Home Remedies for Herpes That Work

Home Remedies for Herpes that Work! God has truly blessed us with many powerful home remedies for herpes, but what a vicious virus this is! So many ways to get it. Kissing, hugging, having sex, all someone has to do is touch a cold sore and then touch your face! So many varieties. Oral herpes, genital herpes, ocular Herpes, Herpes Zoster (shingles) and more. So many places to break out: on the lips, on the genitals, in the brain, in the eyes, in the mouth, in the nose, even all over the body. So much pain, embarrassment, anxiety, and depression. DESPAIR NOT! THERE ARE ANSWERS! Here is the single most important thing you need to know about herpes: the herpes virus is anaerobic (cannot live in an oxygen rich environment). This has to do with the pH balance within your body. Blood pH is a measurement that gauges whether your body is an acidic state (bad) or an alkaline/oxygenated state (good). Your body has an ideal pH level of about 7.3 to 7.4. Most of us consume too many acid-producing foods like meats, pasta, breads, and sugars, throwing our bodies into a constant state of trying to eliminate acidic waste while keeping the all- important blood pH to its slightly alkaline level. Since the



Transcript of Home Remedies for Herpes That Work

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Home Remedies for Herpes that Work!

God has truly blessed us with many powerful home remedies for herpes, but what a vicious virus this is! So many ways to get it. Kissing, hugging, having sex, all someone has to do is touch a cold sore and then touch your face! So many varieties. Oral herpes, genital herpes, ocular Herpes, Herpes Zoster (shingles) and more. So many places to break out: on the lips, on the genitals, in the brain, in the eyes, in the mouth, in the nose, even all over the body. So much pain, embarrassment, anxiety, and depression.


Here is the single most important thing you need to know about herpes: the herpes virus is anaerobic (cannot live in an oxygen rich environment). This has to do with the pH balance within your body. Blood pH is a measurement that gauges whether your body is an acidic state (bad) or an alkaline/oxygenated state (good). Your body has an ideal pH level of about 7.3 to 7.4.

Most of us consume too many acid-producing foods like meats, pasta, breads, and sugars, throwing our bodies into a constant state of trying to eliminate acidic waste while keeping the all-important blood pH to its slightly alkaline level. Since the herpes virus

cannot live in an alkaline/oxygenated environment, if you build your immune system and alkalize your diet, cutting down on sweets and other acidic foods, you may very well never have another herpes outbreak. Eaating the correct foods is one of the most important home remedies for herpes. Below is a chart that lists foods that are both alkaline and low on the glycemic index (not too sweet).

Sprouted grains /Grapes/Pears/Sprouted grain bread/ Spelt/Buckwheat/Cherries/Peaches/Stevia/Oranges/Yams/Apples/Carrot juice/Apricots/Carrots/Grapefruit/Cauliflower/Strawberries/Eggplant/Lemon/Garlic/Lime/Onions/Pomegranate/Tomatoes/Coconut

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milk/Sprouts/Sesame seeds/All Green veggies/Chicory (sweetener)/Black eyed peas/Lentils/Navy beans/Butter beans/Garbanzo beans/Adzuki beans/Mung beans/Soybeans/Tofu

If you do have an outbreak, here's how to get rid of it quickly: First, eat only the foods listed on the chart or better yet, don't eat anything at all for a day or two which will free up your body's chi (basic life force) for healing as opposed to digestion. Fix smoothies and cold soups which are important home remedies for herpes. Click here for recipes. Drink lots of pure water.

In no other disease, is it more necessary to step outside the box in your healing approach and utilize the various home remedies for herpes. This can be scary, but it is absolutely necessary. If not, there is little chance of permanent healing. This is because conventional treatments are so toxic and so damaging to the immune system.

Under no circumstances, should you eat any of these during an outbreak (and keep them down to a dull roar the rest of the time): chocolate, chicken, turkey, corn, dairy products, sugar, nuts, fast food, junk food. These foods will prevent healing and make matters worse.

The main enemy is sugar which I spell C-R-A-C-K. Shooting you up and then dropping you down, sugar is responsible for a great deal of suffering on every level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. On the physical level, sugar, more than anything else, keeps the body in an acidic state, creating an internal environment that invites and nurtures bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and many other enemies of health. On the mental/emotional levels, sugar is responsible for depression, bi-polar disorder, insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity and more.

Mostly, it is refined white sugar that is responsible, but some natural sweeteners such as agave, honey and natural maple syrup, while not as destructive as refined sugar, will also acidify the body and create problems. Stay away from these as much as possible. The best sweeteners are stevia (a green plant) and coconut sugar/nectar.

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What this means is that what you eat will either feed the herpes or it will starve the herpes. In order to heal, you must create an oxygen rich alkaline environment within your body. When you do this, the herpes virus cannot survive. Oxygenating the body is one of the most important home remedies for herpes.

HEALING AN OUTBREAK WITH HOME REMEDIES FOR HERPES: Every 6 hours: PowerUp, Virattack herbal extract from Herb Pharm and Quantum Super Lysine Plus Liquid in juice or water. Apply DMSO cream from Never An Outbreak.com 2-3 times/day. These folks have a powerful herpes protocol which is extremely effective in healing and preventing outbreaks. Avoid stress, overwork, lack of sleep and acidic foods. Avoid strenuous exercise which creates large amounts of lactic acid.

PREVENTING AN OUTBREAK WITH HOME REMEDIES FOR HERPES: Once the outbreak is over, use PowerUp, Super Lysine Plus Liquid and Oxygen Force drops from Never An Outbreak.com (will oxygenate your blood) at least once a day in juice or water. Try to eat as many alkaline foods as possible. Diet should be at least 60% alkaline. Remember, it's also important to eat foods that are not just alkaline, but also low on the glycemic index and vice versa. Beets, for example, are highly alkaline, but they are also high on the glycemic index. Peanuts are low on the glycemic index but are highly acidic.

If you want to be well, you must change your diet, you must drink your health drink and you must take your herbal home remedies for herpes. You must eliminate foods and drinks rich in sugar or high fructose corn syrup. This includes soft drinks, table sugar, alcohol, candy and concentrated sweet fruit drinks.

One thing is for sure: if you want to heal, you must shop in the health food store, because practically every processed food in the supermarket has sugar in it.

But even at the health food store, you must read labels. Beware of evaporated cane juice, it is sugar and it's in most everything, even at the health food store. But you will find things there that are processed without sugar. You just have to make sure that you read labels. It's all about effort.

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Fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains should form the basis of your daily diet. As with everyone, fruit in the morning to get everything moving and salad in the evening with lots of fresh garlic and onion (important home remedies for herpes). This is where the nutrients are, in the fresh, uncooked fruits and veggies. In fact, raw foods are important home remedies for herpes. If you must have cooked foods, they should consist primarily of whole grains and legumes. See the Healthy Diets and Recipes pages. These foods are high in fiber which lowers blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full and satisfied which helps control sweet cravings. So these healthy foods are in and of themselves effective home remedies for herpes.

Here are my three home remedies for herpes. All three should be in place for healing to be permanent and complete:

health and energy drink for herpes healing herbs for herpes (see below) a whole foods diet for herpes

Healing Herbs for Herpes

Since herpes involves the immune system, my Immune Tea should be consumed on a regular basis.

Immune Building Tea

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1 part Echinacea Augustifolia

1/2 part Cat's Claw

1/2 part Pau D'arco

1/2 part Astragalus root

Immune Building Potion

Gaia Herbs

Astragalus Supreme

Echinacea Supreme

Herb Pharm

Virattack Compound

There are several other ways to utilize these herbal home remedies for cancer. Click here and scroll down for guidelines on preparation and utilization.

Reminder: the key to healing herpes lies in immune building.

Additional Types of Home Remedies for Herpes:


There is no more powerful medicine than the juice of fresh squeezed fruits and vegetables.

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Here is a powerful immune building juice recipe:

Immune Builder

2 carrots

bunch of parsley

2 stalks celery

1/2 clove garlic

Sweet juices such as grape, apple, pear, carrot or beet juice, should be half diluted with water or mixed with other juices such as celery.

Additional useful juices are:

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brussel sprouts

string beans




If you use any of these juices for your PowerUp health and energy drink, you’ll be flyin’ I call this the double whammy. See Juicing page for triple whammy and additional guidelines on juicing.

Reminder: When you undertake a holistic protocol for a particular ailment, the remedies will have side benefits such as increased energy and other improvements in overall well being.


On the bottom of the foot, the adrenal areas are located in the middle of the foot approximately one inch from the inner edge. Massage

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this spot with your thumb using a small circular motion for five minutes a day on each foot.

You may have to press down kinda hard and wiggleyour thumb around till you find the point. You’ll know you’vefound it when you feel a twinge of pain (sorry).

Click here and scroll down for chart.


By far the most effective remedy for any type of herpes outbreak is Rhus Toxicodendron 200c. The 200c strength is not available everywhere, but you should order it here and keep it on hand in case an outbreak happens.Take as directed on package.

See homeopathy section.


Inhale a blend of a few drops each of basil, bergamot and eucalyptus.

See aromatherapy section.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER FROM RECURRING HERPES OUTBREAKS!There is no doubt that having herpes can present a serious challenge, but in order to have a long, healthy life, it is necessary to do most of the things on this page anyway. As you implement these home remedies for herpes, you will heal other problems as well.

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And you will be incorporating a diet and lifestyle that is necessary for ongoing well being, herpes or not.

Please visit our Healing Forum for support, encouragement, inspiration and personalized assistance for your health challenges. Otherwise, contact me and I will assist you.

Health and Energy Drink

Healing Herbs

Whole Foods

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Let's Define Homeopathy

Let's define homeopathy. Homeopathy is a powerful healing art that can provide immediate, dramatic relief for injuries, trauma and chronic disease.

At the turn of the century, there were thousands of homeopathic physicians, pharmacies and hospitals throughout the country.

But conventional medicine was hostile towards homeopathy and waged a campaign to define homeopathy as useless quackery. Determined to wipe it out, the American Medical Association was founded largely to accomplish that end, and they pretty much succeeded here in America.

But since the art originated in Europe, it remained in use there. Most pharmacies in Europe have carried and continue to carry homeopathy remedies

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Many physicians in Europe incorporate homeopathy remedies into their practices and take the time to define homeopathy to their patients.

As interest in alternative medicine grows, interest in homeopathy remedies has been rekindled and we can once again define homeopathy as the low cost, safe effective natural healing system it is.

Let's further define homeopathy. There are three basic principles involved:

Basic Principles:

1.To bring about healing, we should not suppress the symptoms of a disease. Instead, we should administer a remedy which would, if given to healthy people in large doses, cause the same symptoms as the disease. By stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms, the remedy assists the body in its innate self healing process.

2.The patient, not the illness, is the focus. Homeopathy recognizes that a human being is a single unit and reacts to illness on all levels, not as a "throat" or a "gall bladder" or a "stomach."

3. It is possible to increase the healing power of a medicine and reduce its toxic effects at the same time. The remedies arediluted and shaken in a special way (dilution and succession).The more a remedy is diluted and shaken, the greater itspotency.

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Made from all natural ingredients, homeopathy remedies contain no synthetic drugs; and since only tiny quantities are needed to stimulate the body's defenses, they are administered in the smallest possible doses. They are remarkably free of side effects of any kind and are among the safest preparations known to medical science.

I must stress here that while homeopathy is powerful medicine, this type of alternative medicine must be utilized as an adjunct to my basic three part healing protocol: health and energy drink, healing herbs, and a whole foods diet.

Natural healing is a multi-modal proposition. No single therapy by itself is powerful enough to work on its own. It's the SYNERGY that's created by blending the various alternative components into powerful holistic protocols that does the trick.

Let's define homeopathy even further and get more specific.Most homeopathy remedies come in the form of tiny pellets to be dissolved slowly under the tongue (sub-lingually). They are absorbed into the system immediately and therefore provide instantaneous, often dramatic relief. There are also liquids and ointments/gels that are applied topically with similar results.


Skin problems: Urtica Urens, Alumina, Rhuss Tox, Silicea. Sulphur, Apis Mellifica

Injuries, strains, sprains, fractures, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Arnica Montana, both pellets (200ck potency)and cream. Arnica is significantly more effective when both the pellets and cream are used together. Also, Calcerea Phosphorica, Phosphorus

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Pain, headaches, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia: Arnica Montana, Antimonium Trataricum, Belladonna, Chinchona, natrum Sulphuricum Veratrum Album, Aconitum Napellus, Calcerea Carbonica.

Digestive Problems: Carbo vegetabalis, Calcerea Carbonica, Nux Vomica, Byronia Alba, Lycopodium Clavatum, Arsenicum Album, Chinchona, Echinacea Augustifolia, Sulphur.

Cold, Flu, Sinus, hay fever, allergies, lung problems, sore throat: Antimonium Tartaricum, Bryonia Alba, Allium Cepa, Belladonna, Acontum Napellus, Drosera Rotundifolia, Ipecacuanha, Phosphorous, Arsenicum Album, Silicea, Kali Brochromicum, Echinacea Augustifolia.Arthritis/Rheumatism:Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Calcerea Phosphoria, Colocynthis

Female Problems: Sepia, Cocculus Indicus, Caulophyllum Thalictroides, Calcerea Carbonica, Chamomilla, Sabina.

Now let's define homeopathy in terms of daily use. In order for homeopathic remedies to be effective, no food or drink except water should be taken within 15 minutes of taking the remedy. Also there are certain foods such as coffee and peppermint that will neutralize the remedy and should be avoided when using homeopathy remedies.

For most conditions, the 30c potency is recommended, except for arnica in which case I recommend the 200ck potency. 6x and 12x are weaker potencies that will work, but will take longer. Generally, it's best to follow the directions on the tube

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for dosage and frequency.

When there is a severe problem, follow the directions for "acute." With homeopathy remedies, less is definitely more. Do not take significantly more than what's recommended on the bottle or your symptoms could worsen. Be patient. By the way, these remedies are quite inexpensive, about $6.00 per tube.

So how do we define homeopathy? Homeopathy remedies are important holistic tools that constitute safe and inexpensive sub-lingual and topical remedies for relief from trauma and long term health issues.

Reflexology Tools

Benefits of Fasting

Magnetic Therapy Benefits

How Does Aromatherapy Work?

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How Does Aromatherapy Work?

How does aromatherapy work? By giving the body the tools it needs to heal itself.

The body can heal itself, but it must have the tools to do the job. We know that the body is self healing because if you cut your hand and do nothing more than keep that cut clean, it will heal.

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So just how does aromatherapy work? Through the ingestion of the essential oils of healing plants and herbs, the body is stimulated into a healing mode because essential oils contain chemical components that can exert specific effects on the mind and body.

Since these oils are generally too strong and concentrated to be ingested orally, they are usually inhaled through the nose or applied to the skin. Both of these methods allow the oils to enter the bloodstream. At this point, they begin their medicinal work and the body experiences the many benefits of aromatherapy.

Basic Approaches:

There are several ways that essential oils can be absorbed into the system.

1. Massage Oils: Create an aromatherapy body lotion. There is nothing quite like an aromatherapy body massage.

2.Aromatherapy bath recipes and aromatherapy soap

3.You can simply rub the oils into your hands (may need to dilute with a little almond oil) and inhale.

4.Aromatherapy inhalers, aromatherapy diffusers, aromatherapyoil burners, aromatherapy air fresheners, and aromatherapy vaporizers. There are even aromatherapy spas where you can experience the ultimate in aromatherapy benefits.

I use aromatherapy daily, especially while driving. I have an inexpensive diffuser that I plug into my lighter socket. I use peppermint to keep me awake and alert and I use eucalyptus and orange when I'm stuck in traffic to detox auto exhaust, etc. I also use aromatherapy at home and at work, especially lavender for relaxation and staying calm. Just breathing in the vapors from a few drops on my hands is enough to get results.

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You can institute homemade aromatherapy and create your own aromatherapy recipes or you can purchase prepared blends to address your particular health issues.

Most Popular:

1. lavender oil or a blend of lavender with other relaxing oils such as chamomile will relax you and help with any sleep disorders you may be experiencing.

2. Lemon offers refreshment and will support strong mental focus and concentration.

3. Jasmine has uplifting qualities.

4. chamomile is not only calming, but helps with digestion and is antibacterial and anslgesic.

5. Geranium is antiseptic, diuretic and helps with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

6. Rose is anti-depressant, antiseptic and anti=spasmodic as well as spiritually uplifting.

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7. Neroli is relaxing with sedative properties.

8. Sandalwood is helpful for skin disorders, cystitis, has aphrodisiac qualities and is frequently used for meditation.

9. Eucalyptus will help relieve congestion.

These are but a few of the myriad uses for essential oils as there are over 150 oils, each with multiple applications.

There are aromatherapy resources and remedies recommended for every ailment we cover. Just click on the particular condition and you will find it's appropriate aromatherapy remedy.

I must stress here that while aromatherapy is powerful medicine, this type of alternative medicine must be utilized as an adjunct to my basic three part healing protocol: health and energy drink, healing herbs, and a whole foods diet.

Natural healing is a multi-modal proposition. No single therapy by itself is powerful enough to work on its own. It's the SYNERGY that's created by blending the various alternative components into powerful holistic protocols that does the trick.

Again, how does aromatherapy work and just how effective is it? By utilizing the healing properties of the essential oils contained in the healing plants and herbs, you can experience healing that is just as effective as drinking a cup of herbal tea or juicing some carrots and beets or taking a daily health drink, although it should not be substituted for any of these. Just try a few of these remedies and you will be convinced of their healing properties.