Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers WEEK 10 LEARNING CONVERSATIONS 3 rd April Fitness Club/ Organic Market/ Year 3, 4, 5 Swimming 5 th April Fitness Club/ Organic Market 9 th April CASUAL DAY 10 th April - 13 th April Year 7 Canberra 12 th April Organic Market 13 th April 2.15pm Finish SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS 30 th April Term 2 Commences 3 rd May Organic Market/South Valley District Cross Country Sports Day – Friday 23 rd March And the Winner is Shepherd!! HAPPY VALLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 3 rd April 2018 Respect Responsibility Integrity


Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers




April Fitness Club/

Organic Market/ Year 3, 4, 5 Swimming


th April

Fitness Club/ Organic Market


th April



April - 13

th April

Year 7 Canberra


April Organic Market


th April

2.15pm Finish



th April

Term 2 Commences


rd May

Organic Market/South Valley District Cross Country

Sports Day – Friday 23rd March

And the Winner is Shepherd!!


3rd April 2018

Respect Responsibility Integrity

Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers

This year a new tradition was

started with a Sports Day

Captains Breakfast – Great way

to start the day.

Some of our wonderful High

School Helpers who all

previously attended Happy

Valley Primary School.

Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers


Monday 21st May

Principal’s Report

Dear Families,

Many thanks to all families for your support on Sports Day, it was a fantastic event, congratulations to the winning team Shepherd breaking an 11 year gap in victory. The efforts of all students were highly commendable and great fun.

The Cybersafety session for parents on the 19th March, was very informative and highlighted a number of areas of concern when our students are using the internet. The most important message was for parents to be aware of the activity of their children when using the internet, knowing their passwords and regularly taking note of who they are communicating with as ‘friends’. Keeping open lines of communication with your children is critical, ensuring they can discuss issues confidently with the knowledge that you will be there to support them.

Our new Governing Council met for the first time in week 8. Congratulations to our new committee led by Michael Field as Chairperson. The representatives for this year are Shane Bissmire, Trudy McCard, Lauren Bennett, Gina Hattingh, Karina Gabell, Nicole Tissen, Martina Portman, Baden Nicholas, James Rundell, Alice Rawsthorn, Jane Kennedy, Kylie Caruso, Julie Coe and Claire Bosworth. Their role includes supporting the decision making of the school, informing us of issues and concerns in the community and representation on school committees.

In terms 2 and 3 Sue Schmidt will take long service leave, Dana Lauck will be in the Deputy Principal role in her absence. Liz Loveday will be on leave for the first 4 weeks and we welcome Viki Daher as the teacher in her absence.

I am really looking forward to joining Kathy Liscombe, Dean Carter and the year 7 students on the camp to Canberra next week. This is a fantastic experience for the students as they develop their knowledge of the Civics and Citizenship course. I am confident they will represent our school with pride and respect.

Finally, many thanks for your support throughout the term, our focus on learning dispositions and capabilities has seen classes settle into school routine and take up the challenges offered to them in the curriculum.

Best wishes for the holidays.




attendance this week.

Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers

Dress in the colours of the Malawi Flag

Red, Green and Black Remember your gold coin

donation. All money raised will go towards

sponsorship of a Malawian student through high


This is Esther Henderson. She is in first year

high school at Girls Shine Academy. She is an

orphan and lives in the Gogo Orphanage (Gogo

means grandmother in Chewa). Her school fees

are 50,000 Malawian Kwatcha per term which is

$100 Australian per term or $300 per year. She

would not be able to attend high school without

help from a sponsor.

Assembly Awards presented 29th March

For being a confident and resilient learner Daisy, Dylan, Toby, Jaya, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Emma, Ruby, Joshua, Deacon, Max, Shayla.

For welcoming challenges that stretch their thinking Max.

For having an enduring belief that they can learn and achieve Mia, Rory, Kiara, Emily, Sienna, Charlotte, Rhys, Ethan, Ruby, Della.

For being able to solve problems from various context particularly those that relate to their lives Melissa.

Having the capacity to apply their understanding to new and familiar situations

Ricky, Cooper.

Guitar Lesson Vacancies - Term 2

Do you have a child in Year 3 - 7 interested in learning guitar?

1/2 hour lessons during school in groups of

3 students - cost $13.00.

Vacancies in Term 2!!

Please contact Alison Hansen on 0419 825 517

CASUAL DAY Monday 9th April

Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers

Working Bee - Sunday 29th April

Community Notices

Capable Students, Expert Learners, Expert Teachers

Happy Valley Primary School 18 Education Road Happy Valley SA 5159 Phone 08 8381 7166 Email [email protected]