Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To...

Higher Close Reading Evaluation

Transcript of Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To...

Page 1: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Higher Close Reading


Page 2: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Three Types of Question…

‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective…

‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is an example, illustration or anecdote effective…

The evaluation of the merits of both passages in the paper…

Page 3: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Effectiveness of a Technique

Many evaluation questions require you to analyse because you cannot discuss how effective a technique is without analysing it first.

Page 4: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Worked Example

“The UK is not a group of nations swamped by a tidal wave of immigration. Relatively speaking, Europe contends with a trickle of refugees compared with countries who border areas of famine, desperate poverty, or violent political upheaval.”

Q: Discuss how effective you find the writer’s use of imagery in these lines in making her point clear. You may refer in your answer to one or more examples.

- You are free to argue that the image is effective or ineffective.- But you must justify your opinion by analysing the use of imagery.

Hint: it’s usually harder to argue why you find something ineffective!

Page 5: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Worked Example - AnswerThe imagery of ‘swamped’, ‘tidal wave’ and ‘trickle’ are effective in helping to illustrate the point the writer is making: that in fact there are very few immigrants or refugees. The connotations of ‘tidal wave’ and ‘swamped’ are to do with a mass of water rushing with unstoppable force onto the land and drowning it as if the number of immigrants is so great that the people of Britain will be overwhelmed and unable to withstand the force of the impact, which is not true. By contrast ‘trickle of refugees’ suggests a very small volume of water, having minimal effect on the landscape, like the refugees who are so few in number as to be almost unnoticeable. The images of ‘tidal wave’ and ‘trickle’ are exaggerated enough to convince the reader of the rightness of the writer’s point that the UK is not in danger.

Can you identify the analysis?Can you identify the evaluative statements?

Page 6: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.


Now have a go at Example 2 on page 89 of ‘How to Pass Higher English’

No cheating please!

Page 7: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Effectiveness of an example / illustration / anecdote or conclusion

When thinking about how to answer this type of question, you must consider the example the author has used and relate it to the argument they are making.

Again, you are free to argue that it is effective or ineffective but must back up your thoughts...

Page 8: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Worked Example

According to Steven Hall, ‘One moment we could be basking in a Mediterranean climate and the next icebergs could be floating down the English channel.’ It would take just one quarter of 1% more fresh water flowing in tot eh North Atlantic from melting Arctic glaciers to bring the northwards flow of the Gulf Stream to a halt.

And in August this year, a tremor of apprehension ran through the scientific committee when the Russian ice-breaker Yamal, on a tourist cruise of the Arctic, muscled its way through the unusually thin ice to the North Pole to find itself sailing serenely into an astonishingly clear blue sea. It was the first time the effects of global warming has been seen so far North.

Q: In the context of global warming, how effective do you find the writer’s anecdote about the Yamal?

Page 9: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Worked Example: Answer

The story about the Yamal brings vividly home to the reader that this event could not have happened if the effects of global warming were not already well established. The contrast between ‘muscling’ and the unexpected serenity of the sea clearly emphasises the shocking extent of global warming. It backs up Steve Hall’s point that the disaster situation is closer than you think.

- Can you identify the analysis?

- Can you identify the evaluative statements?

Page 10: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.


Now have a go at the passage and question on page 90 of ‘How to Pass Higher English.

Page 11: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

The Question on Both Passages…

This question quite often puts fear into even the most confident ‘Close Reader’.

It will usually be worth 4 or 5 marks and is worth spending a lot of time on.

You have to think of it as a ‘mini essay’ and the length of your answer needs to reflect this.

You may get asked to examine the style, ideas or a combination of both.

Page 12: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Example 1

Which of the two passages did you find more persuasive.

Justify your answer by referring closely to the style and/or ideas of both passages.

Page 13: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Persuasive This word has to appear more than once. Any ideas you explore must relate back to how well you were persuaded.

Justify You have to provide evidence for your point of view.

Referring closely to…

Evidence must be drawn from the words of the passages. You must quote or make reference to the passage in your answer.

Style and/or ideas

Style covers everything you did on Analysis

Ideas covers the content or arguments in both passages.

Both Passages You have to answer by referring to both passages and cannot get full marks if you don’t.

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Sometimes you are not given a specific list of techniques to comment on – in this case you’ll need to decide which techniques you think were most effective.At other times you are given specific techniques to consider.If the question says ‘such features as’ then the techniques are a guide only. You’re not forced to deal with these, although you’d be strongly advised to do so.

Page 15: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

2006 Higher Paper

As a practice, your teacher will have given you the 2006 Higher Past Paper.

Before completing the final question, have a look at the following answers and decide which marks you would give them and why.

Page 16: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

The ‘question on both passages’ was worth 4 marks.The question asks you to refer to specific lines.Adding up ticks isn’t appropriate here. The marking guidelines state:

4 Marks clear understanding of both styles; sensible references; evaluative comment is reasonably convincing.

3 Marks understanding of both styles; adequate references; appropriate evaluative comment.

2 Marks some understanding of style; limited reference; at least one discernible evaluative comment.

1 Mark one or two relevant but unconvincing comments.

0 Marks entirely irrelevant or inappropriate comments.

All example are as the candidate wrote them… mistakes included!

Page 17: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Example 1

I find the style of Passage one more effective in capturing my interest. I found the more serious, documented style of passage one with its statistical analysis of the problem (“World Health Organisation labelled obesity as an epidemic in 20000”) more effective that the more relaxed style of passage two which did not convey the seriousness of the problem. “dangerous fat is swamping the nation”. The structure of passage one was more effective in my mind by first identifying the paradox that whilst mankind has out-engineered starvation, there are new problems and then moving subject matter from agricultural advances to obesity. I prefer this style of setting up the background of obesity to the way Passage two begins with a personal anecdote over the government’s desire to remove obesity from schools. I found the word choice of Passage one effective at conveying the scale of the obesity problem, describing it as a “plague”, reinforcing the terrible widespread consequence of it rather the passage two advocating the attempts of some to gain weight “You can be fat, fit and healthy.” Therefore I found the style of passage one more effective in capturing my interest.

Page 18: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Example 1

Your Mark? Actual Mark? 3


There are plenty of references to both passages and they do express a clear preference for one.

It only gets three because its questionable if passage two is relaxed as the quotations chosen do not reflect this.

Also, the last part on word-choice is weak.

Page 19: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Example 2

Passage 1 takes a more relaxed tone towards obesity showing how it is not completely mankind’s fault. Mankind merely solved one problem and obesity is an unforeseen consequence.

“the consequence of prosperity is a new plague that brings with it a host of interesting dilemmas”

This statement echoes the writer’s relaxed approach to obesity by using the word “interesting”. However, passage 2 is very uptight about the matter. The writer takes a defensive position on obesity. Short sentences and pointing out ne of the “hottest” men in the world Brad Pitt as being overweight. This is to try and make the point that obesity is a word used by companies in order to sell cures for it. Both passages use their style well but Passage 1 with its more relaxed tine makes it a more effective read as it is easy going and not forcing the writer’s opinion down your throat – thought the writer’s view is still there.

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Example 2

Your Mark? Actual Mark? 0


There is no attempt to justify their opinion bar mere quotation. There’s no sense of analysing the passages at all.

The reference to Brad Pitt is sound, but it is outwith the lines they’ve been asked to deal with. Be careful with this in every aspect of Close Reading.

Page 21: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Example 3Writer one writes in a style that relies on facts and statistics, juxtaposition of the ideas of lack and plenty, and the negative effects of obesity. Writer two uses an anecdote of her son’s school to illustrate her points and writes in a way that questions the intentions of those “helping” to tackle the obesity problem. She also encourages the reader to go against the idea of obesity being a massive negative issue. In my opinion writer one has been more successful in capturing my interest as he includes more persuasive information and fact.

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Example 3

Your Mark? Actual Mark? 1


Very basic answer. It demonstrates some understanding but there’s only one very basic evaluative comment.

Style isn’t really dealt with at all.

Page 23: Higher Close Reading Evaluation. Three Types of Question… ‘How effective do you find’ or ‘To what extent’ is a technique effective… ‘How effective do.

Example 4

I find the style of passage 2 more effective in capturing my interest. The style of passage one is a little more formal, it tries to emphasise the importance of its argument through being official and statistical, eg “according to the UN … fell from 920m to 799m” and “Since the World Health Organisation…” Although this may give the article more weight in terms of a scientific review of the situation and supports the writer’s argument, it does not capture my interest as well as the more personal, informal tone of the second Passage. Indeed the second passage is rather more polemic and didactic in its approach, demonising the drug companies of the USA. Although this mat well be inaccurate and/or exaggerated, it is certainly effective in engaging me. As the writer appears to be talking from personal experience and uses examples of school which are easy to identify with given my own school’s healthy eating policy it engages the reader on a personal level. The tone of the second passage is more effective in capturing my interest in that it is slightly more colloquial and informal, eg “They weren’t just food, but food plus attitude”. The sarcastic tone adopted in reference to the American anti-obesity schemes further engages the reader, capitalising on the contemporary anti-American persuasion of many. The second passage’s style is more involved in that it presents the problem of obesity on a local and personal level making it more accessible. The first passage is not overly formal, but it feels rather more distanced from the reader and on a rather more worldwide level making it more difficult to identify with the issues raised.

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Example 4

Your Mark? Actual Mark? 4


“Gives it more weight” is the evaluative stance which is very strong throughout. There’s also a link to their own experience which demonstrates clear understanding of the issues.

This answer is rigorous and thorough.