h LANsiuRak42O- 426 I 7mst 4JJ4Z5 r F na · erland C CBrawner S M Adams and R L Carnes at Wheatleys...

I K THE WASHKGTOX TRIES TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1910 J Wife of Attorney General Wickersham i Is Hostess at Luncheon to Miss Taft Presidents Daughter Will Go to Baltimore Early- in December- Mrs Wickersham wife of the At- torney General Invited a company of young people luncheon today to meet Miss Helen Taft at the second social function of the season In honor of the White House debutante The other guests were Countess LuiseAlexandra you Bernstorff daughter of the German ambassador Miss Nagol daughter of the Secretary of Commerce awl Labor Miss Yvonne Townsend Mrs Spencer Cosby wife of Colonel Cosby U S A Miss Car- lisle Miss Pilling Miss Hinckley and Mrs Albert Akin Early in December Miss Taft will go to Baltimore to be the chief guest of Mrs Theodore Marburg at tIe which she December her debutante daughter Miss Julia The Presidents daughter will also go to Baltimore- for her first large dance of the season as she to attend the first Mon- day there Monday evening December 12 Mrs Carpenter- To Receive Wednesdays Mrs J FaIrfield Carpenter who Is spending the autumn season In her house on Sixteenth street will receive Informally on Wednesdays- Miss of New York is the house guest of Mrs Carpenter J Mr and Mrs Alexander Leeare who spent the summer abrcad have return ed tb Washington and have opened their residence 1S3S I street northwest for the winter Miss Shaw Weds Dr R F Dunmire Miss Edna Shaw daughter of Mr and Mrs B F Shaw was married to Dr Roy Franklin Dunmire last evening at S oclock The ceremony which was performed In the home of the parents- of the bride 118 Third street southeast by the Rev Dr J J Muir pastor of the Temple Baptist Church was at tended py a gathering of relatives and- a few Intimate friends Palms ferns clusters of autumn leaves and chrysanthemums adorned the house for the occasion and Miss Vance Sullivan played the wedding music Immediately preceding the cere- mony Mlse Catherine Erney sang VII lanellc and 0 Promise Me The bride who was escorted to the Improvised altar of tall palms and white flowen and given in marriage by her father wore a handsome robe of ivory duchess satin made with a tunic of white chiffon trimmed with duchess lace Her tulle veil was arranged with- a bandeau of orange blossoms and she carried a cluster of American beauty roses Miss Harriet Shaw who was her maid of honor wore a dainty gown of pink trimmed in goldbeaded tulle and carried a cluster of pink chrysan- themums Harvey C Dunmire of Altoona Pa brother of the bridegroom was best man The wedding ceremony was followed- by a reception Mrs Shaw who as- sisted her soninlaw and daughter In guests wore a of gray trimmed in rose point lace A section of the Marine Band played throughout the evening Later in the evening Dr and Mrs Dunmire left Washington for a wedding trip in England Upon their return they will be entertained in Philadelphia by a sister of the bridegroom Mrs C J Kieferle Mrs Dunmire traveled in suit of rough blue cloth with a toque of blue velvet Tpon their return to Washington they will he at home January 1 at the Florence Among the outoftown guests present- at the ceremony were Mr and Mrs Harvey C Dunmire 34 r and Mrs Charles V Dunmire Mr and Mrs Will- iam A Dunmire and Mr and Mrs Black of Altoona Pa Mrs J C Kieferle of Philadelphia Mr and Mrs Pulls William Pulls Miss Blanche Har court and Mrs Oliver Hagorty of timore Mrs Alexander Guest of SoninLaw Mrs H nry Addison Alexander of New York has gone to San Francisco where she Is the guest of her sonin fo 11arbur exp cts a after Bali I dinner F sis- ters re vole ¬ ¬ ¬ + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + law and daughter Mr and Mrs Roosevelt jr for a month The Naval Attache and Baroness Prueschen von und zu Llebenstein who have been absent in AustriaHungary since early summer are due to arrive in New York No- vember 16 Mrs Clarence Moore will return to Washington and open her house for the winter on Sunday after a brief sojourn- at the Virginia Hot Springs Her daughter who will bo presented to so- ciety next season Is a student at Hol ton Arms School this winter An interesting announcement coming from Detroit yesterday is that of engagement of Miss Marion Thurber daughter of Henry T Thurber private secretary to President Cleveland during his second Administration to Repre sentative Edwin Denby of Michigan The wedding will probably take place In the spring Representative Denby Is one of the Boat popular in society His sister Mrs Gilbert Wilkes who makes her home with him has ben his hostess during his resl- dfnoe in Washington as a member of Congress General Greely Is Host At Dinner Gen A W Creely was host at an informal dinner party last evening in honor o B L Simpson of Peking Ina The additional guests were Mr Justice Brown Gen Leonard P Wood Gen G W Davis Prof C i Munroe James Allen Dr Wiley John Bar rett Herbert Putnam A J Parsons and Gilbert Grosvenor- Mr Simpson who was presented to the President on Saturday has several books under the nom de plume of Putnam W al and lie is one of the highest authorities on the policies of the OenL The Italian accompanied t y Marebesa Cusani their son and daughter arrived in Washington last evening from New York they landed Saturday from Italy The Counselor of the German Em- bassy and the Countess Wedel who spent last few days at Niagara Falls returned to their apartment in the Portland yesterday AustrolIun nan I o en where the Theo- dore e Washing- ton ambassador and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ + LOCAL MENTIONY- our Carpets Will Be Cleaned- In most satisfactory manner 22d N Y ave nw mothproofing process employed carpet scoured and made spotless TeL W 427 sac Try Our Famous Stews 250- Pbila Oyster Cb Chop House 51311th nw 0 Miss Annette Smith To Be Guest of Honor Miss Louise Dill of Baltimore who Is spending several weeks in Washing- ton with her grandmother Mrs Du banj of Massachusetts avenue will entertain at a luncheon on Thursday- in compliment to hor cousin Miss Smith whose marriage to Whit ney Klpp of New York will take placo Saturday j evening- On Thursday evening the Misses Swett of Maryland avonue will be hostesses at a dance In compliment to Miss Smith A Mr and Mrs George Daniel Marcy- of Portsmouth N IL have arrived in Washington and are the guests of Mrs Marcys parents Mr and Mrs W Scott Smith at 528 T street Mrs Caleb C North and her younger daughter Miss Margaret North are at the Strand Atlantic City where they will spend several weeks J Miss Ethel L Cooke of Eighteenth street entertained last evening In hon- or of Miss Charlotte Lee whose niar riage to Harry Munn will take place j Commander Newton McCully U S N was host at dinner followed by a theater and supper party at the New Wiliard last evening in honor of Miss Eleanor Terry and Lieutenant Cam perk of the Italian embassy whoso engagement was recently announced An- nette to- morrow ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEWS OF ALEXANDRIA I P WASHINGTON TIMES BUREAU ALEXANDRIA VA NOV S A coroners jury presided over by Dr S B Moore and composed of James E Legg A A Warfleld Lawrence Leath erland C C Brawner S M Adams and R L Carnes at Wheatleys funeral rooms at 11 oclock met today to in- quire into the death of Nan Russell who died at her home 721 South Colum- bus street last night under suspicious circumstances After hearing the evidence of Dr W M Smith and several negroes who were In the womans house the jury until tomorrow morning at 11 when further evidence will bo heard The attention of the ponce was called to the condition of Nan Russell white fortyflvo years old yesterday when Policeman Reid was called into the house In which Ford a negro and the Russell woman lived by a slater of Nan Russell The woman told the policeman that she suspected that Nan had been dealt with and an investigation revealed the fact that she had a wound in her chest resembBng that which would have been inflicted by a sharp instru ment Dr W W WaiHeld was called in and examined the woman but do nothing for her as she was in a com- atose tate She died about 1830 oclock last night without having gained con- s eusness George Ford who was ken Into custody last night said that he knew nothing of Nan having been stabbed He avers that she has been sick for some time and that through weakness she has fallen out of bed several times The polls opened this morning In the four voting There little Interest manifested In the here as C C carlin the candidate for on the Democratic ticket has no held a meeting at their hall last evening and elected one new member- E C read a paper on The Battle of Gettysburg Charles S Tay- lor was appointed to read a paper at next meeting The report of the grand commander on assuming the duties of his office was read E War field sr made a report of his visit to the Grand Camp Andrew Sullivan- jr presented to the museum of the camp a photo of the Inside of Battery Rodgers taken In 1864 Aaron Odell has sold to J Milton Enos four houses and lots on the east ad- journed could I s I opposition- R E Camp Confederate Veter I ons I the clock after- noon elec- tion Leo ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Lieut Train Will Entertain- at Luncheon on Sylph- Miss Helen Taft who will be an Im portant factor in the social activities this season will be the principal guest at a luncheon which Lieut Charles Russell Train U S N and Mrs Train will give on board theSylph of which Lieutenant Train is In command Tues- day November 16 i Dr J Russell Verbrycke jr has re turned to the city after a the weeks vacation spent in New York Mr Skybak for four years secretary- of the Norwegian legation promoted to the post of counselor of the legation in Berlin but Mr Skybak has been one of the most popular bachelors in the Diplomatic I corps during his residence in and will be missed by society in Washington as well as Barr Harbor and Newport where he divided his summers Mr and Mrs Edson Bradley who spent the summer at their place in the Thousand Isles and on their housebeat- the Roxanoa returned to Washington several days ago and opened their Connecticut avenue house loft Washington yesterday morning for New York from where they will return this evening On Thursday they will leave for North Carolina for a stay of sev- eral weeks I has beau I I the date or his departure has not been set I I 4 Wash- Ington r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ side of Henry street between and Pendleton streets Certified copies of the wills of Nora L Turley and Andrew J Turley were to- day recorded in the clerks office of the corporation court The case of Thomas vs the Southern Railway Company has been settled by a compromise judgment of 500 for the plaintiff The Alexandria Light Infantry fifty strong last evening went to Leesburg- on a special and gave an exhibi- tion drill before a new company being organized in that city Charles E Pettey and MJss HalUe A Johnson were married at St Marys Church rectory the Rev H J Cutler- on Thursday October 27 EASY FOR DEMOCRATS- IN SOUTH CAROLINA COLUMBIA S C Nov 8 With no opposition to the Democratic tickets either State or Congressional a light vote was cast in South Carolina today C L Blease wits chosen governor while C A Smith a prohibitionist was made lieutenant governor South Carolina returned seven Demo crats to the House tho change be ing in the Second district where JF Byrnes succeeds J O H Patterson SELLER OF POPCORN ALLOTTED A STAND Major Sylvester has issued orders that Mary Langwer the popcorn woman whose wagon for eight years stood at the corner of Fifteenth and G streets may stand on the south side ofthe avenue north of the Treasury resulting in- decision by the Chief of Police to allow her to stand in a place out of danger DUKE OF CONNAUGHT- AT BLOEMFONTEINC- APE TOWN Nov 8 The Duke of Connaught and his party today arrived- at Eloomfonteln marking the first stage of the royal tour of the new South Af- rican Union The Basuto reception takes place tomorrow Immediately following which the royal party will leave for Victoria Falls J requests made by citizens In behalf of the wom n a I the Wy the Nu- merous were ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ Thousand are Profiting by this Immense Merger Sale Its the greatest sacrifice sale this city has ever without comparison in the wonderful savings it offers Raincoats Cravanetted Overcoats English Slipons and Waterproof Silk Coats for Men Women and Children Are Being Sold at Less then Manufacturers CostT- his sale has been made compulsory by our purchase of the mammoth business of the BOSTON RAINCOAT CO one of the largest manufacturers of highgrade waterproof apparel In the world All of their stores throughout the United States are to be consolidated with our own under our name but to make a prompt adjustment of the financial affairs involved by this great purchase it is necessary to turn these goods into IMMEDIATE CASH Thousands of coats haVe already been sold but there Is still a large assortment left Below are shown the tremendous cuts in price which make this such a wonderful saving opportunity All on Separate Racks for Easy Picking Plenty of Salespeople Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed Sale Starts Promptly at S a m Every Record Price Broken seenabsolutely S12no Storm Coats all the newest styles of tho season Noth- ing lacking In make fit and finish- A dressy overcoat and rain proof X11 to go at Men 15 Crnvcnetten made in stylish overcoat fashion of good hard wearing material to keep the shape f f and absolutely 43 All to go at Slentj 20 Priestly Cravciicttei made of the new English worsteds handsomely tailored with or with out military collars in all the new est shades of gray black brown and novelty stripes All to go at 3Ieii 21 nnd 30 Crnvenettca made of finest cloth all Imported fabrics tailored- of latest fit 1 O F silk and satin lined All to go JL iO J 6 75 uaran teed I 9 I I I 1 0 75 standard price 20 I I at Mews guaran- teed rain- proof Priestly y mod- els ¬ < ¬ ¬ < liens English Sllponx made of the best rubberized materials and guaranteed rain proof cloth of newest shades of f F gray and tan All to Hki flTk- go at A tv3- Ien Handtailored Rainproof Overcoats 83 and 940 values In the choicest fabrics about 75 im- ported English slip ons included In the lot All to 1S 52250 and Ladies 10 nnd Raincoats made In the loose mannish effects- of finest quality rubberized ma terials in colors of tans and grays only fc1 All to go at J9 rf Silk Rubberized Mohnlm Moires and English Sllpon all new 1910 and 1911 models a be- wildering array of stripes and plaids plain colors and novelty effects rj A TJf 2250 to 5 0 values K All to go at C ATT 8 V 10 16 50 1 Ladies goat > ¬ ¬ ¬ Army and Navy Service OrdersA- RMY Chaplain JOHN A RANDOLPH 6th In is relieved from Fort Mc Pherson Georgia to Fort Barrancas Florida Major JAMES R CHURCH Medial Corps from Fort Ontario New York to Fort Williams Maine relieving Captain EDGAR W Medi- cal Corps who will proceed to Fort Ontario New York Major JOHN P HAYS paymaster from duty In tho Department of fornia to Seattle Washington Captain FRANK M CALDWELL 12th Cavalry will report to the ing officer Fort Robinson Nebraska for duty First Lieutenant ALLEN KIMBERLY Coast Artillery Corps ie relieved from duty at the Pacific branch United States Military Prison Al- catraz CaL to the Fortieth Com pany Coast Artillery Corps First Lieutenant WALTER c JONES Thirteenth Infantry Is relieved from treatment at the General Hospital- the Presidio of San Francisco Cal NAVY Lieutenant Commander C M TOZER- to Naval Academy Annapolis Md Lieutenant W J Philadelphia Navy Yard Pugot Sound Wash to Navy Yard Puget Sound Wash Lieutenant A C NAIL to Philadelphia Navy Yard Pugot Sound Wash Pay Director L C KBRR to Navy Pay Office Newport R L MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS Virginia Maryland South Dakota California Colorado and Pennsylvania at Coronado Iwana at Boston Castine Cutttefleh Taran- tula and Viper at Norfolk Dolphin- at Washington Roe nt Norfolk Rocket at Indian Head Yorktown- at Amapala Prairie at Charleston- and Caesar at Boston Sailed Bailey from Wealth t m for Terry from Annapolis for Norfolk Princeton from for Panama Birmingham from Now port for Norfolk from Annapolis for cruise In Chesapeake San Helena from Hankew for Nanking HOMER PACE HERE Homer S Pace arrived In Washington today to Inspect the Y M C A classes In system of accountancy which have been organized In several cities In with the educational depart ments He Is of the schools and will remain in the city over Wed- nesday It is expected Woman Can Have it by Using Parisian Sage Madam If your hair Isnt jut what you would like It 0 be why dont you use Parisian Sage If It does not put life and luster Into the hair and cause It to grow abun dantly you can have your money back from Henry Evans or James ODonnell Two years ago I lost all my hair and thought I would try Par iBlaa Sane Be fore I had fin- ished woir the first bottle m hair had stop ped falling and J head was covered with new hair also removed all t dandruff a n d t today I have a lovely head of hair s I think Parisian Sage the best hair restorer and dandrrff cure In the world today It also makes the hair clean flurry and silkyMiss Mary E DIck son 2ST South Ave Brldgeten N J 1910 For men women and children there Is no hair preparation that equals Par- isian Sage it never disappoints it does just what the American makers adver tise it to do It banishes dandruff kills tbe dandruff germ stops falling hair or scalp itch or money back Sold by Henry Evan James ODonnell and druggists everywhere Iarge bottle 50 cents MILLER F ArrIvedWest An- napolis Amt 1 MY from Mare Island for Radiant HairA- ny con- nection ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ Ladles 18 Crnv nette r nnd Eng- lish SIIpoux fUtid and loose ef- fects ell splendidly tailored exceptionally good values All to- go at tjj Ladles Ilichsnratie Raincoats of silk and wool fabrics in all shades loose and fitted backs of the lat est 1910 and 11 models suitable for rain or shine AU- to go at Ladles Silk Rubberized Coats nnd Sllponx In light and dark shades fitted and loose effects regular price 515 and 518 All to go- at Ladles Imported Crnvenettix and Silk Ilubberized Coats In a multi- tude of shades half fittinc and circular effects A popular jrormeit for all occasions No woman eta afford to be without one of useful garments Values from 25 to 35 All to go at 15 1650 and 8 50 10 90 7 CO T the e 17 25 0 e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STORE OPEN SATURUAY UNTIL 10 P M CO933 f St NW Largest of Waterproof Goods in the World Between 9th and 10th w 1 t GOODYEAR RUBBER Manufacturers TREE W WASHINGTON GIVES RECORD YIELD t Western Fruit Grower Gets Ten and a Half of Apples From One Source SPOKANE Wash p7 SPhIllp Miller a pioneer rancher at Mlllerdale In the Wenatchee valley central Wash ington has Just harvested boxes- or 3000 pounds of highgrade commer cial apples from a single tree In an or chard planted thirty years ago Three other trees of the same age produced forty boxes each These apples are of the Other of the old orchard planted to Ben Davis treOB will y old twenty bores of apples while elx 01 Island Greening teen boxes to the tree eh ty trees Rhode yielded boxes an average of thlr afIet portions 501 ¬ ¬ ¬ WASHINGTON BARBER ARRESTED IN CANADA AccomptUiled by Detective Baur Ralph Racinnl an Italian wanted on a charge of grand larceny Is today- on his way to Washington from Ot tawa Canada where he was arrested several days ago RaclnnI a barber by trade acted as salesman for Cole Swan jewelers of 1514 Fourteenth street and two years ago Is alleged to have disap- peared without accounting for 1606 worth of jewelry which he was sup- posed to have sold on the installment plan ENTERTAINMENT A SUCCESS Committees having In charge the consisting of amateur theatricals music and a hall given by the Buablan Sick Benefit Society at Ma- sonic Temple are being congratulated en- tertainment h ¬ ¬ ¬ today OB the success of the wait A buffet lunch was a Beeular feature oC the entertainment neutralizes the destructive acids of the preserves and beautifies the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath PERfECT Tooth Powder I l c eanses Womens Coat Suits Worth 30 and 2250 Womens Fine Wool Coat Suits jacket satin Hoed throughout col navy and all the newest 191011 fall and winter shades and mixtures Worth 3000 2750 2500 frt f 2250 Tomorrow vpiZOO No charge foe alterations N Woinerfs Coat Suits Worth 45 4250 40 3750 35 Finest models Womens Snits every one a specimen of the tailors art Worth 2500 4250 QQ 4000 3750 3500 JZZ No charge for alterations 7mst 2750 525 I orsblack 22 88 Tomorrow LANsiuRak42O- 426 4JJ4Z5 BSTtss- na 12m88 11 V7i j I I f k A j j t perfect- a j7 r In a Special Sale Extraordinary good values adapted for all uses alt cotton cotton and wool mixed and all wool Manufactwed by the Dodge Davis Manufacturing Company 40c 27inch Cotton Mixed Saxony Flannel 29c yard 50c 27inch Cotton Mixed Saxony Flannel 39c yard 75c 27inch Allwool Saxony Flannel 59c yard 65c 36inch Allwoe Saxony Flannel yard 30inch Cotton Shaker Flannel 12c yard Extraordinary Values In 3250 9xl2 foet VELVET RUGS 3250 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs This is Alexander Smith Cos famous colonial grade a fine highpile floor covering that will last designs that will please in oriental and floral all the wanted color combinations A large purchase makes possible this jcj A A- very special price For tomorrow each 4500 9x12 foot STILTON RUGS 4500 Ale Smith Cos Seamless Wilton Rugs their best quality and perfect goods An entirely new showing of oriental de signs in allovers and medallions proper and desirable combinations- of olive tan brown green and red correct CgOO SJA of Persians and Kimanshahs I or tomorrow each WHITE FLANNELS u Ie 49c 1 Room Size Rugs 25 00 7oF J 0 IY t3 P X32854 S reproduc- tions = < < = ¬ Thanksgiving Dish Table Linen We value Per yard 73taeh Bleached Irish t I mask Per j r- 72inch Irish Double t Per 72toefc Bleach ed German n m te ff 5 Speetal per GStecfc Bleached Scotch Me value Per yard 72tach T Scotch 3U9 nBty yard P J- X DeW mad desirable patterns to Muck Ger man Unbleached Damask Me value Per yard etecn Unbleached Ger- man Damask Per yard An endless variety of Damask Tea Napkins in fringed hemstitched or scalloped edge at special prices Scotch Damask Hemstitched TVM Seta munliriiM of one 2x yard Tablecloth and one dozen 3Mn- Hemstttcbed Napkins to match SftW value J 0- Fme Hemstitched Huck Towels with plata or fig- ured centers 3c quality Special each Sheets and Pillow Cases Read this item carefnlry W lost two 2 specials of this We have every size run front the cot else to the extra douhl sIN ia regular and extra long length Sheets Sbd double sise Sic value Svedal o- MadM extra double stoe a yards loaer value Speetal TSc Pillow Cases- To match the above sheets 48x36 2Sc value Special lie 42x396 30c value Special T 45x36 20r value Special iw- 45xSi 22c value Special SOxSS r 21c value Special I7c LINENS fB1Beh An1fDell Bleached 50 c C 1 5 0 Dam z valu Soft DIsbecI Silver lOO 75 c Bleached 00 C lie qualitY I 0 00 SpedI the set u 29 C ltee m 0 7 L Quality 1It yard f Amity yard Table Dome Dam h Per lo Est awet bt quote s1i r ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > + I fetter Order Your COAL Now 1 b 1 OF Maury Dove Company Ine Wholesale COAL Retail I Wait Until Winter Actually Arrives 1i IDont 1

Transcript of h LANsiuRak42O- 426 I 7mst 4JJ4Z5 r F na · erland C CBrawner S M Adams and R L Carnes at Wheatleys...

Page 1: h LANsiuRak42O- 426 I 7mst 4JJ4Z5 r F na · erland C CBrawner S M Adams and R L Carnes at Wheatleys funeral rooms at 11 oclock met today to in-quire into the death of Nan Russell



Wife of Attorney General Wickershami Is Hostess at Luncheon to Miss Taft

Presidents Daughter WillGo to Baltimore Early-

in December-

Mrs Wickersham wife of the At-torney General Invited a company ofyoung people luncheon today tomeet Miss Helen Taft at the secondsocial function of the season In honorof the White House debutante

The other guests were CountessLuiseAlexandra you Bernstorffdaughter of the German ambassadorMiss Nagol daughter of the Secretaryof Commerce awl Labor Miss YvonneTownsend Mrs Spencer Cosby wifeof Colonel Cosby U S A Miss Car-lisle Miss Pilling Miss Hinckley andMrs Albert Akin

Early in December Miss Taft willgo to Baltimore to be the chief guestof Mrs Theodore Marburg at tIe

which she Decemberher debutante daughter Miss

Julia The Presidentsdaughter will also go to Baltimore-for her first large dance of the seasonas she to attend the first Mon-day there Monday eveningDecember 12

Mrs Carpenter-To Receive Wednesdays

Mrs J FaIrfield Carpenter who Isspending the autumn season In herhouse on Sixteenth street will receiveInformally on Wednesdays-

Miss of New York is thehouse guest of Mrs Carpenter

JMr and Mrs Alexander Leeare whospent the summer abrcad have return

ed tb Washington and have openedtheir residence 1S3S I street northwestfor the winter

Miss ShawWeds Dr R F Dunmire

Miss Edna Shaw daughter of Mr andMrs B F Shaw was married to DrRoy Franklin Dunmire last evening atS oclock The ceremony which wasperformed In the home of the parents-of the bride 118 Third street southeastby the Rev Dr J J Muir pastor ofthe Temple Baptist Church was attended py a gathering of relatives and-a few Intimate friends

Palms ferns clusters of autumnleaves and chrysanthemums adornedthe house for the occasion and MissVance Sullivan played the weddingmusic Immediately preceding the cere-mony Mlse Catherine Erney sang VIIlanellc and 0 Promise Me

The bride who was escorted to theImprovised altar of tall palms and whiteflowen and given in marriage by herfather wore a handsome robe of ivoryduchess satin made with a tunic ofwhite chiffon trimmed with duchesslace Her tulle veil was arranged with-a bandeau of orange blossoms and shecarried a cluster of American beautyroses

Miss Harriet Shaw who was hermaid of honor wore a dainty gown

of pink trimmed in goldbeaded tulleand carried a cluster of pink chrysan-themums

Harvey C Dunmire of Altoona Pabrother of the bridegroom was bestman

The wedding ceremony was followed-by a reception Mrs Shaw who as-sisted her soninlaw and daughter In

guests wore a ofgray trimmed in rose point laceA section of the Marine Band playedthroughout the evening

Later in the evening Dr and MrsDunmire left Washington for a weddingtrip in England Upon their return theywill be entertained in Philadelphia bya sister of the bridegroom Mrs C JKieferle Mrs Dunmire traveled insuit of rough blue cloth with a toque ofblue velvet

Tpon their return to Washington theywill he at home January 1 atthe Florence

Among the outoftown guests present-at the ceremony were Mr and MrsHarvey C Dunmire 34 r and MrsCharles V Dunmire Mr and Mrs Will-iam A Dunmire and Mr and MrsBlack of Altoona Pa Mrs J CKieferle of Philadelphia Mr and MrsPulls William Pulls Miss Blanche Harcourt and Mrs Oliver Hagorty oftimore

Mrs AlexanderGuest of SoninLaw

Mrs H nry Addison Alexander ofNew York has gone to San Franciscowhere she Is the guest of her sonin



exp cts







re vole













law and daughter Mr and MrsRoosevelt jr for a month

The Naval Attacheand Baroness Prueschen von und zuLlebenstein who have been absent inAustriaHungary since early summerare due to arrive in New York No-vember 16

Mrs Clarence Moore will return toWashington and open her house for thewinter on Sunday after a brief sojourn-at the Virginia Hot Springs Herdaughter who will bo presented to so-ciety next season Is a student at Holton Arms School this winter

An interesting announcement comingfrom Detroit yesterday is that ofengagement of Miss Marion Thurberdaughter of Henry T Thurber privatesecretary to President Cleveland duringhis second Administration to Representative Edwin Denby of MichiganThe wedding will probably take placeIn the spring

Representative Denby Is one of theBoat popular in

society His sister Mrs GilbertWilkes who makes her home with himhas ben his hostess during his resl-dfnoe in Washington as a member ofCongress

General GreelyIs Host At Dinner

Gen A W Creely was host at aninformal dinner party last evening inhonor o B L Simpson of Peking

Ina The additional guests were MrJustice Brown Gen Leonard P WoodGen G W Davis Prof C i Munroe

James Allen Dr Wiley John Barrett Herbert Putnam A J Parsonsand Gilbert Grosvenor-

Mr Simpson who was presented tothe President on Saturday hasseveral books under the nom de plumeof Putnam W al and lie is one of thehighest authorities on the policies ofthe OenL

The Italian accompaniedt y Marebesa Cusani their son anddaughter arrived in Washington lastevening from New York theylanded Saturday from Italy

The Counselor of the German Em-bassy and the Countess Wedel whospent last few days at NiagaraFalls returned to their apartment inthe Portland yesterday

AustrolIun nan


















our Carpets Will Be Cleaned-In most satisfactory manner22d N Y ave nw mothproofingprocess employed carpetscoured and made spotless TeL W 427

sac Try Our Famous Stews 250-Pbila Oyster Cb Chop House 51311th nw


Miss Annette SmithTo Be Guest of Honor

Miss Louise Dill of Baltimore whoIs spending several weeks in Washing-ton with her grandmother Mrs Dubanj of Massachusetts avenue willentertain at a luncheon on Thursday-in compliment to hor cousin Miss

Smith whose marriage to Whitney Klpp of New York will take placoSaturday


On Thursday evening the MissesSwett of Maryland avonue will behostesses at a dance In complimentto Miss Smith

AMr and Mrs George Daniel Marcy-

of Portsmouth N IL have arrived inWashington and are the guests ofMrs Marcys parents Mr and Mrs WScott Smith at 528 T street

Mrs Caleb C North and her youngerdaughter Miss Margaret North are atthe Strand Atlantic City where theywill spend several weeks

JMiss Ethel L Cooke of Eighteenth

street entertained last evening In hon-or of Miss Charlotte Lee whose niarriage to Harry Munn will take place

jCommander Newton McCully U S N

was host at dinner followed by atheater and supper party at the NewWiliard last evening in honor of MissEleanor Terry and Lieutenant Camperk of the Italian embassy whosoengagement was recently announced










A coroners jury presided over by DrS B Moore and composed of James ELegg A A Warfleld Lawrence Leatherland C C Brawner S M Adamsand R L Carnes at Wheatleys funeralrooms at 11 oclock met today to in-

quire into the death of Nan Russellwho died at her home 721 South Colum-bus street last night under suspiciouscircumstances

After hearing the evidence of Dr WM Smith and several negroes who wereIn the womans house the jury

until tomorrow morning at 11

when further evidence will boheard

The attention of the ponce was calledto the condition of Nan Russell whitefortyflvo years old yesterday

when Policeman Reid was calledinto the house In which Ford a negroand the Russell woman lived by a slaterof Nan Russell

The woman told the policeman thatshe suspected that Nan had beendealt with and an investigation revealedthe fact that she had a wound in herchest resembBng that which wouldhave been inflicted by a sharp instrument Dr W W WaiHeld was calledin and examined the woman butdo nothing for her as she was in a com-

atose tate She died about 1830 oclocklast night without having gained con-s eusness

George Ford who was ken Intocustody last night said that he knewnothing of Nan having been stabbedHe avers that she has been sick forsome time and that through weaknessshe has fallen out of bed several times

The polls opened this morning In thefour voting There littleInterest manifested In the

here as C C carlin the candidatefor on the Democratic tickethas no

held a meeting at their hall lastevening and elected one new member-E C read a paper on TheBattle of Gettysburg Charles S Tay-lor was appointed to read a paper at

next meeting The report of thegrand commander on assuming theduties of his office was read E Warfield sr made a report of his visitto the Grand Camp Andrew Sullivan-jr presented to the museum of thecamp a photo of the Inside of BatteryRodgers taken In 1864

Aaron Odell has sold to J MiltonEnos four houses and lots on the east




I s



R E Camp Confederate VeterI ons















Lieut Train Will Entertain-

at Luncheon onSylph-

Miss Helen Taft who will be an Important factor in the social activitiesthis season will be the principal guestat a luncheon which Lieut CharlesRussell Train U S N and Mrs Trainwill give on board theSylph of whichLieutenant Train is In command Tues-day November 16

iDr J Russell Verbrycke jr has re

turned to the city after a the weeksvacation spent in New York

Mr Skybak for four years secretary-of the Norwegian legationpromoted to the post of counselor ofthe legation in Berlin but

Mr Skybak has been one of the mostpopular bachelors in the Diplomatic

I corps during his residence inand will be missed by

society in Washington as well as BarrHarbor and Newport where he dividedhis summers

Mr and Mrs Edson Bradley whospent the summer at their place in theThousand Isles and on their housebeat-the Roxanoa returned to Washingtonseveral days ago and opened theirConnecticut avenue house loftWashington yesterday morning for NewYork from where they will return thisevening On Thursday they will leavefor North Carolina for a stay of sev-eral weeks


has beauI

Ithe date or his departure has not beenset











side of Henry street betweenand Pendleton streets

Certified copies of the wills of Nora LTurley and Andrew J Turley were to-day recorded in the clerks office of thecorporation court

The case of Thomas vs theSouthern Railway Company has beensettled by a compromise judgment of500 for the plaintiff

The Alexandria Light Infantry fiftystrong last evening went to Leesburg-on a special and gave an exhibi-tion drill before a new company beingorganized in that city

Charles E Pettey and MJss HalUe AJohnson were married at St MarysChurch rectory the Rev H J Cutler-on Thursday October 27


COLUMBIA S C Nov 8 With noopposition to the Democratic ticketseither State or Congressional a lightvote was cast in South Carolina today

C L Blease witschosen governor while C A Smith aprohibitionist was made lieutenantgovernor

South Carolina returned seven Democrats to the House tho change being in the Second district where J FByrnes succeeds J O H Patterson


Major Sylvester has issued orders thatMary Langwer the popcorn womanwhose wagon for eight years stood atthe corner of Fifteenth and G streetsmay stand on the south side oftheavenue north of the Treasury

resulting in-

decision by the Chief of Police to allowher to stand in a place out of danger


APE TOWN Nov 8 The Duke ofConnaught and his party today arrived-at Eloomfonteln marking the first stageof the royal tour of the new South Af-rican Union The Basuto reception takesplace tomorrow Immediately followingwhich the royal party will leave forVictoria Falls

J requests made by citizensIn behalf of the wom n a



Wy the

Nu-merous were





Thousand are Profiting by this Immense Merger SaleIts the greatest sacrifice sale this city has ever without comparison in the

wonderful savings it offers

Raincoats Cravanetted Overcoats English Slipons andWaterproof Silk Coats for Men Women and Children

Are Being Sold at Less then Manufacturers CostT-

his sale has been made compulsory by our purchase of the mammoth business of the BOSTONRAINCOAT CO one of the largest manufacturers of highgrade waterproof apparel In the world All oftheir stores throughout the United States are to be consolidated with our own under our name but tomake a prompt adjustment of the financial affairs involved by this great purchase it is necessary to turnthese goods into IMMEDIATE CASH

Thousands of coats haVe already been sold but there Is still a large assortment left Below are shownthe tremendous cuts in price which make this such a wonderful saving opportunity

All on Separate Racks for Easy Picking Plenty of SalespeopleAbsolute Satisfaction Guaranteed Sale Starts Promptly at S a m

Every Record Price Brokenseenabsolutely

S12no Storm Coats all thenewest styles of tho season Noth-ing lacking In make fit and finish-A dressy overcoat and

rain proofX11 to go at

Men 15 Crnvcnetten made instylish overcoat fashion of goodhard wearing material

to keep the shape f fand absolutely 43All to go at

Slentj 20 Priestly Cravciictteimade of the new English worstedshandsomely tailored with or without military collars in all the newest shades of gray black brownand novelty stripesAll to go at

3Ieii 21 nnd 30 Crnvenettcamade of finest cloth allImported fabrics tailored-of latest fit 1 O F

silk and satinlined All to go JL iO J

6 75uaran teed

I 9I



1 0 75standard price 20






Priestly ymod-






liens English Sllponx madeof the best rubberized materialsand guaranteed rain proof clothof newest shades of f Fgray and tan All to Hki flTk-go at A tv3-

Ien Handtailored RainproofOvercoats 83 and 940 values Inthe choicest fabrics about 75 im-ported English slipons included In thelot All to 1S52250 and

Ladies 10 nnd Raincoatsmade In the loose mannish effects-of finest quality rubberized materials in colors oftans and grays only fc1All to go at J9 rf

Silk Rubberized MohnlmMoires and English Sllpon allnew 1910 and 1911 models a be-wildering array of stripes andplaids plain colorsand novelty effects rj A TJf2250 to 5 0 values K

All to go at C ATT 8 V


16 501







Army and NavyService OrdersA-


is relieved from Fort McPherson Georgia to Fort BarrancasFlorida

Major JAMES R CHURCH MedialCorps from Fort Ontario New Yorkto Fort Williams Maine relievingCaptain EDGAR W Medi-cal Corps who will proceed to FortOntario New York

Major JOHN P HAYS paymasterfrom duty In tho Department offornia to Seattle Washington

Captain FRANK M CALDWELL 12thCavalry will report to theing officer Fort Robinson Nebraskafor duty

First Lieutenant ALLEN KIMBERLYCoast Artillery Corps ie relievedfrom duty at the Pacific branchUnited States Military Prison Al-catraz CaL to the Fortieth Company Coast Artillery Corps

First Lieutenant WALTER c JONESThirteenth Infantry Is relieved fromtreatment at the General Hospital-the Presidio of San Francisco Cal

NAVYLieutenant Commander C M TOZER-

to Naval Academy Annapolis MdLieutenant W J

Philadelphia Navy Yard PugotSound Wash to Navy Yard PugetSound Wash

Lieutenant A C NAIL to PhiladelphiaNavy Yard Pugot Sound Wash

Pay Director L C KBRR to Navy PayOffice Newport R L

MOVEMENTS OF VESSELSVirginia Maryland South

Dakota California Colorado andPennsylvania at Coronado Iwana atBoston Castine Cutttefleh Taran-tula and Viper at Norfolk Dolphin-at Washington Roe nt NorfolkRocket at Indian Head Yorktown-at Amapala Prairie at Charleston-and Caesar at Boston

Sailed Bailey from Wealth t m forTerry from Annapolis for

Norfolk Princeton fromfor Panama Birmingham from Nowport for Norfolk fromAnnapolis for cruise In Chesapeake

San Helena from Hankewfor Nanking

HOMER PACE HEREHomer S Pace arrived In Washington

today to Inspect the Y M C A classesIn system of accountancy which havebeen organized In several cities In

with the educational departments He Is of the schoolsand will remain in the city over Wed-nesday It is expected

Woman Can Have it byUsing Parisian Sage

Madam If your hair Isnt jut whatyou would like It 0 be why dont youuse Parisian Sage

If It does not put life and luster Intothe hair and cause It to grow abundantly you can have your money backfrom Henry Evans or James ODonnell

Two years agoI lost all my hairand thought Iwould try PariBlaa Sane Before I had fin-

ished woir thefirst bottle mhair had stopped falling and J

head wascovered withnew hair alsoremoved all tdandruff a n d ttoday I have alovely head ofhair s

I think Parisian Sage the best hairrestorer and dandrrff cure In the worldtoday It also makes the hair cleanflurry and silkyMiss Mary E DIckson 2ST South Ave Brldgeten N J1910

For men women and children thereIs no hair preparation that equals Par-

isian Sage it never disappoints it doesjust what the American makers advertise it to do It banishes dandruff killstbe dandruff germ stops falling hair orscalp itch or money back Sold byHenry Evan James ODonnell anddruggists everywhere Iarge bottle 50cents





Amt 1

MY from Mare Island for

Radiant HairA-
















Ladles 18 Crnv nette r nnd Eng-lish SIIpoux fUtid and loose ef-fects ell splendidlytailored exceptionallygood values All to-go at tjj

Ladles Ilichsnratie Raincoats ofsilk and wool fabrics in all shadesloose and fitted backs of the latest 1910 and 11models suitable forrain or shine AU-to go at

Ladles Silk Rubberized Coatsnnd Sllponx In light and darkshades fitted and looseeffects regular price515 and 518 All to go-at

Ladles Imported Crnvenettix andSilk Ilubberized Coats In a multi-tude of shades half fittinc andcircular effects A popular jrormeitfor all occasions No woman etaafford to be without one ofuseful garmentsValues from 25 to

35 All to go at15 1650 and

8 50

10 90


the e

17 250






CO933 f St NWLargest of Waterproof Goods in the World Between 9th and 10th


1 t



tWestern Fruit Grower Gets Ten

and a Half of Apples From

One SourceSPOKANE Wash p7 SPhIllp

Miller a pioneer rancher at MlllerdaleIn the Wenatchee valley central Washington has Just harvested boxes-or 3000 pounds of highgrade commercial apples from a single tree In an orchard planted thirty years ago Threeother trees of the same age producedforty boxes each These apples are ofthe

Other of the old orchardplanted to Ben Davis treOB will y oldtwenty bores of apples while elx01 Island Greening

teen boxes to the tree

ehty trees Rhodeyielded boxes an average of thlr






AccomptUiled by Detective BaurRalph Racinnl an Italian wanted ona charge of grand larceny Is today-on his way to Washington from Ottawa Canada where he was arrestedseveral days ago

RaclnnI a barber by trade acted assalesman for Cole Swan jewelersof 1514 Fourteenth street and twoyears ago Is alleged to have disap-peared without accounting for 1606worth of jewelry which he was sup-posed to have sold on the installmentplan

ENTERTAINMENT A SUCCESSCommittees having In charge the

consisting of amateurtheatricals music and a hall given bythe Buablan Sick Benefit Society at Ma-sonic Temple are being congratulated







today OB the success of the wait Abuffet lunch was a Beeular feature oCthe entertainment

neutralizes the destructiveacids of thepreserves and beautifies theteeth and imparts purityand fragrance to the breath


Tooth Powder

I l

c eanses

Womens Coat SuitsWorth 30 and 2250

Womens Fine Wool Coat Suits jacket satin Hoed throughout colnavy and all the newest 191011 fall and winter

shades and mixtures Worth 3000 2750 2500 frt f2250 Tomorrow vpiZOO

No charge foe alterations


Woinerfs Coat SuitsWorth 45 4250 40 3750 35

Finest models Womens Snits every one aspecimen of the tailors art Worth 2500 4250 QQ

4000 3750 3500 JZZNo charge for alterations

7mst2750 525 I


22 88


LANsiuRak42O-426 4JJ4Z5 BSTtss-

na 12m88

11 V7i

j II f


Aj j


a j7 r

In a Special SaleExtraordinary good values adapted for all uses alt cotton

cotton and wool mixed and all wool Manufactwed by the Dodge

Davis Manufacturing Company

40c 27inch Cotton Mixed Saxony Flannel 29c yard

50c 27inch Cotton Mixed Saxony Flannel 39c yard

75c 27inch Allwool Saxony Flannel 59c yard

65c 36inch Allwoe Saxony Flannel yard

30inch Cotton Shaker Flannel 12c yard

Extraordinary Values In

3250 9xl2 foetVELVET RUGS

3250 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs This is Alexander SmithCos famous colonial grade a fine highpile floor covering that willlast designs that will please in oriental and floral all the wanted colorcombinations A large purchase makes possible this jcj A A-very special price For tomorrow each

4500 9x12 footSTILTON RUGS

4500 Ale Smith Cos Seamless Wilton Rugs their bestquality and perfect goods An entirely new showing of oriental designs in allovers and medallions proper and desirable combinations-of olive tan brown green and red correct CgOO SJA

of Persians and Kimanshahs I or tomorrow each


u Ie 49c


Room Size Rugs25 00

7oF J 0











Dish Table Linen We valuePer yard73taeh Bleached Irish tI maskPer j r-

72inch Irish Double t

Per72toefc Bleached German n m te ff 5

Speetal per

GStecfc Bleached ScotchMe valuePer yard

72tach T

Scotch 3U9nBty yard P J-

X DeW mad desirable patterns to

Muck German Unbleached DamaskMe value Per yard

etecn Unbleached Ger-man DamaskPer yard

An endless variety of Damask TeaNapkins in fringed hemstitched orscalloped edge at special prices

Scotch Damask Hemstitched TVMSeta munliriiM of one 2x yardTablecloth and one dozen 3Mn-Hemstttcbed Napkinsto match SftW value

J 0-Fme Hemstitched Huck

Towels with plata or fig-ured centers 3c qualitySpecial each

Sheets andPillow Cases

Read this item carefnlry Wlost two 2 specials of thisWe have every size runfront the cot else to the extra douhl

sIN ia regular and extra longlength

SheetsSbd double sise Sic value

Svedal o-

MadM extra double stoe a yardsloaer value Speetal TSc

Pillow Cases-To match the above sheets

48x36 2Sc value Special lie42x396 30c value Special T

45x36 20r value Special iw-

45xSi 22c value SpecialSOxSS r 21c value Special I7c

LINENSfB1Beh An1fDell Bleached


1 50Dam z valuSoft DIsbecI Silver


Bleached 00


lie qualitY


0 00SpedI the set u






L Quality

1Ityard f


Table Dome

Dam hPer

loEst awet bt











I fetter Order Your COAL Now1




Maury Dove Company Ine

Wholesale COAL RetailI

Wait Until Winter Actually Arrives

