Hanney News

Number 550 October 2021 West Hanney says a big fat YES to their Neighbourhood Plan ...see pages 4 and 7. It’s time for all local craft and food producers to ‘Take a Stand!’...see page 8. Celebrate with the Hanney W.I. ...see page 5 Hanney Tennis Club Finals Day...more pics on page 13 We proudly present the 2022 Hanney Calendar! This year’s contains twelve evocative images from days gone by. Yes, I know only eight made it to the front cover - see pic above - but trust me, there are 12 in total - reassuring what with there being 12 months in a year an ’all! The images have been beautifully restored and en- hanced by our resident wizard with a computer - and a Box Brownie! - Sir Dave of Bratley and Photoshop! This is the third calendar that Dave and I have put together, and as previously, every penny of profit will go to good causes in the community, so please buy one, or even several! They make great and unique Christmas pressies. But be warned...the number of copies we are having printed is limited, so don’t delay! Copies are available at the Community Shop, or ring me - 867500 - and I’ll deliver within Hanney. They’re £10 each - ‘that’s very reasonable Jim, a bargain in fact!’ I hear you say. Hanney News

Transcript of Hanney News

Page 1: Hanney News

Number 550 October 2021

West Hanney says a big fat YES to their

Neighbourhood Plan

...see pages 4 and 7.

It’s time for all local craft and food

producers to ‘Take a Stand!’...see page 8.

Celebrate with the

Hanney W.I.

...see page 5

Hanney Tennis Club Finals Day...more pics on page 13

We proudly present the 2022 Hanney Calendar!

This year’s contains twelve evocative images from days gone by. Yes, I know only eight made it to the front cover - see pic above - but trust me, there are 12 in total - reassuring what with there being 12 months in a year an ’all! The images have been beautifully restored and en-hanced by our resident wizard with a computer - and a Box Brownie! - Sir Dave of Bratley and Photoshop! This is the third calendar that Dave and I have put together, and as previously, every penny of profit will go to good causes in the community, so please buy one, or even several! They make great and unique Christmas pressies. But be warned...the number of copies we are having printed is limited, so don’t delay! Copies are available at the Community Shop, or ring me - 867500 - and I’ll deliver within Hanney. They’re £10 each - ‘that’s very reasonable Jim, a bargain in fact!’ I hear you say.

Hanney News

Page 2: Hanney News


Editorial Probably seems like a long time ago to those of you who went, but I must mention the fantastic HanneyFest, hosted by the Black Horse, and the Dews Meadow Farm Open Day, both events were held back in August, and great successes I understand. Sadly, I missed them….doh!...but with good reason, as Mrs Editor and I were in Lithua-nia at our son’s wedding! As you read this, the Michaelmas Fayre will also have happened, but as I write, it’s a few days away. I hope to have some jolly snaps next month. We have a new advertiser ‘Jades Massage’, see ad on page 10. I can personally recom-mend her. I met a gentleman the other day who told me his two sons are big fans of Hanney News, so a big shout out to Leo and Ryan...I’ve never met these fine lads, but I already know that they have impeccable literary taste! And here’s Zack, one of our youngest readers, who - judging by his love-ly smile anyway - is also a big fan of the best parish newsletter in the whole of Hanney! Every day, I see, hear or read something confirm-ing my theory that the world has gone mad! Here’s a recent, local example - East Hanney Parish Council have put forward exciting and ambitious plans for the recreation ground including a ‘MUGA’ - a multi-use games area where all types of sport can be played. So far so good, but guess who’s voiced their objections to this excellent attempt to give more of us the opportunity to get actively involved with sport? Why, none other than

‘Sport England’, who rather grandly claim on their website that … “We’re responsible for growing and developing grassroots sport and helping more people get active across England.” Really? Could have fooled me! No letters received this month. #sad editor. They’re always welcome on whatever local topic you wish, so long as they’re not libel-lous or pornographic! The Daily Mail has recently printed an arti-cle about the giant reservoir - much talked about over many years - that may be built twixt here and Steventon. I know the Mail is better known for publishing pictures of Nicki Minaj and the like, shaking what their mamas gave them (!), but this article does at least confirm that the reservoir is still very much a possibility. And, again proving my ‘mad world theory’ they’ve even included a pic of me...no sign of Nicki M when they sent their photogra-

pher round to take the snap I mentioned to the jour-nalist who interviewed me that not everyone is against the reservoir, but they left that out of the brief quote of mine that they published. No mat-ter, it was a bit of fun. There’s a lot of happy people in this is-sue...allotment holders on page 6, Brownies and

Guides on page 7, our wonderful Commu-nity Shop volunteers with our MP on page 9, and tennis players on page 13. Michael Caine’s back with some wise words on page 9. He’s not featured in our pages for some time. OK, that’s it for now….till next month my friends, take care and don’t party too hard!

Page 3: Hanney News


What’s happening this month?

Fri 1st, Film Night at the Village Hall. See page 4 for details. This one looks like a bit of a weepie, so take a box of Kleenex, and your credit card, cos they can’t take cash appar-ently.

Sun 3rd, Hanney 5 Mile Run...starts and finishes on the Recreation ground. Expect cars and lots of people who can all run a jolly long way, and in some cases, pretty fast too! Please give them a wide berth if you pass them on the road, just like we already do with horses and bicycles. Full details here if you fancy having a go: https://oxfordcityac.com/competitions/hanney-5/ The course record is 24 minutes and 15 seconds! Hold my beer!

Mon 4th, Hanney Gardening Club - 'The Letcombe Brook Project and how to make our gardens more wildlife friendly' Many people will know Mark, the project leader, who helps and advises the village flood group and the community woodland group. All welcome (£2 for guests) on Monday 4 October in the Hanney War Memorial Hall at 7.30pm for 8pm'

Sun 10th, ‘Village History Day’, an exhibition of the history of Steventon in Steventon Village Hall, 10am - 4pm.

Sun 10th, Harvest Festival at St James Church. See page 13

Sat 16th, A British Heart Foundation Fundraising Sale is happening in Southmoor, and the organisers are asking for donations of Clothes, Bedding, Curtains, Toys, Chil-dren’s clothes, Games, Bric a Brac, Jigsaws, Books, Shoes, Bags etc. They cannot accept electrical items and furniture. Items can be dropped off at ‘Gable End’ New Road, Char-ney Bassett, or at Southmoor Village Hall at 12 noon on the day of the event. For more info, ring Yvonne Cox on 01235 868276.

Mon 25th, 8pm - Hanney History Group - ‘The History of RAF Brize Norton, from 1936 to the present day. The different roles of this key RAF and USAF airbase in British history’. (Meetings will now be held on the 4th Monday of the month in the Main Hall of the War Memorial Hall. This allows us to meet with suitable Covid precautions in place and allows extra room.)

And further ahead…

Sat 20th Nov, Cancer Research UK Fundraising Bazaar at the Village Hall...more de-tails soon.

Mon 22nd Nov, 8pm: Hanney History Group - ‘Oxfordshire in Canvas’, the portrayal of the County by famous and lesser known artists and the history these images reveal. A talk by Marie-Louise Kerr.

Sat 11th Dec, Holly Fair. Hopes are high for this very popular community event, so please save the date.

We here at Hanney News Global International welcome articles or letters. Please submit items to the Editor, preferably by email,

or use the Hanney News post box in the Community Shop. Contact me, the Editor, Jim Stagg, on 01235 867500, or by email: [email protected]

Page 4: Hanney News


Hanney Film Night Friday October 1st,

The Father starring Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss. Many nominations, including

two Oscars.

Doors and bar open 7.30pm, film shown 8.00pm

(Please note card payment only.)

An apology...in last month’s mag I included a pic of the all-conquering Hanney United football team of 1947. Some folk have been in touch to tell me that I missed out a name, that of Frank Cottrell. He’s the gent standing, 6th from the left, between Bernard Nobes and Wilf Shep-herd. Sorry for the error! Judging by the memories, I reckon a book could be written about this fine bunch of chaps!

Still on footie, Hanney Seniors have kicked off their season and I hope to have a snap or two of their next home fixture in the November issue. We at Global HQ of course wish them the best of luck!

Thanks to all the West Hanney folk who voted in the recent referendum on the adopting - or not! - of the Neigbourhood Plan. 164 of us said ‘Yes’, whilst only 3 residents decided that un-checked, speculative and avari-cious - Dave Bratley taught me this word! -development was just what our community needed, and hence voted ‘No’. (In a spirit of fairness and offering a ‘right of reply’, if you were one of the three, feel free to let me know your reason(s), and I’ll include them in next month’s issue. You can remain anonymous to the readers if you wish. And to me too of course if you pop an unsigned note into my letter box in the Community Shop. Please type it unless you have very neat handwriting.)

Back to the vote itself...There are two reasons why the num-bers and size of the victory are important. Firstly it shows that

the support for the plan is pretty much universal, which hopefully the Vale planners

will recognise when they con-sider future development applications. Secondly, it sends a loud and clear ‘Thank you for all your hard work’ to the Parish Councillors and others who put the Plan together. They deserve our gratitude. As ever, their efforts are largely unsung and unnoticed, and hence go ‘unthanked’. The East Hanney Plan will go to a referen-dum vote in due course, and when it does, I’m sure East Hanney folk will display the same wisdom as their Western counter-parts.


Page 5: Hanney News


Page 6: Hanney News


East Hanney Parish Council

Our political chums... David Johnston is our MP. You can write to him here: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA, or phone: 0207 219 3000, or email: [email protected] Matt Barber is our Vale of White Horse District Councillor for the Hanneys, and you can contact him by email: [email protected]. or by visiting his website at www.matthewbarber.co.uk

Next Meeting, Weds 13th October, Old Hanney Room, Hanney War Memorial Hall,

aka Village Hall, 7.30pm.

East Hanney Parish Councillors - Chairman: Stephen McKechnie - [email protected].

Vice Chair: David Kirk - [email protected]; Paul Aram - [email protected]; Councillors: Oliver Cornish - [email protected]; Richard Strange - [email protected];

Dickon Green - [email protected]; Rosie Reed - [email protected]

Clerk: Wendy Quigley, tel: 07859 924655, email: [email protected]

Website: www.easthanneyparishcouncil.org.uk

Several new and experienced East Hanney allotment holders gathered to cele-brate (or commiserate on) their season’s work. The weather held and we had a great time. If you're considering taking on an allotment, do chat with an allotment holder and email me, Oliver Cornish, the Parish Councillor with responsibility for allotments: [email protected]. Oliver Cornish Editors note...West Hanney also have allotments...contact their Parish Council Clerk if you’re interested. I’m please to say there is no discrimination here in Hanney ...Westerners can dig their potatoes in East and Vicky Verka! (She’s lost the plot!)

Page 7: Hanney News


The result of the Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC) Referendum on the West Hanney Neighbourhood Plan in answer to the question ‘Do you want VWHDC to use the Neighbourhood Plan for West Hanney to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area? 164 votes in favour of a Yes, 3 votes in favour of a No. The electorate numbered 489 with a turnout of 34.1% Thank you to everyone who voted and returned this resounding vote in favour of our Neighbourhood Plan to be used in this way. David Corps - Chairman

The next meeting will be on Tues 5th October at 7.30pm in the Olde Hanney Room in the Hanney War Memorial Hall.

West Hanney Parish Council

Councillors: Chairman: David Corps - 867454. Graham Garner - 868684. Edward Wilkinson - 07771 705234. Trevor Brettell - 868459.

Peter Packham - 868038. Barbara Martin (Clerk) - 868806 email: [email protected]

Website: www.westhanneypc.org.uk

Hanney Guides and Brownies Going Strong! We have started our autumn term! In summer we enjoyed the outdoors, including cooking, den build-ing, and a create-your-own-sports evening. This term’s plans include a rugby taster, a bonfire and… who knows? At the time of writing, we’re looking forward to hearing from the girls which activities they’d like to do — it’s their space, after all. We’d love to welcome new members (girls aged 7-10 for Brownies, 10-14 for Guides), and volunteers (girls aged 14-18 and all adults). We meet on Monday evenings in term time. If you’re interested, find out more and register at girlguiding.org.uk or contact Clare Green: [email protected]. Clare Green

Hanney Community Shop Calling all the fantastic community-minded people in our villages. Your shop desper-ately needs more volunteers on a Saturday. We have a fantastic band of volunteers who do a great job during the week but we are struggling to cover Saturday shifts. If we can’t get more people to work on a Sat-urday, we will have to close on those days , which isn’t good for the village or the shop! If you can spare some time on a Saturday

even if it’s only one half day a month please let me know. We would welcome mature, responsible 16 and 17 year olds who per-haps are doing D of E and need volunteer-ing experience. Message me to offer support or if you would like more information. Please help to keep the shop running as the valuable community service it is.

Margaret Hanlon

Page 8: Hanney News



In aid of Cancer Research UK Saturday November 20th, Hanney War Memorial Hall, 10am till 2pm

Raffle, Craft stalls, Xmas Gifts and decorations, Glassware, Home produce, Toiletries, Toys, Games, Books, Jewellery,

Bottle tombola. Knitted goods, something for everyone

Hanney fundraisers for CRUK

Hanney Fundraisers for Cancer Research

‘Crafts for Christmas’

We are restarting our annual Bazaar in November for Cancer Research - see above - and we would like to include this time all local crafts and foods etc. from the

Hanneys and local area. If you would like to join us on Saturday 20th November to advertise and sell your crafts, please give Kath a ring on 01235 868527 to book a place. Look forward to seeing you there Kath, Dulcie, Marion, Lyn - (Hanney Fundraisers for Cancer Research)

There’s been discussion recently about the possibility of making both Hanneys ‘No Cold Caller Zones’. The first of these zones was in-troduced by Oxfordshire Trading Standards in 2006, and there are now 8 in the Vale of the White Horse. In them, it is a criminal offence for cold callers to return to someone’s house, if they have been asked to leave. Street signs are placed at entrance points to the zones and residents are given door stickers to advise potential cold callers that they are not welcome. It is hoped that these zones will make it more difficult for distraction burglars and rogue traders to operate. So far so good, you’re probably thinking, but I have bad news dear reader...Trading Standards recently assured Dickon Green, our campaigning East Hanney Parish Coun-

cillor, that these zones can only cover 10s of houses, not 100s, and a closer look at the website - www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/business/trading-standards/advice-communities/no-cold-caller-zones - indeed shows

that in Abingdon, only 1 street is in the zone, a cul-de-sac called Shelley Close. That said, in Grove, some 35 streets are named as being in a zone, so I wonder how accurate the info given by the Trading Standards dude actually was? No matter, let’s just be aware that we should put our natural politeness to one side when these ‘cold callers’ come a knocking, and tell them firmly, that what-ever they are offering is not of interest. Unless expensive tea-towels that don’t really work very well are your thing!

Cold caller...geddit?

Page 9: Hanney News


One of last month’s visitors to our splendid Community Shop was none other than our local MP David Johnston. I understand that he had lunch at the Plough in West Hanney and then headed down to Hanney’s finest deluxe retail emporium, where he was welcomed by volunteers Anne and Hilary, left and right in our snap, and Margaret Hanlon, Chair of the Shop committee, striking a pose twixt Anne and David.

Continuing my mild obsession with all matters ‘bicycle’….

I have no words!

‘Ere, not a lot of people know this….if you recycle just six teabags in your small green food caddy, they can be recycled to make fertilizer and enough electricity to boil a kettle for another cup of tea!

Page 10: Hanney News


Eat-in available...ring and book a table. Strict social distancing observed.

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The Plough West Hanney

Community Free House

Tel: 01235 868987

Please register all your

guests and wear masks

when moving around.

Vat is included at 5%

Follow us on Facebook


Tempura King prawns with mustard mayonnaise £10 Gin cured salmon with salad £8 A plate of cured meats and sourdough £8 Ham sandwich with double cooked chips £7.95 Salad of Spanish octopus with olives, potatoes, peppers and sourdough £17.50 Braised beef cheek with chantenay carrots £14 255g ribeye beef, summer vegetable and Hollandaise £24.95 Day boat haddock, double cooked chips £14.95 Cheddar strawberries with vanilla ice cream £8 Lincolnshire poacher and waterloo with biscuits £6 Chocolate brownie £6

Treatments available, Monday to Friday, day or evening, in East Hanney.

Prices from £30. Ring 07738 638007, email - [email protected]

See ‘Jade’s Massage Space’ on Facebook

Page 11: Hanney News


All types of electrical work

undertaken including Part P of Building Regs

Tel: 01367 718089 Mob: 07989 342182

Email: [email protected]




REASON. www.oxonstorage.co.uk

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T Mob 07980 262210

Dear residents We are really excited about the future and all we are now able to offer. Our coffee shop is open Tuesday to Friday, 10.30-2.30pm offering a good lunchtime selection as well as cakes from the Little Bear Bakery. We have our rolling steak night on the third Thursday of every month, with live music. Curry night on the first Tuesday of every month by Masooms Wantage. Our gorgeous roast dinners on Sundays continue to be popular and are a real treat. We have just changed our evening menu to reflect the season change and it has some delicious options for all. We continue to offer private function venue, wakes, birthdays, christenings etc. with a buffet option. We look forward to seeing you all soon and thank you for your continued support

Please call or Facebook message for further information 01235 867179

Page 12: Hanney News


Dear Friends

It has been 14 years since I was in Afghanistan. My role as Chaplain was to be the “Vicar of Kandahar” and it meant that I commuted between Kandahar and Bastion, as well as staying in Lashkegar - it was my privilege and duty to pray to our Saviour God. It is very disappointing but not surprising what is happening in that country. History tells us that no occupying force has ever been successful in achieving any sort of lasting influence in Afghanistan. The Afghani people tend to put up with whatever is inflicted on them and then, once their occupiers have left, go back to whatever they did previously. Also, the country is made up of many different ethnic tribes who are more concerned for their regional allegiances than national unity. On top of that, corruption is rife, and though there are a lot of natural resources, many of the people are very poor and live in mediaeval conditions. British soldiers who lived and worked beside Afghani soldiers were hardly ever impressed with their commitment or work. Many of the Afghani national army were so high on drugs that their behaviour was extremely strange, and if they ever needed medical treatment, anaesthetics were ineffective. Yet their behaviour was exemplary compared to the police! Of course, if you asked a British soldier “Was serving in Afghanistan a waste of time?” their response would be that when

they are tasked to do a job, they will seek to do it to their best ability. We have to be thankful for that sense of service and obedience. Such courageous service does not imply thoughtlessness or lack of moral consideration; part of the training for every soldier, airman and sailor in the British armed forces is to consider the moral implications of their actions and live up to the highest of standards. The situation in Afghanistan, so highlighted by our media, has spurred me on to pray to the Living God who is the only true source and inspiration of sacrificial love, integrity, and service. Can I encourage you to pray for Afghani-stan, pray for our military personnel and pray for our own country that we do not slide into such selfish and cowardly chaos? May the God who hears and answers prayer bless you.


Rev W John N Durant Vicar of Vale Benefice Area Dean Wantage Deanery


Page 13: Hanney News


Eucharist at 9.30am.

3rd Revd Alec Gill, 10th Revd John Durant - HARVEST FESTIVAL, 17th Revd Chris Ashton, 24th tbc, 31st Revd Chris Ashton.

A warm welcome to the planned HARVEST FESTIVAL on 10th October – we invite you to bring tinned or packet goods (with minimum of 3 months best before date) to celebrate the Harvest, for donation to the Wantage & Grove Foodbank. Said Eucharist – Tuesday at 10am

Vicar : Revd John Durant : 766484 - [email protected] Associate Vicar: Revd Alec Gill: 07739 563894 - [email protected]

Office : (10 – 12 Mon – Fri) 771479 - [email protected]

Church Warden: Stuart Cakebread: 868590 - [email protected]

The Wantage Community Larder has been set up to reduce food waste, create a community hub, and provide support and advice where needed. Anyone can join, it is not means tested. As a member you can access surplus food on a larger scale, and longer dated, than at a community fridge. Join as an Individual for a weekly subscription of £3.50 and get up to 10 non-perishable items (e.g. pasta, tins) and up to 4 items of fruit and vegetables Join as a Family for a weekly subscription of £7 and get up to 20 non-perishable items and up to 8 items of fruit and vegetables. There is a joining fee of £10. Sign up at www.sofea.uk.com or pop along to the Larder at the Beacon, Wantage on a Friday afternoon between 2.30pm and 5 pm, to register directly and take some food home with you the very same day. Alternatively, call - 07563 067173. And follow us on Facebook.

Hanney Tennis Club enjoyed glorious weather for the first finals games on the newly resurfaced courts.

From 1st October, membership will be half price until the end of March 2022!

Email Jenny using [email protected] for further details.

Page 14: Hanney News


The Hanney Parochial Trust invites applications for

Further Education Grants. Our requirements for anyone making a grant application are that you are under 25 years of age, live in Hanney or Lyford, and that the funding you seek is to help you with costs directly related to your study. If you’d like to apply, please contact me, in strictest confidence of course, on 01235 867500 - or email me: [email protected].

The Trust is registered with the Charity Commission, number 205792.

There have been ‘Hermans’ in the

Hanneys for many years.

The first reference to them is in church records that record the marriage of Elizabeth Herman in 1587, but there may have been Hermans here well before that, since church records only began in 1564! Coincidentally, a member of the Herman family held a marriage blessing at St James Church just last month, some 434 years after the first wedding! The bride this time was Alison, daughter of Mavis and Trevor Herman, long time Hanney residents, and her groom was a gent called Les. We here at Global HQ of course wish the happy couple all the very best for their future together. Mavis asked me to mention that she and Trevor would like to thank everyone who made it such a special day.

So, who’s the handsome, happy chappy in the snappy leaning on the street sign, if not the lamp-post? None other than Ian Her-

man, who assures me he wasn’t at that wedding back in 1564! He does however have many fascinating memories of Hanney over the years which he shares with us at the Community Coffee Morning that happens every Tuesday morning, from 10am to 11.30pm in the village hall. Once again I find myself urging anyone who is at a loose end on a Tuesday morn-ing to come along for a chat, a coffee and a custard cream. What’s not to like?! And in case you’re worried, be assured that the current Covid rules are strictly enforced by the amazing organiser Marcia Graham and her fab team! T’is indeed a jolly occasion.

Do You Like Knitting ?

If so, would you like to knit for ‘Cancer Research UK’ ?

Wool, patterns and needles provided. Phone Dulcie on

01235 868470

Page 15: Hanney News


If you or someone close to you is dying, you can talk to us.

The Anne Robson Trust has launched a Helpline to provide support to anyone who is struggling to cope with a terminal diagno-sis or the imminent death of someone they

care about.

Losing someone close can affect us in many different ways, but many of the physical and emotional impacts often come before the

loss of life itself. It can be so hard to talk about the emotions we may experience during what can be an extremely isolating time, and

our volunteers are here for you. Our telephone helpline is manned by specially trained volunteers.

The Anne Robson Trust Telephone Helpline number is

0808 801 0688 Lines are open: Monday to Friday 12-6pm, and calls are completely free and confidential from all UK landlines

and mobiles.


Last month’s quiz…. No

need to worry about a prize, ‘cos no one even entered, far less got the right answer, which was….these modifica-tions to their shoes were done by bootleggers during the days of Prohibition in the United States so that their footprints looked like those of cows thus allegedly any-way, fooling the Feds into not investigating the con-tents of the barns where they kept all their illegal hooch!

Page 16: Hanney News


In August, 23 History Group members spent a successful afternoon on a planned Letcombe Brook walk, with Paul Sayers describing the history, Clive Manvell telling how the Flood Group have mitigated that risk, and Mark Bradfield, Letcombe Brook Project manag-er, summarizing wildlife suc-cesses: the Lower Mill by-pass,

and increasing numbers of fish, otters and bank voles. As one walker wrote: ‘This was one of the best guided walks that I have attended. I thought that having three experts involved was an excellent idea. They provided us with a well coordinated and wide vari-

ety of very interesting and educational information - 10 out of 10’ One highlight was when Mark went ahead to fill specimen trays with an array of stick-lebacks, bullheads, shrimps, leeches and over 20 other species, all gath-ered in about 10 minutes, amazing the group on their arrival. This is a man who clearly knows his brook!

Bill Orson

(History Group contact details on page 26.)

Page 17: Hanney News




OFFICE: 01235 869101 MOBILE: 07990 632377

[email protected]

Laura’s Pet Patrol

Are you looking for a trustworthy and reliable person to look after your pets whilst you’re away?

We offer extra security for your home during this time and to keep the stress for your pets

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Contact Laura on:


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Philippa Spits Counselling

Do you need someone to talk to? Are you feeling over-whelmed, anxious or de-

pressed? Or perhaps strug-gling with grief, or trauma? I

offer a warm, friendly, safe and compassionate space to ex-plore the difficulties you are experiencing at the moment. Please contact me on 07899

858763 [email protected]

www.philippaspitscounselling. com

Page 18: Hanney News


FOOD DEWS MEADOW FARM SHOP open Tues - Sat, 8:30am - 5pm. Pork, dry cured bacon, ham, sausages & burgers. Free range chicken, beef and lamb. Delivery. Call Jane 868634. JA CATERING Entertaining the easy way. Let us take care of your Dinner Parties, Special Occasion Buffets, Children’s parties, Funerals. Tel: 07812 370796 for more details. GARDENING SEASONED LOGS & KINDLING: Available in nets or bulk bags. Phone or WhatsApp for details. Martin - 07779 136259, [email protected]. APT HARD LANDSCAPING: Fencing, Paving, Stone work, Brick work, Turfing, Raised sleeper beds, Garden clearance, Maintenance, Gravel driveways. Call Andy on 07887 778784 or email [email protected] RACHEL THE GARDENER: qualified, experienced, hardworking and cheerful (and so modest!) Tel 07867 571682 (Wantage) Check my weekly blog http://rachel-the-gardener.blogspot.co.uk TREEWORKS. Tree crown reductions/thinning /lifting/re-shaping; tree removals; hedge trimming; fruit tree pruning. Local, professional arborist. 01235 258575. 07771 538575. www.trottertreeworks.co.uk HEALTH AND BEAUTY FOOT HEALTH WITH LOVE: My name is Alison Love and I'm a qualified and insured Foot Health Professional living in Hanney. I can visit your home to care for your feet. Please call or message me on 0738 444 1048 FOOT HEALTH PROFESSIONAL: Over 10 years experience in the treatment of corns, verrucas, callus, skin and nail conditions; fingernail and toenail cutting. Anita Elsley Dip. FHP, MAFHP. Home visits. Tel: 07969 256149 or 01235 771238.


FRILFORD DECORATORS: 07775 690523 / 01865 392866 Internal & External Decorators. References available. Proprietor Mr A Bunce.

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING by Grimebust-ers, your local specialists. Your carpets dry within the hour Free estimates. (01235) 555533 or (01865) 726983.

MARK J HEYES KITCHENS & CARPENTRY, Full design , structural work , fitting & project management. Fully Qualified & insured tradesman. Tel 07887 507083. E-mail: [email protected]

SKINNER FENCING For all your fencing needs. Gates made to measure, trees lopped, gravel shingle delivered. For free quote call Shaun, 07971 422693

DRIVEWAYS AND TARMAC SPECIALIST: Experts in delivering Block Paving, Resin & Tarmac for New Driveways, Paths, Car Parks & Tennis Courts. Reliable, Professional and Trustworthy with over 25 years' experience. Free quote and an excellent rate contact Dennis on 07770 823909.



PEPLER BOOKKEEPING LTD: VAT returns, Wages, Nest Pension schemes, CIS Scheme. Confidential help is at hand . Tel Jo Pepler on 07799 620299. Email:[email protected].

NB OFFICE SERVICES. Qualified bookkeeper with over 10 years experience in office management and PA . Phone - 01865 392866, mob: 07775 690522. email:

[email protected]

COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Need help with your PC? Won’t start? Hard disk full? Got a virus? Want to set up a wireless router or extend your network? Call Comp-tech on 01865 820749 or 07870 755637

ONE WAY DRIVING SCHOOL. Locally based, Ex police trained approved driving instructor. Learn in air conditioned Corsa. Competitive prices & discounts for block bookings. Call Keith on 07521 216802 or see www.onewaydrivingoxford.co.uk

RG CLEANING: Residential house cleaning service from an experienced cleaner. Regular or deep cleans undertaken. References can be supplied.

Please call or message Rita Goncalves 07597 660218 / [email protected]

LAST MINUTE CELEBRATION CARD NEEDED? Or you want to send some snail mail to make someone smile? Original and unique, hand painted cards that can be delivered to your door!

Contact Kay, mobile: 07990 578392 or Email [email protected]

Page 19: Hanney News



Always Professional and Courteous Providing Unparalleled Precision and Care

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0 1 2 3 5 7 7 2 1 2 8 - 0 7 9 0 0 6 8 1 0 8 8

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7 St Johns Road Grove , Wantage , OX12 7PP

Woodworks Carpentry

Interior and exterior Carpentry, extensions and


Stephen Dingle 07810 461156 01235 868553

[email protected]

Page 20: Hanney News


Gas, Oil, LPG, Boiler Installations and Servicing

Bathrooms and Kitchens

To book an Appointment call: 01235 376808

Page 21: Hanney News



Cars, 4 x 4’s, Vans, Motorhomes, Motorcycles Servicing - Repair - Exhaust - Air-conditioning - Electrical - Clutch - Welding - Timing belt - Brakes

- Suspension - MOT. Courtesy car (subject to availability) Free local collection and deliv-ery. No job too big - no job too small, so pick up the phone and give

us a call.

Brad Davey, Unit C, Oxford Rd, East Hanney, OX12 0HP Tel: 01235 867455 The Complete A - Z of Car Care

Page 22: Hanney News


M&M Roofing & Building


Office: 01235 770985

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.wantageroofing.uk

Page 23: Hanney News


Jams, Marmalades, Chutneys &

Pickles made in East Hanney

using local fruit and vegetables where possible. Available in local shops: Millets

Farm, Crafters Emporium, Faringdon and Didcot, or con-

tact Jeanette Howse [email protected]

0777 1967633, for local deliveries and stock list.

Hampers also made to order www.well-preserved.co.uk

Page 24: Hanney News


Neil Wright

Domestic Appliance Repairs

Repairs to most makes of Washing Machines,

Cookers, Dryers, Dishwashers etc....

For a fast reliable service

Tel: 01235 764185 or 07981 941221

ARBOCARE Professional Tree Care

Landscaping and Ground Maintenance

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CALL FREE 0808 155 5815 OFFICE 01235 813 619 24 HR MOBILE 07778 811 136


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Page 25: Hanney News





interior/exterior free estimates

mob: 07960 644991


[email protected]

PMW Garden Services Local, knowledgeable, friendly, reliable garden care. Turf laying and maintenance Hedge and tree planting and maintenance Pruning Planting Clearances General Garden Care Qualified and fully insured

Contact Phil - 07801 801735 Email: [email protected]

PMW Garden Services

Page 26: Hanney News


Clubs and Societies

HANNEY BADMINTON CLUB meets every Thursday in the HWMH, 8-10pm. We welcome new members. Call 868256 for details.

HANNEY BELLRINGERS ‘Learn the Ropes’. Wonderful mental and physical exercise with a friendly mixed group. Why not come along and watch a ringing session at St. James church. For more information contact Chris Surman 868749

HANNEY BOWLS CLUB - Thursdays 2.00-4.00pm. Contact 868145

HANNEY CHAPEL Sunday 10:30am and 5:30pm. 1st Thurs of month Lunch & Listen at 10:30am, 1st Sat Men’s Breakfast at 8:30am. In term-time: Tuesdays - Hanney Toddlers 9:15am; Thursdays - Discoverers (Rcpt-Y2) 4pm & Adventurers (Y3-Y6) 6pm; Fridays - Friday Club (Y7-Y9) 6:30pm & The Hub (Y10-Y13) 7:45pm. Contact Mark Fisher on 867105 / [email protected].

HANNEY COMMUNITY WOODLAND WORKING PARTY...contact Paul Sayers by email [email protected] or 01235 868146

HANNEY CRICKET CLUB Occasional Sunday friendly games. For details ring David Johns on 07770 456147 or 01235 868519, or email [email protected]

HANNEY FLOOD GROUP hold a monthly working party. Contact Clive Manvell for details [email protected], or 01235 868216.

HANNEY GARDENING CLUB meets on the first Monday of each month, Sept to April, in the HWMH. 7:45 for 8.00pm. Tea and coffee followed by a talk. www.hanneygardeningclub.org.uk

HANNEY GUIDES (for all girls aged 10+) meet on Mondays in HWMH 6:30-8:00pm during term time. HANNEY BROWNIES (aged 7+) meet on Tuesdays in Royal British Legion 6:00-7:30pm. RAINBOWS (aged 5+) in Grove on Wednesday and Thursday. Girls and volunteers always welcome. Contact Clare Green 07845 047990 / [email protected] / girlguiding.org.uk

HANNEY HISTORY GROUP. Meets 8pm on the 4th Tuesday of every month. For further details and programme visit http://hanneyhistory.org.uk/

HANNEY OCCASIONAL GOLFERS SOCIETY (HOGS) was formed in 1996, and meets four times a year plus Christmas. HOGS is very much about social golf with all standards welcome. Non golfers/spouses usually join for the evening session when prizes are awarded and 'fines' imposed! Contact ‘Poppy’ at [email protected] for further details.

HANNEY PRE-SCHOOL meets term time, in the Elliott Building in the grounds of St James School. For 2.5+ year olds: Monday - Thursday, 9am – 3pm, Fri 9am - 2pm. Contact Hanney Pre-School on 07759181330 or see www.hanneypreschool.co.uk

HANNEY SCOUTS,CUBS and BEAVERS, Contact Janet Green at [email protected]

HANNEY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB meets on the 4th Thursday of every month except August, at 2.30pm in the Village Hall. Tea, cake, chats, talks and activities. For more details, ring Marcia on 01235 867461

HANNEY TABLE TENNIS in the Village Hall, every Friday at 10am. Just turn up. £2 a session.

HANNEY TENNIS CLUB is a very friendly village club and always welcomes new members. The

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courts have just been resurfaced and painted. For membership enquiries email our membership secretary [email protected]

HANNEY WHEELERS CYCLING We meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month at 10.00 am prompt at the Hanney WMH. New cyclists, you will be warmly welcomed for recreational local cycling with essential coffee stop!! Call Bob Wilson 868389 or email: [email protected]

HANNEY WINE CIRCLE meets on the 2nd Tuesday each month: www.hanneywinecircle.org.uk

HANNEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (W.I.) meet the second Thursday of the month (except in Aug) 7.30 - 9.30 in the Olde Hanney Room, Village Hall. New members are welcome. Contact Jean Geary on 01235 869070.

HANNEY YOUTH FOOTBALL CLUB trains at the rec. on Thursday night. We play in the Oxford Mail Youth League and have teams from age 5 up. If you would like to join us please contact Paul on 07510 435 508, [email protected] or visit our website hanneyyouthfc.co.uk

OLDE HANNEY ROOM COFFEE SHOP, Tuesdays, 10.00-11.30am. Everyone welcome for tea or coffee - a chat and a raffle.

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION BRANCH meets bi-monthly on the 4th Wednesday of September, November, January, March, May and July in the RBL Club. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME.

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION BINGO every Sunday, R.B. Legion Hall 8pm. Cash prizes. 18+ welcome.

THURSDAY EVENING SINGING WITH SJS, Hanney's small consort male-voice group, 8-10pm in East Hanney. 4-part settings from medieval to Now! And a pint in the Black Horse afterwards. Call Mike Jones on 751656 or David Gahan 868933 for details.

WANTAGE CHORAL SOCIETY rehearses every Tuesday at C of E School, Newbury St. (next to Comrades Club) at 7.30pm. New voices always welcome. Contact Judy Gibbons 767408, www.wantagechoralsociety.co.uk, email [email protected].

WANTAGE GARDENERS ASSOCIATION : 9am - 12noon every Saturday Feb-Sept. See website for details of all they offer. www.wantagegardeners.org.uk

WANTAGE MALE VOICE CHOIR rehearses at HWMH on Tuesdays, 7.30-9.30pm. The Choir is looking for more men who enjoy a good sing to join their existing number of 30 or so. Call Geoff (868440) or Nick (768249), www.wantagemalevoicechoir.org.uk.

WANTAGE U3A: Visit our website detailing all our current activities - www.u3asites.org.uk/wantage or ring 07546 631089

PILATES CLASS Wednesdays 9.15am - 10.15am, and 6 -7pm (term time only from w/c 13th Sept) at the HWMH, aka Village Hall, in East Hanney. Novices and Improvers welcome. To book your place or for more details please contact Pippa Carey (STOTT Pilates teacher) on 07941 260427 or [email protected]

VALE NORDIC WALKING - Nordic Walking is a form of full body exercise, suitable for everyone, irrespective of age, gender or fitness level. A range of group classes or 1:1 sessions available weekly. Telephone Louise on 07709 939997. More information at www.valenordicwalking.com

YOGA WITH ‘MAMAYOGA’ every Wednesday, from 7:45pm until 9pm in the Village Hall. all ages, abilities and levels of experience are welcome. Details and bookings, visit the website: itsmamayoga.com or email Grace at [email protected].

Page 28: Hanney News


Visit the website: www.thehanneys.uk

Hanney Lottery

September Winners

1st - Daphne Carrington-Ough 2nd - Myra Salt

3rd - Carole Moss

Not got a number yet or want additional numbers?

Just call

Hilary on 868590.

Hanney War Memorial Hall To book the Hall, the Committee Room, or the Olde

Hanney Room, contact Graham Garner on 01235 868684, email [email protected]

Hanney Community Shop

Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm

Post Office hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri

9am to 1pm Tues 9am to 12 noon

Tel: Shop - 867408 Post Office - 868320

New to Hanney? Get your free Guide from the Community Shop.

It’s also on the Hanneys website - see

below - as a PDF.

Advertisers, please contact the Editor by phone - 01235

867500 or email: [email protected]

to discuss your requirements.

Join the ‘West Hanney and East Hanney Community’, ‘The

Hanney’s Village’, and the ‘East Hanney Parish Council’ Facebook


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