4-H POULTRY CLUB SHOWMANSHIP QUESTIONS 1. What is the most common type of comb? A single comb 2. What are the feathers at the neck of a rooster called? Hackle Feathers 3. If you have 2 chickens, one with red earlobes and one with white earlobes, can they be the same breed? No 4. If a hen has red earlobes, what color eggs is it most likely to lay? Brown 5. Is the snood on a chicken, a duck, or a turkey? A turkey 6. How long does it take for a chicken egg to hatch? 3 weeks or 21 days 7. Do you need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs? No 8. Where on the body of a chicken would you find a muff? The chin area 9. Where on the body of a chicken would you find a crest? On the top of the head 10. What color eggs do most chicken breeds lay? Brown 11. Is the cushion comb common? No 12. If you have 2 black chicken, one with feathers on its legs and one clean legged, can they be the same breed? No 13. How old does a female chicken have to be to be called a hen? One year old 14. What is the body part called where the egg or poop comes out? The vent 15. Does a chicken have an ear? Yes 16. What is the hairy patch on the front of the turkey called? The beard 17. How many official breeds of chicken, as listed in the standard, lay blue-green eggs? 2 breeds 18. Do you find saddle feathers on a hen, a rooster, or both? A Rooster 19. What is a male turkey called? A tom 20. Where is the sickle feather on a rooster? On the tail 21. Does a silkie chicken have fur or feathers? Feathers




1. What is the most common type of comb?

A single comb

2. What are the feathers at the neck of a rooster called?

Hackle Feathers

3. If you have 2 chickens, one with red earlobes and one with white earlobes, can they be the same breed?


4. If a hen has red earlobes, what color eggs is it most likely to lay?


5. Is the snood on a chicken, a duck, or a turkey?

A turkey

6. How long does it take for a chicken egg to hatch?

3 weeks or 21 days

7. Do you need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs?


8. Where on the body of a chicken would you find a muff?

The chin area

9. Where on the body of a chicken would you find a crest?

On the top of the head

10. What color eggs do most chicken breeds lay?


11. Is the cushion comb common?


12. If you have 2 black chicken, one with feathers on its legs and one clean legged, can they be the same breed?


13. How old does a female chicken have to be to be called a hen?

One year old

14. What is the body part called where the egg or poop comes out?

The vent

15. Does a chicken have an ear?


16. What is the hairy patch on the front of the turkey called?

The beard

17. How many official breeds of chicken, as listed in the standard, lay blue-green eggs?

2 breeds

18. Do you find saddle feathers on a hen, a rooster, or both?

A Rooster

19. What is a male turkey called?

A tom

20. Where is the sickle feather on a rooster?

On the tail

21. Does a silkie chicken have fur or feathers?



22. What gas can be produced by manure that is harmful to chickens?


23. What is the name of the book where you read about how a perfect bird of a breed should look?

The Standard of Perfection

23. Some geese have a knob. Where is it located on the bird?

On the head

24. On what bird do you find caruncles– a duck, a chicken, or a turkey?

On a turkey

25. Where do lice and mites come from?

Other birds

26. What type of comb does a Sicilian Buttercup have.

A buttercup comb

27. Does a pea comb look like a pea?


28. When a hen goes brooding, what does she want to do?

Sit on eggs or hatch chicks

29. When a chicken is molting, what is it doing?

Losing old feathers and growing new ones

30. What mineral is important for good egg shell formation?


31. Where is the preen gland on a chicken?

The tail area

32. What does “dual purpose” mean?

The bird is good for meat and eggs

33. Which of the following temperatures would work for incubating eggs-95, 100, or 105 degrees?


34. Many starter feeds for baby chicks are medicated. What disease is the medication able to prevent?

Scaley leg mites

35. Does variety in chickens refer to different breeds?


36. What is a baby turkey called?

A poult

37. What is the main difference between bantams and large fowl?


38. Name one chicken predator.

Raccoon, dog, hawk, fox, opossum, mink, owl, etc

39. What is a baby goose called?

A gosling

40. Why is it often a problem to keep several roosters together?

They fight

41. What is a baby duck called?

A duckling

42. Are the saddle feathers on the back or on the neck of a rooster?

On the back


43. Why do you need a heat lamp for chicks?

To keep them warm

44. What is on a duck’s foot that helps make it a good swimmer?


45. What is the mouth of a duck called?

A bill

46. Where is the spur located on a chicken?

The leg

47. Which one is older, a hen or a pullet?

A hen

50. What is a chicken losing when it is molting?

Its old feathers

51. Does a hen normally lay more than one egg a day?



1. Why is carpeting recommended for the top of a show table?

So the birds can stand properly

2. What are three requirements of chickens purchased for broiler production?

Have light colored feathers, grow rapidly, and fatten early

3. How does the infrared lamp work?

It works like the sun. The infrared energy passes directly to the chicks from the lamp without heating the air through which

it passes.

4. When grading dressed poultry there are five defects to consider. Name them.

A. Discoloration

B. Bruises

C. Exposed flesh

D. Pinfeathers

E. Freezing defects

5. Two feed troughs, each 3 feet long, will feed how many chicks for the first two weeks?


6. When Yellow shanked birds have bleached shanks it means the hen has been laying for at least how many months?


7. What is the proper temperature range for holding eggs at home?

40-50 degrees

8. Name two of the dual purpose breeds listed in the publication “Buying Baby Chicks”

Rhode Island Reds

White Plymouth Rocks

New Hampshires

Barred Plymouth Rocks

9. What is meant by dual-purpose breeds?

Breeds that produce both eggs and meat but neither as efficiently as breeds bred especially for either egg or meat


10. After the chickens are 12 weeks old, one should provide one 5’ feeder for each _________ (#) birds


11 How many grades of dressed poultry are there?



12. What is the temperature of an egg when laid?

104* F

13. According to the publication “Buy by the Dozen, Compaere by the Pound”, the egg contains how many calories?


14. What is the weight of 1 dozen large eggs?

24 ounces or 1.5 pounds

15. How much floor space per bird is needed for a chicks from day old to four weeks?

1/2 square foot

16. What is the relative humidity tat helps eggs hold their maximum quality?


17. A complete atarter ration should be fed to chicks during the first _________(#) weeks?

6-8 weeks

18. The starter ration for chicks 6-8 weeks of age should have a minimum of ______% protein.


19. Give the names of 3 of the 6 US weight classes of eggs.


Extra Large





20. What dress bird grade allows for missing parts such as a missing wing?

S Grade C

21. How many 5 gallon waterers should be provided for 100 chickens 12 weeks and older?


22. A publication giving a description of all recognized poultry breeds is?

Standard of Perfection

23. The bottom of an infrared heat lamp should be placed how many inches above the litter when brooding chicks?

18 inches

24. Growing chicks consume how many times more water than fee on a weight basis?

2—2 1/2 times

25. What dressed bird grade does not allow for any exposed flesh?

US Grade A

26. What do hatcheries operating under the National Poultry Improvement Plan do that others are not required to do?

Blood test their breeding flocks for Pollurum and Typhoid diseases

27. One hundred 6 week old chicks can be expected to consume how many pounds of feed per day?

10 pounds

29. If cannibalism develops in a flock of chicks, what should be done?

The birds should be de-beaked

30. How many weeks from hatched date does it take a broiler to be ready for butchering?

8-10 weeks

31. What is wrong when chicks in a brooder huddle together, pile up, and/or emit a loud chirp?

They are chilled or cold

32. What is a brooder?

A brooder is a source of heat to keep chicks warmer during the first 4-6 weeks of age.


33. Name 5 of the 8 pieces of literature used by 1st year poultry members?

Poultry Talk

Buying Baby Chicks

Brooding and Rearing Small Flocks

Feeding Chicks and Pullets

Selecting and Culling Guide

Poultry Quality Standards for Dressing Birds

Buying by the Dozen, Compare by the Pound

34. What is the preferred position for storing an egg?

Small end down

35. What is a chicken guard?

It is a circle of screen, wire, cardboard, or other material used to confine chicks to the heat area.

36. Why is it best to buy chicks in the spring months?

The chickens would come into production in the fall and winter when it is cooler and egg production would be higher as

well as the price per dozen eggs.

37. Selecting the layers from the non-layers is a process called______________.


38. When should you not select dual-purpose breeds?

When you are interested in profit.

39. What us the minimum expected of a 4-H member enrolled in poultry?

Be a member in good standing, be enrolled I the Poultry project, have one or more poultry

40. Why should you order chicks from the nearest source possible, all other things being equal?

This minimizes shipping time and avoids the possibility of exposure to extreme temperatures and poor handling. A local

hatchery man can help if problems arise.

41. Give the weight of a dozen eggs, in ounces, of 3 of the 6 US Weight Classes.

Jumbo-30 oz

Extra Large-27 oz

Large-24 oz

Medium-21 oz

Small-18 oz

Pewee-15 oz

42. Why should we learn to properly show a bird?

So that we can present our bird exhibits to advantage at a poultry show

43. According to the publication, “Buy by the Dozen, Compare by the Pound, the egg contains how many nutrients beneficial to



44. Parasites should not be a problem if you do what?

Brood and Raise chicks away from old bird and practice good sanitation

45. Poultry people like all other groups have terms they understand, that are useful as they discuss their specialty with each other.

What 4-H publication helps members learn these terms?

Poultry Talk

46. A term used to describe a serious deformity or a defect which prevents a bird from receiving an award.


47. The skin around and below the eyes on either side of the head of a fowl. Usually red in color but may be white or purple in

some breeds.


48. A round fleshy patch of bare skin on each side oh the head, varying in size, shape and color according to the breed.


49. The small opening on each side of the head covered by a tuft of stiff feathers.



50. Anything short of perfection.


51. A solid low, moderately small comb that is smooth on top. The front, rear, and sides are mearly straight with rounded corners. It

is free of spikes.

Cushion Comb

52. The soft, fine, fluffy covering of a baby chick or the soft, fluffy part of a feather below the web.


53. A growth of skin which hangs under the rear of the beak and upper throat


54. One of the epidermal outgrowths, which collectively forms the external covering or plumage of a bird.


55. The basic primary color of the web of a feather. In laced, penciled, barred spangled and mottled varieties, it is the basic color

to which the markings are added.

Ground Color

56. The removal or concealing of a disqualification or serious defect, thus creating merit which does not naturally exist. When

found the bird is disqualified


57. The colored circle that surrounds the black pupil of the eye.


58. A collective term applying to chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. Poultry means the same thing.


59. A term used to describe the various shadings of color in the beak of some breeds such as the Rhode Island Red, Silver

Spangled Hamburgs, etc.


The next 8 questions come from the publication “POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP”

60. What does the judge do when he observes your actions?

They observe confidence in movement. If participants are constantly watching their ‘neighbor’ before taking action, it is

indicative of a lack of experience. Misbehaving birds also show a lack of ‘homework’.

61. What does the judge do when you show the head?

Checks head for defects, disqualifications, and for outstanding features.

62. What does the judge do when you show the breastbone?

Observe straightness of the breastbone and general condition of the bird

63. What does the judge do when you show the feet and legs?

Observe the feet & legs and check for stubs on clean-legged breeds and proper feathering on feather-legged breeds.

64. What does the judge do when you show the wings?

Check the wings for broken or missing feathers as well as for color pattern in certain breeds

65. What are the specific instructions of what you’ll do when showing the wings?

Spread the wings to show feather pattern and condition. Showing bird’s right wing requires crossing your right hand over

the bird with thumb up.

66. What are the specific instructions of what you do when posing the bird?

Pose the bird on the table. It is most natural to place the bird on the table facing your left. Pose the bird to show it to

advantage. This is the most important part of showing a bird.

67. What is the best description of how to hold and carry a bird?

Place left hand beneath body with index finger between the legs and the remaining three fingers grasping on leg and

the thumb on the other. Place the head under the elbow, with the right hand placed on the back.



68. A twisted or pea comb that has curves or other faulty shapes is called a ________________. (Twisted Comb)

69. The starter for chicks should be changed to a growth ration at ____weeks of age. (8)

70. The grade of eggs depends upon:

A. Size or weight

B. Color of the shell

C. Quality of the yolk and white

71. When refrigerating eggs purchased in a carton, eggs should be:

A. Removed from carton

B. Left in carton

C. Transferred to a large bowl

72. Eggs should be stored:

A. Large end down

B. Small end down

C. Lying on their side

73. The best way to store eggs is:

A. In the refrigerator

B. Uncovered at room temperature

C. Covered in the freezer


74. Eggs are a good source of protein. (TRUE)

75. Eggs with a white shell have a milder taste than those with a brown shell. (FALSE)

76. When feeding a complete starter ration to chicks, you must add dietary supplements. (FALSE)

77. Large eggs are the best buy for all purposes. (FALSE)

78. Eggs freeze at 32*F. (FALSE)

79. A Pyrex-type infrared heat lamp makes a good brooder. (TRUE)

80. Eggs are a good source of Vitamin A. (TRUE)

81. In a Poultry Showmanship contest, you must have a blue ribbon bird to be able to win a showmanship contest. (FALSE)

82. Grade B eggs have the same nutritional values as Grade A eggs. (TRUE)

83. Water is the cheapest ingredient you can supply your chicks. (TRUE)

84. Eggs should be stored at about 90*F. (FALSE)

85. All eggs are equally nutritional. (TRUE)

86. In grading eggs, the quality and size are not related. (TRUE)

87. Few pure standard breeds are used for meat production (TRUE)


88. A wing that is carried improperly. Either individual feathers of the primary sections overlap in reverse order or the entire section

is held outside the secondaries rather than under the secondaries

Slipped wing

89. A formation of stiff, straight, and rather long feathers growing from the lower part of the lower thighs and projecting backward

and downward

Vulture Hock


90. Specks or small spots of color different from the ground color which are required on some portions of some breeds and are

disqualifications in others.


91. A round, somewhat lumpy comb, often greater in width than length. It is covered with small corrugations on top and usually

crossed with an indentation slightly to the front of the middle of the comb.

Silkie Comb

92. The single elongated tapering growth extending from the rear of a rose comb.


93. The effect produced by contrasting dots of color on the ground color pf the web of a feather.

Stipped or Stippling

94. That portion of the bird where the body and wing join


95. The triangular shin in front and between the joints of the wing

Wing Web

96. The ideal general shape and form common to all fowl in a breed.


97. Stiff horny projections from the rear inner-side of the shanks. They are most prominent in male birds.


98. The long curved feathers of a male chicken’s tail.


99. The rear and side neck plumage of a bird.


100. The term used to describe the part of the bird which includes the beak, skull, face, eyes, ears, lobes, comb, and wattles


101. The term used to designate those birds having feathers on the outer sides of shanks, and the puter, or outer and middle toes.


102. That portion of a feather formed by barbs united by the hooklets that give a solid appearance to that portion of the feather

and which give surface color to the bird

Feather Web

103. A term used to describe a tightly folded slim, tapering, whip-like tail. A desired characteristic of some breeds and a defect in


Gamy Tail

104. A term used to describe feathers which are curled or which curve outward and forward. It is a desirable characteristic of

certain breeds

Frizzle Feather

105. a female fowl usually one year old or older.


NOTE: Pages missing-questions from #106 through #190

191. A moderately thin comb firmly attached from the beak along the top of the skull. The top portion has five or six rather distinct

points. The middle points are higher forming a semi-oval when viewed from the side

Single Comb

192. A male fowl one year old or older


193. A wing which has a distinct gap at the center of the tail feathers

Split Wing

194. A short feather usually found on the shanks, or on or between the toes



195. A disfiguring indentation on the side of the comb.

Thumb print

196. The thin, rear portion of the hip bones that form part of the pelvis. Considered important in evaluating productivity of the

female fowl.

Pubic bones

197. The collective feather covering of the body of a fowl.


198. The surface part of the wing below the shoulder and between the wing covert and wing front

Wing bow

199. A comb formed of two well defined horn-shaped sections which are joined at their base

V-shaped Comb

200. A deformity in which the legs are closer together at the hocks that at the feet and knees.


201. A single or pea comb that has curves or other faulty shapes

Twisted Comb

202. The long stiff wing feathers growing from the middle wing segment.


203. The thin horny growths covering the shanks and tops of the toes of a fowl.


204. The joint between the upper and lower thighs.

Knee or knee-joint

205. The straight, stiff, long feathers of the tail.

Main Tail feathers

206. A border of contrasting color around the entire web of a feather


207. The rear of the back of a male fowl, covered with long pointed feathers


208. The pointed feathers in the hackle, back, saddle, sickles, and wing-bow of a male fowl. These same feathers have an oval

shape in females

Sex Feathers

209. The long stiff feathers of the wing, growing from the pinion or outer segment of the wing.


210. Is split wing a defect or disqualification?


211. What are the classes of ducks?

Heavy, Medium, Light, Bantam

212. What are the classes of geese?

Heavy, Medium, Light

213. What are the classes of turkey?

Only the one class called Turkeys



1. What is barring on a chicken’s feather?

Two alternating colors on a feather, running across its width

2. What commercial strain of layers is best for egg production?

White Leghorn strains

3. How many geese will one acre of pasture support?

20-40 geese

4. To be eligible to be shown in a 4-H Poultry Show, chicken and poultry exhibitors must have a statement of origin or test negative

for what disease?

Pillorum Typhoid

5. What is a castrated male chicken called?


6. What is a male goose called?


7. What is the term used to describe the horny mouthparts of a bird?


8. Name a dual purpose breed of chicken.

Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire, White Plymouth Rocks

9. What is the average feed conversion for an 8 week old market chicken?

Two pounds of feed per pound of gain

10. To be eligible for exhibition, an egg production pen should have been hatched before what date?

May 1

11. What is the part of the hen’s reproductive system that produces the female germ cell and the yolk of the egg called?


12. What is a young goose called?


13. What does it mean when a bird is described as ‘close feathered’?

The feathers are held tight to the body

14. Approximately how much feed will a Leghorn layer hen eat per year?

Approximately 90 pounds

15. A starter ration for market chickens should contain at least what percent of protein?


16. How many areas will a judge consider when looking at a 4-H Poultry Showmanship Class?


17. What part of a hen’s productive system produces the white shell membranes & shell of the egg?


18. What is a poult?

A young turkey

19. What is a cockerel?

A male chicken under one year of age

20. Approximately how many dozen eggs will a Leghorn hen lay per year?

18 dozen

21. What is the largest expense in raising market chickens?

Feed costs


22. Out of the 100 possible points a judge can give in a 4-H Poultry Showmanship Class, which area gets the most points?

Examination and handling of birds-30 points

23. How long is the incubation period of goose eggs?

21 days

24. What is the tube-like fleshy growth near the front of the top of the head in turkeys called?


25. What is the fleshy protruding part on the top of the head of a fowl called?


26. How many square feet of floor space should a Leghorn layer have?

2-2.5 square feet

27. What percent of protein is recommended in a good poult starter ration?


28. When removing a chicken from a cage, which end of the bird os brought out of the cage first?


29. How long is the incubation period for chicken eggs?

21 days

30. What is the skin growing between the toes of waterfowl called?


31. What are the feathers called which cover the base of the primary and secondary wing and main tail feathers?


32. How many hours of daylight should a laying flock be provided?

14 hours

33. What is the most important ingredient in a good poultry feeding ration?

Constant supply of clean, fresh water

34. What part of the body should ducks or geese never be caught by?


35. How long is the incubation for duck eggs?

28 days

36. What is a male turkey called?


37. What is the round tuft of feathers on the top of the head of some chickens and ducks called?


38. How old should ducklings be before being allowed outside?

4 weeks

39. What is the average feed conversion of an 8 week old Pekin duck?

2.8 pounds of feed / pounds of gain

40. When removing a duck or goose from a cage, which part of the body does an exhibitor grasp first?

Loosely grasp the neck

41. What are the two types of incubators used to hatch poultry eggs?

Forced draft and still-air

42. What is the soft, fine, fluffy covering of a young bird called?


43. What is the enlarged part of the chicken’s gullet in which food stays temporarily and softened for digestion?



44. What types of absorbent litter can be placed on the floor of a brooding area for ducklings?

Wood shavings, chopped straw, or peat moss

45. What is the percent of protein that should be in feed fed to a flock of laying hens?


46. What is the document called that is used by the American Poultry association to describe purebred breeds of poultry?

The Standard of Perfection

47. In a goose breeding flock, what is the ratio of males to females?

One male to six females

48. What does it mean to dub the comb of a chicken?

To trim the comb (or wattles) close to the head

49. What are the rear and side neck feathers of a bird called?


50. If using infrared heat bulbs for brooding a small number of ducklings, plan to use one 250 watt lamp for how many ducklings?


51. When a hen flock is laying at 90% production level, how many pounds of feed does it take to produce one dozen eggs?

3.2 pounds of feed per one dozen eggs

52. When should show birds be washed?

Not less than 48 hours prior to the show

53. What is the name of the common poultry disease prevented by putting a coccidrostat in the feed?


54. What is the process called in which old feathers are shed and new ones regrown?


55. What is a female chicken over one year of age called?




1. What do you feed your bird?

2. Show me the axial feather

3. Where is the dew claw on a chicken?

4. What breed is your chicken?

5. How many days does it take a chicken to hatch?

6. How many days does it take a duck to hatch?

7. Where are the saddle feathers?

8. What type of comb does your chicken have?

9. Name 3 basic parts of an egg

10. How do you get rid of leg mites?

11. How do you tell what color egg a certain breed will lay?

12. What are the disqualifications of your breed?

13. What is a male chicken called that is under 1 year old?

14. What is a female chicken called that is under 1 year old?

15. What 2 factors help a duck to float?

16. What is the snood on a turkey?

17. What is a male turkey called that is under 1 year old?

18. What is a male turkey called that is over 1 year old?

19. What is a baby turkey called?

20. Can a hen chicken have spurs?

21. Can a hen chicken crow?

22. What gas builds up in your coop if not aired properly?