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HEALTHIER EATING MY PYRAMID NUTRIENTS CHOICES OF FOOD KEYS TO HEATHIER EATING (NOTE: THIS POWERPOINT IS MEANT TO BE VIEWED BY STUDENTS WHO DOWNLOAD IT FROM THE SUPPLEMENTAL WEBSITE. Exciting graphics and word transitions Do not usually appear) In addition, If viewed in a whole class, some text will be too small and to much to copy Slide 2 The Food Guide Pyramid and Nutrients This power point will help students to meet the following objectives: Examine My pyramid and Categorize foods into appropriate category Define nutrient and explain the 6 essential nutrients Identify foods the body needs more of and the body needs less of Slide 3 The Foods You Choose The foods you eat enable your body to grow and function properly. Eating fulfills the bodys physical needs. It can also satisfy emotional and social needs. Nutrition is the process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health. Slide 4 Influences on Food Choices Many factors influence food choices: Personal taste Geography Family, friends, and cultural background Advertising Cost Convenience Education -aka-How do I know what to eat Slide 5 The Food Guide Pyramid Slide 6 Using the Pyramid to Meet Your Needs The Pyramid shows the suggested amount of daily servings from each of the five major food groups. The number of servings that is right for you will depend on the amount of energy that you need each day. Factors such as your age, gender, and how active you are affect your energy needs and usage See the video on the website or in class Concerning my pyramid Slide 7 NUTRIENTS There are 6 main groups of nutrients 1)Carbohydrates 2) Protein 3) Fats 4)Vitamins 5)Minerals 6)Water Anything else that enters the body is a chemical and or drug that is usually not needed Slide 8 CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates provide energy and are divided into 2 sub- groups: starches and sugars Starches are complex carbohydrates which are good and are found in whole grain rice, pasta, breads, potatoes, beans, and corn. Sugars are simple carbohydrates and occur naturally in milk, fruit, and honey and are also added many foods and drinks. Generally speaking..whole grains good sugars, not so good Note: white grains like white bread and pasta are simple carbs Slide 9 PROTIEN Proteins are nutrients used to repair body cells and tissues. 1/3 of all cells in the body are made from different proteins. Proteins also provide much needed good energy. Foods that provide protein include foods from animal sources, such as meat, dairy products, and eggs but, these foods also contain a lot of fat (see next slide) Plant foods have some proteins. Eating a variety of plant foods, such as beans and nuts can help give the body healthy protein. Slide 10 FATS Fats are nutrients that supply energy, keep the skin healthy, transport certain vitamins through the body, and help build cell membranes. Stored fat help to provide protection and temperature regulation. Some fat is good for you but not too much. There are 3 types of fats Saturated fats are fats that are solid at room temperature. Examples include butter; stick margarine; and the fats in meat, poultry, and dairy products. Eating large amounts of foods high in saturated fats increases the risk of heart disease as well as other diseases Unsaturated fats are fats that are liquid at room temperature. They come mainly from plant sources. Foods with mostly unsaturated fats include vegetable oils, nuts, olives and avocados and are generally more healthy for you Trans-Fats are fats that are the most un-healthy for you. They are found in foods that are chemically altered to change from a liquid to a solid like margarine and some oils that solidify. Slide 11 Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins are substances that help to regulate the bodys functions. Vitamins may be water- soluble or fat-soluble. Water soluble vitamins must be replaced every day while fat soluble vitamins can be stored if you dont eat enough of them Water soluble vitamins include C, and all B Vitamins. Fat soluble Vitamins include A, D, E and K. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamins A and C. Whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals supply B vitamins. Milk is a good source of vitamin D and the B vitamin riboflavin. Minerals are nutrients that strengthen bones and teeth and help body systems to work properly. Calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium are minerals that help build and renew the bones. Milk is a rich source of calcium and phosphorous. Iron is needed for making red blood cells. Meat, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, fruits, and dry beans supply iron. Potassium, sodium, and chloride help maintain the bodys balance of fluids. Sodium comes from salt and is found in many packaged foods. Slide 12 WATER = H20 Water is simply ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE 2/3 of most cells are made of water. It helps with digestion, carries other nutrients throughout the body, removes waste from the body, and regulates body temperature among other functions. Without water, the body would not be able to function. Most people should drink eight to ten 8oz glasses of water every day (64-80 ounces). Slide 13 FIBER In addition: although not a nutrient itself, fiber is a needed part of any diet. Fiber helps move wastes out of your system (poop), and may also prevent some diseases. Foods high in fiber include grains, fruits and vegetables Slide 14 KEYS TO REMEMBER PORTIONS: Eat a little bit of a lot of stuff Speed: Slower eating makes it easier for your body to digest Slide 15 KEYS TO REMEMBER (cont) Many of the foods you eat have ingredients from two or more food groups. Because no single food or food group supplies all the nutrients, it is a good idea to eat a variety of foods from every group over time. Note: Foods that are high in sugars and fats are generally low in other nutrients but high in Calories Eating a Variety of Foods Slide 16 WATER + Breakfast TO START DAY When you wake up, drink at 80z of fresh water. Then Eat a good size healthy breakfast to give your body a fresh supply of energy. Include complex carbohydrates and some protein Limit sugar and extra fat Add vitamin-C rich foods or calcium-rich foods to your breakfast to provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. KEYS TO REMEMBER (continued) Slide 17 BREAK+FAST = Breakfast You wake up from 6-8 hours of sleep. When was the last time you ate? Your body is in a natural Fasting period SO BREAK THE FAST and eat BREAKFAST!!!! Slide 18 Eat Nutritious Snacks between meals Many snack foods are high in calories, fat, salt, and/or sugar, but are low in nutrients. ALSO.. Slide 19 Nutritious Snacks (contd.) The snacks you eat give you energy and a chance to fit in the nutrients you may miss during the day. Satisfy your hunger by choosing snack foods that combine grain products, fruits, vegetables, and dairy foods. Try some of these nutritious snacks: Fatty, salty, sugary snacks are ok sometimes but rememberthe key word is SOMETIMES Slide 20 An eating plan must include foods low in Saturated Fat, Trans Fat and Cholesterol Saturated fats raise the bodys level of cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Trans fats cause free radicals in your blood which can lead to cancer Keep your overall fat intake to no more than 30 percent of daily calories. Avoid consuming too much fat. Slide 21 Foods containing sugars promote tooth decay. extra sugar can not be used by body and is stored as fat If a products ingredient list includes words such as corn syrup, sucrose, or dextrose, the food is likely to be high in added sugars. Avoid consuming too much sugar. Slide 22 Avoid consuming too much salt. Your body needs only a small amount of sodium. Too much sodium may increase the risk of high blood pressure and decrease the amount of calcium in your body, weakening your bones. To cut down on salt, choose low-sodium foods, use herbs and spices to season foods, and go easy on salty snacks. RARELY add salt to food already cooked Slide 23 Reading a Nutrition Facts Panel Slide 24 READING A LABEL The Nutrition Facts panel on a food label lists the products nutritional value. This information can help teens make smart food choices. The various sections of the panel provide information on how large one serving is and the number of calories and nutrients in a serving. Studying the % Daily Value column provides information on whether a food is high or low in certain nutrients. One should look for foods that have low daily value percentages (below 5 percent) for fats, cholesterol, and sodium, and choose foods whose labels show high percentages (20 percent or above) of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Slide 25 FINALLY.EXERCISE Being physically active every day and maintaining a healthy weight are important PARTNERS to good Health You should get between 30-60 minutes of daily physical exercise. Calories = measure of energy taken into body WEIGHT GAIN =>>> Calories taken in are greater than calories used by body Slide 26 EXCESSIVE WEIGHT Type 2 Diabetes Heart Disease Decrease immune system Bone and joint problems Increased cancer risk PLUS A HOST OF OTHER PROBLEMS