Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters...

Guns Germs and Guns Germs and Steel Steel The Fates of Human Societies The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 0393317552.03.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

Transcript of Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters...

Page 1: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .

Guns Germs and Guns Germs and SteelSteel

The Fates of Human SocietiesThe Fates of Human Societies

By Jared Diamond1997

Text extracted from Chapters 1-10

Page 2: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .
Page 3: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .

After the Ice AgeAfter the Ice Age• Human societies

began to change 13,000 years agoo when the last ice

age melted

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After the Ice AgeAfter the Ice Age

• Different societies resulted:o Some literate,

industrialo Some illiterate,

agriculturalo Some hunter

gatherers retaining stone tools

Page 5: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .

Inequality and Inequality and ExterminationExtermination

• “Those historical inequalities have cast long shadows on the modern world,

• because the literate societies with metal tools

• have conquered or exterminated the other societies."

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Yali’s QuestionYali’s Question• Yali, a New Guinea

politician asked • "Why is it that you

white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea,

• but we black people had little cargo of our own?"

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Distribution of Distribution of WealthWealth

• To rephrase, • "why did wealth and

power become distributed as they now are, o rather than in some

other way?”Distribution of Wealth in the World

Page 8: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .

Common Common explanationsexplanations

• Racial or genetic superiority? o No objective

evidence for this theory

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Common Common explanationsexplanations

• Cold climate stimulates inventiveness?

• But Europeans inherited from warm climate peopleso agriculture, o wheels, o writing, and o metallurgy

• Japan inheritedo Agriculture, metallurgy,

writingo Industrial Revolution

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Conquest of the New Conquest of the New WorldWorld

• "The biggest population shift of modern times

• has been the colonization of the new World by Europeans,

• and the resulting o conquest, o numerical reduction , o or complete


• of most groups of Native Americans".

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PizarroPizarro• The Incas were

conquered by the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro.

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Pizarro’s ForcesPizarro’s Forces• Pizarro had 168

soldiers. • They were in

unfamiliar territory, o ignorant of the local

inhabitants, o were 1000 miles away

from reinforcements, o and were and

surrounded by the Incan empire • with 80,000 soldiers

led by Atahuallpa.

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Guns, Germs and SteelGuns, Germs and Steel• Pizarro had

o steel armoro swords o horse mounted cavalry o guns

• a minor factor

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ConquistadorsConquistadors• In addition to horses and steel,

conquistadors had:o Superior ocean going shipso Superior political organization of

the European states• Carried infectious diseases that

wiped out 95% of Native Americanso smallpox, measles, influenza,

typhus, bubonic plague • Superior knowledge of human

behavioro from thousands of years of

written history.

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Why not the other Why not the other way?way?

• Still, why was it that the Europeans had all of the advantages instead of the Incas?

• Why didn't the Incaso invent guns and steel

swords, o have horses, o or bear deadly


Inca Warrior

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Unequal ConflictsUnequal Conflicts• "Much of human history has

consisted of unequal conflicts o between the haves and the have-nots:

• between peoples with farmer power and those without it,

• or between those who acquired it at different times."

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Advantages of Advantages of Agricultural SocietiesAgricultural Societies

• More food, more people.

• Domestic animalso Meato Pull plows, cartso Transportation, waro Furs, fibero Fertilizero Deadly germs

Page 19: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .

Advantages of Advantages of Agricultural SocietiesAgricultural Societies

• Sedentary Existenceo Short birth intervals o higher population


• Grain Storageo Support specialists:

• Kings • bureaucrats• soldiers• priests• artisans.

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Independent Crop Independent Crop DomesticationDomestication

• Middle East (8,000 BC)o Wheat, pea, olive

• Chinao Rice, millet

• Mexico (3,000 BC)o Maize, squash,


• Andes mountainso Potato

• USAo Sunflower

Other people adopted these crops (and domesticated animals) later as a cultural package

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Page 22: Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond 1997 Text extracted from Chapters 1-10 .

Adoption by Hunter-Adoption by Hunter-GatherersGatherers

• Sometimes domesticated plants and animals were adopted by hunters/gathererso Native Americans in


• Sometimes hunters/gatherers were displaced by agriculturalists o European expansion in

Australia, Tasmania

Trugannini, last Remaining Tasmanian Aboriginal, 1868

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Head StartHead Start• "The peoples of areas

with a head start on food production o thereby gained a head

start on the path leading to guns, germs and steel.

o The result was a long series of collisions between the haves and have-nots of history."

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Food ProductionFood Production• Food production

often led to o poorer healtho shorter lifespano harder labor for

the majority of people.

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Early Plant Early Plant DomesticationDomestication

• Humans unknowingly selected for traits:o seed size, fiber lengtho lack of bitternesso early germinationo selfingo dispersal mutations

• wheat that does not shatter• seeds that stay in pods

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80% of World’s 80% of World’s Production:Production:

• Wheat• Maize• Rice• Barley• Sorghum• Soybean• Potato• Cassava• Sweet potato• Sugar cane• Sugar beet• Banana

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Major Domesticated Major Domesticated CropsCrops

• No new plants domesticated in modern times

• All of these domesticated  thousands of years ago.

• Need a suite of domesticated plants to make agriculture worko Thus new plants

domesticated where agriculture already successful

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Fertile CrescentFertile Crescent

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Fertile Crescent Fertile Crescent AttributesAttributes

• Mediterranean climate. • Wild stands of wheat • Hunter/gatherers settled

down here before agriculture, living off grain

• High percentage of self pollinating plants -- easiest to domesticate.

• Of large seeded grass species of the world, 32 of 56 grow here.

• Big animals for domestication: goat, sheep, pig, cow

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Meso AmericaMeso America• In Meso America, the

only animals domesticated were turkey and dog

• Maize was slow to domesticate.

• Occurred 5,000 years after domestication of wheat

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Big 5 Domesticated Big 5 Domesticated AnimalsAnimals

• Horse• Cow• Pig• Sheep• Goat

• All from Eurasia

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Large AnimalsLarge Animals• Of 148 large

herbivorous or omnivorous species in the worldo Eurasia had 72o Africa 51o Americas 24o Australia 1

• Most cannot be domesticated

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Why have 134 out of 148 big Why have 134 out of 148 big

species not been domesticated?species not been domesticated?• Diet too finicky

o koala• Growth rate too slow

o elephants, gorillas• Won’t breed in

captivityo cheetah, vicuna

• Nasty Disposition. o grizzly bear, African

buffalo, onager, zebra, hippo, elk

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Why have 134 out of 148 big Why have 134 out of 148 big

species not been species not been


• Hard to herd (no dominance structure)o deer, antelope

• Tendency to panic. o deer, antelope, gazelles

• Solitary o only cats and ferrets


• Territorialo rhino

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Easier to spread Easier to spread East-WestEast-West

• It was easier for domestic plants and animals o later, technology like

wheels, writing)

• to spread East-West in Eurasia

• than North- South in Americas.

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• Some crops domesticated independently in both S. America and Meso America o due to slow

spread• lima beans• common beans• chili peppers

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EvidenceEvidence• Most crops in

Eurasia domesticated only once.

• Rapid spread preempted same or similar domestication.

• Fertile Crescent crops spread to Egypt, N. Africa, Europe, India and eventually to China.

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AfricaAfrica• East-West spread of plants,

animals easier o due to same day-length,

similar seasonal variations. • Temperate N. Africa crops

did not reach S. Africa until colonists brought themo Saharao Tropics

• Tropical crops spread West to East in Africa with Bantu culture, o did not cross to S. Africa due

to climate.

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AmericasAmericas• Distance between

cool highlands of Mexico and Andes was only 1,200 miles but separated by low hot tropical region.

• Thus, no exchange of crops, animals, writing, wheel. o Only maize spread.

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• It took 2,000 years for maize to cross 700 miles of desert to reach U.S.A.

• It took another 1000 years for maize to adapt to U.S.A. climate to be productive

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Not a Cultural IssueNot a Cultural Issue• Some species like cows,

dogs, pigs independently domesticated in different parts of the world. o These animals were well

suited for domestication.

• Modern attempts to domesticate:o eland, elk, moose, musk

ox, zebra, American Bison o are only marginally
