Hire and Inspire - Graduate eBook

Hire and Inspire Are your Graduate Programmes Delivering?

Transcript of Hire and Inspire - Graduate eBook

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Hire and Inspire

Are your Graduate

Programmes Delivering?

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Market Dynamics Are Changing


Students graduate each year

1 in 4 graduates are likely

To leave their employer

within 12 months

1 in 4 graduates get more

than 3 offers

Graduate vacancies that

remain unfilled



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Competition for graduates is fierce. But

even when you think you’ve found the

right graduates, chances are things will

still go wrong.

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Graduates Are Struggling to Find the Right Jobs

3 in 4 graduates don’t understand

the role before applying

2 in 3 regret accepting the job

offer when in the role

1 in 5 apply for jobs that don’t

match their interests

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By rethinking your approach, you can

take the first steps towards building a

workforce inspired to succeed.

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What is Your Employer Value Proposition Saying to Graduates


Graduates who choose an employer

based on brand and reputation

of employer brand budget is spent on

research and measuring YET



Employers with a poor EVP pay

a 21% premium for graduate talent

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Graduates value opportunities

to learn, develop and grow.

Help graduates make the

decision to want to come

and work for you.

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What is Your Strategy for Securing the Right Talent

Do you need a buy strategy?

Investment in ‘academic

stars’ from the best universities

Or will a buy-and-build strategy give you

greater returns?

Identify strong graduates and provide

development upfront to close the

skills gaps

The odds of finding these graduates

1 in 15 Buy Strategy

1 in 2 Buy-and-build


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Make sure your graduate strategy links

potential to real employability.

Make the right talent decision that will

deliver the greatest returns.

A buy-and-build strategy increases

your odds of success 7 fold.


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Find Out More in Our New eBook

Hire and Inspire: A New Approach to Graduate Recruitment

Download the eBook


© 2014 SHL Talent Measurement, a part of CEB. All rights reserved.

Discover what really makes a great graduate hire and

what new strategies you can adopt to revolutionise your

graduate programmes.

The source of all research: CEB Graduate Talent Report 2014: Driving New Success Strategies in Graduate Recruitment

Additional sources: 1 OECD 2012 - 25-34 year-olds with a tertiary degree across OECD and G20 countries (2010) 2 AGR 2014 - Graduate employers report unfilled vacancies (UK)