[Here is an English translation of “The Nuremberg Laws · 11/05/2017 · [Here is an English...


Transcript of [Here is an English translation of “The Nuremberg Laws · 11/05/2017 · [Here is an English...

[Here is an English translation of “The Nuremberg Laws” chart of 1935. I believe the Nuremberg Laws will prove to be a very useful model in the

future in deciding who can live in White countries and under what conditions. The laws would apply not only to jews but also other non-

Whites — KATANA.]




Chart in English

May 11, 2017.

[Add. Image (click to enlarge) — English Translation of the chart with the title, “Die Nurnberger Gesetze” (Nuremberg Race Laws).

Here’s an extract from the post Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part

12 – The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together … on The Nuremberg Laws.

The Nuremberg Laws — 1935 Meanwhile, Hitler proceeded with his program to reduce the influence and control of Jews in Germany and to marginalize them as a race. The Nuremberg Laws, which changed the legal status of Jews in Germany, became the law of the land on September 15, 1935 soon after they were presented to the German people in a Speech by Hitler at the annual Nazi Nuremberg Rally.

[Add. Image (click to enlarge) — Chart with the title, “Die Nurnberger Gesetze” (Nuremberg Race Laws). Complex chart used to aid Germans in

understanding the Nuremberg Race Laws. White circles represent Aryan Germans, black circles represent Jews, and partially shaded circles represent

“mixed raced” individuals.]

The Nuremberg Laws consisted of two laws; (1) “The Law of the Reich Citizen,” and (2) “The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.”

The first law stripped Jews of their German citizenship and made them “subjects of the Reich,” that is, legal residents in Germany, but not citizens. Only those with German blood could be citizens of the Reich. The second law forbade marriage or sexual relations between Jews and those of German blood, or even the employment of German women (under age 45) in Jewish households. [1] The stated purpose of the law was to protect the purity of German blood, which was deemed necessary to preserve the German race.

[Add. Image — A Hitler Youth instructor explains the Nuremberg racial purity laws to a class of teenaged boys.]

Jews were no longer allowed to vote or to hold public office since they were no longer citizens. Their movements and activities inside Germany were restricted, and a large red J was stamped on their passports. The Nuremberg laws caused Jews to want to leave Germany for friendlier shores, which is precisely what Germany wanted them to do. It should be pointed out, however, that the Jews were never actually forced to leave Germany until well after World War II began, and a great many Jews remained in Germany, unmolested, throughout the war.

These laws had the unexpected result of generating a lot of confusion and heated debate among Nazi bureaucrats as to how a Jew should be defined because there were a great many people with mixed blood. The Nazis settled on defining a “full Jew” as a person with three Jewish grandparents. A mixed Jew or Mischlinge was defined in two degrees.

The first degree Mischlinge had two Jewish grandparents, while the second degree Mischlinge had only one grandparent. Mischlinges who practiced Judaism were considered full Jews. Full Jews were subject to the full extent of the law, while Mischlinges were subjected to the law in lesser degrees, depending on their degree of Jewishness. Mischlinge civil servants as well those in some other jobs were allowed to stay on.



[1] Here is an except from:

THE RIDDLE OF THE JEW’S SUCCESS : XVI – The Influence of the Jew Upon Womankind

It describes how, in jewish businesses and households that employed young German women, the jewish males very often preyed upon those female for sex.

"[Page 256]

The thousands of girls who, year in and year out, come to their ruin in Jewish business-houses and in Jewish families, could provide terrible evidence that the honest admission, quoted above, is founded upon fact. Certainly the objection is justified, that employers and people in positions of authority, who are not Jews, frequently abuse their position in the same shameful manner; but in all cases of this nature a characteristic difference always distinguishes those cases, where the culprit is a Jew, from those where he is not. And this difference lies in

the attitude, which Jewish women take up towards such conduct on the part of their men-folk.

When confronted with the complaint of a servant-girl, that the “master” or “young master”, is annoying her with his attentions, a German married-woman will, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, prepare a very bad time indeed for the men of her household, and will replace the girl by one less dangerous. It is far otherwise with the Jewish wife or mother. She not only shows herself “tolerant” to her growing-up son, but overlooks as well the weaknesses of her husband, and actually assists him to attain his object — thus following the example of Sarah — by advising the girl, in her own interests, to yield to the desire of her pursuer.

In one particular instance, the words were repeated to me, with which a rich married Jewish woman received and disposed of the complaint of her pretty housemaid, that the master of the house was persecuting her with his attentions. Smiling almost sympathetically, and with a goodwill, which had something motherly about it, the mistress of the house spoke to the girl:

“What a foolish child you are! You are young, and you are pretty; if you leave and go into another house, there will be men there also, and they will also pursue you with the same object. And if you again leave your place and go to another, it will be the same there as well. Men are like that; a pretty girl is never free frompursuit. And at last you will yield. — Be sensible, and remain here; my husband is rich and can pay you well!”*


* It is well known to the inhabitants in Berlin, that, in consideration of a special payment, many registry offices for servants dispatch all good-

looking country-girls, who apply to them for situations, exclusively to Jewish households.


[Page 257]

In the case mentioned above, the girl possessed character enough to at once take her departure, but how few others would be strong enough to resist such plausible argument and insidious temptation? They fall victims to the Jews, and preserve silence concerning their shame. Moreover, the Jew is astute enough to flatter the vanity of the girl by timely presents and liberal treatment, so that those who have fallen, after they have once lost the first sense of disgrace, find little difficulty in speaking in glowing terms of their Jewish employers.

This story may surprise some readers on account of the peculiar attitude assumed by the Jewish married-woman, but this fact is nothing new to anyone acquainted with the circumstances; and, quite apart from the Talmudic perception, to which attention has already been called above, this behaviour arises out of another and absolutely materialistic frame of mind.

The Jewess knows only too well, that her lascivious husband will not be satisfied with intercourse with only one woman. Accordingly he will seek opportunities away from home. This, however, is generally expensive, and carries, moreover, dangers in its train — not the least of which are those affecting health. The astute, saving Jewess reasons thus with herself: a healthy servant-girl, who is paid a few thalers more than the usual wages, and who receives an occasional present in addition, is the cheapest expedient for appeasing the lewdness of the husband: and, of course, danger of infection is greatly reduced."


Version History & NotesVersion 2: Nov 6, 2017 — Added except from The Riddle of the Jews

Success on jews preying upon young German women employed by them.

Version 1: Published May 11, 2017__________________

PDF Notes

* Total words = 1,446* Total images = 4* Total pages = 12


Knowledge is Power in Our Struggle for Racial Survival

(Information that should be shared with as many of our people as possible — do your part to counter Jewish control of the mainstream media — pass it

on and spread the word) … Val Koinen at KOINEN’S CORNER

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