HaKol - Congregation Beth Shalom · HaKol The Voice August Retreat: It’s all about community!...

H H a a K K o o l l The Voice August Retreat: It’s all about community! Issue 7, Summer 2017

Transcript of HaKol - Congregation Beth Shalom · HaKol The Voice August Retreat: It’s all about community!...

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August Retreat: It’s all about community!

Issue 7, Summer 2017

— Shoshana Bochner

CBS [email protected] Board President...................Douglas HighietRabbi Shalom [email protected] Board Vice President........... Joyce GandelmanNewsletter........................... Danielle Benavides Concert Series..................... Tina DriskillChesed................................ Myrna Wachs Ritual..................................Joel Youngheim

Congregation Beth Shalom • 1705 Sherwood Ave, Modesto CA 95350 • 209.571.6060www.cbsmodesto.org • email: [email protected] • Main Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-1pm

Issue 7, Summer 2017

— Rabbi Shalom

Issue 7, Summer 2017


Issue 7, Summer 2017

— Danielle Benavides

Education Programs:

Beit Sefer Hebrew School, Meaningful Judaism, and Adult Hebrewresume Sunday August 27, 9:30am–12:30pm

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Shabbat Services:

Fridays @ 7pm, Saturdays @ 10am

May 30

June 1

June 3

June 9

June 11

June 13

June 16

June 23

June 25

Shavuot Services, 8pm

Ten Commandments and IceCream Social, 5pm;

Yizkor, followed by Blintzes,6pm

Minchah, 3rd meal, Havdalah,Blessing the Moon, 7:45pm

Tot Shabbat, 6:30pm

CBS Bowling, 3pm

“The Hebrew Bible as theHebrews Understand It”—new

Adult Ed class series,7:00–8:30pm

Shabbat Dinner, 7:15pm

Rock Shabbat / BoardInstallations

Near Normal Man moviescreening and panel;

June 25

July 18

July 30

July 31-Aug. 1

Aug. 4

Aug. 8

Aug. 11-13

Aug. 27

Teen/Adult Art group, 6pm

“The Hebrew Bible as theHebrews Understand It”

Adult / Teen Art Group

Monday night & Tuesday—FastDay of Tisha B’Av

Tu B’Av Love Shabbat

“The Hebrew Bible as theHebrews Understand It”

CBS RETREAT! Old OakRanch Conference Center,


Beit Sefer Hebrew School &Adult Ed Kick-Off!

Other Upcoming Events:

Sept. 12 “The Hebrew Bible as the Hebrews Understand It”Sept. 16 Selichot and Honey TastingSept. 17 Sunday Afternoons at CBS concert: BarrioManouche, 3pmSept. 20-22 Rosh HaShanahSept. 23 Shabbat ShuvahSept. 29-30 Yom KippurOct. 6 Sukkot BBQ HeBrew FestOct. 12 Simchat Torah Party

Issue 7, Summer 2017