Greece Synthesis

Dhillon 1 Jolin Dhillon Professor Chapman Intro to World Music 18 November, 2014 Greece Greece is a country with a rich culture that translates beautifully into its music. The many facets of her religion, politics and dance blend together to create a unique sound in both traditional and modern settings. Though many expect a wide range of differences in what they perceive to be a still ancient culture and the "Western world," they fail to take into account that Greece actually was this notion of the west and expansion. Many of the influences in Greece are easily relatable to those in the United States ─ especially that of religion. However, in spite of these changes that Greece has relatively easily made, she still clings to her culture quite impressively. Excellent introduction! Music And Culture - Renato Cajigas


Research Project on the music of Greece

Transcript of Greece Synthesis

Dhillon 8

Jolin DhillonProfessor ChapmanIntro to World Music18 November, 2014GreeceGreece is a country with a rich culture that translates beautifully into its music. The many facets of her religion, politics and dance blend together to create a unique sound in both traditional and modern settings. Though many expect a wide range of differences in what they perceive to be a still ancient culture and the "Western world," they fail to take into account that Greece actually was this notion of the west and expansion. Many of the influences in Greece are easily relatable to those in the United States especially that of religion. However, in spite of these changes that Greece has relatively easily made, she still clings to her culture quite impressively.

Excellent introduction!Music And Culture - Renato CajigasIn ancient Greece music was an integral part of people's everyday routine and due to the fact the music was a complicated form of art as well as cultural expression, it was highly regarded and present in all private and public festivities. Music, as ma-the singing and lyrics-orchices-group of dancers as well as the song between the acts-were features of a highly civilized community as well as factors and indicators of a higher quality of life. Fix thisFrom the archaic (Define this with dates) period music gradually assumed a more complicated form and role, the result of this development was that the special music competitions were organized in many part of Ancient Greece. Some of the oldest music competitions every registeredare the (Karnea, In ancient Sparta which was a place where music was highly respected and connected with the training and education of the youth. After the 6th Century music played a significant role in two major festivities known as (Megala Panathinea and Megala Dionysia and was a main reason for Athens to hold a prominent position in terms of cultural development. During those festivities, a part from the music competitions, some very significant kinds of lyric poetry and music emerged the most significant kind of which was the Ancient Drama. Except being an important element in both public and private celebrations, music played a role or unpleasing occasions and it made daily hardships more tolerable. Music was a main feature in celebrations as a wedding's, banquets, social gatherings and moments of joy but also a valuable companion in everyday routine. A flute player for instance world accompany the women with his music while they were kneading, the workers during the harvest, the ors men as well as the soldiers on their way to battle. Music was closely connected with sports and athletic games not only because they include music competitions but because the music would encourage and motivate the athletic the achieve a better performance. According to the ancient Greeks music was divined as it assisted in healing both soul and body. It purified and soothed people's source and it inspired encourage and help them relax.It would truly help your case to have some specific examples.Archaeological evidence and written accounts, both historical and literary, show that music was vital to ancient Greek culture. Choruses in the Greek plays were sung, and music was central to religious and state ceremonies and to social rituals such as weddings, funerals, banquets, etc. The Homeric epics were probably "sung to formulaic melodies" (Bonds 4). But memorization was key to performance, not written notation, so only 45 pieces of music, mostly fragments, survive from the time in bits of papyri and marble, and in documents copied in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.Plato defined song (melos) as the fusion of word, rhythm, and and melody: to Greek music seems to have been monophonic. Indeed "Ode' and song were virtually synonymous in the Greek world" (Bond 4). Vocal music was there more respected than instrumental because of notions like Aristotle's that voices are found only in creatures with souls.The kinds of instruments used by the ancient Greeks have been identified primarily from illustrations on pottery: various types of lyres (stringed instruments, some played with a "plectrum" or pick) the aulos (a double reed instrument consisting of a pair of pipes) the syrinx (a single reed pipe of panpine) various kinds of horns (made in mental or animal horn) drums and percussion instruments such as the krotala (hollow wood castanets) and kumbala (finger cymbals)The music system for the Greeks involved interlocking tetra chords-four notes successions each spanning the interval of a perfect fourth. (Don't be confused by the term: as with the later medieval exachords, no chords or harmonies as we know them are involved diatonic, chromatic, enharmonic tetra chords are distinguishable by the intervalic placement of thirds, whole tones, half tones and micro tones additionally to extent their available range beyond the mere forth, Two octives spasms of inter looking tetra chords made in the greater perfect system and melodies were organized according to one of the several tones (Singular tones, similar to scales or tones. Is this material truly yours? Be advised that I will cross check all materials for plagiarism this weekend.The continued influence of the Greeks' idea of music on the history of western though is nearly as great as that of their works in other arts.This may at first seem strange for the few fragments of greek music preserved the none of come from the classical periods. The Greeks in their time created an entirely new idea of music during less than five centuries from Homer in the 9thto Aristotle in the 4th century was the concert of musik. In it the sonor of aspect in music found is entire an sole consummation. The Greek music played to role intermediary between Occidentals' and Orientals' music of highest significance for the entire culture operation almost entirely with the arts of poetry and dance. You might want to re-write the end of your essay. There are some highly discrepant styles in this essay. I am worried that there is plagiarism at work here. You will also need to analyse some examples of the music you talk about. Grade as is (before plagiarism check): 70%Music And Religion - Emily McAlisterDuring the Byzantine Empire, the Eastern Orthodox Church unified and separated from the western Christianity. Before, Christianity had never been separated into sects but the Byzantine Empire allowed the church to unify in beliefs, until they eventually broke into the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox, Byzantine Church, Church of Constantinople, and more. Before they split, Christianity was influenced by practices of Constantinople, which was the center of culture at the time. Constantinople set standards of worship and eliminated deviation from city to city that had developed over the centuries. These same services are used today in the Greek Church, called the Byzantine Rite that consists of the liturgy, and prayers services in cycles (Papadakis). This rite is a combination of Palestinian and Constantinopolitan practices, whose influence can be found in Christian today ("Rite of Constantinople."). The Byzantine chants especially have a distinct sound that is present in many Christian churches such as the Gregorian Catholics chants (Encyclopedia Britannica).The Byzantine chants sung in the Greek Church today are a huge part of the music sung in the church. The chants and worship forms have Jewish and Semitic influences along with influences from Constantinople, though in Greek, the chants become more structured and formal with their own unique notations (14). The chant is monophonic, meaning one melody, with a solo chanter or choir (Encyclopedia Britannica). Due to Pagan influences, instruments were used in the early days of the church, but the practice has since been discontinued due to its exciting attributes and determined unsuitable for worship. A drone, or single bass note held, is commonly used in place of instruments but is meant as a stabilizer for the tune, than for harmonic use (Karanos). The drone is the root of the main tetrachord that features a perfect fourth. Chants emphasize the sacred texts over the music and keeps to simple melodies without embellishments. Often a melody, or thesis, is used with transitional bridges and variations (Karanos). These chants are not major or minor, but use eight Byzantine plagal and authentic modes. What makes the Byzantine chant so distinguished, is the use of microtonal intervals. Change the passive voice. A microtonal interval is similar to a western semitone, which is between a half step. These intervals use the tonal instability of the note to keep the listener engaged and attract their attention to the dissonant sound (Karanos). Similar chants to the Byzantine chants can be found in the Church of Alexandria, the Catholic Church, Serbia, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Antioch, and Romania (Byzantine Chant). Excellent work so far!In the Greek Orthodox services, four forms of hymns are used; Troparions, Akathistos, Kanons, and Kontakions. The oldest and shortest form of Orthodox hymns are Troparions, which are a Byzantine hymn structure that is unrhymed (Conomos). An Akathisto is a hymn dedicated to the Virgin Mary that can be sung or chanted if there is traditional music with it (Halsall). Kanon hymns are nine odes that were previously attached to the Biblical canticles. They feature direct quotes from the Bible from Kings, Isaiah, Moses, Jonah, Habakkuk, Daniel, and Luke. Kontakions are long, elaborate hymns that paraphrase the scriptures to tell the stories of Jesus and the prophets, in a dialogue between the Virgin Mary and the Three Wise Men (Conomos). The Kontakion is a Byzantine hymn with eighteen to twenty-four stanzas and a repeated refrain at the end of each stanza that the congregation repeats back (Lash). You might want to separate each chant into its own paragraph.The practices of the Greek Orthodox Church are organized into services specific to the time of the day, and have different hymns, and prayers said according to the Typikon. The prayers are scripture texts from the Septuagint, or Masoretic Texts bible, and hymns from Psalm, which are sacred poems from King David praising to the Lord. The book of Psalms is divided into twenty Kathismatas and each Kathismata into three Stases that end with Glory to the Father where everyone stands. All Kathismatas are arranged to be sung through every week and twice during Lent, during the Vesper and Martin prayer services (Psalms).The Divine Liturgy is the sung or chanted worship service used to sanctify the day, and keep God in ones heart. The Typikon is the ancient text that dictates which prayers, and hymns should be used for each day of the year (You mentioned Typikon earlier. I suggest defining it there so your readers are not confused by the new undefined term until they get here). Vespers are worship services held in the evening between four to eight post meridiem, and focus on remembering Christ, who is the everlasting light of the world, even though the sun is setting, thank God for the creation, and ask for protection through the night ("The Daily Cycle of Services."). The Compline is the prayer service after the evening meal that focuses on repentance, gratitude, and praise. Complines feature Kanons, and the Hourly prayer. The Midnight Office, is a session only held in monasteries that focuses on the coming of Christ again through canons and Troparions. The Matins is a morning worship that has prayer for rulers and those in authority, repentance, and Salvation through Troparions, Kontakinas, Kanons, Odes, and Ikos. On Sundays it is focused on the resurrection of Christ. Lastly, Hours, is a term for worship services that are held on the hour at: 1, morning; 3, mid-morning; 6, noon; 9, mid-afternoon ("The Daily Cycle of Services.").There are Helenian influences from the Roman Empire in the Church of Greece through the Greek language and Roman Empire. All the ancient sacred texts were in Greek including creeds, Bible, and Kanons. Much of the early hymns were based off of Ancient Greek music and poetry (Constantelos). Hellenistic beliefs, much like Ancient Greek beliefs, influenced the Greek Orthodox traditions of numerous festivals, events, and a need for music. Some major festivals of the Orthodox church include Easter, Epiphany, Pentecost, Transfiguration of Christ, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and Ascension. Each of these holidays have their own music, and music is a huge component of marriages, funerals, festivals, and any banquet gathering (Hemingway). Religious hymns were sung every day, much like the Greek Orthodox practices found in the larger cathedrals and monasteries (Hemingway). Pagan influences can also be found through traditional religious festivals celebrated in some of the islands of Greece. One example is the burning of incense to keep Kallikantar, or elves, away, and a carnival called Rogouttsaria which features Pagan music and dances (Mouchritsa). An outstanding paper for the most part. Heed the paragraph markings I inserted so there is a better flow. Grade as is: 90%Music And Politics: Military - Susan DavisGreece has had a turbulent history with the association of music and how the military became involved with the music that was or was not allowed in their country. From pre-Christian era after 146 B.C.E., to current day Greece that has come back and revisited over and over is Rebetika. Rebetika is one of the most distinctive genres with urban music. Rebetika is often compared to that of American blues. Many of the songs are of love, loss, poverty, jail, hashish and are of the dispossessed that were living on the margins of society. Rebetika was composed and performed from about 1900 until the early 1950s. During the Military Regime of Ioannis Metaxas in the late 1930s many musicians were harassed and recordings censored if any reference was made to hashish. The Military Regime condemned it as immoral as much of the songs contained personal stories which included death, loss of loved ones, poverty and had oriental sounding scales. The Military Regime felt that the songs were all lies and didnt want people to agree that the songs had any truth in them. Rebetika is rooted in the traditional singing of the poorer urban class as far back as the 1700s.Starting in the early 1900s many cafes sprang up in Aegean ports. They usually had at one end of the room space free for street musicians that would gather to play for tips while the establishment would be serving wine and food. The second area that Rebetika was a completely different type of social setting, that was in jails or in the hashish dens (teke).This was one of the reason when Metaxes Military Regime took over they started to ban all forms of Rebetika to be played, they felt the hashish references in many of the songs to be immoral and even felt that workers that may listen to this music as an act of defiance as the regime felt the music conveyed lyrics that inhibited the workers formation of class-consciousness. Hence up until the late 1960s Rebetika was a suppressed form of music in Greece. In the late 1960s young people began to listen to Rebetika and the music inspired the young people as they were taking the lyrics and the music and seeing it as a symbol of resistance to the repression they felt they were currently living in with the Military Regime in control. At that time in the late 1960s due to the surge in popularity it continues today and shows no sign of losing its popularity. The censorship of Rebetika began in 1937 and ran into current day. In the 1942-52 the banning was so intense that radio stations were forced to play fabricated songs that endorsed the revolution that was going on in Greece. Two people that composed some of the fabricated music were Giorgos Katsaro and Vicky Moscholion. During 1967 through 1974 the Greek Military Junta was also very hard on any who played or composed Rebetika. Melina Mercouri was born in Greece and was a Greek citizen. She was very active doing movies and plays and expressed during her concerts and plays what she felt were her rights as a citizen of Greece, she was exiled and started doing concerts, plays and movies against the Colonels. During the dictatorship her music, plays and movies were banned as the colonels had deemed her a communist. In France she was joined by Mikis Theodorakis (composer) who had also been exiled from Greece and together composed and joined forces with each other and using their connection with the Actors Guild were able to continue to speak out against the dictatorship that was still going on in Greece in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. Melina Mercouri became a very famous actress and with that was able to get her words and music out against the dictatorship and continued to be a fighter for her rights as she felt her country had been taken away from. The dictatorship made two assignation attempts on her life due to her continued anti Greek Military Junta (both of which failed). After the fall of the dictatorship she went back to Greece and was elected to the Greek Parliament in 1977. "I was born Greek and I would die Greek. Mr. Pattakos was born a dictator and he will die as a dictator." Her reply to the fact that the Military dictatorship in Greece (1967-1974) in Greece had proclaimed that she was no longer a Greek citizen. IMDMikis Theodorakis, a composer was writing movies and songs against the Greek Military Junta and was exiled twice arrested, tortured and imprisoned. In 1969 he composed the music for a movie called Z, which was referring to the assignation of Grigoris Lambrakis.He composed continuously during the following years using some of the most wonderful poems in order to express the people of Greece and how they felt about the Greek Military Junta. He also with his connection to the film industry continued alongside Melina to compose songs and movies that had anti-Junta connotations and because of his work the movies, music and plays were seen worldwide and kept the struggles of the Greek people open, in discussion and encouraged other Greeks to fight for their rights. Mikis Theodorakis after the fall of the dictatorship also returned to Greece and held positions in politics. There was also a Cretain singer named Nikos Xilouris, his songs that he wrote and sang became the symbol of resistance with the Greek people that were again the dictatorship. Many people whom were listening to his songs felt that he was part of the movement that brought down the Greek Military Junta of 1967 and felt that his songs and music captured and described how the people of Greece felt gaining him the title of the archangel of Crete.Starting in the late 1960s many young people started to see Rebetika as a symbol of the resistance and the genre experienced a surge in popularity. After democracy returned to Greece many record companies began to reissue the old records that were banned and destroyed during the Greek Military Junta. There is a Center for the Study of Rebetic Song established in Athens during the period of revival that has produced reissues that have within the songs extensive social and historical contexts. Susan, this is an outstanding report! I made a few suggestions. Your examples and writing style will lend themselves to a fantastic presentation. Grade as is: 95%Music and Politics - Jasmine BhattiGreece, where History echoes on the streets and where its trademark of being the vessel for its influence of western civilization reflects upon in the countries name. Greece the birth place of the Olympic Games, major scientific principals, political science and much more astonishing the world, has had quite more to offer, its devoted music. Music that gives some hope, a language that speaks universally, may it be shared with happiness or deep sorrow which any human kind can relate to without even words. It is one language that can be translated into feelings that one cant begin to express. Music has so many branches of genre that it can relate to almost any type of environment. Imagining that the place where music once played openly on the streets was almost extinct in Greece. In 1950, a new censorship was placed on citizens, which involved banning music because it was thought to influence and had a hand in the wrong doing. This was just the beginning of a new movement which was about to take place. You might consider re-working this last bit into the next paragraph.In the 1950s Greece had many political things going on. After the war ended in Greece the United States was giving Greece aid. The money that Greece was receiving from the United States was supposed to go towards military and weapons but instead they gave the money to communists so they could be capitalists. In Greece the largest party was Constantinos Tsaldaris and Greek Rally. Alexander Papagos who was the Civil War commander led the Greek Rally. America wanted Greek Rally to their elections so they attract centrist voter by cleaning up the right wing. He sentenced all the people who tried to go against the government or convicted and political crimes. The leader of the Greek peace committee was Grigoris Lambrakis in 1961. In the political spectrum he wasnt a communist but he was an independent socialist. In 1961 Lambrakis was looked up to as a hero for his young people. He was tired of the right wing government because he felt like they were just working for the Americans, also between communism and fascism they would choose fascism any day. The Greek government was intimidated by Lambrakis. He was known by many people not only that he was intelligent threating the government to the max. In Greece if you were in power you were automatically a communist. Lambrakis was assassinated by thugs who were hired to kill him on May 22nd, 1963. The thugs that killed him were in the secret right wing organization. His death in Greece was like JFKs death in America. He was loved by many people in his country. Due to all this killing and political mess in Greece at the time, it was blamed on music for some reason. (Although it is important to your point, you spent a bit too much time on the political scene. Remember not to stray from the main topic of Music and Politics). Rembetika was a certain type of music that was mostly looked down on at that time. The good society thought it was music of the gangland. The government even banned this music from playing on the radio until one day one radio station played Rembetika and became a huge success. The people that listened to Rembetika were looked down as low class. In the 1950s there were bouzouki joints where people would go for entertainment and fun with Rembetika music playing. When music got banned in Greece artist would move to Paris and record there music there without being worried that they would be killed. For example, Mikis Theodorakis went to Paris and gained so many fans of his music. He moved to Paris after he was tortured and imprisoned in Greece for being a communist. His music became political when he moved back to Greece. He sang about political people in good ways so he can get the government to be okay with the type of music they didnt like. Theodorakis was elected for Lambrakis position in presidency. Theodorakis was the only man who started the progressive political thinking in 1960s. You should include the name of some Rembetika songs here.Overall Greece was all politics and everything that was taking action for was for politics. It was a much messed up system. Politicians hired men to kill people that were getting in there way of power. The Greece government banned music because they thought that was the reason for all the crime and all the people who went against the government. The only reason people really listened to music was because they could relate to it or its just something they needed to get away. The government thought if they banned music all the crimes would stop but instead they just went up. People would go to joints and listen to music secretly making it illegal. Yes, they would get caught but what else could they do? The world without music just seems so dead so I can relate to how they must have felt. A good paper. You should include some actual song examples and avoid getting too involved in the sole political aspect of your paper. Remember the main topic is music. Grade as is: 85%Music And Dance - Melissa PerezGreece is one of the few countries in the world where folk dances are as popular today as they were in ancient times. Dance in Greece has always played a major role in festivities, from weddings and birthdays to funerals and even to cure physical illness. Dance is regarded as one of the highest forms of art and has been passed down from generation to generation. In Greece Horos, Khotos and Choros all mean the same thing, "dance of" or " dance from."In a traditional Greek dance there are two distinct categories, the springing and leaping dance and then the shuffle and dragging dance, otherwise known as sirtos. Most of traditional Greek dances are performed in a circle starting with the right foot and then moving counter clockwise. In most cases the dancers are usually connected by holding hands, shoulders and sometimes even handkerchiefs. Men and women rarely danced together as a couple but chains of men and women at the same time was normal. Traditionally men lead the dance in an outer circle while the women form a small inner circle. Age also has a lot to do with who leads the circle and in the order that the men and women are arranged. Seniority is an immense deal to the Greek along with which dance is preformed first accord to religion.For the women of Greece dancing is a little more strict and complicated. They are usually only allowed to perform slow simple and dignified dances and in ancient times the only way a women could connect with a man while dancing was through a handkerchief, even if they were married. Women were also not allowed to dance next to a man who was not family which is why in most cases women were placed between a child or the elderly. Men on the other hand performed dances that symbolized their manhood and their restrictions were a lot simpler.There are over four thousand different types of traditional dances that have developed from all regions of Greece. Two of the main ancient dances are the Syrtos, which is in 4x4 time and organized in a slow to quick rhythm preformed in a line and circle. The Syrtos is performed in various parts of Greece. The violin and santouri are instruments that became popular to use with this dance form as a replacement for the lyre. The lyre is a small "u" shaped harp that creates a similar soft angelic sound of the violin. Another main dance is called the Omal, which is one of the first Pontic Greek dances developed in Pontus. It is danced by long periods of time because it is considered a relaxed dance. This dance is performed hand by hand and the main instrument is the zournas, which is basically a simple flute. A Pontiac lyre and angion (bagpipe) are also used in this specific type of dance.Greece is one of the countries that have done the best job with keeping tradition and religion strong with their musical background. It goes to show how much of an impact culture can make to carry on these strong and appealing traditions. Very well-done! I had very little to change in this paper. Grade as is: 95% You and Cristian might need to discuss who will present what as there is some redundance on your research (completely fine in this setting)Music And Dance - Cristian Correa Horon or khoron is used as another word for modern time Greek. Greek dance is also known as Horos which is a very old tradition word, which was used by Plato, Aristitotle,Plutarch,and Luciam. In Greek the modern dance was split by the surrounding mainlands. The different the land is the different the dance or have different meaning for them. Known so far theres around 4,000 different dances in Greece. Greek dancing is used for social functions, brings the people together at certain times during the year, for holidays as Easter, grape harvest or weddings. In Greek dancings theres arrangements you have to follow. They say its a strict rule you have to follow how the dancers are arranged which would go by age. For any people visiting Greece or wants to dance for fun they also must follow the dance arrangements and must not break their rules.In modern time Greece there is different types of dancing such as in these places all the dances are different Crete, Epirus, Peloponnese, Macedonia, and Thrace. In Crete the dances are light and jumpy, and extremely cardiovascular. In Crete theres many different types of dancing with its own meaning. Angaliastos is a dance from Crete where it means hugged because it gives the young people a chance to embrace the partner girls. To where another Crete dance Syrtos is one of Greeks most popular. Its mostly danced by Greeks diaspora worldwide. This dance is danced in weddings or religious gatherings. Its danced at a 4/4 time and the kalamatianos is in a 7/8 time, which is a slow beat at a 3 beat, quick is a 2 beat , with a 2 beat rhythm. You should re-read what you wrote. There are quite a bit of syntax and redundancy errors here.Epirus dances are the most slow and heavy in all of Greece. Good balanced is need to be able to dance these types of dances. Horos Tis Nifis or Lipothimarikos is a dance where its danced in the early morning before weddings. Men only dance it. This type of dance is danced in two parts all dancers dance in steps of Syrto Sta Dio. In the second part its dance by a person leading the pack, and during the dance he pretends to faint to mimic a bride who has fainted. Koftos is a lively Greek dance which means to cut and the name of the dance. When the music stops the dancers yell hey and put there arms up and down or clap. Were you tired when you wrote this?Peloponnese dances are simple and heavy with the dancer taking the lead is improvising. (what do you mean by heavy?) Diplos Horos is a dance were all the dancers for a in a circle with a double handhold. Tsakonikos is a dance where is danced is many villages with little change on the steps used in the dance. This dance is a mixed dance in a circle with the hands up. The best songs used for this dance is Sou ipa mana kale mana and also Kinisian ta tsamopoula. You have lost the flow of your writing syle here.Dances in Macedonia vary. Most of the dances are solid and performed using heavy steps, when other are fast and agile. Most of the dances in Macedonia start slow and increase the speed. Partalos is a dance exclusively for men and its very well spread in pylaia,Thessaloniki. Gerontikos dance is often danced, by old local men. Kapitan Louka dances is named after a freedom fighter from Macedonia, Loukas KokkinosThrace is a dance generally skippy and light. Men are only allowed to dance if they are in the front line. This dance is danced with a line facing left, holding hands. Its danced at a 5 beat meter and divided into a quick 2 beat and a slow 3 beat. Its traditionally a mens dance, but know in the modern times its performed with lines of men and women. The Zonaradiko dance has many different dances that exist. In northern Thrace the dances are fast tsetos dance, to the western thrace is lead by males. Tapienos Horos is a traditional Greek dance which means humble. The dance in many villages is dance with slow humble steps. Its first danced after the wedding ceremony. In this research a lot of the modern times for Greek dances its used to get the people together in have a fun time. Also its used a lot before and after a wedding is a traditional wedding ritual. As time change to the modern time a lot of the dances went from being led only by men to both men and women. There is a plethora of material to fix here. Be sure to read what you write and ensure there is a flow to your paper. Grade as is: 70%

Greece's history is vast, and though it is not always simple to discern exactly what bit influenced what song or piece of music, it is important to comprehend that it all amalgamates to make Greece's music what it is. Each area of Greece's social life, be it political, religious, of dance, or cultural plays a large role in shaping her people, and thereby her music, for what are people if not mere tools to be used by Apollo in order to produce beautiful music? This is a very skimpy conclusion. You need to expand on the work you read from your peers and summarize it. Grade as is: 75%