Harvard Case Study Analysis

Harvard Case Study Analysis

Transcript of Harvard Case Study Analysis

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Harvard Case Study Analysis

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What is an ANALYSIS? analysis

Function: nounInflected Form(s): plural analy·ses \- s z\Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from analyein to dissolve (from ana- + lyeinto loosen, dissolve) + -sis --

1 : separation or breaking up of a whole into its fundamental elements or component parts <his problem defied analysis>

2 a : a detailed examination of anything complex (as a novel, an organization, a race) made in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features : a thorough study <the analysis ... of the structure of a poem can be a form of literary criticism -- James Thorpe> b : the presentation, usually in writing, of such an analysis

-- Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary

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Case Studies: How they work


Read carefully

Perform Analysis

Come up with recommendations

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Analysis: Thought Process



• What problem are we trying to solve?

• What are the main problems?

Break up

• Break up the whole story into parts

• Analyze what’s important

Details matter!

• Do detailed examination

• Determine essential features

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The Process of Building a Marketing


Step 1: Situation Analysis

Step 2:

SWOT Analysis

Step 3:



Step 4:




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Step 1: Situation Analysis

• Evaluation of an organization’s current situation, opportunities, and problems.

Ask Yourself:

• What is going on?

• Who is the company?

• What is the company’s background?

• What industry are they part of?

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Step 1: Situation Analysis The Five C’s

Customer Needs What needs do we seek to satisfy?

Company Skills What special competence do we possess to meet those needs?

Competition Who competes with us in meeting those needs?

Collaborators Who should we enlist to help us and how do we motivate them?

Context What cultural, technological and legal factors limit the possible?

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Applying the Marketing Mix to a Target



•Is there current price competitive?

•Are they distributing their product?

•Any current problems with their product?

•Are they running promotions to increase sales?

•Are the promotions hurting sales?

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Step 2: SWOT Analysis


Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats



Things that are good now, maintain them, build on them and use as leverage

Things that are bad now, remedy, change or stop


Things that are good for the future, prioritize them,

capture them, build on them and optimize

Things that are bad for the future, put in plans to manage

them or counter them

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Step 3: Problem/Decision Statement

Identification of the main problem, opportunity


• Does the company have declining sales?

• Are the promotions hurting sales?

• Should the company fire employees?

• Is the company spending too much money on promotions 0r advertising?

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Step 4: Solutions/Recomendations

What are you going to do about the problem?

What are the alternative choices into solving the company’s problem?

Ex: If the problem is declining sales due to the current economic situation…

- Run promotions

- Offer benefit programs

- Offer rewards for purchase

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Strategic Market Planning Process

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Components of Case Analysis

• Background & Problem Identification

• Statement of Objective(s)

• Situation Analysis

• Description and Evaluation of Alternatives

• Conclusions/Recommendations


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