Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III


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Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III

Transcript of Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III

Page 1: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III

E18,,uedvn’th Army Order8 for January, 1923.40


[Crown copyright re3erved.

MORTA3~I~LL~~ P9fl




I’UI3tISUED ut rns MAi~STT88TATI0N~1~!OYFX0~.

Tob. pur~’b..~dth~o~t~uh~ni Boohietler or dI~o~tI7)r001RJ~r. s’rATIONERY o1i~1O1tt,~ tb fuI~ow)n)l~IMp~nUL)toVpi~,11NOOWA~.L~RDONw.c.2. .nd 2~,A HU.oDu~8Th~aT.~ ~.W,Z

~TI~fl ~T*K1{T, $A~Ct1I)~4TIIt 1. ~V. A’,DlufiWØ OuZ.u.u.r C~,WIflor ~1.FOUXU ~ EIfl0110BOU.

1923.G.D. 52 Price 2d. Nd.

Page 2: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III

[Issued with Army Orders for .Jannary,1923.40


[Crown copyright reserved.





To beporche,edthcou~hanyflookseltrrocdirectly fromIT.M. STATIONERY OFS’ICl~at tb, foOowin~alduouco.:

I3LFXRIAL lIOtcE,KXNGSWAY, L’,NDON WC. 2, cod 28, AHINOI buSSTREET,L051301,S.W.i37, 1’E’VKR STBO13T,11 (‘HESTER: 1 Sr.ANORF.W’S 00E90053’.CAEDIF1

or 12, FORTH STREET, E13IN0000II.

1923.G.D. 52 Price 2d. Net.

Page 3: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III

Thi Command of the Army Council.

Trirn WAit Ovrsc~,January, 1923



GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ... ... ... ... ... 3


I.—(~euieralduties ... . .,. ... ... 4ll.—Guti drill ... ,,. . . ,,, ... ii

111.—Layingtests ... ‘... .. ... ... 22IV.—Clinometertests ... ... ... ... , 25V.—Caro of equipmentandammunition ... 27


1.—Equipmentof onegun ... ... ... 2911.—Additionalstoresfor mobilization ... ... 30

III.—-Packing of ammunition ... ... ... 31

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Practical instruction in the equipmentshould bo givento eachrecruit before anyattempt is madeto instruct him

~ in gundrill. In teachingthe dutiesof eachmanat thegun,tile instructor should try to impart the instruction by

~ reasoningratherthan by a long explanation. By meansof~ questionshe should try to draw from tile recruit thecorrect~ answersas to the performanceof his duties, being careful

to leadthe man’smind into thedesiredchannelof thought.Should this attemptfail, theinstructorshouldgive ademon-

~ stration emphasizingtile points t1~~recruit hasnot grasped.~ Such demonstrationsshould deal with the work of each

man in the detachment; and all men under instructionj should, in turn,carry out the work of eachparticularman.~ Instructioniii gundrill should beginassoonas therecruits

are conversantwith all parts of the,equipment.,and canhandle in the bestand quickestmatineeeachof theworkingparts of the gun. Once the work of each man has beenthoroughly mastered,it ~1motmId not takelong for therecruitto learntheactualdi’ihi.

It is most important thata markeddistinction should bedrawn betweeninstruction anddrill.

During the formertile languageusedshoul(1 be as simpleas possible,and time meaning of all technical termswhicharenecessarymust 1)0 carefully explained. A conversationaltoneSIIOUI(1 beadopted,andunderno circumstanceswhatevershould anything in the natureof long quotationsfrom drillhtooks beallowed. Time 111011 should bepcruni~tcdto assumean easyattitude andtheir interestshoul(1 not be allowed toflag. Theyshould ho encouragedto askquestions.

(it 27—28~r ‘ A 2

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At drill, on thecontrary, rigid discipline must be main-tained,orders must be clear anddecisive,and the detach-mentsmadeto work steadily,smartly andrapidly. At thesametime theutmostaccuracyis essentialandanydeviationsfrom themethodslaid down mustat oncebe checked,


The equipmentis divided into two loads,which arecalledby the foll9wing names

1. TheBed.2. TheGun.

CHAPTER 1.—GENERAL DUTIES.This ‘ehapter summarizestile duties of thesectioncom-

manderand of each man in the detachment. It is onlyintendedas a guidefor tue instructor, who ~hould use hisown wordsin explainingthe variousduties to the men.

The detachmentis composedof sevenmen. Time serviceof thegunis divided betweenthem as follows

in commandandlays.2 - . - . . - ... the bore.3 ... ... ... time loading.4 ... ... ... thechargesandprimers.5... ... ...~

6 ,, aminimnittoit supply.7 ... ... ... the explodei’s and fuzes, and in

chargeof ammunition.

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The duties of the section eomnmanderand of each miianareas follows

DUTIES OF SECTION COMMANDER.N0TH.—The normal fire unit for mortars is the section. On

service it will rarely be possible for section commanders to bcwith their sections in action, andit maybeinadvisableto withdrawa No. I from his gun to act as section commander. In this casesuch. of the following duties as affect both guns will be performedby the G.P.O. (gunposition officer) and8uch asaffect individualguns by the Nos. 1.

1. lIe COMMANDS his sectionand is responsiblefor theserviceabilityof its EQUIPMENTandthecorrectnessof itsDRILL.

2. Ho placeshimself whereho can bestseeandhear~ieB.C. (battery commander)or G.P.O. and will only moveaboutwhen necessaryfor tile supervisionof his section. Inordinary circumstanceshe should be on the flank of hissectionnearestthecommandpost.

3. He will acknowledgeordersfrom the commandpost bysalutingwith thehandnearestthe G.P.O.,finishing with thehand vertically abovetime head.

He only passesORDERS when he seesthat imis Nos. Ior the neighbouring section commander have failed toacknowledge.

4. He supervisestime TESTING of thesightsof his section.5. He keepsa RECORD of the bearingof the zero Iino,

andof theZERO LINE READINGS of his guns. He willnot keepanyrecordof orders(luring a slmoot.

0. ITo is RESPONSIBLEthat,beforefire is openedenanytarget,his guns arelayed in time DIRECTION ORDERED.

This is best(lone,not by inspectionof time sights,but bycomparingthe line of his two guns and the flank guns of

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theneighbouringsections,by looking alongtime line of eachwith referenceto somedistant objecteither imi front or roar.

7. He CONTROLShis sectionin action.This control is bestcarriedout by watchingandlistening

ratherthanby personalinspectionof sights,&c.8. When his sectionis RANGING, if one gun miss-fires,

he will fire BOTH ELEVATIONS from time other gun, timelower elevationfirst.

9. At BATTERY FIRE ito will reportto time G.P.O.whenoneof his gunsMISSESITS TURN.

10. He will REPORT to the G.P.O. when eitimer of hisgunsgoesOUTOFACTION or whenim~finds thatanERRORhas beenmade which is likely to have AFFECTED THESHOOTING.

DUTIES OF I.1. lie COMMANDS andis responsiblefor theentireservice

of his gun.2. lie gives time WORDS OF COMMAND detailedfor him

in ChapterII anti repeatsall ORDERSaffectimig imis detach-mncntwhichhavenot beenheardby time mcii concerned. Hisorders must beclearlygiven but no loudertitan is necessaryto enablehis detachmentto hear.

He assistsin passingorderswhennecessary.Ho acknowledgesall orders by saluting. lie will ‘salute

with the handnearesttime sectioncommammder,finislmiug withthehandverticallyabovetime imead.

When he cannotacknowledgeorders by saltmting (owingto the guns beingin trenches,&c.) he will repeatbacktheordersthat affect his gun,just loud cnougim to be heardbytime sectiorm commander.

3. He is responsible:—

i. That theBED andPLATFORM are correctly laid.ii. That the GUN is correctlymounted,

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iii. That time CLINOMETER is in correctadjustment.iv. That the GUN is laid at time line an(l elevation

ordered.4. Ho selectsthe GUN PLATFORM, whichshould be on

level andfirm grouimd. If time grotmnd is not level he mustarrangeto level it from thehigherend.

5. Ho recordsthe ZERO LINE readingof tlme chinometer.6. He applies—

(a) Time I’OSITION CORRECTION,which, if required,is given in time form—” Position Correctioii.No plus (or minus) degrees‘‘ andis applie(l to all elevationsordered,butis cancelledwhenafreshtargetis ordered.

(b) Correethinsduring fire for effect, whichare orderedin time form “ No add (or drop)degrees.” These are cancelled when a freshelevationis ordered.

7. IN ACTION he LAYS for LINE and ELEVATION.At INDIRECT LAYING he sets the ciinometer at timeline and elevation ordered and manipulates time guystill the line and elevationbubblesof time elinometcr arecentral.

Time GUYS must be TAUT wheim time laying is completed,but excessiveforce mustnot be uscd

At DIRECT LAYING FORLINE he starmdsin rearof thegun and directs 2 to traverseas required. He moves hisposition as thegun is traversedso that it alwaysappearstobe vertical. When the target appearsvertically over themuzzle, the gun is laid for line. He lays for elevation byrevolvingtheclinometeraboutthegununtil time line bubbleiscentralandthen by manipulatingtime guys until time elevationbubbleis central.

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8. Ho supervisesthe preparationandsupply of AMMU-NITION andoccasionally,before thebomb is loaded,checkstime CHARGE.

9. He gives time order to FIRE. The gun will never befired without his ,ordcr. Before giving the eider he seesthat it is in all respectsready.

10. He is responsiblethat theINTERVAL betweenroundsis properly kept as regardshis own gun.

Wheim a salvo or a quick rate of battery fire (less thanfive seconds)is ordered,he stepsclearand extendshis rightarm abovehis headas asignalwhenhis gunis readyto fire.

11. At intervalsheexaminestheequipmentandre-arrangesit if necessary.

12. lie watchestime action of RECOIL on the bedand,if required,adjuststime supports.

13. Wlmert RAPID aimtl PROLONGED FIRING takesplace lie takes every opportunity of cooling thegun withwater, appliedto sandbagswrappedroundit.

14. lIe must neverallow anyoneto passin front of, orremainnear, themuzzleat the momnent of firing or duringthepausefor a miss-fire, on accountof thegasblast.

15. In time caseof aMISS-FIREhe attendsto themiss-firepltmg andinsertstime igniter and lights thesafety fuze. Heassiststo UNLOAD, andREMOVESFUZE whennecessary.

DUTIES OF 2.1. He assists3 in carryingthegun.2. With 3 he MOUNTS and DISMOUNTS the gun.

To MOUNT tho gun—2 and3 placethebreechof thegunin thesocketof the

baseblockof thebed, themuzzlebeinginclined totherear.

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• 9

They then bring the muzzle to the front till time guidestudis engaged. 3 holds thegunwhile 2 hookstheelevatingandtraversingguys.

To DISMOUNTthegun—3 supportsthe muzzle while 2 easesand unhookstimo

traversingand elevatingguys, the right-hamid guyfirst. They then bring themuzzle to time rear andlift out time gun.

3. TN ACTION lie clearstimo BORE aftereveryroundbyforcimig tho gas ejector down to the BOTTOM of the bore,but lie v,ill not usetime gas ejectorif thestop plug is not in timegun.

4. HeassistsI in traversing,if required.


1. He assists2 in carryingandmountingthe gun.2. lie LOADS andFIRESthegun.TO LOAD.—He turns half-right and receivesthe bomb

from 5 (or 6), graspingthevanesfrom abovewith the righthand andsupportingthe front of time bomb with the lefthand.

He cheeksthe chargeand places time bomb so that timeprimner is about3 inchesdown time bore, holding thebonibfirmly with time left hmand. He then reports “ Ready.”

TO FIRE.—-At theorder Fire ho removestime safetypinandcap with tho right handanti, supportingthe bombwiththe left, allowsit to slide downthe bore.

Ho standsclearof theblast andreceivesanotherbomb.3. HE UNLOADS by replacingtime CAL’ AND SAFET~!

PIN and removing the bomb from the bore,

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DUTIES OF 4.1. lIe assists5, 6 and7 in carryingthe BED.2. He attendsto thlo CHARGES.3. He assists7 to prepareAMMUNITION.He placestheCHARGE, asorderedby I, andtime PRIMER

in therecessin time vanesof time bomb. The portionsof thechargewill beevenlydistributedin thevaneangles.

4 At CEASE FIRING he removes CHARGES andPRIMERSfrom any unexpendedammunition and replacesthemin their tins.


1. Theyassist4 and7 1mm carryingtheBi~l).2. They attendto AMMUNITION.3. IN ACTION thiey (aiternately)supply a BOMB to 3.

They eonioup on the rigimt of 3 with time bomb horizontal,supportedomi tho right arm andsteadiedwith the left handon thevanes.

DUTIES OF 7.1. lie assists4, 5 and6 in carrying time BED.2. IN.AOTION he is imi cimarge of theDISPOSAL of time

AMMUNITION in time placeselectedby I and of its PRO-TECTION front hostile fire andfrom weather.

He is responsiblefor thePREPARATION andSUPPLYof AMMUNITION asorderedby I.

He insertstime EXI’LODER andFEJZE into thebomb.3. WhenFUZING bonnbs he removesthe fuze-holeplugs

with “Key, No. 40.”4. At CEASE FIRING, unless otilerwise ordered, Ito

UNFUZESall bombs,removesDETONATORSorIGNITERSfrom fuzes, withdraws EXPLODERS from bonmi, mindreplacesthemin theirtins.

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i-ic replacestime fuzc-lmoleplnmgs.Whenpreparing a bomb tt’ith ‘~Eu~c,1’ercus~ion,No. 110

.MI~.III ‘‘lie withdrawstire fuzecap with time liner attacimed,amid insertstheigniter or detonatorinto time body of thefrize,asordem’ed.

He replacestime limier, pressingit hnmne,timid replacestimecap andsafetypimi.

Time igniter or detonatormitrmst on mio accmmmitbe insertedintime fuze while time Iuzc is mm thebomb.

lie then inserts tire exploder into the bomb anti screwstim fuze in, using“ Key, No. GOA” (with Mk. I andMk. IIfuzeslie uses“Key, No. 60 “).


- Artillery Training lays (TOWn time principles of batterytactics, which vary little with different equipments. ‘l’hischapterdetails time ordersgiven andthe procedureby whichthese orders are carried out in batteries armed with time6-inch M.L. Mortar, Mks. I, Ii or III.

Theproceduremustbe immemorizedandstrictly adureredto.Time executiveorder is shown throughoutas beinggiven

by~tilo sectioncommander,aswill normallybetile caseduringtraining. Whenorderscanbeheardthroughoutthe battery,they will beactedupon without repetition. Instructor’swillinvariably employ tire orders detailed for thesectioncom-mander,evem~when drilling a singledetachment.

NoteWhentime gunis “LIMBERED UP” it is rearlyto move

by somemeansof transport(e.g. in a cart, he.).

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When thegun is at “1’REPARE TO LIMBER UP”theportionsarelaid down iii orderfront front to i-ear at2 yardsdistance:—

1. Tire Bed.2. Tire Comm (muzzleto tire rear).

I. Positions at DetachmentRear.

Thedetachmentfalls in twodeep,onepacebetweenranks,1. cmi the right of thefront rank. I is not covered.

Whentime gunis limberedup, time front rankis threepacesin rearof tire vehicle, I covering time off wheel.

Whentime gunis preparedto himher up, thefront rank isthreepacesin rear of thegun, I covering the right edgeof the bed.

When thegun is in action, the front rank is threepacesin rearof the bed,I covering ofT tire right edge.

2. To Tell Off.Sectioncommander.

section—Telloff.”I numbershimself 1, the right-handmanof therearrank

2, hisfront-rankman3andsoon,

3. To Change Round.Sectioncommander.

section—Changeround.”I takesa pace to therearwith his righmt foot anda paco

to tire left with his left foot. Theleft-handman of therearrank takesa pace to time front. At the same time theremainderof the front rank takeapace to time right andtirorear rankapaceto time left.

(Thedetacimmentis then againtold off.)

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4. To Form Order of March from Detachment Rearwhen the Gun is prepared to Limber Up.

Scetiomrcomnmmmaurcler.sectiou—J”oriir order of march.’’

I orders “Left turn, doublo-mnarelm.”Tire detachmmnentdoubleto their placesas follows

I twoyardsmm front of thebed.2 and3 at thegun,2 on theright of time muzzle3 on the

lcft of tire breech.4, 5, 6 and 7 at time bed, 4 and 5 at the front, 6 anti 7

at tire rear ; 4 amid 6 on the right side, 5 amid 7on time left.

5. To Form DetachmentRear from Order of March.


I doublesto his place and givesthe order “NoDouble-march.” At theorderfrom I the remaindercloimbloto timeir placesandhalt.

6. To Move the Gun by Man Carriage. -

(Time gun should be at “Prepare to Limber up,” and thodetachmentin “Order of March.”)

Sectioncommander.section—Prepareto advance.”

The men raise tlrcir loads and on the order “March”thesectionmovesoff.

On theorder “ Halt” the menhalt andlower their loadsto theground.


Time subsectionmovesto thefront.

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Tire muon halt andlower thiur loadsto time ground.

7. To Examine Equipment.Examinationof tire assembledequipmentwill be carried

out before leaving the gun park. Wimen in action, theprocedureshmould be carriedout at least once in every 24hours, and advantageslrouid he taken of any interval toexamine,test amid arrangethe equipment.


I examinesand tests the clinomneter, and examinestimmatchesandemergencyigniters.

He supervisestire work of the otimer mcmi andseesthathis detachmentandequipmentare in all respectsreadyforaction. (He examinesthe SpareStoresBox, and striker,stud, wrench,if they are in his charge.)

2 examinesthe gas ejector, whicim is carriedin time boreexceptwhen in action, lie examinesthegun and tool box.He seesthat time boreis cleanandfreefront oil andthrat thoeiinometercollar protectimmg band andintrzzle cover areinpositionamid secured.

3 examinestime bedandplatform.4 seesthat tire chargesandprimers requiredarc correct.S and6 examinebombs an(lseethat they areclean, free

from oil andundamaged.7 seesthat tire fuzesand explodersrequiredandNos. 40,

60, GOA keys are correct. lie supervises time work of 4,5 and6 andseestlmat theanmmnunitionis in all respectsreadyfor action.

As soon astime examinationis eonmplcted,tire detachmentform detacirinentrear.

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‘1. collects reports, and reports to the section commander

No readyfor action” or otherwise.

8. To Prepare for Action.

Preparationfor action will be carried out before movinginto action.

Sectioncommander.section—Preparefor action.”

Each omanexaminestime partsof time equipmmmemmtfor whichlie is responsible.

I supervisestime work of time othermenand satisfiesimimschfthat thedetaeimnieirtamid equipmentarein all respectsreadyfor action.

As soonmaslie hmascompletedIris duties,eacimmanreportstoI andresumesimi~place.

I then reportsto his seetiomm comnoramider“ Noreadyfor action” orotherwise.

9. To Come into Action,

Wircmteverpossiblebefor~time guns arc l~roimgimtOim to timepositmmm, I choosestime gun platformmm, mat-ks time line of fileasimmdicatedby thesectioneomurmmmnderamidhasanynecessaryhum-eparationof time groundcarriedout.


Wimemi the bedis jim time. requiredposition I orders “ Halt.Action Fm-oat“ and (iit’(’cts 4, 5, 6 aimni 7 wimei-e to imlacetimeImed. 4, 5, 6 and7 time mm gnu to ine~tai’otine nun mum unit h-mit innlime pitico iu)intctl (ItIt myI.

2 and 3 placetime umortam’ on time ground mid, tinnIer thedirectionof I, lay thebedso timat its centrelimue is in time line

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2 and3 thenunhitcim andlengthentheguys amid mount timegun.

3 removesthe ehinometercollar protectingband andlaysit on theleft of time gun.

2 removesthemuzzlecoverandgasejectorandlays themontime right of time gun.

1. arrangesfor thedriving of pickets to support thebedas required. He fixes the clinonieter, elevatestime gun toabout60°elevationand lays it in the himme of fire by directlaying. He reports time reading of time traversingare totime sectioncommander.

When themen have comnpletedtheir dutiesthey takeupthepositionsin action,amid I reportsto time sectioncommander‘~No Readyto lead.”

Whmen ordered,7 scmmds backfor time tool amid sparestoreboxes,andstriker stud wrench.

10. Positionsin Action.

I in rearof thebed.2 on right of andfaeimmgtime muzzle.3 onleft-of andfacingthemnuzzie.4, 5, 6 and7 with theammunition.All menkneeldownoxceptwhenactuallyservingthe gun.

II. To Form DetachmentRearin Action.


I doublesto his place(threepacesimm i-eat’ of tIre right edgeof the bed) and gives time order “No Double-march.” At theorderfrom I tire remainderdoubleto theirplacesandhalt,

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12. To Take Post from DetachmentRear.


The dctaelrmentdoubleto tlmeir positionsin action.

13. To Lay the Gun.Sectioncomnmiander. -

section— degs. more Right (or Left).,~‘ (Elevation) degs.”

orsection— degs. Right (or Left) of zero

~ line. (Elevation) degs.”I repeatsandacknowledgestime order. He setsthe curio-

~ meter at time elevationorderedandclampsit to time gunat>- time deflection or amugie fronm zero line ordered, amid lays,

assistedby 2 if necessary. Wimemm ho hasfimmished laying ire~ reports “ Sct.’~

14. To Load.

~j Sectioncommander.“ section—Fuze Charge

Ranging” (or Methodof Fire).1. repeatstire ammunition order to 7 ammd at time correct

momentorders“Load.”• 5 and 6 alternatelysupply a preparedbomb to 3.

3 seestirat time cimargesare’correct, loadsthe bomb andreports “ Ready.” -

After time first roundI oi’nlers “ Load” and only repeatsany alterationin time. amimmnitioni-hat may beordered.

15. To Unload.

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I repeatstheorder.3 replacestire capandsafetypin if they iravebeenremoved,

amid removesthe bomb.

16. To Fire.No.1.

No —Fire.”3 fires. As soon as timo bomb begimrs to shinle (iowa time

bore, 1, 2 and 3 standclear of the blast.I reports “ Shot” and the mmumnber of hmis gun.2 clears the. bore witir tire gasejector.3 receivesanotimem-bomb.rUlme gmor will on no accounthe fined without thro order

from I.

17. Miss—fires.

If lire gun fails to fire, I allows ONE mmmiiimmte to elapseamid then renmovesthestop andmiuiss-fir’e plug, renmovestirecap andscrewstireplug, reversed,into theadapter.

(Iii the caseof guns fitted withm sepam-atomiss-fire andstopplugs, ire removestime stopping, amid screwsin time miss-fire p1mgin its l)lace.)

lie immscm’ts aim enmergencyigniter imuto time plug, lcaviimgat leastoneimmchr projectimig.

Wimenit is againmhis turmm to fire hme orders“ No—Fire” amid lightstheemid oftlmeigniter.

If the gun fires, time plug is replaced anti normal drillcontinues,

If time pmni-ego_infoils tofire, I allowsTWO miminimies to elapseandm-eplaeestime stopplug.

1, 2 and3 dismoummttime gumim amid lay it on time groundclearof tire bed. I standsat time muzzle and directs 2 and 3to raisetire breccimslowly andreceivestime bomb as it slides

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out, lie m’elmioves time fuze amrd tiren unloadstire bomb authplacesit aside. -

2 and3 renmounmt tire gun amid 2 cleat-s the borewitir tiregasejector.

Normaldrill now conititmimes.

18. To Changethe Line of Fire.If it is necessaryto hay the grin in aline outsidetime scope

of its traverse,tire sectioneomumnranderindicatesa new hueof fir-c. Tire gunis dismountethmndI directs2 and3in layingin this line. Tiregunis againnmounted.

1 reports to the section commandertime m’eading of tirt~traversingarewimen time gun is laid imr thenew line.

19. To Stop Firing.

Sectioncommander.“ section—Stop.”

Tire detachmentcontinuetheir dutiesbut thegun is miotfired umrtil time order“ Goon”is given.

20. To Stand Fast.


All standfastwiratevertheyaredoing.At the order“Go on” work is continued,

21. To Stand Easy in Action.

Sectioncommarmder.section(or No )—Standeasy.”

This order is given to indicatethat firing is temporarilysrmspendenl.

Before openingfire againtime order “Take post” will begiven.

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• 22. To Prepare to Move,

Th’resectioncommmtmmamrderinformstire Nos.I of themeThodofevacuatingtire position and wirctirt-r mm positionr of assenimblyis to ho used.

Sectioncommander-.section—Prepareto move.”

Ammunition andstores,as orderedby time section com-mander,arerepackedandloadedup. Preparationfor limber-ing up mviii be madeasfar as possible,but gums will remnaimrin actionmmmrtil tire order “ (Thasefiring “ is given.

- - 23. To CeaseFiring.

Sectioncommander. -

section—Ceasefiring.”If time gunis loaded,I orders“Unload.”1 removestheehinonteterfromtime gun.2 replacestime gasejectorandrnmuzzlecover.3 replacesthedinometercollar protectingband.4, 5, 6 and7removefuzos,withdrawdetonatorsor ignitem’s

and exploders from bombs and replace fuze-holo plugs.Theyremovechargesanti primersandrepackthem in theirtins,

24. To Prepare to Limber up.

Sectioncommander.section—Prepareto limber up.”

2 and3 dismountthegun andlay it downtwo yardsinrearof time bed, muzzleto tire rear. 2 anti 3 tlmen engagethehooksof time guys in their hooksonthebedandscrewup.

The detachmentnow. take up their positionsin order ofmarch.

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25. CasualtIes to Detachments.

Memr sent up to replace casimaltiesreport to threir sectiommcomnmandcrs,wino ordersucim clratmgesof dutiesas tirey mayconsidernecessary.

Casualtiesare rep]acedas follows :—

Sectioncommander By the seniorNo. I of thesection.Witlm 6 men ... 4 performsduties of 4 and 7.

[4 ,, ,, 4and7.,, 5 incur

• 15 - ,, ,, 5nnd6.4 ,, ,, 4 ammth 7.

4 men ... 3 ,, ,, 3 antI 2.2 ,, - ,, 5and6.

• 3 ,, ,, 3,Sando.3men ... 2 ,, ,, 4and7.

I ~ ,, Iand2.

26. Casualties to Equipment—Instructions.

Climmometer. Wiren no sparechinomneteris available

Standat tire breechrandplant a series of aiming posts•to cover tire zone at 5 dogs. intervals, using timehandor otirer methodto measuretheangles. Layfor line by Direct Laying, using thepoststo judgetheangles.

For elevation,placethestraightedgeof aprotractoralongtheunderside of thegunand usethecord with aweight attachedto indicatetime angleof elevationoftime gun.

27. Disablement.

The extent of disablementordered will dependon thetime availableandtheprobability of recapture.

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(1) To disable 1/re gun so 1/nat it ran he brongirt into actionr-nunediatelyafter recapture

Removethe stop plug, striker and chinometer.

(2) To destroytire ga-n :—

(a) Dismounttime gun.(h) Removetire STRIKERamid stopplug andinsertthe

miss-fireplug.(c) Load a mound [7th charge(witimout primer) and 110

fuze (with detonator)]andallow it to sli(le to thebottomof tirebore.

(d) Preparethegunfor firing witlm alengthof emergencyigniter as in tire caseof amiss-fire.

(e) Plug themuzzlewith a sandbagof earth,or put itagainsta bank-or parapet,being carefulnot totouchtirefuze.

(f) Ligirt theigniter andgetundercover.(Note:‘—Time lengtim of emergencyigniter used msrst

be sufficient to allow the detachmenttime toget well clearand undercover.)


(1) In everybatterythereshould beat leastfour qualifiedlayers in a subsection, exclusive of serjeantsandlance.serjeants. A list of layerssirould bekept. All Jayem’s,sectioncommanders,serjeantsand laneo-serjeantsshould be testedperiodically.

(2) All officers anti Nos. I must be thorougirly conversantwith thetests for, andcareof, time clinomcter.

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• 23

(3) Thelaying testwill consistof 6 lays.A maximumof 10 markswill begivenfor eachlay.In orderto qualify,a layer tmuust obtain50 marks.(4) TIme examnimmer will be assistedby an officer or senior

rion-conmtnissionedofficer with a stop watcir and recordbook,amid by apenciller wimo will takedownall ordersgiven,for referencewiremn checkingtire lay.

(5) Layerswill be oxamirredsingly actingas No. I for thetime being.

(6) Time ordersfor tire lay must be givenour clearly andtiistinmctiy, a short pause(about2 on’ :i seconds)being mnnuleafter- eacir separateorder, thirs

All guns it) degs. rigirt of r~erohimme “—pause—”65(legs.”

All orders will be ackmrowledgedby time layer, m’t-lmeatemlhmtnjk ammdactedomm at ommee.

Should time layerat airy timmie be un doubt as to ammy par-ticnrhau-ortler, huewili referto tireexaminer.

(7) Time testwill be as follows, time lays beingtaketriii airyon-tier

(i) Two lays, time ahteratiommsof limme ammtl elevationnotexceeding5 degreesfrom time previouslay. Tinmeallowed for eachlay, 45 seconds.

(ii) Two lays, tiro alteration of line not exeeedunmg10degrees(thro elevationremainingconstant). Timeallorved for eacir hay, 30 seeonmnls.

(iii) Two lays, tire alterationof elevationnot exceedingit) degrees(f-lie himie remnaimming constant), Timeallowed fm each lay, 34) seeoumds.

(8) TIre layer will call omit “ Set ‘‘ assoon asIre hrasfinisiredJayimmg time gum!. Tire timtme will be taken fm’onm~timeconclusion

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24 -

of time orders for time lay until the word “ Sot” h-ommm thelayer.

(0) Markswill bedeductedasfollows(i) For each mistakein tho drill of tire layer as laid

down—i mark.(ii) For every5 secondsor fraction of 5 secondsbeyond

the time laid down for the particular lay—2marks.

(iii) For eitherbubblenot beingin tire centreof its run—2 marks.

(iv) If time last motionis not oneof elevation—Smnarks.

(10) No marksuvihl be given for time lay—(i) If either bubbleis wholly outsidetime markson the

level.(ii) If thechinmometeris incorrectlyset.(iii) If theguysarenot taut.


Tire gun is laid on tire zeroline at 60 degreeselevation.


Lay 1. “ All gurus8degreesleft of zerolime. 60 degrees.”Lay 2. “All guns 3 degreesmore right. 63 degrees”Lmiy 3. “All gumus. 70 degrees.”Lay 4. “ All guns 2 degreesmorerigirt. 67 thegrees.”Lay 5. “Ahi guns5degreesright of zeroline. 87 degrees.”Lay 6. “ All gnus. 431 degm’ees.” -

In each case,tire pm-ocetlrmre uvihl ho as laid dowmm mmndcr“To lay thegun.”

Page 26: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III


CHAPTER IV.—CLINOMETER TESTS.Time chinomnetershould be testedfrotn timno to time. Ammy

adjustmentmust be cam-r’ied out by ii qualified artificer.

Test I. Comparative Test.

It is of time fin’st immrportancetlmnmt all elinomireters in tirebattery should be inmterehrammgeable,i.e. threy should givetho samereadimrgon a gumr layedatafixed lineamid- elevation.

Mel/nodofcarryingout tire Test(i) Lay thegunat anyfixedline andelevationwith one

- of the elinometers.(ii) Substitute in turn the other elinomnetersand note

time i-eadings for line anti elevation uviren thebubblesarecentral.

(iii) Selecta chinometerwhich gives readingsapproxi.mnatelyat tire meanof time readnmgsarid repeattimeprocess,usingtime selcetetielinometem-asstandard.

(iv) If the elinomneterscannotbe adjusted,they siuouldbemnarkedwithr threirindivitlual errors(in quartet’sof degrees)anti grouped at guns so that e~melmsectionor gmumihasclinonreterswithr approximatelythesameerrors.

Test 2. Test for Standard Clinometer.

Fpr predictedshooting it is necessarythat time standardclinonueter elmould give (witirin one degree)true line witimreferenceto time centreline on time bed, and true quadrantelevation. -

(a) Line Test.—InstructionsThegun,wiren hayedby clinometerat zerotraverse,shrould

be pointing in thesameline as tine centreline on time beth.

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- 26

Since, imowever,anyerrorfounti maybedoeto the particularbed, no correctionor adjustmenmtto time ehinonmctershould beummadeumulessit sirouvstime sameem-m-oron amrotimerbed.

(i) Time bedmmiust be omr a level platfom’ni. I’ut tire gasejector- douvum time borewith aplunmbline attachedto tire hamudle. Am-m-ammge tire line to passover’ timelowestportion of time lip of themuzzleandto imangdownin front of thegnmn.

(ii) Traversethegununtil time plumbline Imassesthroughtime prolongation of tire centreline on time bed.(This can bestbe judged by kneelingin front ofthe gun so thrat the eye is in prolongationof thecentreline.) Time gunis now layed in time sameline asthecentreline.

(iii) Level the line bubble by n-evolving time chinometerabout tire gun and clamping it. The traverseshouldnouv readzero.

(iv) If, afterverificationon anotherbed,time samereadingis obtained, tire elimmometershould be adjusted.When adjustment is not possible time readimig

- sirould be notedas a correctionto line for chino-umietermmdcxerr-or.

In the ease,hrowever,wheretime error is tm-acedto a par.ticular bed(or gun) time correctionrequiredsirould be notedon thatbed(or gun). -

(b) ElevationTesl.—InstructionsLay the gun at zero traverse,and 60°Elevation by the

elinometer.Put astraighmtedgein themuzzle, takingcarethat it rests

truly alommgthe bottom surfaceof time bore, andmeasuretheelevationwith atestedfield elinometerplacedon thestraightedge.

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Wimeni adjustmentis not possible,tire necessarycorrectionto elevationfor ehinometerindex erroris obtainedby notingthe difference betweenthe readingof the field clinometerand60°.



The bedand platform mmmst be laid upon a level surfaceamid shmould be well supported. Pickets, or someotherfirmasupport,should beput atthebackof time bed(seeHandbook).Tins is particulan-lyimnportantbecausetheaccuracyfor linedepemudslargely on time line ansi tire cross level of tire bedremnaimuingconstant-. For rangesover 500 yards a sub-basearrangementof timber of at least 6 inchesin thicknessisnecessaryto ensuretire steadyflight of bommibs.

Tire boreof tire gmmnmmmst bekept cleanuandfreefronr rmtstanddebris amid shigirtiy oiled. If the gmnnr is mmot to be usedfor sometitmme, the boreshould be cleaned anti oiled withmnineral oil. Thick lubricating oil shommld not be used forthis purposeas it eimarsandtendsto clog tire bore.

Time use of time gas ejector AFTER EACH ROUND isessemitial,especiallyuvimen musing long-rangeelraz-ges,as hotgasesareleft in the bore.

Should time borebecomo “ STICKY “ amid nuiss-firesoccurre~meatedIy,time simm-face slmommid be cleaned wit-lu paraffin orpetrol.

Time STRIKER STUD should be cxamnuinedoccasionally,ammnl if foumndto beso worn that it is likely to causemniss-fin’esit sirould be m-ephaced.

Page 29: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III


Time GUIDE STUD mreedsattemition during action as itmaywork looseby vibration duo to firing; it is also liableto breakoff if earthworksinto thecamgroovein thesocketof the baseblock. The socketof the baseblock and thebaseof the gunmust be kept cleanandfreefronr grit.

The ELEVATING AN~TRAVERSING GUYS must beabsolutelytigirt duringfiring, asslackguysleadto inaccuratesimooting and, as thestressesarenot equallydivided, to timebreakageof guys.

During transit the “band, protecting,einometercollar”slrouid alwaysbein positionon the gun.

The CLINOMETER wiren not in useshould bein tire bagprovided.


Bombsmust bekeptcleanandfreefrom oil. Tireyshouldbeexaminedto seethat thevanesarestraight andthattheyareuneracked. A crackedbomb should never be fired.

Chargesandfuzes, &e., must be kept in their boxesimm adry place.

Igniters arefor delay actionandare markedwith BLUEon time headof time case,andin abandroundthebody. Atnigirt they can be distimuguishedby touchas time mouth oftime caseis CRIMPED.

Detonatorsare for instantaneousaction and are markedwith RED ontheheadof thecase.

Theycau~be distinguishedat night imy toucir as tire mouthof tire ease is TURNEDover.

Detonatorscontain fulminate of mercury and must behandledwitim greatcareandnever subjectedto violence.

Page 30: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III


APPENDIX I.1. TIre Equipmentof onegunconsistsof :— Weight.

Bed, M.L. 6-ineimMortar, l\lark II ... 1 430 lbs.(witir 1 elevatitmganti 2 traversimigguys)

Ordnance,M.L. 6-incim Mortar ... ... 1 164 ,,

Platform,ground ,, ,, ... ... 1 728Ejector, gas ,, ,, ... ... 1 8Cap,muzzle ... ... ... .. 1 1Band,protecting,elinonaetercollar . -. 1 1Wreneim,striker stud(eachbattery) ... 1 21 ,,

Box, tool; filled ... ... ... ... 1 32Box, sparestores,filled (eacirbattery) ... 1 78

List of Contents,2. Box, sparestores(1 eachm battery).

Descriptionof Stores. No.Bags,cinometer,M.L. 6-inch Mortar ... ...

Bed, M.L. 6-inch Mortar, Mark I—Guy,elevating ... ... ...(spare) 1

traversing ... ... . .( ,, ) 2Brusim,wire, M.L. 6-inchMortar ... . . -( ,, ) 1Chinometer,M.L. 6-imich Mortar ... . . . ( ,, ) 3Hammer,claw,. 16 oz. ... ... ... ...

Ordnamice,M.L. 6-incim Mortar, Mark I—-Adapters,plug, miss-fire ... . . .(spare) 3Plugs, miss-fire, and stop, with cap and

chain ... ... ... . . .(spare) 3Screwtlrivers,G.S. :—12-inch ... ... . - - 1

,, 14-their ... ... ... 13. Box, Tool (1 eacim gun).

Bags,chinomneter,M.L. 6-imuchrMortam- -.. 1fmimer ... ... ,.. 1

Bags, sponge ~ out-er ... ... ... 1Brush,wire, M.L. fl-inch Mortar ... ... 1

Page 31: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III


Descriptionof Stores. No.Bubbles,chinometor(inrubbertube) . . .(spare) 3Clinonicter,M.L. 6-ineirMortar ... ... ... 2Clotirs, sponge ... ... ... . -. ... 6Files,smooth,imalf-rounmtl, 8-imneir ... ... ... 1Hammer,claw, 16-oz. ... .. ... ... 1Handbook,instrnmctional ... ... ... ... IImplements,ammunition

Keys, No. 60 (or 60A)... ... ... ... 2,, No.40 ... ... ... ... ... 2

Minmeral jelly, red(in box 1 lb.) ... 1Ordnance,M.L. 6-incim Mortar, Mark I :—

Adapter,plimg, miss-fire ... . . .(spare) 1Plugs, mniss-fire and stop, uu-itln cap and

elmain ... ... ... . . .(spare) 1Washers,spring,plug, ummiss-flm’e ( ,, ) 1 •~

- Pliers,sidecutting,7-incir ... ... pafl’ I ~Rangetables ... ... ... ... ... 1 ~.

Screwnlr’iver, G.S., 9-incim .. ... .,. ... ISponge ... ... ... ... ... ... INote :—Ejector, gas shmomuiti be cam-ned imi time barrel

amid keptinn placeluy time mmrmmzzlc covcm’ tlunimug-tr-anisit. - -



DeseriptionofStom-es, No,Axes,felhi mug, witin ltd VdS ... ... - -. . - - . -. 2Buckets,water, 0.5.,.. ... - -. . - - - . - - -. 4Mauls,0.5., Mark V, witir hmelvcs ... . . - - - - - -. 3

headsspare... ... ... ... 1Posts,picket, 3k-ft. ... ... ... ... ... ... 16

Page 32: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III


Descriptionof Stores. - No.Axes, pick, 41-lbs.,witin Irelves ... . . - - . - ... 4Crowbars,31-ft. ... - -... ... ... ... . -. 2Shmovels,U.S. ... .. - - -. . . - ... . -. ... 8Wedges,sawyers ... ... ... ... ... ... 2Saws,Iratrd, 20-immeim, witlr ease ,.. ... ... . . - 2Levels, spit-it, rule ... ... ... ... ... ... 2Spautrers,adjustable,15-immchn - . - . - - ... . -. 2Oil, Iubnieatitmg,G.S. ... ... . -. ... pints 4Cans,lubricating,No. 9 ... ... ... . . - ... 2Periscopes,No. 14 ... ... ... ... ... ...

S’ Compass,prismatic,in case... ... ... ... ... 1rxz Posts,aiming,circular iread . -. . -. - -, . -. 2squarehead.. ... ... . -. ... 2




Therearetwo mnethrodsof packingtire amnumummition,viz.~ (1) Bomubs. Ono in a “ Case,paekinrg, skeleton,bonib

MA1. 6-incim Mom-tar, Mark I or II.”Fuzes Ne. 110 ... ... 20’i

Jim Box,- ammunu-Prmnmers, propollmmrg cirargo 20- tromu components,Igniters ... ... ... 20 u. JILL. 6-inch Mcr.Detonators ... ... 20

1 m tar, B. 119, MarkLxplodors ... ... ... 20Firing clips ... ... 20J

The fuzesarepacketiloose. Time ignitens, detonatorsandprimersareissuedinn 12 cardboardboxes; each box containsfive. Time cardboardboxesarepackedin atinnedplate box.Tire expledersare packedin four tinned imlate boxes andfiring chips areissueden acard.

Page 33: Mortar Drill 6in Medium Mortar Marks I,II and III

32 0CT7 192~f filled ... ... ... 42 lbs. O’oz.Weight of box ~ empty ... ... ... 14 lbs. 8oz.

(In “Box, propclhngI chargesand igni-Charges,propelling ... 40~ ~ M.L. 6-jitch

Igniters,emergency Mortar,A. 2, Mark

( II.”The “ Charges,propelling,” arepackedin 20 tinned plate

cylinders ; each cylinder contains two complete charges,i.e. eight 1 oz. guncottoii and eight 1~-oz.cordite charges.Theemergencyigniters arepackedtwo in aNo. 187cylinder.

I filled ... ... ... 55 lbs. 8oz.Weight of box ~ empty ... ... ... 23 lbs.0 oz.

(2) Bombs. Onein a “ Case,packing,skeleton,bomb,M.L. 6-inchMortar, Marks I rn IT.”

Fuzes,No. 110 ... ... 5.[‘riniers, propelling; charge SIgniters ... ... ... 5 In “ Box, ammuni-i)etonators ... ... S tion components,Charges,propelling ... 5 M.L. 6-inch Mor-Exploders ... ... ...Star, B. 152.”Igniters,emergency ... 1Firing clips ... ... 5

The fuzes are packed loose. The igniters, detonators andprimersareeachpackedfive in atinnedplatebox. Time com-plete chargesare each packedin a No. 201 cylinder, theemergencyigniter in a No. 202 cylinder andthe explodersin atinnedplate box. The firing clips are issued on a card.

f filled ... ... ... 20 lbs. 0 oz.Weight of box ~empty ... ... ... 10lbs. 8oz.

Printed under the authority of 1115 MAJESTY’S STATIONEIIY OPi~ICE,By HARRISON AND SONS, LTD., 44—47, St. Martin’s Lane, London, W.C.

(U 27—28)P Wt. 25232—1000f1220 5m~ 2/ia II & S Ltd. 0 28

~ ~ ~I(I~t~