , e.g. g = 1 -1 in the H ´ enon example. Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps Approximation of homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems Compute a finite orbit segment xn- ,..., xn+ by solving a boundary value problem. Simplest case: periodic boundary conditions: x = xn- . . . xn+ , Γ(x)= xn+1 - f (xn), n = n-,..., n+ - 1 xn- - xn+ . Alternative: Compute initial guess via approximations of stable and unstable manifolds. R. K. Ghaziani, W. Govaerts, Y. A. Kuznetsov, and H. G. E. Meijer. Numerical continuation of connecting orbits of maps in MATLAB. J. Difference Equ. Appl., 15(8-9):849–875, 2009. Thorsten H ¨ uls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Transcript of Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems · Thorsten Hul¬s (BielefeldUniversity) ICDEA 2012...

Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Thorsten Huls

Department of MathematicsBielefeld University

[email protected]


Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Non-autonomous dynamical systems

Spectral theory

Invariantfiber bundles

Hyperbolicity Asymptoticbehavior



Pullback attractors

Skew productflow

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Non-autonomous dynamical systems

P. E. Kloeden and M. Rasmussen.Nonautonomous dynamical systems, volume 176 ofMathematical Surveys and Monographs.American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2011.

C. Potzsche.Geometric theory of discrete nonautonomous dynamicalsystems, volume 2002 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics.Springer, Berlin, 2010.

M. Rasmussen.Attractivity and bifurcation for nonautonomous dynamicalsystems, volume 1907 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics.Springer, Berlin, 2007.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Homoclinic orbits in autonomoussystems

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems

Letf : k ! k be a smooth diffeomorphism,! be a hyperbolic fixed point, i.e. "(Df (!)) " {x # : |x| = 1} = $.Assume that stable and unstable manifold of ! intersect transversally.






−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5






DefinitionHomoclinic orbit: x = (xn)n" :

xn+1 = f(xn), n # , limn#±$

xn = !.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems

RemarkThe dynamics near transversal homoclinic orbits is chaotic, cf. thecelebrated Smale-Sil’nikov-Birkhoff Theorem.

L. P. Sil’nikov.Existence of a countable set of periodic motions in a neighborhood of ahomoclinic curve.Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 172:298–301, 1967.Soviet Math. Dokl. 8 (1967), 102–106.

S. Smale.Differentiable dynamical systems.Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 73:747–817, 1967.

K. J. Palmer.Shadowing in dynamical systems, volume 501 of Mathematics and itsApplications.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems

Compute a finite orbit segment

xn! , . . . , xn+

by solving aboundary value problem.Simplest case: periodic boundary conditions:

x =



$%& , !(x) =

'xn+1 % f(xn), n = n!, . . . , n+ % 1

xn! % xn+


Often successful: Rough initial guess for Newton’s method:

u0 = (!, . . . , !, g, !, . . . , !)T , e.g. g =



(in the Henon example.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems

Compute a finite orbit segment

xn! , . . . , xn+

by solving aboundary value problem.Simplest case: periodic boundary conditions:

x =



$%& , !(x) =

'xn+1 % f(xn), n = n!, . . . , n+ % 1

xn! % xn+


Alternative: Compute initial guess via approximations of stable andunstable manifolds.

R. K. Ghaziani, W. Govaerts, Y. A. Kuznetsov, and H. G. E. Meijer.Numerical continuation of connecting orbits of maps in MATLAB.J. Difference Equ. Appl., 15(8-9):849–875, 2009.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems

Example: Henon’s map:



'1 + y % ax2


(, typical parameters: a = 1.4, b = 0.3.

n! = %6, n+ = 6

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5







Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of homoclinic orbits in autonomous systems

✎ W.-J. Beyn, The numerical computation of connecting orbits in dynamicalsystems. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 10,379–405, 1990.

✎ W.-J. Beyn and J.-M. Kleinkauf, The numerical computation of homoclinicorbits for maps. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 34, 1207–1236, 1997.

✎ J.-M. Kleinkauf, Numerische Analyse tangentialer homokliner Orbits. PhDthesis, Universitat Bielefeld, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1998.

✎ Y. Zou and W.-J. Beyn, On manifolds of connecting orbits in discretizationsof dynamical systems. Nonlinear Anal. TMA, 52(5),1499–1520, 2003.

✎ W.-J. Beyn and Th. Huls. Error estimates for approximating non-hyperbolicheteroclinic orbits of maps. Numer. Math., 99(2):289–323, 2004.

✎ Th. Huls. Bifurcation of connecting orbits with one nonhyperbolic fixed pointfor maps. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 4(4):985–1007, 2005.

✎ W.-J. Beyn, Th. Huls, J.-M. Kleinkauf, and Y. Zou, Numerical analysis ofdegenerate connecting orbits for maps. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci.Engrg., 14, 3385–3407, 2004.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Non-autonomousanalog ofhomoclinicorbits

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Non-autonomous analog of a fixed point

Non-autonomous discrete time dynamical system

xn+1 = fn(xn), n # , fn family of smooth diffeomorphisms

autonomous vs. non-autonomous

fixed point ↔ bounded trajectory

! ! : !n+1 = fn(!n), n #

&!n& ' C (nJ. A. Langa, J. C. Robinson, and A. Suarez.Stability, instability, and bifurcation phenomena in non-autonomousdifferential equations.Nonlinearity, 15(3):887–903, 2002.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Non-autonomous analog of hyperbolicity

Non-autonomous discrete time dynamical system

xn+1 = fn(xn), n # , fn family of smooth diffeomorphisms

Hyperbolicity of

a fixed point ! ↔ a bounded trajectory !

Df(!)has The variational equation

no center eigenvalue un+1 = Dfn(!n)un, n #has an exponential dichotomy on .

A counterexample, showing that eigenvalues are meaningless for analyzingstability in non-autonomous systems was given by Vinograd (1952), cf.

F. Colonius and W. Kliemann.The dynamics of control.Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. Birkhauser Boston Inc.,Boston, MA, 2000.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Exponential dichotomy

Consider the linear difference equation

un+1 = Anun, n # , un # k , An # GL(k ; ). (1)

Solution operator of (1): "(n,m) :=


An!1 . . . Am for n > mI for n = m

A!1n . . . A!1

m!1 for n < m

DefinitionThe linear difference equation (1) has an exponential dichotomy withdata (K ,#,Ps

n ,Pun ) on J = [n!, n+] " if there exist

2 families of projectors Psn ,Pu

n , n # J, with Psn + Pu

n = I for all n # J andconstants K , # > 0, such that

P!n "(n,m) = "(n,m)P!

m (n,m # J, $ # {s, u},

&"(n,m)Psm& ' Ke!"(n!m)

&"(m, n)Pun& ' Ke!"(n!m) (n ) m, n,m # J.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Exponential dichotomy – Some references

W. A. Coppel.Dichotomies in Stability Theory.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978.Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 629.

D. Henry.Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.

K. J. Palmer.Exponential dichotomies, the shadowing lemma and transversal homoclinicpoints.In Dynamics reported, Vol. 1, pages 265–306. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1988.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Non-autonomous analog of a homoclinic orbit

Non-autonomous discrete time dynamical system

xn+1 = fn(xn), n # , fn family of smooth diffeomorphisms

autonomous vs. non-autonomous

homoclinic orbit ↔ homoclinic trajectories:

An orbit x that satisfies Two bounded trajectories x , !


limn#±$ xn = ! limn#±$ &xn % !n& = 0

Note that:

x is homoclinic to ! * ! is homoclinic to x

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Step 1

Approximation ofa bounded trajectory ! .

Step 2

Approximation ofa second trajectory xthat is homoclinic to ! .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


xn+1 = fn(xn), n #fn is generated by a parameter-dependent map

fn = f(·,%n), % sequence of parameters.


❶ Smoothness: f # $( k + , k ), f(·,%) diffeomorphism for all% # .

❷ There exists % # such that!n+1 = f(!n, %n), n #

has a bounded solution ! .❸ The variational equation

un+1 = Dx f(!n, %n)un, n #has an exponential dichotomy on .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories

Bounded trajectory !

Zero of the operator ! : X + ! X , defined as

!(! ,% ) :=,!n+1 % f(!n,%n)

-n" .

Space of bounded sequences on the discrete interval J

XJ :=

.uJ = (un)n"J # ( k)J : sup

n"J&un& < ,


Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories

LemmaAssume❶ –❸.Then there exist two neighborhoods U(% ) and V(! ), such that

!(! ,% ) = 0

has for all % # U(% ) a unique solution ! # V(! ).

LemmaAssume❶ –❸.Then there exist two neighborhoods U(% ) and V(! ), such that

un+1 = Dxf(xn,%n)un, n #

has an exponential dichotomy on for any sequence x # V(! ),% # U(% ). The dichotomy constants are independent of the specificsequence x .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories

Aim: Numerical approximations of a bounded solution of

!n+1 = f(!n,%n) on the finite interval J = [n!, n+].

Problem!J = (!n)n"J depends on %n, n # J, but also on %n, n /# J.

n! n+


FortunatelyThe influence of %n, n /# J decays exponentially fast towards the middleof the interval J.Thus, numerical approximations with high accuracy can be achieved.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Similar observation in autonomous systems

P. Diamond, P. Kloeden, V. Kozyakin, and A. Pokrovskii.Expansivity of semi-hyperbolic Lipschitz mappings.Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 51(2):301–308, 1995.K. J. Palmer.Shadowing in dynamical systems, volume 501 of Mathematics and itsApplications.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories

TheoremAssume❶ –❸.Let J = [n!, n+] be a finite interval and U(% ), V(! ) as stated above.

Choose % , µ # U(% )

such that %n = µn for n # J.µ


JDenote by ! , & # V(! ) the bounded solutions w.r.t. % and µ .Thenthere exist constants C, # > 0 that do not depend on % and µ , such that

&!n%&n& ' C0e!"(n!n!) + e!"(n+!n)


n! n+

holds for all n # J.Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Proof (&!n % &n& ' C,e!!(n!n!) + e!!(n+!n)

-, where %n = µn, n # J = [n!, n+])

!n+1 = f(!n,%n), &n+1 = f(&n, µn), d := & %! , h := µ %% .

dn+1 = f(!n + dn,%n + hn) % f(!n,%n)

= f(!n + dn,%n) +

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn % f(!n,%n)

= f(!n,%n) +

2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' dn


2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn % f(!n,%n)


2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' dn +

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn

= Andn + rnwhere

An =

2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' rn =

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Proof (&!n % &n& ' C,e!!(n!n!) + e!!(n+!n)

-, where %n = µn, n # J = [n!, n+])

An =

2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' rn =

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn

By assumption❸

un+1 = Dxf(!n, %n)un, n #

has an exponential dichotomy on .

Due to the Roughness-Theorem and our construction of neighborhoods,

un+1 = Anun, n #

has an exponential dichotomy on with data (K ,#,Psn ,Pu

n ).

Solution operator: "(n,m), i.e. un = "(n,m)umThorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Proof (&!n % &n& ' C,e!!(n!n!) + e!!(n+!n)

-, where %n = µn, n # J = [n!, n+])

An =

2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' rn =

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn

Unique bounded solution of un+1 = Anun + rn on :

un =3

m"G(n,m + 1)rm,

where G is Green’s function, defined as

G(n,m) =


m, n ) m,%"(n,m)Pu

m, n < m.


&G(n,m)& = &"(n,m)Psm& ' Ke!"(n!m), for n ) m,

&G(n,m)& = &"(n,m)Pum& ' Ke!"(m!n), for n < m.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Proof (&!n % &n& ' C,e!!(n!n!) + e!!(n+!n)

-, where %n = µn, n # J = [n!, n+])

An =

2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' rn =

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn

un =3

m"G(n,m+1)rm, &G(n,m)& =


m& ' Ke!!(n!m), n ) m,

&"(n,m)Pum& ' Ke!!(m!n), n < m.

&un& 'n!!13

m=!$&G(n,m + 1)rm& +



&G(n,m + 1)rm&


m=!$RKe!"(n!m!1) +





1 % e!"

0e!"(n!n!) + e!"(n+!n+2)

1, n # J.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Proof (&!n % &n& ' C,e!!(n!n!) + e!!(n+!n)

-, where %n = µn, n # J = [n!, n+])

An =

2 1

0Dx f(!n + 'dn,%n)d' rn =

2 1

0D#f(!n + dn,%n + 'hn)d' hn

un+1 = Anun + rn, n # (2)

&un& ' RK1 % e!"

0e!"(n!n!) + e!"(n+!n+2)

1, n # J.

d = ! % & is the unique bounded solution of (2), thus

&dn& = &!n % &n& ' C0e!"(n!n!) + e!"(n+!n)

1, n # J.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories

! : zero of the operator ! : X + ! X

!(! ,% ) :=,!n+1 % f(!n,%n)

-n" .

Finite approximation zJ on J = [n!, n+] "

!J(zJ , %J) :=0,zn+1 % f(zn, %n)

-n"[n!,n+!1], b(zn! , zn+)

1= 0

with periodic boundary operator b(zn! , zn+) := zn! % zn+ .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories

For all parameter sequences that coincide on J,we get the same numerical approximation.




Thus, we choose µn = const for all n /# J.



Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories with constant tails

!J(zJ , %J) :=0,zn+1 % f(zn, %n)

-n"[n!,n+!1], b(zn! , zn+)

1= 0


There exist sequence µ # U(% ) with solution & # V(! ) andµ # , & # k such that


µn = limn#!$

µn =: µ and limn#+$

&n = limn#!$

&n =: &.

TheoremAssume❶ –❹.Then constants (, N, C > 0 exist, such that !J(zJ , µJ) = 0, with periodicboundary conditions, has a unique solution

zJ # B$(&J) for J = [n!, n+], %n!, n+ ) N.

Approximation error:&&J % zJ& ' C&&n! % &n+&.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of bounded trajectories with tolerance !






-J1 : &!J % &J& ' !2

if %n = µn, n # J1

choose µn = µ forn /# J1-I : &&I % zI& ' !

2where !I(zI) = 0

For n # J we get

&!n % zn&' &!n % &n&+&&n % zn&' !

2 + !2 = #

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Numerical experiments:

Computation of bounded trajectories

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Example: Computation of bounded trajectories

Henon’s map

x .! h(x,%, b) =

'1 + x2 % %x21



Fix b = 0.3 and choose % # [1, 2] at random.

Non-autonomous difference equation

xn+1 = h(xn,%n, b), n # .

M. Henon.A two-dimensional mapping with a strange attractor.Comm. Math. Phys., 50(1):69–77, 1976.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Example: Computation of bounded trajectories

Solutions of !J = 0 on J = [%40, 40] for two sequences %J that coincideon [-20,20].

−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 400.5




−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 401







Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Example: Computation of bounded trajectories on J = [%150, 150]

Given a sequence %J # [1, 2]J with corresponding solution !J .Let µJ # [1, 2]J such that %n = µn for n # [%100, 100] and solution &J .

−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 15010−16










n! n+n! n+

dn = &!n % &n&, n # J for10 different sequences µJ .

Interval where dn ' #

n! =4n! + | log!|



n+ =6n+ % | log!|



#± dichotomy constants,

# = 10!16.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Example: Computation of bounded trajectories on J = [%20, 20]

Choose a buffer interval [n!, n+] such that we get an accurateapproximation on [%20, 20]:

n! =

8n! % | log#|


9= %40 and n+ =

:n+ +

| log#|#+

;= 74.

−40 −20 0 20 40 600.45








−20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 200.45









n!n! n+n+n! n+

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Step 1 (done)

Approximation ofa bounded trajectory ! .

Step 2

Approximation ofa second trajectory xthat is homoclinic to ! .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Homoclinic trajectories


❺ Let % as in ❷. A solution x of

xn+1 = f(xn, %n), n #

exists, that is homoclinic to ! and non-trivial, i.e. x /= ! .❻ The trajectory x is transversal, i.e.

un+1 = Dxf(xn, %n)un, n # for u # X 01 u = 0.

LemmaAssume❶ –❻. Then the difference equation

un+1 = Dx f(xn, %n)un, n # .

has an exponential dichotomy on .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Homoclinic trajectories

x is homoclinic to !

if and only if

y defined as

yn = xn % !n

is a homoclinic orbit of

yn+1 = g(yn, %n) := f(yn + !n, %n) % !n+1 n #w.r.t. the fixed point 0.

The f and g-system are topologically equivalent due to the kinematictransformation, cf.

B. Aulbach and T. Wanner.Invariant foliations and decoupling of non-autonomous difference equations.J. Difference Equ. Appl., 9(5):459–472, 2003.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of homoclinic trajectories

gn(y) := f(y + !n, %n) % !n+1, yn+1 = gn(yn), gn(0) = 0, n # .


!J(yJ) :=0,yn+1 % gn(yn)

-n"[n!,n+!1], yn! % yn+

1= 0

with periodic boundary conditions.Assumptions❼ Denote by Ps

n ,Pun the dichotomy projectors of

un+1 = Df(!n, %n)un, n # .

Assume for all sufficiently large %n!, n+:


n+)) > ", for a 0 < " <



Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Approximation of homoclinic trajectories

gn(y) := f(y + !n, %n) % !n+1, yn+1 = gn(yn), gn(0) = 0, n # .

TheoremAssume❶ –❽.Then there exist constants (, N, C > 0, such that!J(yJ) = 0, with projection boundary conditions, has a unique solution

yJ # B$(yJ) for all J = [n!, n+],

where %n!, n+ ) N.Approximation error: &yJ % yJ& ' C&yn! % yn+&.

Th. Huls.Homoclinic orbits of non-autonomous maps and their approximation.J. Difference Equ. Appl., 12(11):1103–1126, 2006.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Numerical experiments:

Computation of homoclinic trajectories(a) for the Henon system,(b) for a predator-prey model.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Henon system: Computation of homoclinic trajectories

Homoclinic orbit of the transformed system

yn+1 = h(yn + !n,%n, b) % !n+1, n # J, h : Henon’s map



20 −1.5











Homoclinic orbit w.r.t. the fixed point 0.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Henon system: Computation of homoclinic trajectories

Homoclinic trajectoriesLet xn = yn + !n, n # J.Then xJ and !J are two homoclinic trajectories.



20 −1









−20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20−1








n n

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Predator-prey model: Computation of homoclinic trajectories

Predator-prey model



<xn exp

0a01 % xn


1% byn


cxn,1 % exp(%byn)


, n # .

xn prey at time n,yn predator at time n,Kn carrying capacity,

a = 7,b = 0.2,c = 2.

J. R. Beddington, C. A. Free, and J. H. Lawton.Dynamic complexity in predator-prey models framed in difference equations.Nature, 255(5503):58–60, 1975.

J. D. Murray.Mathematical biology. I, volume 17 of Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics.Springer-Verlag, New York, third edition, 2002.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Predator-prey model: Computation of homoclinic trajectories



<xn exp

0a01 % xn


1% byn


cxn,1 % exp(%byn)


, n # .

Kn = 10 + µ · rn, rn # [% 12 ,

12 ] uniformly distributed, µ # [0, 1].











Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


Some remarksand

extended results

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Remarks: Invariant fiber bundles

Stable and unstable fiber bundles are the non-autonomous generalizati-on of stable and unstable manifolds:$ : solution operator of xn+1 = fn(xn),

Ss0(! ) =>x # k : lim

m#$&$(m, 0)(x) % !m& = 0


Su0(! ) =

.x # k : lim

m#!$&$(m, 0)(x) % !m& = 0


Approximation results:C. Potzsche and M. Rasmussen.Taylor approximation of invariant fiber bundles for non-autonomousdifference equations.Nonlinear Anal., 60(7):1303–1330, 2005.

Let x be a homoclinic trajectory w.r.t. ! . Then

x0 # Ss0(! ) " Su0 (! ).

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Heteroclinic trajectories

Autonomous world: Heteroclinic orbit.Let !+ and !! two fixed points.A trajectory x is heteroclinic w.r.t. !±, if


xn = !!, limn#$

xn = !+.

Non-autonomous analog: Heteroclinic trajectories.Let !! be a trajectory that is bounded in backward time, andlet !+ be a trajectory that is bounded in forward time.A trajectory x is heteroclinic w.r.t. !±, if


&xn % !!n & = 0, lim

n#$&xn % !+

n & = 0.

Th. Huls and Y. Zou.On computing heteroclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps.Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 17(1):79–99, 2012.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Heteroclinic trajectories






Ss0(x )

Su0(x )

Problem: Families of semi-bounded trajectories exist.Separate one semi-bounded trajectory by posing an initial condition.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Heteroclinic trajectories

One achieves accurate approximations of semi-bounded and heteroclinictrajectories, by solving appropriate boundary value problems.

n! n+

n1! n1+n2! n2+

approximation of x

approximation of !! approximation of !+

Boundary operator:

b(xn! , xn+) =


!(xn! % !!n!)

YT+(xn+ % !!



Y!: base of R(Pun!)%, Y+: base of R(Ps


Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Computation of dichotomy projectors

Fix N # and compute PsN as follows:

For each i = 1, . . . , k solve for n #

uin+1 = Anuin + (n,N!1ei , n # , An = Dfn(!±n )

ei : i-th unit vector, ( : Kronecker symbol.

Unique bounded solution for n # :

uin = G(n,N)ei , G(n,N) =


N , n ) N,%"(n,N)Pu

N , n < N.

ThusuiN = G(N,N)ei = Ps

Nei .

ThereforePsN =

,u1N u2N . . . ukN


Finite approximations can be achieved since errors decay exponentiallyfast towards the midpoint.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Computation of dichotomy projectors

Error estimates for approximate dichotomy projectors:Th. Huls.Numerical computation of dichotomy rates and projectors in discrete time.Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 12(1):109–131, 2009.

Extended results:Th. Huls.Computing Sacker-Sell spectra in discrete time dynamical systems.SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 48(6):2043–2064, 2010.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Example: Heteroclinic trajectories

Discrete time model for two competing species x and y :



< snxnxn+yn


=, r = 4, sn = 2 + 1

5 sin(15n)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.50









znY. Kang and H. Smith.Global Dynamics of aDiscrete Two-speciesLottery-RickerCompetition Model.Journal of BiologicalDynamics 6(2):358-376,2012.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps

Homoclinic and heteroclinic trajectories





Ss0(x ) Su0(x )

Heteroclinic trajectories: !+, !! and x .If Ss0(x ) and Su0(x ) intersect transversally, we find homoclinictrajectories x , z .

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


We derive approximation results for homoclinic (and heteroclinic)trajectories via boundary value problems.Justification: Due to our hyperbolicity assumptions, errors onfinite intervals decay exponentially fast toward the midpoint.One can verify these hyperbolicity assumption, using techniques thathave been introduced, for example, in:

L. Dieci, C. Elia, and E. Van Vleck.Exponential dichotomy on the real line: SVD and QR methods.J. Differential Equations, 248(2):287–308, 2010.Th. Huls.Computing Sacker-Sell spectra in discrete time dynamical systems.SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 48(6):2043–2064, 2010.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps


The exponential decay of error enables accurate computation ofcovariant vectors:

G. Froyland, Th. Huls, G.P. Morriss and Th.M. Watson.Computing covariant vectors, Lyapunov vectors, Oseledets vectors,and dichotomy projectors: a comparative numerical study.arXiv:1204.0871, 2012.

Thorsten Huls (Bielefeld University) ICDEA 2012 Homoclinic trajectories of non-autonomous maps