Home | Toronto Catholic District School Board · 2018. 1. 8. · Lamb of God, you take away the...


Transcript of Home | Toronto Catholic District School Board · 2018. 1. 8. · Lamb of God, you take away the...

  • Introductory Prayer

    Jesus was kind and forgiving.

    He said good things about

    people and He never fought

    with anyone. This is what a

    peacemaker is. Jesus wants

    us to be like hime and be

    peacemakers too.

  • ENTRANCE HYMN(Prayer of St. Francis)

    Make me a channel of your peace

    Where there is hatred let me

    bring your love

    Where there is injury your pardon


    And where there's doubt true

    faith in you1 of 6

  • Make me a channel of your


    Where there's despair in life let

    me bring hope

    Where there is darkness only


    And where there's sadness ever


    2 of 6

  • Oh Master grant that I may

    never seek

    So much to be consoled as to


    To be understood as to


    To be loved as to love with all

    my soul

    3 of 6

  • Make me a channel of your


    It is in pardoning that we are


    In giving of ourselves that we


    And in dying that we're born to

    eternal life4 of 6

  • Oh Master grant that I may

    never seek

    So much to be consoled as to


    To be understood as to


    To be loved as to love with all

    my soul5 of 6

  • Make me a channel of your


    Where there is hatred let me

    bring your love

    Where there is injury your

    pardon Lord

    And where there's doubt true

    faith in you6 of 6

  • And with your spirit.

  • I confess to almighty God

    and to you, my brothers and sisters,

    That I have greatly sinned,

    In my thoughts and in my words, in what I

    have done and in what I have failed to do,

    Through my fault, through my fault,

    Through my most grievous fault;

    Therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,

    All the angels and saints,

    And you, my brothers and sisters,

    To pray for me to the Lord, our God.

  • Lord have mercy.

    Christ have mercy.

    Lord have mercy.


    (A reading from The Ephesians)

    Thanks be to God.

  • Response:

    Jesus, you teach us



    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

  • And with your spirit.


    (Matthew 11:28-30)

    Glory to you,

    O Lord.

  • Praise to you,

    Lord Jesus Christ.


    Jesus, help us to

    be peacemakers !

  • Offeratory HYMN(Prayer of Peace)

    Peace before us, peace behind us,

    peace under our feet Peace within

    us, peace over us, let all around us

    be peace

    Love before us, love behind us,

    love under our feet Love within us,

    love over us, let all around us be

    love 1 of 4

  • Light before us, light behind

    us, light under our feet Light

    within us, light over us, let all

    around us be light

    Christ before us, Christ behind

    us, Christ under our feet

    Christ within us, Christ over

    us, let all around us be Christ2 of 4

  • Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

    3 of 4

  • 4 of 4

    Peace before us, peace behind

    us, peace under our feet Peace

    within us, peace over us, let all

    around us be peace

    Love before us, love behind us,

    love under our feet Love within

    us, love over us, let all around

    us be love

  • May the Lord accept this

    sacrifice at your hands, for

    the praise and glory of his

    name, for our good,

    and the good of all his holy


  • And with your spirit.

    We lift them up to the


    It is right and just.

  • Holy, Holy, Holy

    Lord God of hosts.

    Heaven and earth are full of

    Your glory.

    Hosanna in the highest.

  • Blessed is he who comes

    In the name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest.

  • When we eat this Bread

    and drink this Cup,

    We proclaim your

    Death, O Lord,

    Until you come again.

  • Our Father who art in heaven,

    hallowed be thy name.

    Thy kingdom come.

    Thy will be done, on earth as it is

    in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread.

    And forgive us our trespasses, as

    we forgive those who trespass

    against us.

    And lead us not into temptation.

    But deliver us from evil.

  • For the Kingdom,

    the power and the

    glory are yours,

    now and forever.

  • And with your spirit.

  • Lamb of God, you take away the

    sins of the world, have mercy on


    Lamb of God, you take away the

    sins of the world, have mercy on


    Lamb of God, you take away the

    sins of the world, grant us


  • Lord, I am not worthy

    that you should enter under

    my roof,

    But only say the word,

    and my soul shall be healed.

  • Communion

  • 1st Communion HYMN(Let There Be Peace On Earth)

    Let there be peace on earth

    And let it begin with me

    Let there be peace on earth

    The peace that was meant to


    1 of 4

  • With God as our Father

    Brothers and sisters are we

    Let us walk with each other

    In perfect harmony

    2 of 4

  • Let peace begin with me

    Let this be the moment now

    With every step I take

    Let this be my solemn vow

    3 of 4

  • To take each moment and

    live each moment

    In peace eternally

    Let there be peace on earth

    And let it begin with me

    4 of 4

  • 2nd COMMUNION HYMN(Amazing Grace)

    Amazing grace how sweet the


    That saved a wretch like me

    I once was lost but now am


    Was blind but now I see1

  • 'Twas grace that taught my

    heart to fear

    And grace my fears relieved

    How precious did that grace


    The hour I first believed


  • Through many dangers toils

    and snares

    I have already come

    'Tis grace hath brought me

    safe thus far

    And grace will lead me home


  • The Lord has promised good

    to me

    His word my hope secures

    He will my shield and portion


    As long as life endures


  • Yea, when this flesh and

    heart shall fail

    And mortal life shall cease

    I shall possess within the


    A life of joy and peace


  • When we've been there ten

    thousand years

    Bright shining as the sun

    We've no less days to sing

    God's praise

    Than when we first begun


  • And with your spirit.

  • Amen.

  • Thanks be to God.

  • Recessional

  • Closing HYMN(City of God)

    Awake from your slumber

    Arise from your sleep

    A new day is dawning

    For all those who weep…

    The people in darkness

    Have seen a great light

    The Lord of our longing

    Has conquered the night

    1 of 6

  • Refrain:

    Let us build the city of God

    May our tears be turned into


    For the Lord, the Light and

    our Love

    Has turned the night into day

    2 of 6

  • We are sons of the morning

    We are daughters of day

    The One Who has loved us

    Has brightened our way…

    The Lord of all kindness

    Has called us to be

    A light for His people

    To set their hearts free

    3 of 6

  • Refrain:

    Let us build the city of God

    May our tears be turned into


    For the Lord, the Light and

    our Love

    Has turned the night into day

    4 of 6

  • O city of gladness

    Now lift up your voice

    Proclaim the good tidings

    That all may rejoice

    5 of 6

  • Refrain:

    Let us build the city of God

    May our tears be turned into


    For the Lord, the Light and

    our Love

    Has turned the night into day

    6 of 6

  • Ms. Carr

    Mr. Stock