Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

tissued wfth Artn~ Orders/or August, W22. (Crouns Copijr(g4~ Reserved. GUN DRILL 6-inch B.L. Marks VII and VII” GUNS on Carriages Garrison C.P., Mark II. (LAND SERVICE.) 1922. M i,,, N, PUBLI~fl~D ~T flX~uAJF~rtn AT~ONV~T OPTIOL rob. ~,nrcb.i~d throu~.ny Boofl.lL.p oe d~zsc~Jy fro~fl / T1.)I. B?ATIQNI4ILT orw1c1~.~ th. ~DIlo~~I~.~l~rs,~d *i~P*ltUt flOtjIL1~INo~w*t. L,~r)o,. W.C. a, .d8~, Ani’~qi~ *r~1~r, ~ at, ~ $TIECa )L. cH~~TRfg~ I mr. A~,nhtIiwsC ~ C4~DItP op 1*. Foiprit ~3aiI*&T, ED4ItUUIIOU, 1922. Price 6d, Net.


Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

Transcript of Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

Page 1: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

tissuedwfth Artn~Orders/orAugust,W22.



6-inch B.L. Marks VII and VII” GUNSon Carriages Garrison C.P., Mark II.




rob. ~,nrcb.i~d throu~.ny Boofl.lL.p oed~zsc~Jyfro~fl /T1.)I. B?ATIQNI4ILT orw1c1~.~th. ~DIlo~~I~.~l~rs,~d

*i~P*ltUt flOtjIL1~INo~w*t.L,~r)o,.W.C. a, .d8~,Ani’~qi~*r~1~r, ~at, ~ $TIECa )L. cH~~TRfg~I mr. A~,nhtIiwsC ~ C4~DItPop 1*. Foiprit ~3aiI*&T,ED4ItUUIIOU,

1922.Price 6d, Net.

Page 2: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun



LONDON:rjfl71,1s1ti~D813 Ills MAJES~3YsSTAIION9I7Y O1fl~IC)~.

To be p,,rchooedthroughany Iiook.eIler ordirectly fromH.M. 9rATIO?lEItY OIFICE 01 the following uddree,e,:

IMPeRIAl, 1101)10,I(1)~U)1WA1.Lo,,noM, W.C.2, and I)1,AOINo005srIIea’r, Losnos,SW.87, POTER ftcn8’8’T, MANCIICHTZIA: 1, ST. AslInlIwa ClIR,l’eN’r, CAIII,irr:

‘23, 100311NT1lz0’r T01741101100.

(The prices in bracketM are those at which the books areobtainable, post free by Officers, Non-CommissionedOfficers and Nen, in ihe mannerprescribed by Appen-dix Xii~I11.of The King’s Regulations and Ordersfor theArmy, 1912. ApplicatIons should be made on ArmyForm L 1372, andaddressedto the Secretary,War Office,S.W.1.)

Abyssinla. Expedition to. 2 vole, ,ind mepe 1510. half llloroeec,,

£5 Cs. (Ilath, 54 4.,,Accounts. Army. See ~1NiNC1AL ltesT,wcTIoss.Africa. ~otea on the (leology of the Continent of. 1906. lh. (ho, Ad,)

Ald.ershotCommand. StandingOrdersfor. 1621, to. (

Allowances. Army. Regulations. 1914. (Jiep:~nted1916.) ltd. (lid.)Do. Aineinlinelite, April ji~t. Id. (21.)

See,lIio yjoLl) ALLOWARCE, I~AY1)8’ OiciIt~, and SEPANATI()N ALLOWANCe,

Amliaric Language. Short Manual of the. With Vocabulary.1910. 5,. (4s.)

Ammunition for Q.1’. 4~5.jnchHowitzer. Notes cii. 4th ,iuiitloii,1921). ( With Thagi’ams.) I o. (1111.)


Page 3: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

fit/LI TAIl!’ EUOXS,publishedbyAuthoi’tty—cuubIui~e1.

(A. to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Animal Management. 1908. (Jleprenled1915.) 2s. (Is. 94.~Animal Management,&c. 11416. Catecliiemof. 14. (24.)

SeCalso lloi*n~~.Anti-Aircraft Defence(Part I, OrounutCult.). M,iiiual oF. 1922, Pro’

vtolouol. to. (is.).Arabic Grttmxnar. Two part,. 1887. (Soldto O~lceraPIty.) los. (lOs. Nd.)A.rmoured.Oar Training. Troinlog and War (t’ravislunnt), 1021. is. 94.

(lo. 54.)Armourers. Inetructio~iefor

Care, repair, browning, &o., of Small Arm., Maoilille Go,,., ‘~rsrspevCarriage,,and for tie careof illoyclee. 1912. (Reprinted,with Amend-fluent.,1916,) 2~.94, (2,.Id.)

Adlendum. Jan.1910. Careand repairof flUie~,Magazillee,~308~ln.Do. Aug. 1921. 14. (24,)

Army EntranceRegulations. Are I1NTRANCO.Army List. The Monthly. Otlicere on the Active Liet. (11t4jjcatio,l was

Cuepondeo’durta~the fl~so)lan, 1919. And after, IlachCs. (do.3d.)Quarterly Supplement. Otileers of the Regular Army Reserveof Ofllecrs

andTerrilodal Arnuv Reserveof OlUcers;‘jereli orlal I5

orreAmoeiationnSoldiers Balauuc.eni~ndlsposedof, he. flea. 11421 and after. JIacli 4o.(Is. id.)

Army List, TheQuarterly (not issued in October 1914), Ilsali ISe. (12s.I’d,)Do. TheQuarterly. Jan.1922. l’art2, War ServIce.ofOfiletreof the

Army, he. (Gratisto purchasersc/theQuarterl4ArniyList.)(Protegein.)

Army Medical Corps,Royal. htegulatloiisfor .‘idiul’usloii, 1921, 24. (14,)Army Orders. Monthly. Noel, 3d. (2~d.)

Do. Inlew for 1021. 64. (74.)Army Orders. Cover.for, lid. 194.)Army Review, Quarterly. JulylOll to OctoberlliIl, (I’d, I, Nos.1 and 2,

sot ofpriult.) Is. (lIp to July11414, 1t.l Oct. 1014, 114.)(Sultsejueutpub14c~tio~suspmtde1I

Army Service Corps. See S~nv1co.Artificers. Military. handbook. 10th edItion. 1915. 04. (154.)Artillery at the Pioardy Manceurres in 1910, Tranelatedfrom the

French. 2s.64. (2s,lid.)(3)

Page 4: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

P1/LiT‘All 1’ J100A’S, publishedby ..-iuthoritj—eoultilflll’d.

(As to prices itt brackets, seatop of page 2.)Artillery. Royal :—

Instructions for Practice SeawardsI—Garrison (Coast Artillery), .111001922. 30. (34.)

Rang’etakere. Ace that01dm.Standing Orders for Lieutenant~Colonel’sCommand, R.C.A.

(Perot old diege), 14. (1~d.)Training—

Oou~t,Vol.1, 1921 Provinioid, 3,. (3o. lit.) Vu).ii, l’roviotoiioi.1990. is. 04. (Is. lid.)

Field, 1914. (J(opO’iolttd1918.) Is, (Is.)Do. Jfxainpte, of RangIng. To supplementtiloce gts’eit Ill See,227.

24. (ad.)Garrison—

Vol.!. 1914. 64. (7d.)Vol. 11, (Siege). 1911. (Itepiliitei, pIth Amenliugiut.,11)14). 141.(104))Vol. III. 1911. (Reprinted,with Ameiitimeiii,e, 11114). 15, (114.)

Artillery College. Iteportaupon the 14th to 18th Se,ulcr Obese,. (thutofprint.) Roth 1~.(lid.); 19th. Is. lid. (is.34.); 2011’aol 21st.. liacli 2s, (is. Id,)

Do, AdvancedClasses. Reportsoi. .S’Csa/soORflIs.&TcCEOuLLitult.

13th. is. lid. (Is. .34,)37th. Is. (Is. 84.)38th, is. lid, (Ia. 3d.)

Artillery Instrumentsllandbookot, 1914. 1~.lid. (Is. 3d.)

Do. Amendments. 14. (2d.)Do. Addendumto. 24. (3d.)Do. AppendIx, Dec. 1915 (Peri,oopes, to.) 011)1 Aineudniemita

to . III of tie Itandivuok. lStih P/ales, Id. (24.)Artillery, Lights, edium and Heavy, 1922. Instviirt.ioiio for

l’I’JtCtiCe. ;)d. (1)1.)Artillery Museum In the Rotunda, Wooiwioh. Official (istalogue. 11406.

(Soldat the.Uonindu. 1:. lid.)Artillery and Rifle RangesAct, 1885,and Military Lands Act,

1892. Byelaws underAldeburgh, 159i3; Aeb (/tlder,hot Camp), 1887 Flnborough, 2001;

1lyt~oe, 1894 ; lnehkelth Battery, 11911 ; Ktngluornoese, 1801)Landguard, 1987 ; Lyd,t—flungenesa, 18115 ; MIddlewIek, 1890lllillbrook, 1885 ; Orchardl’ortmai,, 1516 Scarborough, 1902 Scrap.Gate, 1856; Shioeburyneee,1895; Southwold, 18116 ; Stre,,~tll, 2010;Wash, 1891 Whltehaoei,flattery (Cumbeihtiid), 189(3. i4wh 14. (24.)

l’tittleet, 1911. 1*. (10(1.)SslleburyPlain,1900. 44, (44.)


Page 5: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITARY EOOKS,pubhisltedbij Aut/lority—eontinned.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

ArtlUery Store Accounts and the Care and Preservation ofEquipment of Royal Artillery, Horse, Field, and HeavyBatteries. Noteeon. Sept.11)14. 64. (64.1

Artillery Training. Vol. I. 11120, Drill (ProvisIonal). 2s. (1*. 94.)Vol. Il, 21420. Gunnery(l’rovlstonal). Is, 64. os, 94.) Vol. III, 192I.Organheatlonmind ltmployrnentof ArtIllery iii War, is. lid. (Is. 54.)

Austria. Campaign of 1866 Against. SeeGonsii.o.y.Ballistics. 11a~dbookof (translatedtrain t/le 2nd German EditiOn). Vol.1.

lixterior Balllstlcn. 30s. (23s.3d.)Barracks. Care of. InstructionIn. 1901. 94. (7d,)BashforthChronograph. l(xperimentswith, to determinetherecistanos

of theair to themotion ofprojectiles. Report on. 1870. Is. (is. 14.)BermudaMilitia Artillery. ItegubatIons. 1914. ¶44. (94.)Bicycles (Pedal)Military. handbookon. 1922. 14. (lid.)B.L. 6.inch 26 owt. Mark I Howitzer on Mark I Travelling

Carriage(LandService)1912. 13$. (28. 74,)Bounty to Soldiers. SecFIeLDALLowAlecs.British Minor Expeditions,1746 to 1814. 1884. 2s.64. (2s. 21.)

~ j~s. }see TwinuroteutToiter.Cadetsof the Senior andJunior Divisions, O~oers’Training

Corps. Reporton the IPuamlnationfor Certtlleittes“A’S and” II” held inNov. 11420. Is. lid. (Is. 4d.)

Capeof GoodHopeReconnaissanceSurvey, 1903-1911. Reporton the, 1914. Is. lid. (Is. Id.)

•CasualtyLiete, Weekly, War Omce andAir Ministry. No. 1,Aug. 7, 1917,to No. 83.March4, 1919. Iiach 34. (44,)

Cavalry. Teollilcol Operations; Cavalry in an Army; Cavalry in Battle,Translatedfrom the Frenchof Ca~latnLoir, XX ArmyCorpsSt.a~, Witha rrefaeeby GeneralLangloln. 11 tIA hips. Os. lid. (3$. 24.)

Cavalry of the Line. PeaceOrganization of the; and Arrangementsfor Mobilization consequent on the establishmentof Cavalry . fleplite.(SpecialA.O., July lil, 19014). Id. (2d.)

CavalryTraining. 1921. Vol.2. TraIning. l’rovlslonal, Os, (1:. 01.)Do. ‘ • Provisional. Vol. II. 11120. 94, (104,)

See ales lrALlAmc CAVALRy.Ceremonial. 1912. (Reprinted1919.) lid, (14.)

Do. ProvisionalAmendnments,June,lOll. (With Plate, and Fi’ey,)(Reprinted1919). 24. (84.)

(n’17/36)r (5) Al

Page 6: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

• M)’LITAR F ROOKS,publishedby Authority—cOntinued.

(As to prices iii brackets,see top of page2.)

• Chemistry. Practical. Quantitativeamid Qualitative. A Courseof.1911, 58, (Is. 24.)

chemists of the Research Department. Rules mmmii lU’gulatIommn• Specially relating to. 11313. 11. (24,)Chiropody. Manual of. 2d. (Id,)ClothingandNecesearies(including Materials), l’riced Vocabulary

• of. 1920. l’rovlsional. le, (lid,)Do. Amendments, Jamm., AprIl, Aug., Nov. 113111; Fob., April, Dee.

1917; lu arch,Nov.1918; Jan.,Nov. 1919; .1mm. 11420. Iinch id(24.) ; Marctm13421. 24. (34.) ; Sept.11421. 3d, (44,) ; Feb.11422.

• 11. (21.)

Clothing’ BegulationePart I. RegularForces. April 11422. is. (1l~t.)

Do. Amnetsdmnt’mito,Aug. 11422. lit. (lid.)Part II. Special Reserve. 1914. 34. (51.)

ColchesterGarrison. StandingOrders. 1913. 94. (142.)Commands,Military andStaff in theUx4ited Kingdom. IteorgamiP

nation of. (SpecialA.b., J00. ii, 11105,wIth alterationsto date, issuedwithSpecialA.O., Nov. 11, 1907). 3d. (3d.)

CompanyTraining. Notesomi. For time umie of time Specialiteserve,Tern’tonal Force, amid mmowly raisedllmmits of time Regular Army. Sept. 1914Id. (24.)

Constitution,theGerman, (&jition withoutNotes) lid. (lid,)Cooking and Dietary. Mammmmai of Military. flliimirated. 1918. lid. (74.)Co-ordination of Voluntary Effort rcsultimigfrom theformnistiomiof time

D.G.V.O. Departmemmt. A NaiiommalSchemomeoh:—AppendIcesIII and IV.—A 1)etalied Reportof time Work of the Recognized

Asooclatlo;ms. 1520. Is, (4s. 14.)(,4ppomulicn1, and II., with the Reportof flue !)ircetor-Generaiwan published

05 [Cued.173] of&s.miomm 1919.) 2:1. (3d.)

Co$t Accounting Schemefor 1919-20. ProvisIonal Inetruetlonere’latingto

Part 1. ior time Guidanceof ShfT, ileglenental, amid i)epartmentalOfllcorsat Ilonme Siatlons, lit. (52.)

Coursesof Instruction. 11422—23. 94, (9~t.)Do. Smmpplement. April 1022. 14, 1)4,)Do. • Amuuendmnemut. May 1522. ld. (lid.)Do. Supplement. Army Schoolof hygiene. healed

with AU. for July1022, • 14. (1~d.)

• (43)

Page 7: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MIUTARI’ ROOKS,publishedbyAulhor(ty.—contlnued,

(As to prices in braoket., seetop of page2.)

Orew~ of War Department Vessels and Boats at flomneStations. Regulations for the Appointment, I’ay’, amid Promotion of.1911. 22. (Id.)

Cyclist Training. 1917. i’rovinlenal, 62. (lid.); Ameudmonts, (24.)

Demobilization, Army. llogulatlo::nPart 1. WIti: I)iagranm showlngMetI:odof Diiperoal;antMap of Diaporeal

Statiommsnull AreasIii thuUnited KIngdom!. he.02. (is. lid.)PartII. Wiih l’isn of Ilmitmnent Lines, thawing suggestedAppropriation

of Buildings for use as a Dispersal Station’ neil Map ofDispersalStationsandAreasin theUmmiteal Kiimgdom. 64. (74.)

I’artItI.Do. Cimmip. XXIV. LabourUnits. 24, (44.)Do. Ctmap.XXV. Part I. DIspersalof Officers of (ho Army Chap-

lain’s Department. Id. (i~,d.)Do. Chap.XXV. PartTI. OrdnanceServices. 24. (44.)Do. Chap.XXVI. Q.M.A.A.C, 24. (2jd.)Do. Chap. ~XVhi. Ammtmaln. 3d, (3(4.)Do. Chap.XXXII. TheVolunteerForce. 24. (44.)Do. Phap.XXXIII. flnltlsh %Veot IndiesCommtingents. 24, (2(4.)

Addendato Cimap.V. SpecialRegistration. Id. (1(2.)• Ame’ndmcmula

To l’arts I and II. Id. (2d.)TOos.3 to 28. Eachid. (22.)

Despatches,Military. SeeWAR or 1914—18.Disabledand DischargedSoldiers in France. The Treatmentand

Tnalmslmmg of. Report by Sir h1enr~uNorman, Dart.,MI’,, I,Ialoon Officer ofthe Mtmitxtry of Munitions to the brencimMinistry of Invemutions. 44. (54.)

Diseases, Medical, in the Tropical and Sub-Tropical WarAreas, Memnorandaoil. 1919. (1) ith l’lates, Diagrams,Te.ri-figui’es, andIndex,) (Omit ofpelmif)

Drainage Manual. i’or the useof Royal Engineer Officers, amid otherpere005,eunployedon the Constructionmini MaintonanceofDraimiagoWorkiIn connectionwith War DepartmentiiulhulingsIn the UmultedKingdom or Insimilarclimates. 1921. (l/last;’ate,l). Is, (45. 2d.)

Drawing Plates. MilitaryAttack of Dimfor’s Counternuinesor 2nd pintS of Mi;:es; Cachet’sFirst

System; DetachedForts; Comsceale’iDcfemmcea,1,2,3,4; Printing I’iatp,A, D, C, Ac, ; Detail Plate,No,1; Do, No.0; Nefghboimnhmtmodof Wool.wich ; Villageand Smiri-oundhmgGround. Each24. (24.)

Attack of i°octresa—PreltminnvyOperations; fl,~.,Distant Attack Do.,CloseAttack ; Nelgimbourhoomiof Mete. Each3d. (3d.)

(u27/3li)t (7) .

Page 8: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILl TARF flOOX.~4publIshedbyAutherlify—conldnued.

(As to prices in bracket., seetop of page 2.)

Drawing Plates—conti’suee�.Neighbourhoodof WooIwich. SouthernSide. •1:. 64, (Is. 3d.)Woodsand Villages. Sic plates. Eachlid. (Sd.)

Drill Book. B.A.S.O. (Isguedwith A.O. for Oct. 1929.) 3d. (3d.)Dynamics. Noteson. 2nd, EditIon 11408. 3.s. (3’s. 3m


Education, Conference, Imperial. Convened,June 11 and 12, 1919,by thoChiefof the ImperialGeneralStaff. lid. (74,)

Educational Training, rant I. GeneralPrinciples. 28, (34.)Egypt, British Force in, StandingOrders. 1912. 1g. (114.)

Egypt. Campaignof 1882 in.. Military itistory. With C*se of Maps.CondensedLdltlon. 1908. 35. 64. (2*. 104.)

Egyptian Expeditionary Force. A brief record of theAdvance of the.1919. 6.. (bs. 14.)

Electrical Communications. Fixed, Instructionsasto. 1912, (Re.printed,with Amoudmente,1918). 44, (84.)

Electricity. Noteson. 1920, 35. (Is. lid.)Electric Light Apparatus. Defence. InstructIonsfor theworking of.

1915. 14. (Id.)Electric Light and Power Work of the German Army. Notes on.

1920, lB. lid. (is.44.)• Encounter. The Battle of. Dy hansvon KieslIn~.PartI, Pra~tIca1.

Translated. Is. lid. (ho. lid.)Energy Expenditure of the Infantry Recruit In Training. 38. (las. lid.)Engineer ServicesRegulations. Peacem—

Part I, 1910. (Reprinted,with AmendmnentspublisheduptoMay), 1916).is. (Ia.)

AmendmentsIssuedwith A.O. for July, 1922 14. (44.)PartIi. lMl. Techntca~Tcoattses. (Reprintedwith Amnendmesiteup to

May1,11415) 432. (lid.)Fart II. 1020, TechnicalTreatises, 44. (Sd.)

EngineerTraining, 1922. l’novisionai. Pit. (94.)•Engineering. Field, Manual of. 1911. 94, (lad.)Engineering. Military;—

Part I. Field Defeisens. 1908. is. lid. (Is. lid.)Part 11. Attack and Defenceof Fortresses, 1910. 9d. (114.rart III. Ilridghmig, ltlIi. Is. lid. (Is. 94.)


Page 9: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

ISJILITA Ill’ 13001(5, publIshed by Authonify—comitlnmmed.

• (AW’to prices in brackets,seetop of page2.~

Engineering, IsTtlitary—eontisissed.-PertlIla. Military Bridging—General PrincIples end Matenisis. 1913.

Is. (lid.); Inde~sto.12. (22.)Part 1115. lio.—lJni’lges. 1914, (Reprinted1918.) Is. (Is. IOd.)PartIV. Mining and Demnoiltiomm,. loll. (Reprinted,1915,with Amend-

merits to 1912immclmisive.) is. (114.)PartY, MIscellaneous. 1914. ls, (is, Id.)PartVI. Military ltatlwrlys. • (Gaba)’ print)

Entrance. Army. Eegu1ationa~-’-B..M. Academy. Admiiaio,i t,,, and for rlrst Appointments therefrom

to the RoyalArtillery amid Royal lminglneens. 1021). Id. (3d.)

B.M, College. Admissionto, and for Pint Appoimitmentstherefrom totime l(egularArmy 1920. Id, (44.)

~IUitary Forcesof the Self-governingDominione and CrownCisloimien. Officer,of the, 1912. 14. (24.)

Militia andImperial Yeomanry. RegulationsunderwhIchCommuls.sbusinthe hiegularForcesmaybeobtainedby Officersof. 1907. 14. (24.)

Boy-al Army Veterinary Corps. Regulat)onsfor Admissionto the.

SpecialReserveof Officers,Malta Militin,llermuda MilitiaChannelIslands Militia, andTerritorial Force. Officerstime. 1920, 14. (h4mi.)

StaffCollage,(Camberley.) 14. (2d.(tlnivarsity Candidates. ProvIsional. 1910. Id. (Id.)

Warrant Officers and l~.O.Os.of the Itegular Army. Coin.talentCommissionsasSecomidLieuteimatmts. (Under revision.)

Sea also MEDICAL Coars,

Ejuipment. Infantry. P,tttern1908Web. 1913. 22. (44.)See also VALISE IIQU1PMCrII’.

EquipmentRegulations:—Part1. 1912. (ReprintemiwIth Amendmentspublialmetlin Army Order,up

to Aug. 31,1914). 1,. (Is.)AppendixNW. March1921. 14. (24.)


Page 10: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- MILJTAIII- BOOKS,publishedby Aufhority—cont.inued.

(As to pricesin brackets,seetop of page2.)

Equipment Begulations—conthmued.

Pert 2. Details—Sect.I. Infantry(RegularArmy). 1913.

(Reprinted, wIth Amend-memits published in ArmyOrdersimp to Dec. 31, 1915).lid. (lid.).

Ia, Mounted Infantry. 1912. lid.(lid.)

II. Cavalry (RegularArmy). 1914.

III. Army ServIce Corps (RegularArmy). 1913. (Reprinted,with Amendmentspublished

• inArmyOrderouptol)ec.’JI,1011,). lid. (lid.)

V. Royal Army Medical Corps(RegularArmy). 1914.22. (3d.)

VI.—iX. 11.51. Academy; R.M.and Staff Colleges;GarrisonStaffan,) Schools of Instruc-

• tlon Military Prieons,De-tention Barracks,mind Mili-tary Provost Stall Corps.(ltegular Army.) 1914. 24.(3d.)

• Na, Engineer. General. I’ortreas,Survey, Railway, and DepOttuits, rearsandWar. (Uegu-l*r Army.) ilil4. 24. (4d.)

Nb. Field Troop (Regular Army).1912. Id. (33.)

Nd. Divisional Signal Comnpeny(Regular Army). 1914. 3d.(3d.)

Xe. Slgmial Compasmy (Wireless)(Regular Army). 1912. 24.(3d.)

Xf~ headquartersSignal UnIts(RegularArmy).- 1914. Id.(3d.)

Sect.X~’. Signal Company (Cable)

(Regular Armsmy). 1912. Id(3d,)

Nh. Signal Squadron (RegularArmy). 1914. Id. (3d.)

NJ. Signal Troop with çavatrBrIgade (Regular Army1912. Id. (3d.)

Xk. Signal Troop with a CavalryBrigade not allotted to aCavalry Division (RegularArmy). 1914. 24. (3d.)

Xl. SignalCompany(SouthAfrica)(iiegular Army). 1912. 24.(3d.)

Nm. Bridging • Tralmi (RegularArmy). 1912. Id. lId,)

Na. Field Squadron (RegularArmy). 1914, Id. (3d.)

XIa. Horse Artillery. Q,F. 13-pr..(Regular-Army.) 1013. 94.(1)2.)

NIb. Field Artillery. Q.lm’. I8~pe.litegmiiar Army.) 1914. 94.

• (94,)XIe. Field Artillery. Q.P. 4’S-in,

hlowitzer. (RegularArmy.)1913, (Reprinted, with

• Amendmentsup to Ammg. 1,1914). Pd. (3d.)

XId.’ ReserveBrigades with Q.~.18’pr. Iiq;hlpment,IlorseandField Artillery, Staff andDepOts, Riding Establish.memst, School of Gunnery-

(Horse and . Field), andMounted Band (RegularArmy). 1914. lid. (64.1


Page 11: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

9IILJIARY BOOKS,publishedby4mmihorily—coniinueml,

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Equipment Regulations—cent(nued.

Part2. Details—coniiemm~4,

Part3. Territorial Force. 1914. lid. (iid.) -

Do. Detail,m—Sec.IX. Artillery. 1912. (Gui elprint)

Do. Amemmdmeiits.Aprli1912;Feb.1914. liach14. (Id,)- Sec. N. llemglnecr. 1912. 34. (44 IAmendmentsto l’srt 1. Feb. 191li. June1921. EachId. (2-1.)Amendmentsto Pert 2. Feb.. July(two issues),Aug. 1914, Reels Id. (22.)Amendmentsto Part, 1,2end 3. Nov.1913. ld. (Id.)Amendmentsto Parts 1,2 amid 3. March,July 1913; April, Aug. 1914.

EachId, (3d.)Amendmentsto Parts1, 2 and 8. Sept.1920. 24. (12.)Amendmentsto l’art 2, Sec.XVII. (Oflicers Traimmiimg Corps), Feb. 1920,

14. (3d.) -

Amendmentsto Parts1 and2. Dee. 1929 94. (3d.)Amnendmermtsto l’art 1. Oct. 1931. 14, (22.)

European War, 1914-18. (SeeWAn, 1911-18.)-

Sect,Nb, Mountain Artiliery with

fl,L. I’iI-imich Equipment.Mountain flattery andAmmunition Column. MuleTransport. (RegularArmy.)1914. l’roylabonal. 3d. (lid.)

XIItm. Royal Garrison Artillery(IiegmmiarArmy). 1914. 2s.lid,(Is,3d,)

NUb. Roysi Garrison ArtillerySiege Artillery, Tdovai,leArmament, amid Macimbue

- Guns in Armmiamnents. 1913.1~.(Is.)

Do. Ammsendments. Aug.1914. Id. (3d.); Ammg. 11)22.Id. (lid.)

Sect.XlIc. Heavy Artillery, B.L. 90-pr.

(i(egular Army). 31113. od.

XIV. Cavalry Sr.i;ool, Netimeravun(iieguilar Army). 1914, Id.(3d.)

NV. Camel Corps School, Egypt(Regular Army). 1914. Id.(3d.)

XVI. -SpecIal Reserve. 1913. 44.(3d.) -

XVII. Olilcer, Training Corp,.1912. 84, (54.)

Practice Batteriesand Driii fInns(Fixed Mountings) of theIIoyai Garrison Artillery.(rart 2, Sects. XIla andXVI, end I’art 3.) lid, (Is. ‘Id.)


Page 12: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITA1IY BOOKS, published byAufherity.—contlnued.

(As to prices In brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Examination Papers(all publishedpapersof which the date,areomittedareaid ofprinl) :— -

Qualifying Certificates. Sept.19051 March 1908; Sept.1909; March,Sept.1913;March, Sept.1911; March 1912, EachCd. (3d.)

Entranoe: 11.51. Academym 11.51, College; Indian Army College,Wellington. Nov.-Dec. 1915. 1~.(lOd.)

Entrance: 11.51. Academy;11.51. Oollege~Imidiamm Army College,Quetta.Cadetshlpsin theRoyalNavy (Specialbntry). March 1918. Sd. (lid.)

Entrance: 11.51. Academy; 11.51. College; RoyalAir Force. Nov.1919.25. (Is. 3d.)

Entrance: EM, Academy; 11.51. College; Royal Air Force; Supple.- - ‘ mentaryFirstAppointmentsIn the RoyalMarines. CadetshIp,in the

- RoyalNavy (SpecialEntry). June1920. 2:. (1:. lid.)Entrance:11.Isi. Acaismny; 11.51.College; Royal Air Force. Nov.1920.

Is. (is. 1)2,)Entrance:11.51. Academy,Woolwich; 11.51. College, Sandlmumrst;Royal

Air Force; SsmppIememitam’yFirst Appohmmtmemmts in Royal MarimmesCadetehlps1mm the Royal Navy (SpecIal Entry) ; In,llan PoliceForcel’olio Fom’ces of StraitsSettlements;time FederatedMalay States,andtheUnfederatedMalayStates. Juneand July1921. 3s.lid. (2s, lid.)

Entrance:)1.M. Academy,Woolwleh; 1(51. College,Samidhuret;RoyalAir Force. Nov. 1929. 2s. (is. 92.)

Entrance: n.M. Academy,Woolwich; 11.51. College, Sandhurst;RoyalAir Foqee;RoyalMarines;RoyalNavyCadets;Indianl’oflce ForceandCeylon asmd Far EasternI’olice Forces. Juneand July 1922. is. lid.(Is. 44.)

~ Academy,Fourth Class; R.~X.College,Fourth, is. Third,and SecondDivisions. Juiy, Dec. 1904. Each1:. June1905. is.(Is. 22.) -

R.M. Academy, Fourth Class; B.~X. College Senior Division.Dec. 1905; Jumme,Dec.1909; July, Dec. 907 Each

Staff College. Admission. July 1911;June-July1911; June-July1913. EachIs. (is. 12.)

~1llitia Imperial Yeomanry’, and University Candidates,Oct. 1908, 1:, (114.)

Ofilcers for Promotion. Dec. 11)12; May and Dec. 1911;April 1914.Eachhe, (1:. Id.); Oct. 11)20. is. lid. (Is. Id.); April1921. ii. (104.);Oct. 1921. 15, lid, (Is, 3d,); April1922. is. lid. (is.4d.). - --

(12 -

Page 13: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITARY I3OOI~S,publishedby Auiher(fy—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

ExaminationPapers—continued. -

OmcerøTraining Corps:— -

Cadetsof theSaniorflivision, CertlficateA. Dec.1908. lid. (54.)Cadets of the Junior and Senior Division., CertlflcatesA

and D. Sprimigoh 1909 ; Nov, 1911 Msrelm, Nov. 1912; March 1914.Reel; lId. (84.1; Macelm 1921. 2i. 3W. (1:. lOd.); Nov. 1921, is. lid. (Is. 4d.);March1922. is. (Is. 811.) -

Foreign Languages. Modern. June 1919, 1:. (Is.) Jan. 1920.Os. (Is. Sd.); June1921). Is. (is. 92.); Jams. 1921. 13:. (is. Id.); June11)21. is, (-Is.); Jamm, 3922. is. kId. is. 3d.)

Staff Collegesat Camberleyand uetta. Reporton the)ixamlsma.tlon for Adnmissbous. With lixamimmatloum Papersand Remarksof theExamimmersthem-eon. Feb. amtd March 1921. 2: (Ii. 104,). Feb. andMarch 1922. Is. lid. (2s. 3d.) -

Family Allowance.Seealso 1’Ar FOR fdoT.nIRmlS AND SerneAlIole ALLOWANCE. -

Field Allowanceto time Commanderof anArmy amid to theCommanderofan Army Corpsor tiromip of Divisions; Promotion of Lieutenanteof the Army Veterimmary Corps, SpecIal1(eserve, amid Territoriai Force;Bountyto Soldiers. SpecialArmy Order, June23, 1916. 14. (IcC.)

Field Almanac, loll. Id. (22.) -

Field ServiceManuals:‘-Ammunition Column. Diviaional, New Aru4es. 1915. 3d. (3d.)Artillery. Heavy. (B.L. 60-pr.) Battery and AmmunitionColumn,

IixpeditionaryForce. 1916. 3d. (3d.)Artillery. Horse. Brigade, 13-pr.Q.F. 1908. 3d. (3d,)Cavalry Regiment. ExpeditIonary Force. 1913, Oil, (3d,)Engineers. Bridging Train. ExpeditionaryForce, 1916. 3d. (3d,)

Do. Field Comtiany. ExpeditionaryFou’ce. 1915. 34. (3d.)Do. Field Squadron. ExpeditiommaryForce. 1914. 3d. (3d.)Do. Works Company. ExpeditionaryForce. 1910. 3d. (3d.)

Headquarters Units. ExpcditiomieryForce. 1911, 3d. (3d.)Infantry Battalion. llxpedltiommaryForce. 1914. 3d. (3d,)Infantry(Mou,nted)Battalion. ExpeclltlonaryForce.1913, 3d. (3d.)MedicalService. Army. ExpeditionaryPores, 1814. 34. (Id.)Signal Service. Signal Company(Cable).ExpedItionary Force.

1913. 3d. (3d.)- Do. Signal Company(Divisional). Expeditionary

- Force. 1915. 3d. (3d.)

(13) -

Page 14: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

hilL/TA ICY BOOKS, published by Ammiherify—continued.

- - (As to irices in brackets, seetop of page~2.)

Field Service Pockot Book. 1914, (ReprInted, witlm Amendments,1916). is. (112.); AddenclmmmNo. 1, ShortenedForm of Service br thellurIal of theDccci. Id. (24.)

FieldServiceRegulations:—Part11. OrganizationandAdministration, 1920. lo, (184.)lIe. Amendment.April1915, id. (11.)110, Addendmsmn,Jan. 11)17, for the Guidance of Troopeoperatingin

France ammd Belgium. Dutle~mmd Ileaponeihilitios ci theQuartermnaster-Oemmeral,k-Ice Director.Uemmeralof Transportationand tIme LlemmeralOfficer ComamandimigLinesof CommunicationArea. 12. (14.)

Do. Additions mmmd Corrections,March, 1917. Duties amid ifesponel.blilties of time,and of Chief Engineers,Au.12. (22.) -

Field ‘Works (All Arms). Mammal. 1922. (Provisional.) Is. (2s,)Financial instructions in relation to Army A000UntE. 1910.

(lleprImmted,-with Amnemcdmnemmtsto Oct. 1, 1917). (Omitqfprmnt), lid. (Sd.)Fire Manual. Army. 1918. Id. (3d.) - -

Foods. AnalysesandEnergy ‘Valuesof. So. (4s. lOd.)Foreign Languages,Study of. RegulatIons.1922. 3d. (44.)Foreign Press. ~upplemommtto time Daily Reviewof the:—

- Ecomionmic. I°ortnlghtly,.commnecmeingwith thmat of Aug. 20, 1918, toAug.12. 1919. Eachlid. (lid.)

Medical. (Compliedicy time MedicalResearchCommittee). Monthly, com~onencingwith that of Jane11318,to April1919. Eachlo. (104.)

Political. Weekly. let.No. Aug.9, 1919. -

Section1. Vol. VII. No.!. CemitralEurope. Oct. (lid.) (Ocmtojprimsi)SectionII. Do., do. Eastammcl Nortim-EastEurope.lid. (lid,) (Oafefpm-icmt)SectionIV, I)o., do. WesternEurope. lid. (lid.) (Out ofprint)SectionV. Do., do. America and time Psciiio. lid. (kid.) (Outs/print) -

Rcecnetruetion. Fortnig)itly, corn;n~ncingwith ti;ot ol Aug. 13, 1918, -

to July33, 1911). liacim lid. (62.)Technical. Fortmclglmtiy, commencing with that~f May 28, 11)18, to

Aug.19,19113. Eachlid. (kId.)Indexto Ihe Ecom;ornh’coil IieconstructlonSupplemnents. IeIay to Nov.- 1918;Nov.11118 to April 11)19. 1~.(lid.)Index to the MedicalSupplement.

Vol. 1., Dec. 11)18. is. (104.)Vol. IL., Jams, to April 1919. is. (10cC.)

Indexto time TechnicalSupplememit. Vol. 1., July to IIec,1918. Cd, (lid.)

-. - (14) ‘ -

Page 15: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

M!Ll7’A ICY BOOKS, published by AufAortty—continmm~d.

(As to pricesin -brackets,seetop of page2.)

Fortiftcatton. Permanent. For time Imperial Military Tralnlimglietabhisimmnermtsasic! for time lnetrmmction of Officers of all Arms of timeAustro-llungarlmmmcArmy. Itim Edition, Translated. is. (Is. ild.)

France. Disabled and DischargedSoldiers in. SeeDISAimLSD.

Franoc.German War, 1870-71. Translated from the QermanOiilcIaIAccount:— - - -

Firstl’art—hlistory of the War to theDownfall of tl:s llmpire.—Vol. 1 (Sees.1 to 5). Omithreakof Hostilities to Battle of flrmsvelotte

(Out ofpriat)Vol.2 (Sees.8 to 8). Battle of Uravelotte to Downfall of the Empire.

(Oafof print)SecondPart—llistoryof theWar againsttimeRepublIc—

Vol. 1 (Sees.10 to 13). Investment of I’aris to lte.occupatlon ofOrleans by thoOermnamc,. LI lie. (OIls. 94.)

Voh 2(Sees.14 to 18). Events in Northern France from end of Nov.In North-west from beg!mmmming of Dee. Siege ci Paris fromcommencement of Dec. to lice Armistice Operations in theSouth-eastfrom middleof middle of Jan. 11 Co. (205.9d.)

Vol. 3 (Sees.19 and 20), Events in OsmiUm-east Francefrom middle Termnlmmthomiof 1hostilItie~.RearwardCommunlcatione.TimeArmistice. Homeward March and OccupatIon. Retrospect.£1 Ii:, lid (Li 40. 84.)

Alsooepczc-ately,Section:in papercorers,and Plans, unmounted,’—

SectIon. -

1, Events1mm July. l’iarm. Is. (Is. lid.)9. IivemmtstoJiveof Battlesof WOrth end Splcimeren. 3rdccl. (Outofprtat)3. Battlesol WOrtim ammdSpicheren. 3rd edition. (Out ofprint)4, AdvanceofThird Army to the Moselle,Ac, fadeditIon. (Oaf 0/print) -

5, Operationsnear Mete on 11th, 113th, and llti; August. Battle ofVionviile—MarsIa Tour. 2ndedition. (Outs/print)

6. Battleof Gra-velotte—St.I’ris’at, (Out s/print)7. Advance of Third Army and of Army of the Mouse againstArthy of

Chalomms, (Oat a/print)8, Battleof Sedan. ‘ (Out ofprint) -

9. Proceedingson Orrnmsn Coast mmmci before Fortresses In Aleace.Lorraine. Battleof Nolssevllie. Utneralreviewof War up t~oSept.45, lid. (30. (ld,)


Page 16: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- - ZIfILITARI’ BOOKS,publishediy AutAorIty—oonUnued.

- (A~to prices in brackets,seetop of page2.) -

Franco-~erman War—continued. -

10. imiveetmenctofPam’ip. Captureof Foulmmd Straesburg.6o. (So. Id.)11, Events before Pmtris, and at other points ot -Theatre of V~’aeIn

WesternFrance,u;mtIl mmci of O~tobar.Is. 3d. (4s. 5d.)l2.~Last Engagementswith French Army ci time Rhine. Occurrences

after fall of Strassburgand Mete to mniddie of November, is. lid.(Se.iOn.) — - - -

13. Occurrenceson Theatreof War in CentralFranceup to lte~oc~upatIonof Orleansby time Germans. 115. (So,

14. Measuresfor Insvestmentof Parisup to middle of December,4:, cls. 112.)

15. Meiteures for protecting the Investmentof l’arls and OccurrencesbeforeFrenchCapitaltooomnmeimcementof 1871. 26. 84. (Is, 12.)

Ski. Proceedingsof SecondArmy from commencementof 1871 untiJ theArmnIstice. Is. lid. (3s.)

17. Proceedingsof First Army from commencementof 1871 untIl theArmistice. Is. (Is, lid.) -

18. Occurrenceson South-easternTheatreof War up to middle of Jan.1871.EventsbeforeI’arIs f~omncommencementof 1871to time ArmistIce. 86.(Os. 9d.) -

19. Occurrenceson Sommth-eastermmTimeatre of War from middle of Jan.- 1871. Proceedurmgs in rear of German Army and In Coast

- Provinces,fromssNov.1870untIl time Armistice. l3s, lid. (lOs. 112.)- 20. General Retrospectnt War from begimimming of Sept.1870 to Cessation

of Iiostii!hies. Arimmhetlce ammd ‘PeaceI’relimimmarie~, Return of- German Army and I’eace of Frmmmmicfort. The Oeeupatlon. The

Telegraph,roet, Supply of Ammunition, Commniasarlat,HospItal- Service,Divine Service,Military JustIce,Recruitment,and Ihome

Garrisons. Results. So. (4s.3d.)

AnalyticalIndex. Is. lid. (Is. 44.) -

Plane— -- -

4. Battle of Colomlcoy-Nouiiiy. 3d. (52.) -

81. Battle of Ylomme-ilie—Mars Ia Tour. Position; of ContendingForcesat Neosm. 3d. (54.) -

5s3. Battle of Vionviihe—Marn ha ‘four. Position cci ContendingForcesfrom 4 to 5 p.m. lit, (54.) -

91. Battle of Seclami. PositIonoi ContendlmmgForcestowardsNoon. 3d. (4c11.)9n. Battle of Sedan. Fo~ItIonof the GermmtmmsIn time afternoonshortly

beforetheend of thestruggle. 3d. (44,)Seealso SiegeOperations. -

- (16) I -

Page 17: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILiTARY JJOOES, publishedby AuZhos’(ty—.~bntiaued.

(As to prices in bracket., seetop of page 2,) -

French Words and Phrases with English l’ronmmnclmction. Notes 0mm.Fremichm Measures. Abbreeiation~and Termsusedon French Maps, wIth~Englishequivalents,Short Vocabularyof. 14. (24.) -

~‘unds Associations Societies, &c., for theAssistanceof ServingandEx.~ervteeVOicer,. llenc, Womenand their Dependante. 1922. Cd. (lid.)

Ger~nanArmy. Cavalry. Drill lieguiatloni, 1900. 3d. (4d.)Do. -FootArtillery. Drill RegulatIons. PartIV. Taic FLOaT.

1809. ad. (54.)Do, Manu,uvresRegulatIons. 1908. 3d, (Sd.)

- GermanConatitution. The. (Ldif ionw4lihoutNotes.) 1990. Cd. (lid.)

Germany. The Campaign of 1868 in:— - -

With 22 plans in portfolIo. 1872. (Reprinted1907). 6:. (bs.lid,)- - Moltke’. Projeots for. 1:. (Is.)

moltke’. Correepondenceduring. Précis. With 4 Plans, li (Is.)Guernsey and Alderney Royal Militia. Regulations. With the

Militia Lawa relating to the Islands. Provisional. Os. (2.. 64.)Guns, Drills for :— -

916-inch EL. Gun, ConvertedMark I and II Carriage, Mark I. Is, (102.)375-inchQ.F. Howitzer, Mark I Carriage, Mark 1. 11.’ (104.)4’S-inchq.~.Howitzer.MarksI andIi, Carriage,Mark I, Cd. (62,)6~InchIl.L. Oll-ewt. Howitzer,Mark I, Carriage, Mark I. 4d. (52.)6-inchB.L. MarksVII amid VII’ Guns on Carriages,Garrison0.2.,Mark II

(L.S.) 1922. lId. (lid.)S-inchB.L. (Sun, Mark XIX, Carriages Mark VIII and VillA. 1.. (104.)8—inch B.L. howitzer, Marks VII, VIl°, Vil~

5,and VIII. Carriages,

MarksVII andVita. 92. (Sd.)92-inch ilL. Howitzer,Mark II, Carriage,Siege,Mat-k II. 04. (84.) -

13-pr.Q.F., Gun,Marks I and Ii, Carriage, Mark I. Cd, (Cd.) Q,P.,Gun,Market toIl, Carriages,Marks 1’~to II (with Supple.

memmt for Mark I Carriage).- Cd, (84.)18-pr. Q.F., Mark LV, Carriages,MarksLII anon!,III”, 44. (44.)60-pr. fl.L., Mark I—I~~.Carriages,MarksI andIII. Cd, (Cd.)Amendments:—Feb.1922. ld. (22.)

4’S-inch Q.F. Howitzer, MarksI andII, Carriage Mark I (Sept. 192O)~Feb. 1922. 14. (22.)

SeealsoMACUINE Guns; Musznrrnr REGULATIONS Part I; and Rh1L~,- Ito~MIGAZHcE.


Page 18: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITARY 1100112, pnmbl(shcci bp AWhority—eontlnmienl.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

Guns. Handbooks for:— - - -‘303-inc-h JIotci~kiosMmtci,imme. I’ros-lsiommal. lid, (74,)‘303-him-li and ‘303-inchConvert-edMaxim Ithacimimme (Magszimneliltie Citammiherl,- mounted on Carriages,MG., Inifamitry, I’arapet; Tripod amid Cnmce

Mountings. loll. (lieprincted, with Amenidmncmmt.~,1015). 94. (94.);Acid~ioia,ld. (2d.) ; Atnenidticoiito, - ~d, (14)

I’ll-inch CL. Muic Rqiiipment, is, lid, (2s, lid,)Stokes3-immoim Tm-ouchMom-tar. ML. Land ServIce, 1919. 1:. 134. (Ii, 44.)3’7-hmmcimQ.F. Imlommnumdmmhowitzer. Mark L ilCi, is. (2e. lid.) -

4’5-inelmQ.F. lieu itzer. Atld,emmdaammu CorrI~emnlaNo, 3, ‘ lid, (lid,)- li-ln~imDL. Mini-k XIX Gun mmTravelling t~arriage.Laud Service, 1920.

4o. (Is. -Id.) -

- li-inch I3.L. 213 cwt. Howitzer. Mark I. - (In the pm-sos)- - li-inch ML. Tremmeim Mortars, Marks I, II, amid UI. Land ServIce. 2920.

is. (11,1.)-S-immelmDL. Howitzer. MarksVi—VITI. 7s. (So. Id.)9’l-immch Il.L. Howitzer. MarksI amid 11. 1920. Is. (Os, 74.) Anmennlnoemmte

No. 2, Sept. 1922. ltd. (~l~.)- -

li-pr. Q.F.Gunson CasementMotmmmt-imngs. 1020, 2s.01. (-is. id)18-pr. Q.F., MarksI, 1’, 11, mini 11’, on Cmirrimmgeo, Field, Mark I. Land

SeroJee. 1921, 28. lid. (I.e. 2d.) ArnemidmnomntsNo. 3. Sept,- 1922, Gratis,

Do. on Carriages,Field, Marks 1*, 1°°amid II. Land Service,1022, Is. lid. 120.1 Id.) AmnemndmmnemmtsNo.1. Sept.3922. Gratia,

18-pr.Q.P. Gnu, MmsrkIV on Carriages,Fiei,i, MarksIII, lilt, 5110,a,mml IV,Land ServIce. 1921. 9~, (4s. Id.) Ansemmdmnemmts (Nm. 1 end 2).Mmcii 3d. (24.) -

60-pr.B,L. MarksI to~ (lmmns, omm Mom-ks I miami III Yield Carriages. (LammdService.) 1021. lie, lid. (Is. 24.) AmuemanimneutsNo. 1. July 1922.Id, (1~d.) - -

130-pr. DL. Slacks Ii and II” Gums, 0mm Mark 1V Fiei,1 Carriage. lOs, lid.(95. 2d.) - AnaemmdmneimteNo.1. 24. (2~d.);AnsemmmlmmiemitsNo.2. 24, (2)4.)

Health oftheArmy. Reporton the, for theyear 1014. lOs. (is. 42.)Historical Records of the British Army:— -

HorseGuards. be. (4e, Id.) - -

DragoonConnie,3rd amid 7th. Eachlie. -‘(So.) -

DraEoonv,1st,3m-mi, 14th, mmml 16th. Each40. (Se, -Id,) -

1)0. 13th, .ls. (2s.Sd.) - - --

Marine Corps. lIe. (Is. lid.) -- Foot, 8th, 10th,11th, I2tlm, Iltim, 15th, 111th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd,

36th, 39th, 4Iltim, 53rd, 67th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 74th, 813th, 87th,and 92nd. Each 45, (So. 44.)

Do. lAth, 66th, 61st,70th, and88th. Each3s. (2s. lid.)


Page 19: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MiLITARY BOOKS, pu&liehcd by AuIhority—contimoued.

(As to prices in bracketsseetop of page2.)

Histories, Short, of the Territorial Regiments of the BritishArmy. 67 meumntmers,each14, (lit.) In onevolume, 6:. (Is. 9d.)

Do, TheSectsGuards. id. (Id.) -

Do. The13th (lnntskhliieig) liragoomos. (Out a/print). 3d. (Id.)Do, ‘Revised Editions. 14. (Id.) ~inclia— -

AhCaarmdra,I’rincessofWalea’eOwmt I TheOxfordshahromnndlluOkinghaam-(YorkshireItegimenit). shireLtglat Imm!ontry,

TheISetIfor,lohulreRegimemmt. The 1’riane~of Wales’s LeinaterTheDiackWsi-rb(Royal llighianders).I Itegimnent(Royal Canadians).ThmoOamneroumlamms(Scottish,Silliest. Time i’m-lime: of Wales’s Own(Went

- TheCheeimireRegiment. Yorksimiro RegIment).The Dmake of Cornwall’: Light In. ( This l’rinco of SVahes’sVohunteer~

imuitry. I (Sm,utim LancashireRegtmemmt).This Duke of Wellington’s-West I ThePrincessCharlotte of Wales’s

Ru-Iimmg Eeghmnemmt. (Tim~I(oyinl IierksimireRegiment).TheDurhamLight Infantry. I ThePm-Ince~sLouise’s ArgyIl antiThe1Ia~tLasmcashireRegiment. Sutherlandlligtiimmnders.TheRant SurreyItegimnemot. I Time Qnmm-n’s (Royal 1% cot SurreyThellamnoshir:Regiment. I Reghmnenmt).ThehighlandLight Infammiry. ITheRing’s Own (Roymil Lancaster j The Itoyal InniekihhingFusl(lsrs.

Regiment). TheRoyalSussexRegiment.TheXimmg’s OwnScottishPorderers. I The Iim~ymthWeishFusihiers.

- TheLamicasimireruaiiiers. I The South Staffordshirelieginient,Ther~eice,termhlreRegiment.TheLoyal North Lancashireflog). TheSut?oikRegiment.

ment. The Welsh Itegimnemit..TheNorthmamoiptonshmlreRegiment. Time WorcestershlreRegiment.

Hthtory of the Great War. Booed on Oflum’Ial Documents. MomlicalServices,DIscusesof thin War. - Vol I. - 21s. (ills Cd.)

Horse. Pield, Pack,Medium, and Heavy Artillery. Inatructionsfor Practice(includingMovableArmament). feb. IttIh. lid. (3d.)

Horses, Notes on i-lie Feeding, Management,end Issue 01 Army. March19113. 14, (Id,) Seemoles ANIMAl, S1An~cseotmnmT.

Hospital,. Military’ Pamilie.’. Nmmm-singStaffliegulatione,Idea, 1909, Id. -

(lid,) Seealoe Ntntii~aoSm-mmvicme. modTRuenmITomliAm, Ftfltclt.

Hostilities without Declarationof War from 1700 to 1870. 20.(I:. 7d.) -

Hygiene. Manual of Elementary Military. (R,’pn’inicnl 1921 ) Is.(I:, hi.)


Page 20: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MiLITARY ROOKS,publishedby AuiAorOy—contlnued.

(As to prices in brackets,seetop of page9.)

Hygiene. Manual of Military. 1921. 1:. (is. ld.) -- Seealso l’nysacntoayand Scseoox.a.

Indian Empire. The, A ShmortReview anti somehints for the use ofSoldiersprocues-dinagto India. lid. (74.) -

Do. Amended1021 Version Gd. (lid.) -

Infantry Training., (4~

CornPanrOrganization.) 1914. (Reprinted 19183

Do. Amendments,July,Aug. 19161Dec.1916. Each it. -

Do. Vol. 1. Training 1922, Provisional. 1,. (lI~d.) -

- Do. , 2, War(j’rovlslonai). 11)21. 11,lid. (is. 3d.)

Injuries anti Di~easeaof War. Manual Loused on experienceof thisprtasemitCampaignin France. Jan.1918. 94, (94.)

Institutes. GarrisonandRegimental, Rulesfor the Managementot.1916. Id. (Id.) -

Italian CavalryTrainingRegulations, 3911. Trainingfor Mambos,-Tacticsof Minor Unite,andTrninimmg of Patrols. Translated. gd. (4c1.)

$amaioa. StandIngOrders. 1912. 1:. (lid.)

Jersey. Royal Militia of the Island of. Regulations. 1914. WiththeJerseyMilitia Law, 1905. is. 3d. (Is.24)

King’, Regulationsand Ordersfor the Army; 3912. (Reprintedwith Amendmentspublishedin Army OrdersImp to Aug.1, 1914). (Reprinta~

- 1918.) is. Cd, (Is. Sd.)1 Amendmentspublishedin Army OrdersbetweenSept. 1, 1914 and Aug. 1, 191(1,- -Id, (24.); Amendmentspublished in~krmyOrdersbetweenSept. 1, 11116 and March 1, 1918. 14. (Id.) i Ditto,betweenMarch 1 1018, and Aprii 130, 1O’20. 3d, (3d.) ; Ditto, March 1020.Id. (3d.) Ditto, ~Jay1020. 14. (Id.); Ditto, Jan.1023. 14, (hut.); Ditto,upto July81,1021. Cd. (lid.); Ditto, Nov. 1921. 14. (24.);Ditto, Marcia1022.lii. (24.); Ditto, Aug. 1922, 3d. (3~il,) -

- Kit Plates~— -

Artillery. Hoyal :— - -

5. GarrIson. lilt l~1mioutfor Inspection. 1909. Id. (3d.)10. Do. Kit InBarrackRoom, 1909, Iii. (3d.)

- Cavalry, 1891, Id. (24.) -

- (20) -

Page 21: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

[Issued with Army Ordersfor August.1922.

[Crown Copyright Reserved.


6-inch B.L. Marks VII and VII” GUNSon CarriagesGarrison C.P., Mark II.




L 0ND 0 NmetfimLIsuEp u~meSXAJN5TY’S STATI030IOY orFlOE.

To bepurrm,a,rdthrough .m,y Itook,oiisrordirectly learnUM. STATIONEJOY os’lucs, Oh, eolloaing s-l~re,se.~

flmrXsIAm. hiOVsE,KlNoew*r. L0500N.W.C. 2. adiOS,AllmNOmtOS STiLAET,LONIuON. ‘t.W. I37, PaTCH Brasar,SIANcmIKsTHtt a lIe. Asomme,v’sCaEMcs~’r.CAxDirr

er28, P00Th STi000T, EDmN110000.

1922. -

Price (3d, Net.

Page 22: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

By Command of the Army Council,

~ TUE WAR Orricu,August, 1922. -

Page 23: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun





1. The detachmnent ... ... ... ... ...

2. Dutiesof 1 ... ... ... ,., ... ,,,

3. Dutiesof 2 ... ... ,,, ,,, ... ,.. 114. Duties of 3 ... ... ... ... ... ,,,. 145. Dutiesof 4 ... ... ... ,.. ... ,,, 166. Dutiesof 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 177. Dutiesof 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... 188. Dutiesof 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 189. Duties of 8 ... ... ... ... ... ... 19

10. Duties of 9 ... ... ... ... ,.. .,. 1911. Duties of rockingbarlayer ... ... ... ... 2012. Dutiesof auto-sightlayer ... ... ... ,.. 21]3. Dutiesof setterfor range ... ... - ... ... 2214. Duties of setterfor training... ... ... ... 23



iS. Procedure ... ... ... ... ,,, ... 2416. Reports ... ... ... ... .,. ... 2517. Dutiesof sectioncommander ,.. .,. ,,, 2018. Inspectionby seotioncommander... ... ... 27

Page 24: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun




- 19. Generalinstructions .. ... ... ... ... 2820. Repeatingof orders ... ... .,. ... ... 2921. Thedetachment ... ... ... ... ,.. 2922. To fall in ... ... ... ... ... ... 2923. To tell oil ... ... ... ... ... ... 2924. Positionsat detachmentrear ... ... .,. 3025. To form detacimmentrear ... ... ... ... 3026. To prove. .,. ... ... ... ... ... 3027. To standfast ,,. ... ... ... ... ... 3128. To changeround ... ... ... ... ... 3129. Positionsundercover ... ... ... ... 3130. To takopostundercover ... ... ... ... 3231. Positionsin action ... ... ... ... - ... 3232. To takepost in action ... ... ... ... 3233. To testcircuit... ... ... ... ... ... 3234. To load ... ... ... ... ... ... 3335, To makesafe ... ... ... ... ... ... 3438. To lay andfire andafter firing ... ... ... 3537. Drill when passing rangesandtrainings by head

and breasttelephones ... ... ... ... 4238. Missfires ... ... ... ... ... ... 4539. To stop firing ... ... ... ... ... ... 4940. To stoploading ... ... ... ... ... 4941. To emptyguns ... ... ... ... ... 4942. To unload(cartridgeonly) ... ... ... ... 5043. To ceasefiring ... ,.. ... ... ... 5044. Casualties ... ... ... ... ... .., 510

(ii 27—36)

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Sue.45. Mishapswhichmay occur, &c.46. Instructions asto firing salutesandblankamnouni-

tion ... ... ... ... -


47. Recessesanddepotsandlifts ... 53


48. Introductory ... ...

49. Syllabusfor examinationin gunlaying


50. Clinomcters ... ... ... ... ... ... 6551. Careof sightsand telescopes ... ... ... 6552. Testfor bendin Y-brackets,.. ... ... .,, 6653. Testsfor sightingtelescopes.. ... ... ... 6754, Testandadjustmentof rockingbarsights ... 6855. Generalinstructionsfor testingandadjustingauto-

sight-s ... ... ... ... ... ... 6956. Testfor verticality of pivot with auto.sights ... 7257. Mechanicaltestwith auto-sights ... ... ... 7258. Testof zero of deflectionscaleof auto.sights ... 7559. To datumtheauto-sight ... ... ... ... 7560. Testfor backlash ... ... ... ,.. ... 7761. Test, &c., for verticality of pivot with elevation

indicator ... ... ... ... ... ... 78(a 27—36) A 2

Page 26: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun



- CARE OF EQUIPMENT.SEC. PAGE62. Guns ... ... ... ... ... .,. ... 7963, Mountings ... ... ... ... ... ... 80


DISABLEMENT OF64. Generalinstructions65. Charges,detonators,andfuze60. To preparea charge...

67. To fire acharge ...


Page 27: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun



Practicalinstructionin the equipmentshould be giventoeachrecruit before any attempt is madeto instruct him ingun drill.

In teachingthedutiesof eachmanat thegun,theinstructorshouldtry to do so by reasoningratherthanby alongexplana-tion in words. By meansof questionandanswerhe shouldtry to draw from the recruit thecorrectsolution as to hisduties,beingcarefulto leadthe man’smind into thedesiredchannelof thought. Shouldthis attemptfail, theinstructorshould give a demonstrationemphasizingthe points therecruit hasnot grasped. Such demonstrationsshould dealwith thework of each man in the detachment,and allmen under instruction should, in turn, carry out the workof eachparticularnumber.

Instructionin gundrill shouldbeginassoonasthemenareconversantwith all partsof the equipment,andcan handlein thebestand quickestmannereach of the working partsof the gun. Oncethe work of each numberhasbeentho-roughly mastered,it should not take long for a recruit tolearntheactualdrill.

It is most important that a markeddistinction shouldbedrawnbetweeninstructionanddrill.

During theformer thelanguageusedshould be as simpleas possible,andthe meaningof all technical terms whicharenecessarymustbe carefullyexplained. A conversationaltoneshouldbeadoptedandunderno circumstanceswhatevershould anything in thenature~9flong quotationfrom drill

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books be allowed. The men should be permittedto assumean easyattitude and their interest should not be allowed toflag. Theyshouldbeencouragedto askquestions.

At drill, on the contrary, rigid discipline must be main-tained,ordersroustbecleara-nddecisiveandthedetachmentsbo made to work steadily, smartly and rapidly. At thesametime thoutmostaccuracyis essentialandanydeviationsfrom themethodslaid downmustat oncebechecked.

It is advisabletimat a portion of thedi’ill shouldbesuchasto give instructionin firing at long ranges.

With certainguns the supply of ammunition is the mostdifficult andlaboriouspart of the serviceof theguns. Thiscan best be taught by meansof the “loading teachers”andthedummyammunitionsuppliedfor thepurpose.

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1. THE DETACHMENT.This chapter summarizesthe duties of each roanin the

detachment. It is intendedonly asaguideto theinstructor,who should use his own words in explaining tIme variousduties to the men.

Thedetachmentis composedof thirteenmen. Theserviceof the gun is divided betweenthemas follows:

In commandandramming.the breech.theloading.theramming.preparation of cartridges.preparationof shell.

Auto-sightandtrainingare.Rocking BarSight andElevation

indicator.TrainingDial andAuto-Sight.Range Dial and Rocking Bar



I, He COMMANDS and is entirely responsiblefor theserviceof his gun. . -

2. He givesthe WORDSOF COMMAND detailedfor himin ChapterIT!. flis ~rdersmust bo givenclearly, but not

2...3 and54... ...

Oand8 ...

7and9 ...


Setterfor TrainingSetterfor Range

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louderthan is necessaryto enablothedetachmentto hear.Before giving a word of commandhe must repeatthe letterof his sectionandthenumberof his gun.

3. He is responsiblethat his gun is laid on the targetordered. He will direct the gun on to the targetby meansof theshield sightswhenMk. IV shieldsareprovided.

He must be preparedto perform the duties of sectioncommanderwhen necessary. -

Ho is responsiblethat theboreof his gunis clear,beforeeven drill shell andcartridgeare used;this precautionisparticularlynecessaryat night andbeforefiring blamik.

Whenatubeis firedin preparingfor action with axiallyventedguns, lie will seethatno oneis in front of themuzzle,andin all casesheis responsiblethatno chargeis in thegun.

N0TE.—All breechnumbersmust be warned that whenoncethemotion of closing the breechhas commenced,thelevermuston no account be partially drawn back to obtain a freshpurchase,as the tube may be partially extracted,and any.subseguentforwardmotionof theleverwould bendit. In thecase of a percussiontube this might explodethe detonatingcomposition andfire the charge prematurely. Also that,wheneverthe breechis closed without inserting a tube, theextractorshouldbepressedwell homebeforeclosing. Underno circumstancesshould the lock be s-nappedunlessa tubeis in the vent. Should it be necessaryto easesprings it -

shouldbe donegently&y hand.

4. He doesnot bring up any stores.5. At preparationfor action’he satisfieshimself that the

bufferis properly connectedup, not leaking at theglands,andcontainsthecorrectamountof oil, andthattherunning

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out rods are properly secured; that the eapsquaresareproperly secured,and that the lubricators on top of thecradle are filled with oil. Ho marks the corrections for

section or gun differencesand tilt corrections,in the moBtconvenientpositionsfor theSetter for Rangeto seeandread them, and includes “gun correction” if ordered.lie supervisesthework of therestof thedetachment.


1. lIe opens and closesthe breech and attends to thelock and tubes.

2. He brings up tray stores eompiete, electric and per-cussion tubes, spareleads and lanyards, waste, vent bit,andtallow. Foradrill, adrill tube.

Tray of Stores (Gun). -

(Takenup by 2 with his gunstores.)If the needfor the employmentof the rimer is to be

expectedit should be broughtout on the tray stores,alsoonetool withdrawinganti-friction washer.

Contentsof traystores:— -

- Number.Box,slide”A”... .. .. ... ... 1Boxes, tube,garrison—(1to hold spareports) 3Can,lubricating, No. 9... ... ... .., 1Chalk,piece ... ... ... ... ... 1Lanyards(side)firing, No. 7 ... ... ... 2Lock,E.andP.”F”... ... ... ... 1

* quaeorrem5imnu,~f orclerel, are norrnalZL, applied aim elecertem’asqe dtal:If rang.indicatordietsare being or era lilcety to ti, used,It maybe conrenlen~to 81moWthemwith sectionor gun differenceandtilt corrections-

Page 32: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


Number.- Screwdriver, G.S.,4-inch ... ... ... 1- ,, No.13 ... ... ... ... 1*

Spanner,McMahon, 15-inch ... ... ... 1Wrench,breechmechanism,No. 41 ... ... 1

,. ,, ,, ,, 40 ... ... 13. At preparationfor action, lie fills the electric and

percussiontube boxesand attachesthem to the right sideof the mounting in a convenient position for use. Placesthe spareleads on the right side of tho mounting in aconvenientposition for use. Teststhe lanyards,handsone.eachto 3 and 5, and attachesthe other loosely to the leftrail of the mounting.

Openstime breechby taking hold of the lever with hisright hand and pulling it towards him as far as it willcome.

Passestheventbit downtheventfrom the front, carefullycleansthevent, andwhenfinishedplacesthevent bit in theclips on the right spring box. Examinesthebreechscrewandthreadsof thebreech,seesthat they arecleanandfreefrom burrs, lubricatesthe threadswith a slight film of oil,and- coversthe conedseatingof theobturatingpad lightlywith tallow. -

NOTL—Beforepractice with half or fall charge is comnmencedthe pad should be thoroughlysoftenedby imniersion in hotwater. During cold weatherpads-should be replacedoncea day by others which havebeenimmersedin hot water fora few minutes-. This operation should be carried out asopportunityoffers,but preferablyin themorning. -

Lubricatesthe breechmechanismthoroughly, seesthatthe anti-friction washer is in position, and placesthe box

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13 -

slide “A” andlock in position. Placeshis oil can, tallowandwastein a convenientposition for useon the right sideof themountingand the remainderof his storesin a con-venientposition undercoverin the tray of stores.

Thebreechis ~e1tin theopenposition~

4. Onthe order“Load” :—

i. At electric firing, he opensthe breech,if it has beenclosed, by taking hold of the lever breechmechanismwithi his right hand.

lie then inserts an electric tube with his lefthand, and after 3 has called “In” closesthebreechwith his right, assistedby t if necessary,and calls “ Ready.” At “ Battery Fire” or

Battery Fire, Fire by Order,” the breech isnot fully closedor “ Ready” called until “ FireA.1 “ hasbeenorderedby theS.C.

ii. At percussionfiring, ho opensthe breech:if closed,presseshome the extractorand cocks the lock.The gun is loadedas at electric firing. 3 or 5then makes readyhis lanyard. 2 then closesthe breech until the lock commencesto rise,inserts a percussiontube and fully closes thebreech. 3 or 5 hooksthelanyard, calls” Ready’andstandsby to fire on theorder “ Fire” fromthe Layer.

At “ BatteryFire” or “ Battery Fire, Fire byOrder,” “ Ready” is not called, or the lanyardhooked, until “Fire A.1” has been orderedby theS.C. -

Noric.—At percussionfiring, it is most essentialthat theio~kbecockedbefore closing the breech, other-wise fhere is great(n 27—30) A 3

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danger of the tube being tired prematurely owing to - thepressureof time striker overtheheadof thetube. It is alsomostessentialthat the percussiontube shaltnot be inserteduntil the breechhas beenclosed and the lockhas started tomove,as there is great dangerof thetubefiring prematurelywhenthebreechis slammed. An unfired percussiontubewill always be removedbefore the breech is opened. Atpercussionfiring the “ A “ teadshouldbe disconnectedfrom -

the lock.


- 1. He, assistedby 5, loadsandis responsiblefor themuzzlecover.

2. Ho bringsup theknee-caps.

3. At preparationfor action, he gives each gun floornumber a knee-cap. Brings up Section Stores and placesthemwhereordered. Placeslanyardunderhisbelt.

Assists2 at lubricatingthebreechmechanism.

- Section Stores.

(Takenup by 3 after ho hastakenup his gunstores.)Borers, tubechamber,small—-

Squarec-nd ... ... ... 1Pointedend ... ... ... 1

Brush:,rammerandsponge ... 1 for eachgun.Hammer,claw ... ... ... 1Lock, E. andP. “F” ... ... 1 for every2guns.Pliers,sidecutting, 8-inch ... pair 1Whistle ... ... ... ... 1

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4. Ontheorder“Load”:— -

- i. At electric firing he uncapsfuze,picksupprojectile,keepingC.G. supportedon his left arm andsteadyingbasewith his right hand, fist clenched. As breechscrewswingsopen, be slidesprojectileinto chamberby leaningforward,andswingsround on his hips to his right to receivecartridgehandedto him by 5, who hasreceivedit from 6, loadsthecartridgeandgives “In.”

3 after loading stepsback, 5 closesup with projectile. 3receives cartridge from 6 andstandsto right rearof 5 i-codyto hand cartridgeto him. In this way 3 and 5 load alter-nately. -

NoTE.—lVhen loading II.E. 8hell, time safetypin is withdrawnduringsupplyfrom recessesor depóbsby 7 or 9 beforeliftingshell on to gunfloor. At lift supply,3 or 5 beforepicking‘up shellremovesthesafetypinanduncapsthef-uze.

N0TE.—lVhen using half charges 6 holds time cartridge in thecentre, hands underneath,igniter to his right and hand8it to 5.

5 takesthecartridgeiwiding it at theends,igniter in his lefthand,and handsit to 3.

3 takesthecartridge, right hand on top at the extremerear end(igniter end) and left handunderneathat the centre of the

- cartridge.

Novs.—lVhenusing half charges 3 places (uor throws) thecartridge well inside the chamber. If the cartridge is notput welt in, the breech when closed smartly will projectthe cartridge to thefront of the chamberand- a missfire willprobablyoccur. -

(n 27—36) 4 4

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ii. At percussionfiring, the gun is loadedas at electric- firing. 3 or 5 then makes readyhis lanyard.

2 then closesthe breechuntil thelock commencesto rise, insertsa percussiontube andfully closesthe breech. 3 or 5 hooks the lanyard, calls

Ready,” and stands by to fire on the order“Fire” from the Layer.

At “ BatteryFire “ or “ BatteryFire, Fire by order,” thelanyard is not hooked nOr “ Ready” called until “ Fire’A. 1 “ hasbeenorderedby theS.C.


1. lie ramshome.2. He bringsup (assistedby 5) rammer,bucketfilled with:

water,spongecloth, andhook withdrawingguidebolt.3. At preparationfor action, ho placesthe bucketfilled

with waterin rearof thegun,placestherammerheadon thelip cut in thebucket (staveof rammer to the front), andhangstho spongecloth on the rail in rearof thegunfloor.

Placeshook withdrawing guidebolt handyfor usc.Brings up Battery Storesandplacesthem whereordered.

Battery Stores.

(Takenup by4after lie hastakenup his gunstores.)Bar, testingsight ... ... ... ... 1 per work.Buffer, syringo ... ... .,. ... 1Clinometer,large ... ... ... ... 1Extractortubehand,Box Slide “A” ... 1Instrument,testing primary batteriesor

volt-ammeter ... ,,. ... ... 1 ,,

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Noru.—TheExtractor,tube,hand,boxslide“A”is reqairedwhenboxesSlide “ A “ fitted -with strengthenedextractors arebeingused. In time caseof boxesslide “ A” not sofitted,theExtractor,tube,special,boxslide “ A “ will be required.Thisis asectionstore.

N0TE.—Theinstrumenttestingprimary batteriesor volt.ammeteris takenupby theseniorS.C. in thebattery. -

4. On the order “Load,” No. I and 4 ram homein onemotion, outer hiands backup, inner handsbackdown andwithdraw combinedrammerand spongesmartly, dip it inthe bucketof water after each round, andstandby to ramnext roundwith spongeheadjust clear of recoil.

Noru.—TViten uring paper shot and powder charges, or atsalutes,the chamberwill be spongedout with adampspongecloth, the piasabcc brush will thcn be passedcompletelythroughthe bore and themushroomheadwipedwith a dampspongecloth after ench round.


1. lie, assistedby 3, loads.

2. He, assists4 to bringup his stores.3. At preparationfor action, he assists4 to placethestores

they havebrought up and then assists the S.C. Placeslanyard underhis belt.

4. On theorder “Load”:—i. He takesthe cartridgefrom 6 and, holding it at tim

ends,igniterin habit hand,handsit to 3. -

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- 18

ii. He then closesup with a projectile after 3 hasloadedand steppedback.

iii. During action, lie works alternately with 3 (see


7. DUTIES OF 6.1. He, assistedby 8, keepsgun floor suppliedwith bare

cartridgesfrom emplacementfloor.2. Assistedby 8, he brings up keys of cartridge and shiell

recessesandlifts. For di-ill, a drill cartridgeandcylinder.3. At preparationfor action, lie, assistedby 8, unlocks

recesse-sandlifts.4. On the order “Load,” he handsup thecartridgeto 5,

holding it in the centre, handsunderneath,igniter to hisright. -

5. Wheretinfoil strips are usedhe will see that they areattachedto the cartridge.


1. He,assistedby9,1cc-epagunfloor suppliedwith projectilesfrom emplacementfloor and, if using Lift Supply with 9,

• goesbelowandassistsammunition detail.2. He, togetherwith 9, brings up greasebox, brush, 2

keys No. 5, 2 keys No. 8 (whenrequired). For drill, a drillshell andshell extractor.

3. At preparationfor- action he, assistedby 9, preparestoissue projectiles from recessesor depOtsas ordered. Theprojectiles are fozed, cleaned, and their grummets areremovedif not alreadydone,7 handsa fuzekey to 3 or 5.

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At lift supply they go below, 7 to theshell lift and9 to theshell store. For drill they place drill shell and extractorin aconvenientpositionfor use. -

4. Ontheorder“Load” he :—

i. Placesprojectilesongun floor.

ii. WhenloadingILE. shell thesafetypin is withdrawnduring supply from recessesor depotsby 7 or 9

- beforelifting shell onto gunfloor.


1. He, assistedby 6, keepsgun floor suppliedwith barecartridgesfrom emplacementfloor. Ho will affix thetinfoilstrips,if necessary,to cartridges. -

2. He assists6 to bring up stores.3. At preparationfor actionhe will assist6.4. On theorder “Load,” he will passcartridgesto 6.5. Duringactionhewill seethattherearealwaysasufficient

numberof cylindersopened,andthatthosenotfor immediateusehavethelids on but not screwedup.

10. DUTIES OF 9.

1. lie will assist7 to keepgunfloor suppliedwith projectilesfrom emplacementfloor.

2. He assists7 to bringup stores.3. At preparationfor actionho will assist7 by removing

grummetsif not alreadydone.

4. During actionhowill assist7 (seeSection8).

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1. i. He lays for Line at “ Am~to-Sigimt.”ii. Ho lays for Line at CaseI.iii. Ho lays for Elevationat CaseII.iv. Ho lays for Elevationat CaseHI.

2. lib brings up Rocking bar sight bar and tcleseope.

3. At preparationfor action, lie :— -

i. Fixes his sight in the cradleand seesthat it fitsand works properly. -

ii. Testshis sight and elevationindicator and, if outof adjustment, reports to the S.C., and, underhis supervision,re-adjusts.

iii. Seesthat the traversing gear on the right side ofthe mounting and elevatinggear in the.pit areoiled andin good workingorder.

iv. Connectsup and examinesthe firing circuit andtightensup andexaminesall binding screwsandterminalson the right of themounting.

4. During action, liei. Repeatsandapplies correctionsfor Line at “ Auto-

Sight.”ii. Orders Auto-Sight Layer to “Elevate” or

“ Dc-press“ at Case I.iii. Keepsgunlaid at elevation passedby Setter for

Range at CasesII and III.iv. At electricfiring. ho fires at CaseI.v. At percussionfiring, heorders“ Fire” at At electric- or percussion firing he calls “ On” at

CasesII and III.

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1. i. He laysfor Elevationat “ Auto-Sight.”ii. He “ Elevates“and “ Depresses”the gun at CaseI

asdirectedby theRocking BarLayer.iii. He lays for Line at CaseII.iv. Ho lays for Lino at CaseIII.

2. He bringsup Auto.sighitsightbarandtelescope.3. At preparationfor action, he :—

i. Fixes his sight in the cradleand seesthat it fitsand works properly.

ii. Testshis sight. and if out of adjustment,reportsto theS.C.and, underhis supervision,re-adjusts.

iii. Seesthat the elevatingand traversinggearson theleft side of the mounting,and traversinggearin time pit, are oiled and in good workingorder,andtime mountingtraverseseasily.

iv. Connectsup andexaminestheelectric firing circuitandtightensup andexaminesall binding screws,terminals, spareleads afl(l contactson the leftside of the mounting.

v. Datums the auto-sight under the supervision ofthe S.C.

4. During action, he :—

i. Repeatsandappliescorrectionsfor tide lever.ii. At Case III, repeats and applies corrections for

Line to the trahiing arc pointer. - Wherethelatest pattern training arc pointer is providedhe keepsthe pointer set to the range.

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iii. At electric firiiig, lie Fmnxs at auto-sight,Case IIandCaseIII, providedthatat CaseIII thepistolgrip is within his reach,otherwisehe will ordertheSetterwho is nearestthe pistol grip to fire.

iv. At “Auto-Sights” electric firing at night ho calls“On” before firing as a signal to theRockingBarLayerto closo his eyesandduckhis head.

v. At percussionfiring, heorders“Fire” at auto.sights,Case II and CaseIII.


1. He assiststheRockingBar Layer at CasesI, II andIII, andtheAuto—Sight Layerat” Auto—Sight.”

2. He brings up pistol grip and rangedials (if not on themounting),and will assisttheAuto-Sight Layer tmi bringup and sot in position theelectricfiring batteryif not alreadyon tho mounting.

3. At preparationfor action, he :— -

i. Placespistol grip in position.ii. Uncoversor placesin position time mangedial and

seesthatit is properly connectedup.iii. Checks the rangedial under thesupervisionof the

S.C.iv. AssiststheRocking Bar Layer.

4. During action, hoi. Repeats and applies corrections for Line and

Rangeto the automaticsightat “Auto-Sight.”ii. Repeatsandappliescorrectionsfor Line andRange

to theRockingBar Sight at CaseL -

Page 43: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


iii. Repeats and applies corrections for Range tomoveable face of electric rango dial at Case IIan4 Case III.

iv. Calls Ranges to time Rocking Bar Layer at CaseII andCaseIII andappliesthemto theHookingBar Sight at CaseI.


1. He assiststhe Auto-Sight Layer at Case III.

2. He bringsup training dial (if not on time mounting)andconcentrationtablo if required.

3. At preparationfor action, he :—

i. Uncoversor placesin position thetraining dial andseesthat it is properlyconnectedup.

ii. Checks the training dial under the supervisionofthe S.C.

iii. Assiststhe Auto—Sight Layer.

4. During action, he :—

i. At “ Auto-Sight,” Case I and Case II, applies allcorrection for Line ordered, to the deflection leafof the trainingarepointer, Hemakesthereadingof the training dial agreewith tho readingof thetraining arepointer by meansof the movcableface of the training dial. Where the latestpattern training arc pointers are provided bekeepsthepointersetto therange.

ii. At CaseIII calls trainingsshownon thetrainingdialto the Auto-Sight Layer.

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24 -


PREPARATION FOR ACTION.(See“CoastArtillery Training,Vol.L,” Sees.41, 42, and196.)


1. On the orderfrom time 13.0. to “ Preparefor action,”the detachmentis movedinto the work, andhaltedin timeposition of “Detachment rear.” Rifles are placed in timearm racks,accoutrementsand jackets are removed,all gunfloor numbersremovetheir bootsand placethem undercoverandput on gun floor shinesandkneecaps. Tuedetachmentthenfalls in asbefore.

If more than onegun of a sectionis beingmanned, eachNo. 1 marcheshis detachmentto his gun as above, or tosuchotherconvenientposition under cover as time S.C. maydirect.

2. Time S.C. detailswhich detachmentwill be responsiblefor takingup SectionandBatterystores,andorders“ A SectionPrejmarefor Action,” the No. 1 marchesthedetachmenttothe storeand supervisestheissueof time storeslaid downforeachnumber.

Time S.C. provideshimself with and takes up the gaugeprotrusionstriker and instrumenttesting primary batteriesor volt-ammeter. (Thelatter is “a Battery store.”)N0TE.—JVhenthere is more than one sectionin thebattery, the

senior S.C. will take up the instrument testing ~irimarybatteries or volt-ammeter, lie will also detail one of hisdetachmeu(sto takeup thebatterystores.

Page 45: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

3. ‘lIme No. 1 thenmnareheshis detamihmncmmtto the gun, andon arrival at time emplacementfloor all storesarcput down,andthedetachmentstandsroundanduncoverstime gun. 2removesbreechcover,3 muzzlecover,andtheremaindertimegun’cover. After thmis hash)eefl done “ Detachment Rear ‘ isformed.

I/InstructionalDrill is beingcarriedout time No.1 thenorders“Take Post,” and time detachmentdouble to their positions.

4. TheNo. 1 then orders “ A. 1 Prepare/orAction.”Thegunis thenpreparedfor action, eachnumbercarrying

outthedutieslaid downin Chaptersland II.After each manhascompleted his work lie takes post at

his position in action.

- 16. REPORTS. -

The No. 1 when ho seesthat thework hasbeencompleted,and that thenumbersarc in their positions in action callshis detachmentto “ Attention,” and collects reports asfollows :—

No. 1 “ A. 1, Attention—Reports--—-Two.”2, “ Correct“or otherwise. “Three” 3, “Correct,” or otherwise, andso on through time whole (letnehmnent, finishing with theLayers and Setters.

He then points out to his detachmentthe position of theSectionandBatteryStoresandGunStores,seesthattheboreisclear,andordershis detachmentundercover.

Timenumbersdoubleto andsiton theformson theemplace.ment floor.

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During the preparationof the guim for action, the S.C.personallyexaminesandgaugestheprotrusionof the strikersof all time locks (includingspare)in his section.- -

Noria—--’J’o gauge the profrusion of the striker. Disconnect the“ A “lead, remove time lockandappl?fthc ‘‘ gaugeprotrusionstriker.” Ascertain by inspection that the point of timestriker is central, and that there are no pieces of foreignmetal betweenthe point of the striker and the edge of thefiring hole.

With time lock still out but with time “ A “lead connectedto it, he teststime pistol grip and measuresthe voltageoftime circuit at the point of time striker with tho I.T.P.B. orvolt-ammotorwith thepistol grip in eachiof its threepositions,the No. I marking, in chalk time voltage obtained, on thoright sideof time gunwhenthe pistol grip is on theright side,on theleft side when the pistol grip is on theleft side,andonthe shieldwhenthepistol grip is in theCaseIII position.NOTE.—’--Shouldthe voltage be less than 1, the battery will be

testedcell by cell, and the-bad cell or cells made good, orremovedandreplacedbyfresh cells.

If eitherof the sights or the elevationindicator is reportedomit of adjustment, the S.C. supervisesits adjustmentanddatuming.

Gives orders to the ammunition numberswith regardto thearrangementanddisposalof cartridgesandprojectiles.

Supervisesthecheckingof rangeandtrainingdials.Time No. 1 sits his detachmentat easeandreportsto the

S.C. “A. 1. BoreClear—Readyto Load.”

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- - TheS.C.whenlie has fmnishmedhiswork, goesto theguncudsaysto the No. I, “I will inspectA. 1.” On this the No. Icalls his detachmentto attention and gives the order,Layers,2, and 3—TakePost.” TheNo. I, Layers, 2, and 3double to their positionsin action.


The S.C. makessurethat the Recoil, Laying, Firing andAmmunitionarrang~mentsof thegunarecorrectby askingthenumbers,andby inspectionif necessary.

Ho thenorders2to closetime breechandopenit again. Tieexaminesthepadto seeif it fits correctly, whicim heascertainsby seeingif it is coveredall overwith tallow, andthenorders2to smearit with same.

He then orders 2 to insertan electrictube and close thebreech,andthe Layer to fire time tube by pullingtime trigger.The breechis then openedand the fired electric tubeextracted.

Ho then orders2 to presshome the extractor, cock thelock, start closing the breech,andwhen tim hook begins tomoveto insert a percussiontube, and therm finish closingthe breech. He next orders 3 to hook the lanyardandfirethe tube. After firing hedirects 3 to unhook and2 to drawbackthe L.B.M. just sufficiently to unmaskthe tube. Heexaminesthe tube,and if it hasnot beenstruck centrallyho adjuststhe lock by meansof time adjustablebmmslm of thecatchretainingL.BM. andordersanotherpercussiontube tobe fired. If the tube hasbeenstruckcentrally,thebreechis fully opened,thetube extractedandtime venta-ndchamberthoroughlycleaned. - -

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After the inspectionthe No. I orders “Layers, 2, and 3UnderCover” andsits his detachmentat ease.Nov~.—Allsparelocks should in addition be submittedto the

foregoingtestsundertheS.C.’ssupervision.Thebreechof anunloadedgunis left openunlesstheS.C.

ordersit to beclosed,e.g., whenloadingwill nottakeplaceforsomeconsiderabletime.

The S.C. then reports “ A SectionReadyto Load,” or ifhe haspreviouslybeenorderedto load, ho orderstime gunsto be loadedandreports“ A SectionReadyfor Action.”Nom’.—If guns areemployedin the A.T.B. DefenceScheme,in

thick u’catlmer andafter preparationfor action for the night,the S.C. will al-waysorder his guns to be loaded, andhisgun look-outs to take post.

his report underthesecircumstanceswill he “ A Section—Readyfor Action.”




CoastArtillery Tm’aining laysdowmm theprinciplesof fightingthe armnamentof a coastfortress. The gun dr-ill with eachnatureof armamentis laid down iii the m’ospectiveGunDrillpamphlets. This chapterdetailsthe ordersgiven, and time

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procedure by which theseordersare carried out in the OMO

of time 6-inch,MarksVII and Vii’ guns(landservice).Theproceduremustbe memorizedandstrictly adheredto.The executiveorder is shownthroughoutas beinggiven

by theS.C.,aswill normallybethe easeduring training.Instructorswill invariably employ theordersdetailed for

theS.C., evenwhen drilling a single detachment.


The S.C. ‘s orders “Stand fast,” “Take Post,” “ UnderCover,” or “ A Section—Fire” are never repeated,but areacteduponat once.

All his otherordersmustbe repeated,or befollowed by anexecutiveorder by theNo. ~


Thedetachmentconsistsof aNo.1,a Rocking Bar Layer,an Auto—Sight Layer, a Setterfor Range,a SetterforTraining, and8 other gunnumbers.


Time detachmentfalls in two deep,onepacebetweenranks,I on theleft of thefrontrank.


Sectioncommander.“A Section—Telloff.”

1. numbersimimself 1, time right handman of time i’car rank2,his front rank man 3, and soon. TheLayers andSettere donot number.

(B 27—36)

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G1.C. A5.L.- H.B.L. 9 7 5 3 (Front rank).Settor Setter 8 6 4 2 (Rear rank).

(Training) (Range)After telling off, if the weatheris cold,all men arewarned

to keo their handsas warm aspossible,as cold handsleadto slow ratesof fire.


Formedup and told off as in 23 above, imaltcd in linefacing the front, on the emplacement floor at the rearof timemounting.


(From positionsof “under cover“ or “in action.”)

S.C. No. I.“A Section. Detachment— “A.1. Doublc—March.”

- Rear.” - - -

I doublesto hisplace (in rear of time gunon time emplacementfloor, facing the front), and gives time order“A. 1—DoubleMarch.” At the orderfrom 1, time remainderdoubleto theirplacesandhalt. -

- 26. TO PROVE.

To ascertainthat the men are in timeir correct placesthedetachmentmaybeprovedas follows

No.1.“A.L—-Prove your numbers.”

- ‘‘ ~ ‘‘ 3,’’ ~C_.c. ‘‘ F)oicn.’’

Time numbercalledon will raise Imis might ammo, andextemmdit smuartlyto time front, handopenandashighastheshiouldor,

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• 31

thumb upwards; when the next numberis called, he willdrop his armn ; at “Down,” the last number called willdrop his arm.


S.C. No.1.“A Section—StandFast.” -

All standfastwhatevertheyarc doing. At the order “Goon,” work is continued.Novn.—Inpeacepractice the bugle call “ StandFast “ is acted

uponat oncebyeveryoneandis followedbytheorder “Mu/ceSafe” from the S.C. -


S.C. No.1.

A Section—ChangeRound.” -

Thefront ranktakesonepaceto time left. I takesonepaceto his rearandone paceto iris right, thus becomingSetterfor Training. 2 takes one paceto his front, tlmu~bccomning3.

(Thedetachmentis then againtold off.)


No. I and2 on right of gun.3, 4, and 5 on left of gun.6, 7, 8, and9 in rearof gun.Layers and Setters according to methodof laying.

(mm 27—3fl) A 6

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- 32~


(From “detachmentrear” or “in action.”)S.C. No.1.

A Section—Undercover.”All doubleto their positionsundercover.


No. I on theright side of therammer.Layers andSetter for Rangeon sightingsteps,or, if the

method of laying hasbeenordered,at thepositionsdetailedafterwardsfor that methodof laying.

Setter for Training at thetraining dial.2 in rear of gun in prolongation of right side of gun, leftot in front, facing Auto—Sight Layer.3 closeup to breechon left sideand facing2.‘~on left side of rammer. -

5 to rear of 3.6, 7, 8, 9 at recess,depot or lifts as ordered.


S.C. No.1.“A Section—TakePost.”

All double to their positionsin action.


Novu.—Thistestis necessaryonlywhengunshavebeenpreparedfor action someconsiderabletim-ne beforethe order to load isgiven. -

S.C. No.1.“A Section—l’estCircuit.” “ A. 1—TestCircuit.”

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2 opensthe breech,if closed,short circuits the striker tøsomepartof thegun,andcalls“Test,” theLayerpressestheleverindicator, and, if thereis adeflectioncalls “Correct”if thereis nodeflection, ho calls “No Circuit.”

If thereis no time to overhaulthe circuit, the S.C. orders“A. 1—Changeto Percussion.”

34. TO LOAD.

S.C. No.1.“A Section Load.” “A. 1 Load.”

Novu.—TheS.C. doesnot givethis orderuntil thenumbersarestandingsteadyin their places,or until thecircuits havebeenreportedcorrect. -

Electric firing.—-2 opensthebreech,if it hasbeenclosed,by taking hold of

thelever breechmechanismwith his right handandpullingit towardshim asfar asit will come.

7 or 9 placesprojectileon gun floor.3 uncapsfuze, picks up projectile, keepinge.G.supported

on his left arm andsteadyingbasewith his right hand, fistclenched. As breechscrewswingsopen,heslidesprojectileinto chamberby leaningforward, andswings round on hiships to his right_to receivecartridgehandedto 1dm by 5,who has receivedit from 6.

No. I and 4 ram homein one nmotion, outer lmands backup, innerbandsbackdown andwithdraw combinedrammerand spongesmartly, dip it in time bucketof water after eachround, andstandby to ram next round with spongeheadjust clear of recoil.

3 loadsthe cartridge and gives “In.”

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34 -

2insertsanelectrictubewith hislefthand,closesthebreechwith his right, assistedby I if necessary,andcalls “ Ready.”

At “ Battery Fire” or “ Battery Fire, Fire by Order,” thebreechis not fully closednor “ Ready” called until “FireA. 1” hasbeenorderedby the S.C.

3 after loading stopsback, 5 closesup with projectile. 3receivescartridgefrom 6 andstandsto right roarof 5 readytohandcartridgeto hmim. In timis way3 and5 load alternately.

Percussion firing.— -

N0TE.—At percussionfiring the “ A “ lead.mhouid be detached,as it maycausea missfire.

2 opensthe breech,if closed, presseshometheextractorandcockstime lock.

Thegunis loadedasat electric firing. 3 or 5 thenmakesreadyhis lanyard. 2 then closes the breech until thelockcommencesto rise, insertsa percussiontube andfully closesthe breech. 3 or 5 hooksthelanyard, calls “ Ready,” andstandsby to fire on theorder“ Fire” from the Layer.

At “Battery Fire” or “ BatteryFire, Fire by Order, “thelanyard is not hooked nor “ Ready” called until “FireA. 1” hasbeenorderedby the S.C.

35. TO MAKE SAFE.S.C. No. 1.

“A Section—MakeSafe.” “A. 1—MakeSafe.”Electric firing.—

2 pulls the lever towardshim sufficiently to unmasktimetube.

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35 -

Percussion firing.— -

3 or 5 unhooks time lanyard; 2 pulls the lever towardshim sufficiently to unmaskthe tube.


GeneralInstructionsfor Laying andFiring.

The words “yards,” “clicks,” “deflection” are understoodandarenevergiven.

Correctionsto tide levers are repeated and set by theAuto-Sight Layer. -

Correctionsfor range and deflection are repeated andapplied, if possible,by time Setters; if not possible,thenthe Layerrepeatsandapplies.

To enablethe S.C. to hear whether initial correctionsarc repeated correctly, tire Layers and Setters concernedface him and repeatin orderfrom right t-o left throughout

- the section.Setters will, if necessary,passon ordersto Layers.The Layer for Elevationcalls “ On” (exceptat Case I

and“ Auto-Sight” by day), andafter this cautiontheLayerfor Line fires or orders“Fire.”

When changingfrom onetargetto another,or whmcmmeverquick traversingis required, the broecim numberspush onthe breech of the gun underthe Layer’s directions (“ TrailRight” or “Left”).

~Vimcnchanging from Case II to Ammto.Sight laying timeAuto—Sight Layercommtinuesto layfor lineuntil the RockingHar Layer ormiers “Unclamp.” The Rocking Bar Layer(hoes mmot give tins orderuntil ire hmt.q appliedthe deflectionnod found time tar~ct.

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- Positions.

Auto-Sight Layer and Setter for Range at Auto-Sighs.Rocking Bar Layer at Rocking Bar Sight.

Initial Correctión~. -

S.C. “ A SectionTide Levers Ft. Rise(or Fall).”Auto-Sight Layer “A. 1 Tide Lever Ft. Rise (or

Fall).”S.C. “ A Section Add(or Drop) [clieks].”Setter for Range “ A. 1 Add(or Drop) [clicks].”S.C. “ A Section[deflection] [minutes] Right (or Left).”E.B. Layer “ A. 1 [deflection] [minutes] Right (or

Left).”Setter for Range “ A. 1 [deflection] [minutes] Rigld

(or Left).”Layers and Setterapply correctionsthey haverepeated

and repeatandapply all subsequentcorrections.Novmi.—If sights have been datumedcorrectionsare applied

startingfrom thefalsezeromarksmf suchhavebeenmade.

To Lay.

The Auto-Sight Layer lays for elevation- and fires ororders “Fire.” At nigimt he calls “ On” before firing asacaution to the Rocking Bar Layer.

TheRockingBarLayerlaysfor line.

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To Fire.Electric firing.—

At “ Battery Fire” or “ BatteryFire, Fire by Order,” whenthe S.C. orders “Fire A. 1,” 2 closesthe breech and calls“Ready.” The Auto-Sight Layer lays for elevation andfires. The R.B. Layer laysfor line.

At “ Gun Fire” the S.C. orders“ A SectionFire,” thebreech is closed, the Auto-Sight Layer fires as soon aspossibleafter “ Ready” is called, and fire is continued asrapidly as possible. -

The order “Fire” from the S.C. is not required whenchanging from “ Battery Fire” or “ Battery Fire, Fire byOrder” to “ Gun Fire.”

Percussion ffring.—Similar to Electric firing except that 3 or 5 hooks the

lanyardandcalls” Ready,” Auto-Sight Layercalls” Fire,”and on the order “ Fire” 3 or 5 pulls tire lanyardandtirestho gumm.




Auto-sight Layer at Auto-Sight.

Rocking Bar Layer and Setter for Range at flockingBar Sight. -

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38 -

Initial Corrections.

S.C. “A Section Add(or Drop) [yards].”Setter for Range “ A. 1 Add (or Drop) [yardsj.” -

S.C. “ A Section[deflection] .[minutes] Right (orLeft).”Setter for Range “A. 1 [deflection] [minutes] Right

(or Left).”

Auto—Sight Layer “ A.1 [defleclion] [minutes] Right(or Left).”

Layer and Setter apply correctionsthey haverepeated,.amid- repeatandapply all subsequentcorrections.

To Lay.

Auto—Sight Layer’ “Elevates” and “ l)epresses“ asorderedby tine R.B. Layer.

SettersetstheRocking BarSight to theRange.RB. Layer lays and fires, or orders “ Fire,” traversing

imimseif and ordering the Auto—SightLayer to “Elevate”or “Depress~”asheconsidersnecessary.Norn.—Rangemsetby Setter includeGunandSectionDifference

Corrections~fany. -

- To Fire. -

Similar to Auto-Sight, exceptthat R.B. Layer fires, orat PercussionFiring calls “ Fire.”

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- Positions.

Auto-Sight Layer at Auto-Sight.Rocking BarLayer at ElevationIndicator.Setter for Rangewhere he can seethe RangeDial.

Initial Corrections,

S.C. “ A. SectionAdd (or Drop) [yards].”Setter for Range “A. 1 Add(or Drop) [yards].”S.C. “A Section (deflection] [minutes] Eight (or

Left).” -

Auto-Sight Layer “A. 1 [deflection] [minutes] Eight(or Left).” -

Layer and Setter apply correctiômmstheyhaverepeatedandrepeatand apply all subscqnentcorrections. - -- - -

To Lay.

The B.B. Layer keepsgun layed atelevationcalled bySetter and calls “ On.” - -

The Auto—Sight Layer lays for line amid fires, or orders“ Fire.”Noi’x.—llangescalledbySetter md mule Gun, SectionDifference

and Tilt Correctionsif any.

- To ~‘ire. - -

Similar to Auto-Sightexcepttimat R.B. Layer calls” On”and Auto-Sight Layer fires or at PercussionFiring orders“ Fire.” - - - -

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Positions. -

Auto-Sight Layer at Lower Traversing Wheel.Setterfor Training atTraining Dial.Rocking Bar Layer at ElevationIndicator.Setterfor Rangeat RangeDial.

N0TE.-—The pistol grip will be taken below and placedin thelower position by theAuto-Sight Layer.

Initial Corrections.

S.C. “A SectionAdd(or Drop) [yards].”Setter for Range “A. 1 Add (or Drop) [yards].”S.C. “ A Section[deflection] [minutes] Right(orLeft).”Setter for Training “A. 1 [deflection] [minutes]

Right (or L~ft).”Setters apply corrections they have repeated.

Setter for Range repeatsand applies all subsequentcorrectionsfor range.

Auto-Sight Layer repeats and applies all subsequentcorrectionsfor line to the trainingarcpointer.

NOTE.—Subseguelvtcorrection-sfor line are ordered in [minutes]“More Right (or Left).”

To Lay.

RB. Layer keepsgun layeciat elevationscalledby Setterfor Rangeanacalls “ On.”

Auto-Sigh% I~ayerkeepsgun laycd at trainings caikic~by Setter tc~’T ining andfires, or orders“Fire,”

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- 41

Nona.—Rangescalledby Setter for Range include Gem andTilt Corrections, if any.

Trainingscalledby Setter !or TrainingincludeConcentrationCorrections,if any, andDrmfi Corrections.

To Fire.The R.B. Layer calls “On” and Auto-Sight Layer

fires, and at PercussionFiring, he orders “ Fire.”

No-ra.—TheSetterwho 18 nearestthepistolgrip firesif Auto—8ight Layer cannot reachpistol grip.


It is mostimportant thatLayers who arebeingtrainedfor night firing shall at all times hemadeto ducktheir headsandclosetheir eyeson firing whenlaying throughtelescopes,e.g.,at Auto-Sightlaying theAuto-Sight Layercalls” On,”ducksand fires. The RB. Layer on hearing “On” alsoducks.

At Case II laying the Auto—Sight Layer ducks and firesor calls .“ Fire.”

After Firing.As soon as the gun is fired, 3 or 5 unhooksthe lanyard

(if at percussionfiring), 2 opensthebreech. Thegun is atonce reloaded.

3 and 5tuck theirlamiyardsundertI~eirbelts while loading.Novu.—mnorderto keep~hemushroomheadof theobturatorfrom

becan-tsinVt~q~ i~gjll be izeeessaryto utilize everyinterval

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- in thefiring for cooling it by the application of thoroughlysaturated cloths. Thirty rounds may be fired with lime

- greatestrapidity without delaying time, fire, but after thirtyrounds a paw~eof about thirty secondsshould be madeforcooling, and if continuousrapid fire is still desired, thispausewill haveto berepeatedaboutoncein tenrounds.

The white metal disc of theobturatormust be watchedfor anysigns of fusion, and ~fthe metal should begin to melt thefiring ought to be suspendedfor thirty seconds,in order tocool the mushroo?nhead. Firing canthen be resumed,butit would be moresatisfactoryto changethe axial ventanddiscs,for whichabout oneminuteis required.



Preparation for Action.

Storesrequired:— -

Auto—Sight Layer ... Telephones,headmmd breast,sets,1. -

Rocking Bar Layer ... Telephones,headand breast,sets, 1. - -

Time Auto-Sight Layer will connect his telephone tolines 5 and 0 (disconnecting time training dial, if omi themounting), adjimst the headclips and tape support, makecontactwith the microphone,n-nd report to timo S.C. “ A.Training Telephoneconnectedup.”

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The Rocking Bar Layer will connecthis telephonetolines3and4(disconnectingtherangedial, if on themounting),adjustthe Imead clips and tapesupport,makecontactwith

- the niicroplmone, and report to time S.C. “ A. 1 Range-

Telephoneconnectedup.”When time S.C. hasreceived reports from all guns that the

telephonesareconnectedup he will call up the rangcfnidcrand order“Test Telephones.”

Whenthetraining telephonistcalls” A.l,” theAuto-SightLayer at A. 1 will reply “ Auto-Sight Layer, A. 1.” \\‘lmentime training telcphonist calls “A. 2” the Auto—Sight Layer~t A. 2 will reply “Auto-Sight Layer, A. 2.” -

When the rangetelephonistcalls “il. I “ time RockingBar Layer at A. 1 will reply “Rocking Bar Layer, 4. 1.”When the range telophonist calls “ A. 2,” the RockingEar Layerat A. 2 will reply “flocking Bar Layer, A. 2.”

Whenall telephoneshaveanswered,theB.C. ‘a telephonistat the range-finder will report to time S.C. “Telephone-iCorrect.”Novn.—Ifno reply is receivedfrom any layer he fact mvill he

reportedto theS.C.fromtherange-finderandtheconnectionson the gun examined.

During Action.

Ontheorder “ CaseIII, Observe,” thelayerswill takepost,fit their telephones,and await ordersfrom the range-finder.Therangeandtrainingteleplmoaistswill call the layersas atpreparation for action. When the range-takerhasreported

On Target,” the rangetelephonistwill call “ Lay,!’ andboth telephonistswill passrangesandtrainingsin the usualmanner.

RangesandtrainingsareNOT repeatedby the layers.

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Nos’x.—Inorder to ensure1/tat all layersare in communicationit is advisable, during any pausein the action, I/nit thetelephonistsat the ranqe.findershould call them up andreceivereplies as at prepqrationfor action.

Shouldthe rangc.flnderbe off the target time rangetelo.phonist will call “No range,” and both telephonistswillstopcalling rangesandtrainings. TheRockingBarLayerswill report” A. 1 (or A. 2) No Range.”

When the range-finderis again on time target the rangetelephonistwill call “Lay,” andboth telephonists~vil1passrangesand trainings. - -

The Rocking BarLayers will repeat” A. I (or A. 2) Lay,”and thegun will ho layed asbefore.

- Corrections - -

Whereverpossible,the B.C. will order correctionsbothfor range and training to be applied to the range-findinginstrunients.

Wherethis is not possible,time B.C. will ordernet correc-tionsto rangeandtrainingtelephonistsin theform” Always”

Add (or Drop) yards.” “ Always “ MoreRight (or Left).”

Telephonistswill apply thesecorrections to rangesandtrainings before telephoning ranges and trainings to timelayers.

Correctionsfor Section or Gun difference(if any) will benoted by the Rocking Bar Layer and addedto, or deductedfrom, the range received.

Should a “gun correction” be necessary,it will be calledto and repeated by the Rocking Bar Layer, wimo willapply it by correcting the range received.

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Correctionsfor line will be repeatedas “More Right” or“More Left” by the training tclcphonist and called byhim to theAuto-Sight Layers, who will repeatthem andapplythem to thetraining arc pointer.

Correctionsfor concentrationanddrift will he appliedtothe training are pointer by the Auto-Sight Layer. Withthe later patternpointers they will be applied by settingthe pointer to the range. , -


Electric Firing. -

If, when the Layer pulls the trigger, the gun fails to lire,bereleasesthetriggerandcalisout “Close the Breech.”

No. I gives the L.B.M. a tap with the rammer,andascertains by inspectionthat it. is home; he then calls“ Ready.” After “ On” hasbeencalled theLayer againpulls thetrigger, andif time gun againmiss-fires,heholdsthetrigger pulled while he counts “ One, Two, Three, Four,”aloud,in slowtime; if it still fails to fire lie releasesthetriggerandcalls “A. 1, .iluiesfire.”

TheLayerscontinueto follow time target.TheNo. I thenorders“Stand Clear,” anti all the numbers

stand clear of the vent,. -

The No. I turns rammerend for end, andassistedby 2,insertshook into link guidebolt and pulls it back,keeping toright rearof vent. 4 withdrawsleverguidebolt with hookwithdrawing guidebolt and when withdrawn unhooks bookwithdrawing guide bolt.

2 strikesdownon therammerwith bothhands,thusejectingthetube. The No. I unhooksrammer. The nearestnumber

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46 -

picks up the tube andshowsit to the No. I, who seeswhetherit hasfired or not.Tubo not tired. If the tube hasnot fired, theNo. I orders

Go On,” and 2 inserts a new electric tube,raises the lockand keepsit up while 4 releaseslover guidebolt. When 4is clear 2 calls “ Ready.” -

No’rx.—Shenthl there be reason to suspecttitcet the electricfiringcircuit is out of order, changemay at once be made topercussion, in which case No. I orders “Change toPercussion—Goon” ; 2 cocksthelock, percussiontube, raises the lock and keepsit up. while 4 releasesthelever guide bolt. 3 or 5 hooksthe lanyard and call-s“ Ready.”

Tile Layer for Elevation calls “On” and the Layerfor Line again tries to fire. Simould a secondmmss-flreoccurtime sameprocedureis carriedout, exceptthat if it is againthe tube which hasnot fired percussionfiring is resortedto,theNo. I ordering “Change to Percussion—GoOn.”Norx.—It is most important that percussionfiring should not

be resortedto exceptas a last resource,andeverycareshouldbe takenof thefiring circuit in consequence. At the sametime, it is evenmore important that gunsshould be kept inaction. Should percussionfiring have - been resorted to,advantageshould be takenduring any pausein thefiringto put thecircuit right andresumeelectricfiring. -

Tube fired. If the tube has fired, the detachment-,except- theLayers and Setters, “Take Cover” by orderof time

No.1.In peace practice time Layers keep time gun layed in a

safedirection. (In War the safestdirection is that of timevesselbeing engaged.) - -

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After a pauseof tenminute-stime No.1 orders“4 Takepost”and raises the lock, standingwell clear, 4 releasingleverguide bolt. No. I and 4 then place a bucket filled witimwaterbeneaththebreechof thegun. TheNo. I thenplaceshimself clear of time breechon the left side and opensthebreechby applyingtherammerto theleverbreechmechanism.

Aftera further pauseof oneminute,theNo. I leansoverthebreech of the gun and removes the cartridge. He thenexaminesthe igniter.

i. If the igniter is smnoulderin~,hedrownstime cartridgein thebucketof water,andorders“A. 1 Takepost,Cartridge only Load, 2 Go On.” 3 or 5 loads acartridgeand 2 cleans the vent and inserts afresh tube. -

- ii. If the igniter is dry and serviceableho uses thecartridge again, adjusting it. carefully - in time

-- chamberandordering“A. 1 Takepot.2 (lo On,”2 cleansthevent andinsertsafreshtube. Firmngis then resumed. When,however,the cartridgecannot be usedup the sameday or night at the

- practicein progressit musthedestroyed.iii. If theigniterappearsto bewetor dampthecartridge

must ho destroyed. Firing is then resumed.Noru.—”Take Cover” does not mean taking up “positions

undercorer,” &ut meansgoing to positions,of safetyshouldthe gun happen to fire. Cartridge cylinderswilt also beput in a position of safety. A sentryshouldin addition bedetail&l to preventpersonswalking in rear of the gun.

In-structiousfor the destruction of cordite art containedin 1/icRegulationsfor A.0. Services,Part II.

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Percussion Firing.

If, when 3 or 5 pulls the lanyard,thegun fails to fire,3 or 5 unhooksthelanyardandcallsout “Close the Breech.”No. I cooksthelook with thehook on the endof therammer,givesthe L,B.M. a tap with the rammer,and ascertainsbyinspectionthat it is home.

3 or 5 rehooksthelanyardandcalls” Ready.” TheLayerthen againorders“Fire” after “ On” hasbeencalled, andif thegunagainmissflrea3 or 5 calls “ A. 1 Miesfire.”

No.1 cocksthelock with the hookon theend of therammerand orders “Stand Clear.”

The tube is then extracted and examined by the No. I asat electric firing.

If thetube hasbeenstruckbut ha,s notfired a secondtubeisinserted,andshould the secondtubefail to fire thelock willbe changed.

If the tube has not beenstruck the lock will be changedatonce. -

If thetubehasfired, pauseswill bemadeandtheproceduree~rriedout as for amissfireat electric firing.No’rx.—It is most important that the lock shall be cockedbefore

ejectinga nsissfire percussiontube, otherwisethere is greatdangerof the tube beingfired, owing to the pressureof the8triker over the head of the tube whenthe lock is loweredto ejectthetube.

An unfired percussiontube will always be removedbefore timebreechis opened.

‘The foregoing mnisslire drill should never, if possible,b~practisedon a Servicegun, but only on a loaderfitted withbreech mechanism. Untrained men m~y~eriouslydamage

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guide bolts, aiid continuouspi-actico at this forum of drill ona service gun will, with oven the best trained men, tend toweakenits guidebolts.



“ A SecLion-—Stop.”The detachment continuetheir duties, but time gun is not

fired until the order “Go on.” is given.


SectionCommander.“A Section—Stoploading.”The detachment continue their duties. Any gun already

loadedis fired at its properinterval,but no gun will beloadeduntil the order“ (Jo on” is given.


SectionCommander.“A Section—Emptyguns.”Any gun loadedis laid at the last elevationandline, and

fired.If a safetypin or cap hasbeen removedbeforethe order is

given, theloading is completedand the gun fired.

Norx.—In peacepractice thelayer keepsthegun laid in a safedirection. (In tear, the safestdirection is that of thevesseibsinqenqa~’ed,)

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S.C. - No.1.A Section. Cartridgeonly— “ A. 1. Cartridgeonly—

Unload.” Unload.”

2 opensthebreech,3 or 5 takesout cartridge,turns andhandsit to 5 or 3, who handsit to theNo. 1, by whom itis examined. If time igniter is damp,thecartridgewill boset aside. If the igniter is dry andserviceableit may beloadedinto thegun again,providedthereis an opportunityfor firing it the sameday or night at thepracticetheninprogress. If it cannotho so fired it will be set aside andreturnedto the R.A.O.C. for examination.

Cartridgeswitim damp ignitors will never be loadedin agun, but returnedto 1I.A.O.C. for exchangeof igniter.Norx.—A ,No. I beforegiving the order to load at night should- alwayssearchthegun with thestaveof therammer,andif he

feelsa shell in a bore, shouldat onceorder “ Cartridge onlyLoad” and keep the head of the rammer in the breechopeninguntil h~seesthe cartridge up at thegun ready tobe loaded. This procedure preventsdouble shotting. Inthe day-timehe should always look to seethat the bore isclearbeforegivingtheorder to load. - -


Before “ Ceasefiring” is ordered gunsmustbeempty.

SectionConmimmander. -

‘4 Section—Emptyguns,ceasefiring.”

(At drill thegun, if loaded,is unloaded.)’ -

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51 . -

The Layer laying for elevationdepressesthe gun. Thedials arerunbackto stops,time Setterscimeckingthem. Thegun is strippedof its storesImy tIme numberswho put tlmemon, is then washedout, if necessary,andtime breechclosed.‘rho detachmentstands round and replacestime covei~&—2the breech cover, 3 the muzzle cover, the remainderthe guncover. -

The numberspick up the storesthey brought up whenpreparingfor action, fall in at “ DetachmentIlear “ andaremnarchedbackto thestore. Storesarehandedin, checked,andtheNo. 1 collectsreportsasto deficiencies.


(Seealso“Coast Artillery Training,Vol. 1, 1921,” Sec. 55.) -

S.C. by theseniorNo. I in theSection.No.1, Layers andSetters andloadingnumbersby named

successorswimo are generally employed in the detachment.among time higher numberssupplying ammunition undercover.N0TE.—Any stores which are beingusedby a numberwho is

easualtiedwill be left bylmim on time gunfloor or will betakenfrom hint, e.g., at percussionfiring the lanyardsused by3 and 6. - -


Dropped shell.—If 3 drops a projectilewhen loading it, 5 hands him time

cartridge,which he (3) turns endfor end, 5 then picksup hisshell and loads it, and3, having in the meantime walked

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round in rear of 5, hands him thecartridgebackagain. Thedroppedshell is pickedout of thewayat thefirst convenientpause.Nor~.—Turasngthecartridgeend/or endis only necessarywhen

using ha~fcharges.Dropped, cartridge.—

If a cartridge is dropped,another cartridgeis at oncehanded up.

Stift breech.—No. 1 dropsoff therammerandaasist~2.

Bent or jammed tube (breechopen).—2 passesthevent bit acrossto 4, who insertsit from the

front, andejectsthetube,2 keepinghis eyeclearof thevent.2 replacesthevent bit at thefirst convenientopportunity.

Bent or jammedtube(breechclosed).—If thebreechis in theclosedposition andcannotbeopened

2 calls “JammedTube,” 8 passesup the ExtractorTube,hand (Battery Store),or the ExtractorTube,Special(SectionStore), and2 extracts.Nors.—A droppedelectric tube should never be used until it

has passedthe Continuity Test.


1. Loading.—AB.L. gun will not be reloadedwithin 30secondsalterfiring, andnot eventhen until thechamberandbore have beenspongedout and examinedby 1.

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2. Sponging.—The chamber will be sponged out with adamp sponge,the piasaba brush passedcompletely throughthe bore, and themushroomhead wiped with a damp clothafter eachround.

3.—In the eventof amiss-fireasecondattemptto fire the gun will be madewhen its turn again comesround. Should the gun again miss-fire thebreechwill notbe opened for at least one minute, when firing powder, andten minutes when tiring smokelesscharges. No one mustbe in rear of thebreech whenit is opened.



47. From Recesses. (Normal Method.)

Cartridge recessesareon theemplacementfloor. The cart.ridgesareremovedfrom theircylindersbyO and8, who handthem up bareto 3 and 5 on thegun floor.

Projectilerecessesare on theemplacementfloor. Projectilesare kept unfuzedin peacetime, but on hostilities becomingimminent,andduring hostilities,the recessesarekept filledwith fuzedshell.

7 and9 lift projectileson to thegunfloor for 3 and5. WithH.E. shell 7 and 9 unpin before placing them on the gun

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floor, 3 and 5 uncap. Fuze capsshould be thrown into abucket or other receptacleto preventtheir littering up thegun floor. -

From Depots.Cartridgeand projectiledepotsare arrangedin f lie most

shelteredplaces on the level of time emplacementfloors.Supplyfrom depotsis similar to that from recesses.Noru.—Theaboveforms of supply must be madeintelligently,

as thegun is traversed, from time most convenientrecessordepot.

Lilt Supply from Magazines and Shell Stores.

7 and 9 go below, and, with six additional numbers(am.munition detail),supply andwork thelifts.

Cartridges are sent up by lift in their cylinders (lidsremoved) to theemplacementfloor, 6 and 8 hand them upbare to 3 and 5.

Projectilesare sentup to thegun floor cleaned,fuzed,andwith grummetsremoved; 3 and5 pick them up and loadalternately. With II.hJ. shell 3 and 5 unpinanduncapbeforepicking themup. Capsasat recesssupply,shouldbe throwninto a bucket or other receptacle.

Empty cartridgecylindersareremovedandstackedduringany pausesin the firing.Norn.—At the ccsnmencemcntof an actionsfa rapid rate of/ire

is not required, it ~nayhe desirableto uselift supplywhenthemen are fresh and no casualtieshaveoccurred. Thisreservesthesupply in recessesanddepotstill a later period,whenfire will be more-rapid, casualtiesmayhaveoccurred,

- andmenhavebegunto tire.

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The rules for laying, tho syllabus for training of gun layers,and the general instructions for carrying out the cxnmiimatiormin gun laying are laid down in “Coast Artillery Training,”Vol. I.

The tests and the method of carrying tlmem out are asfollows :—


In order to qualify, 75 per.cent, of thetotal marksmustbe obtained with not less than60 percent. in any onetest.

Tests. TotalI. General knowledge— marks.

i. Clinometer. Use, setting, readinganduse of calibrationscale.

ii. Telescope. Focussing, testing forparallax,andcollimation.

iii. Rocking bar sight. Testing andadjusting; settingM.V., andchargetemperaturecorrectionson readerofMk. II.

iv. Training arc. Use; testing adjust-mentof pointer.

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7’e&~. - ~Pota~II. General knowledge—continued, marks.

v. Auto.sights. Namesandusesof variousparts; testing and adjustment;datuming; testing for line withadjustments. -

vi. Primersandtubes. Identification anddescription;Continuitytests ... 35

II. Mean8forfiring.i. Strikers.Removing,stripping,adjusting

and replacing; gaugingprotrusion.ii. Rifle mechanism.Fitting andadjusting.iii. Breech mechanism. Assembling (For

- i, ii, andiii, 10 marks).iv. Electricapparatus~-.

(a) Descriptionand testing of cells;faultsandtheir remedies;useof voltameter and I.T.P.B.;fitting up and testing lightingcircuits ... ... (15marks) -

(b) Battery box, circuit, and pistolgrip; overhauling, connectingup, andtesting ... (15marks) 40

[II. Laying/or line—i. Telescopicsights. Two setsof sights

will housed.Thelayer,usingoneset,will keep the gun laid for line on amovingtargetfor oneminute. Theofficer, by meansof the other set ofsight-, will cheek the laying fivetimes during this minute. When

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III. Layiiuj for line—continued.checked, the line must be within2~minutes of the correct line,otherwisenomarkswill bescoredforthatoccasion ... ... (5 marks)

ii. Opensights. As above ... (5marks)iii. Training arc. Trainingswill be called

outby thesetterfor lineto representtheuniform movementof a target.Thelayer will keepthe gun laid bymeansof the training at-c for oneminute, moving the gun evenlybetweenthe graduationson the arcat approximatelytherate of changeof training. The officer will checkthe laying five times during thisminute.

Whenchecked,thelayingmustbewithin 10 of the correct training. -

(10 marks) 20IV. Layingfor elevation—

Elevation indicator. Ranges will becalled by the setter for range,mechanicalandelectricaldialsbeingused; the ranges will be thoseatwhich the Q.E. correspondsto arange of 7,000 yards, or there-about, for medium guns with fullcharge,and 9,000 yards,or there-about, for heavy guns with fullcharge.

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Tests. TotalIV. Laying for elevation—continued. marks.

The gun should be balanced asfor firing.

A layer will be stationedat thepistol grip to call “Fire,” or to ringabell (insertedin the circuit) at theword “On” from the layer undertest. The officer will order “Passranges.” After five or six rangeshave been called, the officer willorder“Gunfire—Fire.”

A numberstationedat time breechwill then give “Ready,” and thelayerundertestwill call “ On”whci~the gunis la-id.

“Ready” will subsequentlybecalled at intervals correspondingto time rate of fire of time gunused.

The above procedure will becarried out five times with ashortening range, and five timeswith a lengthening range. Withthe shorteningrange, the averageof the times from “ Ready“ to“On” must not exceed4 seconds,andwith thelengtheningrangemustnot exceed 6 seconds. The gunmust bedepressedeachtime throughat least 300 yards, and nmust beaccuratelylaid to within 10 yards,time layer allowing for the rate ofchangeof range.

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• , 59

Tests. - TotalIV. Laying for elevation—continued, marks.

The rate of change of rangeshould not be slowerthan 50 yardsin 20 seconds.

- If the layer elevatesbefore thelayer for line hasfired or hascalled“Fired,” no marks will ho scoredfor that round.

With gunsfittedwith brakes,if thelayerfail to applythebrakesbeforecalling “On” no markswill bescoredfor thatround. ... ... ... 30

V. lloc1~ingbar sights—Eachcompetitorwill settherangedrum

to the rangeindicatedon the electric dial,lIve times with rangedecreasing,and fivetimeswith rangeincreasing. Onemark tobe deductedfor eacherrorin setting,or forfailure to takeupanybacklash in time sight. 10

VI. A~zto-sights——i. Target. A well-defined stationary

target in thewaterwill be chosen.If none be available, an anchoredtarget will be used. The rangemust be long enoughfor the ratioof movementof gun andsight to bemorethan3 to I, but reducedchargeor aiming rifle cams maybe used.

ii. Laying. Telescopesshould be used.When testing trained layere, each

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Tests. TotalVI, Auto~Sights—continued. -- marks.

will lay once slowly and carefullyon the water.line of the target, andthe meanof theselays will be takenas the ‘ standardlay.” In the caseof classesunder instruction, t-he“standardlay” will bedeterminedby the instructor. Whenqualifyinggun layers, if there he a rapidvariation in rise and fall of tide,candidatesshouldbe testedin smallgroupsatathne, andarise (or fall)of tide diagrambe kept in ordertoascertainthe true standardlay foreach competitor. Whore possible,testsshould becarried out at slackwater.

Eachcompetitorwill layfive timeson the water-line of the target.Before each lay the gun will betraversed,so thatthe targetis clearof the field of the telescope,andthe gun will be elevatedabovethetarget before three of these lays,and depressedbefore the other two,two or moreturns of thehandlebeinggivenin eachcase,in addition to anyturns required to absorbbacklashin theelevatinggear.

The officer will order ‘ Lay.”Time competitor will then lay, call

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Tests. Total- VI. Auto-Sights—continued. - marks.

Fired,” and step clear. Theinterval between “Lay” and“Fired” will be measuredeachtime. During two of theseintervalsdeflection will be changedby thelayer, accordingto directionsgivenby the officer before time order“Lay.”

iii. Checkingthe laying. The officer willnote if each lay be witimin 2~minutesfor line. A clinometcrwillbe kept on thegun, andtime Q.E.,after eacimlay, will becarefully readandnoted,but thegun layer shouldnotbetold theresultof anylayuntilho has finished. The sum oftheselays divided by the numberof them is theipeanlay. Thediffer-encebetweeneachlay andthemenuwill then be taken,andtime sum ofthesedifferences,irrespectiveof sign,divided by time numberof lays, isthe layer’s mean error along the gun.

With every auto-sighta “Tableof Angles“is issued,showingcorrcs•pondinganglesof Q.E. andof sigimt.Tf two anglesof Q.E. bechosen,oneon eachsideof time Q.Es.of time gunduring the test, andthe differencebetweenthem be taken and also

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62 - -

Tests. Total -

VI. Auto-sights—continued. - marks.the difference betweenthe corres-ponding angles of sight, then theratio which the difference in Q.E.bearsto the difference in angleofsight may be takenas the ratio ofmovement at the range, or thoratio of movement may be ascer-tained as describedin Sec.57.

If the layer’s mean error bedivided by the figure expressingthisratio, the result will be the layer’s

macanerror along thesi~jht.Time difference in Q.E.betweenthe

layer’s meanlay andthe standardlay, divided by time ratio of move-ment, will give time layer’s differ.encefrom thestandardlayalongthesight. -

iv. Qualifying. To qualify, every laymust be within 2~minutes of theproper line. The layer’s meanerror along thesight must ho less

- than O~4minute, and his meanlayalongthesight must be within 0-4minute of the standard lay. Thetotal of thetimestakenfor five laysmust not exceedone minute for6-inch guns andupwards, nor 45

- - secondsfor gunsof less calibre.

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Tests. TotalVT. Auto-Sights—-continued, marks.

v. Record. Thelaysshouldbeplottedon- a diagram; eachlayer’sproficiency

canthen be Systeni of marking. 10 mnarks for

consistency,10 for accuracy,and10for time. -

Consistency—Layer’s errors in minutes along line of

siglmt— -

Marks.0 ... ... ... 100~1 ... ... ... 90’2 ... ... ... 80~3 70’4 .. ... ... 6

Accuracy—Layer’sdifferencein mmminutosfrom standard

lay alongline of sight~- Marks.

-0 ... ... ... 1001 ... ... ... 902 ... ... . -, 80’3 ... ... ... 70’4 ... ... ... 6

Full markswill begivenfor time, if thelimitslaid downin (iv) abovebenot exceeded,otherwiseno marks will be given, andthe candidatewill fail to qualify ... 30

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- TotalDials—-- marks.

Preparation for action; connectingup electric dials; readingelectric rangeand traimuiuig dials ; applying correct-ions,section difference, and concentration onmovable faces of dials; synchronizingelectric dials in preparation for changeto Caso III ; applying deflection to train-ing pointer, and correctionsto drift andconcentration scale; reading range andtraining indicator dials ... ... ... 15

(No’rn.—The examiner will pay partienlarattention to details of drill, and to clear-ness in calling ranges.)

VIII. Drill—Preparationfor actionwith guns at the

station; duties when changingfrom onemethod of laying to another; passing,repeating, and applying corrections anddeIlcctions; duties of layers and settersin a Q.F. group; blind setting; distribu- -

tion of fire scheme ... ... ... ... 20

Grandtotnl ... ... ... .,. 200

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65 -



50. CLINOMETERS.‘Instructions regarding time care, tests and adjustmentof

clinometers aro laid down in “Coast Artillery Training,Vol. I, 1921.” -

Clinometersmust alwaysbetest-cdbeforebeingused.


1. Sightsshould be kept clean, oiled, andfreefrom grit.rI~heysimould on no accountbepolished.

2. When not in actual use, the telescope,the siglmt bar,and other fittings attached,should be removed when cir-cumstancespermit andplacerl in adry store. Time removalof thesightbarcanbeeffectedby menmovinganutandwasher,which will befoundundertime pivot.

3. Witim time auto-sight-, time efficiency of time sightdependsupon theaccuracy of the cam androller. Speciaicaremustbe taken that they receivono damuage. They must on noaccountbe polished,but he kept clean end free from gritanddust, by wiping with a cleanrag moistenedwith a fewdropsof oil.

4., All parts are to bekept clean,working partswell lubri-catedwith cleanoil, and(with timeexceptionof timeearngrooveand roller) lightly smearedwith anti-corrosive- grease whennot in use. Bath brick, emery, or otimer abrasivesubstancemustnot on any accountbe usedfor cleaning.

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5. Thesight gearshould not be takenapartunimeccssariiy~and adjustmentshould not be made by scraping or filingexcepton specialauthority.

6. Theexteriorsurfacesof telescopesareto becleanedwitha soft rag andparaffin only. Thoexteriorsurfacesof lensesshould be cleaned with a piece of chamoisleather,whichmustbe keptperfectly cleanand dry, a-ndusedfor tlmispurposeonly.

7. The bearing surfacesof sighting telescopesmust be verycarefully protected. Any burrs or dents on these surfacesthrowthe telescopeout of adjustment.

8. Telescopesmust not be takento pieces,nor the lensesremoved,nor adjustmentfor collimation attempted,exceptby a competentperson. Whennot in usethey should beclosedup, capsreplaced,andplaced in their cases. Theyshouldbekept in as dry a placeas possible.


In somecasesthebracketsin whichatelescoperestsbecomebent, and it may then be found that the telescopealtersposition whenits bracketsareclampedor unclamped.

In this easethe sight shouldfirst belaid, with the bracketsunclampcd, on a. fixed mark, Remove the telescope,placein the “bar, testing sights,” and take the depressionangleof sight by chinonmeter.

Then clamp the brackets and note whether time chinometerbubble remains central. If it does not, bring it central bythe error-of-day drum and note the reading. Then memove

- the bar, testingsights, move the error-of-day drum back tozero, replacethe telescope,and clamp the brackets. -

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- 67-

If time pointeris not on the fixed mark, bring it on by means~f the error-of-day drum and note the reading. If thereadingsarealikeno compensationis needed. If thereadingsare different an adjustment of time eccentric connected witimthe error-of-daydrum is required,the drum beingsetat thereading as found when using the bar, testing sig~its,andthetelescopepointerbeingbroughton to time objectby meansof tueQ eccentric.

in clamping up the I bracketscaresimould be takentotighten the clamps simultaneously,since, if tightenedseparately,variations in readings will occur accordingtowhichclampis bent. -


1. Telescopesof recent manufactureare focussedforindividual eyesightby revolvingtheeyepieceuntil thepointeris clearly defined. Sincewith thesetelescopes,changesinfocal distancedueto changeof rangearc inappreeiab~o,nommmeansof focussingtheobjectglassareprovided. Thepointeris placedat time focal distance of the object glass,andbotimit and thedistantview shouldbecomeclearatthesametime.An inverted imageof the distant view is formed at thefocaldistanceof timo objectglass.

2. To test if the pointer is at theproperdistancefrom theobject glass,focus it with the eyepiece,andthen lay so thataverysmallbright spaceis left betweenthetip of thepointerand sonme distant object; now move the eye behind theeyepiece,andnoteif time bright spacevanisimor changesize.If it doeseither,theadjustmentof the pointer is incorrect.Aninaccuracy,calledparallax,will thenbecausedbychangingthe position of the eye,and, sincebothpointer anddistant

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68 -

view can no longer be focussedtogether,time eye will bestrainedand will tire rapidly. Telescopesfound wrong inthis particularshouldbesentfor adjustmentto theinstructorin gunnery.

3. Telescopesare issued, and should as a rule remaincorrectly-collimated. To test for collimation, the telescopeis placedin its holders,focussedandthen directedon a welldefinedobject not less than 400 yards distant. Wimen thetelescopeis turned round in its brackets, the tip of thepointershouldnot moveoff them point laid on. Careshouldbetakenthat, in carrying out this test,movementsof thegun arenotmistakenfor movementsof the pointer. Telescopesfoundincom-rect for collimation must be adjusted by a properlyqualified person. In some cases the brackets in whichtelescopesrest becomebent, and it may then be found thatthe telescopealters position whenits bracketsareclampedor unclamped. For procedurein time case of rocking barsightsqnd auto-sightsrespectively,seeSees.54 and 55.


1. Lay the gunhorizontalby meansof achinomcter, pla?othe bar,testingsights, in tho I brackets,bringingthemarkson it andon the bracketto coincide so as to obtain correctcrosslevel ; bring the rocking bar to anglesof depressioncorrespondingto time tangentelevationsfor various rangescorrected for the height of time telescope above time axis ofthe gun, andfor’ refraction, by working thehandwimcel, andsee if theserangescorrespondwith timose on time sight drunm.if they do not corrcspbimd,slackentime screwson the outercircürnfereflceof the rangedrum, and turn the scaleuntil

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time correctrangeis read,afterwardstightcnimmgthe securingscrews.

- 2. Tho sight may be datummmcdat M.S.L. oil a datumpostby giving the i-equisitc Q.E. to the gun by clinomcter,andturning therangedrum of thesiglmt till thetelescopepointeris on thewater-line of tho datum. The rangedrum shouldthenroadthetruerangeto time datum. If it doesnot,adjustas in para. 1. This is themost satisfactoryadjustmentjimthe caseof bent telescopebrackets.

3, To testfor deflection, lay time gun on a distant mark,obtaining a line of sight through time axial vent (or firingholo busim) and theintersect-ionof two fine cordsstretchedon theaxis lines on the muzzle. The sight, with elevationanddeflection setat zero,should be on time samemark. Ifit is not, bringthesightonto time mark with the deflectiongearandadjustthereaderof thedeflectionscaleto zero.


1. Time auto-sightsof all guns will be testedannuallybyan inspectorof ordnancemacimineryor by an officer deputedspecially for that purposeby timo Superintendent,OrdnanceFactories. The tOsts will be sucim as areprescribedfor theoriginal setting up of tho siglmt, and,if necessary,the sightandcamwill bere-set. -

A testwill bemacicof all cams,whetherfor fuli or reducedcharges,or for aimning rifles.

2. Verticality of pivot andtrot-h of correctionalgearwillbe testedand, if necessary,adjusted,at time same time bytho sameofficer.

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A certificatefromthis officer thathehaspersonallysetupthe sight, and that it is in correct adjustment, will befurnishedto the garrison eommnander. An entry showingdate,andby whom tested,will be inadoon aform providedfor thepurpose.

Thesetestsshould be carriedout beforethe first seriesintheannualpracticeis fired fromthegun.

3. If the siglmts cannotbe set up true for all rangesupto theextremelimit of range,andthecamcannotconvenientlybereturnedto betruedat theArsenal, theI.O.M. will furnisha table showing time errors at each angle on time Woolwlchtable of angles. This table will be filed with time Woolwichtable of angles. In the caseof guns used solely for anti-torpedo-craftdefencethe limit of rangewill dependon theextent of theilluminatedarea.

4. Aftertesting,theeccentricsonthecarrierwill bepaintedover andwill on no accountbo tathperedwith, e~eeeptbyan I.O.M. or R.G.C.F.artificer.

With theabovetestsandadjustments,timo responsibilityof the LO.M. or time Royal Gun andCarriageFactory withregardto the sights ceases,exceptas regardssigimts whicimmay againrequireto besetup duringthe year.

5~Officers in chargeof guns areresponsiblefor thecareand preservation of thn sights,andfor suchtestsand adjust-mentsascan becarriedout without theassistanceof askilledartificer.

All officers should be able to carry out such tests,amid suclmadjustmentsasdonotrequirotbeassistanceof artilicers. Theeccentmiobush Q is the only eccentricwhich maybe mnovedwithout theassistanceof an artifleer.

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- 71 -

6. Clinonmeters,lam-ge, simould be used for adjusting auto-sights. It is very important that theseshould bein perfectadjustmentand be provided with calibration sheets (see“CoastArtillery Training,Vol. I.,” Sec.116, 10. Whenplacingtime bar, testimmg sights, in the telescopebrackets,themarkson it and on the bracketsshould coincide, thus ensuringcorrectcrosslevel.

7. Time gunmust bebalancedas if loaded,andmustalwaysbe brought into position by a large sweepof depression(exceptin thecaseof thosegunswith whichthe lastmotionshould ho one of elevation); the latter rule mustalso beobservedwhenfiring.

In time caseof amountingwith sighting steps,it must be- balancedby keepingmen in thepositionsof the layersand

setterduring the test. -

8. When setting theerror-of-daydrum, both for testingandputting on corrections,thelast movement givenshouldbeoneof “add.”

When setting thetide-loverthe last movement should bein the direction of “fall.”

9. Cams will be changedas seldom as possible. Thisoperation may be performed under the supervisionoftimo S.C. Guns should, however,usuallybe fitted with thefull elmargocam, andin any casea full chargecam must befitted andtestedannually. -

Wheneverachangeis madefrom ono cam to another, andalways in preparingfor action, tho sights will be carefullytestedand adjustedby tho layersunderthesupervisionofthe S.C.

Unnecessaryadjustmentsof eccentricssimouid be carefullyavoided.

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1. Witlm guns of which thesights cannotbecorrectedforwant of level independentlyof therestof themounting

Placechinometeron gunandbringbubblecentral.Traverse through 180°,halting every 30°. The bubble

should return to the sameposition each time the gun isimalted. Time training of maximum tilt andtime amount thepivot is out of thevertical can be determined by this test.

2. Meansare providedwith certain guims for correctingthe sight independentlyof time rest of the mounting. - Withguns thus fitted, the bubbleof thespirit level on thecamshould conme to the samespot, no matter in what positionthe gun beimaltod.

An alternative test is to place a clinometer on a bar,testingsights,in time telescopebrackets andtraversethrough180°,haltingevery30°. Thegunshouldbebroughthorizontaleachtime, andtheangleof depressionof time sightsimouldthenalwaysbethesame. If rapidity benecessary,andtime pivotonly slightly out of trutim, tlmis testmaybemodified by givingthe gun extremeelevation; small movementsof thegun,dueto wantof level, wouldhavetimen an inappreciableeffecton time sigimt,andtimeelevationof time gunneednotbeattendedto (luringthetOst.

3. Adjustmentsfor verticality of pivot requiretime servicesof anartifleer.


1. If it be necessaryto miscauto-siglmtsbeforetime mountingcan berestoredto level, timis test simould becarried out in themiddle of time arc of fire. -

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2. Set time error-of-daydruimm anddeflectionscaleat zeroandtide-leverat nmeansealevel, andclampthe bar, testingsights,in tIme telescopebrackets; also,with acombinedsigimt,timiow them catch into time fork. Froum the Woolwieh tableofangles,suppliedwitim eachauto-sight,selectasuitablerange;bring the gun to thecorrespondingQ.E, ; the angleof de-pressionof thesight simouldnew he the onecorrespondingtothisrange. For gunsusedat night the rangeselectedshouldbe as neartime “test range”aspossible.

3. The test- mangefor gunsusedat night is therangewhentime attackdevelops. This is the rangeto the headingvesselat thetime it hasjust enteredtheilluminated area,or, in timecasoof guns providedwith fighting lights, when first ade.quatelyilluminatedby suchlights.

Thetestrangemustnot bebeyondtime accuracylinmit of timeauto-sight.

4. If thedepressionangleis notcorrect,it mustbemadesobyturning time eccentricconmmcc-tedto time erm-or.of.daydrum,afterfirst slackingits clampingnut, or by turnimmg theerror-of-day-

drumand noting the reading,wimicim will be takenastime zerofor subsequentsettings. In somecasestimis adjmmstmnentiscarriedout by turning theerror-of-daydrum,afterwhichtimmovableskin is adjustedto readzemo.

The sight should then be set to cxtrcmmme deflection eachway in turn, and time bubble of thc clinometershould notmimove. - If it does, theservicesof an artificer arcnecessary.

5. If time is available,this test immay berepeatedfor everyrangein time tabho of angles; if, after adjusting time sightfor one of timose ranges,time remnainingreadingsareincorrect,the eccentricson thecarrier require adjustmnent; for thistheservicesof anartificer arenecessary.

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For guns usedat rmiglmt thesetestswill be carried out atrangeson eachside of the testrange;time sight maybecon-sidem-edcorrectprovidedthat no testwithin 500.yardsof thetest rangeshowsanen-orgreaterthanthat correspondingtooneminuteof Q.E.Thepermissibleemrorintime depressionangie

of them sight sviii therefore he —~--~minutes. (See “Coast

ArtilleryTraining, Vol. I., 1921,” Sec.215.) -

6. Tn carryingout this test,wherelocal conditionsmakeitcertainthat the variationin rangeduring actionwith auto-sights¼viiibesmall,th~quadrantanglesshownin theWoolwichtable of anglesshould first be correctedfor time variationinM.V. of thegunfromu thenormalM.V. for whichtime earnwascut. -


i. Gunsmnountedon low sites,when theeffective linmit• of auto-sights is under 3,000yards.

ii. Guns usedfor time defenceof narrow channels,theshapeof which makes big variations in rangeimpossible. -

iii. Gunsusedat night, when the rangeof the guns is- limited by thatof thelights. - -

iv. Anti-torpedo-craftguns. -

Whenthis methodis employed,therangeselectedfor thetestmustbeapproximatelytime sameas thetestrange.

It roust be clearly understoodthat thealterationof timeWooiwich table of angles makes the sight inaccurateatnil rangesother than timose near the test range,-and that;therefore,this methodmust bestrictly limited to gunswhichwill use the auto-sight under only the conditions givenabove. -

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I. In time caseof guns fitted with rocking bar sights andauto-sights,theformeris testedfor lineasdescribedin Sec.48,andthe latter is then checkedagainstit by laying with theauto-sighton adistinctmarkon thewaler. If thedeflectionscalesof the two sigimts do not now readalike, that of timeammto.siglmtmust homadeto agreewith thatof time rockingbarsight.

2. Wimen guns havo auto-sightsonly, the sigimt must betestedwith them boreof thegun,but tho markmustbe nearenoughto allow both gun andsigimt to be laid on it for alineand to eliminate most of thedrift correctionwhich is auto-maticallyappliedonthesiglmt.


1. It is desirableto haveafalsedatunmmarkto whichtheangleof depressionis thesamoas thatof the test rangeatmean sea level. -

A falsedatummarkis generallypreferableto a water-linedatumwhendatumingauto-sights,astheoperationcanthenbe carriedout for mean sealevel at all statesof tide; alsoinaccuraciesduoto wavesanneliminated.

Such amark should not be less than 400 yards from timegun,sincethetelescopewould timen beoutfor parallax.

Failing this, anaturalmarkshouldbeselectedat a rangeasnearthetest rangeaspossible. -

2. From thedatum slide rule or tableof Q.Es.ascertaintheQ.E. necessaryfor calibrationM.V., allowing for wearof gun

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sincecalibration, cimargo temperature,and, if necessary,forriseor fallof tide,andfor raisingM.P.I. -

All breechfittings should be on, ~lie1]andcartridgein timebore, and, witim 6-inch guns, all layers and setterson thesightingsteps;thusbalancingthegunexactlyasfor firing.

Set thetide-lover, test time clinomneterfor index error, andthenlay thegunattherequiredQ.E.,takingcaretimat thelastmotionis oneof depression. - -

If the tip of thepointer is now foundto be verynearlyonthedatummark,it shouldbebrougimtexactlyon by meansofthe error-of-daydrum or clicking indicator, takingcarethattime lastmotion is oneof “add.” -

If it is not verynearlyon, slackoff the locking nut of theeccentricbush Q, raisethepointerwell abovethedatummarkby turning theeccentricbushQ, andthenbringit downnearlyas far as themark; tighteningup thelocking nut will givethepointerafurthermotionof depression,but only constantpracticewill train alayerto judgetime final amountof depres-sion obtainedby tighteningup time locking nut.

3. After adjustingthesight, thelayermust lay, the gunatleastthreetimesby theauto-sight. If thebubbleof theelino-meter,setto time requiredQ.E., comescentraleachtime, thesight is satisfactorilydatumed.

If thebubbledoesnotcomecentraleachtime,adjustontheerror-of-daydrum or clicking indicator,and againtry thethreelays. -

Not till threeconsecutivelays arocorrectcan thesight besaidto beproperlydatumed.

4. In datumning, errors of collimation are automaticallycorrected. Oncethesight hasbeendatunied,thetelescopemusten no accountbe simifted in time Y brackets; if it is

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movedat all, aconsiderableerrormaybe introduced, due toworn Y brackets,worntelescopebearings,or both.

5. To determinetime po8itionfor timefalse datummarA,.—Cal.culatethe depressionanglefor the test range(Gee Sec. 57),taking into considerationtheheight of the axis of time teles-copeabove thetrunnions, andthe necessarycorrectionforcurvatureandrefraction. Seethattime pivot of themountingis vertical,andthat thetelescopeis in correctadjustmentforcollimation andparallax. Setthesightto theabovedepres-sion angle, traverseon to some object, and paint a marktimercon in line with time pointer of timo telescope. If nonaturalobjectis availableapostshouldhoerected.

A convenient mark may be used, should one exist ap-proximately in line with thepointerof thetelescope,but inthis casethe range-correspondingto thedepressionangletotimis markmustbecalculated (see “Coast Artillery Training,Vol. I., 1921,” See.221).

In selectinga position for a falsedatum caresimould betakenthat thereis no ground,such as sand,&-c., betweenthe gun andthemark, which might causevariationsin re-fraction.


1. The sigimt should occasionallybe testedby bringing itto a certainangIe, first by a wide sweepof depression,andthen by awide sweepof elevation,andnoting the differencebetweentime readingsof theclinometeron thu gun on eachoccasion. This slmouid be done at anglescorrespondingtothreeor nmorewidely differentranges.

2. When a considerablediscrepancyis found betweenreadings,the sight requires ovcrimauling. Timis will most

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frequentlyoccurwith combinedsights. Thesesightsrequire

testing,both asauto-sightsandrockingbarsight-s.


1. Verticality of pivotshouldbetestedasin Sec.56, 1.2. Since them elevationindicator indicatesthe elevation

of thegun relatively to themounting,it follows that anyinclination of thelatter will causean equalangularerror inquadrantelevation. Time errorwill be— or + accordingasthetilt of theamountingis to time front orrear.

3. Thepropercorrectioncanbeappliedat anyonetrainingas follows :—Lay the gun by clinometerat the Q.E. for aselectedrange, andadjust the elevationindicator to readtheproperrange. This adjustmentshould be madeat thetraining wherethereis no tilt, or at what is consideredthemostimportant trainingin theareof fire as decidedlocaliy,and theelevationindicator should alwaysbe testedat thesametraining.

4. For further considerationof the effect of tilt andcor-rections required, see “ Coast Artillery Training, Vol. I.,1921,” Sec.207.

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- 79



62. GUNS.

1. Guns will, for storageandtransport,he greasedinter-nally with “composition preserving,” and blocked wit-hpainteddry wood blocks, the joints beingmadetight withputty. This operationshould be carried out if possiblein dry weather. The exteriorof the piece, including clino-meterplaneandall bright parts,wiil bepainted. Gunswillbeunblockedfor examinationevery12 months.

Thebright partsof gunswill be oiled andif notin frequentUsewill becoveredwith redmineral jelly. The boreswill bekept cleanedandoiled. -

2. Beforefiring, the“ compositionpreserving“ or oil will beremoved.

After firing powdertheborewill bewashedand,assoon asdry, will beoiled witim agreasycloth or pieceof old linen tiedoverthepiasababrush.

After firin.g with corditechargestheborewill bethoroughlywashedout, and,when~1ry,coatedwith redmineral jelly.

After usingan aiming rifle in a gun,the boreof thelatterwill be thoroughly cleaned as soon as possible after theaiming rifle practice and before serviceammunition is firedfrom the gun.

3. Guns will be depressedto prevent rain or moisturelodging inside, the muzzle andbreechendsbeingprotectedby covers.

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4. Whengunshaveto bekept loaded,boresare not to belubricatedor wipedout fromthemuzzleasaringof lubricantmaybeleft at theextremepoint reachedandthis maycatisea premature.

Gunsare to be unloadedonceamonth, so that boresmaybe cleaned and prevented from rusting..

5. Clinometerplanesmustnot becleanedwith anyabrasivematerial.

6. As a generalrule all B.L. and Q.F. guns under6 inchcalibre, when mountedin exposedpositionsandnot in fre-quentuse,will havemmli fittings removed.

Fittings will be kept in store, the steel portions beingcoveredwith mineral jelly.

Fittingsremainingwith thegunswill betreatedin asimilarmanner.

In the case-of guns usedfor drill and practiceall fittingsmust be kept free from dust andgrit and all working partssvell lubricated.


1. When mountingsare beingoverhauled, all parts of aportablenature which are not requiredfor time imnniediatecontinuation of time work should be’placedin flme artillerystore,or otimersuitableplace,for safecustody.

2. A timorougim cleaningandlubricatingof all working partsmust takeplaceat leastoncea. montim. All grease must beremoved,if necessaryby scraping,theparts being wiped cleanand then freshly greased. In tho caseof mountingswhicharemucimexposedandliableto accumulatedustor sand,time partsshould not beleft witim muchgreaseoroil uponthemu,but only

Page 101: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


sufficient to covertheparts. As a thin film servesasprotec-tion for only a short time, the parts of sucim mountingsmust so muchthe more often be cleanedandfreshly oiled.Specialcaremustbetakento preventgrit from accumulatingon thecradlegroovesandgunslidesor othersliding surfaces.

Friction clutches,andbrake drumsshould be kept clean,smoothandslightly oiledto preventseizing.

Ball bearings,rollersandracesmustbekeptwell lubricated.

3. Whenlubricating,time lubricatingholesshouldbe cleanedout witim a-wire and then filled witim oil. Caremust betakento replacethe screwsof lubricatingholes; the headsof time -

screwsmust bekept bright,so asto be readilyseen.After filling theoil holes,andwheneverfreshlubricanthas

been applied, the part-s slmould be sveil worked backwardsandforwardsso asto distributetime lubricant. -

Traversinggears,if not workingfreely,simould beexaminedparticularly as regardstime ball bearings or rollers. Anybroken balls should be replacedat once, andany burrs onrollersor rollerpathsremoved.

Holding down clips and clip rings should be attendedto occasionally to ensurethat theydonot affecttime tm-aversingandthat theyarein goodorder. -

Brake gears shouldberegulatedby means of the adjmmstingscrewsuntil thetensionof the brakebandis just sufficienttodo the work required. -

Friction platesshould be tiglmtcned up by meansof timeadjusting nuts,sufficiently to allow of aslight slip in thegearon flung. All teethof arcsshouldbefreefrom burrs.

Whenadjustingthetrunnionbearingsof aheavymommrmting,the adjustingscrews should ho screwedup graduallyandevenlyon eitherside until theelevatinggearcaim be worked

Page 102: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


- freelyby onenian,.carebeingtakenthat time adjustingscrewsare not screwedup too - far, and that they aresecuredby

- their setscrews.Whennot in use,all bearingscrewsshouldbe slackened.4. Buffers must be kept filled andin good workingorder.

Buffers should be carefully examined before firing or drillin orderto ensure1-hat thecylinders contain the requisite

- quantityof liquid asshownontimeinscriptionplate; thatthereis not leakmmgoat the glands; and that the piston rods areproperly connected. -

All spare leather packingsshould be kept in store andoccasionallyrubbedwith dubbin in order to prevent themfrombecominghardandbrittle. Thesupplyof sparepackingsshouldneverbeallowedto runlow.

It ismostimportant thatgrit anddustsimould bepreventedfrom‘entering hydraulic cylinders. After drill or firing, mu

- well-oiled twist of towshouldbe boundlightly roundthe ramcloseto time glandof thecylinderandleft theretill next timeof working, wimen it shouldbecarefullyremovedso asto clearawayany collection of dust. Any grit or dust found on theramduringfiring shouldat oncebe removed.

5. Electricfiring gearsandleadsshouldbecam-chillycleaned- periodicallyat time joints. -

Particular careshould be observed,when removing oradjustinganypartsor gears,not to indent or damnageparts

- by roughusage. An iron hammershouldneverbeusedunless• with apieceof woodor brassto transmit the blow.

8. Nuts andscrewsshould be slightly oiled be~orobeing- appliedor insem-tëd,andafewturnsgivenby handbefore usinga spanner. A imammer should never ho used to tightenscrewsor nuts. - - - -

Page 103: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


7. Time points of split pins, which imave been replaced,

shouldbewell splayedout.



64. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.The variousmetimods by which ordnancemay bedisabled

mumnmst be consideredunderthreeheads,accordingto circum-stances,andarcasfollows— -

L Temporarydisablement,(a) By removingessentialstores,suchas


(b) By putting buffers out of actionReleaseair pressure.

- Removeplugs andbuffernuts.- Empty buffer.(c) By damagingbreechmechanism

- Damagemechanismor screwthreadswitha crowbar or heavyhammer.

Non~.—Whenthere is a probability- that thegunwill shortlyberegained,

- - disablement should be confined tothe removal of essentialfittings andstores. -

Page 104: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


ii. Completedisablement. (In casesof emergencyonly.)Dent thespring caseswith a pickaxe, &c.Removeplugsand buffer nuts.Empty buffer.Lay thegunhorizontal.Placeanobstructionin thebore. (Seeii. (a) below.)Load wit-h aroundof H.E. (and in addition place

in time elmamberthegreatestpossiblearnommnt- of explosive such as guncotton, or any

high explosive that may he available).(See ii. (b) below.)

Fire time gun from undercover; electrically, ifpossible; if not,by meansofalonglanyard.

(a) If shell arefuzcd with D.A. or D.A. impactfuzes an obstruction placed in the borecapableof striking the fuze or anothershell placedin the muzzlewill suffice.

iii. Permanentdestruction.-—Iftime permits and materialis available,timis canbeeffec ed bestby meansofguncotton,asfollows

(a) A shellhavingbeenloadedintheordinaryway,thenecessarycimargeis packedin behind it,

- so asto be in c1o~econtactwith the shellandwith the sidesof thechamber.

(b) The primer is next insertedin the guncotton- slab.

(c) Sods, earth,or otimer material, are then used• to keep time guncottonin posit-ion.(d) Thedetonator,with thesafetyfuzeor electric

leadsattached,is placedin theprimer.

Page 105: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


- (e) The breech block-is swung to as far as thesafetyfuzeorelectricleadswill allow.

(f) Thechargeis thenfired from under cover.


L Thö chargerequired(seeSec.64, iii (a)), is asfollowsFor a6-in. B.L. gunusc 16 lbs. -

it is not absolutelynecessaryto usea shell, hut, the effectof the explosion is therebyincreased, -

Other high explosivesmay be used instead of guncotton,but iii somecasesspecialprecautionshaveto be taken e.g.,dynamite is often frozen, andmust be carefully andslowlytimawed before being used. This should be done in “panwarmingdynamite”; if suchbe not availablethe dynamitesimould beplacedin a watertighttin andsurroundedby warmwateruntil thawed.

2. Guncottonslabsare6 inchesby 3 inchesby I~inches,with one perforation for the primer. WeightSof slab, 15ounces. Slabsarewet. Guneottonprimersare1~35inchesto 1~15inchesin diameterto fit time perforation in the slaband imave one perforation for the detonator. Weight ofprimer, 1 ounce. Primersaredry.

It is difficult to detonatewetguncotton by itself. A primeris easilydetonated. To detonateachargeof wet guncottonaprimer is put in closecontactwith thewetslabs,theprimeris detonated,andthis causestime wet guncottonto detonatealso.

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86 -

3. There are two kinds of detonatorsin the servicefordetonatingguncotton:—

(i.) DetonatorNo. 8 for safetyfnze.(ii.) DetonatorNo. 13 for use with electrical firing

apparatus. -

The No. S detonator(Mark Vl1) consistsof a solid drawncoppertubecontaining3O~8grainsof fulminate of mercurycomposition.

The exterior of the body is paintedred, anda small labelbearingthe numberaridnumeralof thedetonatoris attached.

Safetyfuzc is paintedblack andcarriedin tin cylinders,and will burn under water. Them usualrate of burning is3 to 4 ft. a minute, but if it hasbeenkept in storelong,especially in a tropical climate, it may burn much quicker,thereforeapieceshouldbe tested.


L To preparea chargeto be fired by No. S detonatori. Seo that the guncotton slabs are in close contact

with eachother,andthat theprimeris properlyinsertedin andtouchingaslab.

ii. Takea pieceof safetyfuze of suchlength that thoroan lighting it. will have tinme to get to a safedistance before the charge is detonated. Cutoneendsquareandtheotherontheslant.

iii. Insert the squareend of the safety fuzo into thedetonator,takingcarenot to press it down toofar on to the composition;do not hold the deto-

- natorby theendcontainingthefulminate. Then

Page 107: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun


crimp the end of the detonator case on to thesafetyfuzewith thecrimpingpliers if available,if not anypliers will do; sufficient force shouldonly be appliedto cause them detonatorto gripthe fuze.

iv. Rectify the holein theprimer and insertthedetonatorcarefully into it.

v. Light the slanting end of the fuze. A fuzc or portfire is moore convenient than an ordinary match.

N0TE.—No.8 detonatorsarealso issuedwith2 feetof safetyfursattached.


1. To fim-em a chargeelectrically, theprimerandslabsarearrangedas already described. Time No. 13 detonatorisconnectedto the leads and is then insertedin theprimer,andis fired by a “FS. Exploder.” Caremustbetakenthattheother endsof theleadsarenot attachedto theexplodertill everythingis readyfor firing.

l’rlntimd mdcr time autimority of Imis M&jimsrr’s STATIoNERY OilmeNSiy 1L&R1IISON AND SONS,LTD., 44—47,St.Mart1n~sLane.W.C. 2.

[9.22] (n 27-30) Wt. 27278—1457 7&0 2/23 II & 8, Ltd. 0.2).41 G.21

Page 108: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

M1LITA~fY1f~OoA~,publithedby Authority—conttnimed.

(As to pricesIn brackets, seetap of page2.) -~

Kit Plates—*ontinued.~ngineers, Royal

1. Dlsmommuted. DetaIls of Shelf aiid Bedding, with Marching andDrIll Ordorsreadyto putorm. 1914. Bach ld. (24.)

2. DIsmounted, Full HIt laid out for Inspection lii Barrack Ifoom.1814, 14, ~2if,)

4. Mounted,N.C.O. or Driver armS Field Troop Sapper, Full Hit laid- - out forInepectionin BarrackRoom. 1910. irL (2d.)

5. Mounted. Detail of Shelfand liedriing. ismo. Id. (24.)6. Briver, With pair of horses. Field Kit labS out for ln,peotlonon

Parade,including Article, carried in Valise in BaggageWagon. -

1915. 14. (24.)Infantry. hIlghland 1584. 14. (24.)medical Corps. RoyalArmy. Kit In BarrackRoom. 1913. 24. (3d.)OrdnanceCorps. Army. For Guidanceat Hurdling Order and Kit -

Inspections. 3d. (3d.)Large Formation,, The Operations of. (ConSultsdesGrandesVnitd..

translatedfrom the Field Setvtceitegulatiotmeof theFre~~hArmy, dateOct. 28, isms. Sd. (sdj

Law. Military. Manual of. 1914. (Reprinted 1917,) 33.Sd. (3*, 84.) - -

Do. Amendments. May 1919. 14. (2d) -

Machimme.Gun Company Training:— - -Infantry. 1017. ProvisIonal. To be read In coniunctlon witim tnfaati-y

Training and MusketryRegulations. 84. (84.)See also Musx~m’ayIIEGtJLATIONS, I’Tim, I AND II, AND ilirbE, Boss MAGAZINE.Machine Guns and SmaUArms, ‘303.lnch. Nomenclatureof Parts,

Stripping,Assembllmmg,Action,Jams,Mi*silres, Failure,,and Inapectionof.RevisedhldItlorm, 1917. id. (Id.)

Machine GunTraining. 1021, (Provl.) 1~,m3d. (Ii. 3d.)MagazjnoRegulations, 1929. 1*, Gd. (is, aid.) -

Magazines and Care of War Materiel. Ilegulatlona for. 1913.(Reprintedwith AmendmentspublishedIn Army Ordere up to March3),1)517), 1~.Gd, (is. 3d.)

Malaria. Observationson by Medical Omcersof the Army andOthers. (1}”tth,l’latesandLlragrarns.) 1920. Os. (5,.Id.)

Mappim~from Air Photographs. 4,. (3*, 3d.) -

- (21)

Page 109: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITARY ,SOOKS, puGiithedby Aufhorify—conUnued.

-- (As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.) -

Map Reading and Field Sketching. Manual. 192i. 3*. (2:.80.)&e moltS PsoTnAcToa.

Medical Corps. Royal -Army. See alsoTesorroamiaFoncu

-- Admission to. Regulationsfor. Jan.1921. 3d. (3d.) -

Standing Orders. 1914. 1*. (ho.) -

Do. Supplement. 1920. 3d. (3d.) -

- Do. - Amnenmlm~imt.July, 1920. id. (lid.) -

Training, 1011. - isa. (lid.) - -

Do. ReprInt of Chap. XXII., with Amnendnmemmt,-Strctc’lmer Rxerciues. July 1022, 3d, (2~4.)

Medical Department. Army. Index to Appendicesof Reportsfrom1959 to 18953. 3d (Sd.) -

MedicalDiseasesluthe TropicalandSub-TropIcalWar Areas. SeeDmsexses.MedicalHistory. See I)FFICIAT, il;~-ro~ycv -r~mr~VAmd.

MedicalService. Army:—Begmolations.- 1906. (ReprInted,with Amendmentsup to Sept.30,1914)

44. (74.) -

Do. - Amesmdmnento,July1920 md, (2d.)D’o Do. Feb. 1922. Id. (24.)Do. Do. Mar-rh 1922. hlevlsurlAppendIxNo.51. 14,

- - (24.) -- Do. Ameririmerit, AppendixNo. 14,Sept. 1022. Id. (lid.)

Medical Service. StrategicalandTacticalHmployment of theascarrierSout in an Army Corps - with a seriesof Problems. TranelatedfromtheAustrian. 4s.Gd. (3*. 54.) - -

Medical Services. Army. Advisory ~3oardfor. TIre TreatmentotVenerealDieeaseandSc~bies.Sir-alReport. 1904. Is. lid. (

- SecondReport. 11)05. 2-5. (Is. 84.) ; ThIrd hleport. 1905. 1*. (104.) ; Final.Report.- 1000(0:1of prrsrd). - - - -

Medical Servicesof Foreign Armies. Ilanribookof. Part1. FIIANCO.Cd, (Oil.); l’art 11. OIIRMANY. 01. (74.); Part III. Aus-rloIA-JIIJNOABY.64. (74.);PartlV. hlU&SIA. Gd. (Gd.); PartV. ITASS. 3d. (534.); P~~tVI.TEa N~rauuLAsDsANn BeLGIUM. 04. (04.) -

Mekometer Handbook. 1911. Gil. (Id.)


Page 110: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

AfILITAI1 I’ BOOKS, pufdiohertbyAutlrority—eontinued

(As to prices in brackets, seetoQ of page 2.)

Mosopotamia. Inipresalcris of, In 1919. By SIr J. hewett-,(4.C.S.h., -

KU.]), 11120. 1)4. (94,)Do. - Reporton. By Sir J. hewett,,hC.C.B. ((rift Map.)- - 1919. 1*. 64. (1:. Gd.)

Military and other Terms. SeeScuooas.

Military Lands Acts, 1592to 1903. Byelaws. SeeABrILLZET AliD Ills-tx -

h(&reoxs ACT, Ac.Mine RescueWork on the Western Front. 5:. (4:.)

MountedTroops (Divisional)Training. June1915.Provisional. 14. (24.)

Mueketry Regulations:—Part 17 1909. (ReprInted,will, Amendments,1914). 1921. ls.64. (ls.G4.) -

Do. Arneridloomits,Nov. 1915. Id, (24.)Do. Ame;md;nenteJuly 1916. lOnlield 1914 l’attorn Rifle. 14. (24.)Do. Addendum,Juiy 1910. Handbook of the linllelml 1914 -Pattern

‘303-inch Ma~-azineJulie. 3d. (14,)Do. Addenduxn Nc. 2, Dec. 1914, Ilotchklss Gun and Lewis Gun

Course-s. Id. (3d,) -

Do, AdmleridumNo.3,Feb. 1021. InstructIonalCourseforWebleyPIstol.With Appendix—Noteson Piutol Shooting. Id. (Id.) Amend.menLo, 14. (20.)

Do. AddendurriNo. 4, AprIl 1917. Annual General Musketry Cour,~, -

- anilMueketryCoursefcirTmmtnsportl’,orkers’lhattalions.14.(14.) -Do. Addendum No.5, Ihiryouiet TrahmIng. (In f/re prest)Do, AddendumNo.6, Feb. 1920. LIght Gutis (Lewis and llotcbkis:

Gurus)aridTableL (Pi-orlslonal), 1920. 24. (3d.)Do. I)o. AppendIxA. - -Id. (3d.) AppendIxIi. Id. (10.) - -

l)o. Auldendurri No, 7, Aprll 1920. Mu,ketry Courses(l’rovielonal),- 1920. Table-aA, 11 arid C; AmemumImentsto Prirt 1, ChaIr.VI,

3d. (3d.)Do. and Vlchers MachIne-Grin handbook. Amendment,,June 1916,

RangeTables for Vlckers’ Guns for Mark I’ll. Amntnunmitlon,lii. (14.) - -

IJo. AppendIx A. Id. (14.) - - -

Do. Anile-mOurn No.7, Mar-eli 3021. 3d. (24.) - -

Part II. Amendments,Feb. 1921. id. (24.)Do. ltiIIe Rengesamid Musketry ApplIances. 1910, (lteprlnted, with

Amendmentsto Oct.3i, 1914). 44. (5d.) -

Seealso?dAclmmrex GusCoono’AsyTRAINING.

- (23) -

Page 111: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- MILiTARY 1100115, pU61(S~~SdSy Asefhor(�y—colstlnmred.

-(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

Night Operations. hllementary TraIningin. 1911. 14. (2d.) -

Number of Troops to the Yard in tIre Principal -Battles since 1850.- Memo,on. WIth opInIonsof Modern Authorities on limits of extensionst

the presentday. 1884, 94, (Id.) - -

Nursing Service, queenAlexandria’s Imperial MilItary. Regulationsfor Admissionto tIne. 1921. 3d, (2~d,)See missMoSes-tALS and TERRITORIAL FORCE.

Officers Died iir theGreat War, 1914—19. Roll of. PartI, Oh andNewArmies. Part II, Territorial Force, 7:. 64. (6:. 14.)

Officers Training Corps :— -

Regulations,1921. 1:. (lId,) - -

- Do. Amendment. March 1922. 14 (21.)Do. Arnemidments. April1922. 24. (3d.~ -~Do. .~ Amnendmnenh June 1922. 24. (~id-)Do. (Inns of Court.) Id. (14.)

SpecialA.O. March16, 1908, - (Out of print)Junior Division. Instructions for theAnnualCamps. 1921. Gui. (lid)Report on the Examination for Certificate“A” heldin March,

1920, for Cadetsof theJuniorandSeniorDIvIsIon. 13. (Is.)Orange Free State Topographical Survey, 1905-1911. Report on

time. lOs. (Cs.) -

Ordnance College. See iris: ARrILta~yCOLLEGE,— - - -

- Advanced Classes. Reportson r— -Up to the33rd. Ditch 1:, (9d.)34th. Cd. (534.):11th, 1:, (Is.) . - -

bAlm and later, SeeAUTILLCRY Cottxu~.Artificers. Military-, handbookfor, 10th EdItIon. 1915. 94. (94.OrdnanceOouraes. Report,on n-~

Up tothe 16th, liach 1:. (94.)17th. 94. (84.) -

18th. 1*, 134. (15. 44.) -

19th. 15. Cd. (is.44.)RegulatiOns. 1907. 3d. (3d.)

OrdnanceCorp.. Army. Standing Orders, 1922. (Provisional.) ad, (lid.)Ordnance Manual (War). 1914. 6,1. (64.) 1

-, (24) - -

Page 112: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

AI7LITARY hOOKS,pu6liehedbyAututorsty—eontinued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Ordnance Service. Treatiseon. Seventh EdItion. 1908, WIth volumeofplates, Is. lId. (Si.84.); /Smendnmennt-,. loris 1909, Dec. 1910, ))ee.1912.Each14. (24.); ho, Dec.1909,Dec. 1911. ls’aci, 3d. (4d.)

Ordnance Services, Army-. Regulationsr—Part 1. 1912. (lie-prInted,with Amendmentsupto


1y 1, 191C). 64. (74.)

Do. Amendments,Jan, 1918. AppendIxXII. Extractfrom the Begula.tions for Magazines,&c. Id. (2d.)

Do. Amendnnents,Jani.1918. appendIx El. 14. (24.)Do. Sept. 1920. lit. (24.) . -

Part II. 1914. Instrmnctlorms for Laboratories and Laboratory Operations.Examinationof Ihmploslves and Ordnance..1914. (ReprintedwIth Amendmentspublished In Army Orders up to and

- includingDec. 1, 1916). 1s.6d. (1:. Gd.) --

- Do.(,eparale~y).Amendments,Dec. 1916. (Inmeln’iing AppendicesXI.,XIV. andXV., asamnennOedin the Regulations). 24. (24.)

Do Amendments,Aug.,Oct. 1917. Bach Id. (24.)Pathological Specimens in the Museum of the Army MedicalDepart.

went, NetleT. DescriptiveCatalogueof. Third EditIon. Vol. I. By SirW. Aitken, M.D. 1897. 5:. (is.44.)

- Pay Allotments of, (See8c1’Alurnos ALLOWANCE)Pay, Appointment, Promotion, and Non-Effective Pay of the

Army. Royal Warrant. 1922, Issuedwith A.O. for July 1932. 2*.(is.0d.) -

Pay Duties of 0fllcer~Commanding Squadrons, Batteries,Companies,&o.hnmatru~tio,,,.(Revisedfor theperiodof theWar). I. RomeendColonies,

- II. In the Field. June1918, 24. (3d.) See also TERRITQI1IAL Foncg.Pay-forSøldierø. Increase~f. RoyalWarrant, Been.3, 191?. WIth the

Army Council’s Instruct-lone- thereon, and with Amendments to theSeparation Allowance Regulatlons—Fanniiy Allowance, (Special ArmyOrder,lIe-c. 4, 1917). 14, (24.)


Pay of OlFacersand Allowance for’ Ofllcera’ Children. Royal Warrant,Jan. 25, 1918’ wIth the Army Council’s Instructionsthereon,*nd Regula.Lions. (SpecialArmy Order,iso. 26.1918). Id. (24.)

Physical Examination of Recruite~Instrmnctirmns for Lime. 24. (Oil.)

- (25)

Page 113: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- A/iL/TAll’ BOOKS, publishedbyAntI/nerity’-.contlnued.

(As to, prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Physical Training. Manual nut. (Itepn-lnit 1908 wILl, Anusnmlmneuilpublished in Army Orders to Dec. 1,1914). 94. (is.)

Physiology,Iiicmemitary,in its relatIon to Hygiene. Feb. 1919. 24. (34.)Seealso IITGIIeNE and Sciloots.

Plaoe-name~occurring on Foreign ~taps. Rules for the Tranisiltermtionof, 1919. 1*. lId. (Is. 2d.)

Portable Sub—target(Mark I), amId Mow to Useit. 1911, (lIe-printed, wllAmendments,1914). Id. (?~•)

Postal Services. Arr~y. Manual nut. War. 1913. (lleprin,ted, wl(Amendments,1915). 3d. (44.)

Projection, &o, Linear Perspective. A Text Book for be of time ItSAcademy. Part2.—Text, Part 11.—Plates. 11104. Cs. (4o.10d.)

- Promotion of Lieutenants of ~he Army Veterinary Corps-SpecialReserve,anciTerritorial Force. SeeFImcLOi ALroWANce~

Protractor. Service. For usein Map ReadingClasses, 14, (24.)See also MAP J1IcADING. -

Publications (Recent) of Military . Interest. List of. Quarte;I~Nos. 1 to 8 (except1,3,5 amid 6, out 0/print), 24. (2d.) each ; Nos. 11 to 1?, li~

- (44.)each. Continued byTuneAnu’esr Revimcw.

Queen Alexandra’s Military Families Nursing Service. Eeg~latlona or AdmissIon. 24. (24.) 1

Railway Distances,Ireland. Ilandbooleof. Third EdItion. 1884,7*.8~(Us.)

Railway Manual (War).1911,(Reprlmmted,withAmnenn.lmenits,1914). Cd. (11Railways, Military. - hleconnmaiseancesmend.Snrrvey of. - Notes on.

Olflcersnsf lbS. Railway Companies. 1910. 2s.3d.

Range-FinderHandbooks :— -

Infantry No, 1. (Marlndin). 1913. 3d, (Cd.)Do. - No. 2. (Barr’ and Stroud). 31’S-inchesbase. 1916. 64, (4

Ranges. miniature Cartridge. (lteprmmstecl from Tun AmSIOY RlevI4

January,1914). Id. (4d.) - - -

- (28) -

Page 114: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITARY BOOKS, putlls/nedbyAutlsorsty—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Rangetakers, Instructions for theTraining of, with the Artiihery flange-fi~dec.14, (24.)

Ranging. Ilxmsniplesof, See AleritLEar, TinAtNueo, FrneLo.Rations. Army. Their Bearing on th~l2iScienoy of tho Soldier, lIp -

1). NoSt I’A-rou, M.D., F,lt.S,, Prolesaor of l’hyeiology, University of -

Glasgow, 3d. (Id.) - - -

Recruiting for the Regular Army and the Militia. Regulations,(ProvIsional). Jan. 1922, 34. (4~-d.) - -,

Recruits’ Table Card. Fet,. 1922. 44. (Cd.) - -

Remount Regulations. 1913. 3d. (3d.)

ResearchDepartment, Woolwtch. Re-poetsi— -

85~,Influenceof Chromium on St-eel. is. Cd. (So. lid.) -

45. lilastic Propertiesof Steel. hiflect of Overetralnnem, the. 2o. (15. 74.)411. VentSealingTubes. Part1. Resultsof Inveotlgation In the Causesof

Failureby Spllttinngomu Firing. (Out oj print)48. lIe-at Tre~trnentof Carbon Our, Steels. mis, Cd. (Is. Id.)49. liemeL Treatmentof Nickel GumsSteel. (In f/repress)51. l’ropen-tiesof someCiuronnlunmSteels. .~s. (2s. 54.)§2. Coolidge Radiator Tube. Investigation Into time Behaviour -of time.

Is, Gel. (is. 3d,) - -

Reserve, &ealsoSpm’,CIAL flncmeswie ann,! TEIUSITOIUAL Fonrcmtn—Army- Reserve. ClassI. Regulations. i922. Id. (24.)

Do, Amendmemmts,June1918. hit. (24.)National Reserve. Regulations. 1913. Provisional. Id. (2d.) -

Review of New Orders, DecorationsandGallantry Medal., &c.(I(evl~cd,Nov. lOl&J.) Ri. (44.) -

Rifle. Risfield 1914 Pattern, &e MUSEIeTI5TJIZOIJLATIONS, PartI.

Rifle. Ro~~Magazine ‘30l-ln~h,Mark Illo. Handbook of the. 10Th.(Reprimmteul,with Amendments,lIlT). 14. (24.)

Rifles, &c. Cleaning of. Notesonthe. 11(11. 25 for 64. (TiE.)

Rifle., Short and Charger-loadiu~, Magazine, Lee.Enfleid.hIafliibo,)k for Se-ne-ant Instrnmctorsof Special hleeers-e, ONcer~‘l’rahning

- Corps, and Territorial Force In regard to thn~Care, Inapeetinuis,etc., ut 3d.

(ill) -

Page 115: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILITAR)? bOA’S, publishedby Aufhoriiy—oontinued.

(As to price, in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Rueso.JapaneaeWar :— -

Medical and Sanitary Report. from Officer. attached to the Japane~.and RussianForcesin theFIeld. 1908. 5*. (38. hOd.)

Official Itistory. Part I. Causesof the War. Openingevents up t~and includimmgtheBattleof, SecondEdition. 1909. 1*. Cd,(1*. 8d.); PartII. Fromthc Battleof theYa-lu to Llao-yang,ezciusive,

- 1908. 5*. (4*. 44.); Part III. The Siegeof PortArthur. 1909. 4*, Cd.(3*. 104.)m Part IV. Liao.yang. 1910. 4s. (3*. 74.); PartV. Sha-Ho.4s. Cd. (4*. 24.)

- Official history (Naval and Military). Vol. 3. To Aug. 2, 1904, Withcaseof Maps. 15*. (12*. 64.) ; Vol. Ii. Liso-yang, The Sha-ho, PontArthur. WiLls caseof Maps. hIs. (123. 94.); Vol. III. San-DcPu,Mukde-r(,time Seaof Japan. With casoof Maps. 70,. (54,.)

Reports from BritIsh Officers attached to the Japanese and RussianForcesIn the Field, In threeyou., with two casesof Maps (mist soldseparately). 21*, (185.) -

Salisbury Plain, StandingOrdersapplicable to all Troops encampedonSalisbury Plain, and applicablegenerallyto TroopsQuarteredat hiulford,1921. 3’. (2*. 54.)

Sanitation in it. application to Military Life. Manual of. March,1920. lId. (Cd,) - -


Schools. ArmyAnnual Reports on. 1911.12; 1912-13, Snob1s.~(Is.)

Military and other Terms and Words which Occur In Orders.Lists of. 1914. (iteprimnted191g,) 3d. (58.)

Physiology. Elementary. handbook. 1901, Id. (24.).5cc aisollroin~oez;E’jmysio~ooy;and(below)Scnooa11yG11C~E,

Regulations. 1911. 4d. (48.)Schoolilygiene.hlamsdbookof. For Teachers, 1907. Cd. (3d.)

See also htyemnerenc;PnvsIoLooY; and(rmtuve) l’nysmoLouy.Singing in. fleguiationsfor Tescl,ing. 1911. (Raprinted 1915. 14, (24.)Standing Orders for Inepeetore.Examiners, and Teacher.. 1910, Cd,

(Cd.)- (28)

Page 116: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- .iiiILIrABr BOORS,publishedby Assthority..—comstintmcd.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Scout.. Training and Useof. Lecture by Co1.F.0. Carter, 1905. 24,(3d,) -

Screws. Provision of StCndard Leading, for Screw-cutting Lathes.Reportof Comunilttee. 1995. 1,, (1:.)

Separation Allowance Allotments of Pay and. Pamily Allow-ance, Arnty. )tegutatlonsfor the Iueu~of, 1918. Cit. (lid.)

See aI,o FAMILY ALLowAaCmt and PAT ron SotDtniss,

Service Corps. Army -

Regimental StandIng Orders. 1911. (Out efpnitmnf)

Do. Amendments. 1d.(24.);A.S.O.Msmorandum,No,25. 14. (24.)SoldiersPay Schedule; (Reprintedwith Amendmentsto April 1019).

Is. Cd. (U. Cd.)Training. Part 1. 1909. (Reprlnted,with Amendments,1915). Cd. (5Ø4~)l

Do. Part II. Supplies. 3909. (ReprInted 1914, wiLls flew Ap.. pommdix XII.) U. 3d. (Is. Cd.)

Do. Parthil. Animal Transport. 1922. 2s.64, (2*, 94.)Do. PartIV. MecinanicalTransport, (Ou( ofprint)

Do, Part IVa. The Motor Cycle. Is, Cd. (1.. 3~d.)

- - Sevastopol. Siegeof. 1554-55. 3 vole., with Case of Maps and Plans,,Half Morocco,£5 4s. Cloth. £4 4s. -

Or separately:.—..Voi. I. Jlngfrneer Operations. it Co. I Vol. II, Do.With Case of Maps and Plan., £2 10,. ; Vol. lii. Artillery Opera- -

tiona. lOs. - -

Sewm~pe.PraotioabTreatmentof. The latestdevelopmentof, 1906, Cd.

ShoeburynessGarrison. StandingOrders. 1913, 1., Cd. (is. 3d,)

Siege Operations in the Campaign against France, 1870-71, (ron Died,-.mOnfs.) ,Traflslated. 4,. Cd.’ (3:. 114.) -

Signalser’vioe. The Army. 3d. (24.)Do. Army. Manualof—Wan’. Provisional. 1914. 24, (3d,)

- - (29) -

Page 117: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MILfl’AUY BOOA?~’, pubhshledby Aufhority—cotitlnum(.

(As to prices In brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Signal Training ~— - -

- Part I. VIsual,Tele-grapliy. 1919. 1,. (1*,) -

PartII, (I’i’ovlsloiial,) Methods of IntercommunicatIon (nthe-r tine-VIsual) employedin ForwardAre-au. (2:.) (Is. 84.)

- - - Part IV. (Provisional.) Llnie Telegraphyand Te3cphony (Lines). 21,(is. 94.) -

PartVI, Procedure. 1918. is, (114.)l’ae-tVII. (Provisional.) SignalOrganIzation. mId. (74.)Vol. III. Pamphlets:— -

~o. 1. TelephoniC,l’ortable, D, Mark III. 14. (‘id.)No. 2. lIe-lIe-graph,5-Inch,,Mark V. 24. (2~l.)

Small ‘W’ars. Their l’rinciplos and Practice. Third Edit-Ion.- 1914.- (Ileprinled, 1905). 4*. (3,.) - - -

- Soldiers Died in theGreat War, 1914.19:—Part 1. ilousohohl CavalryandCavalryof theLIne (Including Yeomanry

arid imperialCamelCorps). bs. (3s. lid.)- - Pant I. lioyal Horseand Royai Field ArtIllery, Regularsand Territorlel

Force(including hone-ambleArtillery ConispanyBatterIes)~In raevolume.- 15:. (12:.)

= Or separately:~ - -

Section1. A to C. Is. Cd. (is.) -

Sections2. II to hi. Is. mId. (2:.) -

- Sc~tlon1, I to N. ‘25. Cd. (2:.)Section4, (Ito S. Is,Cd. (2:.) - -

- - Section5. T to F. 2:. 114. (25.)See-tie-ti4, Royal lIe-rio and Royal FieldArtillery Ted


- - tonal Force (Including ll,A,C. Battertcs). 2:. Id(Is.)

- Part 3. Royal GarrisonArtillery. 7s.lid. (lie.) -

Part 4. Corpsof Itoyal Engineers. 7s,64. ((3:. Id.)Part 5. FootGuards(including Ouards.MutclnhneOmits Regime-nt). 7s.64.

- (11:. lId.) -

Part 0. TheRoyalScots(Lothian RegIment). 75.Cd. (5:. 11,1.)Part 7. TheQueen’s(Royal~VestSurreyRegiment). 5:. (3s. 114.)

(30) - --

Page 118: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- iWLITABY BOOKS, publishedby Authsn’iiy’—conitinued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.) -

Soldiers Died in the- Great War, 1914.19—continued.Psrt 8, TIne- fluffs (hiaatlIe-nt lte~Imemst).ii:. (Os. lint.)Part 9. Tine King’: Own (RoyalLancasterIteglnsenit-) 5:. (3s. lid.)Part10, TIne NorthumberlandFuslllens, Is,Cd. ((is.)Pant51, ThoRoyal Warwickohtreltrgtnncnt. 7:, Cd. (is. lid.)Part12. TheRoyal Fnsslliers(City of Londonhie-glment). 7:. Cd. (Cs.lid,)Part 13. TheKing’s (Liverpool iteglrne-nit). 7:. Cd. (5:. lId.)Pant14. TIne Norfolk firgImotit. Is. (Is. lid.) -

PantIC, TheLinicolnuhsireRe-guise-nt, Cs. (Is. 1144 -

Part10. TheDevonshireRegIment. 5,. (In. lid.) -

Part17. TheSuffolk hleginnuenit. Cs. (Is, lid.) -

Part18. PrinceAlbert’. (SomersetLight Infantry). 2*. Cd. (2,.)Part 19. The I’ni,ire of Wales’ Owns (WestYorkshire hiegimetst). 7,. tld.

— (is. 104.) --

Part20, TIne IiaetYorkshireReglnsiesst, Cm. (Is. lid.) r” - -

Part 21. Tine IledfordshnireRegime-nit. Cs. (Is. lld.i -

Part22. TIne Leicestcrolslrehleglmeint. Cs. (Is. lid.)l’srt 23. RoyalIrish Regime-nt. 2s.Cd. (2:.) -

l’ant 24. Aiexsnsdra,PrIncessof Wales’sOwn (Yovkehiro RegIment). hs.(Ci. 114.)

Part27,. TheLancashireFinsiliers. 7:. Cd. (5:. lId.)- Part24. TheRoyalScotsFnssiliere. Cs. (3:. lId.) --

Part27, - TheCI,eeinirefieglmennt. 9:, (Is. lId.)I’art 28. TheRoyal WelchFusiliers. 5:. (8:. hId.)l’art 29. Tine- Sooth Walesflonderers. Cs. (Is. lid.) -

PartCO. TheRing’s Owns ScottIshIlondeners. Cu, (Ci. 114,)Part 31, ‘line Camoronlains(Scottish1ti(Ie-~). 5!, (I.e. lid.)

- l’avt 32, TheRoyalInnsiskilllng imuslllens. Cs. ~ 114.)l’art 33. The(Iloucestenihlrelin’glnnnenst. 5:. (li lid.)l’art 34, TheWorcesterhieginnenst. Cs. (3:, 114.)Part 35. ThehlastLanarkobireliegiment. Cs. (Ce. lid.)Part .30. TheEastSurrey RegIment. l’s. (la lid.)Part37. TheDuke ofCornwall’sLight Infantry. is. 64. - (2*.)


Page 119: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

Mifi TAIt F BOOKS, pnobhohed8

y Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Soldiers Died in the Great War, 1914-19—csnliinnned. -

Part38, TheIhske of Wellington’s(WestRiding Regiment). Cs. (Is. 114.)Pan 39. TheBorder iieginnenst. Cs. (3:. lId.)Part40. TheRoyalSussexRegIment. Cs. (Is. 114.)Part 41. TheHampshireRegiment. Si. (Is. lid). -

Part42. TheSe-ott:StaffonutshsireRegime-nit. Cs. (Is. lid.)Part48. TheDore-etsisireRegIment. 2:. Cd. (Is.).Part 44, The l’rince of Wales’s Volunteers(South LancashireRegiment).

5:. (3*. lid.)Part 4.5. TheWelch Regiment. Cs. (8*. lid.)Part40 TheBlack Watch(Iloyal Ilighianders). 5*. (Is. lid,)l’art 47. TheOncfordslire-andiIuckinghsamshireLight Infantry. Cs. (Is. 114.)Part48. TheCime-x Regime-tnt, Cs. (Is. 114.) -

i’art 49. Tine Sherwood Forest-er: (Nottlnghamshire and DerbyshireRegime-nt). 7:. tint, (Cs. lid.)

Part50. The-LoyalNorth LancashireRegiment, Is. (Is. lid,)PartIt. TheNortIsamptonslslreile-gtment. 5:. (.3*, lid.)Part62. Thel’rlneessCharlotteof Wale-a(ItoyalBerkshireRegIment). 5:.

- , (3:. lId.)Part53. TineQueenn’sOwls(Royal WestKentRegiment), Cs, (Is. lid.)I’art CC, TheKing’s (ShropslslreLigIst Infantry). 2*. Cd. (Is.)Part CO. TheDuke of Cambridge’sOwns (Middlesmc Regiment). 7:. Cd.

(C:. lid.>Part 57. Tis8 Kinsg’sIloyssl Rifle Corps. To. Cd. (is. lid.)i’art 58. TheDukeof ldJdlnburgh’s(WIltshireltegirnent). 2*. Cd. (2:.)Part59. TheManchesterReglnsetst. Is. Cd. (Cs.)Part CO. ThePrinceol Wtiies’s(NorthStaffordshireRegIment).5~.(Is. lId.)PartCI • TheYork and LancasterRegiment. Cs. (3:. lid.) -

l’art 62. TheI),srhnaenLigint Infantry. 7:. mId. (U.s.)l’nrt 63. TinehighlandLight Infanstry. 5s~(4s.)Part64. Seafortis itiglnlanders(ltoss.sisireBuffs, Tlse Duke of Albany’s).

Cs. (Is. lid.) -

PartCC. TheGordonhighlander,. Cs. (Is. 114.)

- (22)

Page 120: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

.8IILITA If F BOOKS, pubI(shedby Authentty—contlnued.

( prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Soldiers Died in the Great War, 191449—coniinssneil.

PartCO. The Queen’sOwn (Cameronliighnianders). 5:. (Is, lid.)- Part01. ThisRoyalIrish lUtlee, 5:. (8*. lId.)Part88. I’rin9etaVictoria’s (Royal In’i,h Fusiliers). 2:,Cd. (2:.)Part 89. TheConnnaughtBangers. is. (3d. (is.)Part 70. Pninee,sLouiee’s(ArgyihandSuth:ninsndHighlander:). Cs.~3s.lid.)

Part 11. The Princeof \Vales’s Lelnater Regiment (Royal Canadians).Is.64. (‘2:.)

Part 72. Tise RoyalMuinsterFutiliete. 25.Cd. (Is.) -

Part 73. TheRoyall)ssblinFualliers. 2:. Cd. ~(2s.)Part It. The jUlIe Brigade-(The Prince-Consort’sOwn). It. Cd. (Cs.lid,)Pant 75. Macblue Gnus,TankCorps. Is. Cd. (Cs.lid.) -

PArt 76. The llonnourableArtillery Company(Infantry) The, Innsof CourtOfficersTraining Corps. In onevolume-,15:. (ils.) -

Or ssparately :— - - -

Section 1. let (City of London)flattn. (Royal Pushier:). is. (lid.)Section 2. 2nd (CIty of London)flattn. (RoyalFusihiers);3rd (City of -

- London)Battn. (RoyalPusillers). Is. (lid.)Section 3, 4th(Oitv of Londons)iiattn,(Itoyal Pnnslliera);29th (City of

London)Battn.(Royal Fusiliers);~IOths(City of london)Battn. (Royal Fusillers~;flonournl,le ArtIllery Com•pansy(Inlanstry);mussof Court OfficersTrainingCorps.I:. (lid.)

See-tion 4. Stin (City of London)flattn, (llihies). Is. (lId.)Sectioss5. 9th (County of London)Battu.(QueenVictoria’s lIthe-a).

1:. (lid.)Section C. 11th (CousiLy of Lotndoni) Battn, (Fln:bnnry fillies); 12th

(Countyof London) llattn, (The- hangers). Is. (lid.) -

Sections 1. 111th(Countyof Londe-nn)ibattn. (l’rlm’ems Le-tnise’e h’ensittg.loin hiatus.); 15th(Cosnnntyof Losndon)flattn, (l’rInee ofWales’sOwn Clvii ServIcelUllee), is, (lid.)

Section 8, 10th (County of Lons,lons) list-tn. (Queen’s WestminsterfillIes), list, Ilisd, and3-4th Dattis,. Is. (114.)

Section 9. fills (City of Lo~n5osi)llattu,(LondonhhhiheBrigade),it. (lid.)


Page 121: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MiLITARY-BOOKS, published by Anel/sority—contlnnucd.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Soidiere Died in tho Groab War, 1914-19—conlinnned,

Part76—confine-ed, . , - -

Section:10. 8th (City of Lonsdon) hiatt-sn. (Post Oflice Rifles) ; loch(Counstyof Lonndois)Battn.(flackssey). is. (lid.)

SectionIl. 17th(Coumntyof Lonndoss)liattn. (PoplanisnndSte-pine-vhtitles);11th (CountyofLondon)Batti,. (Cyclists); 28th (CountyofLondon)hiatUs.(Artists’ Rules); 33rdhiattn. is. (lid.)

Se-dust12. 7th (CIty of London) Dattn.; IULhn (County of Lonslons)Battn,(St. l’ancras). Is, (11sf.) -

Sections13. 20th (County of Londons) BatOn. (Blackhsenthnanti Wool-wk-hn). is, (lid,)

Se-etloin i4. list (Couninty of Lonndon)Thntttn,(First- SurreyRIfle-s) lIrd(Countyof Londons)liattnn, Is, (lid.)

Section1.1. ilrnnl (Coinnnty of Lcfulonn) Battin,- (The Qnnoe-n’o); 2411:(Count

3’of r.ondonn)Be-ito. (Tho Queens’s). Is. (lid,)

SectIon16. 14th(Countyof Lonulons)Baits:.(TheLon:donnScott-loIn); 18th(CoinnntyofLonndonu)llattss.(LonsdonIrIsh Rifles),is, (lid.)

l’ant 77. Tlse Monnnnosstl,shntre-,Cannlscintge,and Ilertlonnislslre 1ie~lmctsts- Army CyclIst Corps; Tine Northern,, hIghland, Kent ansi

- . )Iunstlngdonnslnhn’eCyclir.t Battaltosns; annsl Royal DefenceCorps. ii. Cd. (Is.) -

l’art 78. lloyd Arn:y ServiceCorps. Ins. (Is. lid,)I’art 79. lloyd Arnny MedIcal Corps. Ce. (Is. 11sf.) -

i’art 80. Lalsonsr,Itsysl Army Ordnannce,RoyalArniny Veterinaryand hloyalArmy Pay Corpsn Corpsof Arnny Schsonsinnnast-ensn ChannnelIsles Milstlss n Corissof MIlitary Mousuteni ansi Foot Police;Corps of tine Sine-il Anus Sclnnuoln ISlIIlt-nnry l’rovoat; Non~

- Cojnt,ataunt Corps; Queens Mary’s Army Ausxiilary (Is. Ill.)

Soldiers,DisabledandDischarged,in France. Sn’: l)IsAtuLnnn.

S,omaiiiandMilitary lIe-portons. 1907. Vol.1. U eograpislcat.Descriptive,anntl historIcal.

Il:. (2:. Id.) -

Operatlon~inn, 1901—04. Official history. Vol. 1. Is. (2:. lod.); Vol. II.- 45, - (lu) -

- - (14) -

Page 122: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

-- MILITARY BOOKS, pubifslnesfby Autinonity—eontlnnied. -

- - (As to prices fri bt’acketa,seetop of page 2.)

South African War, 1899-1902:— -

MedicalArrannge-mente. Is. Cd. ((33. 8d.) -

Medical hIstory. An Ephdemlologlcah Ilsesy. (ileprin fed from “Tine~oursnaIof the-If oyal AronyMedlcnslCorps.”) Is.9sf, (Is. 2sf.)

Railways, 4:. (Is. (3d,)- SurgicalCasesNoted. 7:. Cd. (33:, 8sf,) -

TelegraphsOperations. 105, ((35. (3d.)VoluntaryOrgannlzatiousein aId of line SIck and Wou:sutenl. Report of the

CentralBritish lied CrossComnsltteeon. 1932. 3:. (2:,hi.)

- SpecialReserve (see also JINTRANCe; BXAMIeATION RFtEnuvnn)n

Regnulationsfor Officers of the Special Re-serveof Officers, and for the- SpecialReserve. i9il. 4d. (ltd.)Schemefor the l’rovislous, Organization,and Tralusiisg of -the Special

lie-serverequIredto stipple-one-ntthe JiegnnlarArmy, and the AppIlca.tion of the Scheme to the ezlstinsg MIlitia. (Suse-claiA.O., Dec. 23,1907). Id. (Id.) -

Staff College Regulations: Cannlnerley. April 192h. 3d. (Id.)

Stations of Units of tine Itegislar Forces, MilitIa, SpeelalIleserve,andTerritorial Force. Quarterlyup to No. 45, July 11(14. Munch 2~i. (2d.)

- (.S’nstnsequeessfpunfn/scahisntuop~nded)

- Statutesrelating to theWar Officeand to theArmy. 1880. Se, (4s. 3d.)

Statutory Powersof theSecretaryof State,OrdnanceBranch, 1879. 5s.- (4:. 4d4 -

Stdanj ~lngines and floiiers5

andGas and 011 ~nginee. )tan.agenletit of. NotesandMonsuranida. 1911. ld. (2sf.)

Sudan. Almanac, 1922. Compliedin tins intellIgenceDepastme-nt,Ce-leo.AstronomiCal Caloulationninn~s3eins tins ComputationOBjet of tinsSurveyDepartment,llgyptiassMlntstn’y of Finance-. is. (3d, (is. ml.)

Sudan. The flritish Force in the, StandingOrders. 1914. 9sf. (hi.)

(iii) -

Page 123: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

MFLITA BY BOOKS, pubdshedby An4horlty—~onntInued.

(As to prices in bracket., seetop of page 2.)

Sudan. The Anglo-Egyptian. A compendIum prepared by Officers ufthe SudanOovernnse-nt

Vol. I. Geographical,Descriptive, and historical (with Kiglnty-fwsillusfratao,ns.) 10:. (7:. 4sf,)

Vol. Ii. Routes. Is. Cd. (5:. 5sf.) (Nof cnsfainia~ Chapter Ii!.S’njpplemeai(A).)

Do. In SeparateChapters. Is. (10sf.)eachI. and II., Nil. III. North-Baste-rn Sudstui. IV. Ilastern Snsclan,V. Central Sudan. VI. South-Baste-ms Sudan. VII. Jiahr.eI.,Ghazal. VIII. Kordofaui. IX. North-We-ste-rim fustian.

Do. ChapterVII. - Supplement(A). Bahr-el-Uhazal. AdditionalRoutes. ls. (10sf.) -

8udan Campaign. hIstory of the. Two parts, and Maps. 1890. 15:. (12:. 3d.)

Supply Manual (War), Cd, (7sf.) -

Supply, Re-organizedSystem of, ansi of Anumenisitlon Supply of thellxpedltiuussary Force In War, consequenton tine Introduction of M~h:nniicahTransport. Memorandum explaining tue. Feb. 1912. 1sf. (3d.)

Supply, Transport andBarrack Services.RegulatIons.1915. Cd.(7d.)~

Do, Amendments,Sept.1922. Id. (3d.)Surveying. Topographical and Geographical. Text Book of.

SecondEditIon. 1913, 75.8sf. ((3:. Cd.)

Do. 1905. AppendIxXI, Tablesfor tIne ProjectIon ofUraticules for Squares-

of 10 side on Scaleof 1; 250,000,and for Squaresof ~° side on Scaleof 1 n 126,0001with otlnerTablesusedIn ProjectingMaps. Id, (Cd.)

Do. 1905. Appetndix XII. Table-s for the Proleotlon of Oraticulea forMapson theScaleolin 1,000,000, 1910. 2sf, (Id.)

Tactical Rides and Tours cnn the Ground. ThepreparatIonanti Conn-ductof, Transalatedfronn theUernnsan. I:, 3d. (Is. 2sf.)

Technical Papers :—1. Approsnlmately Rigorous Auljustnnent- of SImpleFigusres(With Diagrams). June191(1. 25.Cd, (2:.)

Telegraphy and Telephony. Army. Instruction In:—Vol.. I. Instruments. 1908. (Reprinted,with CorrectIons.1914). 1*. Cd.

(1:.Cd.) -

Vol. II. Lines. 11(09. (ReprInted,with Corrections,1914). 1.. (is.)Do. lIe-vised Chapter I. Field Cables. ProvisIonal. ld. (2sf.) —

Do. Amendment,April 1918. Revisedpara.67. ld. (Id.)

(36 -

Page 124: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

~f1LI1’.4ifY BOOKS, punbfiahd by Anuthcrify—eonntfnsnsetl,

(As to prices in bracket., seetop of page2.)

Territorial Force. (Seealso Eu~urpr,ncarand JIxaMINATI0IC) n— - -

Annual Return for Year ending Sept, 30, 1920, 4:. (3:.2~ut.)Cadet Infantry Training. Mnusisah of. 11310. (lIe-printed 1921.) Ic.

(lLtd.Cadet let. A 1.1stof Caule-tUnit-awhIch he-yerce-eive-dOfficIal Itecogni.-

ticu supto Be-c. iii, 1921, 6$. (4:. t()d.)Cadet ttnits in the British Isles, Iteguslationsegoverning the

Formation, Organlzathunss. Snd AntmlnIstrathonof. 1821. Id. (34.)Field Kits. OfficersansdMen. 1sf. (Id.)

- Rospitala, General, of the. Itegulatinutsefuse, 1912. 24. (44.1Medical Corps, Royal Army. Syllabusof Tralsnlisg. 1914. 14. (24.)

(Cinder lIe-vIsIon) -

Mobilization of a ‘Territorial Infantry Battalion. (Mepri-nsfedJ’n’snus Tsnw Amuse? lissytnew, Jnsiy i9ll). 3d. (64.)

Nursing Service,- StandingOrde-ra. 1912. (ICe-printed, with Amend’nuents, 11)11). 1sf. (24.)

Seenujss Ilosn’uDALS and Nunn:tsnu SneavIca.PayDuties during Embodiment. lnnstrunctlorssIn, Id. (34.)Regulations for the (including theTerritorial ForceReserve),

and for County Associations, 1012. (lt”prlnstenl, with Aunessd.rnenntsptntsiinhedInn Arueny Ordersto Dec. 1, 1014). 334, (ltd.)

Voluntary Aid ~—

Schemefor the Orgsnizationof, Inn 1(nsgiannl and Wales. 1)eo. 1(310. -

(Ousts/pn’nnt)Do. do., Amendments. Id, (1sf.)

Do., In ScotlainsI. Oct.1911. Id. (4sf.) - -

Do. sb,,Annendmiunnts. 3d. (1sf,)

Tractor Trials he-Id by the ExperImental Suit-Commit-teeof tineMechanicalTransportCommitteeat Aiderslmot, Sept.annul Oct. 1903. Ileluomtonu, 44. (334.)

Training and Manc~uvreRegulations. 1913. In4

. (Stf.iTraining Manual for Royal Army Medical Corps ‘Territorial

Force Cadets. (i’royhslo:uai.) Se-pt.1020. 25, 64. (In. Old.)Transport, Mechanical:—

Heavy PonteousBrIdge for useby. 11(14. Provlnnional. Id. (3d.)iteguietioruehur tineAppoinirmensi of Inspector,of. 1sf. (Id.) - -

Transport. Pack. Noteson. (lie-printed,with Annenninuetuts,1916). Id. (lId.)Troops, See Monjzc’rns.n and NuMBness.Trumpet and Bugle Soundsfor tine Army. With loatruetionnafor the

TrammIngof TrnsnnnpetersansdBugle-re. 1914. 94. (iod.)Do. Ame-nsdmnente,July1917. Id. (Id.)


Page 125: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

- M1LIT.IIII’ BOOKS, puubiinfned by Ansf/eoriiy—contlisuoi.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Type Exercises. .8ccSestoos.S.Typhoid(Anti.) Committee. Report. 1912. Is. 6d. (Is. Id.)Typhoid(Anti-) TnoculatiouCoomnittee. Report on Blood Changes- (oikuwtnigTyphoidlnocusiatinnn. 14301. 1:. 334. (lo. 4sf.)Urdu.ZngllahPrimer. Forthe-nuseof ColonIalArtIllery. 19(39. 16:. (118.54.)V’altee Equipment. Instructionsfor Fitting. Be-untIdierpatterns. 19133.

Id. (24.) 8ee tulsn IC~u,n’,’,mss:r. -

Valparaiso. Tine Capture of, in 1891, Is, (11sf.) -

VenerealDisease. SeeMe-tilcal fe-re-Ices.Veterinary Corps, Royal Army. StandingOrders. 1920. 84. (434.1VeterinaryManual (War). 1915. Id. (14sf.)Veterinary Services. Army. Regulations. 11304. (lIe-prInted, wills -

- Ameusniunenta t-o Dec.11,1917). Id. (3d.)Voluntary Aid. .SeeTutnunecrontALFoe-cr..

Volunteer Acts, 18433, 18(39, 181)1. 1897, anud 1900, except winere repealed,-Ilcprlunt of: Extract-sImnun Regulationsof the ForcesActs,1871and 1881,auudRe-serveForcesAct, 18(10 n antI Orderin CouncIl of Feb. 5, 1872. Cd. (24.)

Volunteer List. - Oct. 0919. is. Cd. (is. 44,)War GravesCommission. Imperial

The Graves of the Fallen. Descriptive Aceonnnt,by Mr. RundyartiKipling, of the Workof the-Commleelosn lllustratiouns,by Mr. DousglnueMacphersoun,showingtine CemeterIesand Memorials astheywill elite-arwhe-nncomplete-ni. 414. (Cd.)

War Graves. how tine Cemtte-rIe-s Abroad will Ito Designed. lie-portby Lleut.-Coloste-l Sir FrederIcKenyon,hC,C.I3., I)lre-e-to~of theBrItishMuseum. Nov. 14, 191(3. InI. (-Id.)

- War of 1914.20:— -

fleepatcinee(Navale-tnd Military) relati:ug to Operationsin the Wars— -

1, Se-pt., Oct., anti Nov. 14114. ‘nVitiu LIst of Itounounre anud )te-we-rd~Conlerresi. With SisetclnMap. (Jlcprinted1921.) in. Cd. (1:. 4sf.)

II. Nov. 1(314 to June- 1915. With Name-sof Office-Is rnnent(o:sed,andAward: of tine VictoriaCross. Cd. (Cd.)

III. July to Oct. 1916, With Nanniesof Officersannul Me-n mentioned, ansiAwards of theVictoria Crone. .Itf. (Cd.)

IV. Dec.11, 1915. Frosts tIe-ne-ruth Sir Ian HamIlton, (6.0.13.,describIngf-In: Operationsin the tIalhipoll Peninsula, Including the LandIngat SuvlaBay. 2sf. (Id.)

Page 126: Gun Drill 6in BL Mark VII Gun

iltILll’A If I’ 1iOOI.~S, pnnl1u/srd133 Au,On,urU,t,—osnnuthnuntsl.

(Aø to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.) -

‘War of 1914—20-—-,’onn(,’stvett,V. Jutun,to April 141741. Wltln Namesof Officersanti Men sntnnstIone,1,anti

Awardsof the Victoele-Cross, 334. (84.)VI. Mayto Dec. 1914. With Namestnt Officers anti Men Awardedthe

VictorIa Croon, is. (U. ld,)- - VII. Dec. 11)333to .lunly 1917, With Nnnune-e of Office-re and Mets awarded

tineVIctoria Cros,. (34. clod.)VIII, July11)17 to June- 1918. ‘1’, lilt Nanueaof Officers and Met’s awarded

tineVletorle-Croes. 1:. Cd. (Ic. Cut.)IX. July to Dec. 1918. WIth Ne-onesof Officers snul Me-n kwaru%edthe

VictoriaCross. Is. (lid,)K. Jan. 1919 io Jan.11320. With Ne-tue-s itt Office-re anti Men a’e.’it~nle-u1

the VictoriaCross. Is. (is. 114.) - -

history of tlnoWssr. Me-tRend Services:—(TI enmeral hIstory. Vol.1. 21,:. (133:. (3d.) -

Muurgeryoh’ tine War. V,ti. J, 25s. (l41s. 94.)I)msu’nsnesof tls,t War. Vol.1. 218. (143:. 434.)MilItary Kffon’t of tine- British EmpIreslunrlung the (ire-ut.War. Siatlstlu’s

oftine, iOn, lint. (its. 3d.) -

ParIhatnent’~ Vote- of Tlnsttnlts to the Fore-os. Speechestie-lIre-re-ti in tinello,nse-sof ParlIament,Westminster,on Oct.lit, 1917. Id. (144.)

War Office List, anul Administrative Directory for tine BritishArmy. 14422, Soldby 1(arrisosn ~ dens:,Ltd.,44—47, St. .tlnnrlin’s tvne, fl’. C’. 2.17e.(34, tnel, Pontnnpr ~d,

Water Supply Manual. Is, (3d. (1:. Cut.)Women’s War Work In Malintamrning the Iusdustrhessnub Export Trade of

tine UnIted Kingdom. Inuiormatlon officially oor,upuled for (lie uusst ofRecrunitimug Officers,Military flepresosntttttves,,t~,bTribunals. Sept. 1914$.Illustrate-LI. 1:, (In.) -

Wuji~Ma~ua1,(War). 391.3, ProvIsional. 44. (44.); Appendix I.

Wounds of War, -tIenneruti PrincIple-sguidingtlse ‘l’reatsne-ntol. (Dunciun.sionsadopted by theItitsr’AtIied SurgicalCusnierencehue-hI In ParIs, Marchand May, 11)17. 24. (3d.)

Yeomanryand Mounted Rifle Training. PartsI and II. 2912. (lIe’printed,with Amendments,15)15). 33sf, (74.)

Zulu War of 1879, Narrative-ofi-he FI~idOperationsconnectedwith tine,-- 1881. )-Ueps-tnted1907). Ia. (2:. 104.)

Fe-mutednunder t)ne asstlsorltyof 11:: MsJFMTv’s S~rA-r1oxxe-rOn’s-Ice.,By 1iarri,o~’s~ Souse,Ltd., St. MartIn’s Lane,Lontlon,‘IV.U, 2.

(~27/Slfl’n’ lVt. 27175 760 2123 II .~S LtuL, (1. ‘27