Herbert Schirmer Ecounter With UFO

Herbert Schirmer Please give this page a few moments to download December 3, 1967 Herbert Schirmer An American newspaper, reports on the Herbert Schirmer sighting that was later found to involve 1

Transcript of Herbert Schirmer Ecounter With UFO

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Herbert Schirmer 

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December 3, 1967


Herbert Schirmer


  An American newspaper, reports on the Herbert Schirmer sighting that was later found to involve

contact with aliens, who gave him significant


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Ashland Officer Makes

Routine Report On UFO

By MILAN WALLStar Staff Writer

Ashland - "2:30 a.m. - saw UFO at Hwy - Believe it or not."

That entry in the "Officers Daily Activity Report" was all Ashland police officer Herbert Schirmer said about the early Sunday morning incident until Ashland police chief William Wlaschin questioned Schirmer about the report Monday."I was coming down a hill to Highway 63," stated Schirmer, "when I thought I saw a truck as I glanced to the road."

Football Shape UFO

Schirmer then related that he stopped within about 40 feet of a football-shaped object that was hovering about eight feet above the ground between two traffic signs on Highway 63 south of Ashland.

"When I first came upon it, the lights were still," Schirmer said. "But then I flashed my lights at it and the red lights inside the object started going on and off."The Ashland officer described the craft as having a surface like polished aluminium that reflected his cruiser's headlights. He estimated the UFO's width to be about 20 feet and said it appeared to be about 10 to 14 feet high.


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Photo of witness pointing to where he saw UFO


HummingSchirmer said the object made a humming noise, rose about 50 feet into the air, emitting a huge red-orange beam of light and then disappeared, making a "noise like a pulsating siren.""There was no smell, smoke or exhaust," noted Schirmer.The Ashland officer also said the craft appeared to have a "catwalk" running around it, above which were what appeared to be portholes. He said the flashing red lights seemed to come from inside the object.



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Mr.Schirmer's sketch of the craft.

Molten MetalSchirmer said after the object disappeared he surveyed the area with a flashlight but could find nothing. On Tuesday, however, Chief Wlaschin found a small, thin piece of what appeared to be molten metal at the scene.Wlaschin said he planned to have the piece of metal examined. Wlaschin also noted he planned a lie detector test for Schirmer in the near future."I know him (Schirmer) well enough," emphasized Wlaschin, "and he doesn't report anything he doesn't see."




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Upper level and control panel of UFO (tv-like screen in middle & computers) - sketch by Schirmer


Mothership seen by Schirmer in a view screen- drawing by witness


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The next galaxy to ours is the Andromeda galaxy


Whether you believe or not, his story is a fascinating one. Schirmer had been taken aboard an unidentified flying object .  This is his description:

"On the left side of the space visitor's head was a small antenna. The skin on his face was of a grey color. His nose was long and flat and his mouth was narrow and slit like. His eyes looked like cat's eyes...

"Then he spoke, saying: Are you the watchman of this town? I said: Yes sir, I am. He spoke again, saying: Watchman, come with me."

So began the UFO experience of Herb Schirmer, now 30, who was a policeman, and later police chief, at the town of


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Ashland, Nebraska.  The date: Dec. 3, 1967.

Some townspeople hanged Schirmer in effigy as an expression that they didn't believe him. Tires were slashed and a windshield broken on his car.

"I would give somebody a traffic ticket and they would look at me and laugh, and tear up the ticket. What could I do?, said Schirmer in an interview at his home in Point Roberts.

He didn't last long as police chief, and quit. He has held other law enforcement jobs, including a job in a private security force in Oregon. When word reached his employers of his UFO experience, he was told to move on.

Despite ridicule, Schirmer has stuck with his story since 1967, and feels he is ready to begin telling it to the public.

"There might be a lot of people who have similar experiences who are afraid to admit it," he said.

The UFO encounter was brief in Schirmer's memory, about 25-minutes. With friends, he has attempted to duplicate the sounds the spacecraft made through the use of a sound synthesizer. And he is putting his memories on tape at an inexpensive homebuilt sound studio in Point Roberts.

When Schirmer first saw the ufo in 1967 it had a red-orange glow on the bottom of the craft, and he saw a hatch open. "It was then that a shape of a man came out and walked over to the front of the patrol car. Then a second man came out of the craft and walked over to the car. The first man stood in front of the patrol car and, holding a small box-like object, pressed something. A green mist came out, spraying all over the patrol car. "The other man walked over to the driver's side of the patrol car and reaching inside, pressed a silver object against my neck, directly under my left ear. I felt a tingling sensation go through my whole body."

It was then that the grey-skinned man addressed Schirmer


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as "watchman of the town."

The grey-skinned man told Schirmer how the craft operated, showed him the power source and computers, and answered questions on the purpose of the craft's visit.

Among the answers: The craft landed to extract power from a nearby hydro transmission line. 'He said: Look watchman. And I saw a blue bolt of light. through a port hole. It was like a beam and it hit the transformer on a power pole approximately 200 feet from the craft. There was a bright flash of fire and the blue bolt came back to the craft.

"Then the man said that one of the reasons they landed was to extract electricity from power stations. He also said that they have been observing us for a long time."

One of the men also told the patrolman that spacecraft would visit him again twice in his lifetime. "If I were some kind of kook I would be saying that I had a visit last week, but it isn't true. I never saw anything again."

He saw a room circled with cannister-shaped objects, with wires connecting them. In the middle of the room was an object, glowing red, like a spinning football.

Schirmer said he was conveyed, by a glass elevator, to another level of the craft and saw a TV-like screen which the spaceman manipulated. He showed Schirmer what his own solar system "in a galaxy next to yours," looked like, and saw pictures of the craft's mother ship on the screen.

By the screen, he said, was a map of a sun with six planets "with writing beside each planet. The language was one that I could not read."

Schirmer says he is not a church-goer, but looks to a Bible quote as a source of comfort that he is not going crazy. It's from Ezekiel, Chap. 1.

"And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the


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north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it ... out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man."


A drawing made by Schirmer indicates the beings look similar to humans, and not like the "Gray" type often linked with more recent abduction accounts.

Herbert Schirmer was returned to his car, then watched as the craft flew away.  Without doubt, his encounter on December 3, 1967 changed his life forever. 

Schirmer saw four space visitors and talked to two of them, and hopes that others who have seen similar beings will not

be afraid to talk about them.


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