Here is an EFT Tapping to Help You Get Started Right No1

Here is an EFT Tapping to help you get started right now. Karate Chop: Even though I’ve been feeling alone, and I didn’t know how to change that, I’m open to finding a new way of connecting and interacting with people. Even though I thought I had to be pretty or handsome or strong or different somehow, what if I can connect with people just as I am? Even though I thought I had to learn how to fake it, maybe I could just be me, and have people love me! Top of the Head: I’ve been lonely. Eyebrow: I thought there was something wrong with me. Side of the Eye: I thought I had to be different. Under the Eye: I thought if I looked better, they would want me. Under the Nose: What if the right people have been wanting me all along? Chin: And they just couldn’t see me behind my shell? Collarbone: What if the warmth I long for is on the other side? Under the Arm: What if it’s surprisingly simple! Top of the Head: I just didn’t know how. Eyebrow: No one taught me the skills. Side of the Eye: They didn’t know how either! Under the Eye: I’ve been hiding in my shell… Under the Nose: From the very thing I’ve been longing for. Chin: I want loving connection. Collarbone: I want deep intimacy. Under the Arm: And I didn’t know how to create it. Top of the Head: I choose to venture out of my shell now. Eyebrow: I choose to connect with people in new, powerful ways. Side of the Eye: I get to have safe, healthy boundaries… Under the Eye: But I don’t need to hide. Under the Nose: I get to say no… Chin: So I don’t have to pretend. Collarbone: What if I can just be me…



Transcript of Here is an EFT Tapping to Help You Get Started Right No1

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Here is an EFT Tapping to help you get started right now.

Karate Chop: Even though I’ve been feeling alone, and I didn’t know how to change that, I’m open to finding a new way of connecting and interacting with people.

Even though I thought I had to be pretty or handsome or strong or different somehow, what if I can connect with people just as I am?

Even though I thought I had to learn how to fake it, maybe I could just be me, and have people love me!

Top of the Head: I’ve been lonely.Eyebrow: I thought there was something wrong with me.Side of the Eye: I thought I had to be different.Under the Eye: I thought if I looked better, they would want me.Under the Nose: What if the right people have been wanting me all along?Chin: And they just couldn’t see me behind my shell?Collarbone: What if the warmth I long for is on the other side?Under the Arm: What if it’s surprisingly simple!

Top of the Head: I just didn’t know how.Eyebrow: No one taught me the skills.Side of the Eye: They didn’t know how either!Under the Eye: I’ve been hiding in my shell…Under the Nose: From the very thing I’ve been longing for.Chin: I want loving connection.Collarbone: I want deep intimacy.Under the Arm: And I didn’t know how to create it.

Top of the Head: I choose to venture out of my shell now.Eyebrow: I choose to connect with people in new, powerful ways.Side of the Eye: I get to have safe, healthy boundaries…Under the Eye: But I don’t need to hide.Under the Nose: I get to say no…Chin: So I don’t have to pretend.Collarbone: What if I can just be me…Under the Arm: And get the love I long for?Top of the Head: And share the love that is in my heart.

Take a deep breath.

It wasn’t safe for many of us to be vulnerable. We learned to protect ourselves. And yet that very protection may not be needed now AND may be blocking what we want most.

As children we didn’t have power. We often weren’t taught how to connect deeply and authentically. And we can put aside those old protective mechanisms that no longer work… and

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find new connection. You probably don’t walk around with a binkie or a pacifier anymore, but some of your “rules” are probably just as outdated.

Tapping to Open Your Heart: It’s so easy to let your heart close. Hurts and slights, big and small, add up. And all those disappointments that wrench your heart and make you feel like it’s better to never reach out at all…

We build up walls and end up lonely and afraid rather than empowered and deeply loved.

That shutdown feeling can be especially intense around Valentine’s Day. There are so many expectations. Lots of “shoulds” about relationships and value. If you were a good girlfriend / wife / boyfriend / husband / lover you would do / get / give / feel _____.

Millions of dollars are spent on advertising diamond rings, fancy dinners, new cars, chocolate, and lingerie. According to ABC News the average person spends $126 on their partner – buying flowers, cards, and gifts. And last year, people spent $1.8 billion (with a B) on flowers.

It’s easy to feel hurt, neglected or unloved if you’re not part of the show… and even if you are. Whatever stories you have from your childhood can come up and smack you on the back of your head:

- I’m not lovable

- I’m not good enough

- I’ll never find love

- It won’t ever be good enough

What belief is coming up for you around love and Valentine’s? ____________________________

It can help a lot to ask yourself, “How old is this belief?”

When we think it’s all about here and now, the intensity can feel overwhelming, and we can feel trapped in the belief.

Most of us formed our beliefs before we were 6. What heartbreak or disappointment did you have back then? If you could release it, how would you be different in the world?

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Let’s do some tapping! (Learn about EFT Tapping here:

Karate Chop: Even though I have this belief… and I learned it long ago… I’ve come a long way, and it might be safe to release this now.

Even though I’ve been scared and shut down. I’m afraid to face this disappointment, it hurt so very much back then…I’m a lot stronger now, and maybe it’s safe to open my heart and love again.

Even though I can’t live up to the standards I see on TV…I didn’t get/give a diamond necklace and a new car… that isn’t real life and I don’t have to be that to be “lovable”!

Top of the Head: I want to feel as good as the actors on TV.Eyebrow: I want to have the magic they have.Side of the Eye: It hurts not to be a special as that.Under the Eye: I want to know I deserve that!Under the Nose: And when I don’t get it…Chin: I feel inadequate and wrong.Collarbone: My heart hurts.Under the Arm: I want to cry.

Top of the Head: The truth is…Eyebrow: They are just actors.Side of the Eye: They have to give back the necklace…Under the Eye: And the car.Under the Nose: And they can’t even eat the chocolate.Chin: Poor actors!Collarbone: I want real love.Under the Arm: And it’s safe to open up and allow it.

Top of the Head: I’ve been scared to allow that warmth.Eyebrow: I didn’t want to let anyone close.Side of the Eye: Then they’d see I didn’t measure up.Under the Eye: But what if they want ME?Under the Nose: Just as I am?Chin: And not some model.Collarbone: I can release my fears…Under the Arm: And open my heart.Top of the Head: It’s time to create my own magic… and lots of love.

Take a deep breath.

The more we practice being open and loving, the easier it gets. Practice with your family and friends, and find others who want to create that, too. That’s

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one of the reasons we love our group coaching program so much… the deep love and connection we all find there. Please join us!